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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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Obviously Meghan continues to write off Brooks' test results and doctor's appointment as fake. She is currently saying he does not have cancer. Some viewers who have invested in this point of view will continue to believe Brooks Is faking cancer.



Are you talkin' to me?  Are YOU talkin' to me?   It's not really an investment...just a little dalliance.  I'll watch the reunion and then I'm through with All Things Housewives.

  • Love 3

Are you talkin' to me? Are YOU talkin' to me? It's not really an investment...just a little dalliance. I'll watch the reunion and then I'm through with All Things Housewives.

Same here, I'll watch for the reunion twists and turns. Though it has been time spent for some us, lol!

Yes, even that doctor said, "Unless you faked this report." What. the. hell? Was he covering for himself in some way? This is all just beyond bizarre. I hate that Cancer has stolen this show. I miss the days of Vicki whooping it up on the boat at Lake Havasu and getting hit in the head with a football. The only thing I really enjoyed this season was the ladies' adventures in the South Pacific.

I don't believe the HW are particularly enjoying this season either. It appears Vicki has finally ended her relationship with Tamra.


BFFs No More! Vicki Gunvalson Cuts Tamra Judge From Her Life Over Brooks Ayers Cancer Doubts — The Ultimate Betrayal Revealed

Posted on Sep 23, 2015 @ 3:56AM


Weary of the arguments with friends over the issue, Gunvalson said she felt betrayed and sad over the constant second-guessing from her inner circle.

“I’m trying to be as strong as I can be … when you’re a friend, you’re a friend. I don’t know how to end this, I just don’t,” she said.

The source added, “There is no coming back for Vicki and Tamra. Their relationship was already on a very fragile ground, and this was the nail in the coffin.”

Edited by talula
  • Love 1

According to what Brooks said in his TH, the "large mass" is "inflammation", not a cancerous tumor, NHL is a blood cancer. The Dr. does not say that Brooks does have "cancer" and he doesn't say that he does not either, all he says is that Brooks is not lying and it was not in direct reply to Brooks/Vicki saying the others were calling him a liar. I think production intentionally kept it that way to keep viewers guessing.


Is this the "resveratrol" Dr. that Brooks spoke about, the one that Heather went to for cellulite treatments?

Spot on WW. Bravo is editing in a way to feed us clues, but not enough, and sometimes out of sequence so it's obviously, Not obviously clear!! But, what else is new?

Yes, that woman accompanying Brooks & Vicki, who made the recommendation for them to see this doctor, as we hear on this episode, is Lenka from ClubDetox. Feet on Earth, sun/forest gazing, coffee enema ClubDetox woman. While I personally support utilizing both conventional/alternative/nutrition adjustments, this televised visits does nothing to confirm or negate Brooks status, as Wire pointed out. I agree with those who think it appears he has medical issues, but is exaggerating his diagnosis. Using the past issues for a current storyline. An inflammation is not the same as a cancer mass. This is really sad if that's the case, as I hate to believe it for Vickis sake.

This visit did nothing but make me as a viewer skeptical, which is the opposite of what I thought was going to happen at the beginning of this segment. I believe he has NHL but it's in remission at the time of filming.

  • Love 6

Same here, I'll watch for the reunion twists and turns. Though it has been time spent for some us, lol!

I don't believe the HW are particularly enjoying this season either. It appears Vicki has finally ended her relationship with Tamra.


BFFs No More! Vicki Gunvalson Cuts Tamra Judge From Her Life Over Brooks Ayers Cancer Doubts — The Ultimate Betrayal Revealed

Posted on Sep 23, 2015 @ 3:56AM


Weary of the arguments with friends over the issue, Gunvalson said she felt betrayed and sad over the constant second-guessing from her inner circle.

“I’m trying to be as strong as I can be … when you’re a friend, you’re a friend. I don’t know how to end this, I just don’t,” she said.

The source added, “There is no coming back for Vicki and Tamra. Their relationship was already on a very fragile ground, and this was the nail in the coffin.”

Not so fast! This is from Vicki's and Tamra's twitter accounts.............Looks like ROL is making shite up as always!


Tamra Judge ‏@TamraBarney  · Sep 23 

@vgunvalson radar said you don't like me anymore where do they come up with their bullshit?




Vicki Gunvalson ‏@vgunvalson  · Sep 23 

@TamraBarney   @RadarOnlineCom will do anything to get a story. You know I love you - we have been through too much to turn back now!

  • Love 7

I'm wondering something.  First of all, I do think that Brooks did have cancer last year but I'm very confused as to whether he still had cancer when they were filming.  I do see that the PET scan states that he has a clinical history of NHL but maybe one of our more knowledgeable posters could tell us where in that PET scan findings it says he has cancer.  I'm not a medical expert and I'm just curious.  Thanks....

  • Love 3

There was a bigger shot of the report in the First Looks that I missed capturing. I'll try my best to get it Monday night.

I'm starting to think the Prop Department produced that sketchy looking report just to add fuel to the cancer/no cancer debate.

Someone who knows more about this than I do, please correct me if I'm mistaken. If someone with cancer had a "mass" in their abdomen, wouldn't they have done a biopsy?

  • Love 5

There was a bigger shot of the report in the First Looks that I missed capturing. I'll try my best to get it Monday night.

I'm starting to think the Prop Department produced that sketchy looking report just to add fuel to the cancer/no cancer debate.

Someone who knows more about this than I do, please correct me if I'm mistaken. If someone with cancer had a "mass" in their abdomen, wouldn't they have done a biopsy?

I don't believe the prop department would bother with giving Brooks a fake report, lol.

The report does say mass but a clinician told me the same thing after a scan of my kidney with dye. After the experts looked they said it was not a mass, but instead a cyst. They never did a biopsy because it hadn't changed size for years when compared to an old test. So who knows what Brooks is doing. I would think if it was solid they would call it a mass? Then either do a biopsy or further tests. He could also have had an infection in the lining of his intestines that disappeared with antibiotics? Bravo loves those dangling clues just to reel us into watching the next episode.

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Here's where I stopped.  To start with, none of this started with Meghan, we all know that, and frankly everyone who likes to use Google has pretty much done the same thing as Meghan. All across the internet, those of us with this weird affliction to watch this show are also reading all the sites that have boards or chats about RHOC are doing the same thing.  Everyone is analyzing that one single document and parsing each word that came out of that Dr's mouth.  Why? Because everyone has a doubt, not just Meghan.  (and now I'm sticking up for her).... oy.


I have the weird show affliction and DON'T Google or read any of the other crap out there on the Interwebs.  I am NOT analyzing or parsing everything, and spend ZERO time & energy on these doubts that "everyone" has.  Guess I'm just not part of this "all of us" you are trying to speak for.

  • Love 7

I'm wondering something.  First of all, I do think that Brooks did have cancer last year but I'm very confused as to whether he still had cancer when they were filming.  I do see that the PET scan states that he has a clinical history of NHL but maybe one of our more knowledgeable posters could tell us where in that PET scan findings it says he has cancer.  I'm not a medical expert and I'm just curious.  Thanks....

So he may have had cancer, went into remission, lied about having a recurrence during filming and went to a alternative treatment doctor to make it look legit. Then produced a old test report showing he had cancer with the year missing...a few of us proposed this as a possibility. The big question is if Vickie went along with this scenario, if true? Could someone have folded over the test report's date just to confuse viewers.

  • Love 2

No idea what it means or if it's Brooks' report. What I do know is lymph nodes and the liver are mentioned along with a mass and I would have some concern for the patient. If it's from a year ago I still wouldn't be busting Brooks' or Vicki's chops about it.

  • Love 3

I passed on watching Tamra's segment on the First Looks and will pass on all of her "baptism" story from now on. Just so dumb. Maybe she has sincere beliefs, I don't know and I don't care. Watching Ryan behave like an entitled man-child is at slightly nteresting for the whole "ick" factor. He's got Tam on the financial ropes for life. All he has to do is drop some comment about how her bad relationships with men "ruined" him in various ways. Tamra doesn't need Jesus, she needs a LOT of therapy.

  • Love 2

I have the weird show affliction and DON'T Google or read any of the other crap out there on the Interwebs.  I am NOT analyzing or parsing everything, and spend ZERO time & energy on these doubts that "everyone" has.  Guess I'm just not part of this "all of us" you are trying to speak for.

Okay, got it. For now on every post will have 'In my opinion only' or 'speaking for myself'.  My most sincere apologies if I have in any way offended you.

Okay, got it. For now on every post will have 'In my opinion only' or 'speaking for myself'.  My most sincere apologies if I have in any way offended you.


Oh, please, you hardly need to go that far.  I'm not in the least bit offended; just pointing out that using sweeping generalities like "we all" and "everyone" may generate some debate best left to the likes of Bravolebrities.   :-)

There was a bigger shot of the report in the First Looks that I missed capturing. I'll try my best to get it Monday night.

I'm starting to think the Prop Department produced that sketchy looking report just to add fuel to the cancer/no cancer debate.

Someone who knows more about this than I do, please correct me if I'm mistaken. If someone with cancer had a "mass" in their abdomen, wouldn't they have done a biopsy?

The Dr. used the term "mass" but in his TH, Brooks, said it was NOT a mass/tumor but "inflammation" that occurs in NHL. IMO, this Dr. did not seem too concerned about the "mass" OR NHL at all, which is odd.


More shots of the scan report.




ETA - The date of the scan was 4/08/15.

The date is so blurry that it is hard to read and IMO, if they typed out the month as 04 and the date as 08, they would have typed out 2015, not just 15 but maybe the person typing it was lazy. IMO, the whole report itself is suspect because of the spelling errors and the run on sentences. Had it been an official report done by a Dr.'s office or a Medical Lab, it would never look/read like that.

  • Love 4

For me, the funniest part of all of this is the assertion that it is such a huge breach of ettiquette/manners/laws/ethics, to ask someone to show proof of their medial condition.  I mean, of course it is - I completely get folks not being big on such a request. It is just cracks my ass horrizontal that someone would not want to "show" their medical records, but would have a camera crew follow them into a doctor appointment. My guess is that most people who made good points about being offended at the notion that they would ever be asked such a thing would be equally shocked at the notion of having something so private filmed on camera. See, this is the thing about this whole show/don't show the medical records, or ask/don't ask to see them: this is a reality show. These people have zero problem showing us the most private things imaginable (there is nothing more private IMO than the conversations that go on between me and my doctor). That's why the question by Heather and/or Shannon about the medical records doesn't really bother me very much. I always knew he would offer up something, and that more than likely it would include words from a doctor. 

  • Love 8

I have been thinking about this and cancer took over the season.  It seems to me the season was cruising along just fine and the only mention was Brooks and coffee enemas, and juicing (amazing that made it to screen with Brooks and Vicki picking up a late fall of 2014 endorsement deal with Club Detox), the next mention was Shannon at bowling night.  The entire trip to Tahiti no mention whatsoever, and then BAM, Brooks gives RadarOnLine an interview (published March 20, 2015) about how he was exploring other avenues and Shannon's "holistic referrals" and Brooks cancer becomes the topic of conversation again. Brooks also claimed in the interview he had no plans to leave reality TV anytime soon. I wonder, just wonder if perhaps Tamra's idea for asking about the cancer came straight from Brook's interview?  Brooks words in the interview and Brooks words within hours of the interview differ.  To me, it seems like Brooks is the one who wanted to bring the cancer front and center, first the interview then the CUT Fitness Q&A with the very dramatic, "starting tomorrow I am stopping chemo. . . ." http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1011/videos?clip=2889884  Of course he also said he had been on chemo for five years. 


So I have rethought the Vicki is so angry at Shannon nonsense-Vicki can't keep asking girlfriends to be supportive of Brooks and respect his privacy when he insists on holding press conferences and making pretty spectacular claims.

  • Love 6

For me, the funniest part of all of this is the assertion that it is such a huge breach of ettiquette/manners/laws/ethics, to ask someone to show proof of their medial condition.  I mean, of course it is - I completely get folks not being big on such a request. It is just cracks my ass horrizontal that someone would not want to "show" their medical records, but would have a camera crew follow them into a doctor appointment. My guess is that most people who made good points about being offended at the notion that they would ever be asked such a thing would be equally shocked at the notion of having something so private filmed on camera. See, this is the thing about this whole show/don't show the medical records, or ask/don't ask to see them: this is a reality show. These people have zero problem showing us the most private things imaginable (there is nothing more private IMO than the conversations that go on between me and my doctor). That's why the question by Heather and/or Shannon about the medical records doesn't really bother me very much. I always knew he would offer up something, and that more than likely it would include words from a doctor.

ITA. I've never understood the "it's no one's business" point of view. Brooks and Vicki went on a reality show and portrayed their life with cancer, so how is it not our business? And their friends/cast mates are concerned and involved in their life. How is not their business? No one likes to be duped.

The doctor's visit and the copied-and-pasted "report" were ridiculous. Brooks is an experienced con man. He knows what he's doing. The whole thing was arranged by the holistic coffee enema lady and had zero credibility. And Vicki's behavior? Are you kidding me? Hurry up so I can get to work? Compare this to how she behaved when she was taking care of Briana after a surgical procedure. It's so fake I can't stand it.

  • Love 9

I have been thinking about this and cancer took over the season. It seems to me the season was cruising along just fine and the only mention was Brooks and coffee enemas, and juicing (amazing that made it to screen with Brooks and Vicki picking up a late fall of 2014 endorsement deal with Club Detox), the next mention was Shannon at bowling night. The entire trip to Tahiti no mention whatsoever, and then BAM, Brooks gives RadarOnLine an interview (published March 20, 2015) about how he was exploring other avenues and Shannon's "holistic referrals" and Brooks cancer becomes the topic of conversation again. Brooks also claimed in the interview he had no plans to leave reality TV anytime soon. I wonder, just wonder if perhaps Tamra's idea for asking about the cancer came straight from Brook's interview? Brooks words in the interview and Brooks words within hours of the interview differ. To me, it seems like Brooks is the one who wanted to bring the cancer front and center, first the interview then the CUT Fitness Q&A with the very dramatic, "starting tomorrow I am stopping chemo. . . ." http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1011/videos?clip=2889884 Of course he also said he had been on chemo for five years.

So I have rethought the Vicki is so angry at Shannon nonsense-Vicki can't keep asking girlfriends to be supportive of Brooks and respect his privacy when he insists on holding press conferences and making pretty spectacular claims.

Your right and then boom the psychic and boom again and Meghan is on it like white on rice! Brooks and Vickie may never have thought her friends were capable of making his cancer the storyline. He should have kept his trap shut and stayed away from any endorsements. Bet he was busy counting all the money he'd make from selling his Club Detox stuff. Now we'll watch and see how this season ends. Edited by talula
  • Love 1

For me, the funniest part of all of this is the assertion that it is such a huge breach of ettiquette/manners/laws/ethics, to ask someone to show proof of their medial condition. I mean, of course it is - I completely get folks not being big on such a request. It is just cracks my ass horrizontal that someone would not want to "show" their medical records, but would have a camera crew follow them into a doctor appointment. My guess is that most people who made good points about being offended at the notion that they would ever be asked such a thing would be equally shocked at the notion of having something so private filmed on camera. See, this is the thing about this whole show/don't show the medical records, or ask/don't ask to see them: this is a reality show. These people have zero problem showing us the most private things imaginable (there is nothing more private IMO than the conversations that go on between me and my doctor). That's why the question by Heather and/or Shannon about the medical records doesn't really bother me very much. I always knew he would offer up something, and that more than likely it would include words from a doctor.

Hmm I don't think the two situations are even close. It's one thing to allow your journey of alternative treatment to be filmed and an entirely different thing to have your illness questioned and have to prove you are sick. Especially to people that don't have your best interest at heart. Look at what happened.......Brook shows proof and he's accused of showing a false report.

This has become just like bookgate on NY. From now on there will always be people who think Carole used a ghostwriter no matter what else is presented to dispute that claim. Vicki is right (please don't tell anyone I said that, we'll keep it our little secret) Brooks will have to die to prove he has cancer. And even then there will be those that will doubt the autopsy and the doctor that performed it.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 6

Your right and then boom the psychic and boom again and Meghan is on it like white on rice! Brooks and Vickie may never have thought her friends were capable of making his cancer the storyline. He should have kept his trap shut and stayed away from any endorsements. Bet he was busy counting all the money he'd make from selling his Club Detox stuff. Now we'll watch and see how this season ends.

I don't begrudge Vicki and Brooks the Club Detox money.  I feel for Vicki in that Brooks just can't get out of her way.  We don't see David, Eddie or Terry behaving in such a way to take focus off their wives in group settings but Brooks can't help himself.  I mean Jim has been called in but for the most part it isn't about him.  The person Vicki should have been having words with on camera was Brooks, not Heather, Tamra,  Shannon and certainly not Jim.  I don't think Heather or Shannon have been bad friends to Vicki, I just think she can't put herself between Brooks and Shannon and throw up her hands and say, "ask Brooks." bring his slick little slacker butt to lunch.  Most of all Vicki needs to allow just one (not Meghan) present the strange circumstances surrounding Brooks without interrupting or assuming she knows.  What Shannon said that was important was Brooks was risking his reputation.  This latest interview is a sad attempt to try and clean things up.  It just isn't working.


To me the producers have failed to hand me enough to empathize, let alone sympathize with Vicki over the Brooks situation-something I was leaning towards prior to the First Look.  I get Vicki feels like her friends aren't here for her but when is she there for them?  I saw one magnanimous moment when Vicki passed up the charity event to take Shannon to dinner.  Then I thought about it and realized-wait Vicki didn't to be at the charity event as an ancillary attendee, she wanted the attention on her.  There are only so many moments to see Vicki drive a golf cart into the restaurant or get drunk and throw caution to the wind.  I personally thought she and Brooks should have sucked it up and gone to NASCAR which was on March 22nd two days after Brooks article ran.  Vicki needs to reengage and get back in the game.  I think Brooks would rather have been at NASCAR with the guys as opposed to spending a quiet Sunday with Vicki.

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I agree gimmepizzauoldtroll-don't most people believe Brooks has cancer?  I do.  I just am not buying his circuitous stories of treatment and rejection, and new age and blah, blah.  At this point I think it should be more of an exercise in friendship and folks who get a little too showy.


I hate to say it but I was really hoping Brooks would resist showing medical records and a round of shame on you would be delivered.  No one should be bullied into producing records and by the same token cancer patients should not be giving interviews and name dropping.  Dang, just once I would like to see a RH stand behind a principle.  The closest we have is RHOBH.


I feel like Alexis vs. Terry, Terry had a big laugh at Alexis expense over the location of the sinus.  Then her doctor a Plastic Surgeon/ENT produced a huge wad of snot which proved Alexis' earlier assertion.  There was no, "so sorry Alexis I was a total douchewad as a doctor and I owe you a huge apology."   Instead it was tear Alexis and Jim down courtesy of the Dubrows.  At what point do these folks just admit they screwed up?

  • Love 11

Your right zoeysmom about the other guys...look for instance at DAVID Beador, the 8 or 9 month adulterer. He was a lying, scheming dog. Giving salacious details about the affair to his wife, not stopping Mrs. Affair from befriending his wife, being a passive aggressive dork in front of his daughters at the expense of Shannon! Then taking her to a sports bar for her birthday knowing it will irritate her. He acts like a dead fish...cold and lifeless in front of the cameras. Shannon can be pretty deadpan also.

That's despicable behavior and David is treated with kid gloves by cast members because he's staying with the mother of his three daughters rather than walking away from the marriage. I believe Andy Cohen is granting the Beador's a special show because of the public outcry against including their three young daughters in this season's reconciliation storyline. He's giving them a chance to repair their tarnished parental reputations.

If Brooks has been in remission for years and resurrected an old historic health report, changing the date, that's intolerable. Worse yet, if as a medical claims adjuster he frabricated the health report that's also pretty disgusting. If he concocted this storyline to sell Detox Cleanse products I find that hideous, IMO.

There's no doubt Brook's sketchy history weights heavily on the HWs accepting him at his word. Will David receive the same skank eye, I doubt it. On top of that, there's also Vicki going full throttle against those questioning Brooks' cancer treatment. Shannon started questioning Vicki's motives when she didn't stick to criticising Meghan for questioning Brooks' cancer treatments and instead went after Meghan and Jim's 4-month marriage.

Many hours left to see what BRAVO presents us.

Edited by talula
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So in the "previously" that opened the First Look we had Meghan and Jim talking over dinner about Hayley's schooling. Jim says something like, "She's never going to be as driven as you are, so that's why you should back off on her about school." Maybe I got it wrong (and I've already deleted it) but it made me wonder if Jim is going to be another Lou Knickerbocker and raise his kids with the expectation that they'll always have daddy's millions and don't need to get and education and a decent job. Jim isn't even that wealthy, probably, with two divorces (and another one likely). I wonder if we'll see a bit more of that in the next episode. While no one is ever going to be as driven as Meghan, I hope Jim is actually talking to Hayley about her future, which should include a serious attempt at a college education. I can understand that she needs time to recover from her mother's death, but she can't be allowed to sit around doing nothing for month after month. I'm a lot more interested in how Jim will handle that parenting situation than I am in most other things happening on this show.


Edited to add: And I realize that when this entire season was taped, LeAnn was still alive, so what we see of Hayley is tempered by the fact that her mother is at that time dealing with terminal cancer that will within a few months take her life.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 3

So in the "previously" that opened the First Look we had Meghan and Jim talking over dinner about Hayley's schooling. Jim says something like, "She's never going to be as driven as you are, so that's why you should back off on her about school." Maybe I got it wrong (and I've already deleted it) but it made me wonder if Jim is going to be another Lou Knickerbocker and raise his kids with the expectation that they'll always have daddy's millions and don't need to get and education and a decent job. Jim isn't even that wealthy, probably, with two divorces (and another one likely). I wonder if we'll see a bit more of that in the next episode. While no one is ever going to be as driven as Meghan, I hope Jim is actually talking to Hayley about her future, which should include a serious attempt at a college education. I can understand that she needs time to recover from her mother's death, but she can't be allowed to sit around doing nothing for month after month. I'm a lot more interested in how Jim will handle that parenting situation than I am in most other things happening on this show.


Edited to add: And I realize that when this entire season was taped, LeAnn was still alive, so what we see of Hayley is tempered by the fact that her mother is at that time dealing with terminal cancer that will within a few months take her life.

The good news-Hayley's older sister Lauren graduated from ASU in May and her mother, LeAnn was there with bells on.  hHey are the last photos up on her Facebook.  I think Hayley is a special case and that is what Jim is trying to tell Meghan.  Lauren looks just like her mom.

  • Love 2

I don't believe the prop department would bother with giving Brooks a fake report, lol.


I'm more cynical so I do believe it's possible.   


We have to remember that some radiologist had to sign that report and I just have a hard time believing that a legitimate radiologist would submit such an unprofessional document.  

  • Love 2

I'm more cynical so I do believe it's possible.   


We have to remember that some radiologist had to sign that report and I just have a hard time believing that a legitimate radiologist would submit such an unprofessional document.  

Anna, with your photo shop skills you could have done a much better job with the report  and even woven a little humor into it.  I could see a graphic with a conversation bubble coming from you worked into the report.

  • Love 4

I'm more cynical so I do believe it's possible.

We have to remember that some radiologist had to sign that report and I just have a hard time believing that a legitimate radiologist would submit such an unprofessional document.

It's difficult to believe production would stick their necks out and falsify Brooks' medical records since it's something Brooks could easily do himself, lol.

All test results I've had are emailed/faxed to my doctor directly from the lab. If I want a copy I usually get a copy made at my GPs office. Though I have carried medical records when switching doctors.

Didn't Meghan say she called the lab Brooks' test results came from and they don't do the tests?

Oh well we'll just have to wait for BRAVO to edit the storyline. The reunion should be full of all sorts of intrigue.

Edited by talula

There was a bigger shot of the report in the First Looks that I missed capturing. I'll try my best to get it Monday night.

Anna, with your photo shop skills you could have done a much better job with the report  and even woven a little humor into it.  I could see a graphic with a conversation bubble coming from you worked into the report.

Me too, Ann - with Vicki and Crooks, you have SO much material to work with! I'm thinking hallmark sayings, woo-hoo's, restevirol (sp.?), fruit smoothies, the family VAN, Meghan's quest for #justice, coffee enemas, bacon vodka... (The fake report looked like one long run-on sentence, so these are some of the words I think I saw...)

Pressure's on!

  • Love 2

I'm more cynical so I do believe it's possible.   


We have to remember that some radiologist had to sign that report and I just have a hard time believing that a legitimate radiologist would submit such an unprofessional document.

Now I think the exact opposite. If someone was going to fake a document, they would spend time trying to make it perfect. If Brooks and Vicki were doing a con, why didn't they do some obvious things, like for one Brooks could have shaved his head every morning? There are more things I think they would have done if it's fake. I think they would have over corrected.
  • Love 6

So we are two pages in and I don't recall reading about Tamra's riveting scenes with the pastor (or pasture) in Tamra speak.  Was it as boring and meaningless as what I took away from it?  More power to Tamra if she has truly embraced religion, but so far it sounds like an excuse for a season finale with Tamra being the star getting dunked and exited like some sort of wet T-shirt contest.  I am not feeling a real strong spiritual sense from Tamra.  She might want to pick up a book on Christian one-liners because so far hers are not funny. 

  • Love 3

So we are two pages in and I don't recall reading about Tamra's riveting scenes with the pastor (or pasture) in Tamra speak.  Was it as boring and meaningless as what I took away from it?  More power to Tamra if she has truly embraced religion, but so far it sounds like an excuse for a season finale with Tamra being the star getting dunked and exited like some sort of wet T-shirt contest.  I am not feeling a real strong spiritual sense from Tamra.  She might want to pick up a book on Christian one-liners because so far hers are not funny.

Yeah. I mentioned it but do not blame you for forgetting; her attempts to become a Xian aren't very convincing at all, considering what she's done between this and her previous meeting with a "pasture". Hokey smokes! That just reminded me something! I recently took this stupid grammar quiz someone shared on FB and one the questions had "pastor","pasture", and "paster" as the answer choices. Heh.
  • Love 1

Yeah. I mentioned it but do not blame you for forgetting; her attempts to become a Xian aren't very convincing at all, considering what she's done between this and her previous meeting with a "pasture". Hokey smokes! That just reminded me something! I recently took this stupid grammar quiz someone shared on FB and one the questions had "pastor","pasture", and "paster" as the answer choices. Heh.

I find Tamra's commitment almost as deep as the Jim Bellino inviting Frank Curtain to church discussion.  After a heartfelt invite to Frank (whose daughters got drunk in the limo on the way to the party) to attend church with he and Alexis, Frank's first concern, "are there donuts?" 

  • Love 1

Anna, with your photo shop skills you could have done a much better job with the report  and even woven a little humor into it.  I could see a graphic with a conversation bubble coming from you worked into the report.



Me too, Ann - with Vicki and Crooks, you have SO much material to work with! I'm thinking hallmark sayings, woo-hoo's, restevirol (sp.?), fruit smoothies, the family VAN, Meghan's quest for #justice, coffee enemas, bacon vodka... (The fake report looked like one long run-on sentence, so these are some of the words I think I saw...)

Pressure's on!



  • Love 6

So we are two pages in and I don't recall reading about Tamra's riveting scenes with the pastor (or pasture) in Tamra speak. Was it as boring and meaningless as what I took away from it? More power to Tamra if she has truly embraced religion, but so far it sounds like an excuse for a season finale with Tamra being the star getting dunked and exited like some sort of wet T-shirt contest. I am not feeling a real strong spiritual sense from Tamra. She might want to pick up a book on Christian one-liners because so far hers are not funny.

I fast-forwarded through all that the second it began. Just can't take her wannabe a Christian crap. Would actually rather watch Ryan complain that the house she's paying for he and his brood to live in isn't up to his exacting standards.
  • Love 3

I fast-forwarded through all that the second it began. Just can't take her wannabe a Christian crap. Would actually rather watch Ryan complain that the house she's paying for he and his brood to live in isn't up to his exacting standards.

That's a really tough choice.  I might have to go with the Christian train unless Ryan is forced to take that hat off.  The hat really skeeves me....

  • Love 2

I fast-forwarded through all that the second it began. Just can't take her wannabe a Christian crap. Would actually rather watch Ryan complain that the house she's paying for he and his brood to live in isn't up to his exacting standards.

I think Tamra really is stretching for comeback storyline with the Baptism.  Interesting, last week she was explaining why they were questioning Brooks, and she said "her spiritual advisor" told them Brooks didn't have cancer.  Hmmmm, you'd think her spiritual advisor would be her pastor not her psychic.

  • Love 3

I'm wondering something. First of all, I do think that Brooks did have cancer last year but I'm very confused as to whether he still had cancer when they were filming. I do see that the PET scan states that he has a clinical history of NHL but maybe one of our more knowledgeable posters could tell us where in that PET scan findings it says he has cancer. I'm not a medical expert and I'm just curious. Thanks....

I've had cancer twice. Colon cancer once and another extremely rare vascular cancer. I've had many, many, many CT scans, PET scans, bone scans. If it can be scanned I've had it.

I, too, paused my TV when Brooks' scan results were flashed on the TV. Honestly? Strictly based on my five years of dealing with this, it struck me as fishy. It looked like just a long string of medical words ending in "oma" with nary a space between. I've never seen anything like it.

The Dr. referred to it as a PET scan but the paperwork we were showed was for a CT scan. They are completely different beasts.

And while I'm not knowledegable about Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I think I can answer the question about a CT scan being able to "diagnose" cancer. In short, it can't. All it can do, really, is map places in the body and help doctors interpret shadows. The lesions and masses that appear from the scans have to be surgically biopsied for someone to ever be diagnosed with cancer. But the reports will often state the medical background of the patient. So since Brooks has had NHL before it would mention that in his report. It would also state that something could be "suspicious for stage 4 metastasis to liver" for example if they saw a suspicious lesion in the liver but it wouldn't be an all-out cancer diagnosis until there was a biopsy that confirmed that.

I can't get too hung up on how he forwarded the records. Some hospitals are super efficient and everything is digitized (thank you UCLA! I could quash a disbelieving housewife from my iPhone in 2 seconds!) while others are digging through mimeographs from the 80s.

Sorry for the length of this novel!!!

Edited by Starsandbucks
  • Love 13

One of the most doubtful things about Brooks supposed CT scan was that there was only one. He claims he has been battling this for some time with multiple rounds of chemo. If that were true there would be multiple scan reports. It is critical for the radiologist to have comparative results- and that report clearly stated there was no other scan reports to compare to. The report itself did show several large masses indicative of Lymphoma. Masses so large that the person that had them would likely be very, very, ill. Brooks has lost weight, but there has been no indications that he was feeling unwell at all the functions he attended. He has also travelled quite a lot, which is not recommended for someone with lymphoma, and would be difficult with masses that large.

  • Love 8

I've had cancer twice. Colon cancer once and another extremely rare vascular cancer. I've had many, many, many CT scans, PET scans, bone scans. If it can be scanned I've had it.

I, too, paused my TV when Brooks' scan results were flashed on the TV. Honestly? Strictly based on my five years of dealing with this, it struck me as fishy. It looked like just a long string of medical words ending in "oma" with nary a space between. I've never seen anything like it.

The Dr. referred to it as a PET scan but the paperwork we were showed was for a CT scan. They are completely different beasts.

And while I'm not knowledegable about Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I think I can answer the question about a CT scan being able to "diagnose" cancer. In short, it can't. All it can do, really, is map places in the body and help doctors interpret shadows. The lesions and masses that appear from the scans have to be surgically biopsied for someone to ever be diagnosed with cancer. But the reports will often state the medical background of the patient. So since Brooks has had NHL before it would mention that in his report. It would also state that something could be "suspicious for stage 4 metastasis to liver" for example if they saw a suspicious lesion in the liver but it wouldn't be an all-out cancer diagnosis until there was a biopsy that confirmed that.

I can't get too hung up on how he forwarded the records. Some hospitals are super efficient and everything is digitized (thank you UCLA! I could quash a disbelieving housewife from my iPhone in 2 seconds!) while others are digging through mimeographs from the 80s.

Sorry for the length of this novel!!!

Thank you so much for your response and I wish you goo health.   It clarifies many things that I was not totally sure of.

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