ShellSeeker November 12, 2018 Share November 12, 2018 I just finished binge-watching this. This is a really fun show, but I think next season should be the last one. The story has run its course. I want Liza to end up with Charles, because I think it's more realistic, and I think they're far more compatible than she and Josh are. I think they have really good chemistry, but based on many of the comments here I may be in the minority on that. I wasn't sure what to make of that last scene with them. I suppose there has to be some conflict in S6, but now that all the obstacles have been removed for them it will be hard for the writers to not make it seem contrived. I am fine with Claire being in S6, as long as we don't have to see Pauline. I think Jennifer Westfeldt is a terrible actress and every time she shows up I'm distracted by how bad she is. She seems to act with her voice and nothing else. I also think it was asinine to name Kelsey as the publisher. She's got good instincts, but she's way too immature. She is a party girl who sleeps with all of her male authors. It was a pattern established in S1 with the Swedish guy, although she did demonstrate a little maturity and awareness with the douchey speechwriter guy in recognizing it. It would have made much more sense to give that job to Diana. And speaking of Diana, I loved the corny rom-com moment with her and Enzo. I think he's really good for her. Some people have compared them to Miranda and Steve on SatC, but the remind me more of Charlotte and Harry, who were my favorite couple. 4 Link to comment
Aryanna November 28, 2018 Share November 28, 2018 On 11/11/2018 at 9:52 PM, ShellSeeker said: I want Liza to end up with Charles, because I think it's more realistic, and I think they're far more compatible than she and Josh are. I think they have really good chemistry, but based on many of the comments here I may be in the minority on that. You're not alone in that thought. I've been on the Charles and Liza bandwagon from the beginning. I think Josh makes a good friend for her but I just don't feel the same chemistry from them that I do with Charles. I hope they let Charles and Liza have some fun and enjoy each other next season. If they come up with new reasons to keep them apart, it'll be so contrived. I feel like the next season is their last so I don't want them artificially kept apart all season just to finally see them happy in the final episode. And I agree with you about Kelsey. Far too immature to have the promotion that she got. I know it's just a TV show, but she's gotta realize that sleeping with everyone is bad business and creates conflicts of interest. 1 4 Link to comment
CurlyATX November 28, 2018 Share November 28, 2018 This is one of the few shows I watch as just "me time" since I live in a house full of men/boys. I agree on the Liza/Charles vibe. I think that in the end, they are in similar life stages, have kids, understand the same pop references... all the kinds of things that makes a better relationship. Josh is sexy but the conflict of him wanting a baby is just the tip of the iceberg. I do wonder how the Liza/Charles relationship will change when she gets to more "take charge" at work vs just an ingénue. Can she just state her age now? If I were Diana I'd be going someplace else... this is total bullshit. 1 3 Link to comment
Hanahope April 11, 2019 Share April 11, 2019 And this shows the weakness of the show, that there was no one with more experience than Kelsey, in her late 20s, to become the new Editor. A company like Empiracle should have had at least one other editor under Charles that he could put in place as the head Editor, even if Millenial was going to be the 'flagship' publisher. I can't imagine someone wanting to invest in the company with Kelsey as the Editor, Charles should have some idea of her weaknesses. And really, Liza shouldn't have still been Diana's assistant for a long time. the company could afford to hire another assistant for minimum wage. I totally kept expecting Liza to go into Diana's office to tell her the truth. Really, everyone else knows at this time, Diana needs to know. If that article really is coming out, then Charles needs to tell Liza and she needs to tell Diana. Its rude for Diana to find out through the news, or a reporter. 3 Link to comment
aradia22 May 27, 2019 Share May 27, 2019 I'm glad Liza wanted a moment to think and there wasn't a manufactured conflict where Cheryl got offended that she didn't sign immediately. Because, you know, actual business is not like Shark Tank. I still think she should reach out to Jay. Getting a job outside of Millennial/Empirical is a good idea. Working with Cheryl is not. God, Laura Benanti is gorgeous. That is all. I feel like we did the investor thing already with that annoying kid who said he was on the spectrum but after the last season or two, I now feel Charles definitely needs someone who knows how to manage money. OF COURSE LIZA IS RIGHT. OF COURSE SHE SHOULD LEAVE. LOL, WHAT!?! Why is Liza just telling Quinn all her secrets? Also, Laura, who has always looked 40, looks younger than Sutton. Yeah, it's definitely time to end the lie. NO, Liza, RUN! Staying at Millennial, even with Quinn letting the truth is just going to be more nonsense. I can see it now. Quinn will pursue Charles and when she sees he's with Liza, she'll retaliate and then they'll have to drop something on her and that's not fair to Laura Benanti. She doesn't deserve a Thad death. Enzo telling Diana about the fatberg was SO Miranda and Steve. They are seriously awful at disguising Hillary Duff's pregnancy with the wardrobe. Good lord. Josh should not be this obsessed with Liza. Zane is SO dramatic. Why is he quitting? Wow, kudos to whoever called Clare being pregnant. I mean... yay Kelsey? But also, she's REALLY got to start not sleeping with people she works with and drinking to the point of getting sloppy now. Why do Charles and Liza keep meeting in Bryant Park? It's right across from their office. It's a miracle no one has spotted them before. They kissed less weirdly this time. Also, Liza's white dress with the music felt very bridal. PLEASE tell me there's not going to be any more back and forth with Charles and Josh. Why did they look so unhappy at the end? God damn it, Younger. Link to comment
aradia22 May 27, 2019 Share May 27, 2019 Quote I watched the Facebook Live after show and to me it looks like Darren Starr really doesn't know which direction to take the show in next season and is willing to listen to suggestions. He said something about the fights the writers and he have settling on a story line. So no wonder the show is all over the place and flip flopping all the time. No, really? I'm so surprised. *eye roll* Quote Kelsey, who just got super drunk in front of Charles and a slap on the fingers for getting too close tho her author is the new boss? The woman has zero people leading skills (unless you count leading them on). Also, I get that Millennial is a big deal but does NO ONE ELSE work at this company? Are there no other editors? They could have promoted a different, more experienced editor to publisher. Make it a faceless extra just to make it clear Charles is moving on or even bring in a new actor to shake things up. Quote Perhaps the dumbest thing is that once Liza's age was out in the open, I hardly think the relationship between her and Charles would've been Page Six-worthy material. It would've been (rightfully) weird in the office and made for some industry gossip, but not some huge scandal. It might have had some buzz because I still don't know if either of them are divorced. But once it was clear that it was a consensual relationship, I don't think it would be that big of a deal. They haven't been doing anything that scandalous. It's not like other big stories where there are scandalous sexting photos or texts/emails. And no one can prove that Liza got special treatment since they just started dating recently after Millennial was already a success. Link to comment
aradia22 May 27, 2019 Share May 27, 2019 Quote I just watched the 92Y interview with Peter, Sutton , Nico and Darren. Darren admitted they had no idea what they were doing from one season to the next. It shows. At the end of the last season they filmed Liza's cell phone ringing with a call from Charles. He went out of his way to say it was a BIG deal and we would find out what it was all about in the next season. But, the truth is, he only filmed that scene because Sutton Foster was uncomfortable with no hint of Charles and Liza in the final episode after a season of build up. And as we saw, they did not address it at all. I think if he had his druthers, he would have dragged Charles and Liza out another season or two. He didn't realize how upset fans (and critics) were about dropping the story until after the finale aired. I am sure the 30% demo loss in this season's opener helped too. This writing willy nilly crap hurts the quality of the show. They should at least have an outline. Or something. Christ. 1) Dude, stop admitting to people that you don't know what you're doing. 2) Maybe bump some actors up to executive producer and let them have more input before you head to the writers' room. Miriam directing an episode worked out. The actors know their characters. I'm particularly behind letting Sutton, Miriam, and Laura Benanti have all the input they want. 1 Link to comment
Beantown Gal June 11, 2019 Share June 11, 2019 On 8/29/2018 at 12:43 PM, EdnasEdibles said: Even with the terrible name, I think it's a no brainer that Liza should take the other job. She could at least work there a year or two and then come back to Milennial. Everything would have worked out much better if she'd gone over there. Plus, we could have had some delightful "martha plimpton is a crazy boss" moments and then see Kelsey and Liza compete over authors. It would be great to see Liza gain even half the confidence in herself that she has in Kelsey. If they both kind of landed on equal footing career-wise but at different firms, it could take the show into a really smart direction where we have to look at whether being younger is better than being older as they compete against each other in the ever-shrinking world of publishing. The name of the show would still work but in a different way. I can think of a number of really great plotlines that could come from them being at competing firms. Friends but also professional competitors. And the whole Josh fantasy was nutty. Sutton Foster and I are the same age. I do NOT want kids anymore. I also am not terribly sure I could even physically have kids anymore. Yes, I know that Brigette Nielson just had a baby and she's in her 50s. But my 43 year old body is dunzo with babies. Beating that dead horse is so silly. I think the show needs to hire you as a writer / Creative Director! Your proposal of a story line is brilliant! 1 Link to comment
pivot August 11, 2019 Share August 11, 2019 So I just discovered this show and binged watched through 5 seasons and I need a glimmer of hope to continue. Charles is a charisma black hole and I've resorted to fast-forwarding through his scenes as he is dead wood. Please tell me there is less Charles in season 6. 1 Link to comment
Gothish520 August 19, 2019 Share August 19, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 6:09 PM, pivot said: So I just discovered this show and binged watched through 5 seasons and I need a glimmer of hope to continue. Charles is a charisma black hole and I've resorted to fast-forwarding through his scenes as he is dead wood. Please tell me there is less Charles in season 6. I 100% agreed with you at the end of last season, but I've mellowed a bit. I don't really mind Charles and Liza being together anymore, and even think they have had some cute scenes this season. So sorry, but he's not going anywhere. 😕 Link to comment
nara September 16, 2019 Share September 16, 2019 On 8/29/2018 at 12:52 PM, supergirlsudz said: @EdnasEdibles, can you join the writing staff? I can't imagine having a TV show and not knowing what direction you want it to go in. I'd have that shit PLANNED. OUT. I have long believed that shows should not last more than 5 seasons and this show is evidence supporting my theory. 1 Link to comment
aradia22 February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 I decided to rewatch this episode instead of just jumping into season 6. I remember Liza and Charles in Bryant Park but I forgot everything else basically. There are so many bad plotlines. I don't care about Kelsey and not-Jon Favreau and Zane. What is this idiocy with Malky and Maggie and Josh a possible pregnancy? Why are all the "comedic" plotlines for Diana and Enzo so cringe? Claire is pregnant? Everything is so boring. Why is it so difficult to just write a cute, fun show about publishing? I love Laura Benanti. And she's always had more mature features. But next to Sutton Foster, it is impossible to believe that she thought Liza was in her 20's. How can Quinn look at the way Liza's face wrinkles and not realize they're contemporaries? Link to comment
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