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Final Season Wishlist: What Do You Want To See?


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With the news that Season 5 will be the show's final season (and a truncated one too, due for a 2019 airing), what would you like to see in it?

I have a few suggestions ....

1: Final episodes to be a two parter that shows Bruce and Selina as Batman and Catwoman respectively, with glimpses to as many Rogue Gallery members as possible.

2: Oswald to get a male love interest this season. Seeing as we haven't seen Oswald in a relationship of any kind, now is the perfect time to do this and let it last more than two or three episodes. It can a new character or a comic character whose sexuality isn't too set, but either way, let's do this one already.

3: Origin stories for the likes of Two Face, ManBat, Bane, Talia, Ventriloquist, Killer Croc and/or Clayface and another Poison Ivy arc would be nice.

4: Wake Sofia out of her coma, do the Hangman story and kill her off. 

5: Updates on the likes of Montoya, Allen, the Graysons and Barnes/Executioner. Some kind of backstory on Harper would be nice too. I like her but we know nothing about the character.

6: Have a media presence on the show. Shouldn't we be meeting the likes of Vicki Vale and/or Jack Ryder by now.

7: Don't overwhelm the last season with Jeremiah/Joker. Use him sparingly. Ideally the first episode, a mid season episode and the last two. Let other baddies shine too.

8: Some characters deaths that properly stick, no more reviving them. 

9: Allude to the likes of Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon even if they don't actually appear on the show.

10: More of the batshit craziness we've been having since the show's beginning. This show thrives on being nuts, so keep with it.

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I want to see Bruce and Lucius make some of the Bat Gadgets and see them in action. 

I want Bruce to finally be the lead character. 

6: Have a media presence on the show. Shouldn't we be meeting the likes of Vicki Vale and/or Jack Ryder by now.

Unless you want them way older than Bruce, wouldn't they be around his age? I guess we can see them at College. 

And for that matter I want to hear about a high school gymnast named Harleen Quinzell. Also maybe a shot of the Greyson's pushing a toddler in stroller. 

I'm really interested if Barbara Gordon will ever exist in this universe. I don't see why Jim would name his daughter after his crazy criminal ex girlfriend. 

I know it's cliche but I want the final shot to be the bat signal in the night sky. 

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As little of Jim Gordon as possible.

As little of the non-essential barely-canon characters as possible. Screw Barbara, Freeze, Tabitha, Firefly, Lee, Grundy, Strange and Bullock. I actually like several of them, and I really like Bullock, but I don't think they deserve a lot of focus at this stage of the show.

Bruce has to step up to lead character. Selina as deuteragonist. Joker as nemesis. Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul and Riddler as the "old guard" villains.

Don't try to "tell to much". Keep the story simple and straight-forward. 

I think it's pretty significant that Metropolis got semi-canned. I don't think WB are happy with Stephens and Cannon.

Ideally, I'd like a new, true Batman show after a few years. The cast is fantastic.

And someone please dump Peyton List in a trashcan. Give me back Clare Foley.

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  • Mostly I just hope that they keep the story-telling tight, and we have a really solid run of episodes, like we have with the final run of episodes this season. No wheel-spinning, no time wasted on stuff that ultimately doesn't matter and was just there to give a character something to do.
  • And in the spirit of keeping things tight, the hard part: They should trim the cast down.

Again, so much happens on this show just to give people something to do and it ultimately doesn't matter. This past episode Jim opened the door for Lee to leave Gotham again, and she should. Nothing against MB - she's fine, but she's also going to be just fine career-wise (she just does Gotham, it seems, when she's got nothing else going on). But Lee really isn't necessary to wrapping this story up. Even when given her own thing to do she still ends up being a love interest. Let Lee leave Gotham. She can always pop up for a cameo before the show is done.

Another who can go? Tabitha. She was fun at the beginning of the season as Selina's mentor, but that hasn't been a thing since they hooked back up with Barbara and lately Selina has barely had anything to do with the Sirens (which is a good thing, IMO). Now Tabitha is just back to her dance between Babs and Butch. That isn't adding to the overall story. Let Oswald finally get his revenge on Tabby for killing his mother. 

And speaking of Butch, he can go too. Though, I kinda suspect he's already gone. Drew Powell has been shooting pilots and he hasn't been as invested in bubble/11th hour renewal drama as the other cast members on social media, and I think it's because Butch is off the show (probably not dead or even "Gotham dead" but definitely written off - Oswald and/or Strange probably really screw him over in the finale). Again, Grundy can pop up in a cameo before they are out, but he really doesn't feel that essential to the overall story, either.

  • Also in the spirit of keeping things lean, I agree that Jeremiah/Joker should be used sparingly. He can definitely play a key role in this final season, but not at the level he currently is. I mean, his bigger presence has basically sidelined Oswald, and that absolutely should not happen in the final run of the show. Oswald has been way too key to this entire show to just shove him aside in the final moments for more Joker. I think they can definitely spend time on his relationship to Bruce and setting up that rivalry, but most of the time should be spent on the show's main villains.
  • And again - keep it lean, so I don't think they should introduce new villains (and they can leave Ivy out. They tried her a couple times and just couldn't make it work. Walk away). Ones already established, like Freeze and Scarecrow, can hop in as background characters when needed, but no more episodes devoted solely to them.
  • Agree that Jim should be stepping back while Bruce steps forward. I think we should definitely see Jim finally realizing that the GCPD absolutely sucks and will continue to suck (no matter how many motivating speeches he gives), and that he's not the man to save the city. I think we should see the police department sink back into corruption (maybe this happens while the city tries to recover from whatever Jeremiah does in the season finale), and Jim realize that maybe he should let that weird vigilante do his thing after spending at least part of the final season trying to stop him.
  • I wouldn't mind if they introduce the media through one character (instead of the lady with the weird hairdo we always see on TV), just to establish this is another thing Bruce will have to contend with.

And finally, they should just go balls-to-the-walls with these final episodes. Just unleash the crazy in the most Gotham way. I mean, really lean into the insanity and the WTF-ery that this show does well. And take risks - who cares if some fans don't like it. What's gonna happen - they're gonna cancel the show? They've already effectively done that. Let 'er rip, guys.

Edited by Kostgard
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We need to see how this Bruce ends up wanting to have a Bat persona in his vigilantism.  We saw a bit of it this season in that one episode, but hopefully it is zeroed in more.

Selina simultaneously wanting to have a persona of her own and given reasons for doing so needs to happen too.

Regardless of everything else, watching those iconic characters in particular literally grow up on screen has been a treat.  Which we could have gotten that with Ivy.  S4 promised to be big in the development of those characters.  I thought they were pretty hit/miss, especially with Selina.  Season 5 needs to be hit 100%

I'd like to see no new villains introduced.  The cast needs to be trimmed, not added to.

Bruce also needs to interact with Oswald and especially Ed more.  Bruce has to my knowledge only had one scene with Ed in the entire run of the show. 

I would like to also see Selina interact with the main cast more besides just Bruce.  Disclaimer:  Please note I adore them together and maybe this can happen simultaneously, but she also needs scenes with Jim, Ed, Oswald, etc.


As for the final scene, I'm honestly warming up to the idea of Bruce telling Selina he is going away to train, especially if Batman cannot be shown for some reason.  It'd be rather poetic of the show to end with them being the last two characters shown after they were the first two shown in the pilot.

Edited by DR14
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22 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I want to see Bruce and Lucius make some of the Bat Gadgets and see them in action. 

I want Bruce to finally be the lead character. 



Unless you want them way older than Bruce, wouldn't they be around his age? I guess we can see them at College. 

And for that matter I want to hear about a high school gymnast named Harleen Quinzell. Also maybe a shot of the Greyson's pushing a toddler in stroller. 

I'm really interested if Barbara Gordon will ever exist in this universe. I don't see why Jim would name his daughter after his crazy criminal ex girlfriend. 

I know it's cliche but I want the final shot to be the bat signal in the night sky. 

I think maybe make either one slightly older - early 20s to what Bruce/Selina being 18/19 by the time Season 5 airs.

One thing I might like to see is Oswald ascend to the top of the underworld heap and stay there. Perhaps he and Gordon are in a season long fight with The Joker in a bid to keep him and his special brand of crazy under control. The story ends with The Joker winning the battle and Oswald and Jim part ways- Ozzie saying, "if you can't beat 'em..." while Jim, refusing to give up, calls upon Batman for the first time.

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Bat Gadgets - Bruce has the car, now time to get some other stuff. Gotta see some kind of rudimentary batarang at least. 

Robin - Don't need to show an origin, but I'd like to check in with the Graysons again, or possibly even Jason Todd or Tim Drake. Todd would be pretty easy to write in since he grew up on the streets. 

Batgirl - I'd like to see some progression here on Barbara Gordon. I don't see Jim naming his daughter after his certifiably insane ex, but maybe he could adopt a girl already named Barbara? 

Talia al Ghul - Ra's has become a main villain, time to introduce his daughter. Maybe a little love triangle action between her, Bruce and Selina. 

Edited by Maximum Taco
6 hours ago, Maximum Taco said:

Talia al Ghul - Ra's has become a main villain, time to introduce his daughter. Maybe a little love triangle action between her, Bruce and Selina. 

Talia can come to the show but I could do without the triangle especially in the last season. Also Selina >>> Talia, so I don't see the dilemna for Bruce.

As for final season, I hope to God, Gordon doesn't drive another woman crazy.

I would like to see the Riddler, Penguin, Joker and Catwoman to share in one heist with Selina backing away from all the crazy once the bodies start dropping.

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  • Develop Bruce and Selina to batman and Catwoman, especially hitting the mostly doomed love.
  • Bat toys!
  • No new characters.  I love Lee and Tabs but they can go.
  • Ed and Oswald make up -- more of that season 1 weirdness.

ETA: No Harley Quinn or Robin (or Nightflyer)  (see no new characters)

Edited by jhlipton
  • Love 2

1. The Joker meets Harley Quinn, even if it's just a case of him being wheeled into Arkham and Jim saying 'Thank you Doctor Quinzel" 

2. We have a senior police officer called O'Hara?

3. Let's see what happened to Silver?

4. Bruce gets his first Batmobile (can he even drive yet?).

5. The Batcave is established as being in Bronson Caves

6. Tabitha visits Theo's grave and comes to terms with her past. 

7. Burt Ward cameos

8. The beginnings of Batwoman and Batgirl

9. Harvey Dent becomes 2-Face

10. Jim's becomes the commissioner and grows his moustache.

11. Ivy and Firefly return and actually have some quality friend time with Selina.

12. In the final ep Bruce and Selina make love for the first time then go their separate ways, her to put on the Catwoman suit and him to put on the Batsuit and stare up at the Bat signal in the sky. 

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