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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Brett says he hopes that Scottie grows a gut and gets Haleigh out of the game.

Brett is laughing at the amount of bullshit he's spewed out in the last day.  He's amazed that it stuck.

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Guys. Haleigh and Rockstar finally figured out that the numbers are against them. It's only a few weeks late but better late than never, right?

Rockstar: "If I stay, what's our best move?"
Haleigh: "Win HoH. It's a good start."

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

Guys. Haleigh and Rockstar finally figured out that the numbers are against them. It's only a few weeks late but better late than never, right?

Don't worry give them a few days- they'll forget this conversation ever happened. Haha. 

Then they said that Tyler must have aligned with Angela this week. LOL. 

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Brett says he hopes that Scottie grows a gut and gets Haleigh out of the game.

Brett is laughing at the amount of bullshit he's spewed out in the last day.  He's amazed that it stuck.

So are we. 

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Brett telling Angela he knows exactly what JC's game is.  He says JC just wants to ride the middle and have the 2 sides take each other out until there's nobody left.  Brett thinks JC would want to take someone out from L6 because he doesn't want it to be lopsided.  But they say they'll cross that bridge when they come to it because there's no need to get worried about something that isn't currently happening.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Guys. Haleigh and Rockstar finally figured out that the numbers are against them. It's only a few weeks late but better late than never, right?


3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Don't worry give them a few days- they'll forget this conversation ever happened. Haha. 

Then they said that Tyler must have aligned with Angela this week. LOL. 

Two correct guesses by Sacred Cow on the same day???  Isn’t this one of the signs of the impending apocalypse???

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Just now, zorak said:

Brett telling Angela he knows exactly what JC's game is.  He says JC just wants to ride the middle and have the 2 sides take each other out until there's nobody left.  Brett thinks JC would want to take someone out from L6 because he doesn't want it to be lopsided.  But they say they'll cross that bridge when they come to it because there's no need to get worried about something that isn't currently happening.

Brett targeting JC would make me a Brett fan. 

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Bayleigh telling Rockstar that she's not upset that she's on the block.  She's mad about the things people have been saying and the way people have been treating her.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh telling Rockstar that she's not upset that she's on the block.  She's mad about the things people have been saying and the way people have been treating her.

Girl, it's been four hours! You started saying this twenty minutes after the veto ceremony! 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Bayleigh isn't going to tear down Rockstar and Rockstar isn't going to tear down Bayleigh.

Yuh huh. Totes believe you there, Bayleigh. Totes.

Give it about a day. Or until the end of the night.

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2 hours ago, Ceeg said:

Also she said people are trying to "defamate" her character

I vote we make this a word. "To destroy viewers' opinion of a person, largely (but not entirely) based on his/her choice of showmance partner." 

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Bayleigh to Sam: "It's not faaaair!"

Mark that space off your bingo cards, guys. Bayleigh doesn't know why this is happening because she's so nice to everyone. 

That is some peak level delusional bullshit, right there. 

2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

At least in the jury house she ought to be able to get a pee stick and won't  be involved in any rough and tumble competitions if she is PG. 

I'm probably going to be in trouble for asking this, but has she given any indication that mini-swag would be a welcomed addition? 

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I love how no one is EVER mad that they are on the block. Nope, its always how they were treated, or because someone lied to them, etc. Lol, sure.

Go Tyler. He's worked to get all these people on his side and that's just good gameplay. I still don't think he's a guaranteed winner though. I think even this great season will end up with a RS/Faysal F2 or something. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:


I'm probably going to be in trouble for asking this, but has she given any indication that mini-swag would be a welcomed addition? 

None so far.  I'm wondering what she's going to do if she is PG. Supposedly she had plans for medical school. Hard to do with a rug rat. Not impossible, but certainly difficult.

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5 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I'm probably going to be in trouble for asking this, but has she given any indication that mini-swag would be a welcomed addition? 

Possibly; she's been talking A LOT about babies and how she wants to be pregnant and all that stuff. I do think it's more her projecting her fantasies, rather than her being pregnant (and probably some late side effects of Plan B, as I believe she has said that she's taken it, but I never heard that from her directly so who knows?)

It's just funny how Bayleigh reprimanded Rockstar (behind her back to Haleigh) last night for only thinking about herself while being on the block and now Bayleigh's complaining about people not being concerned for her while she's on the block. 

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2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I just don't understand why she doesn't realize that it has nothing to do with who you are or what you've done. You have a power IN YOUR POCKET. It's really that simple Bay. 


Julie will tell her why in the exit interview.  I am looking forward to that dawning. 

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2 minutes ago, Wings said:

Julie will tell her why in the exit interview.  I am looking forward to that dawning. 

She won't probably- because it's now Jury. Her questions will be surface. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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12 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

None so far.  I'm wondering what she's going to do if she is PG. Supposedly she had plans for medical school. Hard to do with a rug rat. Not impossible, but certainly difficult.

Difficult?  Not for a genius.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Rockstar:  "Washing a carrot can be a little bit of foreplay."  

Rockstar is legit cracking me up with her running commentary while she does her punishments. 

Who's got the road salt because I think Hell just froze over. Note to self: bring my skis on the party bus trip down there. 

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The guys are tanning and being semi-dicks, kinda bagging on Rachel (let it go, Brett) when the Giant goes for a hard topic swerve with, “I think they should do a BB in Paradise, like the Bachelor, and no one should be kicked out.”  

So, yeah, he’s on a show he had zero clue about and still wants a TV gig where he just tans and flirts for a few months. That’s profitable for the network. 

As an aside, I just realized how much he looks like Lorenzo Lamas back in the day. 

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Guys its entirely possible that this week's HOH could be a Q&A Knockout Competition- especially since The Hacker is still in play so that will be shown in the Sunday episode. The Hive could be out immediately. 

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16 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

None so far.  I'm wondering what she's going to do if she is PG. Supposedly she had plans for medical school. Hard to do with a rug rat. Not impossible, but certainly difficult.

I'm sure we won't ever hear if the plan is anything but, um, staying the course. 

13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Possibly; she's been talking A LOT about babies and how she wants to be pregnant and all that stuff. I do think it's more her projecting her fantasies, rather than her being pregnant (and probably some late side effects of Plan B, as I believe she has said that she's taken it, but I never heard that from her directly so who knows?)

I've thankfully never needed it, but I don't think "continuing to be late" is a side effect? 

4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar:  "Washing a carrot can be a little bit of foreplay."  

I weep for her sex life. 

Also, re Angela calling Bayleigh "honey?" Gif of tuxedo guy applauding goes here. "Don't you EVER" is an instant rage stroke for me, so I flove that being thrown back in her face. 

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Angela and Brett discussing if this week's vote will be anonymous.

Did they mean to say unanimous?  With Bayleigh's claim that people were defamating her, Fessy complaining about his overall fustration and Anglea/KC discussing the art of hypmotism, I think we need to send these HGs a dictionary stat!

Also, it occurred to me that if Angela really wants to own her villain edit, she should twirl her mustache the next time she's in the DR. 

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4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Did they mean to say unanimous? 

I meant to say unanimous.  Whoops.  LOL  Although in that conversation they were also discussing whether or not people would actually say who they voted for.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, leocadia said:

Blame it on Rachel, @zorak!  LOL  :-)

If I were Angela, I totally would.  I'm going to actually blame it on Bayleigh.  At some point in this season, she said anonymous instead of unanimous when she was talking to someone.  But to her credit, she actually corrected it immediately.

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26 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Difficult?  Not for a genius.

 Plus, if she does have a rug rat as a souvenir of BB, and still wants to go to medical school, her folks have taken in the daddy, so I'm sure they won't mind taking in his kid too. 


Edited by Skycatcher
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1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

I'm probably going to be in trouble for asking this, but has she given any indication that mini-swag would be a welcomed addition? 

I can't know for sure what they were talking about, but yesterday Bay & Hay were hinting about something big that they needed to discuss as soon as there weren't cameras around.  Bayleigh made a point of saying "what if THAT was the real reason (she) had been brought to BB, not to win but to have this huge life moment happen"  I don't remember the exact details but it definitely raised my eyebrow.  If anyone wants to check, this was during the same convo yesterday where Haleigh told Bayleigh about her Tyler dream.  She seemed pretty happy/excited about whatever they were(n't) talking about.

Edited by leocadia
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JC, Tyler, Fessy and Brett by the pool discussing the "girls alliance":

Fessy: So there's a girls alliance called the Maneaters and yet this will be the third week in a row with a girl HOH sending a girl home...

JC:  Well, that's because they're girls...

Whoever the hacker is this week, I hope they target JC!!

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8 minutes ago, leocadia said:

JC, Tyler, Fessy and Brett by the pool discussing the "girls alliance":

Fessy: So there's a girls alliance called the Maneaters and yet this will be the third week in a row with a girl HOH sending a girl home...

JC:  Well, that's because they're girls...

Whoever the hacker is this week, I hope they target JC!!

He's a jackass on general principle, but he's not wrong on this topic. Amy the Super Charismatic Lesbian pulled off a ladies alliance wayyyyy back on Survivor. But they usually crash and burn quickly, and that's if they even make it off the ground to begin with. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Whoever wins the final Hacker Comp, if they nominate either JC or Sam, they'll earn my respect, much like how Haleigh did.

I hope Sam wins and nominates JC.  ?

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3 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

I hope Sam wins and nominates JC.  ?

Our luck it would be JC who wins. He’s gotta win something, right?

Edited by ByaNose
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23 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Our luck it would be JC who wins. He’s gotta win something, right?

I would be interested to see who'd he put up. He wants to even the numbers but I don't see him taking a direct shot at one of Tyler's numbers. JC is pretty fucked at this point. He's not gonna be able to stop Tyler from targeting Faysal next week.

Edited by Cutty
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3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I would be interested to see who'd he put up. He wants to even the numbers but I don't see him taking a direct shot at one of Tyler's numbers. JC is pretty fucked at this point. He's not gonna be able to stop Tyler from targeting Faysal next week.

I have no idea. My first thought is maybe Haleigh, so that JC can have Fessy to himself. My other thought was Scottie because he may not like the idea of Scottie getting closer with L4, since that's supposed to be his role. 

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If those knuckleheads in L6 were smart, they would try to make a deal with Bayleigh that that they will flip a few votes to make her stay if they can have total control of her app next week under unanimity.  So they could get one of the strong competitors on their side out without any blood on their hands.

They need to stop thinking along racial and class lines.

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2 minutes ago, plotpointer said:

If those knuckleheads in L6 were smart, they would try to make a deal with Bayleigh that that they will flip a few votes to make her stay if they can have total control of her app next week under unanimity.  So they could get one of the strong competitors on their side out without any blood on their hands.

They need to stop thinking along racial and class lines.

That won't work because there's nothing stopping Bayleigh now from lying to their faces (well deserved) and then backstabbing them next week. Which she would 100% do. She was already planning on nominating Tyler and Sam together. Tyler knows that keeping Bayleigh in the house is not good for the alliance, because Bayleigh's power is too powerful to keep around. He doesn't trust Bayleigh for good reason. She's not on his team. He may not know that she was being genuine last week, but she also threw his name out as a possibility to nominate through her power. 

Also, still no racial and class lines on L6's end. 

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Bayleigh was in a no win situation after her power was exposed. She should have just used it and hoped for the best with the veto. Just utterly delusional on her part to think she wouldn't be immediately targeted.

Edited by Cutty
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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Bayleigh was in a no win situation after her power was exposed. She should have just used it and hoped for the best with the veto.

I agree. I think she should have used it instead of trusting in this all girls alliance, especially since she couldn't tell that Angela had no interest in it. Bayleigh could have put up Tyler/Scottie, Haleigh would have won the Hacker Comp anyway and either left noms the same or, if she had to use it, taken down Scottie to put up Brett, Angela would have won veto anyway and taken down Tyler to put up Bayleigh. But then Haleigh would have cancelled Sam's vote, and they...still would have lost Bayleigh. 

Actually, there was a no-win situation for her if the veto results stayed the same, but we also don't know if they would have. If noms stayed the same after veto, Brett would have gone this time. But since Bayleigh would have had no idea on what could have happened this week, she really should have used it, even if it was wasted. She was dumb for telling people, but that stupidity continued when she chose to trust Angela and not use it to "wait a couple of weeks".

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13 hours ago, TimWil said:

I totally can. He’s a deluded piece of crap so it was all too predictable. It’s always annoyed me over the years that horrible/nonexistent players like him, Victoria, Elena, Jozea and Lawon are ever included in BB fan events in the first place. They were embarrassments as players and painful to watch as people attempting to play a game they should never have been cast in.

I'm so tired of seeing Jozea on The Challenge acting like he can keep up.  It's exhausting.

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