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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam saving Angela also doesn't make sense. Rachel's the one who's been the nicest woman to her in the house. I haven't seen Sam interact a whole lot with Kaycee, but at least I can see why. With Angela, I just don't. 

Are we 100% sure she's not just getting the names flipped?? ? 

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17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know when Sam won the first power app, she mentioned that she chose Bonus Life because the icon was bigger than the others. I mean, obvi she would choose Bonus Life while on the block, but I wonder if production did the same for Tyler and The Cloud, and Bayleigh for Identity Theft.

I remember her saying that so I looked on the next episode that featured the power app ceremony. It did not look like any one app was larger, in greater height or color, etc.

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31 minutes ago, missyb said:

The caveat about HOH not being able to tell anyone that these are not his choices is kind of dumb. His closest allies will know this was not his intention. And, it is asking way to much in the way of acting skills. And, lying is no longer a choice, it is a demand ( for the HOH).

Yeah, I'm not sure how that is suppose to work? The HOH can't say anything the whole week?  That's expecting too much IMHO. And what will they do if said HOH breaks that rule because I think a lot of them would. Hell, they would already feel penalized.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

The whole "The HOH can't say it is not their noms" part is absurd. What the fuck is the point of that? Getting to do nominations for someone else is already a very strong power. 

I'm gonna guess that part isn't true, until told otherwise in the episode.

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Winston was yelling "BRETT! BRETT!" as his bro was walking up to the HOH. Winston is pissed to say the least.

Winston said they had to talk before he talked to that dweeb!"

Edited by vb68
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Winston was up in HOH trying to intimidate Scottie by telling him that Scottie just wrote his own eviction ticket and that next week, Scottie will be outta there.  

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2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

At least Winston has some fire unlike most of the HGs last season that let death take them as soon as they were nommed. 

Except he's talking about punching Scottie in the face and all that which....bro, no. I don't like when houseguests say things like that. It's automatic points deduction.

Brett's handling it better. Not great, mind you, but better.

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Scottie told Faysal that he will make very clear that if anyone dares take Winston or Brett down, Scottie will put up the person that the veto holder is closest to.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Scottie told Faysal that he will make very clear that if anyone dares take Winston or Brett down, Scottie will put up the person that the veto holder is closest to.

See, this is just creepy robot shit. That does not help him long term to go T-1000 in Week 3. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Tyler wins, takes down Brett and...Kaitlyn goes up?


OH PLEASE!!!  I NEED that to happen!

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

And if they throw to Winston and/or Brett, then....what?

I'm sure the threat will be that if they take themselves off, one of the girls in their group is going up.  If that happens, it'll be interesting to see if they're willing to throw one of the girls in the line of fire to save themselves.

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It’s not a threat to Brett or Winston, obviously they’d use it. It’s more a threat to, say, Angela or Rachel that if they use it, the other one of them would be put up. Or in the awesome scenario, if Tyler uses it, Kaitlyn would go up. Not bad as strategies go. Scott knows he’s “drawn a line in the sand”.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

I'm sure the threat will be that if they take themselves off, one of the girls in their group is going up.  If that happens, it'll be interesting to see if they're willing to throw one of the girls in the line of fire to save themselves.

You know that crude saying-- Bros before Hos.  

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

I'm sure the threat will be that if they take themselves off, one of the girls in their group is going up.  If that happens, it'll be interesting to see if they're willing to throw one of the girls in the line of fire to save themselves.

Winston would, without a second thought. Probably Brett too, but definitely Winston. 

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5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

It’s not a threat to Brett or Winston, obviously they’d use it. It’s more a threat to, say, Angela or Rachel that if they use it, the other one of them would be put up. Or in the awesome scenario, if Tyler uses it, Kaitlyn would go up. Not bad as strategies go. Scott knows he’s “drawn a line in the sand”.

My issue is that it's way overplaying. Who cares if Angela wants to take Brett or Winston down? You're getting a L6 out person out regardless. Focusing in on any ONE person at the moment (which is what you're doing by saying "you better not take anyone down") is playing the game way too hard in Week 3. 

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Wasn't Sam's power that she could stop an eviction, after the votes are read, the evicted HG, if she uses her power on them, can play a competition to come back in the house and NO ONE is evicted that night?? 
This may be the time to use it ( if Tyler allows her to). Next week they may not need it and it will be used on someone not of their choosing.}

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

This may be the time to use it ( if Tyler allows her to). Next week they may not need it and it will be used on someone not of their choosing.}

Regardless of what Sam said today, there's going to be a ton of pressure on her to use it. If Tyler asks her too, She will use it.

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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Wasn't Sam's power that she could stop an eviction, after the votes are read, the evicted HG, if she uses her power on them, can play a competition to come back in the house and NO ONE is evicted that night?? 
This may be the time to use it ( if Tyler allows her to). Next week they may not need it and it will be used on someone not of their choosing.}

Something like that.

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Regardless of what Sam said today, there's going to be a ton of pressure on her to use it. If Tyler asks her too, She will use it.

I don't really care if she uses it on Winston if he goes, but...I gotta admit, after seeing Rockstar dancing in HOH a few minutes ago, like she's done for the last two HOHs, I'd kind of love to see her face when S6 gets screwed over for a third week.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't really care if she uses it on Winston if he goes, but...I gotta admit, after seeing Rockstar dancing in HOH a few minutes ago, like she's done for the last two HOHs, I'd kind of love to see her face when S6 gets screwed over for a third week.

Same. And add Scottie's veto threat on to that as well.

And in regards to Sam's power, the best scenario to put that in motion is for one of them to use the veto, and one of the girls go up.

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34 minutes ago, zorak said:

Scottie told Faysal that he will make very clear that if anyone dares take Winston or Brett down, Scottie will put up the person that the veto holder is closest to.

LMAO I love Scottie. 

I don't know why I'm surprised that Winston's being such a paranoid asshole about this but somehow I am. Man, I really need Brett to get evicted because I do not wanna lose Winston's crazy. If Winston somehow won veto and Scottie put Angela/Rachel up, would Brett go home in that scenario?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

If Winston somehow won veto and Scottie put Angela/Rachel up, would Brett go home in that scenario?

I would assume Tyler would steer it toward Angela/Rachel with the goal of using Sam's power.

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Haleigh says that Rachel is an undercover bitch.  She says that Angela is a bitch, too but is more openly a bitch.  Rockstar thinks Angela is a snob.  Haleigh thinks Rachel is a snob.  Haleigh wants Rachel gone next week.  I really don't get  her hate for Rachel.  I'm sure Rachel chatting with Faysal and him actually talking to Rachel on a personal level is probably fueling the hatred.

Edited by zorak
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Brief shot of Rockstar and Hayleigh talking about how Angela and Rachel are both bitches. Angela being straight up, but Rachel is undercover (said by Hayleigh). Yeah, no, not seeing it, especially Rachel. I saw her be an absolute sweetheart to Sam when she was a robot. I think “bitch” in this instance with Hayleigh really means “Faysal clearly likes her”. Honestly, the only stealth bitch I’ve seen in this house is Hayleigh. 

Edited: obviously late to the bitch discussion!

Edited by Katesus7
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Rachel doesn't seem bitchy to me at all. If anything, she's one of the sweeter ones in the house if you go by how she treated Robot Sam.

Plus, I saw this cracked out video she made of her being super silly and lip syncing to a whole bunch of songs and movie quotes and it made me like her right away haha

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