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Joss to Shoe Guy (about Harry): "He's like a brother.  That would never happen in a million trillion years."  So that's totally happening, right?  Commencing Joss/Harry hookup in 3...2...1. 


April is so judgy towards Karen.  "You started an affair with a married man knowing he was married.  I didn't do that.  We're not the same."  No, April, but you did go back and sleep with the guy after you knew he was married, so you really aren't all that different even if you like to think so.  Plus, you know, you're basically guilty of insurance fraud, so you're not as good of a person as you think you are.

  • Love 5

Karen is just so stupid. The best thing she could have done was to close the case with Jacob if she plans to keep seeing her patient. Either that or let the patient go. She gets herself in all these moral dilemmas and always seems to do the worst option possible.

I don't care how wrong it is... I like Joss and Harry together. IRL I would never approve dating your sister's ex-husband but because they are the only couple that has natural chemistry with each other and it was not moved at break neck speed, I'm all for it. I fear that the writers will ruin it though. But clearly, Joss seems way too concerned about Harry's happiness. I'm fine with shoe guy but I didn't like how he practically forced Joss to say ILY back to him. She was clearly uncomfortable but he insisted on her verbalising it. What's the hurry, dude?!

  • Love 1
I don't care how wrong it is... I like Joss and Harry together.​

Me too!  Sure, in reality, it's a serious no-go, but I agree that they have chemistry and might work.  


Karen..sigh.  I'm pretty sure that, as a therapist, if your personal life accidentally overlaps with your patient's personal life (oh, I don't know, maybe you're both sleeping with the same guy or something...), the only option is to move the patient to a different therapist.  You certainly don't ask the guy who you made break up with your patient to call her, and then let the patient go on and on about the dude when she shows up.  Of course, I'm beginning to doubt that Karen is actually a trained therapist of any kind, because she really does not seem to have any skills or ethics or common sense appropriate to the job. 


I now find Savi to be the most boring and most irritating of all of these characters, and that's a pretty high bar.  

  • Love 4


Of course, I'm beginning to doubt that Karen is actually a trained therapist of any kind, because she really does not seem to have any skills or ethics or common sense appropriate to the job.


Turtle, Can I just amend your incredibly astute observation to "...any skills or ethics or common sense appropriate to LIFE". This has to be the most useless incompetent scripted character I've ever seen on a show. Egads, it hurts. 

Edited by sarkygal
  • Love 3


Except, this is a show about a group of women banging a lot of people who are not their spouses (ergo, the title).

And Daniel has a peen that is addictive like crack since April can not let go.

These women make me feel so thankful that I am much older.  They act as & make the same stupid decisions I made in my twenties.  They are supossed to be accomplished, successful women, but their life choices mirror college age girls.  Yech.

But still I watch.  Go Figger.

These women make me feel so thankful that I am much older.  They act as & make the same stupid decisions I made in my twenties.



But the sad thing is that these women are NOT in their twenties. Joss is in her early thirties and the other three are pushing 40. Two have advanced degrees and one is a parent. 


So Joss moved in with shoe guy without even being sure that she loves him? Isn't moving in together supposed to be a sign of commitment, a pre-engagement of sorts? Or did she just say yes because she thought she had to move out of Savi's house?

But the sad thing is that these women are NOT in their twenties. Joss is in her early thirties and the other three are pushing 40. Two have advanced degrees and one is a parent.

This actually makes it more understandable for me, it's slim pickings in your thirties as a single, professional woman.

Single women in their thirties and forties have quite a challenge on their hands. It just ain't easy, standards drop considerably as it seems men are intimidated by successful, mature women.

Granted, sleeping with a married man, never good but I can see why it happens. We can't all be Savi and have 2/3 men queuing for us I suppose. Tricky situation.

A strange man and a shocking phone call leave April rattled


A telemarketer calls April:  "Ahoy, This is your Captain speaking"

April gets rattled because she think it might be Daniel secretly trying to contact her.


Savi contacts her estranged father


Because that will solve all her problems -- he's probably estranged for a good reason, since he has rarely (if ever) been brought up before in the show.


Karen encourages Anna to reveal the truth


Anna reveals what exactly -- That she's a hooker ?  That she's a drug addict ?  That she never loved Jacob ?


Dom receives news from Toni


Toni's pregnant with Dom's baby, despite never having slept with him (where's Maury Povich when you need him). Or, Toni is made partner and is now Dom's boss.


Funny how Joss isn't mentioned in the description at all -- does her relationship with Shoeguy fizzle ? Does she finally bang Harry ?

Because that will solve all her problems -- he's probably estranged for a good reason, since he has rarely (if ever) been brought up before in the show.



He has been brought up once, IIRC. Apparently, he left Savi's mother because she got pregnant by another man (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree). Joss and Savi are half-sisters.

April -- Daniel is barely even mentioned because of the focus on Paul's phone call that he has gotten involved with bad men.  But he wants her to tell Lucy is alive because he may be arrested soon and it will be a public display.  And a creepy guy browses in her store and then stalks her into the parking garage which freaks her out.  I still don't get why Karen called Harry over to the house, they have never seemed all that close. Paul calls back to say everything's ok for a while and not to worry (and don't tell Lucy he's alive).


Karen -- snoozefest with Anna. Turns out Anna was lying about hooking up with guys in bars.  Karen jumps to a lot of wrong conclusions about Anna (because she is just that awesome a therapist), and fully buys into that sob story performance by Anna of how she came to the US.


Savi -- thinks Dom likes her again because he allows her to take the last blueberry muffin.  Wow, she is so stupid for reading WAY too much into that, that she decides to start vacation planning for her and Dom, which does not go over well with him. Joss convinces Savi that all of her relationship problems are because of daddy issues, so she goes to visit dear old Dad for about 5 minutes and leaves in a huff because he didn't go to her wedding or something.


Joss -- is uncomfortable with Harry shirtless (because she is obviously thinking about boning him) so she hooks him up with an old, recently single, friend so they will spend less time together (because of Shoeguy's registered complaints).


Toni fakes a new job at another law firm (of course it's a fake job, she obviously sent herself that massive bouquet of flowers) as a pretense to have drinks with Dom and then bang him.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1
Toni fakes a new job at another law firm (of course it's a fake job, she obviously sent herself that massive bouquet of flowers) as a pretense to have drinks with Dom and then bang him.



And Dom has visited the doctor who performed the lobotomies on Karen, April, and Savi, so he totally falls for it. Because of course a company who's trying to poach an employee from another company will draw attention to that fact by sending over flowers to the employee's work address.


And Lucy continues to be a brat. Asking her mom to pour her apple juice at 11 or however years old she is? Get your ass up and pour it your own damn self, and don't forget to wash your glass afterwards! And yelling that she's going to start watching the movie by herself if her mom isn't there in five seconds??? Should result in loss of TV privileges for a month.


I'm so bored by the Paul storyline, I hope one of the "bad guys" he ran afoul of makes him die for real this time.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 2

Man, shirtless Harry being called to April's made me think a big plot twist was coming. So glad it didn't. ( He is amazing eye candy!)  So, you know the very next day her window's wide open without even a screen and she talks in front of it?  OMGosh, soooo in character for her, sadly. 


Karen is a saint!   (sarcasm)  I'm hoping they don't have her become bisexual to help Anna out tho.  You know how much she lives to help/hold onto her patients.  Really that is so out of ethical behavior she should be arrested, though. How'd she get her license back in this lifetime?   This show would scare anyone from seeing a therapist so badly.


The flowers and Toni?  OMG.  But I do wonder why?  Why Dom, why Savi?  I bet it's not going to be just because she could - it seems to personal for that. 


Savi and her self righteousness in the preview made me throw up bunches in my mouth. Dom was hers to lose. 


How's Joss gonna explain the in love with Harry (or his body) that's sure to come?  I love Joss - I think the rest of them I hate watch.

And Dom has visited the doctor who performed the lobotomies on Karen, April, and Savi


Watching this show makes me feel as if I've had a lobotomy. Every time I think it's gotten as stupid as possible, the bar gets set even lower.


LOL that Savi's four minutes with her father resolved everything and she thought things over on the three-hour drive back to L.A. Yeah, she's totes ready for a healthy relationship with Dom.


I just can't with Karen. April is thisclose to being there, too. Who'd've thunk Joss would be the only one to root for?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Dom was starting to make too much sense and they had to make him fit in with the rest of the show.  What an idiot.  Toni has been playing games with him and Savi this entire time and he doesn't even raise an eyebrow at anything she did/said during this episode?  Dummy.


Karen continues to be the worst therapist in history.  Her patient tells her, "I don't trust you bitch" and her response is, "I think I made a breakthrough"???  The fuck?

  • Love 1
Karen continues to be the worst therapist in history.  Her patient tells her, "I don't trust you bitch" and her response is, "I think I made a breakthrough"???  The fuck?


 I know. And don't forget the patient has lied about everything, and Karen is all, "What? How could you do that to me?"


It would be hilarious if it weren't so deeply stupid.


I think I've started hate-watching this. I took a break from a few eps, but this one kind of sucked me back in. It was SO bad.

Edited by dubbel zout

April learns the identity of the man who has been stalking her (guest star Jason Gray-Stanford). Karen blurs doctor-patient boundaries when she offers a helping hand to Anna, Toni’s hidden agenda becomes clear and has a devastating impact on Savi and Dom and when Scott takes Joss home to meet his big, extended family, Harry plants some seeds of doubt that she might not measure up

  • Love 1

Promo photos for Episode 210




Shoeguy's extended family is huge (at least 20 people) -- and based on those photos, they actually play charades.  I wonder if they all know about Shoeguy's one true love (that would be women's shoes).  Shoeguy's mom gives Joss a present.


Promo clips give further details






Dom asks Toni to keep what happened "just between them" -- which Toni probably blabs to the entire office. Toni's plan to break up Dom/Savi apparently works. 


It's true, Harry literally plants seeds of doubt in Joss' mind about meeting Shoeguy's family.


Two big spoilers about this episode from SpoilerTV -- Karen's house has been bugged by the FBI (probably looking for Paul).  And Shoeguy proposes to Joss at the big family shindig.




Karen is so stupid because she should have heaved a huge sigh of relief when her patient told her she won't be seeing her anymore. Karen should have referred her to another doctor like a sane person would. Instead, she chooses to continue to tangle herself in this mess. Her patient has been lying to her all these while and yet she's still believing what comes out of her mouth? Even worse now because her patient has a reason to hold a grudge regarding Jacob.

  • Love 1

Big non-surprise -- Toni the beyotch faked the new job and setup Dom for a sexual harassment claim.  Dom has to take a refresher course of the firm's sexual harassment policy for his troubles.


When Savi confronts him about the harassment, and yells at him after Dom confirms that sex happened with Toni, I was just waiting Dom to say "We were on a break".  And then April asks this exact same question, but Savi says it was 'breakish'.  Dom and Savi finally have a chat about all their trust issues and call it quits.  


Anna panic dials Karen, so Karen dashes to her rescue -- to find Anna liveing in a complete shithole, but relatively ok.  After a quick trip to the hospital for a panic attack checkup, Karen takes Anna home to stay for the night, and, surprisingly, does not sleep her.


April gets confronted by a FBI agent about Paul, and Karen convinces her that her home and phone are bugged.  An investigator then scans the house and finds bugs aplenty.  When she goes to visit the FBI, she sees Daniel with the FBI agent, and Daniel is wearing an FBI jacket.  Oh, noes !!!!


Joss has too much fun at Shoeguy's grandma's birthday party, and Shoeguy proposes by putting the ring in a shoe.  Joss says yes, but I doubt it will last.

  • Love 1

You got me show.  I was totally surprised that Daniel is an FBI agent.  I feel like maybe the writers just decided to make this up recently because he had a pretty convincing art studio...guess he was just "undercover." 


Geez.  Shoe Guy moves awfully quickly.  How long has he even been dating Joss?  I don't even know the guy's name! 


Harry to Joss (regarding Shoe Guy): "Maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you."  What he is actually saying is "I was waiting my whole life for you."  I thought for sure that those two would be together by now.  I'm guessing we are going to get a last-minute confession from Harry at Joss and Shoe Guy's wedding.

  • Love 1

Harry to Joss (regarding Shoe Guy): "Maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you." What he is actually saying is "I was waiting my whole life for you."

OH YES!! THIS is what I saw...but I'm a shipper.

I can't understand why it has taken her so long to have sex with Anna

I said so last week. :) Will be a surprise if it doesn't happen.

There was a line missing from the show? In the previews Savi tells Dom I can't be with a guy who doesn't only want me...I swear I saw that. I'm glad Dom thought to ask beyotch Toni why him. Savi never really chose Dom but she easily doesn't chose him? Savi still needs help for sho'.

April's march through the FBI station and then just suddenly being unescorted was....improbable. Nah, impossible.

Eta: crazy Anna's going to go all What Ever Happened to Baby Jane and try to kill her, kidnap her or become her I'm betting

Edited by Jlina

Ok, I did not see the Daniel thing coming. Good, anything that keeps Ricky Whittle on the show is good with me.

Anything else that isn't Joss and Harry feels like a waste of time. Who knew? They were my least favorites last season. But somehow in the midst of all this terrible acting and writing, they are actually getting this story line right, taking their time and hitting all the right notes so far. I mean, until they inevitably ruin it in the end. I thought the season was going to end with Savi wanting Harry back and him having to choose between the sisters, but now Joss is "engaged." So now I think she'll decide to not go through with it because she's in love with someone else. They could literally drop Shoeguy (seriously, what is his name? Josh?) completely and never mention him again and I would not even notice he was gone.

Savi is officially the worst. In a show with Karen in it. At least Karen is somewhat amusing in her idiocy. Like, surely she can't get any stupider? Why yes! Look she can. But Savi, I don't know. She's boring, awful, and hypocritical. Maybe Alyssa Milano's pregnancy is affecting her chemistry, although she and Dom always sucked, just less than she and Harry. But the Savi character just sucks. Except for pointing out to April that she was guilty of insurance fraud. I think I would like her more if they focused on her being a lawyer.

This is the first show I've ever really hate-watched. It's horrible. I love it.

  • Love 2

So the FBI has one of their agents fake an elaborate artist identity and honey-trap April to get to her fake-dead husband who lives on the opposite coast and could get them to the person they're really after? OK then.


How did Karen survive natural selection?


Shoeguy still gives me the creeps. Everything is just too perfect with him. I think it'll all go pear-shaped for poor Joss before the season finale. I do see her chemistry with Harry, but I don't think the show will go there. Instead, I think they'll have him reconcile with Savi now that she's broken up with Dom. She'll give him a spiel about how sorry she is now that she knows what it's like to be cheated on, he'll move back into the house, and they'll adopt a baby.

I was totally surprised that Daniel is an FBI agent.


I couldn't stop laughing at that. It's so completely ludicrous, even for this nutty show.


Did anyone else think the FBI agent who confronted Karen at home had more than a touch of crazy eye? I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd been a fake agent. He was kind of creepy.


Harry to Joss (regarding Shoe Guy): "Maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you." What he is actually saying is "I was waiting my whole life for you."


I knew we'd get a quad with Harry, Savi (she's so going to try to reconcile with Harry), Joss, and Shoe Guy.


The only smart thing Savi (or anyone, really) did this ep was tell April that she should cooperate with the FBI because, you know, SHE COMMITTED INSURANCE FRAUD. April was like, "Oh, yeah. That."


Did the law firm do any sort of background check on Toni? Because when she told Dom she enjoyed a certain kind of lifestyle, I immediately thought, "She's done this before." I don't mind see Dom get screwed over—he's kind of a self-righteous prig—but I do hate that Toni is such a stereotype. Being the smartest woman on the show doesn't mitigate that, alas.


It would help the show enormously if the women would stop being surprised that every action has consequences. They're always shocked when their harebrained ideas turn out differently from what they expected.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Nothing else to watch, so I'm catching up on this since I DVR'd it just in case.


I'm not sure what they are trying to reboot here.  Nothing happened at all.  Were we supposed to be shocked in the final scene that Tony was Toni?  Except I don't even remember the person being mentioned (I guess I wasn't paying attention).  


I don't see how Karen is still practising, and she can just decide when to stop seeing that male shrink?  Are they keeping the psycho mom from Season 1 for later in the season when there's a jail break, the power is out and Karen is alone in the house during a lightning storm?


April and the random gay friend.  Not sure I caught what was the point.  The new artist guy seems boring.  No more angst over the undead husband?


Savi's new hairstyle was not a big deal at all.  


I was thinking they might do Joss/Harry last season but it would be the typical soapy development for this show.  She knows it's wrong but can't help it blah blah blah, each of the friends find out one by one until Savi finds out in an explosive season finale when Psycho Mom from Season 1 decides she wants to kill all of Karen's friends as well.

I knew Dom would get back at her, you could see it in his face last week.  He doesn't seem like things were handed to him in life either so he would have the guts to fight back. Good for him and yeah for Savi. Who my gosh is WADDLING in those gosh awful sweaters. 


Karen omg got out of that little crisis without being killed by crazed stalker girl...oh but new crisis coming and I bet Anna WAS INDEED hooking.

Convenient she got out of the country!~


Joss is blind, shoe guy is still weird, that was a BAD surprise and I love Harry, he makes shoe guy look metro sexual and unappealing.  Sigh.


Savi feels something she's never felt before? LOL....by a guy who totally and completely needed (stalked) her to make him whole. :)


eta: yes indeed Anna, thanks!

Edited by Jlina
Karen omg got out of that little crisis without being killed by crazed stalker girl...oh but new crisis coming and I bet April WAS INDEED hooking.

Convenient she got out of the country!~


I think you mean Anna, but I agree with that, she was probably hooking.  I expected when Karen got that knock on the door that it would be Anna, back in full stalker form, instead we get Karen's random hookup guy from the hotel bar.


ETA: Harry trades up from Savi to banging a supermodel.  Nice !

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1


Anna, but I agree with that, she was probably hooking


Thanks ottoDbusdriver - yep Anna.  Lots of stuff with the hotel haven't been explained - was Jacob meeting hooking Anna there?? (if not, why was Anna in Karen's building for their meeting then??)  How does random guy know Karen's real name??  There's got to be some dark equal to getting your married lover killed then sleeping with his son and getting him killed too .... drama or I'm not going to believe it's Karen. Who's recovered admirably in a year, btw.  I'd of been traumatized for life.  She is - by far - the weirdest of the group, and the most likely to cause bodily harm.

Edited by Jlina

I genuinely laughed when the women were comparing woes and Joss said, "I'm never playing this game with you again." Hee.


Color me surprised the Toni thing was cleared up so fast, but I guess we have to get Dom out of that so he can go after Savi again.


I couldn't stop laughing at April in the FBI office. Yes, she was played pretty badly, but she doesn't exactly have the moral high ground either, seeing as she's guilty of insurance fraud. I was glad the FBI agent reminded her of that. We were probably supposed to think he was a big meanie for threatening her and Lucy, but all I could do was nod my head in agreement with him. You go, FBI guy.


And then there's Karen. Sigh. It really took her this long to figure out psychiatry wasn't for her? OMG. She and April are SO DUMB.


Savi. Who my gosh is WADDLING in those gosh awful sweaters.


I can't believe they can't find better clothes for AM to wear. I get she's hugely pregnant and you can't really hide it, but sheesh. At least give her some color.

  • Love 1

There was no reason for AM to look so bad this season.  Of all the props they have to  use, they literally have her sit with a PILLOW over her stomach?  The thing with Zach and Savi is not believable. He is a boring character that I have no interest in getting to know better, and rather than "fitted" looking, the jacket was 2 sizes too small!


No company would let Dom keep Toni on, regardless of what a client wants. They would fire her or force her to resign, and then just tell the client she moved on. Although I did not like Dom and Savi together, she has pretty much wrecked his career.  What happened to her own career? They could have still written her as a good lawyer even though she was pregnant. It was stupid to have her work in the office with Toni. Just because she was on medical leave she has to come back in a less visible position?  Or did she leave the firm before the car accident.


The April situation is just too stupid to comment on.


Ditto with Karen...I'm sure he is there to tell her he has a disease or was having a relationship with Jacob or something.


This show wants so desperately to be interesting that they are willing to do the whole sister swap story.  Joss is so immature that it is laughable that Harry would be interested in her after all of the things he said about her sister. If Savi's actions got on his nerves, then he would kill Joss. Also, she has never shown herself to be capable of being faithful. They have given the impression that Savi and Harry practically helped "raise" a grown Joss, and now they are romantically interested in each other? What about not acting on every feeling that you have.  A sister sleeping with her sister's ex is the height of desperation for some ratings or interest.   I don't like Joss with anybody and I find shoe guy bland, but I'd rather see her with him than with Harry.  I also like the way he responded to her pre nup issues, and when she got mad at him for being late for dinner when he had lost a patient.

  • Love 2

Yeah, you guys said it before and I thought you were just being judgy (since I've only seen season 2 of this show) but you were all right. The people on this show are really stupid, all of them. This is definitely my first guilty pleasure, like a grown up Pretty Little Liars and equally as ludicrous. Also, I don't get the love all men have for Savannah, maybe it's the pregnancy but Alyssa Milano seems really soccer mom in this role. It's like a gaggle of men crying over Sarah Palin.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

Savi and Zack's date goes differently than anticipated



The condom breaks



Joss and Harry have an argument



Followed by anger-banging.



April helps the FBI find Paul



With the phone that Paul sent her -- how convenient ?   And yet still can't find the time to write a check to the insurance company she defrauded.



a former lover has news for Karen that inspires her to do some soul searching



Because STDs are the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Love 1

I had to laugh at April asking Daniel what he was doing at the FBI office.  He was wearing a badge, talking to an FBI agent, and wearing a jacket with an FBI logo on it.  He tells April "Let's go to my office."  I think it's a safe bet that he might be an FBI agent. 


Harry looked pretty devastated when he spotted Joss's engagement ring.  As quickly as the women on this show go through men, I can't believe that the writers haven't had Harry make a move on Joss yet.  Honestly, Joss and Harry's friendship is the only thing that I actually find interesting on this show anymore. 

This felt...poignant to me.  Damn Dr. guy for not telling Joss whose idea the record player was - I was sure she was going to ask. 


And I'm sure Savi's big truth is gonna be she luvs Harry....please no.


And Zach is a manical idiot.  I had someone do that to me once on a bike you ran alcohol in or something and at 125 mph and terrified isn't the word for it -you hit a quarter on the road you freaking crash.  That was unpleasant and totally shows how much growing up Zach has to do.  Gah.


April and Dom would be a great couple - and awwww, she got Paul killed.  Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished? She must REALLY love that guy. I think there are a lot of legal issues though that can be brought up to save her - coercion for one.  She'll be broke but I doubt she'll be in prison.  Unless Daniel raises Lucy :)


Karen's surprise wasn't very...surprising.  And you don't show HIV that quick anyways...but it was a nice thing for random guy to do.


Finale looks good; I wouldn't bet on will she or won't she either way with Joss.


Oh, and dr's mother was a bitch.  EWWWW...pushing towards won't she there.

Edited by Jlina

Joss is freaked out that she sees Harry's junk, then yammers about it in front of her future mother-in-law who raps her knuckles about ever talking about other men.
Then she has a bit of tiff with Harry over the restaurant opening early clashing with her engagement party -- why won't these two just anger-bang already ?  Harry got in a good shot when he said this marriage will never happen anyway.  Who has relatives fly in just for an engagement party ?


Karen tells everyone she might have been exposed to HIV, goes to get tested and balks at all the personal questions (mostly because she didn't know if any of the random dudes she banged also slept with guys), goes all Churchy McGee for a few minutes and finally goes back to get tested.


Savi starts dating Zach and neither time goes well.  Savi gets all freaked out while riding on the back of Zach's motorcycle -- because it reminds her of the accident (only neither of them were riding a motorcycle when the accident happened, and the accident was all Savi's fault for pulling onto the highway at a 45 degree angle right in front of Zach).


April tries to help the FBI find Paul, gets all bitchy with Daniel, and finally contacts Paul to tell him that the FBI are looking for him -- after which April is promptly arrested.  So not only is April under arrest, she's going to lose all the insurance money plus her store and probably her house, and Lucy will probably go into a foster home -- well done April.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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