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I didn’t know that Maci’s mom saw an ad on Craigslist and told Maci to apply for 16 & Pregnant. Maci talks about it in the beginning of this boring interview.  Maci gives herself a little pat on the back at the 4:40 mark.

Here is Maci in 2013 (lower the volume if you are at work or there are kids nearby)

If you click on her name she has a Vine page with some short videos from years ago. The first one is a video of a beer bell.

While I’m at it here is an interview from years ago with Maci, Cate and Farrah. Amber’s request for a 2 day Furlough to participate in the interview was denied. 

  • Love 2

It is not Maci's responsibility to tell any potential partner of Ryan's that he has a drug issue. Maci should have concerned herself with consulting a therapist and a lawyer about what she should be doing to protect her child. Mac is responsible for her own choices. She knew by May that Ryan was an addict and she still married him. Why that wasn't touched upon, I have no clue.

  • Love 12

Mac is claiming she didn't know about Ryan's drug problem until two days before he went into rehab in her letter.   Ryan went rehab a week after the wedding - does she really think anyone will believe she didn't know he was stoned when he was nodding off in the car on the way to their wedding?


i hate having to defend maci, and now mac is making me do that   

  • Love 19
On 6/27/2017 at 6:33 AM, Tatum said:

This is all moot, because it had nothing to do with sisterhood or the advancement of women's rights or any oppression or subjugation, and Maci would be a liar to say so. This was about someone she did not like, who was at least as smart as she was (Maci can feel superior to Cate and Amber, who have never worked a job or taken any college classes, and also have both been fat; she can't really pull that with Farrah), and Maci knew Farrah was hurt to be excluded and loved lording that over her.

Wait, what does the bolded have to do with anything? 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, RingofFire said:

Wait, what does the bolded have to do with anything? 

Just a wild guess, but based on what I've read on the Leah thread (TM2) being skinny gives some women a superiority complex. Like for Leah, she's known as the queen of the holla (can't keep a straight face typing that) because she's always been thin.

So Farrah is the only one Maci has "competition" with based on the fact both her and Farrah have attended college classes, have had jobs and never visited the fat farm.

I've personally witnessed some people in my life act high and mighty as soon as they got skinny again post pregnancy lol.

I hope that's what @Tatum meant. If not, I'll shoosh now. ??

Edited by Calm81
Autocorrect placed "while" instead of "wild"
  • Love 7

Well, I was shocked at the audience reaction to Maci and Mackenzie. I wrote over on the Ryan thread that I think Maci is trying to come across as the righteous one, the superior one. Someone else wrote (and I heartily agreed) that Maci was being a true mean girl on the show with Dr Duh. And please don't get me started on him- his approach seems to only try to NOT offend or confront anyone........like they all need a warm and fuzzy pappa bear and it's him. He really doesn't call BS on any of them. Maybe for about 2 seconds and quickly retreats.

I think they all have an "agenda" (which is strongly related to a paycheck and keeping on the relevancy to the show and storyline)-- but  I did think that Maci dismissing Mackenzie and mocking her was truly low.

  • Love 9

Mackenzie can totally miss me with her "I didn't know until two days before he went to rehab" bullshit. That look she gave him when he was about to run off and get his hair cut high right before they drove to the parking lot for the wedding spoke VOLUMES. It said "settle down and STFU." It said "I know you're high and you're gonna go get more, but you have to remember this part." It said "The cameras are here and I need you to act straight."

Ryan's drug use has been an ongoing issue with them. He knows that she knows and that she tries to cover for him.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I'm more bothered by Macis blasé reaction when she was like, "I didn't embarrass anyone on to, Ryan did that" like.. I'm sorry, but that just struck a cord with me. A drug addiction is a disease and sadly something people can't control. And the fact that Dr. Drew let that little comment slide pisses me off. 

I was also put off by maci laughing after Mack told her how upset she was. maci can off as a callous holier than thou straight up bitch.

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I was shocked at MacKenzie's stupid "open letter" to Maci about Ryan's drug problem. Maci was far more composed than I would have been if that letter had been read aloud to me.  Like the two posts above state, it's not Maci's responsibility to inform his fiance or his family of Ryan's problem.  Her responsibility is to her son - that's it.  It's Ryan's responsibility, and Ryan's alone, to tell his girlfriend/fiance about the drugs, and if he doesn't, that's her problem, or their problem as a couple (something the interventionist even said, and MacKenzie conveniently dismissed).  But even that is ignoring another issue - by blaming Maci for not talking to her about this, she's implying she had no idea!  (Gambling?  I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that gambling is going on here!)  She lives with the guy!  She's now married to him.  We saw her drive down a speeding highway with him - to her wedding - with him high as a kite.  And she's going to sit there and pretend that she had no idea he was an addict?!  And blame Maci for not exposing him?  Get out of here!

See, this is exactly how i felt and wanted to smack that silly bitch through my television screen. Someone needs to TELL her that the man she's sleeping with and planning a future with is using drugs? Does she think the way he looks and speaks and behaves is normal? And of course stupid "Dr." Drew didn't ask her the obvious, Like Maci said, she is so full of shit her eyes are brown. Like someone above said, she may be trying to create a cover story for her baby daddy, but if I were him and saw this season and Ryan, I'd still want to take action because she's just to fucking stupid to be somebody's mother. 


9 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Maci, Amber & Cait are the Coven of Suck. 

True that. If I were Farrah, I wouldn't want to hang out with their trashy asses, either. Cate and Amber, especially, probably dislike her because she grew up in a home  her family owned with two educated parents even if they were not the best parents, and advantages, and still got knocked up.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I'm more bothered by Macis blasé reaction when she was like, "I didn't embarrass anyone on to, Ryan did that" like.. I'm sorry, but that just struck a cord with me. A drug addiction is a disease and sadly something people can't control. And the fact that Dr. Drew let that little comment slide pisses me off. 

So Ryan is a hard-core addict, accepts a fat paycheck from MTV to film his life, shows up high as a kite for filming, and it's Maci's fault for embarrassing him?  

Yes, drug addiction is a disease, and Ryan, Mackenzie, and his parents are all in denial.  The cameras exposed his addiction, no one else.  Don't sign up for a reality show if you don't want to be embarrassed by your life on camera.

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I'm more bothered by Macis blasé reaction when she was like, "I didn't embarrass anyone on to, Ryan did that" like.. I'm sorry, but that just struck a cord with me. A drug addiction is a disease and sadly something people can't control. And the fact that Dr. Drew let that little comment slide pisses me off. 

That bothered me as well. It appears Maci has done a 180 degree turn, but in my eyes she was never really concerned. Up until that finale episode, she was crying tears and talking about how she was so worried about what would happen to Ryan. Now that he is married to Mac, she is just blasé to the whole matter. I think she was more embarrassed and bothered by Ryan's addiction. The lid on the boiling pot has now blown off. 

1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

I was also put off by maci laughing after Mack told her how upset she was. maci can off as a callous holier than thou straight up bitch.


This as well.  Even though the open letter was annoying, it was touching upon something serious - Ryan's addiction and Maci's awareness of it for the longest time. That is Bentley's father and he is sick. Maci sitting there smirking and laughing was all kinds of wrong. Maci was just trying to deflect what Mackenzie was also implying in that letter - Maci knew for five years about Ryan and for five years Maci continued to use the "Ryan is not interested in Bentley" story line for an easy paycheck. We now know why Ryan wasn't interested because HE IS AN ADDICT. What is Maci's excuse for continuing with a storyline when she already knew the reason? Maci sitting there smirking and laughing was no different than Matt when he does that shit to Amber just like during the polygraph test scene and his laughter on the phone to Dr. Drew.  

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

So Ryan is a hard-core addict, accepts a fat paycheck from MTV to film his life, shows up high as a kite for filming, and it's Maci's fault for embarrassing him?  

Yes, drug addiction is a disease, and Ryan, Mackenzie, and his parents are all in denial.  The cameras exposed his addiction, no one else.  Don't sign up for a reality show if you don't want to be embarrassed by your life on camera.

I wasn't saying it was her fault but her comments on the reunion just seemed very cold about the situation. Maci wants it to be known that she cares so deeply about it all but then she's just over it all as well. She wants it both ways. It's why I just can't with her. But then again I don't like Mack either so my eyes were rolling through the whole thing.

I was just saying her behavior was very cold. And Drew just let all her comments go by.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I wasn't saying it was her fault but her comments on the reunion just seemed very cold about the situation. Maci wants it to be known that she cares so deeply about it all but then she's just over it all as well. She wants it both ways. It's why I just can't with her.

That's actually very true to life in regard to having an addict in your life - it's very up and down.  If you care about someone (at the very least, she cares about him because he's Bentley's dad), then you support them, but then you stop when you learn your support is enabling them, and on and on it goes.  And all the while you're dealing with the frustrations of the addict's behavior.  Never around, not giving a shit about your son, always late, passing your responsibilities onto your parents, etc...  It's common to "turn cold" to a person or a situation when this has been your life for years on end.

  • Love 15

aVery true @LotusFlower. I liked your post because it is true about the drama and the ups and downs that comes with dealing with an addict. 

I just don't think Maci has been dealing with the addict Ryan like many people have dealt with addicts and all the drama that comes with it. Lord knows many of us have dealt with addicts on a more personal level. Maci has been dealing with Ryan's parents, a choice she made.  What little bit of Ryan she dealt with was only when the cameras were around. Her words were Ryan is only around when MTV is there to film. So, basically Maci hasn't dealt with addict Ryan. There was no reason for her to deal with him since she herself said it was the Edwards who she was co-parenting with for 8 years, not Ryan. Bentley is the one who has likely seen more of Ryan when he was at his grandparents' home for visitation. It is why I personally saw her crocodile tears as her playing up to the cameras. It was better than discussing her drinking issue and the drunken battles she has at home with Taylor. 

The jig is up and the façade has been removed. Maci knew about Ryan, just like Mackenzie did, and trying to pull the same bullshit. Maci herself said Jen and Larry were covering up for Ryan. So was Maci. They all did. 

Edited by GreatKazu
Taylor not Tyler.
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Just a wild guess, but based on what I've read on the Leah thread (TM2) being skinny gives some women a superiority complex. Like for Leah, she's known as the queen of the holla (can't keep a straight face typing that) because she's always been thin.

So Farrah is the only one Maci has "competition" with based on the fact both her and Farrah have attended college classes, have had jobs and never visited the fat farm.

I've personally witnessed some people in my life act high and mighty as soon as they got skinny again post pregnancy lol.

I hope that's what @Tatum meant. If not, I'll shoosh now. ??

Yes that's what I meant. I think Maci considers herself superior to Cate and Amber in terms of looks, intelligence, ambition, you name it. She doesn't mind sharing the screen with them because she considers herself the alpha, bolstered by the low low standards these two set. Other than the porn career (in terms of what the fans think), Maci doesn't have anything over Farrah 

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

So Ryan is a hard-core addict, accepts a fat paycheck from MTV to film his life, shows up high as a kite for filming, and it's Maci's fault for embarrassing him?  

Yes, drug addiction is a disease, and Ryan, Mackenzie, and his parents are all in denial.  The cameras exposed his addiction, no one else.  Don't sign up for a reality show if you don't want to be embarrassed by your life on camera.

I agree. I saw that comment from Mackenzie ("your husband exploited you, not me") as "don't shoot the messenger." Maci can be self-righteous, awful and shitty all day--it's still not HER fault that Ryan is an addict or that his parents and fiancee want to hide it. They all knew it and agreed to be on the show. If they expect his ex, whose job it is to have drama on a reality TV show (as is theirs), to keep 100% silent (except for some required private conversation with Mackenzie, apparently?) about his incredibly obvious addiction, or the network to just ignore that when their job is to highlight the issues in the moms' and dads' lives, they are too stupid for words.

  • Love 18
7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I agree. I saw that comment from Mackenzie ("your husband exploited you, not me") as "don't shoot the messenger." Maci can be self-righteous, awful and shitty all day--it's still not HER fault that Ryan is an addict or that his parents and fiancee want to hide it. They all knew it and agreed to be on the show. If they expect his ex, whose job it is to have drama on a reality TV show (as is theirs), to keep 100% silent (except for some required private conversation with Mackenzie, apparently?) about his incredibly obvious addiction, or the network to just ignore that when their job is to highlight the issues in the moms' and dads' lives, they are too stupid for words.

Without Maci, none of them have a show to be on and collecting a paycheck. Maci, sadly, is the "star" of the TM vehicle. If she had walked away like she threatened to do when Farrah returned, there would be no Maci storyline and the Edwards wouldn't be on the show as they are just the sideshow act to Maci's circus.

Maci is not at fault for anything having to do with Ryan. She is at fault for not putting her son's safety first and for continuing with this show knowing full well what everyone else knew: Ryan is an addict. They were all in on the facade including the producers and MTV.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I just don't think Maci has been dealing with the addict Ryan like many people have dealt with addicts and all the drama that comes with it. Lord knows many of us have dealt with addicts on a more personal level. Maci has been dealing with Ryan's parents, a choice she made.  What little bit of Ryan she dealt with was only when the cameras were around. Her words were Ryan is only around when MTV is there to film. So, basically Maci hasn't dealt with addict Ryan. There was no reason for her to deal with him since she herself said it was the Edwards who she was co-parenting with for 8 years, not Ryan. Bentley is the one who has likely seen more of Ryan when he was at his grandparents' home for visitation. It is why I personally saw her crocodile tears as her playing up to the cameras. It was better than discussing her drinking issue and the drunken battles she has at home with Taylor. 

I see your point, but while Maci may not be dealing with the everyday issues facing Ryan's parents and wife re: his addiction, she is now and will forever have to deal with them in a way you're not touching on - as Bentley's mother.  Bentley's father is now and will forever be an addict, and Maci sees and has to deal with the constant disappointments and no-shows that Bentley experiences in regard to his father.  (That's why Dr. Duh recommended Al Anon for her.  For once, he was right.  This issue will always be in her and Bentley's life).  Just because Jen and Larry step in a lot - it doesn't negate the hurt Bentley experiences with a no-show dad.

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

I see your point, but while Maci may not be dealing with the everyday issues facing Ryan's parents and wife re: his addiction, she is now and will forever have to deal with them in a way you're not touching on - as Bentley's mother.  Bentley's father is now and will forever be an addict, and Maci sees and has to deal with the constant disappointments and no-shows that Bentley experiences in regard to his father.  (That's why Dr. Duh recommended Al Anon for her.  For once, he was right.  This issue will always be in her and Bentley's life).  Just because Jen and Larry step in a lot - it doesn't negate the hurt Bentley experiences with a no-show dad.

Agree. In fact, it is something I have touched upon before and didn't feel the need to point out again. My point in my previous post was to point out that Maci didn't have to deal with it head-on because she was not his partner and she had his parents there to pick up his slack. It wasn't as if Maci had to deal with the normal disappointments that one has to deal with when dealing with an ex who is an addict such as non-payment of child support, although, there was that one time Ryan wasn't paying due to not working, but that was not a long-term issue that affected Maci or Bentley. The Edwards are her safety net when it comes to anything Bentley-related.

Had Maci done her homework, and Googling certainly would have been a great starting point, she would have found about Al-Anon or other groups. These people certainly know how to get in touch with Dr. Drew. As much as he is shitty when it comes to these specials, he would have directed her to Al-Anon and likely would have directed her to a professional in her area.

I think Maci turned on the blinders when it came to Ryan because as she pointed out, she never really had to deal with him. Ryan was only a thorn in her side when it came to filming the show.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

....and whenever she has to deal with Bentley's disappointments over his dad, which will probably be his whole life.

There will be disappointments for sure as long as he is an addict. But that doesn't mean Maci has no recourse. She can go to court and put out the boundaries she was advised to do by the therapist on the phone. It is one thing for Ryan to disappoint, it is another for his mother to also disappoint and not do what is in the best interest of her child.

What is she waiting for? She hasn't gone to court. As someone else pointed out in the other thread, Maci was bitching about wanting Ryan to be more in control of things relating to Bentley. How rich.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

There will be disappointments for sure as long as he is an addict. But that doesn't mean Maci has no recourse. She can go to court and put out the boundaries she was advised to do by the therapist on the phone. It is one thing for Ryan to disappoint, it is another for his mother to also disappoint and not do what is in the best interest of her child.

I don't disagree.  But there's the practical way of looking at a situation, and then the emotional side.  Yes, she can go to court and work to limit or restrict Bentley's time with Ryan, but that doesn't take away Bentley's sadness in regard to who his dad is, which then affects Maci, as his mother. 

  • Love 5

Bentley is certainly sad to not have the father-son relationship that he has with Taylor, I am sure. Maci could take herself and her son to a therapist who can help them both deal with the situation that they didn't choose to be a part of. Having gone to Al-Anon myself and private therapy, I can attest it does a world of wonders. Maci needs to get off her bony ass and seek out professional help for herself and Bentley rather than continue to bad-mouth his father on camera.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I agree. I saw that comment from Mackenzie ("your husband exploited you, not me") as "don't shoot the messenger." Maci can be self-righteous, awful and shitty all day--it's still not HER fault that Ryan is an addict or that his parents and fiancee want to hide it. They all knew it and agreed to be on the show. If they expect his ex, whose job it is to have drama on a reality TV show (as is theirs), to keep 100% silent (except for some required private conversation with Mackenzie, apparently?) about his incredibly obvious addiction, or the network to just ignore that when their job is to highlight the issues in the moms' and dads' lives, they are too stupid for words.

I so agree with the second sentence. There's no limit on this show on how many people can be considered assholes. Maci can be an asshole and still be treated unfairly by another asshole, which, if you ask me, Mac definitely is one. 


I do catch a slight glee from Maci that the woman who finally wrangled Ryan down the aisle ended up with damaged goods. 


Eta: guess it was actually the third sentence. 

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6

I hate myself for even reading about Teen Mom while on my vacation. Oh well.

58 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Can't she do both? (and I wouldn't call what she does bad-mouthing, but I get that that's how you see it).

As someone who sees people with addictions and a boatload of other problems at my job, I find it disturbing and extremely sad when someone like Maci, feels the need to belittle and tear down the other parent, on a television show no less. Bad-mouthing includes telling lies, blaming, and criticizing and they are all equally painful and unhealthy. This puts the child in the middle of a situation they shouldn’t be involved in. Maci has done a lot of criticizing and blaming. One can say she was speaking the truth about Ryan's douchey behavior, but it was also a lie because she was talking as if Ryan was in his right mind and he was purposely avoiding being a father. Had she been talking about Ryan's addiction and how it was affecting his relationship with Bentley, that would have been the truth and it would have been said without tearing Ryan down.

Maci had said on camera that she was wanting Ryan to step up and be the one she deals with when it comes to  Bentley instead of his parents. Knowing that Ryan is an addict, Maci is perpetuating a lie. She knew damn well Ryan could not step up due to his addiction. She had to know Ryan was not capable of parenting or sharing the load. My question is, did she really want to co-parent with an addict? Is she so addled-brained that she wanted an addict to have parental control and make decisions with her about their son? 

I hope Mackenzie's husband stays on top of this and makes sure his son is safe and secure. I know Mackenzie shares custody time with him, but at least he jumped on going to court when Mackenzie moved in with Ryan. One parent in this situation is taking this shit seriously. If I was Maci, I would have been at the courthouse the day after Ryan relapsed the first time in 2012. 

My question is, is Maci even following the advice given to her by the therapist? Or is she going to make that the story line for the next season? Is she still sending Bentley over to his grandparents' home knowing there is a chance he can be exposed to Ryan?

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

As someone who sees people with addictions and a boatload of other problems at my job, I find it disturbing and extremely sad when someone like Maci, feels the need to belittle and tear down the other parent, on a television show no less. Bad-mouthing includes telling lies, blaming, and criticizing and they are all equally painful and unhealthy. This puts the child in the middle of a situation they shouldn’t be involved in. Maci has done a lot of criticizing and blaming. One can say she was speaking the truth about Ryan's douchey behavior, but it was also a lie because she was talking as if Ryan was in his right mind and he was purposely avoiding being a father. Had she been talking about Ryan's addiction and how it was affecting his relationship with Bentley, that would have been the truth and it would have been said without tearing Ryan down.

How do we know when Ryan's addiction began?  I think I've watched the show since the beginning, and I'm positive I remember Maci complaining because she'd drop Bentley off at Ryan's house for weekends, and then he'd take off while leaving the baby with his parents to "babysit."  I agree that Ryan's bad parenting due to his addiction belongs in a separate category, but it's not like he was ever Father of the Year.  He was a young, irresponsible kid who had a baby too young, had no interest in being a dad, and pawned all his responsibilities onto his parents.

I do agree, however, that once she learned it was a real problem, and a recurring one, there was a lot of dishonesty in her scenes when she criticized his parenting without acknowledging the issues behind it.  But I can also see the dilemma - MTV is forcing her to talk about Ryan, but the issue has always been hush-hushed, Jen and Larry are in denial, and she probably feels pressured to keep the secret hidden.  Not only that, but it's also probably always been a fluid situation.  Maybe he was honestly doing better for a period of time, and she thought why make it an issue if he's doing ok?  But then he goes bad again, and she's scared for Bentley's sake.  It's topsy-turvy. 

  • Love 8

Ryan, Mackenzie, and Jen and Larry could have quit the show if they didn't want Ryan's drug use talked about and filmed.  But they, too, love the attention, the pseudo fame, and the paychecks, and didn't want to give it up.  

They've all been on the show for nine years.  They know how it works.  Maci was right when she told Mackenzie to  not expect privacy if you sign up for a reality show.  Ryan's a hard-core drug addict, has been for years, everyone knows it, including his parents, yet they all sign up for the show, and Maci's the bad guy here?

  • Love 16

If it's on and off like that, all the more reason for her to make him be drug tested.   

they have all been on the show for 9 years because maci is on the show.   She's the main character in that storyline.  Without her decision to cash in on dirty laundry none of them would be on there.   She's the one humiliating her kid by staying on the show.   She gave up bentleys privacy for money.  

Edited by lexiexx
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Ryan, Mackenzie, and Jen and Larry could have quit the show if they didn't want Ryan's drug use talked about and filmed.  But they, too, love the attention, the pseudo fame, and the paychecks, and didn't want to give it up.  

They've all been on the show for nine years.  They know how it works.  Maci was right when she told Mackenzie to  not expect privacy if you sign up for a reality show.  Ryan's a hard-core drug addict, has been for years, everyone knows it, including his parents, yet they all sign up for the show, and Maci's the bad guy here?

Yes, Maci is the person who stars on the show. It wasn't Jen's 16 year old ass that got knocked up and signed up to do this show.

As two people upthread pointed out, Maci is the Teen Mom star of the show along with the other three girls. It is not starring Ryan, Jen, Larry, or Mackenzie.

1 minute ago, LotusFlower said:

No one's forcing them to appear on the show.  They're all participating on their own volition.  And getting paid, too.

And no one forced Maci to lie about Ryan's addiction, keep it on the down low or to sign a new MTV contract. She wasn't forced to keep quiet. She wasn't forced to lie. MTV offers her a contract and a check and she ran with it. They don't put a gun to her head. Maci was under the influence of But Lite and let it all out in Puerto Rico.

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

As two people upthread pointed out, Maci is the Teen Mom star of the show along with the other three girls. It is not starring Ryan, Jen, Larry, or Mackenzie.

Exactly.  So why are they on the show?  No one's forcing them.  If they chose to participate, why is it ok for them to continually lie about Ryan's drug use, but Maci gets raked over the coals for the same thing?  

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

They wouldn't even have the option if not for Maci's decision to exploit bentleys family drama for a payday.    Nobody is forcing maci either, so why does she get a free pass?  

She doesn't get a free pass, at least from me.  I consider them all famewhores.  They all sold their soul for fame and fortune.  But at least Maci was the teen mom on a show called Teen Mom, so she has a story to tell, and nothing to hide.  Ryan, Jenn, Larry, and Mackenzie are peripheral players, with a big secret they're trying to hide, so what's their excuse?  

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Exactly.  So why are they on the show?  No one's forcing them.  And why are you so critical about Maci not telling the truth about Ryan's drug use, but not his parents and Mackenzie?  (And Ryan, for that matter).  They have been lying, and obfuscating, and hiding, and living in denial for years.  Why is that ok?

I made it clear that they are all guilty. No clean hands in the bunch.  I have also made it clear in various threads why I hold Maci responsible being that she is the primary caretaker of Bentley. Actually, Maci did reveal Ryan's drug use, but only after she had far too much alcohol in her system while on vacation. 

That is the problem here with this particular situation. Each and every person involved in this situation needs to be held accountable for the part they played in this serious situation. To discuss one particular person doesn't mean they are the only person at fault. It is the Maci thread, after all. 

Do I believe Maci exploited Ryan's drug addiction? No. Ryan brought that on himself. I do think she tried to cover it up for the past five years along with his family. Maci was asked on one of the after shows a year or two ago if there was a problem with Ryan. She denied he had any problems. 


2 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

She doesn't get a free pass, at least from me.  I consider them all famewhores.  They all sold their soul for fame and fortune.  But at least Maci was the teen mom on a show called Teen Mom, so she has a story to tell, and nothing to hide.  Ryan, Jenn, Larry, and Mackenzie are peripheral players, with a big secret they're trying to hide, so what's their excuse?  

Maci was too busy hiding her own family squabbles. 

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

She doesn't get a free pass, at least from me.  I consider them all famewhores.  They all sold their soul for fame and fortune.  But at least Maci was the teen mom on a show called Teen Mom, so she has a story to tell, and nothing to hide.  Ryan, Jenn, Larry, and Mackenzie are peripheral players, with a big secret they're trying to hide, so what's their excuse?  

She had plenty to hide and that's why she is always getting caught in lies.   

the general public isn't entitled to know Ryan's personal/medical issues even if he is on a reality show.   Maci was the one constantly bitching about Ryan's uninvolvement and even Taylor was saying that he doesn't get it.   Topped with maci saying that Ryan needs to do more alone with Bentley.  She could have said nothing about Ryan and moved to legally protect Bentley, but then her storyline probably would have included all of that alcoholic fighting she mentioned.   

Maci has been telling the same story for 9 years now so I don't see how you consider that a valid excuse at this point.  Especially when it comes at the cost of humiliating her kid.   Those other kids are probably going to have a field day messing with Bentley now. 

Edited by lexiexx
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29 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

the general public isn't entitled to know Ryan's personal/medical issues even if he is on a reality show. 

I don't agree.  Are viewers entitled to see his medical records?  Of course not.  But when he's an absentee dad, shows up late or bails on plans, runs to get his "hair cut," and is then filmed acting like a zombie or strung out, it's insulting to viewers to pretend nothing's going on.  He's obviously high as a kite, so why lie about it?  

Btw, I also thought it was an insult to viewers' intelligence when Maci sat on a stage with a belly and said she wasn't pregnant.  But as the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right.

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I don't think any of them care about insulting viewers, I wouldn't.   These people have real lives outside of the show.  Once again, consider Bentley and his own personal life.   He doesn't deserve to be known as the kid of a drug addict, this footage is never going to go away.   Nice stigma to put on an 8 year old kid.   Anyone who would feel insulted by something like that should probably get their head checked and leave the house more.  

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