The Crazed Spruce October 19, 2018 Share October 19, 2018 Quote Fisk's long-awaited reunion doesn't go as planned. Nelson & Murdock take on a new client who holds key information on Kingpin. Expand Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 21, 2018 Share October 21, 2018 Yeah! Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law! Ah, so Vanessa is back. I've been having this thought, and this episode certainly didn't deter me away from it. But if Vanessa is killed, Fisk would absolutely lose it...but I'm thinking it could throw him off his game. Sure, he can prepare for the possibility of her dying, but for it to actually happen? I wonder if that would be the thing to turn him so psycho that Foggy and Karen wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye toward his death. I do fear the idea, though. Vanessa's death would be a turning point since Vanessa's the only one that ties Fisk to humanity. It was interesting to see Vanessa take an equal role once let in on all of Fisk's plans...however, her making her first big move with convincing Fisk to kill Ray instead of his plan may or may not be great for her. It either establishes her and Fisk as a power couple, or it shows whose side he is truly on. Will he allow Vanessa to continue making choices with it possibly making him look weak? Will he choose himself over Vanessa? It's clear right now that he chooses her every time, but how true may that be later on? I think Vanessa being his equal, of sorts, is going to open up a whole other layer to Fisk, to see whether he truly is in it for her love or if he would prefer power and control. I do feel bad for Ray's end. He was dumb to believe Fisk, but he was overall a decent guy who did sacrifice himself for his family. I knew that he'd probably not make it out of this season alive, especially earlier on in the season when he told his wife that nothing bad would happen to him. That's just a forewarning for death. Now, do I gotta worry about Marci, since Foggy said that he wouldn't allow anything to happen to her in the exact same episode as Ray's comment? I just wish Ray had gotten a shot on Dex before his death. 1 2 Link to comment
JohnSmithSensei October 22, 2018 Share October 22, 2018 (edited) I liked that they didn't walk back Vanessa's heel turn in season 1 and instead doubled-down on it, first with her approval of Dex's initiative regarding the painting, and then later suggesting that they get rid of Ray, The Fisk/Vanessa/Dex dynamic reminds me of the Sloane/Irina/Sark trio from season 2 of Alias. Edited October 22, 2018 by JohnSmithSensei 1 Link to comment
benteen October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I felt bad for Ray. I really did grow to like the character. Though I found it silly that Dex didn't use a silencer to kill him, even if he planned to do it indoors. I also like Vanessa breaking bad. Dex getting the painting for Fisk is like a dog bringing home a dead mouse. Really good episode. 3 Link to comment
thuganomics85 October 27, 2018 Share October 27, 2018 Vanessa is back and reminding everyone why she and Wilson are just two sociopaths in a pod. Not only is she stone-cold, she actually is more calm, logical, and rational then Fisk, and that makes even scarier and more dangerous. Good luck to anyone trying to stop these two! Had a feeling Ray was a goner, but still sad. He clearly did horrible things, but I do think he thought he was doing the right thing at first, and got overwhelmed once he realized just how much power Fisk had. Hopefully they'll still find a way to use his testimony. Cool that they brought back Mitchell and he and Karen are on slightly better terms now. On the final episode now. Can't wait to see how they wrap this up! 2 Link to comment
blueray October 27, 2018 Share October 27, 2018 I had a feeling that Ray was going to be a goner, I was just hoping that he would drop the information about Fisk killing the bartender. Or course that the is no reason for him to have this information, I was just hoping it came out. I guess it could in the last episode. I loved seeing the three work together again. I hope that they keep working together next episode. Even though Matt has to try to take Fisk out, they can help. I love the scene with Ray and Matt going from car to car. I was half expecting Ray to ask about Matt's cane. I didn't get the whole blow up thing with Karen as the press should want to talk to her. She is making a statement about someone trying to kill her, which is common knowledge as it was major news story. I didn't get why him being found "not guilty" would impact what she was saying, to the point where they were basically ran out. Clearly some did attack both her and the newspaper. I am glad that her editor and her are back on the same side. 1 Link to comment
Danny Franks October 29, 2018 Share October 29, 2018 Nelson and Murdock, Avocados at Law! Except, not for very long. Because their plans failed for reasons that don't make a whole lot of sense. Detective Mahoney is a low-key MVP for this show. He started off as a beat cop, who helped Foggy out and then let Daredevil go, and ended up being an apparently high ranked detective, willing to go to bat against Fisk and his crooked feds. I was impressed with how pissed DA Tower was, over what Nadeem had done. At least we can be (fairly) sure that he's not crooked. And of course Nadeem is ready to fall on his sword, now. Turns out he's almost as good a shot as Dex.... Almost. But of course Fisk got to the grand jury... which was only just called that day, and which Fisk couldn't have known about. Come on, this is just pushing his evil mastermindery too far. I'm actually a little surprised we saw Vanessa again. I kind of figured that Ayelet Zurer must have been unavailable for the season. I really like how Vincent D'Onofrio plays Fisk, around her. So boyish and unsure, despite the fact she's clearly accepted everything about him. It seems like he's underestimated her, and I'm not sure he's going to genuinely happy that she's as ruthless as he is. I don't think he really wanted a Bonnie to his Clyde, he wanted a woman to put on a pedestal, who lets him pretend he's a better man. Dex is such a needy creep. He's obviously put all of his self-worth into Fisk's opinion of him, so of course he go and fetch the painting for him, like a loyal dog. Honestly, I don't see how Fisk can be taken down now, without being killed. There are apparently no levels of government that he can't reach and influence, no contingencies he can't plan for. 7 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt October 30, 2018 Share October 30, 2018 On 10/29/2018 at 10:47 PM, Danny Franks said: But of course Fisk got to the grand jury... which was only just called that day, and which Fisk couldn't have known about. Come on, this is just pushing his evil mastermindery too far. Expand I think they explained this. Fixer told Fisk that the grand jury that was supposed to be disbanded was being held over and that courthouse security was suddenly beefed up, suggesting that Nadeem was testifying against Fisk. 2 Link to comment
moonshine71 October 30, 2018 Share October 30, 2018 On 10/30/2018 at 9:57 PM, Chicago Redshirt said: I think they explained this. Fixer told Fisk that the grand jury that was supposed to be disbanded was being held over and that courthouse security was suddenly beefed up, suggesting that Nadeem was testifying against Fisk. Expand That doesn't really explain it, that means there was a sitting grand jury that Fisk had no idea he was going to be considering an indictment of him, but he already had someone seated in that jury with information on all the other jurors, prepared to threaten them. The implication is that he must perpetually keep every grand jury that's seated compromised in such a fashion, whether he has reason to believe he will be indicted or not. 3 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen October 31, 2018 Share October 31, 2018 I thinking that an easier way to take down Fisk would be to try and get his FBI people removed. The burden of proof for a criminal conviction is high but the burden of proof for an FBI agent to get suspended would be a lot lower. Using Nadeem to do that might have been a better plan since at the minmum it shuts down Fisk's government securit detail/hit squad. 1 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt October 31, 2018 Share October 31, 2018 On 10/30/2018 at 11:52 PM, moonshine71 said: That doesn't really explain it, that means there was a sitting grand jury that Fisk had no idea he was going to be considering an indictment of him, but he already had someone seated in that jury with information on all the other jurors, prepared to threaten them. The implication is that he must perpetually keep every grand jury that's seated compromised in such a fashion, whether he has reason to believe he will be indicted or not. Expand Or suspecting that this particular grand jury was now going after Fisk, Fisk/Fixer went into action and took steps to protect him. They figured out who was on the grand jury and got to one of the people on it, and that person got to the rest. Link to comment
Pike Ludwell November 3, 2018 Share November 3, 2018 Gotta love these writers. I am interested in themes of battling corrupt leaders. Karen's speech hit the nail on the head: "We have all been lied to. We've been manipulated by a sociopath who doesn't care about the truth or about who he hurts or about anyone but himself." I love themes of such leaders being destroyed. 1 Link to comment
Pike Ludwell November 5, 2018 Share November 5, 2018 (edited) The way the writers are portraying Fisk. Very Interesting. “I know that most of you find this difficult to accept. That’s only because you’ve been manipulated, poisoned into believing the news media’s fake story that I am evil, that I am a criminal. Quite the opposite is true. Because I challenge the system, because I’ve told the truth and tried to make this city a better place, the people in power decided to tear me down. To tear me down with false allegations. They sent someone to frame me. Daredevil. The killer who’s now showing his true colors, who has tried to murder people in newspaper offices and churches, attacking our sacred institutions. Believe me. Daredevil is our true public enemy.” Portraying Fisk as Trump-like? I know politics isn't allowed here, but I say this in terms of a non-handicapped analysis of the show - I think the writers are drawing parallels to our modern situation. Edited November 5, 2018 by Pat Hoolihan 1 Link to comment
moonshine71 November 5, 2018 Share November 5, 2018 On 11/5/2018 at 1:21 PM, Pat Hoolihan said: The way the writers are portraying Fisk. Very Interesting. “I know that most of you find this difficult to accept. That’s only because you’ve been manipulated, poisoned into believing the news media’s fake story that I am evil, that I am a criminal. Quite the opposite is true. Because I challenge the system, because I’ve told the truth and tried to make this city a better place, the people in power decided to tear me down. To tear me down with false allegations. They sent someone to frame me. Daredevil. The killer who’s now showing his true colors, who has tried to murder people in newspaper offices and churches, attacking our sacred institutions. Believe me. Daredevil is our true public enemy.” Portraying Fisk as Trump-like? I know politics isn't allowed here, but I say this in terms of a non-handicapped analysis of the show - I think the writers are drawing parallels to our modern situation. Expand Season 3 show runner Erik Oleson has made it pretty obvious in interviews that making Trump/Fisk analogous was intentional. 1 Link to comment
Pike Ludwell November 5, 2018 Share November 5, 2018 (edited) On 11/5/2018 at 5:22 PM, moonshine71 said: Season 3 show runner Erik Oleson has made it pretty obvious in interviews that making Trump/Fisk analogous was intentional. Expand Thought so. How about this line from Vanessa at the wedding when the incriminating video of Fisk has been released: "You'll handle it, Wilson, like you handle everything. Show them that none of it matters." Edited November 5, 2018 by Pat Hoolihan 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce November 5, 2018 Author Share November 5, 2018 Just a friendly reminder that real-world politics are off-limits in this forum, and that any discussion about comments from the show runner should be moved to the media thread. 4 Link to comment
Anela November 7, 2018 Share November 7, 2018 Vanessa no longer connects him to humanity. I didn't like her in the first season, and I like her even less now. I didn't think she actually loved him, I thought she loved the power given to her, through him. The protection - ability to do and get away with anything. At first, this episode, I thought she'd changed her mind, but of course she just wanted to be an actual power couple, not a possession to be moved around at will. Aw, Ray! Damn it. Both Fisk and Vanessa need to go. Dex, too. I thought Dex had gone too far, by taking things into his own hands, and killing that woman. Shame that it wasn't the case, and Vanessa liked getting something back through murder. 1 4 Link to comment
Anela November 7, 2018 Share November 7, 2018 On 10/21/2018 at 5:27 PM, Lady Calypso said: Expand Oops, I forgot to quote you above. I also wanted to add that I love that Matt finally acknowledged that Karen can take care of herself. She helped him in the church. Comments made about him and the Punisher looking out for her are true, they are, but she looks out for them, too, and does take care of herself. Also: I want to know how Dex is walking around after that fall, and being whacked with a stone cross. Did the suit protect him? Link to comment
Kel Varnsen November 7, 2018 Share November 7, 2018 On 11/7/2018 at 8:57 PM, Anela said: Oops, I forgot to quote you above. Also: I want to know how Dex is walking around after that fall, and being whacked with a stone cross. Did the suit protect him? Expand That is pretty standard for pretty much any show where fight scenes regularly take place. I mean how many times has Matt been punched in the head? With what we know about concussions he should have permanent brain damage. 1 Link to comment
Anela November 7, 2018 Share November 7, 2018 On 11/7/2018 at 9:33 PM, Kel Varnsen said: That is pretty standard for pretty much any show where fight scenes regularly take place. I mean how many times has Matt been punched in the head? With what we know about concussions he should have permanent brain damage. Expand He tends to show it, though. I know what you mean, but we've seen him really beaten, and not moving so well. 1 Link to comment
CertainJewel November 8, 2018 Share November 8, 2018 Matt needs his armor back just not the pointed ears. :P 2 Link to comment
Ottis November 23, 2018 Share November 23, 2018 Now I’m sick of Foggy. You know, if you send these bad guys in jail, Foggy, they will just run things from there. Matt is right. I just want Nadeem’s like to know the truth about his dad. Link to comment
Kate47 December 8, 2018 Share December 8, 2018 I find a neat storytelling conceit in the interrogation of Nadeem within the old boxing club. It's truly a back and forth between players who each hold clout and it's kind of fascinating to watch his and Matt's confrontation over Nadeem's motives through the whole thing. Also, the scene where Dex brings Fisk his food and defers to him as "sir" is a beautifully subtle way to reference how far Fisk's machinations have gotten him. Link to comment
sinkwriter June 5, 2019 Share June 5, 2019 On 10/27/2018 at 5:06 AM, thuganomics85 said: Vanessa is back and reminding everyone why she and Wilson are just two sociopaths in a pod. Not only is she stone-cold, she actually is more calm, logical, and rational then Fisk, and that makes even scarier and more dangerous. Expand One thought I had at the end of season 1 was that if Fisk were ever killed, or went to prison and stayed there, I definitely could have seen Vanessa taking over his enterprises. She knew what he was and still wanted to be with him, even back then, so I felt like she would be a believable new 'boss.' The way she calmly 'suggested' that Ray needed to be handled differently was stone cold, for sure. Link to comment
WritinMan February 27, 2021 Share February 27, 2021 It took me awhile to get around to watching season 3. I forgot what an astonishingly boring woman Vanessa is. Link to comment
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