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S01.E10: Colony Collapse

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It was good but I didn't like how it ended. I think the ending show have been Tyrone and Tandy on the roof while we hear the news reporting what was happening in the city, fade to black.

The final scenes felt like the writers weren't sure they were going to get a second season, so they tried to end on a happy note. It felt force and I didn't like it.

Edited by SevenStars
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I wanted to see Mayhem though. So I needed the very last bit. I could've done without the Ty and Tandy switching places, where Tandy goes home to her family and Ty is squatting in the church. Did he call his girl or is she going to think he's dead. 

 I knew one of them wasn't going to actually die since their names are in the title. The storm this time was exactly their powers and that's how they both survived. I hope Ty practices his powers while he's got the time on his hands. Tandy is way ahead of him in that regard. 

Did the Zero matter suck in Conners? I guess I was right in thinking all the cops were on the take and that's why they just watched O'Reilly get beaten. She's an outsider and someone that was going against them. Now they are going to be sorry they did that. 

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What a great season finale... The smallest of nitpicks being how quick TY's parents were to just be ok with him running... I mean I get it.. They know  he's being set up and they know  why... They prob even know if the cops get to him.. He's dead... But they were so all in on it so quickly... Other than that I loved the finale. 

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2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

Did the Zero matter suck in Conners? I guess I was right in thinking all the cops were on the take and that's why they just watched O'Reilly get beaten. She's an outsider and someone that was going against them. Now they are going to be sorry they did that. 

Tyrone's powers are The Dark Force. In the comics


there's a demon or something that lives in the darkforce and Tyrone...essentially feeds it people. Not necesarrily by choice (if he doesn't do it often enough, it just goes around sucking people up). It's why he literally needs Tandy. Her lightforce can feed his darkforce and she's the only person that can travel through the darkforce with him unharmed. Same for her with him. She needs to let off energy into his darkforce or she...idk, my uncle explained this to me. idk if she explodes or just goes around popping light beams, but she needs to release or she hurts people.

I really liked it and am glad this'll be back around GOT time. Something to get me through the middle of the week.

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2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

What a great season finale... The smallest of nitpicks being how quick TY's parents were to just be ok with him running... I mean I get it.. They know  he's being set up and they know  why... They prob even know if the cops get to him.. He's dead... But they were so all in on it so quickly... Other than that I loved the finale. 

I don't know about that they suspect that the police covered up the killing of their oldest son and now were after the younger to quash any evidence. Ty's father had to go much further than "the talk", the family was way beyond that.


I was starting to think Evita got it wrong and Detective O'Reily was the dying half of the divine pair and Ty and Tandy are something different.

When that Terror was going after a hiding Mina I couldn't help be see Jack Nicholson and "Hereees Johnny"

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-Clever twist on the divine pairing as technically to the world, Ty's dead.

- Props to the show for doing away with the comic book costumes and updating their look.

- Great mythology building. I was legit interested in the other stories surrounding this episode.

- My only real complaint is this episode could've at least used another half hour. Barely had time to breathe during the emotional beats before we were off to our next action set piece. For example the whole goodbye Tandy Bowen scene barely resonated as she was there in the next scene.  Same for the father and son separating scene. Throw in a hug at least, yeesh.

-So Tandy's able to put people in coma's now? I'm sure that ability's not going to come back to bite her in the ass.

- It was fun watching those two fight together.

- props to the show for not putting Ty and Tandy anywhere close together. As even Tandy is shipping Ty and Evita.

- Speaking of Evita, she won me over tonight.  I love the way she was open with them and even convinced them to fix without omitting anything.

- Luke  Cage vs Mayhem, who you got?

- so some combination of chemicals and water is what gives these people their powers. Interesting.

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I wasn't that impressed with what happened, everything was rubbing me the wrong way.

Didn't like the Divine Pairing mythology, it seemed stupid. I was not convinced it was real, why didn't the others manifest any powers beforehand.

Didn't like that every single police officer in New Orleans was corrupt.

Didn't like that Tandy was daggering people left and right, are they still alive?

So did Tyrone and Tandy hoover up the rest of the bizarre energy under New Orleans so that divine pair nonsense is completely over. Hopely they became even stronger.

I am guessing that Tryone and Tandy finally got their revenge, but it seemed very unsatisfying when it happened (one placed into a coma and the other sucked into your bellybutton).

I wasn't feeling a superhero vibe, more of a supernatural/horror vibe while watching.

I will be watching next season, but their moral compass and mine are nowhere near aligned, maybe they will convince me they are superheroes next season.

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5 hours ago, Raja said:

I was starting to think Evita got it wrong and Detective O'Reily was the dying half of the divine pair and Ty and Tandy are something different.

I think Evita DID get it wrong and O’Reilly WAS the dying half. The loophole was that, as Tandy said just before they drained out the Darkforce energy that was welling up, Ty and Tandy are basically two-halves of ONE PERSON (in the same way that you need both Yin and Yang to have a complete person).

Its also worth noting the shoulder markings that each sacrifice had in all the stories. It’s why Evita was so certain that Ty would die; because Ty got marked on the left shoulder. Then, just before the end, Tandy got marked on her right shoulder (Yang to his Yin).

But Detective O’Reilly had a mark on BOTH shoulders the entire time before either of them (the two white stripes on her jacket’s shoulders). Likewise, her life/story got intertwined with both Tandy (the first investigation) and Ty (taking down Conners) over the course of the series. We also followed her throughout last episode’s recounting of the hero’s journey as she went through her own ‘dark night of the soul’.

O’Reilly was the other half of the pairing that died just before the Ty/Tandy half fixed it all. Now she’s some sort of undead monster (I’m pretty sure O’Reilly is dead and that just the darkness wearing her skin). Which also fits with her being shown in the previous episode at the point where the priest explains that some people who go through the hero’s journey become villains.

What makes that more interesting is that Ty/Tandy think they’ve pulled off a “screw destiny”, so the reveal that O’Reilly is some sort of revenant opposite number to them (perhaps needing to kill both of them so it can be reborn) will be the exact sort of setback for them you’d expect and also provides a solid way to pull Evita and the voodoo elements back into the narrative next season.

Edited by Chris24601
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I guess it makes sense for Ty and Tandy to be each side of the same person and O'Reilly to be their other pairing. She died so they could live. 

I don't think the other pairings had the same powers as Ty and Tandy. It seems they are given whatever powers are necessary to save the city at that time. 

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Decent finale. I hope Mina is alright!

I must say with the exception of Tyrone, the female characters are written far more strongly than the male ones. There should be more balance.

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I don't know if this puts me in the minority, but I think the two leads have very good chemistry with each other and that the show comes alive when they're TOGETHER, and that's it's weak when they're apart.

And frankly, that they should eventually become romantic. I think it's a missed opportunity if they decide not to do that, because you don't often get a duo with such good chemistry and when you do, you should take advantage of it (especially since it ties into the comics legacy and everything anyway). Also, if they don't fall in love then it mandates extraneous love interests and solo storylines for them and that's when the show is weakest. 

So I really think they should be together as much as possible. I wouldn't mind at all if it's a love story at its heart as well as superhero action-adventure.

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2 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I don't know if this puts me in the minority, but I think the two leads have very good chemistry with each other and that the show comes alive when they're TOGETHER, and that's it's weak when they're apart.

My suspicion is that this season will be the aberration in terms of them spending so much time apart. I think the time apart was necessary in order to establish them and how much coming into each other’s lives changes them, but now that they’ve saved the city via “our powers combined” I think they have less reason to be kept apart in terms of story going forward.

Also worth pointing out in that regard is that because they resolved their two big separate issues (Roxxon ruining Tandy’s family and Conners murdering Billy) that had them on separate paths they’ve removed much what had kept them from interacting as much and, while there are after effects of those plots (Ty now being on the run because there’s no one left to refute the murder allegations most notably), those ironically too are things that should cause Ty and Tandy to interact more (i.e. Ty being pretty much cut off from his season one supporting cast and relying on Tandy for care packages).

It was an extended origin story, but it feels well set up for them to deal with whatever comes next season together; especially since they’ve now established via kicking destiny’s ass (despite my earlier assessment, I’ve read a few stories since with the producers saying the intention was more a “screw destiny” than “prophecy twist” for the resolution; they could be playing it close to the vest for season two, but a case can also be made for taking them at their word) and saving the city that they’re at their strongest together so when Undead O’Reilly or some other Darkforce manifestation pops up they know working together is the best way to stop it from this season.

There’s also still the Vodun angle (I definitely expect Evita to turn up again... throwing Tandy out of her head demands some additional attention), police corruption in general and, with Conners and Duane gone, someone new will certainly move in on the drug trade that can occupy Ty and Tandy’s attention.

So while this season ended satisfactorily enough that if they’d just left off the O’Reilly “post-credit” scene it would also been a fine series finale, there is still enough underlying elements to probably create several more seasons out of.

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I thought that was a good season finale. It wrapped up many of the main plots, while leaving lots left to explore next season. Plus, I really liked the use of Come Sail Away throughout the episode. I read that the actress who plays Tandy sang it, and it was a lovely cover. What a sucker I am for interesting covers of popular songs used in scores!

So they found a loophole with the Divine Pairing, whether it was Tandy/Ty actually being one half of the same person, and O`Reily being the one who died, or it was that Ty "died" in that his old life is over for the foreseeable future. At least, for now. Its the MCU AND New Orleans. Some shit is pretty much always going down. Speaking of, I appreciate that they are working New Orleans and its colorful history more into the mythology of the show. The flashbacks to the past Divine Pairings were really cool, and its always going to be a memorable episode when you start a show with a small child killing herself for the greater good. 

With Undead O`Reily around, probably living up to her Mayhem name from the comics, the Vodun elements might get even bigger next season, which I would be cool with. I really like Evita and her aunt. Evita is so on it, telling Ty and Tandy what they need to do, dropping knowledge everywhere, even Tandy likes her now! 

So I guess the heroes journey stuff last week was even more about foreshadowing O`Reily becoming a villain while trying to be a hero, then talking about Tandy and Ty going through bad times. Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain indeed. 

I hope that Nina is alright! 

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7 hours ago, ruby24 said:

And frankly, that they should eventually become romantic. I think it's a missed opportunity if they decide not to do that, because you don't often get a duo with such good chemistry and when you do, you should take advantage of it (especially since it ties into the comics legacy and everything anyway). Also, if they don't fall in love then it mandates extraneous love interests and solo storylines for them and that's when the show is weakest. 

Well apart from being subjective, there are all kinds of chemistry, so I don't think every chemistry needs to be demonstrated via romance/sex. I completely agree that Ty/Tandy really light up the screen and show when they're interacting, I'm just not sure that going romantic won't hurt their dynamic.

Also I love Evita. And I love the way she cares for Ty, and vice versa. And that she & Tandy are halfway becoming friends. Honestly, there's a great dynamic between all three, and I fear some stupid love triangle will mess it up. 


1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

So I guess the heroes journey stuff last week was even more about foreshadowing O`Reily becoming a villain while trying to be a hero, then talking about Tandy and Ty going through bad times. Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain indeed. 

It's kind of a cheat, isn't it? It's not so much a Fall to Villainy story as a "Literally Fell Down and Got Possessed by Evil". It's not like O'Reilly chose to become evil or even went looking for superpowers to do good and made a Faustian deal that turned her evil. 


Connors is dead-dead, right? He's not coming back, is he?

Is Scarborough (Roxxon-guy) dead? Comatose? Brain dead? That part was unclear.

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I’m glad we finally got some actually cloak and dagger teamwork. That’s why I’ve been holding on and what I’ve been waiting for!  I know I’m in the minority but the origin story went on far too long for me. The rest? Meh to middling. The other tales of divine pairings interrupted the flow of the story in my opinion. One short recitation of the bare facts would’ve served the purpose. I’m also glad they showed at least one decent cop because every single cop being evil also didn’t work for me. I really liked get going Ty as opposed to broody Ty. Other than his voice, which really annoys me, he’s probably my favorite character. Tandy grew on me this episode because she seemed to grow outside of her desires a little. Other than that I, yet again, was reminded that I’m outside of the age demographic for this show. Because the angsty song over events wrapping up montages seemed excessive to me. Again. Get off my lawn, etc. 

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44 minutes ago, ramble said:

I’m also glad they showed at least one decent cop because every single cop being evil also didn’t work for me.


Actually there've been 2 decent cops - O'Reilly and Mr Pancakes. Even Connors was portrayed as someone who might have been decent to start with. Billy's murder was an accident, and the cover up was his uncle's doing. Billy's extrajudicial murder is actually a very sanitized, greatly romanticized version of the real-life police shootings it's supposed to echo.


On 8/3/2018 at 2:01 AM, AnimeMania said:

Didn't like the Divine Pairing mythology, it seemed stupid.

I don't think it was stupid as much as not well thought out. It was a ham-fisted job of knitting superhero mythology and real-life NOLA voodoo stories. And I never understood the point of the "sacrifice" Foreshadooooowing when it's pretty clear that in a show called Cloak+Dagger, it goes without saying that the two would survive at least the first season. 

Edited by ursula
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40 minutes ago, ramble said:

I’m also glad they showed at least one decent cop because every single cop being evil also didn’t work for me.

The only decent cop for me was the one that was found dead in the refrigerator. O'Reilly lost my vote when she was up on the rooftops killing people with her sniper rifle.

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16 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

The only decent cop for me was the one that was found dead in the refrigerator. O'Reilly lost my vote when she was up on the rooftops killing people with her sniper rifle.

I don't think she was killing people. I think she was using fake bullets or something like that to stop them for a while. 

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18 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Also worth pointing out in that regard is that because they resolved their two big separate issues (Roxxon ruining Tandy’s family and Conners murdering Billy) that had them on separate paths they’ve removed much what had kept them from interacting as much and, while there are after effects of those plots (Ty now being on the run because there’s no one left to refute the murder allegations most notably), those ironically too are things that should cause Ty and Tandy to interact more (i.e. Ty being pretty much cut off from his season one supporting cast and relying on Tandy for care packages).

I don't think either plot is resolved. Roxxon's still a big evil corporation just with a different head, and Tyrone has even more of a problem with the cops now that he's not only wanted for a murder but he's also going to be linked to another's disappearance.  While I do think that they'll be together more, I don't imagine it'll be as much as some would like.   These two have different issues in season two , (Tandy and her mom, Tyrone being on the run)  that will definitely give them plenty of time apart.

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1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

The only decent cop for me was the one that was found dead in the refrigerator. O'Reilly lost my vote when she was up on the rooftops killing people with her sniper rifle.

I remember her telling Tyrone she needed to find "mercy bullets". She wasn't murdering anyone. 

Edited by ursula
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14 minutes ago, ursula said:

I remember her telling Tyrone she needed to find "mercy bullets" so I'm pretty sure, she wasn't murdering anyone. 

Yes she did say that. I will take O'Reilly off of my naughty list.

Marvel's Punisher sometimes uses rubber "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition.

Doc Savage (who also has an association with Marvel) sometimes uses "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition that puts people to sleep.

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45 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Yes she did say that. I will take O'Reilly off of my naughty list.

Marvel's Punisher sometimes uses rubber "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition.

Doc Savage (who also has an association with Marvel) sometimes uses "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition that puts people to sleep.

The Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D has their Icers I didn't know that other MCU shows had something similar 

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Awkward that Ty had the best chemistry this ep with the female cop. Aubrey Joseph is 20 irl, but those scenes read borderline romantic to me and seemed very peer-to-peer for a 16-year-old boy and a 30something cop. I know it wasn't intentional, but he had a much better dynamic with her than Tandy or Evita imo.

Tandy watching Ty and Evita make out in the warehouse was weird too lol. Fully expecting a Ty/Tandy hookup by the end of season 2, although I'm glad they're avoiding jealousy and love triangles for now. 

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10 hours ago, Oscirus said:

I don't think either plot is resolved. Roxxon's still a big evil corporation just with a different head, and Tyrone has even more of a problem with the cops now that he's not only wanted for a murder but he's also going to be linked to another's disappearance.  While I do think that they'll be together more, I don't imagine it'll be as much as some would like.   These two have different issues in season two , (Tandy and her mom, Tyrone being on the run)  that will definitely give them plenty of time apart.

Yes, it’s still a big evil corporation, but the guy who cut the corners that led to the rig explosion and who framed Tandy’s dad has been exposed and made a vegetable. Thus, Tandy’s need to put her primary focus on Roxxon has been resolved. She accomplished what she set out to do so that plot is resolved.

Similarly, Ty may still be on the run from the cops, but he got the man who murdered his brother. He accomplished what he set out to do so that plot is resolved.

This doesn’t mean that Roxxon and the cops won’t cause problems in the future, just that Tandy and Ty’s solo plots got the closure needed to be considered done. If Roxxon didn’t appear at all in season two, no one would say “Why isn’t Tandy still going after Roxxon?” She got Scarborough and the paper’s headline reported that the Roxxon Corporation was facing some sort of consequence for its actions.

Likewise, if nothing happens in season two to clear Ty’s name while the cops make no more than a token effort to apprehend him, no one is going to ask “Why isn’t Ty still trying to get justice for Billy?” He got Conners (who is either dead or suffering a fate worse than death) and Ty being wanted is just a background detail akin to the A-Team being wanted for a crime they didn’t commit.

Roxxon’s existence isn’t a plot itself, though it can certainly create plots by its actions. The police being after Ty is a plot, but it’s not the plot I said was resolved in the first place (what ended was Ty’s attempts to get justice on Conners for me. Ty being on the run from the police isn’t a plot that Ty will be trying to pursue on his own and him having to rely on Tandy for groceries and company is one of the aspects I cite as a reason why the two would be interacting more next year.

And that’s all I was trying to convey, that the plot elements that were being used to keep Ty and Tandy from regularly interacting have been tied up.

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Their solo plots don't work though. The absolute best part of this show, the part that works, is when the two are together. So I'm really hoping the writers/producers picked up on that, and have them as a duo from now on. I mean, since the show's called Cloak & Dagger, I think that's what people are wanting to see (especially since they got lucky and their two leads are actually good together). I guarantee that the show will be much better overall if the two work as a pair from this point forward. 

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Their solo plots don't work though. The absolute best part of this show, the part that works, is when the two are together. So I'm really hoping the writers/producers picked up on that, and have them as a duo from now on. I mean, since the show's called Cloak & Dagger, I think that's what people are wanting to see (especially since they got lucky and their two leads are actually good together). I guarantee that the show will be much better overall if the two work as a pair from this point forward. 

I agree. That's why I pointed out that their solo plots are pretty much wrapped up. Season One was essentially an extended origin story and more akin to the first season of "Jessica Jones" than something like "Arrow" or any of the CW fare where the hero is established by the end of the first episode. I also think, in the long run, that the extended character development work will pay off in subsequent seasons with their interactions having a lot more nuance than if they'd been thrown together in the first episode and spent the entire season side-by-side.

Hell, even this season I think it worked phenomenally well with the ultimate payoff of Billy's cloak and then Tandy giving him back Billy's hoodie. Spending episodes seeing how much Tandy needed it as a security blanket herself while Tyrone assigned meaning to Billy's cloak; only to lose what felt like one of his last connections to his brother when it got shredded; then for Tandy to give up that security blanket of hers and for Tyrone to get back this piece of his brother had proper time to grow.

If it had been a CW series, she'd have either had to give the hoodie back to him in the first episode, robbing us of both seeing Tandy's attachment to it and the character growth it took for her to then give it back to Ty (the first thing she stole, the first thing she's really selflessly giving back) and the Billy's cloak plotline which underlined how important some connection to his brother was and had that payoff when he lost it and then got back the hoodie. Alternately she'd have to give it back to him in the finale, but because they'd spent all this time side-by-side they'd have had to come of with some sort of contrived reason for why Tandy didn't give Ty back his brother's hoodie before the finale and that would probably reflect badly on Tandy. Being on separate paths for most of the season made that moment happen at just the right time to be a really powerful and defining piece of character development for both Tandy and Ty.

But now that this work is done, I fully agree its time for them to work a lot more side-by-side and I think its been set up for that. Ty needs to stay away from his family (previous supporting cast) and while Tandy is learning to be a better person, she's still a work in progress (with a tendency to run) and her mother is still her mother so I expect her to regularly be popping up at the church just to get away from the drama for a bit. Liam's already long gone and Evita most likely thinks Ty is dead (and, being wanted for murder, Ty will probably keep his distance until circumstances; i.e. season two) leave him no other choice.

In other words, they've basically pruned the supporting cast and plotlines that kept them separate in season one... Tandy's got her mom and maybe Mina (who is more easily shared with Ty), Ty's got Evita (the actress of whom discussed wanting to get more interaction with Tandy in addition to Ty; so again, more easily shared). O'Reilly was connected to both of them at different points of season one so when she turns up as Mayhem that's a natural development for both of them to be involved with. Fallout from draining the Darkforce under New Orleans is another plot that would naturally involve them both (why the other-dimensional Darkforce energy was even down there in the first place is a plot point for both of them... and makes me wonder if there isn't the remains of some dragon/alien akin to the one under New York in Defenders down there... or something worse).

I will also say as someone who only got around to watching the show starting last week that I definitely buy the notion the show was originally intended to be streamed because it holds up VERY well on a binge watch, less so when I had to wait a few days to finally get episode 10. Their time apart seemed far less extreme when they were meeting up every hour or so as I binged 1-4 in one sitting, then 5-9 the next day. I think 6 and 9 are the only ones where they don't have some type of actual meetup.

By contrast weekly watching probably would feel interminable; a couple minutes together than a week's wait for the next episode where they might interact for a few more. Since I'll be doing the weekly thing next season, I too hope for more solid interaction in every episode for season 2+.

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I was okay with the slow burn in the first few episodes. I liked getting to know them separately because when they had their first real interaction it was a powerful one.

These are 2 people that generally have no reason to talk to each other, but are connected through a tragedy and the powers they were given. They needed time to get to know each other. I'm okay with a slow burn romance as well. Right now they both need a friend that understands more than a lover. In season 2 I can see them sliding more into romance. 

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 12:24 AM, Chris24601 said:

Yes, it’s still a big evil corporation, but the guy who cut the corners that led to the rig explosion and who framed Tandy’s dad has been exposed and made a vegetable. Thus, Tandy’s need to put her primary focus on Roxxon has been resolved. She accomplished what she set out to do so that plot is resolved.

Similarly, Ty may still be on the run from the cops, but he got the man who murdered his brother. He accomplished what he set out to do so that plot is resolved.

This doesn’t mean that Roxxon and the cops won’t cause problems in the future, just that Tandy and Ty’s solo plots got the closure needed to be considered done. If Roxxon didn’t appear at all in season two, no one would say “Why isn’t Tandy still going after Roxxon?” She got Scarborough and the paper’s headline reported that the Roxxon Corporation was facing some sort of consequence for its actions.

Likewise, if nothing happens in season two to clear Ty’s name while the cops make no more than a token effort to apprehend him, no one is going to ask “Why isn’t Ty still trying to get justice for Billy?” He got Conners (who is either dead or suffering a fate worse than death) and Ty being wanted is just a background detail akin to the A-Team being wanted for a crime they didn’t commit.

Roxxon’s existence isn’t a plot itself, though it can certainly create plots by its actions. The police being after Ty is a plot, but it’s not the plot I said was resolved in the first place (what ended was Ty’s attempts to get justice on Conners for me. Ty being on the run from the police isn’t a plot that Ty will be trying to pursue on his own and him having to rely on Tandy for groceries and company is one of the aspects I cite as a reason why the two would be interacting more next year.

And that’s all I was trying to convey, that the plot elements that were being used to keep Ty and Tandy from regularly interacting have been tied up.

I'll give you Tandy, but the storyline concerning Tyrone's brother is still there.  If the cops in on the corruption aren't coming after Tyrone hardcore next season due to what happened in that finale, it will be very noticeable. Yea, Tyrone won't be targeting Connors, but  his time will still be occupied with that plot.

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It wasn't everything I expected, but I'm not mad, still so much to enjoy.

The corrupt police I take it will be a recurring theme next season.

Along with a super-powered O'Reilly.

I think they wrapped up the season nicely while still giving us some good teases to what's to come.

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On 8/4/2018 at 1:40 PM, ursula said:

I remember her telling Tyrone she needed to find "mercy bullets". She wasn't murdering anyone. 


On 8/4/2018 at 2:07 PM, AnimeMania said:

Yes she did say that. I will take O'Reilly off of my naughty list.

Marvel's Punisher sometimes uses rubber "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition.

Doc Savage (who also has an association with Marvel) sometimes uses "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition that puts people to sleep.

Rubber bullets.................. "honest".

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On 8/3/2018 at 5:37 AM, Chris24601 said:

I think Evita DID get it wrong and O’Reilly WAS the dying half. The loophole was that, as Tandy said just before they drained out the Darkforce energy that was welling up, Ty and Tandy are basically two-halves of ONE PERSON (in the same way that you need both Yin and Yang to have a complete person).

Its also worth noting the shoulder markings that each sacrifice had in all the stories. It’s why Evita was so certain that Ty would die; because Ty got marked on the left shoulder. Then, just before the end, Tandy got marked on her right shoulder (Yang to his Yin).

But Detective O’Reilly had a mark on BOTH shoulders the entire time before either of them (the two white stripes on her jacket’s shoulders).

This is what I thought also.  Seems like she fit the qualifications for the divine pairing more than Tandy.  She had partnered with Ty, she had the markings on her shoulder, and she ended up dying (we think).  But is this what the show's writers WANTED us to conclude?  I'm not sure.  Which is one reason why I did not care for the way this last episode ended.  It seems like sloppy writing.  Maybe they wanted us to decide for ourselves what the divine pairing was?  Maybe, but I am not a fan of this kind of writing.

If O'Reilly ISN'T part of the divine pairing, why give her the stripes on her jacket?  The best hope is that this is something that is revisited and cleared up next season.  But if they want to insist Tandy and Ty were the divine pairing, then they sure did a good job of mucking it up for no good reason.

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