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Roswell, New Mexico Spoilers and Speculation

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The only reason I'm upset is not because Michael is gay, but because they casted Maria as a black woman and it's already clear that she'll be immaterial to the plot.  Completely irrelevant.  They made her black and now they'll just erase her.  Lovely.  Maybe this really will be more like the books and there will be more aliens - I think 2 additional ones - or maybe it was just one - showed up in the book - but he was kinda bad and paired up with Isabel anyway.

The nostalgic one in me will find it odd not having any Michael/Maria though.

Everything else about the story sounds awesome.

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On 8/22/2018 at 8:28 AM, shapeshifter said:

I hope she is not the new Tess/love triangle.

You know that's exactly who she is.  Come on now.  I don't have a good feeling about the character.  I'm also still concerned about Maria's importance to the story.

I'm REALLY glad that the reverse connection that Liz and Max do is from the books - that way we won't lose that - it was one of my favorite aspects of the show.  But one thing they didn't do on the show that they could still do on this one from the books is the whole "aura" thing where they can sense the emotions of others by the aura they see of everyone... and when they connect, then the person they connect with can see the auras too.

I'm still bummed about the Michael/Maria loss - especially since it feels like they've mashed up TvShow Maria with Book Cameron to create nuCameron as a foil for Max/Liz.  I really hope Max/Liz have enough chemistry to make this worth it for me having to suffer through another spoiler.

And actually - nuCameron sounds like Courtney.  Yeccch.

Edited by phoenics
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14 minutes ago, nosleepforme said:

I thought the male actors on Roswell were mostly blah, aside from William Sadler as Valenti. 

I thought Colin Hanks did a great job with his material and was really annoyed that they didn't make better use of his character. IIRC, it was decided that he didn't visually fit with Katherine Heigl. Maybe if it had been 20 years later, that stereotype wouldn't have caused them to waste what could have been a fun, odd couple dynamic. Well, if the new Michael is gay (?), I guess that particular stereotype won't be an issue.

1 hour ago, nosleepforme said:

I was never a big fan of the Michael/Maria relationship, so I can live with it if they lose it. In fact, I was kinda annoyed that they paired up both the human girls with the alien boys. However, I always thought that Majandra Delfino was what made Maria work in the first place, she did really well at both the emotional and the  comedic sidekick stuff. I am not sure if any new actress can live up to that. The female parts on the original series were so well cast, it will be tough to step into the roles. And yes, I only said "female", because I thought the male actors on Roswell were mostly blah, aside from William Sadler as Valenti. 

I agree that the women were cast really well for their roles.  But I was actually really impressed with Jason Behr as Max - he brought this brooding stillness to the character that was almost haunting.  And he was especially gripping in the White Room and that scene with Shiri on the bus afterwards.  JB had a way of playing Max in a very subdued way that escalated in moments of intense stress - it made him "mysterious" and "enigmatic".  That gave Max this amazing intensity - it ratcheted up to a million in his scenes with Shiri - that's part of why their chemistry was so off the charts. 

In the new show - I'm worried the newMax won't have the ability to play Max so mysteriously.  I really hope he can - but a big part of the character is his guarded intensity - I hope the new guy can bring that element to Max Evans.  The scene of him laughing with Liz in the trailer has me just a little worried... it just doesn't seem like Max.

And of course I just adored Colin Hanks' Alex.  

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Maybe what happened to Rosa is similar to what happened to OG Alex? Having her wiped too many times.

I had this thought too - along with about a million other speculations.  There could be so many directions this could go.  An interview with CAM in THR makes me think that some really bad stuff might have gone down and that Max/Isabel/Michael might have gone pretty far to protect themselves.

1)  Rosa could have basically been like OGLiz, brought into the alien conspiracy for some reason... maybe she wasn't mentally ill - maybe she had some ability to "hear" when the aliens communicated through telepathy and eventually figured out their secret and endangered them somehow?  And then, like you suggested, Isabel mindwiped/warped her one too many times?  And - OMG - staged an accident like Tess did with Alex.  I might not be able to handle that.  OGAlex's death still angers me today.  But it would explain Isabel's panic about Max loving Liz... and even CAM's comments that she needed an actor to portray Max who could pull off the really earnest and sincere Max, but also an "edge" that she needed.  Something she said about how the first season could be rewatched and you could get even more out of it because of the "edge" that NP brings to Max.  She even said she wanted viewers to wonder at the end of the pilot if "Liz fell in love with the wrong guy".  Now I don't think Max is a bad guy - but I do think he's gonna be revealed as making a really bad decision... we will see.  Michael's "you were protecting yourself" outburst I chalked up to Michael being Michael (a dick) but sometimes he's right on the nose about Max.

2)  If the podsquad accidentally killed Rosa - what about the other two people who died?

3)  If Rosa knew about the aliens somehow, her comments to Liz about Max (trying to ward her off) could have been her just trying to keep Liz from falling into the alien abyss.

2)  Maria is supposedly BFFs with Rosa - not Liz.  I think that BFF friendship might develop on the show... also - Maria is supposedly psychic - or is that just a game she plays with people?  She was shown though giving multiple psychic readings - at first I just chalked it up to "that's Maria" but now I think it might be relevant to not only what happens later, but what happened in the past.  I don't think Maria knew anything about the aliens though.

3)  Even though the pilot couldn't live up to OGRoswell (not many pilots could), I do think this show has tons of potential - half of it just coming from mining those "10 years" where Max/Michael/Isabel had to fend for themselves and protect themselves from outside threats - both human and alien.  They could have screwed up some people (accidentally) pretty bad along the way.

I think what I love about this new show is that it offers fresh new possibilities that wouldn't be possible had the OGRoswell show continued.  They'd already established so much in their canon that a lot of what we're discussing now wouldn't even be possible.

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So - I can't believe I never noticed this before, but there are some video promos that were released before the pilot aired - one of them has some pretty damning (for Max) evidence that he might have harmed Rosa - or something... A picture of Rosa with a handprint over her mouth and face is there.  So unless another alien is running around with that same power, or Max was trying to heal her (that seems so unlikely)... yikes!


Edited by phoenics
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I'm going to assume it was Nasedo. 

Well - it won't be Nasedo - that character doesn't exist in the books, only the 1999 show - so maybe it will be another alien kinda like Nasedo?  Or someone totally different, but malevolent.

The book had multiple ones it could be - I think at least 4 other aliens besides the original 3 were in the books.  Plus they can just make someone up.  I just don't want it to be Max.  I have a feeling whoever it is will surprise us... someone in plain sight all along.

I'll tell you though - I was NEVER as afraid of Sheriff Valenti on the show as I was of him in the books.  Him and another character from the books.  Terrifying.

Edited by phoenics
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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

Was the Tabasco thing a show thing, or was it in the books? I kind of would love it if they loved Sriracha instead.

That was an OG Roswell thing.  If I recall correctly, in the books, they just seemed to put very strong flavored stuff onto/into whatever they were eating or drinking (the one thing I vividly remember was mustard being put on a candy bar)

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

I really wonder what the legality is. I imagine that they have to be careful not to get sued by the owners of OG Roswell so it makes sense Tabasco didn't show up in this episode.

I don't think it's about iZombie - I think it's Tabasco branded hot sauce specifically.  The OG Roswell used it.  But in the books, they were notorious for using hot sauce with their crullers.  So I could easily see them using Sriracha with Crullers.  But the Tabasco was a big plot point in OG Roswell - it's kinda how the Sheriff zeroed in on Max and the others - he noticed it at the diner at the table Max and Michael had been at and then he noticed it when he pulled them over.  But that wasn't necessary in this version.

I don't even think the show has dropped the hot sauce angle - it just might be that they use Texas Pete's or any other hot sauce... but in a town with a large Latinx population, hot sauce would blend in anyway.  In fact, it actually is stupid that it stood out so much on OGRoswell - because honestly that shouldn't be all that odd.  I eat my pizza with heavy use of Tabasco or Texas Pete's... it's not that much of an abnormality.  But in OGRoswell where no one spiced their food, apparently eating a ton of hot sauce with your food was weird.

In the books, they do talk about loving extremely spicy food with extremely sweet food, so there is no reason they can't still do it.  My hope is they do it with the crullers/donuts and hot sauce.  In one of the promos, Michael mentions he has a thing for chocolate - he spears a cake that looks just like the one Michael ate without paying for it in River Dog - I wonder if he'll add some kind of spice to it.

14 minutes ago, phoenics said:

I don't think it's about iZombie - I think it's Tabasco branded hot sauce specifically.  The OG Roswell used it.  But in the books, they were notorious for using hot sauce with their crullers.  So I could easily see them using Sriracha with Crullers.  But the Tabasco was a big plot point in OG Roswell - it's kinda how the Sheriff zeroed in on Max and the others - he noticed it at the diner at the table Max and Michael had been at and then he noticed it when he pulled them over.  But that wasn't necessary in this version.

I don't even think the show has dropped the hot sauce angle - it just might be that they use Texas Pete's or any other hot sauce... but in a town with a large Latinx population, hot sauce would blend in anyway.  In fact, it actually is stupid that it stood out so much on OGRoswell - because honestly that shouldn't be all that odd.  I eat my pizza with heavy use of Tabasco or Texas Pete's... it's not that much of an abnormality.  But in OGRoswell where no one spiced their food, apparently eating a ton of hot sauce with your food was weird.

I looked at it as Valenti noticing it in the original was the way he deduced the lies being told and not so much that he thought it was weird that people used not sauce on food. He had already been told that two boys were sitting at the table and one of them went up to Liz and she denied it. He saw the bottles and later saw one in the jeep and figured it out. I never took it to mean that anyone thought it was odd, just that it was specific to him knowing Liz was lying. 

44 minutes ago, ellieart said:

I looked at it as Valenti noticing it in the original was the way he deduced the lies being told and not so much that he thought it was weird that people used not sauce on food. He had already been told that two boys were sitting at the table and one of them went up to Liz and she denied it. He saw the bottles and later saw one in the jeep and figured it out. I never took it to mean that anyone thought it was odd, just that it was specific to him knowing Liz was lying. 

My point is that when he was in the cafe - he zeroed in on the tobasco bottles as though it was odd to be there.  On a table.  In a diner.  There is nothing - nothing - odd about that, so the fact that he noticed it, picked it up like it was soooo strange - like it was some great big clue - was odd.  That was my point.  But you'd have to think it would be odd to have Tabasco on a table in a diner at all to think it was strange to see it in the jeep later.  Like every table in the diner didn't have Tabasco?  Or couldn't?

That's what I mean.  They took something that is only out of the ordinary to people who don't spice their food regularly (people like that probably aren't from NM) and used it to point out how abnormal it was so it could be used to "prove" Max and Michael were lying.  NBD - it's just something I readily accepted when the show aired, but now - it does seem a little ridiculous. 

Edited by phoenics

On the more practical side, remember back in the day, how all the fans mailed Tabasco sauce bottles to the WB to save Roswell from cancellation?

The showrunners are planning ahead this time. Either the series gets picked up, or they get a free lifetime supply of acetone, thanks to the anxious fans. It's a win-win situation! 

I'll start stockpiling my bottles now. 

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1 hour ago, Kareny said:

On the more practical side, remember back in the day, how all the fans mailed Tabasco sauce bottles to the WB to save Roswell from cancellation?

The showrunners are planning ahead this time. Either the series gets picked up, or they get a free lifetime supply of acetone, thanks to the anxious fans. It's a win-win situation! 

I'll start stockpiling my bottles now. 

Me too!

Oh - and I found something interesting in the Roswell books - apparently they drank.... MOUTHWASH!  Gross, lol.  It wasn't to rejuvenate them though - it was just for their taste buds... I am really interested to see what it is about the nail polish remover... 

4 hours ago, phoenics said:

My point is that when he was in the cafe - he zeroed in on the tobasco bottles as though it was odd to be there.  On a table.  In a diner.  There is nothing - nothing - odd about that, so the fact that he noticed it, picked it up like it was soooo strange - like it was some great big clue - was odd.  That was my point.  But you'd have to think it would be odd to have Tabasco on a table in a diner at all to think it was strange to see it in the jeep later.  Like every table in the diner didn't have Tabasco?  Or couldn't?

From what I remember it wasn't weird that there was a tabasco bottle on the table, it was that there were multiple completely empty bottles. Putting some hot sauce on your food isn't weird, using two complete bottles in one meal? A little strange.

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54 minutes ago, shantown said:

From what I remember it wasn't weird that there was a tabasco bottle on the table, it was that there were multiple completely empty bottles. Putting some hot sauce on your food isn't weird, using two complete bottles in one meal? A little strange.

That's the way I looked at it too.  It was important to make sure he noticed it so that later when he stops Max and sees it on the floor of the jeep, he knows for a fact that Liz lied to him and something happened.  Other than that one instance, they didn't really ever make a big deal about them using it on their food, they just did.  It only really seemed to be a talking point when one of the humans would see them putting it on something unusual (like chocolate cake or pancakes)...most people don't typically pour hot sauce all over those things.  

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1 hour ago, ellieart said:

That's the way I looked at it too.  It was important to make sure he noticed it so that later when he stops Max and sees it on the floor of the jeep, he knows for a fact that Liz lied to him and something happened.  Other than that one instance, they didn't really ever make a big deal about them using it on their food, they just did.  It only really seemed to be a talking point when one of the humans would see them putting it on something unusual (like chocolate cake or pancakes)...most people don't typically pour hot sauce all over those things.  

Yes I know he had to notice it in the diner so he'd notice it later in the jeep - that's the plot contrivance I'm pointing out.

The other thing that's odd is that it would be tabasco on the tables... in New Mexico ... rather than the several different kinds of hot sauce available.  I was just in that part of the country and every place I went to, Mexican or not, had like 5 different hot sauces on the table.  Maybe that - and the sheriff's focus on the empty bottles - made the scene stand out to me suddenly as unrealistic.  I'm sure the intense focus on the bottles and the fact that no other hot sauces were present comes down to product placement and needing to push the plot.  

It's not bad (I mean I loved OGRoswell) - it's just funny what you notice years later.  Stuff that seemed authentic and fine back then suddenly don't anymore.

On January 20, 2019 at 2:16 PM, phoenics said:

My point is that when he was in the cafe - he zeroed in on the tobasco bottles as though it was odd to be there. On a table. In a diner. There is nothing - nothing - odd about that, so the fact that he noticed it, picked it up like it was soooo strange - like it was some great big clue - was odd. That was my point.

I think in the OG show Valenti thinks it's a little odd that there are 2 empty hot sauce bottles on the table and then later, when he sees more empty bottles in Max's jeep, he's reminded of the two in the Crashdown after the shooting. 

The reason it's odd to have 2 empty hot sauce bottles on the table in a café is just that usually 2 bottles of the same condiment don't runout at the same time in a restaurant because those items get replaced regularly. It's not impossible, just a little out of the ordinary, and something that a detective or cop might notice.

48 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I think in the OG show Valenti thinks it's a little odd that there are 2 empty hot sauce bottles on the table and then later, when he sees more empty bottles in Max's jeep, he's reminded of the two in the Crashdown after the shooting. 

The reason it's odd to have 2 empty hot sauce bottles on the table in a café is just that usually 2 bottles of the same condiment don't runout at the same time in a restaurant because those items get replaced regularly. It's not impossible, just a little out of the ordinary, and something that a detective or cop might notice.


On another note - I wonder if the show is going to go any deeper into the whole consent thing?  You know - how Max wouldn't take advantage of Liz's state after their psychic bond because it was like she was under the influence of his strong love for her?

It always bothered me how Tess mindwarped (actually it was literally a mindrape) Max in Season 1 - in Tess, Lies & Videotape... where she literally made him see them making out in all kinds of ways - and she probably forced the emotions onto him too.  It was such a violation that I am still pissed off that the show NEVER fully addressed it or had anyone call her out... the only one who did was Liz and even then it wasn't strong enough - they should have had Max cut her to pieces for doing that to him... 

Now with Isabel wiping memories... I really hope they really take that and examine the ethics of it, etc..

Edited by phoenics
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On 1/20/2019 at 4:50 PM, Kareny said:

On the more practical side, remember back in the day, how all the fans mailed Tabasco sauce bottles to the WB to save Roswell from cancellation?

The showrunners are planning ahead this time. Either the series gets picked up, or they get a free lifetime supply of acetone, thanks to the anxious fans. It's a win-win situation! 

I'll start stockpiling my bottles now. 

I mailed a case of the mini bottles lol.  First, and last, time I ever did anything like that.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

I didn't mail any tobasco and I still felt like mailing an apology letter after seeing how that season ended and what UPN had signed up for.

I mailed tobasco and snapple, lol. I was totally all in for this OGRoswell.  Right now if the show looks like it won't get a S2 I'm already preparing to send cases of nail polish remover, lol.  

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I'm fighting a cold so to pass the time I'm starting to speculate more on WhoDunnIt:

The obvious guess is Alex's Dad (because aliens from space are Eeeevil)  or the Sheriff (since Rosa may have been sleeping with her husband).

I think it would be cooler and more intense if if were actually Kyle or Alex had killed Rosa and the two girls. Maybe that's why Alex joined the airforce/army and skipped town?  Or why Kyle became a doctor? The angst! The melodrama and heartbreak! /cue obligatory emo song from the 90s.

Part of me thinks the most likely explanation is that another alien entirely killed Rosa - the books have plenty of options (Nikolas, Adam, the museum owner). Also, in the books, the conspiracy theorist - who I believe is Grant Green here, but had another name in the books - turned out to be the most evil alien. 

I could definitely also see it being Jesse Manes, though. Or him being involved, at least. 

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On February 10, 2019 at 5:18 PM, Cristofle said:

Also, in the books, the conspiracy theorist - who I believe is Grant Green here, but had another name in the books - turned out to be the most evil alien. 

I don't remember the books anymore--and I gave them away 2 moves ago 😢
--but having the rabid conspiracy theorist being a closeted alien is an extraterrestrial spin on a common homophobia manifestation
--and since they're already drawing parallels between the persecution and need to hide WRT the known ETs (Michael, Max, and Isobel) and Arturo (Liz and Rosa's father) as an undocumented immigrant/alien, it doesn't seem like much of a stretch for them to draw another parallel between being outsiders from another planet and being outsiders WRT sexual orientation
--plus we've already got Malex going on.

Edited by shapeshifter

The old school OLTL fan in me thinks it's definitely Jesse Manes who killed the girls because I've already watched a TSJ character threaten teenage girls with weapons, but I think that's my own bias, heh, not the actual show's leanings. 

I keep thinking the book character's name is Elvis? But I don't think that's quite right. He had a Southern accent, though - Michael would mock it in the books. 

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15 hours ago, Cristofle said:

The old school OLTL fan in me thinks it's definitely Jesse Manes who killed the girls because I've already watched a TSJ character threaten teenage girls with weapons, but I think that's my own bias, heh, not the actual show's leanings. 

I keep thinking the book character's name is Elvis? But I don't think that's quite right. He had a Southern accent, though - Michael would mock it in the books. 

It was Elsevan DuPris.

And I don't think Alien conspiracy guy's name on this show is Grant Green - is it?  Although I kinda hope it is - I saw those bracelets he wore and all I could think about were the Stones of Midnight.

I kind of vote for Nicholas to show up as the bad guy. Is he in the books? Hell, you could cast Miko Hughes now because he'd be the same age as the Roswell New Mexico cast as kind of a little "wink"/'nod" that would hopefully not get them sued because he would be playing a Nicholas that appears as an adult instead of a 14-year old. (He does seem like he's started getting back into acting again. Although he's probably too short quirky-looking to get cast on the CW. I mean, I find him cute but probably not by CW standards. He got in on the WB because he was there to be a kid.)

But anyway, Miko posted a flashback on his Insta a long time ago. It's friggin' adorable:

I remember really loving that storyline and being into Past Indiscretions. LOL.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I kind of vote for Nicholas to show up as the bad guy. Is he in the books? 

There is a Nicholas in the books, but he's very different than the one in the show. There were five pods originally - Max, Isabel, Michael, Nicholas, and Adam. Adam was captured by the government, but the museum guy dragged the other four to safety. Nicholas came out first and dragged his pod off, and somehow ended up growing up elsewhere (don't remember how). He comes back and is pretty arrogant and creepy, dates Isabel, and ultimately got murdered by Valenti. 

Elsevan! Thank you, that was annoying me. 

ETA: I forgot - I thought his name was Grant Green because of what Michael said at the end of the last episode, that Liz and Grant Green were both looking for a little green man they could put in a cage.

Edited by Cristofle
19 hours ago, phoenics said:

And I don't think Alien conspiracy guy's name on this show is Grant Green - is it?  Although I kinda hope it is - I saw those bracelets he wore and all I could think about were the Stones of Midnight.

3 hours ago, Cristofle said:

ETA: I forgot - I thought his name was Grant Green because of what Michael said at the end of the last episode, that Liz and Grant Green were both looking for a little green man they could put in a cage.

Yep...it IS Grant Green

I think there is going to be a combination Elsevan/Nicholas character and right now, my money is on Noah or Wyatt. Wyatt seems obvious because he came for Liz and Grant, but that's TOO easy!  I think Wyatt was being mind controlled by another alien.  He could also be an alien - but I still think he's being mind controlled.  He's now been shot though, so we'd find out pretty fast if he wasn't human.

But Noah knew Liz was going to see Grant Green - because he sent her there.  I think Noah is going to be some combo of Elsevan and Nicholas.  He's playing the part of the dutiful husband - but I just don't think that's it.  It's too simple and just leaves dead weight to be killed off at some point.  Plus - I cannot explain that weird and random meeting with Liz and Noah - I think he was looking for Grant Green already and just happened to come across Liz there because she was looking for Grant too.  I think he knows Liz was shot and Max healed her.  I think he knows just about everything.

The only question is what's his endgame?

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4 hours ago, shantown said:

My speculation is just that they've gotta have something big planned for Alex - only because he's played by Tyler Blackburn, who was (IMO) the biggest "name" in the cast (from his time on PLL), and he's from outside the stable of CW actors. 

I think he's got plenty right now - with his story with Michael and the story with his dad.  He's getting in on the alien secret - and will soon find out the man he loves (and keeps pushing away) is exactly who his father is hunting.  He's going to have to eventually choose between bowing to his dad's wishes and choosing his own path. 

That's his big story, imo.

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Just want to park my theories about Isobel/Rosa here in case any of them bear out:

1)  I think she did kill Rosa and the other girls - but not by choice.  She was mind-controlled to do it by another alien.  When Isobel is mind-controlled, she wakes up later not knowing where she'd been or what she'd done - she has a blackout.  It's lost time while she's under mind-control.

2)  I think Wyatt was being mindcontrolled in epsiode 5 when he came after Liz and Grant.

3)  I think Isobel did something mean to Rosa before her death while under mind-control and doesn't remember it because it happened while she was mind-controlled.  That's why Rosa hated her - but didn't seem afraid of her.  Isobel and Rosa were probably close at one point, but whatever Isobel did while she was mind-controlled made Rosa hate her and develop her twisted sense of people that she later vomited over Liz when Liz was dressing for prom.  When Rosa talked to Maria that day, Isobel probably had been trying to figure out why she hated her so much, and Rosa was just over it and avoided her.

4)  My prime suspect for the mind controlling alien is Noah.  Taken at face value, a lot of what he did in the episode looks legit and innocent, but if the other alien is hiding in plain sight, his innocent actions might not be so innocent.  He shows up at Max/Michael's to get Isobel - which could be taken as him covering his tracks after mind-controlling Isobel and then alerting Max/Michael so they could go and find her.  Also, he's the one who set Liz off to Grant's place near the Long farm - he knew Liz/Grant were there.  He could've mind-controlled Wyatt too - to destroy the evidence Grant had and kill him and Liz.

I definitely don't think the Rosa mystery is over by a longshot.

5)  I think Isobel actually removed some memories from Liz where she and Max were a lot closer.  Promo pics from future episodes show Max/Liz hugged up the day Rosa died.  Maybe they'd come to love each other - and Max was preparing to follow Liz (and leave Isobel/Michael) - and he was going to meet her somewhere and instead Liz just left?  Then Max was broken-hearted.

My unanswered questions are:  1) was Liz's mom alien?  Both she and Rosa "heard voices" so what's that about?  If she's not alien, why did she leave Roswell right when Rosa died?  2)  Did Jim know an alien and was he protecting the alien - or was he hunting them?  The fact that he hid the piece of the space ship tells me he might not have been fully aligned with Manes' alien-hunt.  Because Manes would probably kill to get that.  But Valenti walled it up and left a clue only someone with that key would figure out.  Was Valenti in love with Liz's mom AND Liz's mom is/was an alien?

Also - that symbol on the keychain reminded me of the whirlwind galaxy symbol from OGRoswell, 🙂

12 hours ago, phoenics said:

I think there is going to be a combination Elsevan/Nicholas character and right now, my money is on Noah or Wyatt. Wyatt seems obvious because he came for Liz and Grant, but that's TOO easy!  I think Wyatt was being mind controlled by another alien.  He could also be an alien - but I still think he's being mind controlled.  He's now been shot though, so we'd find out pretty fast if he wasn't human.

But Noah knew Liz was going to see Grant Green - because he sent her there.  I think Noah is going to be some combo of Elsevan and Nicholas.  He's playing the part of the dutiful husband - but I just don't think that's it.  It's too simple and just leaves dead weight to be killed off at some point.  Plus - I cannot explain that weird and random meeting with Liz and Noah - I think he was looking for Grant Green already and just happened to come across Liz there because she was looking for Grant too.  I think he knows Liz was shot and Max healed her.  I think he knows just about everything.

The only question is what's his endgame?

Wyatt coming after Liz and Grant Green creates a lot of questions.

Outside of a scenario where he was mind controlled just that once because of proximity to Grant Green's place some stuff now doesn't make a lot of sense retroactively.

If he has some knowledge of what really happened with Rosa that night then what was his real motive for shooting up the Crashdown /Liz?  Was he aiming at Liz?  Was he aiming at Max?  Did he specifically target them when they were together? Was he in control of himself or was someone else?

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