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S01.E05: Other Women

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GUILT — Mel (Melonie Diaz) is worried about Niko’s (Ellen Tamaki) safety, so Mel and Harry (Rupert Evans) come up with a plan to protect her, but Mel will need her sisters’ help. Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) notices that Macy (Madeleine Mantock) is upset about her situation with Galvin (Ser’Darius Blain), so she offers to do some recon with her, but they discover that things might not be exactly what they seem. Meanwhile, Maggie’s sorority sister Lucy (guest star Natalie Hall) turns to her for some help, but Maggie struggles with telling her the truth because it could jeopardize her sorority future. Amyn Kaderali directed the episode written by George Northy (#105).  Original airdate 11/11/2018.

Ok, so as a whole, this episode was actually pretty well done. I did like Mel for once and thought her story with Niko brought on some solid acting (not necessarily from Ellen, but from Melonie Diaz). I thought there were some flaws here and there (how did Niko never wake up when Mel was in the room doing something witchy-related?) but I thought it was a lot stronger than Maggie and Macy's independent romantic drama. 

I did have an issue with their plot, though. It was a good one...if this was much later in the season. We are on episode 5. We don't know Niko and we've just started to see Mel/Niko as a couple. Niko hasn't actually been in the show that much. So for this major history altering spell, although cool and what I expect of the Charmed Ones, especially when given permission by the Elders....it's too early for it to happen. This would have worked in the season finale because this is a MAJOR spell. You cannot throw such a big spell at them this early on and expect it to make a huge impact. Plus, it seemed like it was...really easy to perform the spell. All they needed to do was draw on the floor, and Mel didn't even need to be there. As cool as the effect was when Mel/Niko were together when the spell was being performed, it lost some of its impact because I was just figuring out my feelings on Niko, and on Mel....and of them together. 

Also, I think Harry attempted to explain why the shapeshifter was after Niko but....was it that hard to vanquish the demon to protect Niko? I must have missed some lines in there, because I was thinking about why the demon couldn't have been vanquished and why Mel HAD to go through with such a spell. 

As for the Maggie and Macy stuff....let's start off with Maggie, shall we?

Maggie's love triangle blows up in her face, to no surprise. Parker dumps Lucy, which wasn't necessarily a surprise but I kind of expected him to be a dick and stay with Lucy. And Maggie takes all episode to tell Lucy, who is understandably pissed when she's told. I just....I'm not a fan of Parker because I think he's evil or will turn evil. Plus, he just feels creepy. He could very well be a demon. He DOES wear a lot of black, after all, and demons in this show have been wearing a lot of black so far. They're not very subtle when it comes down to it. 

As for Macy...girl, you deserve better than Galvin. He's not just boring, but he's a complete dick. He keeps throwing around the phrase "getting blown off." Which, ok, it sucks that she's been busy and they haven't really talked, but the Halloween stuff was only two weeks ago, I presume. Some people have their busy periods and suddenly he's deciding that he's going to be a pissy bitch toward Macy and openly date another woman? Ok, he's allowed to date the likely demon girl to his pleasing, but I'm pretty sure Likely Demon Girl isn't making him be whiny about Macy and how unfair it is that she's not throwing herself at him. Perhaps I'm overreacting about him, but we've seen even less of him than all the other love interests but the last few times we have, he's been pouting about something dumb. He's really going to need to stop that now.

As for Likely Demon Girl, either Macy performed the spell wrong or she's some other supernatural creature. As nice as it would be for her to be genuinely good, I don't think they're heading that route. I just....I'm having a hard time liking Galvin because of the way he's written. 

I did like getting a little more about Harry and how he has no human memories. It's clear that it'll become a plot point later, but I don't mind.

  • Love 8

So right now the series has kind of come to a standstill in terms of quality for me. It is better then the pilot but hasnt continued to grow.

So Harry is living with TCO because the Elders have taken the BoS to dissect it of any hidden spells? The sisters are ok with it but I wish that this is one thing that we would see them fight back against. Is it a spell book that has been in the Vera family for generations?

We get our 'demon of the week' in the form of some dusty shape shifting demon who appears to be related to black suit demon guy who is some big time guy in the science field! We are spending way to much time on this evil shape shifter dust dude. They are spelt everything out for some odd reason, like down to the T when it came to his motives and what he was doing throughout the episode.

Social media stalking for Maggie and Macy of their respective crushes. Galvins new beau is of course perfect in every single way. Not sure why they have to put it out there that Galvin may be under the spell of a Succubus or why we need to be so held up on each of the sisters loves lives so early.  Sure something magical ends up being up with Galvin but it is tbd and we just get to see Macy make a fool of herself. I am glad that the secret is out about Maggie kissing Parker even though of course it had to lead up to this drama. OF COURSE Parker breaks up with whatshername because he's into Maggie and of course Maggie feels bad so she tells whatshername what happened and OF COURSE it pisses off whatshername.

Mel gets to spend her time trying to protect Niko. Her powers apprently dont work on hellfire or at least are still to new to her to have any effect on freezing them, thats good. Not sure why Mel wouldnt regroup with her sisters after she knows that Niko was targeted by a demon. She's paired up with Harry majority of the time just so we can get boring plots with Maggie and Macy. FINALLY Mel calls for her sisters...but its only because she wants to turn back time. This is still something that is way to soon in the series. We are only 5 episodes in, we havent been able to get that attached to Niko or Niko/Mel as a pairing and what is to stop the sisters from doing this with other mortals? If this requires the power of 3 then how is it working with only Macy/Maggie? At least there are consequences for messing with history, now Mels out of a job since Niko is the one who got her up for it. 

It is still weird that The Elders who are mortal witches are able to grant immortality and create whitelighters. How sweet the sisters who just gained a sister are now already bringing Harry into the fold with being part of their family since he lives with them now. 

Ending the episode on this demon cliff hanger wasnt the right choice to go with. It should've ended with the Niko subplot and the sisters comforting her.

Edited by Primal Slayer
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I did have an issue with their plot, though. It was a good one...if this was much later in the season. We are on episode 5. We don't know Niko and we've just started to see Mel/Niko as a couple. Niko hasn't actually been in the show that much. So for this major history altering spell, although cool and what I expect of the Charmed Ones, especially when given permission by the Elders....it's too early for it to happen. 

I had the same feeling about it.  I know it was supposed to be sad, and it was reasonably well done, but it was hard to fully feel its emotional impact.  

The evil demon guy's plan makes no sense anyway.  All he was after was DNA of elders?  How hard would it be to find out about Trip's fishing lodge and go there to check it out?  There was no need to murder his partner.

It looks like Trip was hiding a lot from Nico.  He should have been more nosy about the sisters from the start, if he was investigating the mother's death.  Why was he working on the case, anyway?  

Similarly, I don't care enough about Galvin for a subplot about his evil sex partner.  

And I don't care enough about the sorority head to care about Maggie telling her the truth.

3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

So Harry is living with TCO because the Elders have taken the BoS to dissect it of any hidden spells? The sisters are ok with it but I wish that this is one thing that we would see them fight back against. Is it a spell book that has been in the Vera family for generations?


I didn't buy that either.  The Elders are awfully intrusive, and their security sucks, considering we saw the paint can being taken.

So even that "big bad"/fake scientific guy doesn't even know who is killing elders?  

I find it annoying when the audience knows way more than the characters.  It makes it more frustrating to watch.  

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I did like getting a little more about Harry and how he has no human memories. It's clear that it'll become a plot point later, but I don't mind.

I think this is the only thing that actually intrigued me on this show so far, which I want to see more on.  Even though I normally find Harry annoying and/or boring.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Camera One said:

I think this is the only thing that actually intrigued me on this show so far, which I want to see more on.  Even though I normally find Harry annoying and/or boring.


I think Harry is the most interesting thing.  I definitely think his lack of memories will play into something soon.

Ugh there is soooo much wrong with this show.  The reversing history spell was wrong for the all the reasons raised above but it just didn't need to be done. Not much at all had been tried at all not to do that. It literally cracked me up. I guess when your a witch and your getting a little sick of your significant other you can just reverse history... and not have to deal with that messy break up. What is the point of being the "charmed ones" if they  have to take such drastic measures. 

Galvin is not working but this episode really annoyed me. It is the anti feminist quality to it. The trope about the jealous woman is a trope but why on a show that is trying to portray itself as feminist? Macy is a great character and I enjoy the actress (she was on the Tomorrow people before this) but the writers just give her nothing.  

The only thing I thought was good was when the sisters asked Harry to live with them as a member of the family. It was oddly touching and I think that was due to Rupert Evans playing it like it almost sparked a memory. 

Edited by BooBear
  • Love 5

Another thing that bothers me with the whole Niko situation besides it being extremely rushed is that this is the first time that she was targeted by a demon, it should take a lot more attacks for TCO to get to changing history. Though I'm still not sure why dusty the demon immediately went in for the kill after he got the vials. At least with hellfire instead of a quicker method. 

  • Love 1

the romantic subplots involving Maggie and Macy were boring. I have no interest in Parker, but maybe this means the sorority story is over. I also hope Lucy doesn't become evil since she seems like a nice person. As for Galvin....I've found him boring since he first appeared and his neediness is way too much. She had other plans twice, along with other things going on in her life, and instead of understanding that she needs time he decides to get a new girlfriend, which is fine, but shoving her in everyone's face is such a scrub move. Even if it turns out that he's a good guy, everything we've seen from him spells horrible and pathetic. Macy can do better. Summer too. Since Macy was the only one to see the mark, does this mean that her father is a demon? Also, if Macy needs to get close to Galvin in order to get an image of that mark, why doesn't she enlist Mel's help to freeze time and then they can grab it without any awkward hugging involved?

The only good thing is seeing Maggie and Macy bond more. The two do have chemistry and work well together, so that was nice.

The Niko/Mel subplot was meh. It seemed like something should have happened well into the season and not in episode five. Seemed way too soon, but at least with the three girls now having no romantic partners anymore, maybe we can get more sisterly bonding and charmed one stuff.

Overall, the episode was just okay. I feel like they need to have this episode in order to move things along and get the sisters more together so I suppose that works.

Ohh, also this is the second demon involved in the science field and seeing as Macy is probably part demon does this mean a love of science is only something demons are involved with?


Edit: Someone on reddit made a point that the quickness of the plot is due to the show only having 13 episodes first, so the writers wanted to tell a complete story in case the show gets cancelled. I guess with that regard, I can understand the quickness.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
  • Love 3

If they wanted to tell a complete story, Nico should have lost her memory at Episode 11 so there would be 2 episodes to reverse it and give the show a happy series finale.  Heck, they could even have started the show with Mel and Nico meeting.  There was zero advantage to dropping us into the middle of the relationship including Nico being with her ex which was quickly forgotten.  The episode with the fake mom being brought back was also too early to have any sort of emotional impact.  The showrunner just doesn't seem very good at pacing and planning.  Plot points just come out of nowhere and all the characters with the exception of the 3 sisters are very thinly drawn.

  • Love 3

Overall, I liked this episode and I'm here for the season. However, as CheezyXpressed said, this is moving quick. I feel like I've watched about 2 seasons worth of plots within 5 episodes. Already, we know about Elders, their mom was an elder, elders are being killed off, Harry's backstory, Whitelighters having no memory, the Harbinger of Hell, the Source of all evil, their powers are already growing, and more things I'm sure I'm missing or forgetting. Right now, it feels a little like information overload. 

I really like Macy and Maggie's scenes. They have a rice rapport, and they already feel like sisters. I'm not sure I like how intrusive Maggie is with her telepathy powers with her sisters, but I do appreciate that she seems to be in more control of her powers. I hope it grows to her no longer having to touch people.

I like Lucy more than Maggie, and I felt sorry for her. I'm not sure why we already have a pseudo love triangle, but I hope this means it and the sorority storyline have already concluded. 

Mel's powers are useless when it counts. I know Piper had a bad case of the "it's immune to my powers" as well, but we are on episode 5, and I think every episode since episode 2 has shown her powers to be useless. Now, she can't freeze Hell Fire and the Shifter demon could break her hold. She's somehow less useful than Season 8 Phoebe.

As for the main plot, I agree that I have no idea who Nico is or honestly, who Mel is. When Mel entered the classroom and told Harry that Nico woke her up for her interview, the moment left me cold for three reasons. One, we never saw this as an audience, this seems to go against Mel's current personality, and three I forgot Mel was a professor at the college. I know it was mentioned in this very episode, but eh, it didn't stick with me.

I also feel I'm learning a lot more about Harry than I am the girls. Also, if death is the one thing that can't be altered, are whitelighters turned before they die?

I had no idea what Galvin's name was before I saw it on the board, and I find it hard to care about this demon marking.  I did like that the spells were in English this episode, and I liked the rewriting history spell. I hope the show keeps the English spells and adopts the poetic, other worldly nature of seasons 1-4 Charmed spells are they were rather hypnotic and catchy.

The show itself is okay. I wish it would take more time to develop the characters. They still feel rather empty to me, and I want to like them, but I don't feel I've been given a lot of reasons to yet.

  • Love 1

I like Harry and his reaction to the family thing was moving.


I don't really care that it was rushed, I was just really excited that all the romantic bullshit seemed to be getting the bum's rush. And I really hope the sorority thing is done but I'm sure that angry Lucy is a great target for demons and other baddies to use to get at TCO.

Edited by welnoc

I agree with the consensus that the show is expecting too much too soon. We don't have enough of an emotional investment in either Mel or Niko to really feel any gut-punch from their break-up. There's too much demonic plotting in the background too early. The girls haven't really done anything interesting with their powers either. In the original series, we got to see the sisters experimenting and learning how to control them. Everything here feels like Season 2 material rather than only five episodes into the first season. 

I don't see how Galvin can be perceived in a positive or sympathetic light either. He knows damn well that Macy has only just discovered her biological sisters very recently and it's a huge change in her life. Why does he expect her to drop everything and focus exclusively on him? Frankly she's better off without him but I don't think the writers realize how badly he's coming across. 

If this puts an end to the sorority storyline for Maggie then at least we've taken one positive step forward.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

Edit: Someone on reddit made a point that the quickness of the plot is due to the show only having 13 episodes first, so the writers wanted to tell a complete story in case the show gets cancelled. I guess with that regard, I can understand the quickness.

On most shows I might buy that but the entire point of these reboots is that they get big ratings out of the gate based on their name alone. If anything it should have been the other way round... going slow and tepid as to not lose the built in audience. My suspicion is they are trying to get these plots of the way so they can tell their own story.  I might even be suspicious of network interference at the start. Thus now trying to disconnect Mel from the college and reverse history and make it so Harry could have a family out there. Seems like they are rushing to get to the story they want to tell. 

38 minutes ago, BooBear said:

On most shows I might buy that but the entire point of these reboots is that they get big ratings out of the gate based on their name alone. If anything it should have been the other way round... going slow and tepid as to not lose the built in audience. My suspicion is they are trying to get these plots of the way so they can tell their own story.  I might even be suspicious of network interference at the start. Thus now trying to disconnect Mel from the college and reverse history and make it so Harry could have a family out there. Seems like they are rushing to get to the story they want to tell. 

It definitely feels like a stepping stone to something, so hopefully the payoff is worth it.

55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't see how Galvin can be perceived in a positive or sympathetic light either. He knows damn well that Macy has only just discovered her biological sisters very recently and it's a huge change in her life. Why does he expect her to drop everything and focus exclusively on him? Frankly she's better off without him but I don't think the writers realize how badly he's coming across.

He's a typical 'nice guy.' He was the first person she met when she moved into town for a new job and she didn't even find a place to live yet. During this big change in her life, she came to know that her biological mom had just passed away. That's two major things in her life right off the bat, but he was already putting the moves on her. He encourages her to meet her sisters, even though she is feeling off about it. She ends up meeting Mel and Maggie and they bond over their lost mother, which is another big change in her life. Her sisters also allow her to move in with them, so now she has to struggle balancing getting to know the family that she never met while also working through her abandonment issues as well.

That's four life changing events (outside of being a witch and saving the world), moving to a new town for a job, learning your mom died, finding out said mom had kids, and working on trying to form a relationship with them. And yet, Galvin wants her to spend more time with him? Come on now. Macy still needs time to adjust things and any normal person would see that. She kissed him so she's already shown that she likes him, now he just needs to be a decent enough guy to not expect things too soon. Instead, he gets mad that she had other plans and decides to find a new girlfriend and shove it in Macy's face.

I really hope the show doesn't pair them together, even though I have a feeling that they will. He's 'nice' but too needy and expectant of Macy to drop everything for him because he smiled at her. Give me a break.

  • Love 3

I agree that everything is happening too fast. The girls are too powerful already (at least when they do spells together; their powers kind of suck separately), we've already met the elders, we've already had the "Mom comes back from the dead (but not really)" storyline, we've already had one of the girls tragically sacrifice a relationship... and none of it feels earned. It's so rushed, but at the same time it all feels low stakes somehow. I don't really buy their opponents as world-ending foes. I like the show, but I was expecting more humor and more perfect gut-punch moments like Jane the Virgin has, and so far it's not delivering.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:


He's a typical 'nice guy.'

Galvin is a Nice Guy™. The kind of guy who considers himself a "nice guy" because he presents as a non-threatening academic. But he wants to get credit for being nice. I bet it's how he describes himself on social media. He's actually using self-deprecation as a sneaky, lowkey method of manipulation. I see him, even if the writers don't.

  • Love 4

Seriously....it was still just one demon at this point which they did not bother to consult the book of shadows about, or try that explosive spell from a couple weeks ago, or you know the freaking Power of Three.  Piper could only somewhat freeze him and a needle full of poison not designed for killing a demon unsurprisingly did not kill the demon and that was enough that they went full on instant nuclear with the freaking temporal alteration spell.    I mean not only was it a total dick move to alter Niko's life without giving her any actual say in the matter,  (Yeah yeah can't tell her anything...and yet neither the Elders or Harry gave a crap about that random douche at the college getting to remember about magic and the sisters in the premiere) but she's a freaking cop that has been living in the city for how many years now?    Has she accomplished nothing in that time?  Maybe the spell can not bring back the dead....because reasons, but can it make other people die?   I mean has Niko never actually saved anyone's life before, or maybe put away some killers who might have hurt other people, has she not had a positive impact in helping anyone improve their life in town?  Seriously...the potential unknown ramifications of this kind of thing no....just no to using it willy nilly like this and Harry and the Elders being cool with it.    I mean lets even just look at the first couple episodes.  Niko accidentally took the thermos with the truth potion in it, if she doesn't and Harry actually drinks it thus cooperating with Macy's questions is she as quick to trust the Ouija board demon over him.   Also Mel found out about the dead nun and students from Niko at the Halloween party when she got a call...that's how she figured out the virgin connection with the Harbinger.  If she isn't friends with a cop then she seemingly wouldn't have found out about it until possibly later so how does that encounter go down now if they don't know the Harbinger is actively killing, and don't know to use Macy's virgin blood as bait to lure it away from killing others at the party?

Can we also include that fact that the same dam shapeshifting demon is still something they are going to have to figure out a way to kill anyways.  Plus now as freaking quick and easy as this spell apparently is, it's now going be a floating deus-ex machina for why the sisters don't use it everytime things actually threaten to turn to total crap.   For that matter we've also already established that Harry has memory erasing powers, so if the issue was that Niko was going to not stop investigating the mother's death and putting herself in danger why not just erase her memory of what she knew about it not being an accident instead of erasing her whole dam life for the past two years...  Also if Niko was never Tripp's partner, and yet he still investigated the mother case then would he not have shared his information with his new timeline partner thus putting him/her in danger instead?  Do you get how this whole thing is just a total horrendous poorly thought up sh*t show by both the characters and the writers?

IMHO the choice to have Mel freeze Niko for the entirety of their goodbye to me also took away a good bit of what little emotion there might have been in the moment.   Again it also seemed like a dick thing to again not let Niko express herself at all in the moment.  Which to me just seems like a pretty strong indicator that she will be back and thus they were not giving her a reaction scene to anything magical at this point.   (On a related note she took her partner not being dead waaaaay too well.)

Oh and did they explain why Harry's memory was not effected this time?  He did not actually participate in the spell....so if it was strong enough for upper level demons to be effected, why was he immune to its effects?

On 11/11/2018 at 10:49 PM, Primal Slayer said:

 At least there are consequences for messing with history, now Mels out of a job since Niko is the one who got her up for it.

Actually I would expect Mel to actually have a different job already, just because she missed the one interview she should have continued looking for an applying for jobs and with so much time passing surely she already found something.   So if they just pretend she was never employed because of this I am gonna call BS.  Likewise I really hope Mel now has a new girlfriend or ex-girlfriend she does not actually know about because if she wasn't dating Niko she was probably seeing someone else at some point...

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 3

Really? Alastair Caine? From Morningstar Industries? What, was "Beelzebub Von Nocturne" from "Hellfire Inc, a subsidiary of Satan Co" already taken? He might as well just hand out his business cards signed up hellfire and coal pieces. 

Not a bad episode, but, as others have said, everything seems to be moving WAY too fast. The spell to remove Niko from Mels life, and vice versa, would be a real gut punch, and was well acted and shot...except its only episode five, ans we just arent that emotionally invested in them as a couple yet. It sucks that they've separated, and I liked them alright as a couple, but we haven't gotten to know them very much, so I cant be that invested in them. They dont even have enough scenes together to have a good Sad Montague when Niko losses her memories of Mel! And for such a big character moment, and what is supposed to be such a big, important spell, its just so early. Everything is so rushed, with emotional beats happening super fast, and the sisters getting so powerful so quickly. They dont really seem like they're learning or growing, they just know everything already. This really felt like a plot for late in the season, maybe even the season finale. 

I hope Parker isnt going to get with Maggie, he seems sketchy to me. I dont think he is demonic or anything, but a player who is cool with kissing his girlfriends friend. I felt bad for Maggie's friend, and I dont blame her for tossing Maggie out of the sorority. 

I dont like Galvin either, but I think maybe we`re supposed to? He seems like the kind of Nice Guy who wants a cookie for not being a jock dude bro, and probably retweets feminist articles, but is really just a dick who gets pissy when a girl doesn't jump all over him. I dont really care for any other girls love interests, honestly. Niko was the best one, and she apparently dumped her last girlfriend (was it fiance?) for Mel, then dumped Mel later, and is pretty boring. Thats as good as we get for love interests I guess. No Leos or Coles in the bunch. Hell, we havnt even had a Neighbor Dan. 

I did like getting Harry's backstory (or lack thereof), which will certainly come back later, and his reaction to Maggie saying that the sisters could be his family. It felt sweet, and a bit more earned than any of the other emotional things this episode. Also, that white dress Macy wore was really nice. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Really? Alastair Caine? From Morningstar Industries? What, was "Beelzebub Von Nocturne" from "Hellfire Inc, a subsidiary of Satan Co" already taken? He might as well just hand out his business cards signed up hellfire and coal pieces. 

Not a bad episode, but, as others have said, everything seems to be moving WAY too fast. The spell to remove Niko from Mels life, and vice versa, would be a real gut punch, and was well acted and shot...except its only episode five, ans we just arent that emotionally invested in them as a couple yet. It sucks that they've separated, and I liked them alright as a couple, but we haven't gotten to know them very much, so I cant be that invested in them. They dont even have enough scenes together to have a good Sad Montague when Niko losses her memories of Mel! And for such a big character moment, and what is supposed to be such a big, important spell, its just so early. Everything is so rushed, with emotional beats happening super fast, and the sisters getting so powerful so quickly. They dont really seem like they're learning or growing, they just know everything already. This really felt like a plot for late in the season, maybe even the season finale. 

I hope Parker isnt going to get with Maggie, he seems sketchy to me. I dont think he is demonic or anything, but a player who is cool with kissing his girlfriends friend. I felt bad for Maggie's friend, and I dont blame her for tossing Maggie out of the sorority. 

I dont like Galvin either, but I think maybe we`re supposed to? He seems like the kind of Nice Guy who wants a cookie for not being a jock dude bro, and probably retweets feminist articles, but is really just a dick who gets pissy when a girl doesn't jump all over him. I dont really care for any other girls love interests, honestly. Niko was the best one, and she apparently dumped her last girlfriend (was it fiance?) for Mel, then dumped Mel later, and is pretty boring. Thats as good as we get for love interests I guess. No Leos or Coles in the bunch. Hell, we havnt even had a Neighbor Dan. 

I did like getting Harry's backstory (or lack thereof), which will certainly come back later, and his reaction to Maggie saying that the sisters could be his family. It felt sweet, and a bit more earned than any of the other emotional things this episode. Also, that white dress Macy wore was really nice. 

They sure missed the mark with Galvin. I was all set to let the succubus have him. Macy doesn't need him.

This storytelling is rushed. We wasn't with Niko long enough to feel truly invested in her and she seemed really obsessed with Trip.  Now he would have been a good one for the sisters to keep in their pocket since he seemingly was on track to solve the supernatural shenanigans going on in town.

The only thing I liked was Harry now being the live in whitelighter.  I would be wary of the Elders handling the Book of Shadows since Charity managed to get a major demon taken from her, but Harry and the sister don't know about that yet. 

Macy's father is a demon. Hopefully the writers folded some origin stories in with the demon of the week. Let Harry and the sisters bond more.  

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Macy's father is a demon.

That's a good guess.  It would explain why her mother gave her up.

Another possibility I've thought off is that Harry is Macy's father, which would also explain why their mother gave her up (although that might end up being too similar to how Paige entered the stage in the original show).

On 13 November 2018 at 6:29 AM, tennisgurl said:

I did like getting Harry's backstory (or lack thereof), which will certainly come back later, and his reaction to Maggie saying that the sisters could be his family. It felt sweet, and a bit more earned than any of the other emotional things this episode. Also, that white dress Macy wore was really nice. 


I also enjoyed Harrys scenes the best. Good that he seems to be used quite a lot, so he is a main character next to the sisters. I think he adds more to theirs plot-lines. 

The dress Macy wore was great. Kept looking at it! Good selection.

I like how the sisters relationship with Harry seems different, makes it all come alive more...

Maggie - seems most open to him, unassuming (the way she told him "he could be part of their family" was very forward....The other sisters were just quiet)

Mel - I think she is most torn about the whole (witch) situation, so she the most passionate in her relationship to him, to trust him or not etc...

Macy - they are the most on the same wave-lenght together, more compatible in the way they think. Which could also make him a interesting love-interest for her. Was the bathing scene supposed to be a hint?:)

Gavin for Macy, that is a big no:(

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Macy's father is a demon

I look forward to learning why their mother gave Macy up, but it may be similar to the reason why the Halliwell's father abandoned them. He didn't want the children raised as witches and feared for their safety. Macy's father may have likewise decided Macy would be safer living with him and their mother agreed. It may also explain why she chose not to tell her next two children they were witches.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I look forward to learning why their mother gave Macy up, but it may be similar to the reason why the Halliwell's father abandoned them. He didn't want the children raised as witches and feared for their safety. Macy's father may have likewise decided Macy would be safer living with him and their mother agreed. It may also explain why she chose not to tell her next two children they were witches.

WOW!  That makes plenty of sense while being a bit of a throwback to Classic Charmed.  I hope you're right and that Macy's the one with a non-magical father.

On 13.11.2018 at 6:20 PM, Stardancer Supreme said:

Macy's father is a demon.

I agree, that Macy father may be a demon. I mean biological father. The man, who raised her may be mother`s close friend and etc. Because I don`t understand why she left her and didn`t tell anybody about her. It looks like she hid her. And Charmed half demon could be interesting)

Also I am waiting for Macy and Alastair comunications! Well, shippers of Macy/Harry and Macy/Alastair are fighting inside me. Galvin is boring, non charismatic,  there is no chemistry between actors.
And I am wondering why Macy still can`t control her powers? 

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5 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

I agree, that Macy father may be a demon. I mean biological father. The man, who raised her may be mother`s close friend and etc. Because I don`t understand why she left her and didn`t tell anybody about her. It looks like she hid her. And Charmed half demon could be interesting)

Also I am waiting for Macy and Alastair comunications! Well, shippers of Macy/Harry and Macy/Alastair are fighting inside me. Galvin is boring, non charismatic,  there is no chemistry between actors.
And I am wondering why Macy still can`t control her powers? 

OH!  Now I get what you guys are getting at!  I do hope the half-black sister isn't the half-demon... that would so go against everything that the show is about.  But the idea of mother hiding her half-demon child (and the fact that she could since these Elders are just Elder witches) by giving her to a close friend to raise - I like that better than giving her to a nun who could find a good home - especially when if we take her wedding to mean anything, Paige's adopted family wasn't even Catholic.  This would fit those messes with Paige very nicely.  I just hope they don't show that Macy is having problems with her powers because they're demonic-influenced.  Calling Paige's power "hybrid" when it was simply a whitelighter form of Prue's was one of the worst mistakes Brad Kern made.  I preferred half-whitelighter Chris having the same exact power that Prue had, which is what Paige should've gotten.

2 hours ago, Esmeralda said:

I do hope the half-black sister isn't the half-demon... that would so go against everything that the show is about.

I think it won`t be against) I think in this show there are not pure good and evil sides, like in old one. We saw that Elders are not against of killing people or ruin their reputation, Harry didn`t cure woman, who had been attaced by demon in 2 episode. So they don`t look like clear good side. They are for the order at any cost. So demon side in Macy won`t do her corrupt. Her character alwanys runs from everything, closes herself from others...I think she doesn`t accept herself.....Maybe she will do it throw acception of her demon side. But it is just theory)) Reality may be more simple)

Edited by GreyWolf

If Macy is half-demon, could her demonic traits manifest in a succubus or black widow capacity? I know the storyline has been done on shows like Lost Girl and American Horror Story, but I feel like there are a lot of little breadcrumbs. What if she was the only one who could see Gavin's mark because she subconsciously "marked" him when she started feeling jealous of Summer? I feel like her virginity will play into the storyline somehow. She would not know if she was a succubus or black widow if she never had sex. Plus, didn't Gavin mention her Halloween costume was Persephone, the Greek Goddess of the underworld?

Edited by Bossley
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Has the actress playing Nico left the show? I hope so as I thought that she was awful. The memory wipe scene was meant to be super emotional but the acting was bad and Nico was just such a bland character that I couldn’t get behind it. Also really couldn’t believe how Nico barely reacted to Trent suddenly being ALIVE. It just further confirmed to me what a dull uninteresting badly acted character she was. I hope Mel gets paired with someone better. 

Maggie and the whatshisface stuff was dull. I like her kappa friend so shitty that she would do that to her even though she’s trying to play the innocent about it.

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