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Season 15 Discussion

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11 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Disney or Nickelodeon snapped up Kennedy and built a show around her.

If this show was on ABC, Disney or ABC Family (whatever it's called now) would most definitely snap her up.   But I do hope she gets plenty of opportunities going forward.  

Going to miss JHud as a coach.  Her contestants don't win, but she generally has some of the best singers in the competition and is good with picking great songs for those singers.  High hopes that John Legend will do the same.  

Also loved loved loved Kelly and Jennifer's rendition of O Holy Night.   Only thing that would have made it complete is if Adam/Blake had thrown their shoe on the stage :)

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Well, color me stunned (whatever color that is) that my favorite won. I listen to this show while working; Kirk's tone level I found irritating and somewhat grating. It's just the wrong pitch for my ears. Chris just sings like any dude. He can sing okay but he doesn't put anything into it from what I heard. His singing fits how he was described, nothing bothers him, nothing gets him riled up. He needs to get his singing riled up. Kennedy ... I didn't even notice her last night.

Meanwhile, when Chevel was singing with those two guys whose names I can't remember, I stopped working and put all my attention on the tv and listened. I LOVED whatever song that was. I would actually buy it, and I don't buy music.

I do love me some Kelly though, so I was glad she "won" as coach. I do hope in future shows coaches help singers enunciate. I really couldn't understand any of the words to any of the songs.

On Monday night, one of the guys, I think it was Chris, sang the song that plays behind the commercial for Save The Snow Leopards. Not a good choice IMO, I hate that commercial!

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I was stunned about the results, although if someone other than Kirk Jay were to win, I’m happy it was Chevel. I have a soft spot for that scratchy vinyl-era female country sound. I wouldn’t say I was into country otherwise, but Kirk may just possibly be my first country album purchase when he releases one.

It heartened me to see all the “behind the scenes” of him being embraced by established country artists, and the rapport that he has with Blake.

I also felt the voting was hampered because it seems the format changed this season and I’m not invested enough to look up the rules. 

Agree about Sarah Grace outshining the other two. I completely forgot who Abby was, and if Reagan was any good my enjoyment was snuffed with the camera cutting away to Adam’s sour expression, or his Resting Adam Face ™ 

I liked Jennifer this season, and the little snippet featuring her. Kelly does have personality for days!!! Does she have a special like Gwen Stefani’s holiday special? Because she should (and I am still cringing at the recent “Feliz Navidad” abomination)

Halsey has a great husky voice, and I appreciated her singing while dancing.  But that 1990s gymwear costuming, tho! As we’re learning in the current season of Survivor, grey yoga pants are hiddy on HDTV. Probably IRL too.

In terms of styling, I liked what they did with Kirk Jay this season, with his tailored outfits. I wonder how much of that was him, a la Chloe Kohanski, and how much was Blake (also the coach of Chloe Kohanski)

And totally agree with Blake’s brilliance in repackaging Chris K. Chris K’s performances are as comfortable as well-worn denim jeans, and about as exciting. I freely admit to being weird, I think Blake kissing on him is kind of cute (and clever marketing ploy, because it makes Chris K seem even more like a garden gnome. Those things are also inexplicably popular.)

Chevel really did seem like she came from another era, yet showing her flipping out of a hammock gave her the fun, country girl next door vibe. So yeah, an extension of Kelly. They tried to do that with Kennedy, but it only deepened the contrast with her polished performances imo. I got a creepy pageant vibe from that, like a bot manufactured by stage parents (not helped by the constant reminders that she’s The! Youngest! Contestant!)

It might be a genre thing, it might also be that both teen girls referred to their coaches as big sisters, and Jennifer is less likely to be shown falling out of a hammock than Kelly is.

Brynn’s song was poppy enough, wasn’t a fan of the vocal “hiccups” effect, and agree that it’ll be interesting to see what happens when she gets more experience and loosens up while performing.

I liked the Target ad, and I'm happy that the Voice gave these singers the experience of shooting and performing on video. This season they didn't do the video for original song (or did they?), which I didn't miss as a viewer, but I like it as part of the finalist experience.

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I liked Jennifer this season, and the little snippet featuring her. Kelly does have personality for days!!! Does she have a special like Gwen Stefani’s holiday special? Because she should (and I am still cringing at the recent “Feliz Navidad” abomination)

Kelly actually had a GREAT Christmas special -- I can't believe it was back in 2013 already.  She kept trying to get folks to participate that all refused.  She had to blackmail Reba to get her to come on.  And Blake Shelton was the only one who was willing and she did everything she could not to include him.  I think it's on u.tube.  Totally worth a watch.

Kelly Clarkson's Cautionary Christmas Music Tale.

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On ‎12‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 1:06 PM, xfuse said:

I think you have judged Blake wrong. I believe that he uses the drunk, good nature country bumpkin to hide a very smart and savvy person. He knows music especially country music. 

Chris is what I so badly want to hear on radio and my top ten. I want Southern Rock. He has found his groove and there are a ton of people who miss that era/style of music.

I don’t need a singer to have a perfect voice or sing a song perfectly. I want to be entertained. I love Johnny Cash and there was no way he had a perfect voice. It’s the imperfects that sometimes makes a song great. Hitting all the right notes sometimes is not as good a version of a song as a quiver here or there.

Didn't the top 4 contestants in the past each get a car?  Or, did I miss that.  Maybe because 2 of the 4 are too young to drive (no shade, just reality).

I really thought it was going to be Kennedy but then since she had to be "saved" twice it does make sense that not everyone was feeling her.  Was hoping for Kirk...shocked that Chris was over him.  Have to admit when I heard Sarah Grace, I think somehow they got that wrong that she didn't advance.  I hope Chevelle does get some opportunities.

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2 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

...And totally agree with Blake’s brilliance in repackaging Chris K. Chris K’s performances are as comfortable as well-worn denim jeans, and about as exciting. I freely admit to being weird, I think Blake kissing on him is kind of cute (and clever marketing ploy, because it makes Chris K seem even more like a garden gnome. Those things are also inexplicably popular.)

I agree with almost all of your post--except this part. Well, I agree that Blake is brilliant at branding his people and that all the kissing made Chris seem kind of cuter and more lovable. He looked fun to cuddle, like a big blond teddy bear. And he's such a shy guy that Blake gave him more emotional connection with the audience.

But.... but.... as cute as it seems, I think we've gotten beyond that kind of unwanted action being okay. Chris seemed good-natured but also a little uncomfortable with all the kissing and he didn't seem to initiate or reciprocate it. It's kind of the embodiment of a "power imbalance" relationship where one person CAN take liberties.

Yes, I'm going to seem pretty uptight about this, but we're in the age of #MeToo and someone at HR should talk with Blake about that, imo. It would be completely unacceptable for anyone--man or woman--to do it with a female contestant? Why is it okay with guys? Also, I think the comment to Kirk "I missed you when I was in bed last night" (or somesuch) looked like it made him uncomfortable. Very awkward when the guy is basically your boss, and a Big Star, and its all being filmed, too (I'll bet they didn't ask either Chris or Kirk if they were okay with the clips being used at the finale).

Just saying--if "consent" is important re: suggestive comments (even joking) and touching (including lots of kissing) for women and kids, why isn't it important to do for men, too? Especially with that power imbalance. 

Edited by Padma
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On 12/17/2018 at 10:07 PM, DebbieM4 said:

I'm just not invested in this show at all.  I usually love finale time, but none of them excite me in the slightest. 

I loved Makenzie, but there were others more deserving of still being there too.  Most boring Final Four ever.  None of them are special in the slightest.  

They had Makenzie, Kymberli and a few other singers that sung together in the finale that would have made a much more talented Final Four. 

On 12/17/2018 at 10:08 PM, Quickbeam said:

Kind of half watched the finale. For my money, it could be either Chevel, Chris or Kirk. I thought Kennedy sounded terrible. However I am not a fan anyway.

I actually liked Kennedy better than the others, well I thought Chevel was good too.

On 12/18/2018 at 3:14 AM, viajero said:

I thought Kennedy was by far the best overall for the night.  Her performance of Confident was masterful.  It reminded me of Chris Blue's Rhythm Nation to wrap up his season, only her vocals were better than Chris'.  Of the other covers, I thought Chevel did a good job in a performance that highlighted her sincerity, though she still had problems with some of her low notes.  Chris gave one of the most passionless renditions of Sweet Home Alabama I've ever seen.  Kirk was a huge disappointment on that Rascal Flats cover.  He seems to have steadily lost vocal control as the season has gone on and it was never more apparent than here.

I also thought the Kennedy-JHud duet was easily the best of the night.  JHud did not hold back and Kennedy was right there with her the entire way.  I would give the Chevel-Kelly duet a slight edge over the other two simply because they genuinely seemed to have a lot of fun out there.  Chris is so laid back that I don't know if he knows how to have fun, while the Kirk-Blake duet was a mess.

I didn't think any of the originals were all that good and doubt we'll ever hear any them again.  But I guess that again I'd give the edge to the two girls when it came to the performances. 

It would be a travesty if Kennedy doesn't win, but I'm not very confident she will.  Kirk is coming in as the big favorite and if his poor evening opens the door for anyone, it might be Chevel.

I do think this season was a definite step-up compared to last season, but didn't come even close to being as good as Season 13.  Though I may change my mind on ranking it above Season 14 if Chris somehow wins.  At least Brynn has shown in her most recent live performances that she really did have the potential to improve quite markedly over what she showed us on The Voice.  For the first time I can see her having some kind of relatively successful career (maybe Kelly's husband really knew what he was doing in taking her on and getting her that big record deal with Kelly's label).  I think Chris is what he is and has pretty much reached a plateau as a decent bar band singer, but nothing more than that.

I agree with a lot of your opinions especially that you thought Kennedy was the best and that Chevel did a good job. 

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On 12/18/2018 at 2:51 PM, kathyk24 said:

I think Adam can't pick talent to save his life. I hated Kennedy's song choices Jennifer took a girl who sounded like Adele and turned her into Beyoncé. I liked Blake's duets and Chevel and Kelly.

Adam is bad at picking talent, agreed Kathy.

On 12/18/2018 at 2:56 PM, saber5055 said:

Blake's duets showcased what a good singer Blake is. Jennifer's duet showcased how she likes to showcase herself and out sing anyone on stage with her. Kelly's duet showed how she let Chevel be an equal partner in the song, and Chevel measured up to that. Based on the duets alone, Chevel for the win.

What's up with Kennedy having a ton-load of backup dancers? Of course that's all figured out and arranged by TPTB. Is the show selling her as a singer or "performer." For that reason, Chevel for the win.

I'm good with that. I know Jennifer has every reason to think highly of herself, but I find it taxing to watch. Kelly, on the other hand, is THE BEST.

I love Kelly. She's my favorite Voice coach ever!

19 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

Is Carson sure he's not reading backwards?


I  will fall out of my chair if Chris wins.

When they announced Kirk's name as third, I was convinced then that Chris would win. I was actually surprised Chevel won, although I'm much happier its her and not Chris.

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18 hours ago, InfiniteMystery said:

I completely agree. So tired of hearing, and you're only 14!!!!!!!! The only young one who connected with the lyrics and feeling and showed true artistry/originality I felt was Sarah Grace. 

I so agree about the age limit. As I said before, they should do a Voice Kids, like they do in the UK and make the cutoff for the adult version 16 years old.

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9 hours ago, After7Only said:


Also loved loved loved Kelly and Jennifer's rendition of O Holy Night.   Only thing that would have made it complete is if Adam/Blake had thrown their shoe on the stage :)

I'm glad you mentioned that.  It was amazing!  Two true artists.  Definitely the highlight of the show for me.  (And Adam/Blake throwing a shoe would have been hilarious.)

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7 hours ago, Padma said:

But.... but.... as cute as it seems, I think we've gotten beyond that kind of unwanted action being okay. Chris seemed good-natured but also a little uncomfortable with all the kissing and he didn't seem to initiate or reciprocate it. It's kind of the embodiment of a "power imbalance" relationship where one person CAN take liberties.

Yes, I'm going to seem pretty uptight about this, but we're in the age of #MeToo and someone at HR should talk with Blake about that, imo. It would be completely unacceptable for anyone--man or woman--to do it with a female contestant? Why is it okay with guys? Also, I think the comment to Kirk "I missed you when I was in bed last night" (or somesuch) looked like it made him uncomfortable. Very awkward when the guy is basically your boss, and a Big Star, and its all being filmed, too (I'll bet they didn't ask either Chris or Kirk if they were okay with the clips being used at the finale).

Just saying--if "consent" is important re: suggestive comments (even joking) and touching (including lots of kissing) for women and kids, why isn't it important to do for men, too? Especially with that power imbalance. 

I totally see what you’re saying, and I appreciate your sharing that perspective.

 I didn’t see the power imbalance before, or at least I did but from the flip side of it, if that makes sense.  For me personally, I appreciate that someone who presents as a male and claims to be a redneck with its attendant (negative) associations, uses their considerable social clout on a national platform to freely demonstrate acceptance of different races and physical affection towards other cis-gendered males.

Again, it’s a personal thing, but I’m more sensitized to racism and homophobia so I automatically applaud behaviors that I think should be modeled – unless I find out differently, of course.

Earlier this season, Blake did the whole “I kissed Adam Levine!” schtick so I linked the behavior to that – as in already treating Chris and Kirk as peers like Adam Levine. It never once crossed my mind that there was an implied penalty if they didn’t reciprocate or allow the kisses to happen.

So, I get it now, but I hope there’s a middle ground where we can accommodate for sensitivity to #metoo, and where POCs, especially queer POCs, can feel more accepted by people who look and sound like Blake. 

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I think Jennifer isn't a very good coach at all.  She had arguably the most talented contestant and took her to fourth place?  I think we must accept that the voting/viewing audience for this show is predominantly country music fans (due to Blake being ever-present) and the only way to keep the audience fresh is to keep the judges fresh (i.e. Alicia won with Chris Blue, but would he would have won without folks tuning in that season to see Alicia Keys???).  Also, the show only embraces the concept of "The Voice" during the blinds...from there on out it's about appearance as much as any other show on TV.  


Five things I feel like need to happen to make this show better:

1.  Rotate all of the judges.  

2.  Pick the rules of the game and stick with it for a while. 

3.  Knock it off with the time zone voting wonkery.  Let everyone have a say.

4.  More time between seasons (especially if you aren't rotating all the judges)

5.  Raise the age limit to 18

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On 12/19/2018 at 4:08 PM, Padma said:

Yes, I'm going to seem pretty uptight about this, but we're in the age of #MeToo and someone at HR should talk with Blake about that, imo. It would be completely unacceptable for anyone--man or woman--to do it with a female contestant? Why is it okay with guys? Also, I think the comment to Kirk "I missed you when I was in bed last night" (or somesuch) looked like it made him uncomfortable. Very awkward when the guy is basically your boss, and a Big Star, and its all being filmed, too

I mentioned this back when he first started doing it and then as time goes on it shows he just kept pushing it further and further, which reallly made me uncomfortable for Chris. I know he plays his lovable country buffoon role and aww shucks' his way through things but I think he took the kissing thing wayyyyy too far. And Blake seems the kind of guy that just escalates things if he thinks he's "got you" on something, like LOOK EVERYONE how much I LOVE kissing this guy (because it makes him uncomfortable which I think its funny) so I'm just going to push it and push it some more. That's what really makes me sick about it. Uncomfortable = back off not double down.

If anyone wanted to get hot about inappropriate content that night look away from Halsey's dance routine and on how uncomfortable Blake makes his contestants under the guise of being "funny". It's just not okay, even if the show also thinks it's high comedy.

I also was wondering if the 'frilly dress that is open in front to show your cowboy boots' was a thing or if they just picked it up for Chevel? She wore one several times which made me wonder. So much for my 'deep thoughts' about the winner...

Retro-edited: Thanks PinkSugar I'd not known of that trend.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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On 12/10/2018 at 10:06 PM, JeanneH said:

Actually, I found a different "This is Me" video (for me) tonight - a promo behind-the-scenes video clip of the first time Settle sang it live for the cast, during a script run-thru. The faces on the other singers performers, especially as she gained more confidence, came out from behind the music stands, and the entire song just took off, was something to behold. Hugh Jackman and Rebecca Ferguson were really into it too.

Just to correct some things I wrote back on page 9, the week Kennedy performed "This Is Me". The video clip I refer to here was actually from a workshop when they were trying to get the green light to make "The Greatest Showman". The "cast"...  well, if Rebecca Ferguson was there she wasn't on camera. The people on camera sitting next to Hugh Jackman are all  Broadway actors - (right to left, starting with the lady in red): Alison Luff, Jeremy Jordan, Cynthia Erivo, Caroline Bowman, Andrew Keenan Bolger, Brian Terrell Clark. Hugh Jackman and Alison Luff really get into it. And watch the piano player beginning around 2:00 - he *really* gets into it!

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14 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

(Actually, Loren Allred sang (post-production) for Jenny Lind, not Ferguson. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t cast Ferguson until after this green light session.)

I heard they used Loren Allred for the singing but Ferguson just for the acting.

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17 hours ago, JeanneH said:

Just to correct some things I wrote back on page 9, the week Kennedy performed "This Is Me". The video clip I refer to here was actually from a workshop when they were trying to get the green light to make "The Greatest Showman". The "cast"...  well, if Rebecca Ferguson was there she wasn't on camera. The people on camera sitting next to Hugh Jackman are all  Broadway actors - (right to left, starting with the lady in red): Alison Luff, Jeremy Jordan, Cynthia Erivo, Caroline Bowman, Andrew Keenan Bolger, Brian Terrell Clark. Hugh Jackman and Alison Luff really get into it. And watch the piano player beginning around 2:00 - he *really* gets into it!

The pianist is Justin Paul, one of the two brilliantly talented musicians and songwriters who co-wrote, with Benj Pasek, the entire soundtrack to TGS. 

A third musician, Ryan Lewis, co-wrote the song "The Greatest Show" with Justin & Benj.

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On 12/21/2018 at 6:09 PM, PinkSugar said:

The dress with boots thing was originally popularized by Taylor Swift in the late 2000's. 

I had to take a break last season so now I am trying to catch up. 

I guess you mean "re-popularized"? Because boots with dresses have been popular since the early 70s. I still have some of my mom's vintage cowboy boots and the long (and short ) "hippy" dresses she wore together as a young twentysomething back then. As a teen in the 90s, we wore boots and dresses when we'd go line dancing. Taylor gets credit for starting lots of things, like the bright red lipstick and blonde hair, but most of the things she does style-wise are just reboots of classic looks. 

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