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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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11 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

Does Bay know that Swaggy is a babysitter or does she think that he is a stockbroker?

Doesn't seem like she knows much about him. The only anecdote I've heard her tell is that he's never dated a black girl. All his exes are white girls with blonde hair. 

I want Bayleigh to get HG choice and pick Tyler. Maybe his alliance will start to wonder what's going on.

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Rachel is really digging herself into a bad spot. And Bay is letting her know that. Bay turns it into you are making me feel even worse because I had no idea you would be so upset. 
Rachel! Chill! Win the veto and then go from there. You have upset the HOH, you also brought Brett into it when it is your BB life you should be worrying about. 
She is so concerned about this power being used by the person sitting next to her. I guess it is a legit concern bit she cant change it now. Wait it out.

Rachel needs to apologize to Bayleigh, that would make Bay happy, and buck up.

Edited by missyb
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Bay mad that Rachel is only thinking about herself and not about Bay. Alrighty then!

Bay is so aggravating to listen to. Her voice alone is horrendous and then everything she says is just so stupid and/or arrogant. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, Sandycat said:

Bayleigh complaining about having to put another person on the block if Rachel wins the veto

If you don't want to do what the HOH entails, don't win it.

All I know is I can not wait until Bay is nominated. That will be hilarious.

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I'm not watching this Bayleigh/Rachel conversation in real time, so this is a little behind, but I don't understand how Bayleigh can go around telling people she has nobody in this game but then in this conversation with Rachel, justify putting Rachel on the block by telling her that she wasn't about to make somebody mad who has given her their word from the beginning.

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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Rachel: You said you would use the veto on me.
Bay: I said I would use the veto to protect you.

They're both wrong. Bay hinted that she would use it but didn't give her a definitive yes. Said something like I will strongly consider it, putting another guy up.

I'm confused though. I thought Rachel knew Bay wanted to target Brett and that Scottie was only the backup option. 

The thing I feel bad about with Rachel is that her alliance is completely MIA. None of them seem particularly bothered, especially her ride or die Angela. Brett isn't happy with KC. He said yesterday that she always talks to Bay and didn't understand why she couldn't keep him off the block. Tyler is holding this alliance together.

Edited by Cutty
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5 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

God I need Rachel or Brett to win veto

I need Brett to win veto, or he goes.

Plus, crazy Rachel up on the block? Possibly next to JC and not Scottie? I guess, at this point, Bayleigh has to put up Scottie or else Rachel will expose her power 100%. Or she puts up JC and Faysal gets pissed off at her. If Scottie goes up, Rachel might actually go and she will go out screaming. If JC goes up, the shit still hits the fan.

Bayleigh put herself in an impossible situation and that's why the veto needs to be used.

Hey, BB, I need you to create a veto comp all about Winston. Ok, thanks.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess, at this point, Bayleigh has to put up Scottie or else Rachel will expose her power 100%.

Best case for Bayleigh at this point is Rachel winning veto and she keep her word and puts up Scottie. That would at least salvage something with the girls of L5. Brett probably still goes in that scenario. Worst case is she wins veto and doesn't use it. 

I actually don't think losing Scottie is that big of a deal for S6. No one trusts him and I don't view him as that solid of a number on that side anyway.

Edited by Cutty
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5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm gonna need Tyler to accidentally win.

Imagine Rachel hounding him. Such fun!

I just need Rachel to stay otb all week because she's hilarious, but I need Brett to go because he does literally nothing for me.

Bay said the veto will be early today. Although it's BB and they are never on time.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Bay said the veto will be early today. Although it's BB and they are never on time.

I hope it starts in the next three hours because I'm going to movies around that time so I want the feeds off while I'm out.

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I think Rachel might be in trouble if noms remain the same.

evict Rach - Tyler, JC, Fes, Scottie (maybe), Sam (maybe)

evict Brett - RS, Haleigh, Angela, KC

Basically Scottie and Sam would be the swing votes.

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Regarding the "OMG Bay might be pregnant" gate, this isn't BB's first rodeo dealing with people having sex in the house.  The houseguests probably had to sign an ironclad contract (as a previous poster mentioned) and I'm sure BB has footage of what led up to the encounter (probably including DR sessions of the producers explicitly telling Swaggy and Bayleigh where the condoms are  located). 

Despite our complaints, BB is a relatively transparent reality show (the live feeds make it hard not to be).  I think if BB had an incident like Tonya getting sexually assaulted on The Challenge, it would be really hard for them to cover it up.


8 hours ago, Nashville said:

... Not necessarily.  

  • Almost all the allegations appear to be from back in the 80s-90s (well before Julie and Les ever met in 2003) with the exception of the last allegation, which (if I understood correctly) was circa 2006. 
  • Even if CBS calls out the dogs on Moonves, Julie Chen (as a separate individual) still has her own contracts with CBS for BB, The Talk, and (I’m sure) some other projects.  Terminating Chen because of her husband’s actions before they even met would be a Hollywood lawyer’s wet dream come true.
  • Julie Chen is the extremely public face of BB, and has garnered her own following of fans/viewers.  If at all possible CBS will not want to take the chance this situation might alienate a sizable number of Chenbot devotees.

First off, Les has some ‘splaining to do to the lovely Ms. Chen for that little bit of 2006 bother - but besides that, I could see that 2006 incident being a basis for Julie to disavow Moonves (publicly, at least) and save her own career.

This is assuming that Julie Chen is not Georgina Chapman 2.0 (which I don't think she is).  Julie is definitely in a tough spot and I feel for her.  I wonder if she will make a statement on the next Thursday live show?

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If Rachel doesn’t win Veto and Brett does or someone else that pulls Brett down and Bay DOESN’T put up Scottie- Rachel you SPILL that power to everyone or at least your alliance. Or at least threaten Bay that you will. Her own damn fault for spilling it and then being such biatch to everyone. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Rachel needs to assure Sam the Pious that she'll do happy good things with the money and probably give up her slutty Vegas performance dancing ways.

Sam has mentioned on more than one occasion that she thought Rachel was an escort. 

11 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Over or under 90% chance Rockstar cries if Brett wins the Veto?  Guys like that always win.

Realllll cute. DIS-GUS-TING.

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So looks like Angela convinced Sam to throw it.  JC will probably try.  Tyler will probably throw if JC and Bayleigh are doing poorly.  If not he will win and manipulate Bayleigh into putting up Scottie by talking about how good friends they are to her and she will be pissed about him using the Veto.

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Bayleigh complaining to Sam that Rachel has been in and out of the HOH room bringing her negativity with her.

She says she's really annoyed that Rachel wanted Bayleigh to throw it to her.

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30 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I wonder if she will make a statement on the next Thursday live show?

She posted a statement on her Twitter so I figure she won't say anything more about it. Maybe she will on The Talk if anything more comes out, but I don't think she'll ever say anything on BB.

Does anyone know who the veto host is?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

She posted a statement on her Twitter so I figure she won't say any thing more about it. Maybe she will on The Talk if anything more comes out, but I don't think she'll ever say anything on BB.

My guess. She won't speak about it at all.  Her statement is the extent of her communication, for now anyway.  This is going to blow over; the allegations are tame.  No way will CBS go after Les for pushing kisses 20 years ago. 

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Rachel and Angela are talking about Rachel's conversations with Bayleigh.  Rachel said she feels like Bayleigh wants to use her power to protect Faysal and Haleigh so going forward, she needs to tell others to be careful about who they nominate because Bayleigh will use it to change the noms if those 2 are up.  Angela says she feels like the girls alliance is secondary to both sides.  Rachel brought up how Bayleigh was getting pissy and saying that Rachel was bringing her negativity into Bayleigh's space.

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The more and more I watch today its becoming evident that Rachel might actually be going home this week.  I think even Angela is over her right now.  All it will take is a nudge from Kaycee and Tyler

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The worst thing Rachel could have said is she feels guilty for signing Bretts eviction.Now dumb was that ? It must have been a slip of the tongue and it was not what she really wanted to say . 
Rachel is going to write her own eviction.

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Rachel says she's starting to not trust the alliance she's in.  She says that the other side has made very clear who their allegiance is to.  And she says that Tyler is sitting pretty.  Angela says she will not throw her own game just because of the alliance.

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Hot take.  I think it might just a bit too early to call this but I think a Rachel blindside is a huge possibility and it will be spearheaded by Angela

If noms stay the same she's really fucked. 

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Bay's voice makes my ears bleed but I really wanna listen to this convo.

1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Hot take.  I think it might just a bit too early to call this but I think a Rachel blindside is a huge possibility and it will be spearheaded by Angela

I agree and I think it's a terrible move for Angela.

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