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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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I don't know if any of you caught Michael hosting The Critic's Choice Awards....I like Michael and find him much more genuine than Kelly but it was almost painful to watch him host this awards show. It was just embarrassing to watch him make all these ludicrous costume changes.....even Michael Keaton made fun of his hosting mess when he was accepting his award.....why Michael agreed to this juvenile hosting approach I just can't understand.....he should have just been his own natural self. All I could think was that Kelly and her phony over-acting approach to just about everything has rubbed off on him to the point where he has really lost his way. It may be a good lesson to him to not become the mess that 'Live' has become under immature Kelly.

Kelly's interview skills seem to be almost entirely about sucking up to the celebrity guests for her own benefit. She rarely pulls off a decent interview that reveals new insight or an interesting side to the guests. It's all about sucking up and fawning all over them as she waits for them to return the flattery that she, too, is wonderful. It is completely phony, self-serving and boring as hell to continually watch. However, if you criticize her in any way on Live's Facebook page they delete your comment....no surprise there....I don't think anyone is allowed to criticize Kelly....you just have to watch her on Fashion Finder as she holds court and everyone around her must bow down with constant praise as she gazes adoringly at herself in the mirror.

Edited by gambrelli
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I watched the repeat broadcast of the Critics Choice Awards. It was painful to watch Michael host the show. I was surprised that he was not introduced as co host of Live with Kelly and Michael. I think at times he thought he was on the Live Halloween show with all the change of costumes.. Michael Keaton did make a remark that I am sure Michael didn't appreciate. When he was in the audience with Reese Witherspoon the majority of people had a puzzled look on their faces because he did not make any sense. I think he is getting as large an ego as his co host. He sure has a lot of TV exposure lately. I wonder how Ripa feels about that. It seems the guest talk to him more than they do to Kelly maybe it is because he seems to know what he is talking about instead of sitting next to a guest picking at his body parts as his co host likes to do.

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I watched the repeat broadcast of the Critics Choice Awards. It was painful to watch. . . .


I was channel surfing and caught some of it too and all I can say is 'why Michael, why??'   All I saw was the opening with the stripping and then I had to turn it off when he paraded onstage in his bell-hop outfit complete with the tilted bellman's cap.  He looked so foolish!  


I get that he wants to 'get out there' and do as much as he can but for me, that was a huge step backward.  

Edited by finnzup
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"I must say" ....(in my best Martin Short voice) that there was a wonderful moment on the show this morning when Kelly was left 'ignored' and she and her ever-increasing ego clearly did not like it.

Today on the show she and Michael came out dressed in guest, Glenn Close's movie costumes. All the attention by Close went to Michael .....Kelly left in the dust.... and not liking it all....finally mouthing the infamous words from Fatal Atttraction...."I will not be ignored"....the timing to her credit.... but she meant every word of it.

Michael's genuine naturalness is becoming more and more of a threat to her.

This show could finally become interesting again.....

Edited by gambrelli

I was, however, amazed that they both listened to Samuel L. Jackson "whole story" without interruption.  Then Kelly HAD to say she got goose bumps hearing his story.  (I think she was channeling Nicole Wallace on The View, who always is getting goosebumps from something!)  They both went on to give him a tongue bath by saying he should write a book.  Just sayin'.

Edited by Medicine Crow
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Being rich doesn't automatically stop people from fantasizing about what they would do with all that money (without working for it, no less!) Especially if you didn't grow up with a ton of money to begin with.  Pretty much everyone would love to have however much hundreds of millions of dollars (for free!) and its fun to speculate about.  It doesn't offend me that they talk about it, as they are not out there stealing the tickets out of poor peoples hands to win it.  If they pay for the ticket, they are just as entitled to win it as me or anyone else.  I used to work at a place that had a payday lottery you could buy into every payday and one woman won it four times.  Was I envious of her, certainly, but I would never say she didn't deserve it because she had "won the lottery".

  • Love 3

Being rich doesn't automatically stop people from fantasizing about what they would do with all that money (without working for it, no less!) Especially if you didn't grow up with a ton of money to begin with. Pretty much everyone would love to have however much hundreds of millions of dollars (for free!) and its fun to speculate about. It doesn't offend me that they talk about it, as they are not out there stealing the tickets out of poor peoples hands to win it. If they pay for the ticket, they are just as entitled to win it as me or anyone else. I used to work at a place that had a payday lottery you could buy into every payday and one woman won it four times. Was I envious of her, certainly, but I would never say she didn't deserve it because she had "won the lottery".

. I find it very offensive and it shows how Kelly and Michael are out of touch with reality. Poor things "work" one hour a day for millions. I don't care if they play the lottery, but acting like they can't quit their jobs tomorrow and still live their millionaire lifestyles and also begging people winning the trivia contests to take them on vacations with them, is just insulting when they travel to private islands multiple times a year. Also, Kelly has also said she is worried about paying for her kids' college education , and pretended she suffered during hurricane Sandy when the family was in a luxury hotel for the week. Oh and she pretended her kids has to stand on the sidewalk to get internet service from

Starbucks to do homework when they were at the 5 star hotel that is $10000 a night!

At least act grateful and say you are lucky instead of complaining about your overpaid lifestyle. And don't even joke about not paying for college for your kids when they go to private schools that cost morel than normal college tuition!

I don't begrudge them having things and living well, but when they act like they have to dream about having money shows they are fake, and also greedy. What more do they need? Kelly wears outfits that cost over $1000 a day, so does Michael. They get hair and makeup, and sit and talk for an hour. So.they need to retire from this lifestyle they allows them to spend their days working out for hours and having mansions in the Hamtpons, Colorado, and NYC?

I know they are kidding around, but it's offensive when Kelly was pretending to suffer when people are really suffering to pay for college and survive a hurricane.

If someone comes from a struggling background, usually they appreciate what they have, especially when they saw their parents do jobs like driving a bus many hours a day to just pay bills and have one modest house, ane send their kids to college.

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I agree, goldenpuppy! On today's host chat they talked about all the current hosts who are leaving their shows this year. Kelly and Michael acted like they'd love to leave Live but somehow can't. Give me a break. It must be incredibly difficult to host an hour long show with the material handed to you before airtime. Both seem so self centered when they talk about winning the lottery. I used to enjoy Michael but his ego seems like it's gotten bigger since he arrived. Give him credit though, he does a nice job of moving things along when Kelly gets akward.

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It's called schtick, it's just fake silliness because of the light-hearted nature of the show. Like if a co-worker told you she just booked a trip to Hawai'i, and you say, "oh, take me with you!" You don't actually expect to be invited along, it's just a thing you say. And I'm sure some trip winners would actually like to have Kelly and/or Michael along on their vacation.

Same with the lottery - everyone likes to win stuff and fantasize about how they'd spend the money. Most North Americans have already won the lottery compared to many in the world; is it offensive when you have a house, food, clothes, education, health care to still fantasize about winning more when millions starve every day? "Rich" is relative.

Kelly and Michael are just doing their job, talking about fluffy current issues within a personal context.

  • Love 4

OMG the lottery talk!   They need to just stop!   Kelly is so darn fake sometimes I can't stand it.   They come across like two spoiled, rich, out of touch idiots.   I like Micheal because he basically saved the show after Kelly turned into a disgusting mess, and spent about 10 months talking about her parts,  tampons, sex, and adolescent talk.   But both of them irritate me when they act like they are ordinary.


I laughed when they were doing this before and Gelman reminded them that they had already won the lottery! haha


Goldenpuppy, I remember Kelly having the  nerve to pretend she and her kids were suffering during Sandy.  My friends in NYC lived for 5 days with candles in a basement apt, and she and her spoiled family were at the Mark hotel, in a suite.   She just kept the bull going when she went on Kimmel and said she hadn't showered all week. The comment that her children were standing on the sidewalk to Starbucks to get internet service was sickening. Also, she acted like they were on top of each other.  I guess a luxury suite in a  five star hotel is cramped when you have 3 mansions!     


Kelly just has morphed into a nice, normal,  and real person into a pretensious twit.   Fashion Finder when she babbles on about her clothing being on "sale" and then you click on an outfit and find out the  her whole outfit goes for a few thousand.   It's especially hillarious when she acts like she's wearing rags into the studio, and  you find out her t-shirt is $200 dollars! LOL


Funny thing is, anyone I have known who comes from real money does not brag or act like horrified like  Kelly does if a designer dares put on of her outfits in a department store for the underclass!   She is typically nouveau rich,  They need to show off how rich they are all the time, and also get upset if some average person would wear the same type of dress.     It's super tacky.


Another weird thing is that I do not know one guy who finds Kelly sexy.  They might find her "cute", which I think she is, but they find her too boney to be sexy.   When Michael acts like men want to see  93lb women, who si 5'3" lose her skirt, I know he has to be brown nosing.  

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More and more, Kelly's attempts at being "relatable" grate more and more.  She, and TPTB, are very well aware that familiarity tends to breed contempt and that Kelly's ridiculously fab life and wealth have turned off many.  So, I promise you she is on orders to show her "everymom" side as much as possible.  This is why we get alllll the stories about going to her children's practices and how the kids share the universal hopes that school be cancelled for snow and such.  


Michael is veering into nouveau status arrogance and I hate it.  When he first got the gig, he was much more humble.  He seemed genuinely amazed to even be there.  Inevitably, he has become more self-assured.  He is frantically trying to establish himself as a legit celeb and not just a hot ex-jock.  So, he is playing the status game.  Unfortunately for him, he has chosen some really awful ways to make his mark.  Metamucil?  Those horrid no-name award shows?  His GMA gig has great potential but is not growing as he needs.  


Did anyone catch Kelly's snark about chardonnay and chablis the other day?  Am I the only one who thought she was taking a shot at Kathie Lee?

  • Love 2

Kelly sure got all snippy when Michael rightfully said that you can't compare a person remembering an even differently, such as a couple, to saying you did something that never happened.   I loved when he said that it was as if he said he had a superbowl ring because he watched the game when talking about  Brian Williams.  Kelly got all snotty, and it was a bit weird.     


Whenever Kelly is not getting enough attention, or she Michael dares to step out of his role as the person who adores her, she gets very a snippy.    She however, can mock everyone, and be as obnoxious as she feels.  


Speaking of mocking people,  it sure seems like Kelly has issues with the females in her life. If it's not her mom, she is mocking Lola all the time.   I have a feeling that Lola is going to have some issues with her mommy.    I also have heard Lola speak on FF, and she doesn't have that weird valley girl speech that Kelly has.   

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Quote: "Whenever Kelly is not getting enough attention, or she Michael dares to step out of his role as the person who adores her, she gets very a snippy."

Very true.

She was very uncomfortable when Michael brought up Rosie O'Donnell leaving The View the other day ....I was surprised he even dared to mention Rosie to Kelly. He either doesn't know about their feud....or was having a little fun with it. Kelly was clearly uncomfortable but trying to hide it. Regis once mentioned that she was quite a tough cookie....and I think that's probably true. I agree, she appears to get very 'snippy' if she is criticised in any way yet she seems quite critical of others.....her Mom and Lola especially.

Edited by gambrelli
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At least Kelly didn't say anything rude about Rosie. When Michael mentioned she was leaving due to stress, all Kelly said was something to the effect of "more family time means less stress??"  I think just before that she was mentioning how sometimes family can add stress to your life.


I'm going to guess Michael has no idea about what happened many years ago between Rosie and Kelly. Or, maybe they have made up.

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In a recent article, Rosie said she let the feud go ......due to her recent heart attack and not wanting any more stress in her life......but apparently tough cookie Ripa has not, ccording to Rosie, who still feels Kelly harbours a grudge against her.

You could very well be right that Michael didn't know about the feud.....but I bet he does now!

Edited by gambrelli

I agree, the View should have been cancelled long ago! Live, for all of its faults is well done. It doesn't pretend to be some news show its light entertainment.

Oh, it looks like in spite of Kelly not winning the lottery, she was able to fly away to somewhere warm! Poor thing, I wonder if she had to not buy groceries ( not that it would matter for her with her lack of eating) to afford that trip!

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Anybody watch their Oscar show today?  I caught part of the interview with NPH, and Kelly gushed that he was awesome, which was probably true from her perspective as they are close friends, but it was actually an interesting interview with him explaining the BTS stuff.  He also said he wished he hadn't looked at twitter (cause of course he was getting skewered).


In situations like this I bet Kelly is actually a very supportive friend to him.

Anybody watch their Oscar show today?  I caught part of the interview with NPH, and Kelly gushed that he was awesome, which was probably true from her perspective as they are close friends, but it was actually an interesting interview with him explaining the BTS stuff.  He also said he wished he hadn't looked at twitter (cause of course he was getting skewered).


In situations like this I bet Kelly is actually a very supportive friend to him.

That's because Kelly doesn't give a rat's ass what the "pions" think -- only HER opinion matters!!!

  • Love 1

Well, she's entitled to have an opinion of her own, and as NPH's friend, I would hope she is supportive and says she enjoyed his hosting job (which many people did, Twitter is used more to bitch and complain than to be nice, after all).

And I think you mean peons; I'm sure Kelly doesn't care what subatomic particles think.

  • Love 1

Well, she's entitled to have an opinion of her own, and as NPH's friend, I would hope she is supportive and says she enjoyed his hosting job (which many people did, Twitter is used more to bitch and complain than to be nice, after all).

And I think you mean peons; I'm sure Kelly doesn't care what subatomic particles think.

Top Definition


To be beneath; To be at one's lowest status; worthless; less than.

"You fucking PION U never have any money"

For the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone would want to attend the Post-Oscar show.  You've got to be there by 5 AM.  Host chat is always the most inane of the year as all they do is gush over whatever they can about the various insipid stars and a typically boring show.  There are more packages shown, which further reduces any host performance time.    


Ans everyone gets veritably hit over the head 50 times with the "OhGodIamsotiredbecauseIstayedupallnight" sledgehammmer.  It used to be a point of pride in show business to never let the audience know of any suffering on your part.  Ugh.

  • Love 2

I thought NPH was terrible. I bet Kelly just loved him in his underwear. I was wondering if Mark was sleeping backstage because on Jimmy Kimmel Kelly said he sleeps constantly. The went to anIsland for a weekend recently and she said he slept the entire weekend. He also fell asleep at Jimmy's house on the bathroom floor because the bathmat was so soft. What??

Unless she is exaggerating if he were my husband I would be very concerned that there was something physically wrong with him.

She said she thinks he has Narcolepsy (not sure of the spelling ) or as she likes to call it Markcolepsy.  Unless she is just saying it because she thinks she'll get a laugh. I don' t think it is anything to joke about but with Kelly it's all about Kelly.

Edited by cago
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Unless she is exaggerating if he were my husband I would be very concerned that there was something physically wrong with him.


Of course she is exaggerating.  That's part of her shtick. Marriage to Mrs Ripa is likely rather exhausting.  More seriously, I did not pay much attention to his Amazon (?) show, but didn't that require him to be taoing in LA for weeks on end.  If he's still taping, then he might be dead to the world by 8PM and crash-n-burn all weekend long.  Also, their production company could be amping up a pilot or two.  

For the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone would want to attend the Post-Oscar show.  You've got to be there by 5 AM. 


There did not appear to be many empty seats.  And I suspect 5AM is the time they enter the facility, which would mean at least a couple more hours in line pre-5AM.


ETA: 330AM arrivals in 2013.....



Folks in line @1AM in 2015


Edited by SanDiegoInExile

Kelly's need to make sexual innuedos all the time seems to have returned!   When she was talking about binge watching a tv show, she made it sound like a sexual encounter.  Then she had to make "massaging meat" comments when they were cooking the pork roast yesterday.  I do not get how she thinks it's ok to make those kind of comments with two men, or constantly make sexual innuendos with her male co-host. I can see if she had a female co-host, or if it was once in a while, but she goes on and on and really gets gross at times.   


The cooking segment was funny yesterday.  Michael cracked me up when he was dumping the scallions and garlic on the roast, when it was for a past, and the guest cook scolded him. When the guest cook took Michael's plate, that was also very funny! 

Does this show travel anymore? I've been watching from the beginning and ever since Regis left they haven't gone anywhere. Oscar coverage notwithstanding. Did they have a bigger budget back then? Are Kelly & Michael's salary too big for travel? I seem to recall they would go away every sweeps period to places like Hawaii, Disney World and Niagara Falls. I think they are still owned by Disney-ABC so I'm surprised they haven't even done Disney World or Disney Land. Perhaps, I missed it but I'm almost sure they haven't traveled since Strahan joined the show, right?


Kelly can be so tacky and classless. Lately everything is a middle school level sexual innuendo.

On FF yesterday, Fairh her stylist shows Kelly a clutch that goes with her outfit. Kelly immediately says the she could put her tampons in the clutch. Faith doesn't seem too amused and states that Kelly could also put her cell phone in the clutch. But, Kelly retells her story of dropping a tampon out of her purse at the White House Correspondents dinner. Faith's head is turned and she isn't laughing. We do hear a woman in the background getting into Kelly's story. there is some man sitting near Kelly, but she doesn't seem to care .

I wonder what is causing her to go back to acting like this. She seems to enjoy being raunchy around men. Is she sexually frustrated?

She hasn't been so into the sex talk and tampon talk in a while, now she's doing it again.

Hopefully, she won't hve an opportunity to live out her fantasy of being Miley again.

Edited by orangekit
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 the she could put hwe tampons in the clutch.


I think it's Kelly's way of letting everyone know that she's still young and vibrant......no dried up old lady there!  She really is her biggest fan.


Watched today, snow day for me and couldn't figure out what was different about Kelly's face.  Looked like less make-up, then she mentioned her lash extensions (oh my!) but something else seemed different.  Not sure if she's getting fillers ever so subtly or what. I would say she's gained a little weight in her face, but we all know that isn't the case, lol.


 There's something very different about her face.


Love Hugh Jackman, he's such a talent.  


Didn't linger too long, hubby got up first, said, "I can't watch this..........." then I followed after Hugh, lol.


Sorry Michael, lol.


P.S.  How about her reference to the "f word?"  It was funny, but not 9:00 snow day funny.  I've always read she's got a mouth like a sailor.

Edited by finnzup

I think it's Kelly's way of letting everyone know that she's still young and vibrant......no dried up old lady there! She really is her biggest fan.

Watched today, snow day for me and couldn't figure out what was different about Kelly's face. Looked like less make-up, then she mentioned her lash extensions (oh my!) but something else seemed different. Not sure if she's getting fillers ever so subtly or what. I would say she's gained a little weight in her face, but we all know that isn't the case, lol.

There's something very different about her face.

Love Hugh Jackman, he's such a talent.

Didn't linger too long, hubby got up first, said, "I can't watch this..........." then I followed after Hugh, lol.

Sorry Michael, lol.

P.S. How about her reference to the "f word?" It was funny, but not 9:00 snow day funny. I've always read she's got a mouth like a sailor.

. Your must not be watching the show very much. Kelly has spoken about Her eyelash extensions on the show and on FF. That is how she prepares for the oscars! Botox, extensions and wardrobe! She doesn't need to see movies, for Kelly it's all about looking at herself in the mirror or monitor!

Geese the innuendo thing is just ridiculous lately! Kelly has to laugh forever about the player who had "crotch" as part of his nickname because his lifts his leg so high when pitching. It's like watching a teen who just hit puberty. But then again, this is what she's all about.

It's pretty telling when your male costar says he's afraid of the comment that might come out of your mouth because you make constant Innuendos! Very classy Kelly!

When she was solo during the ratings disaster before Michael? The show was "sex talk with Kelly", and we got trated to anatomy talk about her pubic hair, and the tampon talk about how she needs industrial sized tampons to fit jer, since she must be like the canyon down there!

I do agree that she most likely wants to remind us that she's still flowing like a geyser, so we forget that she really is middle aged and its highly unlikely that really is happening since she is very underweight and also needs Botox shots on a regular basis.

When I watch Kelly its still a mystery as to how she ever got past any audition . The videos of her on Dance Party they showed on Kimmel last week were cringe worthy. Yes, she was a teen, but I think they focused on her because she was so darn out there! Her fakey accent, that almost seemed likes bad attempt to be British was weird, especially since she was from Jersey. She also was so over the top with her affect and couldn't dance, it was comedic! I also notice that Kelly was not some tiny, naturally thin kid, she looked normal, or even a bit chubby. When she acts like being flat and underweight is her normal state, it now sounds as fake as a lot of her other stories of you see her clips as a teen, or remember what she looked like as a teen on the soap.

Edited by marmalade
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Kelly had luck & synergy to land the job with LIVE. She was on a very popular soap (the soaps had bigger ratings on the 90's) with a good fan base. At that point, she had been on AMC for 10 years. She also was young and was very easy coast. She just fit the bill for the show. Unfortunately, she lost a lot of "it" as she became uber wealthy with her 3 homes & product endorsements. I miss the old Kelly. Actually, I miss Regis and Kelly. The show was so much better when she wasn't the "lead". There was something very innocent about her then. Unless, the guest are someone I want to see I usually only watch host chat. When it was Regis and Kelly I would watch the whole show regardless who the the guest were.

I had to laugh today when Ginnifer Goodwin was on. She talked at length about her son Oliver, mentioning him by name many times. After a few more topics were discussed, Michael asked her "what's the name of your son?"  I laughed because had Kelly done that, she would have been attacked on the Internet for not paying attention to the guests ;-) 

  • Love 3

Has anyone looked into the new prizes being awarded?  They must be in some way off the beaten path locales.   The values of at least half of the prizes is close to $4K.  On the previous wheel, all of them were $7K+.   What good does a concierge do in the middle of nowhere?


The energy in chat host this week was a dull as I can remember.  Strahan was definitely phoning it in.  The topics were more insipid than usual.  


Now that MS is fully integrated, it's time to look at replacing Gelman.  This is a very, very, tired show.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Has anyone looked into the new prizes being awarded?  They must be in some way off the beaten path locales.   The values of at least half of the prizes is close to $4K.  On the previous wheel, all of them were $7K+.   What good does a concierge do in the middle of nowhere?


I haven't noticed but some of those prizes look really good! Especially the Fairmont Mayakoba in Riviera Maya, Mexico! Has it been removed from the wheel?

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