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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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4 hours ago, Buffytoes said:

Just curious why this thread is full of posts of people that dislike the show so intensely and dissect and analyze every moment but keep tuning in and following the show? Last time I couldn't sit through a show or the people behind it, I use the remote control to escape.

Don't like? Why watch?


For me it was always convenience.  It used to come on an hour earlier and that was perfect. Then pushed it back an hour, and co-vid19 closet chat happened.  It was like the perfect storm.  I check the guide and see who the guests are and will watch them.  Thazzit. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, seasons said:

Because as far as I know, this site is supposed to be to discuss, snark, vent, etc.

The good, the bad, the ugly.

Hate-watching is a thing for me. Lol.


And in my best imitation of a Kellmeee clap-back, 'you do you and I'll do me.'

P.S.  Wasn't this site the old "Television Without Pity?"   If this content gets your panties in a bunch, you would have never survived the old days, lol.

P.S.S. Michigan vs. Penn State wrestling at 6:00!!  Go Wolverines!!

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Onefineday said:

Anyone catch how Kelly said how she has been playing Wordle for years, long before anyone else?

Nice try Kelly, it was released in October 2021.


Just like when she said she never ate a chicken wing and there were pictures all over the Internet of her  eating them on the show !

Part of what makes Kelly annoying is how fake she is . 

And what is with the squinting and duck lips ? She can afford four homes but she can’t get contact lenses if she doesn’t want to wear glasses ?

Sorry , The Michigan thing is bizarre! How weird is it for a college freshman to have his parents on National TV letting everyone know they rented a house to be near him? So embarrassing!   I remember kids being embarrassed in high school  when their parents picked them up in front of their friends !

I guess if you are rich you can follow your kid to school , but it’s still weird . I remember Mark needing to be stopped from going  after a kid who did something aggressive to his son during a wrestling match not long ago .  I’m sure the coach appreciates daddy hovering during practice and watching every move so his baby boy is ok.
Kelly is probably the  helicopter mommy who handles meals and any other instances  where she thinks her “ new born baby “ isn’t being treated fairly in every other setting besides wresting and bugging advisors and administrators who don’t cater to her kid !  I guess the “new born baby “ title is not just a joke ! 

Edited by orangekit
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It’s totally  weird to rent a freaking house to be close to your college freshman son who went away to college ! People who can’t afford a home in every spot  in the country for vacations and to babysit their adult son actually send their kid to a school close to home ! 
in sure a kid wants his  wacko helicopter mommy telling the country they got another house to be near their “ new born baby  boy”!

Also , didn’t Mark say that the coach is an old friend of his ? 
Maybe this hovering over their son is more about their needs than his needs . He probably is embarrassed.  
Also, wrestling matches are all over at other colleges, not just Michigan. Do they plan on following him to every match ? 

Edited by marmalade
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So, they can’t go to  a studio and Kelly says she’s so paranoid about covid , but she can have college kids in and out of her house sitting next to her without masks ? These are kids who are living in dorms and also wrestling kids from other colleges.  
In a studio everyone is tested all the time and they wear masks.

The following of her  son to school is still weird!

Maybe instead is investing in houses because they need to be helicopter parents they should invest in a good shrink for themselves , not their son  ! 


Edited by goldenpuppy
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8 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

Maybe instead is investing in houses because they need to be helicopter parents they should invest in a good shrink for themselves

Might be something they want to look into although I do recall Kellmeee mentioning several times through the years about her therapist.

And speaking of her therapy, real or not, I did not appreciate her tone when they mentioned the week's informational talking points about 'sanity.'  Oh my goodness, she carried it too far, imo, and I think that's where I picked up on Gelman's mood change when she kept making light of it and he had to say, 'yes Kelly, mental illness....'  really Kelllmeee??  Let's joke about mental illness.  So even after being subtly dressed down by Gelman, she continues to carry on 'the joke' about her and Ry Ry being the source of 'sanity' for their viewers.  Most viewers do agree with you Kellmee, you're nuttier than a fruitcake, but the professionals you booked on the show had some insight into the pandemic of mental illness.

Also noticed her narcissistic comments about her being in Michigan.  It really isn't all about you Kelllmeee.....as though she's the only one doing the show remotely.  She does love to take a moment to make it all about her.

And her stumbling to spit her words out is almost troubling now.  Why is it so hard for her to form a cogent thought and let it leave her lips?  Anyone else notice the change in her pronunciation/diction?  Is she taking elocution lessons now?  Ever since Ryan started speaking 'differently' (imo) she has started to mimic a different accent that is really unrecognizable.  That change along with the s-l-o-w delivery is just too much.  But you know me, love to hate watch!

Glad to see she's able to have coffee with her other "mat moms."  rofl  

She's a hoot!

Edited by finnzup
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16 minutes ago, finnzup said:

Might be something they want to look into although I do recall Kellmeee mentioning several times through the years about her therapist.

And speaking of her therapy, real or not, I did not appreciate her tone when they mentioned the week's informational talking points about 'sanity.'  Oh my goodness, she carried it too far, imo, and I think that's where I picked up on Gelman's mood change when she kept making light of it and he had to say, 'yes Kelly, mental illness....'  really Kelllmeee??  Let's joke about mental illness.  So even after being subtly dressed down by Gelman, she continues to carry on 'the joke' about her and Ry Ry being the source of 'sanity' for their viewers.  Most viewers do agree with you Kellmee, you're nuttier than a fruitcake, but the professionals you booked on the show had some insight into the pandemic of mental illness.

Also noticed her narcissistic comments about her being in Michigan.  It really isn't all about you Kelllmeee.....as though she's the only one doing the show remotely.  She does love to take a moment to make it all about her.

And her stumbling to spit her words out is almost troubling now.  Why is it so hard for her to form a cogent thought and let it leave her lips?  Anyone else notice the change in her pronunciation/diction?  Is she taking elocution lessons now?  Ever since Ryan started speaking 'differently' (imo) she has started to mimic a different accent that is really unrecognizable.  That change along with the s-l-o-w delivery is just too much.  But you know me, love to hate watch!

Glad to see she's able to have coffee with her other "mat moms."  rofl  

She's a hoot!

I missed the show where she talked about mental illness and Gelman was annoyed . What happened ?

Kelly’s whole manner and delivery is so odd lately .  The pursed lips , squinting , stammering , and yes , the weird pronunciations.

Ir sure seems like Ryan and Gelman talked and Ryan is now controlling host chat and now there are topics and videos . Of course narcissistic Kelly thinks she is so interesting that she just babbles about herself , and Ryan has to control the show’s flow .     It’s just so weird how she really seems to have no interest or ability to shut up and realize that her Michigan stories and rambling stories about herself  are tiring, and there is a show that  needs to move from segment to segment !

I wonder how long before Kelly gets jealous and angry about Ryan being  more prominent .  She  looked happy for Ryan when Justice Sotomayor  complimented him about the work he does for children with the hospital radio station , and Ryan teared up . , but I can’t imagine she likes not being the center of attention all the time . 

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21 minutes ago, goldenpuppy said:

I missed the show where she talked about mental illness and Gelman was annoyed . What happened ?

This conversation took place yesterday as they introduced the week's informational series on sanity *or whatever they're calling it..*   Kellmeee just kept joking about the title of their segment which included the word 'sanity.'  She kept joking that she and Ryan were not the people to be talking to about sanity.

Finally, Gelman's face appeared on the zoom and to me, he looked exasperated and maybe even a bit embarrassed as he very kindly said something about the professionals that were on the show and how they would help with mental illness issues and that Kellmeee and Ryan were not the ones giving out strategies but rather "the professionals."

And as far as Ryan handling the show, he's been doing the major work for a long time now but it's really noticeable now when they're on remote.  She spends the majority of the time looking to her left and seems to be searching for something that she can never find, lol, while Ryan keeps eye contact with the audience and tries to move the conversation and segments along.  I hope his agent asks for a raise, the guy has been carrying the show and Kellmee on his back for quite a while now.

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3 minutes ago, finnzup said:

It's the mother of a wrestler.

I kind of think of the term used for middle school/high school wrestlers though.  But then again, I was never a mat mom so I don't know the correct etiquette of the term, lol.

I'm so glad I asked, I thought the mat meant yoga!  It's a whole new world.

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I was so disappointed in the Tom Selleck interview.  Awful questions, awkward conversation and really not that much about Tom or Blue Bloods, his family, etc.  Ryan did try to reel it in several times but I was so disappointed.

Kelllmeee, here's a news flash, Tom really didn't want to talk about the iguanas falling out of  trees.....I think he was making light of your dissertation during crap chat.  But what do I know? lol

Just an awful show from beginning to end.


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It’s a good thing Ryan took over the segment with the psychologist . When they cut to Kelly  she was making her squinty eyes and duck lips face as if she was testing selfie poses !

Yesterday it seemed like Gelman was trying not to appear annoyed when Kelly said she doesn’t bother to read more than the headlines of an article .  She thinks she is so funny and interesting but she’s really just lazy and narcissistic!    She barely could finished a sentence yesterday again without at least 5 “ummms”!  And she used to mick Regis when he was almost  80 and still made an effort to talk about current events and could still tell a funny story ? 

I wonder if Mark will stay in Michigan when Kelly had to return to NY , of if she will delay her return and use the storm as an excuse to not go back .    You just know that Ryan, Gelman and the staff think the following the “new born baby” to college is weird !

BTW I saw an article wirh dayrime syndicated ratings for a week in January abs Live lost 11 abs 14 points for over all ratings and woman’s demos . They had been dominating the ratings through the holidays .  

Edited by goldenpuppy
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9 hours ago, finnzup said:

I was so disappointed in the Tom Selleck interview.  Awful questions, awkward conversation and really not that much about Tom or Blue Bloods, his family, etc.  Ryan did try to reel it in several times but I was so disappointed.

Kelllmeee, here's a news flash, Tom really didn't want to talk about the iguanas falling out of  trees.....I think he was making light of your dissertation during crap chat.  But what do I know? lol

Just an awful show from beginning to end.


The only tolerable part was when Kelly couldn’t hear the psychologist when she did the segment on anxiety so Ryan did the interview mostly by himself !  Kelly said she was disappointed because it’s the segment she really wanted to hear , but wow , what a difference when she can’t  interject her stupid self absorbed comments and hijack the interview to make it go off course so it’s all about her or her stupid attempts at humor ! 

It was funny when they did finally show Kelly after Ryan had done the whole segment and she literally was doing that weird stuff with her mouth and her lips that look like she’s trying to look sexy !  What was with the closed eyes and puckered lips ?Between the tacky huge fake eyelashes and her lips,  Kelly just looked like she  was  trying very hard to look glamorous or sexy for a selfie! LOL


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Had to endure another awful crap chat just to see Laura Linney, whose interview went the way of Tom Selleck's, lots of inane chatter and very little of the shows they are there to talk about.  Btw, finished Ozark, Season 4 and can't wait for the second half.

Back to crap chat, just change the name already to the Dasia (sp) and Kelly show....and how self-centered is Kelllmeeee??  Omg, we know you think you are ugly, (not), we know you think you're fat (not), and we know you love your ring lighting!!!  Riveting conversation, (not!)


  • LOL 3
20 hours ago, finnzup said:

Had to endure another awful crap chat just to see Laura Linney, whose interview went the way of Tom Selleck's, lots of inane chatter and very little of the shows they are there to talk about.  Btw, finished Ozark, Season 4 and can't wait for the second half.

Back to crap chat, just change the name already to the Dasia (sp) and Kelly show....and how self-centered is Kelllmeeee??  Omg, we know you think you are ugly, (not), we know you think you're fat (not), and we know you love your ring lighting!!!  Riveting conversation, (not!)


I kept thinking the same thing ! Kelly can not ever let Ryan finish a thought  without going on and on about herself , mostly her looks ! She also can’t go a day Without mentioning Michigan!

So, Mark is in Michigan with the dogs and Kelly is wondering when to fly there to avoid bad weather ? WTF? You have a multimillion dollar job and you can’t make sure you are “live” in the studio by spending the weekend  away from your adult child while he goes to away to school and the area may be hit by snow ?  I know it must be rough  to stay in your multilevel , multimillion dollar penthouse in NYC, but maybe she should consider not flying away when the weather may be bad , and she is sick!  Will they need to be remote when she can’t fly back from playing helicopter mom? 

  I still wonder if her son needs to have this much attention to deal with his needs , or if it’s more about Kelly and Mark and their needs !

Kelly acts like she’s the room mother of a child in elementary school ! She hangs out with other mommies , makes snacks for his friends (she had some cake made for the wrestling match), and she is packing her son’s meals and having his friends over ! I am sure the team doesn’t mind having a rich mommy supplying snacks and  providing  them with a luxury house to visit , but you know down deep they think this is just weird,  and it makes her son really look like the “ new born baby” that she says he is !

Edited by orangekit
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I'm back with my videos, lol.  I work from home 2 days a week & I will put the show on but never last more than 2 minutes or so.  The change in her is astounding.  I use the Anderson Cooper tapes because I think she was at her best with him, even more than with Regis.  Anyway, she made the blow-fish face within the 1st 30 seconds!  What is that all about?  She cannot let Ryan speak for more than 15 seconds.  She's sitting there with her mouth wide open waiting for him to pause for just a second & then there she goes.  She is just SO unlikeable now.  She yells everything & she just seems really angry & sarcastic.  The weird way she pronounces her words (& can't spit them out!), the look on her face like something smells really bad, scratching, wiggling around in her chair, the crossed leg constantly moving.  All of it just grates on my every nerve.  I think it is time for her to hang up her Live hat.  She does not seem to want to be there at all.  

On another topic, it is so weird that she & Mark are staying in Michigan.  Who does that??  How embarrassing for their grown son.



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1 hour ago, NYCRunner said:

I'm back with my videos, lol.  I work from home 2 days a week & I will put the show on but never last more than 2 minutes or so.  The change in her is astounding.  I use the Anderson Cooper tapes because I think she was at her best with him, even more than with Regis.  Anyway, she made the blow-fish face within the 1st 30 seconds!  What is that all about?  She cannot let Ryan speak for more than 15 seconds.  She's sitting there with her mouth wide open waiting for him to pause for just a second & then there she goes.  She is just SO unlikeable now.  She yells everything & she just seems really angry & sarcastic.  The weird way she pronounces her words (& can't spit them out!), the look on her face like something smells really bad, scratching, wiggling around in her chair, the crossed leg constantly moving.  All of it just grates on my every nerve.  I think it is time for her to hang up her Live hat.  She does not seem to want to be there at all.  

Just watched for a minute but I can see a few things. She seems to have incredible anxiety and nervousness. Blurting words out, moving around, stammering there seems to be a lot of anxiety.

She seems to look at the monitor overhead a lot and what she views tends to come out on the screen, see face make a face.

Crazy narcissism as well with  the constant looking at herself. Her newly inflated lips seem to have changed her ability to speak a bit. Just overall a really unpleasant experience for the viewers to watch this intensely self absorbed and narcissistic individual try to host a talk show. Amazing they keep her but I guess it is still all about the money.

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18 hours ago, NYCRunner said:

'm back with my videos, lol.  I work from home 2 days a week & I will put the show on but never last more than 2 minutes or so.  The change in her is astounding

Astounding is an understatement!  What on earth has happened to her?  In the old clips, there is no stammering or endless pauses to tell a story.  I also agree with the fact that her demeanor now has taken on a surly characteristic.  I think maybe she thinks it's funny but part of me also thinks that it's really her feeling about the show--she really is annoyed that she's there.



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16 hours ago, finnzup said:

Astounding is an understatement!  What on earth has happened to her?  In the old clips, there is no stammering or endless pauses to tell a story.  I also agree with the fact that her demeanor now has taken on a surly characteristic.  I think maybe she thinks it's funny but part of me also thinks that it's really her feeling about the show--she really is annoyed that she's there.



And, as long as the show gets good ratings she ain’t going nowhere. I think she doesn’t really care what she does as long as she’s paid her millions and until they can her. I think she gave up caring after Strahan left and her kids got older. Now, it’s her and Mark and the dogs. I’m not even sure Ryan likes the gig but he seems in it for the long haul because I thought I heard he was selling the California house and permanently staying on the east coast for the foreseeable future. Also, I think the pandemic killed this show (along with others). The show was celebrity and audience driven. Now, it’s just these two bland people sitting there and talking about how fat they are. Ugh!

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Kelly flying solo today???  Where is MARK CONSUELOS?????  He couldn't fly in to help his wife out for crap chat??  Assuming he's still in Michigan overseeing his son's wrestling practices, lol.

What an awful, awful crap chat!!!!  This girl can't even talk about anything....and Gelman knows it hence the ridiculous clippings he gives her to babble about.

I also think she is scared to death and feeling very uncomfortable today, as she should be, she's horrible.


And the blow fish face?!?!?!?!  What a hoot!

11 minutes ago, finnzup said:

Kelly flying solo today???  Where is MARK CONSUELOS?????  He couldn't fly in to help his wife out for crap chat??  Assuming he's still in Michigan overseeing his son's wrestling practices, lol.

What an awful, awful crap chat!!!!  This girl can't even talk about anything....and Gelman knows it hence the ridiculous clippings he gives her to babble about.

I also think she is scared to death and feeling very uncomfortable today, as she should be, she's horrible.


And the blow fish face?!?!?!?!  What a hoot!

This doesn’t air in my area until 11 am. 

Why is she scared to death? 

Oh wow, I will have to look online for the solo crap chat!  I can only imagine how bad it was.  They couldn't get anyone to sub?  Interesting.  You would think one of her best buds like Andy or Anderson would help her out.  Or are they on her ever expanding enemy list now too (Strahan, NPH, Jessica Seinfeld & Lord knows who else)?

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3 minutes ago, NYCRunner said:

NPH, Jessica Seinfeld

These two are the ones I'd love to know about, especially Jessica Seinfeld.  I remember a time Kellmeeee called her "sister from another mister" which I always felt had to be hurtful to her own sister, Linda (who I think has issues, definitely physically.)

Any blind gossip articles seem to intimate something about Jessica and Mark???  

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1 minute ago, finnzup said:

These two are the ones I'd love to know about, especially Jessica Seinfeld.  I remember a time Kellmeeee called her "sister from another mister" which I always felt had to be hurtful to her own sister, Linda (who I think has issues, definitely physically.)

Any blind gossip articles seem to intimate something about Jessica and Mark???  

And blind gossip articles are always trustworthy and reliable!

  • LOL 3
19 minutes ago, Onefineday said:

I've always wondered why Gelman's wife Laurie hasn't filled in the way Regis' wife Joy used to do.

She's a successful novelist, Joy was a housewife.  Why would she want to hang with her husband all day?  And why would she want to be part of this shit show?

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I have todays show on my dvr. Thanks for the warning. I guess with COVID they couldn’t get anyone but back in the day they would get someone from one of the soaps to fill in. Of course, there were soaps back then in NYC, too. I’m surprised they didn’t try and get Anderson or Andy (who might be still in LA) but once again who knows with COVID if these celebs want to be around each other. Anyway, Kelly all by herself sounds painful to watch. All that said, where was Ryan? 

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I've thought for quite awhile that all the stuff Kelly has probably done to her body over the years to stay so thin has screwed her up in other ways too. It would help to explain what's happened to her hosting capabilities from what they were back in the day to what they seem to be like now from clips I've seen. I quit watching the show even casually years ago and the addition of Ryan Seacrest did not provide any incentive to try watching again.

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17 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

She's a successful novelist, Joy was a housewife.  Why would she want to hang with her husband all day?  And why would she want to be part of this shit show?

She is a retired journalist, she used to host "Fox After Breakfast" and I believe used to be on Good Morning America.  But you are right, she has her own successful life now.

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OMG I watched the recording of yesterday’s show . 
That is a talk show host after 20 plus years is experience? She is not good , but then again I am not surprised.

It is sad that I tuned into Kelly Clarkson who has no real talk show experience and she was better than Kelly !

I remember the summer after Regis retired when Kelly was just painful to watch . She thought hosting consisted of nonstop adolescent sex jokes ! So cringeworthy! 
Her fake narrative about never eating a chicken  wing is so old now , since there are pictures online of her eating wings on Live ! It’s obvious she has some major eating disorder and body dysmorphia since she thinks her skeletal frame is “fat “! She now looks like she has boney granny arms and legs while she complains about being fat and so heavy to carry . When they had her being pulled in a tractor trailer for some Guinness record she was under 100 lbs and that was before she even got skinnier !

Her comment to the guy getting married about how “Gelman” doesn’t compensate them is pathetic when she’s able to own four expensive  homes while her hubby isn’t working so he can follow their son to college !  Not to mention the private island they go to where the royals also vacation !

She is entitled to do whatever she wants with her money , but the fake BS about needing to win the lottery and also saying how she is not compensated is nauseating!   She also seems cranky and unhappy with her job .

So, wby doesn’t she retire? She makes more in one year than people make in a lifetime.

Oh and the puckered lips fish faces are so weird ! What  is that about ? 

Edited by orangekit
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I was happy to see Wendy from The Goldbergs today but once again, the conversation was so weird.  My guess is the producers are giving Kellmeee and Ryan talking points and topics to be discussed with the guests but the topics/questions are ridiculous!  I know Kellmeee always directs the conversation back to her but it's so blatant, especially today with Wendy.  The both of them, Kellmeee and Ryan, managed to take Wendy's segment and basically interview themselves and Wendy was left sitting there like so much set decoration.

I don't know why the interviews have been hijacked to make the most inane conversation with the guest or whose idea it was but I'm not liking it at all.  

It also seemed to me that Ryan is having none of Kelllmeeee's antics.  He very purposely interjected comments in her rant about her past acting (she's right, she stunk to high heaven!) and really cut her off whenever she came up for air--something that she does to him constantly.  You could tell she wanted to tell us more, standing up from her chair, regaling us with her form and he cut her right off and she was forced to sit back down, lol.  I loved it!  Well done Ry Ry, well done!!

Also during the cooking segment, Ryan corrected her about announcing something and she looked befuddled and then mumbled something about not paying attention; yes, we know Kelllmeee, lol.

And I have to say, whenever Kristofer Buckle does her makeup, she does look stunning.  He really is an artist.  Unfortunately, as the show wore on, all of her facial contortions really took away from his artistry.  And why does her hair always look so dirty?? 


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12 hours ago, NYCRunner said:

 need to go back & watch, however painful it may be

Ha ha, well hopefully it wasn't as painful as our gal Kel walking out in her pencil skirt!

What in the fresh hell was that??!!

Does she have to make everything about her in such a juvenile way??  

Honestly, I don't know how anyone there can put up with her.

Oh, oh, did you pick up on how she loves the public when they compliment her?  I thought she was going for a clap back from an insult but someone actually told her now nice her hair was and she was put out by the comment?!?!  How do you think you are Kelllmeee, the Queen herself?  Most celebs are grateful for any recognition by the public, especially when you are being complimented.  To say words to the effect, "I don't remember asking for your opinion" was such a telling moment.  

I would normally say she's a hoot but this time I have to say she's such a jerk, lol.

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I loved Kelly when she first began with Regis. I thought she was fresh faced, had an interesting young point of view compared to him and enjoyed watching her life as she grew her family. I don’t think she was making the really big bucks then. She was hungry for her spot on the show and was invested in doing a good job. I don’t think she has ever cared since that incident with Michael Strahan. I think she thought she had put in her dues with ABC and was more deserving of a seat on GMA. She has seemed a bit sour ever since. I don’t hate her. I also don’t think it’s too late for her to read the room and tune herself up. I understand this is probably an unpopular opinion with y’all, but I’m loyal. Neither of the hosts need the money. Perhaps it’s time to retire this show. 

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I don't hate her either but I definitely dislike the job she's doing on Live!  

Full disclosure, I never thought she was a good fit for the show, I was a die-hard Reege and KLG fan and thought Kelllmeee was way out of her range when they hired her.  With that said, when NYCRunner posts the old videos, she really wasn't that bad, compared to now, that is, lol.

I think her angry persona now is something she thinks is funny....kind of the way Reege would assume that curmudgeon personality at time.  Only thing, he was funny when he did it, imo, she is not!

It's also the way she sits in her chair, arm slung on the back....her body language just turns me off from the get go.  I'll never be a fan I guess, I do think ABC can do so much better and it wouldn't bother me at all to see Live! be put to bed for good.

Also have been meaning to comment about the "Inbox" segment....omg, I hate it!  What production value goes into it and seriously, who the heck cares?!?!  It's now a staple of the show??  From the trivia dancers, the lie or truth segment and the inbox??  Who's coming up with these ideas, 5 year olds??  


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1 hour ago, finnzup said:

What production value goes into it


1 hour ago, finnzup said:

seriously, who the heck cares?!?

No one.


1 hour ago, finnzup said:

It's now a staple of the show??

It was originally a feature if the show had an extra couple of minutes of airtime.

1 hour ago, finnzup said:

Who's coming up with these ideas, 5 year olds??  

Worse, it's Gelman.

  • LOL 2

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