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2 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:



I believe I just found a still pic of Rick and Negan for an upcoming episode.

LOL!  Dead!  Maybe there's a cartoon of Wile E Coyote grabbing a barbed wire bat BY THE WIRE and trying to hit the Roadrunner with the handle instead.

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I haven't found one of Wile E. with a bat yet, although I did find multiple images of him in a bear trap.  I probably should have offered up one of those since that's what started this line of conversation.  Given that this isn't even the first time a character on this show has conveniently gotten caught in a bear trap (see Beth when on walkabout with Daryl in season 4) they're apparently a much more common hazard out where people might be walking than I previously thought.

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6 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I always thought he had a kinky "thing" for her.

Me too.  I think if she took a bath and fixed those jacked up feet he would definitely bang her.  

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4 hours ago, peach said:

Maybe there's a cartoon of Wile E Coyote grabbing a barbed wire bat BY THE WIRE

Found one:



1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I think if she took a bath and fixed those jacked up feet he would definitely bang her.

I don't think ol' "I'm covered in blood and sweat all the time" Rick cares about that.

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Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere but the shot of Rick under the tree at the end of Carl's funeral episode is also going to the be the last shot of this season, right?  Also, it looks like his hand is bloody because he has another wound (maybe on his leg) so I'm betting that they are slightly tweaking the scene from the comics where Rick is hit with a weapon that may or may not have zombie guts on it but wins the war and has to decide whether or not to kill Negan before finding out he's going to survive the wound.

If that's right, they are going to go into the summer hiatus with cliffhangers of whether or not Rick will survive and whether or not he'll kill Negan.  *sigh*

Edited by rab01
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There won't be a cliffhanger about killing Negan.

Indications are that they're going to find a way to keep him around.  Negan is going to become besties with Rick and the rest.  He's going to become an uncle to Judith as in that dream.

From mortal enemies after killing those close to him to Rick's trusted partner in forging a better post ZA world.


The Walking Dead is becoming The Walking Crock.

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2 hours ago, Anela said:

LMAO. I'm actually picturing them using these. 

I think the Instant Holes would be pretty handy.  lol

56 minutes ago, rab01 said:

 so I'm betting that they are slightly tweaking the scene from the comics where Rick is hit with a weapon that may or may not have zombie guts on it but wins the war and has to decide whether or not to kill Negan before finding out he's going to survive the wound.

This is annoying, because these characters practically drown in zombie guts many a time.  But now suddenly it's a risk.

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1 hour ago, rab01 said:

If that's right, they are going to go into the summer hiatus with cliffhangers of whether or not Rick will survive and whether or not he'll kill Negan.

You mean he hasn't yet decided? I guess all those "I'm gonna kill you" - face to face, behind the barricade, over the phone, relaying that information to Michonne, etc. -  was just funnin'? Joshin'?

1 hour ago, peach said:

I think the Instant Holes would be pretty handy

I'd like to see them on the Jet Propelled Unicycles. They can throw the the Instant Holes behind them as the Saviors chase them.

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28 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

You mean he hasn't yet decided? I guess all those "I'm gonna kill you" - face to face, behind the barricade, over the phone, relaying that information to Michonne, etc. -  was just funnin'? Joshin'?

I'd like to see them on the Jet Propelled Unicycles. They can throw the the Instant Holes behind them as the Saviors chase them.

The first thing I saw was the tornado kit. All of the hot air from Negan, could help spark it. 

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You know if this writing team could figure out a way to work the Assorted Picnic Ants and the bottle of ACME Bumble Bees into a scene they'd be all over that.

The Indestructo Steel Ball is clearly for Negan to do a philosophical compare and contrast about while Daryl fights someone for the box of Practice Bombs and manages to waste them.

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On 3/2/2018 at 1:57 PM, nodorothyparker said:

2.)Why do Rick and Michonne go to the junkyard?

To try and warn Jadis that the Saviors will be coming for them

God, I am so out of it. I swear that watching this is actually destroying my brain cells or I go into some kind of boredom-induced fugue state while watching.

THAT is the only reason he rushed to the Junk Pile after just planting his only son and heir? Not rushing to see if Judith, or Daryl, or Maggie or even Tara are made it to Hilltop alive, but to protect JADIS and the Junkers?

Brion? Tamiel?  They had names? Unisex Star Trek names? Who knew their names?

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1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

You know if this writing team could figure out a way to work the Assorted Picnic Ants and the bottle of ACME Bumble Bees into a scene they'd be all over that.

Rick: "Daryl! Tara! Take these bottles of asst. Picnic Ants and Bumble Bees. We will disguise ourselves with the ACME Artificial Rocks and sneak up on the Saviors. Then, release the insects!"

Daryl: *mumble mumble grunt* "Good idea Rick."

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3 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

You know if this writing team could figure out a way to work the Assorted Picnic Ants and the bottle of ACME Bumble Bees into a scene they'd be all over that.

The Indestructo Steel Ball is clearly for Negan to do a philosophical compare and contrast about while Daryl fights someone for the box of Practice Bombs and manages to waste them.

They sort of already worked the Acme weather balloon in, so the sky is the limit.

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On 10.3.2018 at 7:16 PM, nodorothyparker said:



I believe I just found a still pic of Rick and Negan for an upcoming episode.

You know, I find this incredibly insulting to Roadrunner. Neither Rick nor Negan are anywhere even close to Roadrunner's level of brilliance. If anything Rick and Negan should be two Wile E. Coyotes.

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One of my favorite looney tunes episodes is the one with a guy who puts a portable hole on the floor and the nagging wife falls in it and goes to hell. Except, a terrified Satan returns her because she wouldn’t stop nagging and talking. 

So, we know what would happen if Negan fell into the hole.

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So where are these catapults?

Are they out of the fire bombs they used on Alexandria?

Unless the walker bits they shoot at Hilltop penetrates the skin, how is than an effective weapon?

Anyways, they've covered themselves with walker guts and blood before and they didn't get infected.  If they had some cuts, even little ones, they would get infected.  In fact when they're pounding on walkers, blood is being sprayed up in the air.  Are they sure they're not breathing it in?  The eyes are another vector for entry of pathogens.

They might as well just make some Molotov cocktails and burn down the wooden wall and start fires on the buildings.  You know, how in medieval warfare, they used fire to take down enemy forts?

This war is getting boring.  Saviors have to be low on food too.

BTW, it's not so smart to depend on others to provide food, as Negan and the Saviors are doing.  Kingdom was giving them pork Fed with walkers -- why don't they get infected?  Even if they weren't trying to contaminate the food on purpose, veggies can carry deadly bacteria.  

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On 3/5/2018 at 8:03 AM, Save Yourself said:

So Jadis is going to be Alpha isn’t she? Makes no sense to have left her alive at the tip. 

i came on this thread to ask this very question.

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14 hours ago, scrb said:

So where are these catapults?

I guess they have to build them.  The bullets are taking too long, so, hey, let's stop and build CATAPULTS.

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2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

The catapults seem unrealistic given they don't know the approximate height of the Hilltop walls and also don't know the horizontal distance to different landmarks within the walls. Even if they fire from a 45 degree angle to achieve maximum height, there's no guarantee their zombie guts will go very far inside and reloading the catapults (assuming they have multiples) before getting mowed down by bullets is unlikely. Of course, this is tv, so I'm sure we'll find out that Simon used to be a high school physics teacher and knows the science behind catapults to make them successful. 

As for the walker guts, it doesn't seem likely to do anything. I've always felt the walkers bite killed in the same way that scientists used to think Komodo Dragon bites did- by simply causing severe blood loss or transmitting an overwhelming amount of an aggressive bacteria that slowly shut down all the body systems in the animal causing them to die, similar to sepsis. 

Walker bite seems to make you sick and die pretty much, unless the bite was to a limb and there was amputation.

But the show also established that they all carry the disease so regardless of the way they die, if the brain is intact, you will turn.

So getting bitten by walkers is highly fatal, not 100% (which was the case with Herschel).  But then something like the flu can also be fatal, like that outbreak they had when they were in the prison.  With no medicine and poor hygiene, flus might be more fatal than they would be normally.  Other types of infections which would be relatively easy to treat could be fatal.

Gabriel lucked out finding antibiotics (though antibiotics aren't good forever).  So he won't go blind.  But a big infection could be hard to treat without antibiotics.

Then there might be insufficient nutrition.  Hilltop is running low on food and you would think the Saviors are as well.  With all the fighting, any kind of farming activity is disrupted.  Even more dire, where do they get clean water?  That's a more immediate concern.  If they collect rainwater, fine but running water in Alexandria was suppose to be the exception, not the rule in this post ZA world.  Safe drinking water supplies needed not only for survival but avoiding disease.  

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3 hours ago, peach said:

I guess they have to build them.  The bullets are taking too long, so, hey, let's stop and build CATAPULTS.

If the Saviors spray Eugene's bullets with reckless abandon, then we know it's BS.  

If they want to show them using shotguns with shells he refilled, that might be plausible, but not high-speed ammo.

How many can one person make by hand without and defects?  Maybe a couple of dozen?  Well you can shoot that many in less than a minute easily.

I don't know why ammo is suddenly a big concern anyways.  Rick had his people spray them to knock out windows so they're acting like there's an endless supply.

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4 minutes ago, scrb said:

If the Saviors spray Eugene's bullets with reckless abandon, then we know it's BS.  

If they want to show them using shotguns with shells he refilled, that might be plausible, but not high-speed ammo.

How many can one person make by hand without and defects?  Maybe a couple of dozen?  Well you can shoot that many in less than a minute easily.

I don't know why ammo is suddenly a big concern anyways.  Rick had his people spray them to knock out windows so they're acting like there's an endless supply.

Right?  They pay lip service to things like low ammo but then the do whatever seems cool to the writers.

It's kind of ridiculous that this is some kind of "new" amazing strategy that they needed Eugene's genius for.  There are shooting enthusiasts who refill shells NOW.  An established group like the Saviors should have already been doing this a long time ago.  It has always annoyed me that people act like only Eugene can figure anything out when they have access to every book left on the planet.

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8 minutes ago, scrb said:

I don't know why ammo is suddenly a big concern anyways.

It's like the disappearing and reappearing larder. One minute there's plenty of food, next minute everyone is lamenting the lack of same and gets just 2 peas and a teaspoon of rice because the cupboard is bare.

One minute Rick is terrorizing and robbing the Ocean group because they're so desperate for ammo, next scene they're firing hundreds and hundreds of rounds, busting out windows just for the lulz or target practice.

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4 hours ago, scrb said:

I don't know why ammo is suddenly a big concern anyways.

Never understood why that was a concern, period. Since S1 they act as if the show takes place in Western Europe instead of the USA. Rick is acting as if weapons/ammo can only be found in Sheriffs stations (police stations) or gun stores. And we only see them visit a gun store once. They run into so many highway pileups during the Seasons. But they never find weapons beyond bladed ones? How on Earth that does make sense, especially in the south of the US (S1-4)?

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INTERVIEW: The Walking Dead stars on Carl’s death, gay romance and what to expect next
Susan Brett   March 13, 2018


.. We sat down with series regulars Austin Amelio (Dwight), Tom Payne (Jesus) and Ross Marquand (Aaron) to discuss the impact of Carl’s death, what’s still to come this season and a certain gay romance that takes place in the comics.
*  *  *
What can you hint about the rest of the season?
: I think the conclusion to the war is the thing that’s most exciting to me, because the communities do come together at the end of the season in a really cool way.

Tom: Yeah, the war does end this season. Can we say that?

Ross: We can say that.

INTERVIEW: The Walking Dead’s Steven Ogg on what Simon and Negan will do next
Susan Brett   March 13 2018


After the events of episode 10, could there be a showdown between Simon and Negan?
I think there’s obviously some disagreement between them, but Simon believes what he’s done is the best course of action at this point. We’ve been trying what Negan has been trying for this amount of time and where have we got? Kind of f***ing nowhere. So Simon’s like okay. Action time. Let’s get this moving. He would rather come back to Negan and explain it on the backhand, as opposed to try to explain it to Negan upfront and disagree.

Early on, you didn’t see Simon and Negan together at all, it’s because Simon was trusted. They have all those outposts and Simon was doing his thing. He was getting the job done because he was trusted. They obviously might have a bit of an argy-bargy, but I don’t think it’s a big concern. I don’t think Simon’s heading back after that and going ‘argh, what’s dad going to say?’. It’s just like, well this is what I did. Now we can get further ahead. Now we can make some progress here because what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working.

What do you think the key differences are between Simon and Negan?
Well, after the last episode, there’s a pretty big difference between them now in the way they’re operating and the way they’re getting stuff done.

Simon’s a peacocker too, but he does it back here, whereas Negan I think likes to peacock out front. I always call him the drummer, because he likes to get shit done without being at the front of the stage. I think that’s the biggest, fundamental difference. It’s not that Simon couldn’t lead, it’s that he’s allowing Negan to lead. Negan doesn’t mind being at the front of the stage, whereas Simon prefers to get stuff done back here. Their position is the biggest difference.

Edited by tv echo
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A gay romance?  Well, that's pretty groundbreaking, since it will be the fourth one.

Okay, edited to add that I actually read the article and that teaser headline is dumb because they're talking about not doing it since Eric "just" died.  Even though it was months ago, again like the others everyone has "just" died.  Hard to maintain emotions about it.

Also, clearly they are all appalled that Carl was killed off.

Edited by peach
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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

INTERVIEW: The Walking Dead stars on Carl’s death, gay romance and what to expect next
Susan Brett   March 13, 2018:  "As the Alexandrians and allies inch closer to victory over the Saviours, the new season of the Walking Dead looks to be one of the most intense ever."

Obviously, Susan Brett was paid to say that.

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54 minutes ago, peach said:

Okay, edited to add that I actually read the article and that teaser headline is dumb because they're talking about not doing it since Eric "just" died.  Even though it was months ago, again like the others everyone has "just" died.  Hard to maintain emotions about it.

But wasn't it just days ago in the timeline? He died in early S8 right? And it's still not even been a week in the shows timeline since then? But maybe I'm just confused since I can't keep track. Man Lost was easier even with flashbacks, flashforwards and flashsideways.

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13 minutes ago, Smad said:

But wasn't it just days ago in the timeline? He died in early S8 right? And it's still not even been a week in the shows timeline since then? But maybe I'm just confused since I can't keep track. Man Lost was easier even with flashbacks, flashforwards and flashsideways.

I think Eric died yesterday in the show's timeline.  I was just pointing out that it's hard for the audience to feel like it was just yesterday when it was in October or something.

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54 minutes ago, peach said:

I think Eric died yesterday in the show's timeline. 

It couldn't have been much more than a day, since right after that Aaron decided he wanted that baby, then he didn't, then he immediately took off on a road trip with Enid.

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I think I have figured out the reason why the characters are acting the way they do now. It's an extremely subtle and brilliant way of showing another effect of the zombie virus that everyone has: It slowly makes you very stupid.

Naah, who am I kidding?

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On 3/2/2018 at 12:57 PM, nodorothyparker said:

From TSDF Army.  So the only character to get to react to Carl's death is, of course .... Negan.


THIS is infuriating. I watched a clip of that scene and I feel they were trying to manipulate me into caring for Negan. Oh look Negan's voice trembled, he cares, he loved Carl. Blech give me a break he only got upset because he had dibs on killing Carl and a walker got to the kid first. And didn't he try to bash his head in one episode? a milisecond before cgi Shiva attacked a savior on command. anyway rant over, I just hate stupid Negan and his stupid bat.

1 hour ago, peach said:

Go, Michonne!  Strike while the iron's hot.  She's still got time to wander around a couple seasons, I'd wager.

Good for her! at the rate TWD is killing all the popular characters I reckon she doesn't have much time left on the show, better for her to move on to bigger things. 

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23 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

So it looks like our "Roadrunner/Coyote" thing is coming true. Oh, and more super-closeups too although not shown in this clip:

Preview for the next ep. I usually avoid spoilers or trailers at all cost, but now - who cares?


A car chase?  With crazy Death Proof music blaring?  I was laughing, but I kinda liked it.  lol  If they would let Rick go batshit crazy beast mode like in the olden days, and just kill that blabbermouth idiot Negan once and for all, I might watch that.

Edited by peach
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I don't know why I just got my hopes up for a second.  I must need to get some sleep.  After the bat handle incident, I'm sure Rick will chase Negan down in a car, and then sideswipe him and raise his fist and shout, "I'm gonna KILL you!" and then drive away really fast.  While Judith is eaten by walkers in some other location.

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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

So it looks like our "Roadrunner/Coyote" thing is coming true. Oh, and more super-closeups too although not shown in this clip:

Preview for the next ep. I usually avoid spoilers or trailers at all cost, but now - who cares?


Where are all of Negan's people? He can only fill 3 cars with people now? There aren't even 20 guys in those cars. That's going to be enough to attack Hilltop? This makes no sense. But I bet the show will find some contrived way where those few people are somehow enough. Please, Carol/Morgan can take them on by themselves. Where is Negan's army?

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It's kind of impressive, really. They've set up a wonderful story moment where Negan's so busy trying to bring Rick and co to heel that he's missing the fact that his most trusted guys have turned on him. And could be the reason he dies at Rick's hands. But... they're not going to do it. Accidental good writing cannot stand!

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9 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

So it looks like our "Roadrunner/Coyote" thing is coming true. Oh, and more super-closeups too although not shown in this clip:

Preview for the next ep. I usually avoid spoilers or trailers at all cost, but now - who cares?


I guess we'll know for sure if Negan is allowed to inexplicably escape through a tunnel painted hastily on the side of a building.  


1 hour ago, jenrising said:

It's kind of impressive, really. They've set up a wonderful story moment where Negan's so busy trying to bring Rick and co to heel that he's missing the fact that his most trusted guys have turned on him. And could be the reason he dies at Rick's hands. But... they're not going to do it. Accidental good writing cannot stand!

It is impressive, and infuriating at the same time.  If the show could actually be what it claims to be where "no one is safe" and follow through on killing Negan like it long ago should have, the groundwork is already laid for a story about a guy so caught up in his own hubris and invincibility that he never notices that his most trusted people have either been swayed to the other side or are no longer towing the company line.  But Must. Keep. Negan. Alive at all costs.

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1 hour ago, jenrising said:

 Accidental good writing cannot stand!

I am legit LOLing.  Good start to my day!

20 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

I guess we'll know for sure if Negan is allowed to inexplicably escape through a tunnel painted hastily on the side of a building. 

More LOLing!

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