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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I deserve this for bothering to watch but I cannot take one. more. second. of Phyllis and her FUCKING sneer-whine. ugh. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

THIS x a million.  I can't even look at her hideous face, ugh, that leering, reptilian snarl is the epitome of ugliness.  I have been fairly indifferent to GT until now, but she can fall off the show any time.

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THIS x a million.  I can't even look at her hideous face, ugh, that leering, reptilian snarl is the epitome of ugliness.  I have been fairly indifferent to GT until now, but she can fall off the show any time.

She is like a shape shifter. When she plays sweet and loving, she's adorable and sparkly and beautiful. When she plays angry she's a horrific reptile and I hate to say this but kind of ugly. It's soooo strange. They need to be careful with how long they let her be this spiteful freak. It is not at all something we should be forced to watch. That's why I want her to do the deed with Billy FAST. So she can realize she's gone nuts and start being nice again -- at least to Jack. 

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CDN was snoozeworthy.


Luca is basically scheming to take Passkey right from under Jabot, so of course Jack is right in the end to want to rid of it. Phyllis and Billy declare war against him because of it. They will not lose Passkey and will fight him for it while being oblivious to Luca. Oh and we got to watch Billy walk around shirtless with Phyllis. I guess we will get a lot of these scenes coming now. 


Noah on trial for a crime no one cares about. Leslie is back looking pretty.

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I cannot stand how Jack is made to stand there while Phyllis actually calls him "scared". FFS just call him chicken you hateful freak. Can someone, anyone, please remind Phyllis that JACK WAS THE VICTIM IN ALL OF THIS. That if SHE feels violated and fucked up, how would he feel?




And JT shirtless??? Gross. Please not again, show. At least MM had the decency to wear undershirts.

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Christine trying to bring up Delia to Billy while on the stand was low. Nice Billy snapped back at her if she wanted to go there and she backed down fast. 


Why does Faith already know that Nick and Sage may adopt this baby? They never should have told her until it was a done deal, especially with how loony Sage is being and how not wanting this baby Nick is being. 


Phyllis is more rabid than Victor, she can stop talking at anytime. She also has no stake  in Jabot. Jack should fire the liabilities. 

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THIS x a million.  I can't even look at her hideous face, ugh, that leering, reptilian snarl is the epitome of ugliness.  I have been fairly indifferent to GT until now, but she can fall off the show any time.

I know this probably belongs in "Unpopular Opinions" but.....the way Phyllis is being written now, Michelle Stafford could play this better.  The character is totally unpredictable from one moment to the next, making every stupid choice possible, and bat-shit crazy as hell.  This is what Michelle Stafford does better than anyone else - let the stoning begin.

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I know this probably belongs in "Unpopular Opinions" but.....the way Phyllis is being written now, Michelle Stafford could play this better.  The character is totally unpredictable from one moment to the next, making every stupid choice possible, and bat-shit crazy as hell.  This is what Michelle Stafford does better than anyone else - let the stoning begin.

Who would ever stone you, Movinon!!


I pretty much hate MS but I see what you're saying. GT is a good actress but the material isn't working to her strengths.  When she's playing this crazy, irrational Phyllis, she's too mean and cold. And so she's unlikeable. MS added an element of camp (intentionally or not) and that made it more palatable. Or you somehow didn't take her as seriously. With GT she gets so vicious that I can hardly watch her. And it pains me, actually pains me to see her be so wickedly cruel to Jack (in tone, words, body language). I love watching them together but I find myself having to FF or else I get far too upset. 

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Who would ever stone you, Movinon!!


I pretty much hate MS but I see what you're saying. GT is a good actress but the material isn't working to her strengths.  When she's playing this crazy, irrational Phyllis, she's too mean and cold. And so she's unlikeable. MS added an element of camp (intentionally or not) and that made it more palatable. Or you somehow didn't take her as seriously. With GT she gets so vicious that I can hardly watch her. And it pains me, actually pains me to see her be so wickedly cruel to Jack (in tone, words, body language). I love watching them together but I find myself having to FF or else I get far too upset. 

I agree.  The only time I really hated MS's Phyllis was during the Daniel rape baby s/l.  The rest of the time I just thought MS was funny.  GT gets these really nasty, vicious, reptilian expressions on  her face that frighten me.  I don't like her at all.

Edited by peacheslatour
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GT reminds me of the pretty/ugly woman on Seinfeld. (Remember? She would completely change depending on lighting.)


I love her when she's lovely. And I can't stand her when she's mean. I particularly can't stand the meanness because it's directed at Jack, who is constantly kissing her ass and currently written as "Please Punch Me" guy. It just looks abusive. And add to that she's all sweet to fucking Billy (a friendship that has still not been explained on screen AFAIC). If Jack hadn't been victimized so brutally maybe it wouldn't seem quite so nasty (though I doubt it) but either someone needs to direct her to work really hard to be "warmer" and more human when she's playing hurt and angry or stop writing her so nasty all the time.


I really don't see how anyone can see this as "strong" or fun or remotely sympathetic Phyllis. She's just witchy. And I like Phyllis!! And GT!!!


The depths to which this story continues to fall....I pretty much loathe every character now. Jack will always be in my heart because PB. But even he's tough to take with his lobotomy.

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well, on today's cdn show, nick confides in sharon once again and this time it's that herb wants shawn to move in with them and he doesn't think it's a good idea. love he feels comfortable enough with sharon that he confides in her so much.  but why wouldn't he, as jm said, sharon knows nick better than anyone and i totally agree.


also, noah told judge moxley he was sorry he said it was victor's idea not to turn himself in because, ultimately, it was up to him.

he got probation and has to do 60 hours of community service.


nick and sharon are both proud of him.

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Saw a recap for today's Canadian and seriously show? "Department heads" have no confidence in Victoria Newman? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care how they have written Victoria for years (flipping from baby rabies to writing children's books). She has ALWAYS been a smart, respected business woman. Not a criminal like her freak brother Adam or an idiot like her other monkey brother. But Luca is running around saying everyone is wondering why Adam isn't CEO (and who the hell is this fucking Babaloo Prince to Newman Enterprises)?? And Victoria begs Daddy to tell the Department Heads to please trust her. She needs her SEVENTY FIVE YEAR OLD FATHER to tell everyone to be nice to her because she CANNOT command her own authority????? So now Adam is going to have save Newman from stupid widdle Vicki??? 


Fucking hell Pratt. You ASSHOLE. Your hatred for women is obscene. How is he not fired?????

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This bugs me way way way more than Ashley. Ashley was at Jabot for years but she was in the lab. It was true to history to say she was a scientist first. Jack was in the executive offices from his inception as a character and has always been presented as competent. As well he's been CEO for far longer. 


Victoria has always been at Newman. She has always been respected. And was groomed forever before fucking Adam appeared. This is complete bullshit plot driven CRAP. And Pratt doesn't have the capacity to write it in a manner than isn't misogynistic. 


It would be like saying -- out of the clear blue sky -- that Jack is too dumb to run Jabot because reasons. In Victoria's case the only apparent reasons are she is a female.


As for Jill, ugh. The writers destroyed her the moment they made her Cane's mother. There's been no looking back since.

Edited by miamama
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Where are they going with this Billy Phyllis crap????? I don't get it. Today's show has Phyllis apologizing to Jack, admitting she's been insane with rage and risking those she loves, including Jack, that she loves him and supports him and knows he's a fighter etc. and how stupid and wrong of her to suggest otherwise. (Of course she said all this because of Billy's advice -- he also said no one knows her like Jack knows her). But she was Lovely Phyllis again. Pretty and soft-spoken and sweet. Then they had sex (in their bedroom off-screen but we see them in bed after). Happy times. WTF? Meanwhile sad sack loser Billy gets dumped again by Victoria (are we going to have him begging, her saying no every episode now?) At the end, post-coital, aglow Phyllis sends Billy a text saying "We worked it out. Hope you get your happy ending." And then he was sad because no happy ending for him.


ugh. I give up. I think I know what's coming and then I don't. Billy loves Victoria. Phyllis love Jack. But now Victoria seems done, no question. Although of course that is meaningless. And Phyllis -- today -- loves Jack and is sane. This can turn on a dime, ten times per episode under Pratt. 


And just yesterday we had -- sorry to bring up the image again -- shirtless Billy and Ugly Phyllis in his suite. And both of them ganging up on Jack.


Also today Jack and Neil were talking about addiction and the foundation and so I'm still thinking Jack is going to fall off the wagon (and will need a reason). Will Jack "think" they are having an affair? And Victoria will tell him about their "embrace" and he'll go off the wagon because he's currently in some serious denial about all that's happened. Phyllis had to remind him today that Victor "hurt him, too." (That also amazed me. She remembered!) And he just dismissed it. But Jack would never think they'd have an affair. I doubt he'd even believe it if it happened (without proof or admission).


Or are they going to go with a triangle of two brothers for Phyllis (how revolting a thought). But if so, then why did they reunite Villy? They were broken up so why have that Coma Week bullshit with Billy and have Victoria fall for him again? Why bother? So that doesn't make sense. 


Ah, fuck it. The writers make it up as they go so why am I trying to figure it out.


Also, can Billy and Phyllis stop saying Victor can't sue them from jail. Victor wouldn't sue them. Newman Enterprises would. And that entity exists -- is existing -- without Victor. And aren't they at all concerned Victoria, the new CEO, will sue? She knows the whole fucking story and she's pissed off at Billy AND Phyllis. And she is -- was once -- smart and cut throat. Victoria - written as she should be -- would do it in a heartbeat because it's the smart business move.

Edited by miamama
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If memory serves, this isn't the first time Victoria has been in charge of Newman while Daddy was away so I don't understand why suddenly Victoria is incapable of running NE and people are doubting her leadership and abilities. I think Pratt needs to get his head out of his ass and do some research on the show he's writing for.

Edited by jewel21
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So Summer knows that Victor wanted Adam to take over yet she still didn't speak up and voted for Vicky?  Now is surprised the company is trouble and is wondering why Adam didn't want the job? She said herself she rather it be Vicky than Adam, now she's suddenly worried. She's not a good proxy holder. I guess with the Newman heads not wanting Victoria and wanting Adam it'll end up with the family going to Adam to save the company or him taking over somehow. 


Good for Nikki for calling out Summer on only supporting Victor and asking her to go to courthouse to support Noah. 


Where is Mariah? She's been nowhere in Noah's case/trial. 


Surprised Vicky was there sitting on Noah's side. She was more against him than Billy. She was also stupid for going to Victor, she ousts him from his company, then wants him to call people from JAIL to reassure company employees? Stupid Vicky. What did she expect him to do?


I can't wait for Victor's head to explode when he finds out Noah's engaged to Marissa. 


When Sharon walked into Sage's apartment to Nick drinking, Shawn on the couch and that whole tension filled room she could totally tell something was going on. That's why she brought it up at the bar. 

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I am not surprised that some of the department heads dislike Victoria. They showed us their example of those against her and it was a slimy man pissed that the little woman was in charge. Victoria was able to shut him down real fast which also said a lot. He then ran and called LUCA of all people. It just screams they are pissed the daughter and not the son took over. At the end of the episode it seemed Victoria figured that out. I do think Adam will join her there. As will Luca. He is determined to get back at NE and since Victor was a bust, I think he will try to work Victoria next. 


Phyllis lightening up with Jack wasn't surprising. She was letting her rage take over. I do think this entire episode was a final push to show that Phack & Villy are the couples and Billy does care about his brother. Yada yada. It is the set up. Phyllis is trying. Billy did too but was rejected. They agreed to push back Passkey. The are doing all the right things. We are to remember this when Billy and Phyllis have their moment of weakness and have sex. They are not the bad guys. They messed up. They don't deserve to lose everything when they tried so hard. RME. I can see this mess coming a mile away.

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Where is Mariah?

For her sake hopefully getting a better role on a better show.

"Department heads" have no confidence in Victoria Newman?

They did the same thing a few years ago with the roles reversed, Adam took over, nobody had confidence in him, and they all wanted Victoria to take over. I remember one particularly annoying scene where Victoria was acting smug and superior because Adam didn't even know that the person in charge of their Dubai office liked flowers or golf or something equally stupid. I also remember wanting to put my fist through the screen if I had to hear the word "Dubai" one more time.
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Phyllis lightening up with Jack wasn't surprising. She was letting her rage take over. I do think this entire episode was a final push to show that Phack & Villy are the couples and Billy does care about his brother. Yada yada. It is the set up. Phyllis is trying. Billy did too but was rejected. They agreed to push back Passkey. The are doing all the right things. We are to remember this when Billy and Phyllis have their moment of weakness and have sex. They are not the bad guys. They messed up. They don't deserve to lose everything when they tried so hard. RME. I can see this mess coming a mile away.


hmmm. This makes sense -- in a PrattSense kind of way (i.e. heavy handed). I'm actually relieved if this is where they're going. I was afraid they were actually going to have Billy and Phyllis fall in love and make a go of it. I noticed they also had a clear shot of Vicki's wedding ring (still on her finger).


Question: What is Luca's deal? Isn't PassKey a Jabot project (I still don't get this). So why he is skulking around Newman and trying to get in there? Is this how the idiot pair lose Passkey? Also why is he in on the deal? Because he gave info on Marco? Who gives a fuck? Say thanks and get lost.


Also, where are the home sets? People go from GCAC to the Top of the Tower and back again. It's ridiculous. And Jack and Neil, a couple of addicts, chit chat about addiction in front of 400 bottles of booze. RME.

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The preview of Billy once again half dressed with Phyllis only this time Victoria walks in on it. They doing to much. This pairing only works with Victor, Jack, and Victoria. Take them out the equation and what is the point of Philly? I am failing to see it. I mean it is funny is a over the top predictable way but at the same time I am already bored. How many scenes of this we going to see.


Chelsea wants to hire Sharon and Sage to work for her? Why? Sharon accepts. Sage does not. She is focused on the baby that is likely never going to be hers. Her obsession is out of control but Shawn is totally scamming them. Nick senses it but he is pushing that gut instinct away because Sage is making him doubt himself. 


Lily and Cane basically made up during the commercial break. I am no fan of these characters but the writing for everyone else compared to the Newmans and Abbotts is embarrassing. 

Luca is after Jabot and Newman. He basically confirmed it. He plans to take Passkey and gain control of Newman Enterprises. He is totally behind those executives suddenly being against Victoria. No doubt he promised them $$$ and power to help him oust her. It is well played and his idiot helper in Summer will help make it a reality.

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The preview of Billy once again half dressed with Phyllis only this time Victoria walks in on it. They doing to much. This pairing only works with Victor, Jack, and Victoria. Take them out the equation and what is the point of Philly? I am failing to see it. I mean it is funny is a over the top predictable way but at the same time I am already bored. How many scenes of this we going to see.


This Billy-Phyllis bonding began five or six MONTHS ago. I don't think I've ever seen this much buildup to any relationship under JFP, let alone an "affair" or whatever the hell this will be. They have NO CHEMISTRY. The thought of them falling into a kiss makes me laugh or gag or both. They have no history. They have no actual bond -- despite the bullshit the actors are spouting. It's painful. And Zombie Revenge Woman and Tin Man are fucking weird. 


As I said months ago when we saw the first anvils: Let them get stupid drunk after fights with their respective spouses at that out of the way bar people go to to "hide" -- and have sex. It will be horrible and stupid and awkward so just DO IT and get it over with. Instead they are trying to sell this as organic and believable etc. It's just making it worse. Having sex with your brother's wife (or with your husband's brother) is never going to bring you sympathy, even on a soap.


Victor, Jack and Victoria ARE the only reason these two and their ridiculous friendship matter at all (if it can be said to matter; and that is not at all clear). Yet we are watching HALF A YEAR of them bonding?? Come the fuck on. No matter how much time you give them, if they have sex, it will be disgusting and vile and everyone will rightfully hate them. (Except Victor, who will freaking love this. I hate Victor but even I will enjoy him laughing his ass off at what a LOSER Billy is.)


In other news: I FF a lot but that Shawn girl has something likeable about her. The actress I mean. And this means they'll make her hateful and irritating very, very soon.

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When is somebody going to KILL Dummer?  She seriously decides to give Marissa crap about the Babaloo, then crosses her arms with that "Slap me HARD" look on her face demanding to know why she went back to the Babaloo and then JUDGING her???


KILL HER NOW.  I can't believe this character is allowed to exist as anything other than an organ donor.

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Nick wants Chelsea to hire Sage, but what is Sage's fashion skills? Sharon has a long list of Jabot/Newman occupations in Fashion and other parts of the companies. Isn't Sage a former bartender at the Underground? What perfect fit did Chelsea think Sage would make at Chelsea 2.0? 


Wasn't Marissa sleeping with Luca just like a month ago? As awful as Summer is, she was right to call Marissa out on her getting back together with Luca when she so called thinks Luca is a monster.


Noah thinks punching someone in public is a good idea minutes after being found guilty and put on probation?


Sage walks in just to hear Nick tell Shawn it's up to her to keep her baby. Uh Oh Nick, you're in trouble now. Also funny is that after the trial, Sharon actually calls her husband to tell her about the verdict and where she is. Meanwhile Nick doesn't contact Sage at all about where he is or what happened at the trial.  Nick's so over this marriage.

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Wasn't Marissa sleeping with Luca just like a month ago? As awful as Summer is, she was right to call Marissa out on her getting back together with Luca when she so called thinks Luca is a monster.


Except it's Dummer doing the criticizing.   The girl child who married Austin, who has blithely taken Gwampaw's side against her mother and Jack, the asswipe who has the gall to upbraid her family for finding Gwampaw's actions unforgivable, who regularly judges - and in public - the sins or perceived misdeeds of others while always giving herself or Gwampaw a pass.  And always does it with a sneer on her face.   No matter Marissa's misdeeds, being raked over the coals about them by Dummer is like getting told your hair looks bad by Trump.


She may be as smart as "they" come, but she's also a shallow, empty-headed twit with far too many freely expressed opinions about others while being all too ready to let others praise her for no good reason.


Plus, this is the Babaloo she's defending - who her Gwampaw hates at least as much as he hates her mother.  It makes no sense.

Edited by boes
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we will get our regular cdn eppy tomorrow tho, so i am looking foreward to reading the recap..:)

Thanks, I didn't know if I should look for it in the middle of the night or something.

I love my Tar Heels, but don't want to watch the others over & over. (But if Duke loses that's ok. I'm in the anybody but Duke club.)

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so the reason billy was doing up his pants was because phyl brought him a suit and told him he was going to go to the gala..


oh, apparently jill has signed over the chancellor estate to billy and he takes phyl to the estate to show her.  while there, the power goes out so they sit by the fire with a glass of wine...

got this from blondie215 at soc.

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Thanks, I didn't know if I should look for it in the middle of the night or something.

I love my Tar Heels, but don't want to watch the others over & over. (But if Duke loses that's ok. I'm in the anybody but Duke club.)

Duke sucks.

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so the reason billy was doing up his pants was because phyl brought him a suit and told him he was going to go to the gala..


oh, apparently jill has signed over the chancellor estate to billy and he takes phyl to the estate to show her.  while there, the power goes out so they sit by the fire with a glass of wine...

got this from blondie215 at soc.

Thanks, Valley. So the gala -- for something important to Jack -- is at the GCAC where Billy is staying. He can't dress himself? And they LEAVE the building to go see his house? Oh my god, this is how Pratt comes up with the sex setup???? This is not accidental. They are going OUT OF THEIR WAY FFS.


JT is on the show for what, a month? And he gets the Chancellor set? What a load of shit.


Ashley Abbott has no home, BTW. 


Can't decide if I hate Pratt or JFP more. I think it actually might be JFP.

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oh, i forgot, they can't leave cause the storm took a tree down and it fell across the driveway.


do you think pratt will have esther work for billy now and his maid?


wouldn't put it past him but i will keep my fingers crossed he doesn't think of it.

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GT looks great in her black dress and I liked her hair upswept.  Hillary is a great bitch!  Loved her asking Ashley if she was going home to change!  LOL  Looks like Cane has a bit of a tan thankfully.  Wow they really gloomed down Chancellor Estate and of course gave it to Billy! 

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RIP Katherine Chancellor's iconic Mansion.


Jill Ferret Phelps "renovated", painted it Puke Blue, and gave it to Patrick Drake so he can shack up with nuPhyllis there.


Now it's as dark, drab, and gloomy as Jason Thompson.






Keep your pants on.


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Hillary is a great bitch!  Loved her asking Ashley if she was going home to change!


She is. But Ashley would not waste her time with this little girl. It's so ridiculous. And her leverage is that she knows Ashley is seriously ill????? You know what would have worked? If Hilary found out about Ashley's paternity. THAT would have been soapy. She could have been good Hilary (as she became), but knowing that juicy secret she'd be way tempted to revert to old Hilary and HAVE to use this HUGE secret to get power and respectability. And they could have added to the story by showing Ashley treating Hilary like nouveau riche trash or something. Give Hilary a reason to be so nasty to Ashley.


Why not bring out the Ashley paternity secret? It's a real use of history. And I'd love for Ashley to tell this Undertaker Billy that they share no DNA whatsoever.


At least they aren't having Hilary caught between father and son any more.


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Billy did not just say that Jill sold him Catherine's estate?! That was the only part of the episode that registered with me and I'm still so mad about it. And now they're  redecorating it? But, it was a piece of history!


Ugh, fuck you show.

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The main thing that is starting to bug about Billy and Phyllis is the writers trying to force this as a love story and not a one-time hookup or just, moment of insanity. And the repetitiveness of the dialogue is getting tiring. "We're so alike!" is uttered at least once every episode with these two. Jack doesn't deserve this, but I know PB will be amazeballs.

Victoria and Luca kinda amuse me and I don't care for either one of them. The actors kinda work together in an odd way.

Edited by HeatLifer
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spinxella quote

RIP Katherine Chancellor's iconic Mansion.


Jill Ferret Phelps "renovated", painted it Puke Blue, and gave it to Patrick Drake so he can shack up with nuPhyllis there.


Now it's as dark, drab, and gloomy as Jason Thompson.

And now there is puke [not blue] on my computer.  (Thanks, spinxella. You saved me from watching and having several episodes of stomach emptying.) The 'homey' little scene of Phylis sewing Billyman's pants...!!!!!!!.  Are they fucking kidding me?! Bitch can't nuke mac and cheese and no way she can use any needle that isn't attached to a syringe full of poison and I'm supposed to believe she knows anything about sewing? #you'reanidiotpratt #I'mnot  Call the fucking GCAC concierge and get a real tailor.  (oh, right, she's boinking her slug/husband...)

See, this is why I don't watch the show.  It's so much better, in a purgative way, to find out from Preverts what unfathomable idiocy the IIC are up to.  Phillyboinking pales in comparison to the desecration of Catherine's beautiful home.  Thank god they removed the furniture and china and hopefully the stair case (Catherine's last walk).  I couldn't take these newbie clowns soiling it.

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jewel21, NO.  jill DID NOT sell the estate to billy, she simply signed it over to him..


provisio is that he is to keep a bedroom for her and colin when they are in gc.

Thanks for the clarification. Although I still cannot picture Jill ever signing over that estate, not even to Billy. Why not just let him room there while she and Colin travel the globe or whatever? SMDH.

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