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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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7 hours ago, bannana said:

It was abuse.  He is in control and then when she did not comply he grabbed her by the arm, and hurt her. This is not a situation where he is a caregiver.

The plan, I am assuming, is something financial, and he is in control of her finances.

Ok. Big thanks @bannana. Well this story continues to be good. 

  • Love 3

What a difference a day makes!  No Abbotts today unfortunately. 

So Juliet is suing BS for sexual harassment!  Game on!

Chloe has to be alive, there is no way the ME could examine her, make a report and have the body shipped in 24 hours or less.  Nick and Chelz show up at the private funeral and Kevin goes ballistic on Nick.  Which is okay by me, but pretty shoddy on his part, since Bella and Esther are there.  They all kept talking about how Kevin needs to take a trip out of town for his own sake, so I guess that is


how they write him out.  Like Dummer, he just never comes back.

  • Love 4

Chelsea and Nick had quite the nerve showing up. I don't blame Kevin for flipping when they appeared. 

Paul, Billy, Cane all should have went. Where is Mariah? Her best friend Kevin needed her, her mom made it but Mariah and Devon are MIA.

Anvils that Kevin's going to need to leave town to grieve. At least they're going to let him keep it open to return.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, pearlite said:

No, no Abbotts yesterday, and that was a major let-down for me.

As I scraped around for something to take my interest, I was pleased, as always, to see Father Todd. Corbin, I know you're well connected in the business, and I can't wait to see you as Vulcan on American Gods [Amazon Prime sucks rocks in Canada--haul the laptop into the living room, turn on AirPlay, and pray for decent sound pick-up--sorry for that OT rantlet.], but could you come back a bit more often, please? Maybe just a little exorcism on Victor? Would that be too much to ask?

And the hauled the church set out of mothballs, too. That was a plus. On a soap, closed-casket is always a signal that what's in there ain't what we think...

But then, but then...Lily and Canepire amid the teacups, boring my aged ass off. And then...and you know better than expect anything nice about Sharon to emerge from this particular keyboard...we have Dr Joyce Sharon doing Midnight Lace and just dazzling Yanni Greaseman with her sage insights into the human psyche. Save me, please, or get me into the UO Lounge, stat. Apparently a Genoa City fashion memo went out in honour of NotDeadChloe, though, because Chelsea showed up in a similar item from the Lana Turner/Ross Hunter Collection. Migawd, MCE can't act her way out of a bag, can she?

Edited by pearlite
  • Love 5

I was three eps behind but managed to catch up earlier this evening.

I can't believe Chelsea and Nick had the gall to show up at the funeral. I am totally on Kevin's side and understand his anger and rage. They keep mentioning he should leave town which makes me sad because this will be his exit story line and I wish they had chosen to keep the character.

I liked the scene where Kevin shows up at the GCAC to tell Gloria the news about Chloe. Gloria was nice and supportive and loving. It was a lovely scene.

Grahame is weird and fishy. I don't trust him and I hope Dina isn't in trouble.

And I agree with Artsda, Mariah should have been at the funeral to support Kevin.

  • Love 8

Well, on Friday’s episode they took what should have been a really fun episode (Chloe’s funeral) and turned it into the Young and The Subtext, where almost the entire show foreshadowed or rehashed a bunch of stuff that doesn’t make you wonder why the ratings for this show are doing an Isaac Newton.  The leftovers again were somewhat mitigated by the odd funeral fashion show of little black dresses, almost of all of which were just flash enough to make them engagingly inappropriate for a funeral.  About more which later. 

Open on Chelsea at the cop shop, sitting at a police officer person computer, as one does, and dishing with Nick.  Enter Fat Paul, sporting a late age belly of noticeable proportion (in fairness it may be a Carl Williams tribute belly), who thanks them for doing their bit for Chloe (like contributing indirectly to her sad end, if what is seen to be believed) and oh, by the way, I am not in this black suit and tie for purposes of choking irksome bloggers after a few victory pops - it’s Chloe’s funeral today!

What?! What?!!?! What?!?!!? marvels Chelsea - we’re not on the list?

At Crimson Lights Sharon is in the first of the little black dresses and as boners go, it’s not bad.  She looks so nice she might just be looking nice.  But enter fun Scott who, in perhaps the oddest answer ever to ‘how are you?’ tells Sharon ‘Pretty morose.‘  Wha wha.  Thanks, Debbie.  Who talks like that?  But it’s not all bad news... he’s now got a black suit to go with his blue suit and Sharon’s going to be his plus one for the funeral!  Hurrah!  Dating is fun! They discuss the apparently departed, Sharon noting that she and Chloe bonded over a propensity to lose the plot big time but Sharon notes (somewhat primly given her track record) that mental illness excuses nothing (like being a kleptomaniac who burns down houses, one presumes.) 

Meantime, in his grief, Kevin is on his phone to assure the funeral is filled with Chloe’s favourite flowers.  Which is exactly the thing to worry about with mere minutes until the start of the proceedings.  Michael wonders if he’s OK today.  Kevvie assures he is not.

Enter Hillary, who will spend the entire episode roaming around town in a bright red halter top pant suit.  And to give her her due, Miss roams in one fierce package and she’s not afraid to undulate it, no matter what she’s talking about... which today isn’t much.  She first visits Victoria to share that all evidence ever of anything to do with the Hockey League has been destroyed and swap a few wistful tips for being a lady boss.  (Honestly, I don’t know exactly what the was the point of everything Hillary said today except for her line in the ‘next on the Young and Restless’ that they air to beg you to come back.  And that’s not technically part of the show.) 

Back at Crimson Lights Billy is not wearing a little black dress, but a light gray suit and no tie which suggests he is so over Chloe.  (But it turns out her send off really does have a list and is a private affair, so only those invited should attend. Actually I think this came out of Cane and Lily’s scene but you know the less said about those sleep aids the better, in my view.) Oddly they split this exciting scene into a two location shoot occupying both halves of Crimson Lights.  You can see why.  He chatters with Juliet about how bad he feels and how well she’ll do at her next job.  He offers he a reference (surely for the unemployed the equivalent of ‘it’s not you, it’s me.’)  He does not offer to actually help her find a job, rather stingy for a guy related to or having she banged most of the major employers in town.  Juliet’s zen about it all.  It is the first deep foray of the day into deep subtext.  

Yuck, Cane and Lily at GCAC, sitting and talking.  Essentially for the whole show their dialogue constitutes they are so happy they are happy, Billy should have been fired, scandal is bad.  Blah blah blah.

At Lauren’s tiny low level millionaire apartment, Kevvy moans about the Real Hypocrites of Genoa City dissing dead-ish Chloe when none of them are prefect.  (And given the body count that pretty much everybody has racked up at one time or another, in fairness I’m not going to haggle with him.  But arguably Chloe was the most annoying largely unpunished killer so maybe that justifies the shunning of which Kevvy so disapproves.)  Enter Lauren in the next little black dress of sadness.   It is written all over her face, in the sense that it is plainly immobilized with grief.  Her heart is also heavy and she’s not going to hide it so she’s gone with quite a low cut over her bosom(s), which are apparently battling her head for the largest part of her body Daytime Emmy.   

From boobs to boobs, Cane and Lily continue to prove Sharon and Scott really aren’t so boring, nattering more about themselves.  But... enter Hillary! who has taken her pantsuit and sauntered over here now. 

Billy and Victoria subtext about Juliet is cool. In moment of hilarity for Billy haters - all almost all of you - Victoria gets a call from the league and like the saavy business woman she is she about poops her pants and pole vaults into the office part of the set to take the call - effectively slamming the door in Billy’s face.  Thought of you guys.

So quick cut back to Cane and Lilly and hotpants, who does a lot of subtext about marriage and challenges and temptation and ok, we get it.  Do something already.

At the cop shop, Pudgy Paul and Fleshy Father Todd hug natter about - I think it was grief and loss and how they know the pain of having a nutter in the family because Patty.  (God I miss that woman... a least shit happened back then.)  I guess they figured these two are on today so we better kill some time and throw ‘em some lines even if it is just exposition and cliches. 

But get us to the church on time for Chloe’s funeral... Kevvy arrives to make sure those flowers are up to snuff.  Now is Elizabeth Hendrickson really bad at holding her breath or does that closed casket mean she’s more Victor dead than Kay dead?  Kevvy has a video flashback about their great love to make us all sad.   I was moved... to FF. 

At Crimson Lights - the drama’s starting to perk now - Chelsea plays live action Wheel of Fortune but the only letter she’s interested in is the I: I’m her friend!  I need to be there!  I need closure! I need peace! Nick, in his annual thinking with his actual head scene of the year, doesn’t agree.  He points out Chloe killed his brother (who I’d like to point out lists among his accomplishments stealing Nick’s child to give to the woman he frightened into miscarriage before playing a scene that earned the Daytime Emmy for Most Disgusting Use of a Fireplace.)  Chelsea’s like I’m going and you’re my plus one.  So I guess we know who takes the pants off in that family and who wears ‘em.

Begin in earnest the catwalk at the Spring/Summer 2017 mourning collection.  And enter Esther, who is wearing a sleeveless black number with dog collar of faux pearls.  It would be quite cunning at a cocktail party but at a funeral just looks a tad too stylin’ for a grieving mother who’s lost a child that considering her level of cognitive function and personality is amazing Esther ever got a shot at conceiving in the first place.  But great dress anywhere else.  Esther, seriously, has never looked this good.  Enter Father Todd, who Esther assures she will be totally fine, even though he didn’t ask.  I give the writers’ credit here... they cleverly hide Kate Linder’s utter inability to play complex human emotion behind the announcement that Esther’s doctor has medicated her, which is so something Esther would say to anybody.  Anyway, it’s the pills talking. 

Gloria swoops in wearing her vaguely inappropriate funeral fun wear... a smart black pantsuit with diamante buttons that say I’m grieving for style.  The pills keep talking as Esther accuses - well, states in all honesty - that Gloria HATED Chloe so spare her the phony grief.  It’s on!  Gloria takes the long route to get around that one and anyway, she’s on the list.  It’s off! 

Billy and Victoria’s scenes do not improve with the arrival of the Dullersons, now walking and talking. (Who knew?)  Not sure what was accomplished.   The scene seems structured solely for the purpose of Cane to do his best smug asshole. And it’s a master class, no two ways around it. 

Rapii mini scenes now.    Father Todd tries to movingly deliver lines written to move us.  He hasn’t got a prayer.  In either sense.  When, in the last black dress of the day, enter Chloe and Nick.  Kevvy lashes out in a fiery attack (though considerably less fiery than that time at Gina’s.)  It’s your fault Chloe is dead!  He’s obviously buying a U and there’s plenty on the board.  You did this!  You did that! Everyone rises in shock.  Even Lauren’s face shows it.  It’s on! 

But lets interrupt this with a flash back to Cane and Juliet sex.  Is it a 'this can’t be good moment' or just boring?  Who can tell?  Meantime Hillary has ambled over to Crimson Lights now (she got her 10,000 steps in today)  and comes across Juliet, who assures her she’s animosity free when it comes to BS (short form for Brass and Sassy, not what you might have thought.) 

So even though we seem on the verge of a fist fight at a funeral, let's end with Billy and Victoria. Enter an Under Five (is there a Bell Productions Benevolent Fund for the Payment of Under Fives? cause this show is paying out a small fortune lately.)   Victoria, who plainly doesn’t watch a lot of television, unthinkingly accepts the brown envelop this stranger hands her before - shock! - telling her ‘you’ve been served.’ (Psych! would have been funnier.)  Victoria speed reads or rightly infers they’re being sued.  Billy What?What?Whats? with the guilty face of man who’s usually the reason for all trouble in Genoa City.  Victoria reveals:  Juliet is suing us for sexual harrassment!  Cane just got interesting only because his balls are in a vice now, though it’s safe to assume he’ll be sticking with his Canestipation face to show it.)  

Scenes for next week:  funeral brawl verges on Category 1; Hillary not only thinks Juliet has a case but it’s explosive!  All that subtext and foreshadowing comes home to roost as Cane gets the news.  Yeah, I know you all hate Billy but I’m really looking forward to this and I think you should prepare yourselves for the necessary 'I hate Billy but when he said to Cane' posts.)

Edited by Big Blue Plate
just once I'd like to post something without a typo
  • Love 18

Wonderful recap, Big Blue Plate!

Count me in the "I hate Billy but Cane...." camp, because although I am majoring in "ButtBiscuit, the Legend and the Recipes", my first utter loathing goes to Cane.  While I will undoubtedly only give Beely grudging credit, I WILL enjoy watching Cane dissolve into a puddle of Elmer's glue when the smug hits the fan.

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, boes said:

Wonderful recap, Big Blue Plate!

Count me in the "I hate Billy but Cane...." camp, because although I am majoring in "ButtBiscuit, the Legend and the Recipes", my first utter loathing goes to Cane.  While I will undoubtedly only give Beely grudging credit, I WILL enjoy watching Cane dissolve into a puddle of Elmer's glue when the smug hits the fan.

And, when Lily finds out that Cane boinked Juliet and tanked her campaign and commercial, oh, Cane, you are so going to be shrieked at.  With Hilary standing in the background chuckling to herself.

  • Love 18
On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 0:34 AM, TwistedSoul7 said:

I think the doctor is helping Chloe be free from Victor and we will learn this very soon.

I think that's entirely plausible. There is a down-the-road spoiler out from SOD/SI posted on Friday at SC about Kevin "looking for Chloe", which is weird. Why would he need to go look for her if she was found in Louisiana by Chelsea and Nick, offed herself and her body is being returned for burial to the family in Genoa City? It makes no sense unless Kevin has someone open the coffin and he discovers it empty. But that might have been the so-called "nuclear option" both Good Doc and Victurd spoke of. It's possible the doc split the money with her and made arrangements to stage her "suicide" death, complete with fake EMTs, and a scene shot of her on the morgue slab for the benefit of viewers, but didn't show the subsequent one in which she comes to and walks out or is revived by the doctor and whisked away. She's in no danger of discovery and Turd and the doc don't have to worry about Chloe naming them as accessories in her crimes. All three would have had much to lose by her return to GC and any subsequent criminal prosecution, so this seems the most likely scenario.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

They should have broken up over the Joe thing. I don't mind Lily when her creepy husband isn't around. She would be cute with Ravi or even Noah.

I agree.  Cane is what makes Lily intolerable to me.  Away from him she's okay.  

Wouldn't it be great if we never, ever again, had to see Cane motion to Lily, tell her to "Come here" and then muffle the little woman into silence by engulfing her in his slug hug?  Next time he tries to shut her down that way, Lily needs to raise her knee at JUST the right moment and make him sing soprano.

  • Love 6
Just now, boes said:

I agree.  Cane is what makes Lily intolerable to me.  Away from him she's okay.  

Wouldn't it be great if we never, ever again, had to see Cane motion to Lily, tell her to "Come here" and then muffle the little woman into silence by engulfing her in his slug hug?  Next time he tries to shut her down that way, Lily needs to raise her knee at JUST the right moment and make him sing soprano.

That would be fucking hilarious.

  • Love 4
On 6/2/2017 at 0:29 AM, miamama said:

Either way the Graham stuff is a great layer in an already good story. Did not see that one coming. 

Agree this is a good turn. I still maintain Dina could be a nice permanent addition to the B Team.  They've written some unusual dimensions (humour) to the character that I've never seen (the brief victory dance over December Ashley and May Ravi, the whole dinner party vibe), she's kinda fiesta and even though it is softening I think there's always going to be some residual tension between her and Ashley.   She's also realistically apologetic for who she was.  She regrets the pain she caused but she owns the decision anyway.  If they keep the character an interesting character there's some good stuff to be milked from having her continue to interact.  She's kind of like the now (mercifully) clawed back Gloria... a good B team who does great stuff in that context.  Gloria's dialled down scene with Jack the other day was quite nice.   

Re. Lily and the knee it would still result in the same, strained, smarm smirk.  I almost feel sorry for the bastard, stuck with a mug like that.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, boes said:

What if we encouraged Lily to put her all into it, reach deep within herself?

It could be her Eve Harrington moment.  I know I'd nominate her for the Sarah Siddons award if did.

Me, I'm fantasizing about a "We'll always have Paris" moment...just for thematic unity, y'know. Lily grabs one of those Eiffel Tower statues those two favour, and, well, slips it into darkness.

  • Love 4

Anyone? Bueller?

I liked this episode. I enjoyed Kevin telling off Chelsea and Nick and watching them slink out of the church. I think GR did a good job showing his grief during the funeral scenes. The coffin opening and Kevin fainting were great and I found myself happy that Chloe was alive, even though we all suspected that was the case. Also, how on earth did she not run out of air in that coffin? Are they not airtight?

The whole Nick/Chelsea/Connor/Christian thing was kind of dull. Also, I know it's probably wrong to say, but the kid who plays Connor looks like he wants to kill everyone. He just kept staring at the kid playing Christian to the point it made me uncomfortable and I wanted to take him away, heh.

Juliet is being coached/encouraged by Hilary but it seems they're reaching and I don't see her winning in court, even with Leslie by her side. Does this also mean we'll be seeing Leslie soon? Also, I guess Cane is finally going to have to fess up to Lily about Tokyo.

The Reed/Maddie stuff was meh. These two are no Billy/Mackenzie/Raoul/Brittany that's for sure.

  • Love 6

I like Chelsea, she was a good friend to the nut job Chloe. She did, after  all , kill Adam! Or at least thinks she did. It took a whole episode for her to open the coffin lid, but we got there! And Kevin faints, as you would.lol

Cane is about to get his comeuppance, he's a bloody awful actor,and Hillary is only helping  Juliet to hurt Lily. Plus, did Juliet even have sex with Cane, the earring in the bed, the Cami in the case. Those were all planted imho. 

So will Kevin and Chloe run full tilt into the sunset, I do hope so, and grab Bella on the way out! 

Mattie fan girling over Reed, and Reed liking her is too funny. Everything happens at open mic night at the underground!:) 

  • Love 2

Buffy's return from the grave was more dramatic, but this wasn't too bad for a soap.  But how would drugged and presumably dehydrated Chloe be able to muster up the strength to pry up the coffin lid?  Surely she's weakened from her ordeal.  And if her hair looks better-groomed than Victoria's, I'll be very pissed off. 

Can't wait till this afternoon's ep! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, IOU Payne said:

Buffy's return from the grave was more dramatic, but this wasn't too bad for a soap.  But how would drugged and presumably dehydrated Chloe be able to muster up the strength to pry up the coffin lid?  Surely she's weakened from her ordeal.  And if her hair looks better-groomed than Victoria's, I'll be very pissed off. 

Can't wait till this afternoon's ep! 

i don't know for sure, but probably the same way phyl woke up from being in a coma for a year and then walked back to gc .

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, IOU Payne said:

But how would drugged and presumably dehydrated Chloe be able to muster up the strength to pry up the coffin lid?

oh, for fcuks sake.  This* is stupid to the nth degreeeeeeee. (the idea of her hiding out in the coffin and being able to open it*, not your comment IOU Payne.) I don't watch (listen up, Sony) but I read this board and thought the same as most Preverts that she wasn't dead.  But to have her jackinthebox her own funeral? Reaaallly....Having trouble believing: 1.) an unexplained death was not autopsied** and 2.) a body was shipped to another state without proper embalming.  **my ex died in a hospital from a heart attack and they still autopsied him to find out why.


2 hours ago, F. M. said:

Nobody has seen her. After the shot at the morgue, she could have showered, eaten and hopped in the coffin last thing, that probably has a false bottom and comes with ventilation. I know, I have watched this soap too long, lol

Thank you, F.M.  I still don't understand why she had to hide in the coffin, but this helps my brain's logic centers.  Couldn't she have just shown up in a frisky little black dress and mingled with the mourners until some one noticed her?

Edited by MollyB
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, F. M. said:

Nobody has seen her. After the shot at the morgue, she could have showered, eaten and hopped in the coffin last thing, that probably has a false bottom and comes with ventilation. I know, I have watched this soap too long, lol

in one of the mags, eh has confirmed she is still taping.

there is a spoiler thread at soc about it.

  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, MollyB said:

oh, for fcuks sake.  This* is stupid to the nth degreeeeeeee. (the idea of her hiding out in the coffin and being able to open it*, not your comment IOU Payne.) I don't watch (listen up, Sony) but I read this board and thought the same as most Preverts that she wasn't dead.  But to have her jackinthebox her own funeral? Reaaallly....Having trouble believing: 1.) an unexplained death was not autopsied** and 2.) a body was shipped to another state without proper embalming.  **my ex died in a hospital from a heart attack and they still autopsied him to find out why.


Thank you, F.M.  I still don't understand why she had to hide in the coffin, but this helps my brain's logic centers.  Couldn't she have just shown up in a frisky little black dress and mingled with the mourners until some one noticed her?

Well no, because I'm pretty sure they want everyone to believe she is dead, that's why the small funeral. I think this is the way, Kevin and Chloe can leave the soap.

  • Love 2

So I only caught the last few minutes, and I gather that Prick and the Doc orchestrated the death of Chloe, with her agreement and cooperation?  Then why is she back in GC hiding at the church?  And did Kevin actually see her or did she hide from him when he came to from fainting.  The bit that I saw at the end was him saying he is going away.  Is that to find Chloe or is he going with Chloe?

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, bannana said:

So I only caught the last few minutes, and I gather that Prick and the Doc orchestrated the death of Chloe, with her agreement and cooperation?  Then why is she back in GC hiding at the church?  And did Kevin actually see her or did she hide from him when he came to from fainting.  The bit that I saw at the end was him saying he is going away.  Is that to find Chloe or is he going with Chloe?

I would assume, it's because they are both leaving the show, they would/could go together. I know one thing, the sooner this stupid storyline is over, the better.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, bannana said:

So I only caught the last few minutes, and I gather that Prick and the Doc orchestrated the death of Chloe, with her agreement and cooperation?  Then why is she back in GC hiding at the church?  And did Kevin actually see her or did she hide from him when he came to from fainting.  The bit that I saw at the end was him saying he is going away.  Is that to find Chloe or is he going with Chloe?

He saw her hand (or someone's) lift the lid on the casket and fainted dead away.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, bannana said:

So I only caught the last few minutes, and I gather that Prick and the Doc orchestrated the death of Chloe, with her agreement and cooperation?  Then why is she back in GC hiding at the church?  And did Kevin actually see her or did she hide from him when he came to from fainting.  The bit that I saw at the end was him saying he is going away.  Is that to find Chloe or is he going with Chloe?

at a different board i read that while kevvie is still "out from fainting" chloe leaves him a paper that says her death is fake and gives him the address to the good dr.'s house..after reading it, he decides not to tell anyone she is alive and instead says he has to leave town for a bit and goes to chloe.  chloe hopes that she, kevvie and bella can leave together.

how the heck do you cloak this with that "reveal hidden content" thingie.

Edited by valleycliffe
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

at a different board i read that while kevvie is still "out from fainting" chloe leaves him a paper that says her death is fake and gives him the address to the good dr.'s house..after reading it, he decides not to tell anyone she is alive and instead says he has to leave town for a bit and goes to chloe.  chloe hopes that she, kevvie and bella can leave together.

how the heck do you cloak this with that "reveal hidden content" thingie.

I just saw the start, Chloe hopped out, gave Kev an address and said she will meet him there( hopped back in)and said that they would be coming soon..who? no idea. LOL

Edited by F. M.
  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

at a different board i read that while kevvie is still "out from fainting" chloe leaves him a paper that says her death is fake and gives him the address to the good dr.'s house..after reading it, he decides not to tell anyone she is alive and instead says he has to leave town for a bit and goes to chloe.  chloe hopes that she, kevvie and bella can leave together.

how the heck do you cloak this with that "reveal hidden content" thingie.

Thanks @valleycliffe.  No need to cloak in this thread unless it's a spoiler not in today's CDN.

Okay, I am trying to get caught up on my DVR ep, but he does see her, when he comes to, and she tells him to trust her and meet her at an address she gives him.  I found it highly implausible that he would leave her in the chapel, after just learning that she is alive and she also says there are people coming and he has to get out of there.  Pretty sure my husband would stand his ground or make me go with him.

Funny line, Kevin says to Chloe, how long have you been in that coffin?  Which she doesn't answer but it is a good question.

Edited by bannana
  • Love 9

Kevin's whole reaction is bizarre, he just blithely accepts that she is alive and that he will go on the run with her, in the span of a few minutes.

It turns out that the nuclear option is as was surmised by Preverts:  Prick and Doc, with Chloe's knowledge, faked her suicide and her death.  She also took a paralysis pill that made her appear dead, but she could hear everything.  And, oh yeah, remember how just days ago Chloe was completely out of it and practically drooling?  Well now she is back to her normal self, miracle of all miracles.  The doc says that Prick has arranged everything, and as soon as it is dark, he will be taking her back to his home in Louisiana.  Doc, I think you underestimate Chloe.

  • Love 9

Are they not airtight?

After they're sealed they're pretty airtight, but not 100%. Most funeral directors will ask the family whether they want the casket open or closed, depending on whether the body has been embalmed. Not every state in the US requires embalmment (Texas is one and I believe so is Louisiana) and a coroner doesn't do that. If a body is not embalmed, the funeral home will need to seal the casket because of decomp and the coffin won't be opened after it's sealed even for last second changes of heart by family members to see the "loved one". I think the writers were playing this pretty fast and loose about the sealed casket. In no way would Chloe have been able to raise what was supposed to be a sealed casket lid without an outside assist (though I've got to say, most coffins today except the very costly solid mahogany ones, are pretty lightweight. The average child could raise the lids of most of them, but nobody can easily do it after it's sealed completely without a tool). "The family" supposedly made the decisions about burial details, casket, etc., but it's best to assume that Victor's hand was all over this. The only thing that's got me scratching my head is whether we're to believe that Victor actually intended for her to be buried alive, which is what a lot of folks are arguing. I can't see SSM having Victor actually have orchestrate this woman being buried alive unless they've given up all intent to "redeem" him. Maybe the good doc decided to step in at some point and he split the money Victor paid him with Chloe to use in her ultimate escape, which he helped set up unbeknownst to Victor.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 5
Just now, Capricasix said:

My husband and I were watching yesterday when Chelsea said, "I wonder how things are going over there?" (over there being the funeral) He said, "How the hell does she think things are going? It's a funeral! DUH" ?

She was so fucking stupid to go anyway. Chloe killed her husband, everybody knows it. What did she expect to happen? "Oh hi, thanks so much for coming?"

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Toomuchsoap said:

The only thing that's got me scratching my head is whether we're to believe that Victor actually intended for her to be buried alive, which is what a lot of folks are arguing. I can't see SSM having Victor actually have orchestrate this woman being buried alive unless they've given up all intent to "redeem" him. Maybe the good doc decided to step in at some point and he split the money Victor paid him with Chloe to use in her ultimate escape, which he helped set up unbeknownst to Victor.

From what I saw, @Toomuchsoap, is that the "nuclear option" was a plan between Doc and Prick, in the event that anyone found Chloe.  The plan appears to be to make it look like she died, so that people will stop looking for her.  And she was in on it.  And then she is supposed to return to the Louisiana Doc's prison house.  That last part I am sure she is not on board with.  But I don't get from what we heard today that Prick wanted her buried alive. 

What I don't understand is why Chloe had to be in the coffin for this plan to work.  They could have faked the death and then sent a sealed coffin.  What was the point in having her in there other than making me laugh my ass off when she lifted that lid.  By putting her in the coffin, they opened up the opportunity for her to flee again.  So that makes no sense.

And why was Pricktor so broken up when he heard Chloe "died"?  He was alone then.  Conversely, when he heard that Jack was being tortured and that Kelly died, he chortled.

This is a pretty stupid plotline.  Especially Kevin just walking away from her in that church.

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good gosh almighty, just reading at a different board about lauren trying to be all badazz and confronting sharon and likening her to sheila...

i am hoping the writers will allow sharon to react to lauren's attack by putting lauren in her place.

if lauren doesn't like it that scott is dating sharon, then perhaps it would be best if she confronted scott about it not sharon....scott is the one doing the persuing not the other way around.

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