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Arrow Stars in Other Roles

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1 hour ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

Are SA and Megan Fox going to be able to sell the romantic chemistry in their new movie?  They look so uncomfortable and awkward in those photos, IMO.  

I thought the same thing when I saw that photo of them sitting next to each other signing autographs and you could have driven a bus between them. Haha. Maybe it'll be better on screen? I won't know because I have no intention of seeing a shitty Michael Bay movie but I'm guessing they did a chemistry test.

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Eh, I still say body language off screen does not mean there will be no chemistry on screen.

It's also a film for kids mostly right? So maybe they aren't gonna be all super sexy? I dunno?

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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Did she have work done on her face? It just looks so different from her Transformers days.

She looks very good in that dress, it's quite flattering. 

I thought it was common knowledge she had a shit ton of work done. She's looked worse. This feels like a toned down version.

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21 hours ago, Chaser said:

Maybe they got to know each other and killed whatever chemistry they may have had. Body language is chilly.

They literally couldn't sit or stand further apart from one another in most of the promotion pictures. 

Megan Fox's lips look awful. I mean she looked ok on New Girl but now next to SA who looks so so normal in comparison, it looks horrible. Her whole face looks like she cannot move it. 

Also SA has money. Why doesn't he buy himself some nice clothes or let someone buy it when doing promotion. I mean he doesn't have to wear a suit but some of that stuff looks like he just remembered to attend this event and couldn't find the nice shirt. I mean, at least he isn't wearing a hat. (Although I think that might have something to do with his hair) 

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Based on the TMNT promo with MF and SA that aired during the show last night, I can't figure out if they are going for cute but advesarial banter or if she does not want to be around him. It seemed like the latter but they tried for the former. I thought MF in Transformers was absolutely gorgeous, and it makes me so sad that she feels (and Hollywood promotes) that she needed anything done to her face. 

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If you enjoy watching interviews that are extremely uncomfortable, I highly recommend those links.  Wow, those were entertaining for the sheer DGAF attitude she is sporting.  And that collider interview, where she says the ONLY thing memorable about working with SA was that he arguing with one of the Turtle actors about his muscles was really stunning.  Fortunately for SA, he is not alone on the list of people who she does not like or has no use for.  I always try to give women in the entertainment industry the benefit of the doubt when there is gossipy reporting about their bitchiness/attitude etc.  But she appears to have earned that reputation.  That said, I actually enjoyed her New Girl episodes - much to my surprise.  It's the only thing I've ever seen her in that was remotely entertaining (including real-life appearances).  This, herein concludes, all of my interest in TMNT 2. 

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While I know MF has undergone several cosmetic "enhancements," it's also possible that she's looking a little...wonkier right now because of that AND the fact that she's pregnant. (Many women's lips and noses swell or widen during pregnancy.) Just sorta throwing that out in the universe because I want it to be true and am hoping that whatever she did can be undone with time.

Also totally agree that they have uncomfortable chemistry. I hope it works better in the movie, not that I will ever watch it.

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I probably heard in passing that she had work done her her face and just dismissed it. I remember seeing her Superbowl Call of Duty commercial a few years back and having no idea that it was her because she looked so different.

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Oh good, Wentworth Miller is using his normal voice (and not that affected Snart voice)...

Official Trailer | PRISON BREAK
Published on May 16, 2016, by Prison Break

ETA: Technically, WM isn't an Arrow actor, but a Flarrowverse actor.

Edited by tv echo
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They must be using kinder filters on Prison Break, both guys look younger than they do on LoT. 

Wonder what show Fox can reboot next.  I was a big OC fan.  How about checking in on Seth and Summer? Willa can be our Flarrowverse connection. 

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Was Prison Break any good? I was thinking of checking it out because I like Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell from LoT.  Was it one of those shows that was good for the first few seasons then got stupid just so they can keep it going?

I'd like a Firefly reboot, however it's probably better that the show didn't get a chance to be ruined. Same with Wonderfalls. For Sitcoms, Better off Ted was better than the Office, I think the name turned people off of it. I've rewatched both seasons multiple times and still love it. 

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First season was great, second was very solid, third was grimdark and I just stopped watching. By the time the fourth rolled around, I just didn't care any more, but from what I gather, there was an Ocean's 11 feel to it. I am curious about this reboot though. Although, where is Sucre in that promo?

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I thought that promo for Prison Break looked very good.  I am surprised.  I did really enjoy Season 1.  Agree with bijoux's assessment of the seasons and I too didn't watch Season 4 except to tune in to see that Michael had "died." But I really do enjoy WM, especially when he is not speaking in his affected voice,.

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Just now, Sakura12 said:

So I could watch Season 1 and 2, read about Season 3 and 4, then watch the reboot? 

Yes.  Season 3 was awful and Season 4 seemed like a totally different show altogether, a show that wasn't good at all in my opinion.  And this is from someone that absolutely loved S1&2 and I adore WM and never thought there would be a time when I wasn't loving Prison Break.  I don't think you need to watch 3 or 4. However, it would probably be wise to at least read about what happened in S4, especially since you might need that information to understand what is going on in the reboot.

Having said all that though, maybe you would like 3 & 4 and would enjoy watching it. WM, DP & SC are still good in their roles in those years.  It is just the storylines for those seasons were not to my liking at all.  S3 was extremely dark and depressing and the color palette is basically dirt brown. Not my thing at all, but you may like that.  And as I stated before, S4 was more of a spy caper with twists and turns but using prisoners as your spies. To me it just wasn't Prison Break anymore.

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I think I'll give the reboot a cold try.  I've never watched Prison Break and I don't feel like going backwards and catching up but I like our boys from LoT enough to check out the new show. Chances are they will fill in enough blanks to make sense.  That's as much effort I'm willing to put into it for now. 

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"First Look" trailer for Training Day. Skip to the 1:20 mark to see Katrina Law's lone scene.

Series is being saved for "later this season."

And, here's the official description for Law's character:


The members of Frank's loyal team include Rebecca Lee (Katrina Law), a formidable officer with killer aim and a dark past...

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11 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

Was Prison Break any good? I was thinking of checking it out because I like Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell from LoT.  Was it one of those shows that was good for the first few seasons then got stupid just so they can keep it going?

Seasons 1 & 2 are worth your time, and Season 3 thankfully got cut short by the Writers Strike, but it wasn't was bad as Season 4 which retconned a bunch of stuff. I could go into more detail/recap in the Prison Break forum. (Also there was a straight-to-DVD 'movie' that came out after S4.)

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Since TMNT got special spots during both F & A, I wonder if we will get one during LoT?

Shear curiosity hopes we do, because those were some of the most awkward interactions I've seen in awhile - but yet I want more. SA face was weird in most of it. And their shared inability to think of a third word was a little shameful. And if it was to set-up flirty banter, it failed miserably.

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Caught ER/Poppy in an episode of iZombie, and she was actually convincing as a Romanian prostitute. Perhaps that is more in her wheelhouse or maybe the writing was just that bad in the flashbacks this season. Now I really wish Arrow had made her a Romanian Prostitute because at least I could believe that element of the story more than a dive instructor being forced to work on the drug fields. Plus OQ helping a reformed prostitute almost writes itself.

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Just TMNT2 stuff...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Stephen Amell "Casey Jones" Behind The Scenes Interview
Published on May 21, 2016, by Flicks And The City Plus

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Interview: Stephen Amell
Published on May 20, 2016, by MadeInHollywoodTV

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18 hours ago, kismet said:

Caught ER/Poppy in an episode of iZombie, and she was actually convincing as a Romanian prostitute. Perhaps that is more in her wheelhouse or maybe the writing was just that bad in the flashbacks this season. Now I really wish Arrow had made her a Romanian Prostitute because at least I could believe that element of the story more than a dive instructor being forced to work on the drug fields. Plus OQ helping a reformed prostitute almost writes itself.

I read in one of her MANY interviews that when she auditioned she made a bunch of different choices, basically it sounded like she went against all her instincts and that got her the part.  I can't imagine how anyone could sustain that when actually doing the role.  Either she's constantly doing something that doesn't naturally sit well with her long term so it doesn't come across as genuine or she reverted back to her normal choices and that's what we got stuck with. 

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So basically its the equivalent of people who use glamour shots for their profiles but never wear an ounce of makeup in real life. Arrow definitely didn't get what it paid for. What's the point of landing the role and then sucking at it because it works against your instincts?  Oh well, its over in a week. 

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So is SA the only one doing promo for TMNT2? Or am I just incapable of finding any pictures of Megan Fox or Will Arnett?


He seems to be extremely excited about this movie. He even brought his kid dressed in green to the premiere. (Is she old enough to see this film?) Hopefully the reviews will be at least good to him because I feel like he wants this movie to be a success so bad. I heard one review that said that if you like the trailer you'll probably like the movie because that is exactly what you will get. 

Edited by Belinea
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I ran across a link to a Facebook live thing with him and Will Arnett on Twitter yesterday. So he's doing some promotion at least. 

The green dress was very cute. Who even knows if the child stayed the whole time. She's still very young, I don't know whether she'd manage to keep still in a movie theater for two hours. I don't know, I just suppose it's a kid film, so is it really any worse than a feature cartoon? 

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From one of the interviews (perhaps ET), he said Mavi would go to the premiere and the most likely home. Apparently she has a fear of theaters when the lights go down. Also he thought it might be a little too old for her.

His family was gorgeous,  but he definitely looks younger at the premeire. Happiness & some rest can sure benefit some people. 

I'm glad for him. I hope its well received by audiences. 

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I don't remember if it was posted here, but I found an interview where he said his daughter wouldn't be staying for the movie because at the moment she gets scared in the movie theater - plus he needs to explain to her the stuff he does it's not real before he can make her watch it. Which is funny because he's been repeating for a while how his daughter kept repeating "Casey Jooones", like the both of them couldn't wait for her to watch it, haha.

Edited by looptab
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I'm sure it will make money, it has explosions and fighting and nostalgia. Will it be a success? That I don't think so. The first one made money but it was still a "ehh" movie. The only thing that will be good for SA, is if he stands out in the movie that will probably be more big actions shots than plot. The first Casey Jones in the originals did for me I still remember him. 

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Maybe they're trying to get more women to go see the movie? I'll admit it, I'm kinda tempted to catch a matinee price show just to see SA on the big screen.

Edited by lemotomato
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that's interesting, most of the commercials I've seen barely feature SA or Megan Fox. In fact it wasn't until recently that we even got more than the 1 scene of Casey Jones skating away from RockSteady.

Even now I think there's only 4 Casey Jones Scenes that have been in the trailers, the car scene, the one with Fox/SA talking, the skating scene and the Casey rescuing April.

Foe the most part, IMO the trailers focus on the Turtles and BeBop/Rocksteady as well as the action.  The most recent trailer is the first time I even heard Splinter's voice and a glimpse of Shredder.

Still giving this PoS a pass but, I might go track down the 90s version and give it a watch. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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12 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

Every commercial I'm seeing for TMNT2 hits Casey Jones hard. Like maybe more than the turtles themselves. Are they really happy with him, and/or planning a spinoff, or what?

I think they might be happy with his performance or/and they recognize that people are emotionally invested in the character already.  I hope he is the good part of the movie.

The fact that they have a review embargo for June 2nd (I believe) makes me believe that the movie itself won't be such a critical hit and they are trying to keep the bad press away. I think studios really fear that bad word of mouth will affect not only the opening weekend but also the coming weeks. (e.g. BvS) However I believe that the movie will make money simply because of the known property. 

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The trailers I saw SA was a blink and you'll miss him and I was looking for him. They were all mostly the Turtles, Bebop and Rocksteady and Megan Fox looking like Britney Spears.

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17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm guessing the movie will be terrible, but will make a ton of money, which is the important thing.

it depends on its opening weeked and international performance. The big difference between TMNT and TMNT2 is timing, 2014 movie was released in the (normally) weak summer month of August.  TMNT2 is going to have a lot more competition big movies opening every weekend

5/27 - X-Men, Alice Through the Looking Glass

6/3 - TMNT2  and Me Before You (don't think it'll be a big draw)

6/10 - Warcraft, Now You See Me 2, The Conjuring 2 (don't really think this will be big)

6/17 - Finding Dory, Central Inteligence (looks hilarious) 

6/24 - Independence Day Resurgence  (looks awesome) 

In 2014, TMNT knocked GotG out of #1 spot for 2 weeks but then lost the #1 spot back to GotG. There wasn't really much competition in August. 

It'll be interesting to see what happen, even Civil War was only able to hold the #1 spot for its opening weekend, Angry Birds took the lead this weekend. 

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I believe Civil War held it for 2 weeks. I do think TMNT has the ability to win its weekend.

It does look like June is going to be merry-go-round of Title holders.

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They are now doing trailers that have Casey and April sneak into a police department and CJ wants her to kiss him so they don't draw attention and he just stands there like a fish with his eyes closed while she looks at him like an idiot. 

He's so not Oliver Queen. 

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