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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Bayleigh:  hopefully this changes people's minds and they --no offense RS (who's in the room) -- don't vote me out.

RS:  oh that's ok.

She just hopes she doesn't have to meet Julie in her punishment outfit.

Edited by leocadia
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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh:  "Bring it in, Brett.  I hope I didn't scare you."


2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar: "You know what the weird part of this is? I like Brett." *pats Brett on the chest*

LOL for days. These people!!

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Angela up in HOH with Scottie and Tyler:  "I don't believe it.  I still think Bayleigh is the hacker."

They just can't believe that Hayleigh would be dumb enough to reveal it for Bay. Neither can I, guys. Neither can I.

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7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The thing is . . . they still have a legitimate reason to evict Bayleigh and target Haleigh next. BUT. It is starting to dawn on them that if Bayleigh was not actually the hacker they looked stupid on the live feeds and on the TV episodes where they were sure she was. I'm sure they're trying to prop themselves up and come up with excuses but the full effect of "what if I've been wrong all this time and the audience is laughing at me" rarely hits the HGs for some reason.

Truthfully?  From this audience member‘s perspective, it didn’t really matter whether or not Bae was/wasn’t the Hacker.  L6/5/4 were already planning on BD’ing Bae because of her Identity Theft power app; the Hacker potential added fuel to the fire, but in no way was it the ignition source.

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5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, man, house meetings generally make me want to curl up in a ball with second hand embarrassment, so I think I’ll just wait for the show to watch it. 

I can’t believe she actually did it. What a dumbass. 

You would feel that for Bayleigh. Like she went waaayyyyyy above nutso. 

They way she went at JC for using the N-word, take that times about 100000000

Edited by gunderda
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Bayleigh and her crew are hoping that Rockstar gets called to do Cupcakes and Curls.

I don't wanna disappoint them but last night Rockstar made the mistake of saying that she absolutely hates the Shakes and Sprints punishment so guess which one they're going to call her most for?

Rockstar: "They keep throwing me on the block-"
JC: "It's only the second time."


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She's WOKE, y'all. 

ETA: Lol, jinx.

Kind of makes me want to root for Kaycee to throw RS up at some point. I still think Kaycee will start winning comps when she needs too. And she has a great social game. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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RS to JC:  You have to be prepared to go or stay.  I want to stay, I want to win.  You go ahead and do what you have to....

JC:  No, it doesn't work that way!


Aaaand that's all the JC I can take...feed switch!

Edited by leocadia
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Yup! Brett is being under estimated. Tyler is the bigger fish. He still has a Power App but he might be in trouble after that. I am curious to see who last longer. Brett or Tyler????

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Just now, ByaNose said:

Yup! Brett is being under estimated. Tyler is the bigger fish. He still has a Power App but he might be in trouble after that. I am curious to see who last longer. Brett or Tyler????

Definitely Tyler. He has Angela, KC, Sam, JC, Scottie all playing for him. Brett is going to have to get really creative to outlast him.

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Just now, zorak said:

Haleigh talking to Bayleigh:  "I can't believe Kaycee is up there.  I thought she was different."

Haha And KC was just saying how she cant stand Hay.. lol

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Bayleigh back to wallowing in the self-pity with Haleigh.  She can't believe no one will apologize to her.  Yes, Bayleigh, we are all sorry that people are playing Big Brother instead of handing the crown to you.  I think she's surprised that the "other side" didn't cave to her demands the way RS does when she pitches a fit.

To use her own "word", there was literally nothing personal behind her nomination.

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Just now, zorak said:

Haleigh says that if Bayleigh goes this week, she wants to go next week so they can chill in the Jury house together.

So, Hay at least recognizes she’s torpedoed her own game past the point of no return?  That’s mighty astute of her.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Haleigh talking to Bayleigh:  "I can't believe Kaycee is up there.  I thought she was different."

And again - proof that the hive is CLUELESS about what's going on in the house lol


Brett thought the meeting was going to be letters from Kaitlyn lol

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Just now, Cutty said:

Goes without saying but Bayleigh would 100% be safe this week had she not blabbed about her power app. Has no one to blame but herself.

I think her first mistake was winning HOH- but yes if for sure snowballed from there. 

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Just now, zorak said:

Haleigh says that once she, Bayleigh, and Rockstar are gone, it's going to be a lame ass season.

Methinks Pinky’s ass is already pretty lame, literally; since about two days into her punishment, she’s been popping ibuprofen like they were Pez.

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Ugh...keep JC away from me before I go all Bayleigh!

Haleigh to JC:  I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand...

JC:  Well I wouldn't have been surprised, but maybe you could have told Fessy so he could have told you how to use it to help us instead of all this little (waves hands) shit...

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5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Yup! Brett is being under estimated. Tyler is the bigger fish. He still has a Power App but he might be in trouble after that. I am curious to see who last longer. Brett or Tyler????

The problem for Brett is he is getting in with people that are likely to leave over the next few weeks (Bayleigh, Haleigh, Rockstar) while Tyler is strengthening his bonds with Kaycee, Angela, Scotty, JC, etc.  Brett is strengthening his game in the short term (especially in the event of a Faysal/Haleigh HoH win next week), but I think he might be weakening it over the long term.  Two weeks ago I think Angela would have picked Brett over Tyler, but I think now she is much more loyal to Tyler.

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2 minutes ago, leocadia said:

JC:  Well I wouldn't have been surprised, but maybe you could have told Fessy so he could have told you how to use it to help us instead of all this little (waves hands) shit...

I actually agree with JC here. Haleigh should have told Fes *and* picked him for veto. The line was already drawn the minute she put Tyler up. She half-assed it after that.

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1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

What you need is a boss that's also a BB fan. Mine has come to see me half a dozen times today when I've had this screen or HamsterTime up. She just asks me if there's anything happening she would want to know about. :D

Hi fellow HamsterTimer!

If Tyler was at all concerned about not getting credit for some of his moves, at least Baylee has helped him out by saying it was him that backdoored Swaggy and not Kaitlyn. I've watched the video a couple times, and still not sure what she thinks Tyler needs to apologise to her for?

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Just now, zorak said:

Bayleigh is getting worked up about Angela calling her honey in the veto speech because she says she knew Bayleigh didn't like being called honey.

Bayleigh: “Don’t call me honey, I hate being called honey”

Also Bayleigh: *sarcastically calls Tyler sweetheart*

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1 minute ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

The problem for Brett is he is getting in with people that are likely to leave over the next few weeks (Bayleigh, Haleigh, Rockstar) while Tyler is strengthening his bonds with Kaycee, Angela, Scotty, JC, etc.  Brett is strengthening his game in the short term (especially in the event of a Faysal/Haleigh HoH win next week), but I think he might be weakening it over the long term.  Two weeks ago I think Angela would have picked Brett over Tyler, but I think now she is much more loyal to Tyler.

Yeah, they’re likely to leave - and head straight to the Jury House.  Doesn’t sound like much of a problem to me.  :)

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