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S3.E4: Y.G.A.G.G.

Casey and Evan take to the open road for a tense reunion. Back home, Sam and Zahid get ready to party, and Elsa bids farewell to the past.

Original air date: 11/1/19

I totally loved Eric McCormack commiserating with Sam about his 9B pencil and reminiscing about losing his burnt umber. It's moments like that when you know you have found your people because they get exactly what it means to you.

Evan's dad sucks. When he said tried to tell the kids that his leaving the family was the best thing that ever happened to them because it made them into the people they are today, I just rolled my eyes. No wonder Evan can't stand this guy. He's trying to spin abandoning his family as a good thing? STFU.

I had to laugh when Beth stole the dog.

I'm glad Sam ended up having fun at the art party thing. And who knew that Miley Cyrus was such a matchmaker?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1
On 11/2/2019 at 8:45 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I think Casey's heart was in the right place when she bought that book for Sam, but she went about it all the wrong way. I'm glad that Sam was honest with her and said that college isn't for him. But when she said they still had two more years to figure everything out, the look on his face said he is pretty sure he's going to lose her once she leaves for college so he just wants to enjoy the time he has left with her.

You may have already corrected this, but she bought the book for Evan, and Evan was the one who said college wasn't for him.

23 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Paige: The pressure was on, too, because my mom met my Aunt Stacy the first week of freshman year, and I really wanted my own own Aunt Stacy. Turns out me introducing myself door to door was really crucial, despite, you know, some of the rudeness and the occasional nudity.

I watched this scene twice and still can't figure out who Aunt Stacy is. Was she someone who Paige's mother met in college and then became such close lifelong friends that Paige was taught to call her "Aunt"? Now that I think about it, that does make sense--and I have had the same experience with my best friend since high school, who taught her children to refer to me as "Auntie Patti" (and now in their 30s, they sometimes still do).

Absolutely loving season 3. I'm on 6 right now. Noticed This is Us teen Randall as his roommate at college, for a second I was like, "Aren't you at Howard"? lol

I feel bad saying it, but does anyone feel distracted by Sam's mom's face. It seems frozen, especially around her mouth. I don't know why it keeps distracting me, but everyone else is superb. I look forward to next season.

I like that the interactions seem real, nothing is fixed in an hour and you feel like you'd like to know them in real life.

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Paige: The pressure was on, too, because my mom met my Aunt Stacy the first week of freshman year and I really wanted my own own Aunt Stacy. Turns out me introducing myself door to door was really crucial, despite, you know, some of the rudeness and the occasional nudity.

Evan: Every time I visit my dad, I feel like I'm 13 years old. I just end up yelling at him. And you know me. I'm not a yeller.
Casey: No, you are not.
Evan: He just brings out the worst in me.
Casey: Yeah, I have no idea what that's like. Elsa makes me my best self.

Shinerock: You okay, dude? You're aura's a little hectic.
Sam: Somebody stole my 9B pencil!
Shinerock: Oh, boy, no bueno. You think you misplaced it?
Sam: What? No, of course I didn't misplace it. How would I have misplaced it? It's a really important pencil.
Shinerock: They all are. I get it. I lost one of my pastels once and drove into a tree. Burnt umber.

Zahid: Look at this face. Look at it. Is it not lovable? Do you not want to spend time with this face?
Sam: Only when it's attached to your body.
Zahid: Damn right! So why can't the peeps in my nursing school see that? You'd think with nine chicks to every dude, I'd be swimming in a sea of potential valentines. But instead, I get left out of everything. Last week a group from my fundamentals of nursing class went and got mani pedis. Did they invite the Z-man? 
Sam: I have no idea. 
Zahid: They did not. And you know how much papa loves a good callous removal. Oh, and on Sunday, my study group went to see Miley Cyrus in concert. The whole planet knows how I feel about Miley. Wrecking Ball is the saddest song ever written.

Sam: I've never been to a real party and the last time I almost went to one, Arlo stole my money and pushed me down.
Zahid: And he's been receiving a small amount of feces in the mail every month ever since.
Sam: What?
Zahid: The less you know, the better.

Evan: You lured us here with a fake dying dog so you could get my college money from grandma?
Duane: When you say it like that, it sounds bad.

Abby: How do you get your webbed feet to look like that?
Sam: It's all in the shading technique.
Abby: Can you show me?
Sam: I was already going to whether you asked or not.

Gretchen: Miley Cyrus, huh?
Zahid: You know it.
Gretchen: She's one of the six people on this planet who actually tells the truth.
Zahid: I've never counted, but I believe you.
Gretchen: You shouldn't. I'm not one of the six.
Zahid: I'm Zahid.
Gretchen: Gretchen.
Zahid: So, Gretchen, what is an obviously cultured woman such as yourself doing hanging out by a dumpster?
Gretchen: I did that thing where that lady says to toss out anything that doesn't spark joy. I'm not usually that impressionable, but I was like, she's right, who needs tons of stuff? But then when my apartment was empty, I realized I do.

Bob: Hey, Sam, have you seen Zahid? He was supposed to be here an hour ago. I'm starting to get worried. It's not like him. He has many flaws, but he's usually very punctual.
Sam: No, but he did send me a text last night. Eggplant, water droplet, dragon. Zahid met a dragon or he ate a wet eggplant or he went swimming with a dragon?

Paige: Wait, that's what an eggplant means?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

S3.E5: Only Tweed

As Paige makes a plan in the face of adversity, Sam awaits a crucial academic update. Elsa endures an uncomfortable encounter.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Casey gets an A+ for distracting her parents with the threat of throwing away perfectly good steel cut oats while Evan snuck out the front door. I was surprised that Sam didn't spot Evan and yell, "Evan, when did you get here?"

Paige's 80s power suit for her disciplinary meeting was a lot. I feel bad that she is so ashamed of what's going on with her that she doesn't feel like she can be honest with Sam about how lonely she is and how she's being mocked by everyone in her dorm.

Poor Sam. I was raised to be polite aka not interrupt so it would have been hard for me to jump in and talk over the other students. I remember doing a Socratic seminar in high school and we had to raise our hands.

As soon as Sam told Casey that Paige's dress code specificed no tweed, she would do everything in her power to find something tweed to wear.

I want to know what happened between Elsa and her mom to get them to the point where Elsa has to tell her that Sam started college.

When Evan said he is dyslexic, I wondered why Casey didn't mention that he qualifies for extra time on his tests. You'd think after years of listening Elsa talking about dealing with student services for Sam, she'd know to tell him something like that!

  • Love 5


Elsa: Hi, honey. I heard the scritch scratch and thought we had a little mouse.
Sam: Quiet, I'm working.
Elsa: A rude little mouse.

Evan: I didn't know there was a test [for EMT certification].
Casey: If my dad can do it, you'll be fine. Now the real test: can you jump out of a very high window?

Paige: Did I throw that burrito? Yes, I did. And was it extra hot because I used the popcorn setting on accident? Yes, yes, it was. But before you shatter my dreams of being a Bowdoin polar bear, I ask you to consider what I went through - what the dorm rat went through. Now being away from home is hard enough but the other stuff - the name calling, the ostracizing the small chunks of cheese left on my doorstep. Now I may not have first degree queso burns on my cheek but I do have scars that you can't see - on my soul.

Sam: I worked so hard. Look. I had much better points than most of those other kids.
Judd: And you also had a much longer piece of paper.
Sam: I thought it would be easier than flipping through pages. 
Judd: Was it? 
Sam: Not at all.
Judd: Well, you have some really good points here, your royal majesty.

Sam: I've never gotten an F on anything before. Except at my mom's summer school and her F stood for funtastic. 
Judd: Well, she sounds like a delight.

Sam: Did you get Paige's evite?
Casey: Hello, brother.
Sam: Yes or no?
Casey: Yes and no. Yes, I received it. No, I will not be attending. 
Sam: Why not? 
Casey: Don't wanna.
Sam: Me neither, but Paige would really like you to go because for some reason, she considers you a friend.

Casey: How is Paige hosting a dinner party if she's in Maine?
Sam: She'll be on the tablet.
Casey: Okay. And that's just stupid enough to intrigue me. I'm in.
Sam: Okay, good. Now for the dress code, Paige was very specific. No tweed.

Paige: Oh my gosh, it looks amazing. I can't believe I did all this.
Sam: You didn't. I did. You just bossed me around the whole time.
Paige: Usually the b-word would trigger me but I'm going to stay on task.

Zahid: Everyone, this is Gretchen. We met at a dumpster. She's my soul mate and my sole mate. Same shoe size. These are hers.

Zahid: Lovely burn. Gretchen thinks I use the word dope too much so now when I'm about to say dope, I say lovely instead.
Gretchen: I just know you can do better.

Zahid: Sam, can I borrow a shirt?
Sam: Sure, but I don't have anything in silk.
Zahid: That's okay. Gretchen taught me that silk comes from a worm's butt hole so I'm off the stuff.

Casey: Ooh, melty Brie! Brie and Mexican food. I love it. Where'd that come from?
Paige: I have a cheese guy. I just really like cheese.

Paige: What do we do? 
Casey: I don't know. Wait it out, make fun of [Gretchen] after.

Izzie: My mom didn't go to college and she invented the tampon gravity bong.

Paige: Stop! All of you! Okay, we are here to have fun! And yes, some of us are arguing and some of us got wet and some of us saw penises!

Casey: Should you be having a candle burning by your bed with your track record?

Zahid: There's a cuddle party happening and no one invited me?

Zahid: Sorry that Paige saw my dong.
Elsa: What's that now?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

As soon as Sam told Casey that Paige's dress code specificed no tweed, she would do everything in her power to find something tweed to wear.

This!  I laughed so hard when Sam said that because the only way anybody was going to turn up to that party wearing tweed was banning it.   

1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Paige: I have a cheese guy. I just really like cheese.

I'm just glad the manchego incident didn't put her off cheese.

  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

I'm just glad the manchego incident didn't put her off cheese.

Same here! As humiliating as all the dorm rat jokes have been, I'm glad they didn't affect her love of cheese.

The hostility between Izzie and Evan is really escalating so it's only a matter of time before the inevitable blowup where Casey is forced to choose sides. That is going to be ugly.

8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I want to know what happened between Elsa and her mom to get them to the point where Elsa has to tell her that Sam started college.

When Evan said he is dyslexic, I wondered why Casey didn't mention that he qualifies for extra time on his tests. You'd think after years of listening Elsa talking about dealing with student services for Sam, she'd know to tell him something like that!

That was my only "head scratch" moment. He tells her he has dyslexia and that probably contributed to his so so grades in school and no response other than "you never told me". He knows he is but has he had help, does he feel it's just hopeless? Wait until Elsa finds out!

I also worry about him being an EMT and not disclosing that, will there be an incident. I've seen quite a few success stories online and this woman wrote about it, but you need to tell them. I hope there is more of this next season. It might help someone else.


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S3.E6: The Essence of a Penguin

Sam’s art assignment inspires an impromptu field trip. Casey navigates a fight with Izzie. Evan works hard for a second chance with Doug.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Oh, Paige. Racking up $6K in credit card debt in five weeks? And that was before she bought the canoe! I'm glad she finally told Sam what was going on at Bowdoin because she clearly had no one to talk about how bad things were.

Part of me likes that they showed Paige having a hard time adjusting to college because most tv shows idealize college as this nonstop party where everyone makes a million new best friends right away and that isn't the case for everyone. For that reason, I like that the show depicted a college experience that is realistic and not shown very often. But the other part of me hates that they had Paige fail so much just so they could bring her back and keep her in Sam's life.

Loved Sam's penguin drawings! I really like that Sam is taking art classes. If I am remembering correctly, Sam did a lot of drawing in his notebook in high school but I don't recall him taking art classes. But even if he did take art in high school, he is clearly being challenged in new ways (like this "essence" assignment with no rules), which I think is good for him. Even though he struggled with it, what he ended up creating was the perfect amalgamation of his personality and the assignment and art.

I'm still undecided on Gretchen. I mean, I can't disagree with her about Zahid's outfits being A LOT. On the other hand, they JUST started dating and she's already trying to change him. If it's going to be limited to getting him to dress better and say "dope" less, then fine. But if her "college is pointless" attitude convinces Zahid to drop out of college, I'm going to be mad. She didn't seem to have any reason to make him give up gluten either so I'm guessing she read an article that said gluten is bad while they were standing in line for corndogs at the aquarium and that was that. I am so glad that we got to see Gretchen and Zahid wearing the octopus hats! The joie vs joy fight/make out session was SO high school.

Ha, Paige's Cher in Clueless outfit was amazing. Loved when Casey asked her if that was her gardening outfit.

Elsa really needs to be needed. Since she enjoyed taking care of Paige's succulents, I wondered why she didn't just get a few of her own.

Elsa can be a meddler, but she does care. She was kind and concerned about Izzie not being at school and about Paige going back to her job at Sal E. Sour Cream.

I totally understand why Paige feels lost. I wish someone would tell her that just because Bowdoin didn't work out doesn't mean that college is off the table. I don't think she was gone very long so she might still be able to enroll at community college or even Denton. She could also apply to other schools for spring semester or next fall. Dropping out of Bowdoin isn't the end of the world. In ten years, it will barely be a blip. In fact, she might end up saying it was the best decision she ever made. No need to stay at Bowdoin if she was miserable and everyone was constantly making fun of her.

Poor Izzie has a lot to deal with. I'm glad her brother and sisters are with their grandparents for now so that she doesn't have to be the de facto adult in the house.

It took a lot for Izzie to admit how she feels about Casey. How long before they hook up?

I'm glad that Doug and Elsa are getting along now. Seeing their relationship this way makes me understand why they were together (as opposed to the beginning of S1 when they constantly seemed frustrated with each other and were butting heads). They obviously have a strong friendship underneath everything else. It's been nice to see them talking without fighting and checking in with each other about their days. I loved when Doug left the lavender candle in Elsa's room after she told him about running into her mom.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2


Sam: Why are you giving Bob your clothes?
Zahid: Gretchen thinks it's time for my wardrobe to be a bit more profesh. Also she seems to prefer a drabber color palette to my usual pimpin' brights. I think my burden is I'm just too fly. Maybe that's my essence.
Sam: Who knows? What does essence even mean?
Zahid: I don't know. I think it's like who you are deep down. Like, I used to be an iridescent leopard print kind of guy, but now I'm a pale neutrals kind of dude. Essence.

Zahid: Hey, can you see my nipples through this shirt?
Sam: No.
Zahid: Yeah, I know.

Gretchen: Hey, did you know that when Christopher Columbus discovered the penguins, he wanted to call them turd birds? That's a true story.

Zahid: It's time to corn dog and chill anyway. You gotta trust me on this. I know what you're thinking: "Aquarium corn dogs? You've lost your mind." But this place has the dopest - nay, loveliest - corn dogs around.

Zahid: Gretchen and I saw all the fish twice. Now she's in the gift shop buying us Rastafarian octopus hats.

Sam: Did you get your corn dog?
Zahid: Funny thing. We were about to order and Gretchen convinced me to give up gluten so no corn dog for me. But it's cool. It's cool. I mean, corn dogs are just salty meat rockets wrapped in a blanket of fluffy sugar cake. I mean, what's good about that? Hey, question - is it bad form to ask a random kid for a meat-only bite of their corn dog?
Sam: That doesn't sound right.
Zahid: Well, I won't know 'til I try.

Shinerock: I think sometimes the essence of a thing can be as much about what that thing is not as it is what it is.

Shinerock: Here's some lavender oil. It's calming. Got me through some rough spots.

Casey: Paige's middle name is Penelope? PP Hardaway. It's too good.

Doug: When I first started dating Elsa, her mother hated me.
Evan: Really?
Doug: Yeah, she thought I was a bum and didn't want me anywhere near her daughter.
Evan: So what changed?
Doug: Nothing, really. Eventually, I just realized it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as Elsa's got my back.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

S3.E7: Shrinkage

While Sam and Casey face friendship dilemmas, Elsa uncovers a charming surprise, and Doug makes an unexpected decision.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Oh, Sam. Once he had the footage of Gretchen stealing, I knew this would lead to the end of his friendship with Zahid. While Zahid really has been a great friend to Sam, he should already know that asking Sam to keep this a secret was totally against Sam's black and white way of seeing the world. It's not fair to expect him to break his moral code as a favor in exchange for all the things that Zahid has done as a friend.

As soon as Elsa found those Fleetwood Mac tickets, I knew that she would assume Doug was going to take her but that she would end up being wrong and that it would crush her. They've been getting along so well that I had hopes they would eventually reconcile, but I also knew that they would have to have a lot of honest conversations before that could happen. I don't know if they're still going to counseling, but they obviously still need it. It's one thing to be in a place where you aren't constantly fighting but it's another to actually forgive each other for your mistakes and move forward.

I'm not sure what the separation means for Elsa and Doug, let alone the rest of the family. Will one of them move out? I have a feeling that Casey is the one who will be most upset by the news.

I'm glad that Sam is spending time with Jasper and Sidney and the other kids at Denton on the spectrum. Everyone needs a peer group that gets them and I was worried that Sam would have a hard time finding new friends in college.

I'm also glad that Julia is keeping firm boundaries with Sam. As much as he could have used a session with her, she was right to tell him she was only seeing her grad students. I liked that Sam went to his ethics professor for advice. I think S1 Sam wouldn't have reached out to so many people to help him with his dilemma so it was nice to see him talk to Professor Judd, Casey and Evan, and Sidney and Jasper about it.

I knew it was just a matter of time before Casey and Izzie kissed afte Izzie admitted her feelings. I guess we're getting too late in the season to put it off any longer if they're going to have the requisite guilt/love triangle angst.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, debraran said:

I feel bad saying it, but does anyone feel distracted by Sam's mom's face. It seems frozen, especially around her mouth. I don't know why it keeps distracting me, but everyone else is superb. I look forward to next season.

Yes, yes, 1000x yes!!  I believe I only made one or two comments on this thread last season and one of them was about this very same thing.  Jennifer Jason Leigh's facial muscles are paralyzed beyond the point of movement from way too much Botox and it takes me out of the scene every single time she is on my screen.  It is particularly bad in the laugh lines beside her mouth.  Which is why she can't laugh or smile.  Or express any sort of emotion with her face.  Which is kinda important being an actor and all......

I LOVE this show so very much!  It's sweet and funny and deep and meaningful and lighthearted all at the same time.  The young actors are so talented.  I enjoyed this season even more so than the 2nd.  And it's hard for writers to keep the momentum going season after season so Bravo to them! 

  • Love 6


Judd: Ah, yes, the moral quandary - a state of uncertainty requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options. But if that's too confusing for your soft millennial brains, let's call it a pickle.
Sam: That's actually more confusing.
Judd: Well, think of it as a dilemma, Sam. Say you're the engineer of a runaway train, right? You go left and you kill five people you know that are tied to the tracks, but you go right, you kill twenty people that you don't know. What do you do?
Sam: Kill the five because less death. It's not a quandary.
Judd: Okay, say a guy robs a bank and he gives the money to orphans. So you now have a choice. You can either turn him in, the money goes back to the bank or you can let him go and the orphans keep the money. What do you do?
Sam: Turn him in. Sorry, orphans. It's not a quandary.
Judd: Well, you live in quite the black and white world, Mr. Gardner.

Zahid: All right, Sammy, it's time for Zahidarella to head to the ball. How do I look?
Sam: Like a UPS truck.
Zahid: Okay, I can see that - boxy, brown, and I deliver a big package.
Sam: Are you and Gretchen really going to a ball?
Zahid: No, Souplantation. But if all goes well, around 10:30 there might be some ball-related activity. That is a reference to my scrotum.

Zahid: You know how Bob insists on setting the thermostat to 70? Well, I set it to 69. But that was too cold so I bumped it back up to 70. Still, power move.

Casey: You happen to be in the presence of a professional tuba thief.
Evan: It's true - although I'm not very good at it. I got caught right away.

Sam: I'm going to tell Bob as soon as he gets back. He'll put [Gretchen's] picture on the wall of shame next to the massage chair masturbator and Jasper from my peer group. He tested electric toothbrushes without buying them and that's why we lock them up now.

Sam: I have no idea why someone would want to date a mean college-hating thief like Gretchen.

Evan: How was the bathroom?
Izzie: It was great. Thank you for asking.

Zahid: Is Gretchen really the sort of person who deserves to have her perfectly symmetrical face pinned onto the wall of shame? I mean, she didn't masturbate in the massage chair. She didn't leave a Snickers bar in the display microwave so people would think it's a turd.
Sam: That's true.

Judd: Clearly you're taking the deontological approach, whereas this Zahid character, well, he's turning it into a virtue issue. That's fascinating.
Sam: No, not fascinating.

Judd: Is Zahid the sort of person who makes morally questionable decisions?
Zahid: Anybody want some froyo? What? Samples are free.
Zahid: You can kiss someone if they're married as long as they're not happily married. You're actually doing them a favor and favors are nice.
Zahid: Yo, Sam, my health insurance just went up. Would you mind dropping this on my foot so I can get some sweet workers comp?
Sam: Not without a morally sound explanation.

Casey: I have some personal stuff.
Crowley: You want to talk about it? Look, everything's awful at your age. I wouldn't go back for all the money in the world.
Casey: Really? All the money?
Crowley: Okay, could you not be a smartass when I'm trying to help?

Bob: First I ate a really bad brownie. Then I fell asleep on the beach and someone stole my sandals right off my feet. Then I got a terrible sunburn and had to stay in our room almost the whole time.

Sam: These are all of my old notebooks - 31 to be exact. I consider them my archives, if you will.
Zahid: I will.
Sam: I reread all of them, every page, and I discovered something.
Zahid: What? That your boob drawings have really improved?
Sam: No, I discovered you - the real you. 
Zahid: But this is the real me. 
Sam: No, it's not. You're breaking your own rules. Because like Stumpy you have a parasite and that parasite's name is Gretchen.
Zahid: Dude, ouch. And wrong, Gretchen is not a parasite. She's a princess. She's dope, lovely, in every possible way. She hasn't changed me.
Sam: Not true. Notebook seven, page nine: "Bros before hoes." Notebook twenty four, page six: "Brown dudes look dope in hot pink."
Zahid: Doesn't sound like me.
Sam: Notebook thirty, page nineteen: "Never let a chica change you."

Sidney: Is everything okay?
Sam: Why does everyone always ask that? Clearly the answer is no, and when is everything ever okay? The answer is never.
Sidney: That's dark. I like it.
Sam: On the one hand, Zahid is my best friend, and on the other hand, Gretchen his girlfriend is a thief, and on the third hand, he said something very rude about my relationship with Paige.
Sidney: And that's a lot of hands.
Sam: There's a lot going on. I want to turn her in, but if I do then Zahid will be mad so I don't know what to do.
Sidney: I don't know who any of these people are, but I don't like them.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

S3.E8: Road Rage Paige

A hard truth keeps Casey up at night. Sam experiences a rough season with Zahid -- and Paige. Elsa and Doug brace for their next chapter.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Hahaha, I had to laugh when Casey tried to sneak out of the house. I had strict parents so I snuck out of the house late at night all the time, but I always made sure I knew exactly where everyone was in the house before I did. Tip #1: always wear something that looks plausibly like pajamas so that if you get caught while still in the house, you can say you were just coming downstairs to get a drink or a snack.

I love that Sam is now expanding his circle of people to get advice from to include Abby from his art class!

Side note: Abby said she was going to bring her drawing by his dorm room and Sam said he's never there. So they are paying room and board for a dorm room but he isn't living there? What a waste of money. On the plus side, Sam G #2 is getting a single for the cost of a double!

Poor Evan. He has been such a sweet supportive friend and boyfriend. He didn't do anything wrong and now he's heartbroken (as is the rest of Casey's family who all loved him).

  • Love 1


Evan: I think sometimes when people act nuts, like if they get all grumpy at Don's Pizza for no reason at all, there might be something else going on underneath. So maybe just ask her if everything's okay with her.

Zahid: Did [Sam] send you? 
Casey: No.
Zahid: Did she send you?
Casey: Elsa? Surprisingly, no.
Zahid: Too bad. I like to think she's thinking of me.

Zahid: Sam was my number one homie. He was my protege. He made me proud. And he kept me on my toes with his logical and irritating questions.

Paige: Hey, professor! Why don't you use your PhD to learn how to walk? I hate your face!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

S3.E9: Sam Takes a Walk

As Sam gets political with his art, Elsa and Doug explore a (not-so-normal) weekend away. Casey and Izzie re-examine their relationship.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Casey, listen to your BFF Sharice. You deserve to be with someone who treats you better than Izzie does. I understand if Izzie isn't ready to announce her sexuality to everyone, but she shouldn't think she can be with Casey and hide it from everyone.

I appreciate that Elsa said she didn't want to sleep with Doug again unless it was something more because it crushed her when they slept together before and then Doug could barely look at her the next day. They're in a weird place and I get that she doesn't want to make it more confusing. I think that old Elsa would have slept with Doug so I think it's good that she's thinking more clearly and making decisions like this.

I hate seeing Zahid and Sam so hostile toward each other.

  • Love 2


Abby: What am I looking at?
Sam: Justice.
Abby: Tiny little person up against a monster. I did a lot of that kind of art during my parents' divorce.

Sam: When a negligent heterosexual penguin pair left their egg exposed to the elements, the aquarium staff gave it to Sphen and Magic. They have a baby now. Its name is Sphengic. I think they could have done better with the name.
Casey: Isn't your penguin named Stumpy?
Sam: Exactly, something good.

Elsa: Pick a card.
Doug: "You hurt Casey's feelings, and now she's sad. What can you do to cheer her up?" I'm going to say take her out for ice cream with the entire family.
Elsa: That is an option. We would also have accepted "Do a crazy dance to make her laugh" or "give her a pillow to punch."
Doug: Shit, have we been accidentally encouraging all this punching? Well, it's too late now.

  • Love 2

S3.E10: Searching for Brown Sugar Man

A rogue plan for Zahid leads to a last-minute mission for Sam, Casey, Paige and Abby. Meanwhile, Doug faces a major test and makes a pivotal choice.

Original air date: 11/1/19

Awwww, I'm glad Evan got into the EMT program (even though it seems really fast - didn't he do that ride along with Doug like a week ago?).

Evan must be a saint to forgive Casey so quickly.

I loved Abby helping Sam find Zahid. That was some A+ team sleuthing!

Zahid's dragon tuxedo was amazing. No surprise that Gretchen dumped his ass, but I'm glad that their relationship is over because I don't think Zahid and Sam could have reconciled while Zahid was still with Gretchen.

The rehomie-ing ceremony was sweet.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4


Abby: Can I help? Sam: What are your qualifications? 
Abby: Massive Nancy Drew fan. 
Sam: Fine.
Abby: Yes! Do we have time to stop by my house to grab my magnifying glass? 
Sam: Definitely not.

Abby: First things first, gumshoe. Did you check his Insta?
Sam: Can't. He blocked me after the un-homieing.
Abby: Bummer. Let's make a new account. Who would he want to follow?
Sam: I don't know.
Abby: Well, what does he love more than anything in the world? At weed, boobs, and dragons? This isn't gonna work. It looks like a bot page. He'd have to be a real idiot to accept a request from - oh, he just did.

Tuxedo guy: Yeah, [Zahid] bought that [tuxedo] here. Even had us customize it for him. Added a bunch of dragons. And it already had a lot of dragons.

Sam: Do you drive? 
Abby: No, do you?
Sam: Not with my eyes open. And my girlfriend has a car, but I'm mad at her for being a spy.
Abby: I love your life.

Crowley: As of now, you're training for competitive high school running. This is going to be more like training for the Olympics: more running, more time in the weight room, more sleep, a special diet, no more french fries and candy as your main source of sustenance.
Casey: What? Impossible.

UCLA pros:
Los Angeles! really cool
far from Elsa
sun all the time

UCLA cons:
healthy food - nasty

Doug: What are you doing? 
Casey: Nothing.
Doug: You don't have to hide your pros and cons list. You're Elsa's daughter - you love lists.
Casey: I'm so ashamed.

Paige: This is so exciting! It's our first road trip. And our first wedding breakup.

Abby: So what's with the canoe?
Paige: I'd really rather not say. Other than it's a reminder of my shame, the scarlet A that I'm doomed to carry with me for all of eternity. Or at least until I can convince some financially irresponsible dodo bird to take it off my hands.
Casey: Usually when people say they'd rather not say, then they don't say.

Abby: Good sleuthing.
Sam: Thank you. It's attention to detail and lack of attention to your conversation.

Gretchen: Zippers are totally misogynist. Here, just pull this dangly thing to make everything better. Velcro is the only feminine closure device. I'm shocked you don't know that and, honestly, a little offended.
Sam: Gretchen!
Gretchen: Oh. Eww. What are you guys doing here?
Sam: We're here to break up your wedding.
Casey: But I would love to hear more about zippers when you have the chance.

Gretchen: Gavin and I gotta go. We're getting toe tattoos of toes. It's gonna be totally meta.

Zahid: How did you find me? 
Sam: Easy. I searched my archives, created a fake Instagram account, went to a loud, loud store, drove several hours with Road Rage Paige, and then tracked you down using a series of clues I found scattered around this horrible place.

Paige: When you clip a succulent, you can replant the new clipping somewhere else and it'll take root and eventually it'll grow to be healthy and glorious, just like the original. And I don't know, I just kind of thought that I would be the same way. You know, I thought that you could clip me from my comfortable life at home and replant me at Bowdoin but my roots didn't sprout and I didn't grow strong and glorious at all. Instead, I shriveled up and perished in the loamy soils of Maine. And all I have to show for it is an enormous red canoe that's a daily reminder of my failure so I mean, if I'm not a succulent then what am I? Sorry, all that probably sounds crazy to you.
Casey: No, it's actually one of the more lucid things I've heard you say.
Paige: Is that a compliment or an insult?
Casey: I'm actually not sure myself.

Casey: I hate to say this, but at the risk of strengthening our friendship, I think you have to take it easy on yourself.
Paige: You do?
Casey: Maybe you're not a succulent. So what? Maybe you're something even better.
Paige: Better than a succulent?
Casey: Yeah, like a fern or a nice moss.

Sam: You may have unhomied me but I never unhomied you.

Elvis: You're sure this is what you want me to say? 
Sam: Yes. 
Zahid: Definitely.
Elvis: Okay, whatever. I now pronounce you homies. You may fist bump your homie.
Casey: That was weirdly moving.
Abby: It really was. I hope I find a homie like that someday.

Sam: Okay, if you're going to pass this test, we gotta study. During data clustering, a nurse does what?
Zahid: Clustering. Cluster F. Orgy nurse-
Abby: Orgy? That doesn't sound right. 
Zahid: Shh. It's how I study. I find the fun words in the boring words. Nurse orgy, orgy-nizes. Oh! Nurse organizes cues into patterns that lead to the identification of diagnoses. 
Sam: Correct. What do you do to improve a patient's breathing during respiratory distress?
Zahid: Head elevated, legs bent or straight, that is one foul position. You put them in Fowler's position!
Sam: Correct. Name the frontal lobe neurotransmitter that's associated with pleasure.
Zahid: Easy. Lobe sounds like lube. Lube is used during sexy time. And sexy time is dope. Dopamine. 
Sam: Correct. Twenty five out of twenty five.
Abby: You're like a sex savant.
Zahid: Thank you.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

Does Professor Darlene know that Sam is on the spectrum? She seems completely flummoxed by him and gives him zero slack in ways that I would expect if she knew. Strange that she doesn't even seem to have an inkling, although it might just be her philosophy (heh) to treat him exactly the same as any other student.

He never signed up for services when he first started.  Later he told her he had someone helping him with notes. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Does Professor Darlene know that Sam is on the spectrum? She seems completely flummoxed by him and gives him zero slack in ways that I would expect if she knew. Strange that she doesn't even seem to have an inkling, although it might just be her philosophy (heh) to treat him exactly the same as any other student.

Accommodations approvals do not list disability, only what has been approved and the professor should do. Unless Sam has disclosed, she doesn’t know, although she may suspect. And even when they know, it doesn’t mean they understand or are willing to make accommodations. My worst professor by far in undergrad was a professor who taught a class on disability classifications for music therapy majors. She seemed totally flummoxed by the idea that a kid who had qualified for special Ed all the way through school and found her place via music would like to help other kids in the same situation-and fought tooth and nail on things like “supply a copy of class notes” or “student types all written assignments. In-class assignments may be taken to the resource center to type there, or done on a portable computer in class”.

  • Angry 1
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I really enjoy this show. Not for Sam, Elsa or Doug, though - I find them tedious. For me it's all about Casey, Zahid and Paige.

I was very much looking forward to seeing Casey and Izzie get together this season, and I wound up very disappointed that they didn't give things a proper go until the very end. The writers teased us with this plotline for so long, and now they're going to keep us waiting even longer - and who knows if there will even be a season 4? Netflix loves cancelling shows after the third season, and this doesn't strike me as one of their more popular series.

I'm not sure why I'm so invested in the two of them. Izzie is, after all, a complete mess who doesn't really deserve Casey. But I think the actresses have incredible chemistry, and i really want to see Casey deal with her same-sex attraction. They dragged out things with Evan waaaay too long.

It's rare to see gay teenage romance explored on a television series with actors and writers of this quality. We'd better get to see more of it, or I'll be pissed.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I really enjoy this show. Not for Sam, Elsa or Doug, though - I find them tedious. For me it's all about Casey, Zahid and Paige.

I was very much looking forward to seeing Casey and Izzie get together this season, and I wound up very disappointed that they didn't give things a proper go until the very end. The writers teased us with this plotline for so long, and now they're going to keep us waiting even longer - and who knows if there will even be a season 4? Netflix loves cancelling shows after the third season, and this doesn't strike me as one of their more popular series.

I'm not sure why I'm so invested in the two of them. Izzie is, after all, a complete mess who doesn't really deserve Casey. But I think the actresses have incredible chemistry, and i really want to see Casey deal with her same-sex attraction. They dragged out things with Evan waaaay too long.

It's rare to see gay teenage romance explored on a television series with actors and writers of this quality. We'd better get to see more of it, or I'll be pissed.

It did seem like they dragged it but I felt it was realistic and showed Casey dealing with her feelings that I'm sure are like many her age. She loved Evan and didn't feel repelled by him but as the wonderful ending of last season showed, she said something like  "Sometimes something just feels more right" in the car with Izzy. I think breaking up with Evan was hard but she knows it was right but doesn't want to lose his friendship and that would be hard for Evan. Since he's working toward being an EMT, I'm sure he'll still be around though.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I really enjoy this show. Not for Sam, Elsa or Doug, though - I find them tedious. For me it's all about Casey, Zahid and Paige.

I was very much looking forward to seeing Casey and Izzie get together this season, and I wound up very disappointed that they didn't give things a proper go until the very end. The writers teased us with this plotline for so long, and now they're going to keep us waiting even longer - and who knows if there will even be a season 4? Netflix loves cancelling shows after the third season, and this doesn't strike me as one of their more popular series.

I'm not sure why I'm so invested in the two of them. Izzie is, after all, a complete mess who doesn't really deserve Casey. But I think the actresses have incredible chemistry, and i really want to see Casey deal with her same-sex attraction. They dragged out things with Evan waaaay too long.

It's rare to see gay teenage romance explored on a television series with actors and writers of this quality. We'd better get to see more of it, or I'll be pissed.

I agree with all of this post with a few exceptions. Paige drives me up the wall (which is the point, I guess) and I love Sam's interactions with his professors.

Sara Gilbert's character took some time for me, mostly because for a first year Ethics instructor she seems to be a massive hardass. Eric McCormack's character is very sweet. It's as if Sam just rolled up to a bunch of 4th year/post grad courses because these are the smallest class sizes I have ever seen in post-secondary, let alone in first year.

Someone on Twitter commented on how they were having a tough time matching the Michael Rappaport on social media with the Michael Rappaport in Atypical, and I empathise.

The Casey-Izzie relationship annoys me, the way the show has mapped it out. There are time jumps between episodes (Casey's appendix is fixed the next show and it's been 6 weeks), so having the relationship take bigger jumps at that point would make sense. Having Izzie flip about being "out", and then her kissing with a boy, and then being open with Casey at school - all in about 48h - seemed massively rushed.

I'm sad about Casey and Evan because they obviously cared for each other very much. They seemed to carry each other's emotional weight well. Evan was good at the interpersonal stuff, and Casey was helping with the "find your way in life" stuff.

I haven't seen an announcement for a fourth season, but I would definitely watch one.

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, mledawn said:

It's as if Sam just rolled up to a bunch of 4th year/post grad courses because these are the smallest class sizes I have ever seen in post-secondary, let alone in first year.

It depends on the school and the department. If you go to a small private college (which is what Denton sounds like) or if you are at a large university but in a small department, you can have very small class sizes.

I went to a small private college so all of my classes were very small. The largest class I had was intro to psych with 100 students but that was the exception. My freshman English class had about 20 students. Experimental psych (which was a requirement for psych majors) was capped at 45 students. Many of the classes I took had 20-30 students - and these were intro level classes/pre-reqs like intro to lit.

The fact that all of Sam's teachers for these intro level classes are professors (not TAs/grad students) makes it seem likely that he is at a small private school. My small private college had no TAs teaching classes. Every single one of my classes, even freshman writing, intro to psych, and intro to bio, were all taught by full professors.

I then transferred to a very large public university. They still had very small classes for freshman writing (20 students per class) which was taught by grad students. Some of my classes were huge (my abnormal psych class had 500 students and had to be held in one of the small theaters to accommodate everyone) but there were still small classes. I took a history seminar that had 15 students. We met in a department conference room because there were so few of us that the professor didn't want to bother taking up a lecture hall. The department for my minor was very small so the classes for that usually had less than 20 students.

It's also possible that Sam's art and ethics classes had lower enrollment caps because of the nature of the classes. Since his ethics class grade was based entirely on participation in the Socratic seminars, it would be a lot harder for everyone to get a turn to speak if the class had 100 students. Similarly, art classes often have a lower enrollment number so that the professor can work with all the students within the allotted class time.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

It depends on the school and the department. If you go to a small private college (which is what Denton sounds like) or if you are at a large university but in a small department, you can have very small class sizes.

Oh sure - and scientific illustration I would assume to be a small program. But I've been to 3 unis and 2 colleges (long story) and my first year seminars were never that small. Good point about the profs, as well. Also to whomever pointed out that Ethics prof should have been wise in the ways of students needing note takers. It was odd not to have even a throwaway comment about accessibility services. It's fine, it's a tv show. 

I did enjoy how the student services woman did not budge when Elsa turned up, Elsa-ing. Privacy regulations are a helicopter parent's worst nightmare.

  • Love 6
On 11/3/2019 at 9:03 AM, debraran said:

I feel bad saying it, but does anyone feel distracted by Sam's mom's face. It seems frozen, especially around her mouth. I don't know why it keeps distracting me, but everyone else is superb.

I don't usually notice these things that much, but Jennifer Jason Leigh really went overboard with whatever she had done to make her face so frozen. It's unfortunate that her character's name is Elsa, because that just makes me associate her with the word "frozen" even more.

I hated the way Elsa kept imposing on the poor therapist. The therapist was right to effectively say, "If you want my advice, then after you get it you need to take care of my baby while I sleep." That was one of my favorite moments of the season.

If they wanted to keep the therapist on the show, why not just have Elsa become one of her patients? Did they think we needed more reminders of how selfish Elsa can be?

Edited by Blakeston
  • Love 10
11 hours ago, mledawn said:

m. But I've been to 3 unis and 2 colleges (long story) and my first year seminars were never that small.

I only took 1 big intro class (and that was my senior year when I realized I was just two classes shy of a double major.   At my massive university there were always small classes available even at the 100 level but you had to read the class specs to find them.   And I was at a massive public university.

Edited by bybrandy
On 11/2/2019 at 5:45 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I think Casey's heart was in the right place when she bought that book for Sam, but she went about it all the wrong way. I'm glad that Sam was honest with her and said that college isn't for him.

I enjoy reading your posts as I agree with your enjoyed highlights. I did get lost when I read the above, but I assume you are talking about Evan? I just happened on Atypical last week and I am binging. It's such an excellent show. Kudos to all involved.

On 8/11/2017 at 6:05 PM, MsNewsradio said:

Watched the first episode tonight, and so far...not impressed. Unfortunately it looks like they're leaning on stereotypes for all the characters, especially Sam. 

MSNEWSRADIO - I was curious as to whether you changed your opinion of Atypical? I understand some of what you noted re: stereotypes, but given that Sam was fortunate enough to have involved and educated parents, his behaviour and responses made sense. I taught for years and I've seen a few Sams in my class, but it is hard to watch students w/o home support struggle to adapt. I hope some parents watch and become more Elsa-like, if only to give their kids a chance.

I am jealous of everyone who had teeny classes! My first year Ethics/Logic class was a requirement for several degree streams and even the seminars were bigger than Sam's lecture. It's a fantastic advantage for students. I was confused though - I thought Excited Evelyn was Sam's note taker, but then she participated in the Socratic Seminar. Being a note taker seems like a pretty good way to audit classes, actually.

I went back and watched a few episodes from earlier seasons, and I do like where the writers have settled in with the characters. S1 Sam was written much more erratically when compared to subsequent seasons. The angle of kids with autism being burdens was not a good take, and I think they've done a better job of showing how Elsa's personality is as a fixer, and not just with Sam. @MsNewsradio I would also be interested in your thoughts on the show's progression. I feel a bit guilty enjoying the show sometimes, but I like how they've introduced more students with varying abilities. Sid at the accessibility centre cracked me up, that was a great tip about Burger King.

Unfortunately I also agree with what some others have said about JJL's frozen upper lip - it simply doesn't move while the rest of her face does. 

On 9/17/2018 at 4:03 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

It's bad enough that someone would say those terrible things about Sam but to write them in Sam's own yearbook? I was with Paige. WTF is wrong with people?!

As much as I want to root for Casey and Izzie, I LOVE Evan so much that I don't want to see him get his heart crushed.

I should be used to it, but I still get upset when I see someone being bullied or tormented/harassed for no real reason. I realize bullying stems from insecurity and lack of confidence, but given all the discussions during the last decade, how/why is it even still an issue? I will never understand this behaviour. (I agree with you re: Evan.)

5 hours ago, Chalby said:

You read my mind. I was watching and feeling jealous of Sam's experience as my first year consisted of every class, seminar, meeting etc. being packed full.

He might be at a small college. My son had 12 in one class in 50 in an intro to psych that usually had 200 or so at a larger  univ. He did that because he's unmedicated ADD and needed it for concentration. Worked well for him.

  • Love 1

Just binged watched season 2/3 of this.   having a son that is ASD  that is in college there were many scenes  I could relate to.   Being black and white in thinking was shown to be both good and bad at times and is true in real life    My son also has struggles in some classes while he does well in others that play to his strengths.   I could not see my son being in an Ethics class. This show made me appreciate things in a different way.   Oh and Elsa could have talked to the Disability office, but Sam would have had to had signed a FERPA.  i was there during my son's intake meeting and they encourage parents to do so. then again my son is at a school that embraces kids on the spectrum.  (and  no, I dont get involved since drop off, except after one incident where I emailed someone)

  • Love 4

Re: stereotypes - i honestly think the show goes too far in the direction of reinforcing the stereotype of people with autism as callous, selfish dicks.

They give us grand gestures from Sam in season finales to show us that he really cares about the people in his life. And it was super-sweet of him to buy Paige's canoe, and sacrifice his ethics grade for Zahid.

But aside from the season finales, Sam's selfishness is overwhelming to me. It's especially hard for me to see why his art school friend (Abby, I think?) wants to hang out with him. He gives no impression that he even wants her around. And as much a Paige is annoying, she was a saint to put up with him abruptly shutting his laptop whenever he didn't feel like Skyping with her anymore.

Megan, the other significant character with autism, seems weirdly malevolent.

I get what the show's creator is going for - that everyone has their quirks and selfish moments, but we also have our redeeming moments too. And I get that people with autism are sometimes extremely self-centered. It's hard to process other people's issues when you have so many obstacles of your own.

But I think they just go overboard with Sam. And with the exception of his ethics professor, it seems like everyone is unrealistically blasé about his selfish behavior. Like his boss at the tech store not even being angry when he set something on fire, causing untold damage from the sprinklers.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Like his boss at the tech store not even being angry when he set something on fire, causing untold damage from the sprinklers.

Besides being a total sitcom situation, you could write that off as the boss knowing it was really his fault for hooking up the gas to a showroom stove (would never happen in real life) because he was living there for the time being.

Really enjoyed this season. It is one of those shows that is wholesome while not being overly cheesy and also dealing with some more serious subject matter. 

Now I'm fearful that it will get cancelled like Santa Clarita Diet.

  • Useful 1
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I’m glad they gave Elsa some opportunities this year to show her strengths as a mother figure -  sorting the clothes with Izzy and finding sad Potato Paige to encourage her. I think she actually said it this season, but she’s at her best when she’s needed. 

Likewise, Doug building up Evan after he finally mustered the courage to go on the ride-along was really sweet. 

Sam discovering the essence of a penguin and explaining it to his teacher was beautiful. 

  • Love 8

The essence of the penguin, my favorite scene in the show. He struggled and he really got it, loved it.

I am wondering if Evan's dyslexia will cause issues next season because he hasn't mentioned it to Doug.  He really should get help and it can open so many doors for himself.

Our governor wasn't a fav by many in our state but is dyslexic and had a very interesting story on how he got through college with help, law school and even now, has help with emails, etc. He never would have acquired what he did without help. Everyone thought he was stupid, he was shamed by teachers,  etc. 

I think it can help others with it and people who know them.

Edited by debraran
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