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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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On 11/22/2021 at 5:53 PM, laredhead said:

When are we going to see these new episodes in the U.S.?

I've been scanning this thread without trying to read too closely lest I spoil myself too much about Season 15, but I too have been wondering when this season will start airing on Ovation.  For Season 14, wasn't Ovation only about 8 episodes behind CBC?  I am probably mis-remembering.  Looks like the entire season might air on CBC before it even starts on Ovation.  I hope we at least can get it here stateside by January.

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Episode 12 Season 15, "There's Something About Mary", Jan. 3, 2022

I was hoping Mary Pickford would be silent again, like she was in an episode a few years ago. 

That Johnny Brackenreid - he is quite  the ladies' man! And quite the eye candy!

I know they've been warming us up to Louise Cherry again but when did she become a bosom buddy?

I don't know why they've introduced another character or why Mrs. Hart is being so good to her. I think her husband is plotting his revenge.  I hope Mrs. Hart is on her guard.

The plot was okay. I'm glad Mary Pickford was innocent of making porn.  I don't think the show could have got away with saying she did. And it's always good to see Ennis Esmer.

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Season 15, Episode 12 - There's something about Mary

I was glad to have a new episode but this was not one of my favorites (but that also could be attributable to me recovering from Covid and not feeling my best).  I had some problems keeping all the theatrical characters straight apart from John and Mary and frankly didn't care that much about the victim or who the murderer was.

I did enjoy the side stories - Margaret coming up with the idea of a fan club, Mrs. Hart with the salon (agree that her husband is up to something and I am not sure what the deal is with her protege), Miss Cherry pursuing a professional and personal story -loved her reactions to Julia.

I should probably give this another watch when it becomes available for streaming - I may not have been entirely fair to it.

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Ep 15.12 - There's Something About Mary

I enjoyed it! Not the strongest plot, but it wasn't too convoluted and it was nice to see John Brackenreid again; he is quite the snack 😉😂.

Also nice to see Ennis Esmer and Rachel Wilson again. I remember Rachel Wilson being the switchboard operator that was sure she had heard a murder on the exchange and harassed George until he helped her. And Ennis Esmer was a "pornographer" who killed one of his models.

5 hours ago, Trey said:

I think her husband is plotting his revenge.  I hope Mrs. Hart is on her guard.

Yeah, I'm surprised it took this long. Mrs. Hart hasn't been too awful this season, so I hope crazy hubby doesn't do too much damage. I like when she uses her powers for good and not evil.

I missed Watts.

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3 hours ago, Trey said:

Jonny Harris wasn't even in this episode.

And because of that, we saw Competent Constable Higgins in the episode.

Shame that Young Brackenreid never got romantically involved with Mary Pickford. That would have been a fictitious theme I could definitely believe in!

Oh Julia. No matter how progressively advanced you are at the time, you're quite the prude when it comes to questioning the taste of people wanting to watch risque (pornograhic) films!

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The cast of Murdoch Mysteries went up against Run The Burbs on Celebrity Family Feud today.  Jonny Harris, Danny Maslany, Arwen Humphreys  (looking 20 years younger than Margaret Brackenreid), Clare McConnell (Effie Newsome), Lachlan Murdoch (Henry). They were playing for Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society.

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Episode 13 Season 15 "Murdoch on the Couch", Jan. 10, 2022

Murdoch investigates a death threat against Sigmund Freud and gets an unwelcome analysis.

Poor woman, Lizzie felt the need to kill herself because Freud was a Fraud as a doctor.  I'm not surprised her husband wanted to kill him. I think most of Freud's theories have been debunked now.

And most of Freud's analyses last night were wrong, except for Murdoch's. He really is a stick in the mud and his efforts to show he wasn't didn't change anything.  I liked Higgins laughing about Freud thinking he and George were in love, and Brackenreid and Murdoch just looked at him, like they agreed with Freud.

Despite Freud's wrong theories he was still an engaging character and really did want to help people.

Next week's episode looks scary.


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And most of Freud's analyses last night were wrong, except for Murdoch's. He really is a stick in the mud and his efforts to show he wasn't didn't change anything.  I liked Higgins laughing about Freud thinking he and George were in love, and Brackenreid and Murdoch just looked at him, like they agreed with Freud.

Freud was right about some aspects of Murdoch's character except for one thing. He said he wasn't open to new experiences and that's just not true. One example would be his intense interest in new technology. He was more open to that than anyone else, including Julia.

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Episode 13 Season 15 "Murdoch on the Couch", Jan. 10, 2022

I enjoyed the episode even though I had some problems keeping all the doctors straight - I did find all their cross-diagnosing each other a fun conceit.  I also cracked up at Murdoch trying all episode to show he is not a stick in the mud - all his different stances and "say Howdy from me".

I sort of guessed that Lizzie's husband would be connected somehow but was so happy to see Watts again that I might have gotten a bit distracted.  At least there was an explanation for where George was (and given the Still Standing promos airing, I assume that explains what was going in IRL with Jonny Harris) - I do wish we could see Effie with all the aunts though. 


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That was a very good episode and the writers certainly did their research on the early analysts. Ferenszi eventually split from Freud because he did believe his patients when they said  that they had been sexually abused by their parents. The makeup was good too. And Diego Matamoras (Freud)is always fun to watch.

I thought that the who dunnit was well-crafted. And glad to have Watts back, Daniel Maslany is a master of physical comedy.

I only have 2 complaints .  The minor one is that E.D. was the woman's real initials. Freud used initials to identify his patients but he slid them over, for example Anna O.'s real name was Bertha Pappenheim (and was Freud wrong about her!) Maybe I can handwave it that they were talking about her to each other rather than writing a case study.

5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Freud was right about some aspects of Murdoch's character except for one thing. He said he wasn't open to new experiences and that's just not true. One example would be his intense interest in new technology. He was more open to that than anyone else, including Julia.

This is my main problem with the episode: that while Murdoch demands solid evidence, he is far from a stick-in-the-mud. Brackenreid for example is much worse. No stick-in-the-mud would have agreed to have a house like that built for him in 2022 much less more than a hundred years earlier.

Julia herself is a 'wild child', experimenting with sex at an early age and jumping from specialty to specialty as she gets bored, so I can understand that she thinks of William as a stick-in-the-mud but Freud should know better than anyone that the patient's perception is not necessarily true.

Edited by statsgirl
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On 1/11/2022 at 2:28 PM, statsgirl said:

This is my main problem with the episode: that while Murdoch demands solid evidence, he is far from a stick-in-the-mud. Brackenreid for example is much worse. No stick-in-the-mud would have agreed to have a house like that built for him in 2022 much less more than a hundred years earlier.

Julia herself is a 'wild child', experimenting with sex at an early age and jumping from specialty to specialty as she gets bored, so I can understand that she thinks of William as a stick-in-the-mud but Freud should know better than anyone that the patient's perception is not necessarily true.


Well, given the current views on many of Freud's techniques, it's safe to assume that he was written to be largely wrong about his analysis of Murdoch, especially since it's basically a surface analysis mostly through third-party information, what with much of it coming from Julia's comments about William from earlier.

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Ep. 15.14 - The Witches of East York

Not a bad episode, although it would have been more fitting around Halloween to me. I was actually surprised by it being the wife who killed her husband. Maybe if she hadn't been so adamantly arguing for his release at the beginning. Plus I don't buy her being so accepting of her daughter.

I got the same vibe when they didn't come down harder on Minerva for being black. I know this show is supposed to be a feel-good, but it seems a little white-washy to ignore the very real persecution Minerva would have faced had she actually been a black single women accused of practicing witchcraft.

Poor Margaret. 

I had to laugh at Greta renaming herself "Elspeth Nighthawk". The early 20th century version of Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way? 😂

When Julia and William were talking at the beginning about "witches and inquisitors", she was totally hinting at their next roleplay game, wasn't she? 😂😂

Yay for Watts two weeks in a row! I always cheer when I see Daniel Maslany's name in the credits.

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Ep. 15.14 - The Witches of East York

I liked the mix of humor and spookiness in the episode and that there were people who were open minded about "witchcraft" (Julia, Watts, Ms. Hart) to counter those who weren't (William, Brackenreid) with poor Margaret being willing to try because she was so desperate. 

I totally agree @Pepper the Cat, the dude needs to go.  But it is exactly those little moments that make me love this show so much.  We may never see those folks again but I care about that spirited woman. 

Like you @auchic seeing Daniel Maslany's name makes me smile and he did not disappoint last night.  He is always doing something in a scene, not to undercut any other performer but just behaving as you would expect the rather eccentric Watts to behave.

My heart was breaking for Margaret and Thomas.  He was somewhat more supportive at the end I think due to his own experience with the ergot but she was clearly nearing the end of her tether. 

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13 hours ago, auchic said:

I was actually surprised by it being the wife who killed her husband. Maybe if she hadn't been so adamantly arguing for his release at the beginning. Plus I don't buy her being so accepting of her daughter.

Nothing surprises me when it comes to who actually done it in MM. And as for accepting her daughter, it's always good to see parents accept their gay children for who they are. Even moreso in early turn of the 20th Century Toronto. That mother just sacrificed her own freedom and possibly her own life just to make her lesbian daughter happy!

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Ep. 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

Ugh, Ralph Fellows. No thank you. Julia was awesome as always.

So Watts was still sleeping with Jack? Why do you do this to yourself, Watts? And damn, Jack is looking really suspicious in this. I just hope it's all over so Watts can go be happy with Milo Strange, however their relationship happens to be.

Higgins was quite sassy this week. 

I feel like Mrs. Hart is going to kill her husband. 

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Episode 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

Ralph Fellows - love the actor, not crazy about the character.  This was not my favorite episode (felt a little too disjointed) although it did have some good moments.  It may be because I wasn't able to watch the first episode of the season (either part) but I was confused by certain story elements (looking forward to catching up next month with Ovation and/or Acorn and may change my opinion on this episode).

On the Plus side - Julia was of course great and I mostly liked Murdoch's son [sorry his name is escaping me at the moment].  Always love Watts and Higgins was wonderful - it shows what he can do given a chance with non-Newsome material.  Still haven't quite figured out all the dynamics with Mrs. Hart and her husband but I care enough about her to want her to win the battle that seems to be coming.  Liked the ambiguity of the case involving Jack's wife - not resolved and not clear who the villain was (anyone else wonder what the deal was with the neighbor lady?)

On the not so Plus side - Where the heck was Brackenreid?  If we got an explanation, I missed it and it seemed odd for him to be missing when both detectives had personal interests in their cases.  Also for the first time, wasn't crazy about Milo Strange - I realize he is very comfortable in his skin (and I think that is great) but he wasn't at all sympathetic to Watts' position/situation and a couple of his remarks seemed rather hurtful (DO NOT hurt Watts!).



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10 hours ago, auchic said:

Ep. 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

Ugh, Ralph Fellows. No thank you. Julia was awesome as always.

So Watts was still sleeping with Jack? Why do you do this to yourself, Watts? And damn, Jack is looking really suspicious in this. I just hope it's all over so Watts can go be happy with Milo Strange, however their relationship happens to be.

Higgins was quite sassy this week. 

I feel like Mrs. Hart is going to kill her husband. 

I thought he was going to O.D. right there in the morgue.

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I'm new to Murdoch Mysteries, having just recently discovered it on Hulu.  I'm only on season two, and I'm loving it!  I have one question.  I love Inspector Breckenreid and his accent, but I can't make out what it is that he occasionally calls Murdoch?  From the context it appears to be a friendly term of endearment.  Not English though.  Scots Gaelic or just Canadian slang?  Anybody know what I mean?

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On 1/25/2022 at 12:34 AM, auchic said:

Ep. 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

Ugh, Ralph Fellows. No thank you. Julia was awesome as always.

So Watts was still sleeping with Jack? Why do you do this to yourself, Watts? And damn, Jack is looking really suspicious in this. I just hope it's all over so Watts can go be happy with Milo Strange, however their relationship happens to be.

Higgins was quite sassy this week. 

I feel like Mrs. Hart is going to kill her husband. 

This pretty much sums up my thoughts on this episode. Putting the cast in peril is so tiresome, and this whole episode was. Although, since we had that scene of Fellows talking to that dummy, I suspect they are going to bring him back, even though none of his actions at the end make any sense. It was really awful.

The only thing that can salvage this is if Jack's wife's family is setting him up. But what's the likelihood of that? Instead, lots of Watts angst underway.

Ugh. I hate angst. Just solve the mystery of the week with fun and panache. That's all I want, TPTB.

I do have one thought coming out of it though. How did William and Julia have so much money on them? Or for that matter, to build that house? I can't imagine William makes much on the police force and Julia would have been massively underpaid as a surgeon, not to mention all the medical fees she's racked up along the way.

Edited by marina to
are the Murdochs rich?
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On 1/25/2022 at 10:02 AM, Grundoon59 said:

Episode 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

Also for the first time, wasn't crazy about Milo Strange - I realize he is very comfortable in his skin (and I think that is great) but he wasn't at all sympathetic to Watts' position/situation and a couple of his remarks seemed rather hurtful (DO NOT hurt Watts!).

Yeah, I was really turned off by Milo there too. Not everyone can just come out of the closest there, Milo. Watts is an officer of the law and he's skating so much to begin with. His profession doesn't give him the freedom yours does. And if that's some silly jealousy game you're playing, it doesn't reflect well on you.

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13 minutes ago, marina to said:

So Nick Nurse, head coach of the Raptors, is going to be on the show Monday. This must be the basketball episode with Dr. James Naismith mentioned in the press release.

Yannick Bisson and Nick Nurse

Awesome! Can't wait to see it. I was wondering if or when they were going to insert the Canadian inventor of basketball, Dr. James Naismith, into an MM episode, and if someone from the Toronto Raptors would be a part of it. Although I just assumed it would be one of the players, like Fred Vanvleet.

The only thing good about last week's episode was that it was finally the end of Ralph Fellows!

Edited by Victor the Crab
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When Ralph said to the frozen dummy in the outhouse(?) that it will soon be his turn, I took it to mean that it was that body in the sulphuric acid and Ralph got away again. I'm tired of Ralph, at that point he's not entertaining or enjoyable and it feels like they are writing a vanity project for Colin Mochrie.

It took me a while to recognize Brandon Oakes (Uriah) as Doug Paul from Diggstown.

2 hours ago, marina to said:

It says that Maureen Jennings is writing an episode? We haven't heard anything here in Canada so it must be the finale.

Maureen Jennings has written 217 episodes in MM's first 14 seasons so not necessarily the finale. But you're right in that it is, imdb says that there are only16 episodes this season. (Curse you, pandemic!)

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Maureen Jennings has written 217 episodes in MM's first 14 seasons so not necessarily the finale. But you're right in that it is, imdb says that there are only16 episodes this season. (Curse you, pandemic!)

I looked at that IMDB listing and beside every entry it says either creator or characters, which mean she gets a credit on every episode and the only good place IMDB can put it is in the writer section. I don't believe she's actually written for the show yet. So if she is, it's kind of a big deal so it would have to be a big episode.

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Looks like I'm wrong, Maureen Jennings writes one episode every season. Didn't realize she's part of the writer's room



We talked a little bit about this last year, and how the storylines come about. You had told me then that you usually pitch three or four episode ideas and then they select one. 


And look what she says in the article:


Did the pandemic affect how you wrote this episode or is writing a Murdoch Mysteries episode more of a solitary affair for you anyway?
MJ: Pre-COVID-19, we had a fun second story about basketball and we were hoping to lure one of our fabulous Raptors to come and do a cameo. It had to be dropped. FOR NOW.


Edited by marina to
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On 1/30/2022 at 4:01 PM, Victor the Crab said:

The only thing good about last week's episode was that it was finally the end of Ralph Fellows!

Episode 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

I don't think so.  That was either a dummy or a corpse that Fellows threw into the pit.  I'm afraid he'll be back. I could do with never seeing him again.

At the beginning of the season I read that this season will be 24 episodes. I found this on the Ovation site confirming it.

Season 15

On 1/30/2022 at 3:27 PM, marina to said:

I do have one thought coming out of it though. How did William and Julia have so much money on them? Or for that matter, to build that house?

Isn't Julia wealthy, having inherited money from her father? That was back in the early seasons.

I agree with others who said Milo Strange was offputting this episode. I know nobody's perfect but he was not nice at all.  Maybe he killed Clara and set Jack up so he could get Watts.

Edited by Trey
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7 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Episode 15.14 - Rawhide Ralph

I am also not convinced that Ralph is gone forever - I thought maybe I just lost track but we never did find out what his plan for the body in the closet was, right?

Just a thank you Grundoon59 and all the others who continue the helpful use of the Episode number and name.  (When someone views the post for a show months later, it doesn't help to say "I liked LAST WEEK'S episode.) 

Edited by buckboard
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Ep 15.15 - It's a Wonderful Game

George is back! He was so good talking with Harry. I know what it's like to feel like you have to join all the teams and do stuff, even if you don't enjoy it. I'm glad Harry got his moment at the end. And Julia's totally going to be that mom.

Nick Nurse's cameo was 😂😂.

Brackenreid saving my poor Watts was just awesome, and then gave him back the pretzel 😂. I'm glad they wrapped up Clara's murder, and I'm glad it wasn't Jack who did it.

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I don't like Harry, I hate to say it. I don't think he was a necessary addition to the show and he is so unlikeable. 

59 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Jack's new place of residence was interesting. I wonder if we ever see him again?

I hope we can see more of Jack and I love the idea of him living in a more welcoming environment. 

I can't wait to see the way Violet Hart's situation falls through!

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Episode 15.15 - It's a Wonderful Game

I liked the episode - great to see George again and glad Milo admitted that he had been kind of a jerk.  Oh course mainly glad that Watts was okay (I am surprised that the miscreant couldn't feel me zapping him with laser beams from my eyes for hurting LLewellyn like that).  Loved that Brackenreid got to them in time and his banter with Watts. 

Enjoyed the basketball based plot and William being so doubtful that the game could be invented.  The cameo didn't do much for me but I can understand what Raptors fans would enjoy it.  I admit my mind drifted for a bit - did they tell us exactly where Jack was living now?  I agree it seemed an interesting arrangement. 

I am assuming no new episodes until after the Olympics since I didn't see previews.  Looking forward to getting to the first couple of episodes of the season that I missed on Ovation/Acorn. 

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17 minutes ago, Grundoon59 said:

Episode 15.15 - It's a Wonderful Game

I liked the episode - great to see George again and glad Milo admitted that he had been kind of a jerk.  Oh course mainly glad that Watts was okay (I am surprised that the miscreant couldn't feel me zapping him with laser beams from my eyes for hurting LLewellyn like that).  Loved that Brackenreid got to them in time and his banter with Watts. 

Enjoyed the basketball based plot and William being so doubtful that the game could be invented.  The cameo didn't do much for me but I can understand what Raptors fans would enjoy it.  I admit my mind drifted for a bit - did they tell us exactly where Jack was living now?  I agree it seemed an interesting arrangement. 

I am assuming no new episodes until after the Olympics since I didn't see previews.  Looking forward to getting to the first couple of episodes of the season that I missed on Ovation/Acorn. 

CBC carries both Murdoch and the Olympics so, you are correct, no new episodes for two weeks.  That's okay.  I enjoy the Olympics and a rest from Murdoch is alright too.

I like Mrs. Hart well enough but this plot with the salon lady, Cassie?, is totally unnecessary and takes time away from more important characters.

I am not a diehard fan of the Raptors, ie, I like to know the results of their games but I can name only a few players; I really enjoyed seeing Nick Nurse with his good advice.

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