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Season 7 Live Posting Thread

Lady Calypso
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Why is Curtis, now associated with at least two failed businesses and a quasi secret gov't agency, getting major well paid job offers?

I mean, I could see it if this offer was coming from the Time Bureau, but it isn't.

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Take the job, Curtis! Take the job!

4 minutes ago, quarks said:

I think it's very nice of the serial killer to use such big letters for these notes.

But didn't the serial killer realize that the letters on the notes are bigger than the letters left by a manual typewriter?

(Showing my age, I know. But we used to use those things, folks! Really!)

Maybe he has the kind where you can change the ball for bigger letters

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Just now, quarks said:

Why is Curtis, now associated with at least two failed businesses and a quasi secret gov't agency, getting major well paid job offers?

I mean, I could see it if this offer was coming from the Time Bureau, but it isn't.

Damn, now I want Gary to show up and start recruiting.

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Diggle, this Collins guy didn't need a good lawyer. Haven't you been watching this show? The Star City prosecution? Not great! Indeed, bad enough that a non-lawyer is leading the DA's office!

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