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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Jesus Christ, Chantel’s parents are determined to think the worst of that dirty foreigner their daughter married because only Americans work hard to make it in the world. She actually accused him of harvesting the American dollar. When Americans work hard to make money, it’s called being responsible and industrious, but when Pedro works hard to make money it’s looked down on as harvesting the American dollar.  These  people. These fucking people.

Chantel is still in nursing school! She really must not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. 

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1 minute ago, Neurochick said:

Chantel, drop that loser and change your bank account password and the locks on your door.  That dude is a hustler, Luis 2.0.

You really think he’s a hustler? He seems a little innocent for that. However I would put his mum and sister down for a hustle

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I read today that the American participants get $1,000 an episode and their counterparts get nothing. Guess Nicole is just giving her money to Azan and that's how she keeps him. By promising him her future earnings from the show.

Edited by hoosiermom
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Chantal and her family can’t be that dumb?  They are playing this up for the cameras, right?  I’m going to ask the same questions about Ashley when her segment comes up.  Just wait.

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2 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Go Nicole’s stepdad Go!!! Call that moron out for her stupidity. 

Why won’t the rest of the family? What are they scared of?

Can’t wait for this showdown. Baby Huey going to have a melt down

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1 minute ago, For Cereals said:

Chantal and her family can’t be that dumb?  They are playing this up for the cameras, right?  I’m going to ask the same questions about Ashley when her segment comes up.  Just wait.

They're idiots.

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2 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

I read today that the American participants get $1,000 an episode and their counterparts get nothing. Guess Nicole is just giving her money to Azan and that's how she keeps him. By promising him her future earrings from the show.

Awws, sharing is caring

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2 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

I read today that the American participants get $1,000 an episode and their counterparts get nothing. Guess Nicole is just giving her money to Azan and that's how she keeps him. By promising him her future earrings from the show.

Oh, you know that mental giant is sending him every penny. What a dumbass.

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4 minutes ago, Owww ma legs said:

You really think he’s a hustler? He seems a little innocent for that. However I would put his mum and sister down for a hustle

Wasn't she  being sarcastic?

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Just now, Owww ma legs said:

Ashley is such a skank. As if the high school girl is going to call her back. Even Ashley’s friends are skanky. Ughhhhhhhhh

The one looks like a guy in drag.

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3 minutes ago, endure said:

They're idiots.

No, they just care about their daughter.

Trashley, get out of my city, you’re polluting it.  People like Trashley give NYC a bad name.

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1 minute ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Ugh, Ashley is the ultimate plastic bimbo.  In 15 years, she’ll be a full-fledged “broad.”

Her hag friend has already achieved that status.  That broad looks rough.

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Did step dad just call him Assin?

I hope she doesn’t come back pregnant either.

Let that baby go to kindergarten before she ends up like you Nicole.

Edited by Neurochick
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