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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Haleigh confirmed in her backyard interview that there was a jury pact and I assume that means they all decided on Kaycee. Haleigh even said that she had gone in to the jury roundtable, thinking that she was voting for Kaycee to win. It was the roundtable that started to change her mind because of Brett/Angela outing Level 6. Imagine if Brett outed Level 6 before then. She might have been able to sway Fessy earlier and Tyler would have won.

I bet the producers asked Brett to keep L6 a secret until the jury roundtable.

I don't even know if it was that they decided on Kaycee so much that they decided NOT to vote for Tyler. 

3 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Fuzzy on my screen.  The only clear word is the signature.  Can you recap it?

“Sex during pregnancy. you are definitely going to have to learn how to slow down and follow instructions during this part. there are so many changes happening in my body that i love.. I  am open and ready to try."

Edited by Primal Slayer
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

“Sex during pregnancy. you are definitely going to have to learn how to slow down and follow instructions during this part. there are so many changes happening in my body that i love..."


Reasonable, but it sounds so controlling coming from her.  If this relationship lasts she's going to have his cajones in a jar on a shelf high above his reach in no time at all.

ETA:  HEY! Page 499 people.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The format is freakin' absurd. Just absurd. Really, just leave it to Grodner to take any decent aspect of the show and reduce it to bullshit. I don't know if Tyler would have won had he been given longer time to explain himself to the jury, but if he had lost in that format, at least it would have been under a reasonable setting. Grodner tends to be obsessed with two things to the detriment of the show:

1. Live content is better than non-live content

2. Shorter is better than longer

The first one sort of dictates the second one. If you have more live content, you inherently HAVE to make things shorter, and that's the key here. The jury stuff has to be live, so it HAS to be short and with producer-penned questions. And here's what I don't get - who was ever pissed about an edited jury questions segment? Who are these people that are leading Grodner to think this way about the show? Who didn't think BB10 was better than most BB seasons? 

She seems to have constantly taken the wrong lessons from any given season. That it has taken us 10 seasons to get something even CLOSE to approximating BB10 is absurd. 

Now I'll have to watch BB10 again.


42 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I received an unexpected box yesterday and didn't open it until this morning because today is my birthday.  I just opened it and...   It was my HOH robe* and those plastic mugs/straws they've been carrying around the house all summer!  It said "Happy Birthday Thalia from your favorite season of BB in a long time!!!!"

Okay, I made that last bit up.  But it was implied!   

Thanks everyone for a great summer!   I'm always happy to know I'll see you guys here next July! 

*I'm five four, and if I was much taller, it would really be more of a HOH "bed jacket."  One size only, and kind of short.  

Happy birthday! And thanks for the info on how short the robe is. 

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Has it been confirmed whether or not Bayleigh's pregnant?

Hayleigh's back on Twitter

Funny how every time I see anything with Baleigh, I am amazed by her beautiful perfect teeth. They are the most perfect "American teeth". I am from South Africa and we always joked (and still do) at the impeccable care and desire for Americans to have perfect teeth. She REALLY has a beautiful smile.


16 minutes ago, ohcomeon said:

So didn't get a chance to watch the finale till this morning. I thought I'd be happy with either winning but I'll admit when Kaycee was announced I was disappointed. In listening to her answers and speech, it was clear that she never came up with any strategy for the alliance. She did play a good social game of laying low the first half and being nice to everyone. I'm impressed that Tyler was able to be such a strategist and still make it to the F2.  But he needed to be more concise in his answers.

My opinion of Bayleigh fell even lower after watching. I truly hope she is not pregnant. 

I missed the Bro reunion. Will need to go back to watch again.

BRO REUNION! All I want to see again is the bro reunion and I'm definitely following those two on social media.


13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, that's basically confirmation, right? I mean, it could make sense as to why Swaggy decided to legit propose, besides being an attention whore. Getting engaged and then announcing a pregnancy is certainly ideal for him. Plus, it would make sense as to why Bayleigh's parents let him stay in their house for two months.

Yep. I think she's with little Swalleigh and good luck to them and mom and pop!


1 minute ago, Skycatcher said:


Reasonable, but it sounds so controlling coming from her.

I could not figure out if you are being facetious. (which I hope you are) ;)

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, TheGapper said:

Now I'll have to watch BB10 again.

I truly believe that anything good that happens on BB happens in SPITE of Grodner. She was coming off two terrible seasons to start her tenure on the show (she might have started on All-Stars, I can't recall for sure. I'm pretty sure BB8 was her first year as the head producer) and she had a dumb twist for BB10 that backfired right away and the season worked out beautifully after that. 

  • Love 7
46 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't disagree that Tyler's explanation could have been better....but at least he had one. I think he had everything he wanted to say right there, but he didn't account for there essentially being no time. And yeah, Tyler screwed up on Bayleigh, Scottie, and Sam. That's why he lost, although I don't think Sam was ever voting for Tyler. Apparently, she said that she decided to vote Kaycee long ago, according to her backyard interview. Scottie's a wild card but probably was always voting for Kaycee. Bayleigh might have voted for Tyler, as she said while she was voting that this was a harder decision than she thought, which means she truly was on the fence. He really shouldn't have said the whole "I needed to make an enemy" line, which was bullshit to begin with. Just apologize and move on! 

Yeah, it's been a pattern for a while now, at least since season 18. A lot of it has to do with this shitty jury format, which is why they need to change it up next year. These F2s need more than 4 minutes to explain their game. Even if they had done it before in their goodbye messages or in the house, it's still beneficial to have more time to explain their game in detail. It's unfair to give them so little time for $500,000. Tyler lost out on that money because there was no time to speak to each person individually. He was apologizing at the very end of the episode to Brett, for goodness sake, after Kaycee had won! 

Agree with all of your posts! The game format really does not support strategizing and gameplay with the F2 not being given any time to talk to the jury. Plus, the JBB keeps everyone afraid to spill moves in the GBM.

Dan is right that the show is more now about being nice to everyone and just winning comps. 

This show, as classic as it is, has gotten stale, IMO. We need an updated house, new comps (keeping some tradition like OTEV), a new reward/punishment system, and a revamped finale format. Wishful thinking on my part.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

So was Tyler's. Like you said, the format just doesn't really allow people the time to make any real points about their gameplay. But really Kaycee didn't have anything strategic to say because she wasn't strategic. But you don't have to be to win. Tyler made so many costly mistakes. He read Bay, Scottie, and Sam so wrong and he played it very badly. 

Tyler constantly bringing up his power app that no one on the jury remembers or cared about was bad. Also saying he never told anyone about it and then awkwardly mentioned that he did tell Sam just probably pissed Sam off even more. "I didn't tell anyone oh oops except for Sam but she doesn't count." I also found his reply to Bayleigh utterly ridiculous. Where he concocted that story is beyond me. Not that Bayleigh was ever going to vote for Tyler but that was stupid. 

Tyler really should have changed course at some point and realized what a threat KC was, and how Angela or Brett or Sam would've been better to sit next to at the end. 

That and not spending every waking minute with Angela the last half of the game. His social game was the best in the house but then jury started and it was nonexistent. 

But fear not Tyler fans. I'm almost certain he will be back. 

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Doing my bit to get to 500. My co-worker (who used to watch BB but didn't this year) wanted to know what happened last night.  She heard that it turned into The Bachelor. I had to sadly tell her all the sordid details.

I have never seen Julie read anything so fast as she did the jury votes. The Swaggy thing was so "scripted" that it made me want to barf. Do it off camera for the backyard interviews if you can't keep it private. 

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Dan is right that the show is more now about being nice to everyone and just winning comps. 

Well then maybe the strategic mastermind shouldn't have brought the person who was nice to everyone and won a lot of comps that far to the end. 

Also, BB and Survivor are social games at their core. A big part has always been being nice and getting people to like you. It's nothing new.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

“Sex during pregnancy. you are definitely going to have to learn how to slow down and follow instructions during this part. there are so many changes happening in my body that i love.. I  am open and ready to try."

What an odd note. I mean it's not wrong, but was it written as a reminder, or something? Or just a sneaky and weird way to confirm the pregnancy?

I can't feel bad for Bay but the whole situation for her is so awkward and just reeks of famewhoring. How weird to come out of the house and realize your soon-to-be-fiance has spent more time with your family than you.

I'll always be annoyed that the proposal just took up valuable F2 time. Thanks CBS.

  • Love 14
50 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I truly believe that anything good that happens on BB happens in SPITE of Grodner. She was coming off two terrible seasons to start her tenure on the show (she might have started on All-Stars, I can't recall for sure. I'm pretty sure BB8 was her first year as the head producer) and she had a dumb twist for BB10 that backfired right away and the season worked out beautifully after that. 

I'm seriously hoping that Grodner's involvement with the new Million Dollar Mile show means she will have nothing to do with BB21.  Then CBS could switch up Production and return Big Brother back to its roots.  Especially when it comes to food comps. They so need to bring those back.

  • Love 7

So I think she's basically made her own bed here, but it's such a bad situation that I can't help but still feel bad for her. 

Me too. She got knocked up on pretty much live TV by a guy she barely knows and who is arguably beneath her in several ways. I think if they had met under any circumstances that didn't involve TV cameras and a media giant like BB/CBS/Julie pushing the "true romance" narrative, she wouldn't have given him a second thought and certainly wouldn't have been claiming to be in love with him. But it looks like her family has embraced him--for the moment anyway--so I guess I just hope for the best for the baby if she is indeed pregnant.

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I can't feel bad for Bay but the whole situation for her is so awkward and just reeks of famewhoring. How weird to come out of the house and realize your soon-to-be-fiance has spent more time with your family than you.

I definitely don't want to feel bad for Bayleigh, since she's been a pretty awful person, but here I am, feeling sorry for her. How creepy is it to come out of the house and find out your 3 week showmance has been living with your family for far longer than you've known them? And also proposes in a very public way where you can't really say no? Also, I can't imagine Bayleigh being fine with finding out that Swaggy bragged on the live feeds about not pulling out and also detailing their sex life to Fessy. She may hide her reaction from the public, but I bet she's not happy.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tyler lost out on that money because there was no time to speak to each person individually.

I thought Tyler also got burned with the surprise eviction.  I would hope he had planned on sitting Sam down a few hours before her Thursday eviction to explain things, smooth things over, and more or less stroke her like she was a little puppy hungry for affection and praise from the pack leader.   That didn't happy and she went out mad and everything she heard from that point on just made her angrier. 

  • Love 2

I just watched the very end again from Julie awarding AFP because I wanted see everyone milling around to see what I could catch.  Nothing as it turned out.  They end this too fast, always have. On first watch I missed Swaggy positioning himself right behind Julie doing some dance moves.  He is desperate for fame.  I believe he told Bayleigh to be cagey if BY interviewers asked about her pregnancy to prolong the speculation.   

I would like to think this  very successful season with all new players will set the stage for this practice to continue.  

3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, Brett and Tyler are the ones to be on The Bold and the Beautiful.

I love it.

This is for sure?  Love it. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Wings said:

I just watched the very end again from Julie awarding AFP because I wanted see everyone milling around to see what I could catch.  Nothing as it turned out.  They end this too fast, always have. On first watch I missed Swaggy positioning himself right behind Julie doing some dance moves.  He is desperate for fame.  I believe he told Bayleigh to be cagey if BY interviewers asked about her pregnancy to prolong the speculation.   

Yeah, they went through the last 8 minutes a lot faster due to Swaggy's billion hour long proposal (ok, it was only a minute, but a very long minute). Swaggy's only in this for the fame, so hopefully Bayleigh realizes this.

I'm torn on whether Swaggy told Bayleigh to keep up with the trolling on the BB fanbase with the baby or if it's legit.

11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I definitely don't want to feel bad for Bayleigh, since she's been a pretty awful person, but here I am, feeling sorry for her. How creepy is it to come out of the house and find out your 3 week showmance has been living with your family for far longer than you've known them? And also proposes in a very public way where you can't really say no? Also, I can't imagine Bayleigh being fine with finding out that Swaggy bragged on the live feeds about not pulling out and also detailing their sex life to Fessy. She may hide her reaction from the public, but I bet she's not happy.

I forgot about how gross he was about all that. I think he bragged to more than just Fessy too, about their sexual encounters.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, mooses said:

Yeah, I was surprised most by Scottie, who was a big fan of the game (although I'm still skeptical), and whose favorite HG was Evel Dick. Definitely shocked that "respect and loyalty" were his number one criteria.

OKAY I have to defend Scottie one last time (because I still like the guy, can't help it)...in an interview he mentioned ED because he was hoping it would get him noticed, but he actually, for whatever reason, named Chicken George as his fave.  There, I'm done.  I think. :)


12 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I was so disappointed in the finale because I was hoping for less of the 3 competitions and more of the pre jurors and jurors and even a look around the audience for former BB contestants. Christopher and his red suit should have been shut down right away. We all knew he was going to try to make it all about him & he should not have been rewarded for it.

Just co-signing the fact that this has been a fantastic season with a fantastic jury and pre-jury, with many stories and so much left unsaid...and instead we wasted three precious minutes watching this proposal dreck.  What a horrible waste of time in a show that was already ridiculously rushed.  Get lost for good, Swayleigh.


12 hours ago, missyb said:

KC said one important thing that sealed her win with RS, Bay and Sam. She made sure people were "ok" when things were rough. 

 100% Scottie flipped his vote after Tyler said that to Bay that he was acted like Scottie was his best friend.

She did indeed do this, and in a super close vote, it definitely mattered.  And I don't blame Scottie for flipping...Tyler played an awesome game but he did indeed ignore the two relationships that he should've nurtured just a bit better.  Whoever mentioned that he started to ignore Sam after he became Tangela was spot-on, especially when Sam thought she had a final 2 with Tyler the entire time until her eviction.  As for Scottie, I think he might have been okay with Tyler's using him if perhaps Tyler hadn't been so flippant about how he did it?  He sort of rambled about it during his apology to Bayleaf, so he was apologizing to her at the expense of flicking Scottie away like a pesky fly.  But given that Tyler and Kaycee had about 14.2 seconds to cram in their entire 99 days worth of gameplay to the jury, I also can't blame Tyler too much for not being able to juggle the entire jury's various feelings towards him.  Again, GET LOST, SWAYLEIGH.

And #FUF.

Thanks for a fantastic summer!  You guys all rock.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

What an odd note. I mean it's not wrong, but was it written as a reminder, or something? Or just a sneaky and weird way to confirm the pregnancy?

I can't feel bad for Bay but the whole situation for her is so awkward and just reeks of famewhoring. How weird to come out of the house and realize your soon-to-be-fiance has spent more time with your family than you.

I'll always be annoyed that the proposal just took up valuable F2 time. Thanks CBS.


9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I definitely don't want to feel bad for Bayleigh, since she's been a pretty awful person, but here I am, feeling sorry for her. How creepy is it to come out of the house and find out your 3 week showmance has been living with your family for far longer than you've known them? And also proposes in a very public way where you can't really say no? Also, I can't imagine Bayleigh being fine with finding out that Swaggy bragged on the live feeds about not pulling out and also detailing their sex life to Fessy. She may hide her reaction from the public, but I bet she's not happy.

It's like this for me. She puts herself up on a pretty high pedestal. And she's going to take some time to digest all this, through her social media research (I hope), and then come to the conclusion that she fucked up. In A VERY BIG WAY, and to untangle herself will be virtually impossible. Because Swaggy. He's not going to give this up. It's too good. For him it is the opposite. He moved up. And he's not going to step back down. So Bayleigh made her own bed here. And the parents, well, down the road they're going to realize that maybe they should have SLOWED DOWN with their Swaggy embracing. (And I blame CBS for all the coddling and prompting ie. filing them in their house etc.) I hope I am totally wrong and it's just the cynical side of me that views this whole shit show of a showmance more as a reflection of the ones I see in my own family. I hope they live happily every after with all the little fuckers they're going to produce and that Granma and Granpa are over the moon. but....

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I thought Tyler also got burned with the surprise eviction.  I would hope he had planned on sitting Sam down a few hours before her Thursday eviction to explain things, smooth things over, and more or less stroke her like she was a little puppy hungry for affection and praise from the pack leader.   That didn't happy and she went out mad and everything she heard from that point on just made her angrier. 

Yes.  And had he confided in her about his romance with Angela he would have had her vote.  When he fell in love his social game tanked and that did him in.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, Evenshorter said:

I have never seen Julie read anything so fast as she did the jury votes. The Swaggy thing was so "scripted" that it made me want to barf. Do it off camera for the backyard interviews if you can't keep it private. 

The finale is always rushed and it doesn't need to be. Just show part 1 and the start of part 2 on the Sunday episode. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, TheGapper said:


It's like this for me. She puts herself up on a pretty high pedestal. And she's going to take some time to digest all this, through her social media research (I hope), and then come to the conclusion that she fucked up. In A VERY BIG WAY, and to untangle herself will be virtually impossible. Because Swaggy. He's not going to give this up. It's too good. For him it is the opposite. He moved up. And he's not going to step back down. So Bayleigh made her own bed here. And the parents, well, down the road they're going to realize that maybe they should have SLOWED DOWN with their Swaggy embracing. (And I blame CBS for all the coddling and prompting ie. filing them in their house etc.) I hope I am totally wrong and it's just the cynical side of me that views this whole shit show of a showmance more as a reflection of the ones I see in my own family. I hope they live happily every after with all the little fuckers they're going to produce and that Granma and Granpa are over the moon. but....

I think Bayleigh DR'd at the start of the season that her biggest fear was how she'd be perceived by others, she didn't want to do anything to embarrass herself and her family, etc.  So it just makes me not care one iota about her and her stupid fiancee since she basically sunk her own ship by hooking up with this jerk on live television.

  • Love 5

The second Saggy D-bag said he couldn't talk to Bayleigh from where he was I hit the fast-forward because it was obvious what was about to happen. Compared to last year, where I couldn't stand either Josh or Paul, it was so refreshing to be fine with either person winning this year, although I wanted Tyler to a little bit more. Loved the double take he did in response to "Julie Chen Moonves." I consider myself a super fan but it wouldn't have pinged anything with me at the time.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 14

After 20 years you would think they could produce a better timed finale. Agree with everyone about showing parts 1 and 2 of final HOH on Sundays show ,or add a Tuesday show. Hurrying up the finalists as they address the jury to give Swaggy show time minutes was a very very bad producing choice. I felt robbed. It was not what I was interested in. I wanted to hear the two finalists. 

Old format of Saturday evening jury questions was much more fair . In that format, Tyler could have better explained his strategies throughout the game. How he had to think on the fly. It may not have changed anything but it is a better format. 

Hated the setting for the live interviews. I always enjoyed watching HG interaction in the backround. We were excluded from that.

The best produced finale was All stars. They showed more clips of things the HG's may not have been aware of. Revelations were better.

Jury roundtable was awful. The level 6 discussion must have been much longer and extensive. Footage they chose to show sucked.

Loved the season, loved watching and participating, hated the finale production. Okay with the outcome. Both were deserving of winning the game.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Not a word from Kaitlyn. An entire segment devoted to showmance bullshit.

Yeah, I thought this was so forced. Julie had rehearsed it to the point where anyone could pick up how scripted and stale the segment became. Nothing about it was fresh. It was sad actually, Julie going on and on about these superficial TV romances, keep pushing pushing, for what? In the end it's ironic because her personal life is so smelly with Les Moonves' accusations. Almost like she was building this "wall" of love.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Both, BUT MOSTLY HELEN. WTF is wrong with her?

Since we solved the What's Wrong With Angela question, now it's What's Wrong with Helen? 

Answer: She probably only reads about what's happening on the show. I doubt she actually watches it or follows the live feeds. It sounds like she's pretty clueless on the season in general so her opinion doesn't really matter.

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Since we solved the What's Wrong With Angela question, now it's What's Wrong with Helen? 

Answer: She probably only reads about what's happening on the show. I doubt she actually watches it or follows the live feeds. It sounds like she's pretty clueless on the season in general so her opinion doesn't really matter.

I hate that she is giving him more reason to exploit his situation.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

With both a pregnancy and an engagement this season and Cody and Jessica meeting last season, who wants to bet that Grodner will somehow talk the two couples into a double wedding on the show?

Luckily for us, Jess and Cody are already getting married next month. Though their officiant is going to be casting director Robyn Kass. But yeah, we're spared of Jody doing a double wedding, especially with a kid on the way for them. Jess and Cody seem to be happy doing their own thing separate from the show. Luckily for me, no Big Brother people were part of their joint bachelor/ette party, not even Marlena. 

....oh god, I got a horrifying thought that, if Bayleigh is pregnant, that Swaggy will pressure her to have their wedding sooner rather than later. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Evenshorter said:

I missed the pre-jury takes on the season. Julie used to ask what the jury missed out on knowing. Would have loved to hear Kaitlyn's take on that.

Unfortunately for us, the producers behind the scenes wanted showmance discussions instead. Bleh. 

1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Swaggy is going to milk this thing for all the $$$ it is worth. They will try to get magazine cover, special, put the baby in a Swaggy C onesie....

It really is sad. 

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

 And the parents, well, down the road they're going to realize that maybe they should have SLOWED DOWN with their Swaggy embracing.

 Another cynic here. Maybe the parents see this as an opportunity to unload the princess?  Except, it's doomed to backfire because you can't support a wife and a baby on a baby sitter's income.

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