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Iris West

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they've also included Barry and Caitlin as a couple



They're not the only non-canon ship since Bellarke is there.


And it looks like Barry/Caitlin are losing to their competitor (while Barry/Iris have a clear win) reinforcing how little interest they've garnered compared to popular alternatives.


This. I've said it before but I'll say it again, at least the wardrobe department tries with Iris!


At least? LOL. True. Her style is gorgeous and so distinctly her. From head to toe, anything she puts on is completely believable as falling within her character's aesthetic. And that's without getting too monotone, like the girls over on Arrow.  


But the show's wardrobe department is overall great when it comes to the ladies. I thought even Felicity's style vastly improved on her crossovers. 

Edited by driedfruit
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The wardrobe is really great in the show. At least it has that going for it!


Has Iris been featured in any of the promos? I was just thinking about that and I don't believe she has ever been in one of the promos for the next ep that they show at the end of every ep. That's astonishing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It definitely helps that Candice is stunning and rocks the hell out of everything they put her in. And she always looks much taller than she actually is, which is around 5'4"? I would've thought close to 5'7"/8" from watching her on the show. 


Has Iris been featured in any of the promos?


She has barely been in the last five episodes, so I can why she was missing. I remember seeing her in the promo for 1x09, but it turns out that was CTV and she wasn't in the CW one.


Here's a promo dedicated to her by another network. 

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Another person here chiming in to say how much I love Iris' style. It's very feminine, but unique in that it's not the typical fashion you see on the CW women, especially when compared with the wardrobe for the women on Arrow.

peachmangosteen - I distinctly remember Iris being in the promos for the Arrow vs Flash episode as well as the episode with Blackout. There might've been others but I can't recall them right now.

Edited to add...thanks driedfruit for posting that ad from CTV. Loved it! I think one of my favorite Iris scenes and scene from the show in general was when she finally saw the Flash face to face. Her reaction, his reaction and the music was just what you'd expect from a scene like that. IMHO it was epic.

Edited by Enero
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I lay the problems I have with Iris at the writers' feet, not the character's. I think she gets shortchanged not only on PoV, but on screen time that would add depth to her actions. It's inexcusable that we don't know what her reaction was to such a big development that has ramifications to both plot and character. All we're able to do is make clumsy interpretations with crumbs of information, because the writers have shafted this character in their attempt to recreate Team Arrow. Should we spend time showing how Iris feels about this potentially life altering confession or even just showing her followup actions?


They are not recreating Team Arrow, Team Flash is pretty much its own thing the way I see it. I love Iris but she will have to co exist with other characters outside of Barry,  (if not members of team Flash, its some other people ) this is not the comic where you can get away with having 2-3 characters..  Shows are mostly build on ensembles. Honestly I don't think its been that long since the confession, they might be deliberately delaying her full POV until the timing is right. And after all we did see Iris cry when Barry told her, that is quite a hint about what she felt or thought?.

Edited by Conell
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And after all we did see Iris cry when Barry told her, that is quite a hint about what she felt or thought?.


Not really IMO. It could mean she feels the same way or, the exact opposite, she doesn't and she's sad that their friendship will be affected.


But I do agree with you otherwise. I still think they waited way too long after the confession to give us a real grasp on Iris' POV, but I am willing to still give them a chance to get there.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't see them recreating Team Arrow either. Technically Barry's the interloper. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco were working together long before Barry showed up.


Now the writers are recreating the same problems they had with Laurel with Iris, by keeping her in the dark about the big secret and keeping her mostly separated from the main plot. I know people think that means Iris getting her own storylines makes her special, but in reality just like with Laurel it makes her become not important to the main plot of the show, which is about Barry/The Flash. Iris needs to be let in on the secret sooner rather than later to involve her in the main plot, then she can have her separate storylines while still interacting with the rest of the cast. 


The actress is saving the character for me right now, but the longer she's kept away from the main cast the less I will care about her character. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I know people think that means Iris getting her own storylines makes her special, but in reality just like with Laurel it makes her become not important to the main plot of the show, which is about Barry/The Flash. 


When did Iris have her own separate storyline though?


The only episode I can think of is 1.11 and that was merely set up for her investigation of Star Labs, which ties her to everyone. Otherwise, everything Iris ever does is tightly bound to Barry or Flash. She doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a separate love story since all season we've had maybe two scenes of her and Eddie alone together without it being all about Barry. She doesn't even have a relationship with her father, at least not onscreen. 

Edited by driedfruit
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In agreement with driedfruit there, if anything I want Iris to spread her wings, and just have a few moments to herself that has nothing to do with Mr Barry Allen. So I like that they have added Mason and Linda for her to interact with.


Yeah sure I still hope that Iris will be in the know of Barry being the Flash sooner, but its not too late, the season isnt even over yet.

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Now the writers are recreating the same problems they had with Laurel with Iris, by keeping her in the dark about the big secret and keeping her mostly separated from the main plot. I know people think that means Iris getting her own storylines makes her special, but in reality just like with Laurel it makes her become not important to the main plot of the show, which is about Barry/The Flash. Iris needs to be let in on the secret sooner rather than later to involve her in the main plot, then she can have her separate storylines while still interacting with the rest of the cast.


I think the key difference between Iris and Laurel's situations is that it makes a lot more sense that Iris should know Barry's secret. For the reasons that have already been noted in this thread and others -- they're friends/family, nearly everyone else knows, etc. On Arrow, with Oliver, it wasn't as important that Laurel know he was the Vigilante. They didn't have as close a relationship at the start (of the series) as Barry and Iris did.


I agree that the secret-keeping keeps her isolated from the rest of the cast. But it doesn't have to be that way, even with the secrets. This isn't the first show with part of the characters out of the loop from some type of secret (or setting, or A-plot). But on other shows where they make it work, there were always good reasons for the leads to interact with the out-of-loop characters. The problem here is that I don't think the writers, etc., are trying hard enough to include Iris.



So I like that they have added Mason and Linda for her to interact with.

Me too. Maybe part of the problem is that there aren't enough people who don't know Barry's identity.

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In agreement with driedfruit there, if anything I want Iris to spread her wings, and just have a few moments to herself that has nothing to do with Mr Barry Allen. So I like that they have added Mason and Linda for her to interact with.


I'd really like more episodes where the focus shifts away from Barry so other characters have more space to develop. It's why I enjoyed 1.11 so much.



I agree that the secret-keeping keeps her isolated from the rest of the cast. But it doesn't have to be that way, even with the secrets. This isn't the first show with part of the characters out of the loop from some type of secret (or setting, or A-plot). But on other shows where they make it work, there were always good reasons for the leads to interact with the out-of-loop characters. The problem here is that I don't think the writers, etc., are trying hard enough to include Iris.


Me too. Maybe part of the problem is that there aren't enough people who don't know Barry's identity.


This is true. Iris not knowing didn't really isolate her in the fist half of the season, back when the drama was more focused at CCPD where only Joe was in on Barry's secret. But also, part of that was because she had an in with Flash. Since they've repaired that relationship, I'm surprised why it isn't used to tie Iris in. Even Laurel and Arrow used to team up in their season one.

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I wasn't counting dead guys, but I should have counted Hartley. So that's 14 people who know.  I feel like we need a petition: Tell Iris. 

I don't think Hartley knows that Flash=Barry Allen. He knows Flash is connected to Star Labs, and he stole data involving Barry's physiology, but hopefully Wells wasn't stupid enough to label it as "Barry Allen." 

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 So I like that they have added Mason and Linda for her to interact with.

Her interactions with Linda are about Barry. 

I think the problem is that this show is too Flash focused and too many people are in the know so those who aren't are now outsiders. Eddie is Joe's partner but Cisco has now become his de facto partner because he's in the know. 

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Yeah, it's an unfortunate draw. The Klaine fandom is huge and fervent. Ughh, WestAllen has fallen behind again and so has Ichabbie (despite my rather obsessive voting).

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I've been voting for Barry/Iris even though I don't ship them just because no one deserves to lose to Klaine!

Haha! I loved Glee the first season, but developed hatred for pretty much all the characters by the time I stopped watching. I have to admit, my dislike for Klaine (well, Kurt mostly, Blaine is just kinda ehhh to me), is probably one of the reasons that I've been voting, refreshing, repeating as much as I have.

When is the voting ending? Maybe I can help out too.

Voting ends tomorrow at 5pm pacific time. Edited by cynic
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I've been voting for Barry/Iris even though I don't ship them just because no one deserves to lose to Klaine!


That's exactly why I voted for them. Klaine is the worst. I used to like them but they've ruined them completely for me. I don't ship so I voted for the couples that I think have the better relationships. 

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Iris and Barry lost their heat yesterday. It was pretty close though. It was nice to see so many fans voting and supporting WestAllen or just the Flash in general in social media too.

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Iris and Barry lost their heat yesterday. It was pretty close though. It was nice to see so many fans voting and supporting WestAllen or just the Flash in general in social media too.


Yep! Though they didn't win, I thought they did pretty well being as they haven't  even been around a full season and aren't even together.

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Her interactions with Linda are about Barry.


True it has been, but I'm am hoping there is more to their relationship and that they will stir away from the "Barry subject" later on.

Edited by Conell
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I'm hoping they can develop a friendship between Iris and Linda, mostly because I like both actresses. Also if they do plan on bringing in Wally that's a way to get that couple introduced (providing of course Wally is aged up a bit).

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Joe doesn't look old enough to be any adult's grandpa. And Wally's got to be an adult now that Linda's been aged up. If they cast Wally right, those two could be really interesting.  


I'm hoping they can develop a friendship between Iris and Linda, mostly because I like both actresses. Also if they do plan on bringing in Wally that's a way to get that couple introduced (providing of course Wally is aged up a bit).


I really hope they take the time to build up Linda/Iris as well as Linda/Wally and general West family relationships. They've lucked out with Malese, Candice, and Jesse, all of whom are so charismatic and so capable (especially so for CW). It'd be a real shame if they don't take full advantage. 

Edited by driedfruit
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I was thinking they'd make Wally, Iris's cousin not nephew. Because Joe's obsession with Barry makes me think he didn't have a son. But he could have a sister or brother that has son. Then the age could work out better because yes, Joe is too young to have an adult grandson. Wally could be 19-21 and be legal age for the 25/26 year old group. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I have no idea about Wally (never read the comics), but I hope they do a better job of casting and writing him than they did with Roy on Arrow. Roy bored me to tears and Colton Haynes isn't a good actor by any means.


Of course, considering that I don't care about comics canon, I'd prefer them to genderbend this character, because why the hell not? Way too many guys on the show already.

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There will be one hell of a shitstorm if Wally is a girl.


A queer WOC at that.


I'd be all for it. If they find the right actress why not? But I doubt all the people freaking out over him being black since Iris' casting would take it well.


Another option for a girl speedster is a time traveling Dawn Allen.

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I have no idea about Wally (never read the comics), but I hope they do a better job of casting and writing him than they did with Roy on Arrow. Roy bored me to tears and Colton Haynes isn't a good actor by any means.


Of course, considering that I don't care about comics canon, I'd prefer them to genderbend this character, because why the hell not? Way too many guys on the show already.

Wallis West (named after the infamous Wallis Simpson)? Yes, please, but could the show support yet another speedster, or would she need a different particle accelerator inspired power?

Edited by Lokiberry
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Well, since we're in the Iris West thread - maybe they could introduce other speedsters by

having Iris time travel like she does in the comics, where she meets her speedster descendants

. It could happen.

I just read on some comic online mag that they're looking to introduce new speedsters in S2.

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They mentioned it at the Paley panel. I think it was Berlanti who said they're adding to the Flash family next season.


Wally makes the most sense as Gustin seems to think Linda will be coming back next season, so we may have a whole new set of awkward double "dates" to look forward to. 

Edited by driedfruit
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I hate to speak in hyperboles because it's a bit foolish, but on all three comic shows on the CW so far, Iris has by far had the worst origin story. First, the writers decided to connect Barry and  Iris's  past by giving them the same parent which served to a) remove any mystery about Iris's character after the age of ten and b) give Barry and Iris a creepy brother sister vibe. I know there are those who say they weren't brother and sister beforehand, but it still comes across as a bit... If in the Brady movie, Jan and Peter wound up being married, it would be a bit creepy. Wouldn't it?


Even if I could disregard that then I have to deal with the fact that everybody else on the show but Iris was already established in their career by the time the show started. Part of that reason is because her over-protective father wouldn't let her be in the career that she wanted to be in and the other part is that she's working on her masters. Which I'm guessing she didn't get since nine months later she's working on intro journalism classes. Then she writes a blog which gets her noticed by a major newspaper and she gets a job as a journalist working with a Pulitzer prize winning writer because, why not?


Then to exacerbate the situation they isolate her. One friend, a father who barely acknowledges her and that's it.


I know I've said this before, but I really wish that Candice was a bad actress so that I could ignore Iris and I wouldn't notice this. Hopefully, the writers get better at writing her by the time season two comes around.

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If you go back a few pages, there has been plenty of discussion regarding Iris' career. And same goes for her and Barry's family situation in the relationships thread. No need to beat a dead horse. 


In any case, all the recent interviews and spoilers suggest things are going to change for the better in the remaining episodes for Iris, so I'm not too concerned right now. 


Her origin story is still in its early stages, so I wouldn't make too many assumptions.

Edited by driedfruit
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They mentioned it at the Paley panel. I think it was Berlanti who said they're adding to the Flash family next season.


Wally makes the most sense as Gustin seems to think Linda will be coming back next season, so we may have a whole new set of awkward double "dates" to look forward to. 


It won't be too awkward if Barry and Linda don't go any further then they have. But this show does seem to love the double dates. However I do hope we can get a Iris/Linda friendship out of this. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Well, I don't really care about Iris and Barry being adoptive siblings of sorts (hell, even real incest doesn't squick me out, personally, as long as it's consensual), but if I were writing the show, I'd make Joe adopt both of them at different points, not just Barry. I like what I've heard about Iris' comics backstory - way more interesting that the TV version - so this would both preserve it and even the playing field a bit in regards to Joe spending way more time with a neighbor boy he adopted in his teens rather that his daughter.

Edited by FurryFury
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I hate to speak in hyperboles because it's a bit foolish, but on all three comic shows on the CW so far, Iris has by far had the worst origin story. First, the writers decided to connect Barry and  Iris's  past by giving them the same parent which served to a) remove any mystery about Iris's character after the age of ten and b) give Barry and Iris a creepy brother sister vibe. I know there are those who say they weren't brother and sister beforehand, but it still comes across as a bit... If in the Brady movie, Jan and Peter wound up being married, it would be a bit creepy. Wouldn't it?


Even if I could disregard that then I have to deal with the fact that everybody else on the show but Iris was already established in their career by the time the show started. Part of that reason is because her over-protective father wouldn't let her be in the career that she wanted to be in and the other part is that she's working on her masters. Which I'm guessing she didn't get since nine months later she's working on intro journalism classes. Then she writes a blog which gets her noticed by a major newspaper and she gets a job as a journalist working with a Pulitzer prize winning writer because, why not?


Then to exacerbate the situation they isolate her. One friend, a father who barely acknowledges her and that's it.


I know I've said this before, but I really wish that Candice was a bad actress so that I could ignore Iris and I wouldn't notice this. Hopefully, the writers get better at writing her by the time season two comes around.

One tiny correction - it wasn't her master's she was working on, it was her PhD (you don't do a dissertation for a Master's). Which makes me all the more frustrated that the writers just dropped it.

We've never actually agreed on your description of Iris though, lol. If CP was a bad actress, the hate to get her off the show would be even worse than it is right now. I'm glad she's such a great actress - and her character deserves better than the short shrift the writers (and some fans) give her.

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Iris doesn't get much screen time or narrative focus, so a lot of the criticism for her seems disproportionate to her actual role. Is she an amazing character right now? No, but she gets very little screen time so how could she be?


She's in the background right now, and maybe in later seasons she'll become more prominent. But writing off a character that's barely there is premature IMO. 

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One tiny correction - it wasn't her master's she was working on, it was her PhD (you don't do a dissertation for a Master's). Which makes me all the more frustrated that the writers just dropped it.


I honestly think it's a writing mistake.* They had "dissertation" in the script, but I'm sure they meant she was working on her Master's. Either way, I'm with you about them completely dropping it. They could have used her education to make a better segue into her new job at the newspaper.



*See also: "stem cells only come from babies".

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