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Good Witch - General Discussion

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I'm assuming that Joy is meant to be a replacement for Grace so they can retain a "young love" element on the show. Problem is, I never really cared about Grace either, and her on-again, off-again romance with Jake went nowhere. 

I don't really care about Abigail and Donovan either. I've just never warmed up to Abigail. She's a cold, abrasive character just this side of bitchy. 

They need to go back to a more basic formula with new guests at Grey House each week so Cassie can solve their problems. The ongoing romance stories with Stephanie, Abigail and now Joy just don't interest me, and the show has moved too far away from its original premise.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I'm assuming that Joy is meant to be a replacement for Grace so they can retain a "young love" element on the show. Problem is, I never really cared about Grace either, and her on-again, off-again romance with Jake went nowhere. 

I don't really care about Abigail and Donovan either. I've just never warmed up to Abigail. She's a cold, abrasive character just this side of bitchy. 

They need to go back to a more basic formula with new guests at Grey House each week so Cassie can solve their problems. The ongoing romance stories with Stephanie, Abigail and now Joy just don't interest me, and the show has moved too far away from its original premise.

I agree with this so much! did they even have a guest at Grey House this week? The episode was rather unmemorable. 

  • Love 3

I also don't get where Abigail's sudden desire to live in Italy came from and  became a deal breaker for her with Donovan. We spent a better part of last season on this dumb curse they were both wringing their hands over trying to figure out how to overcome. Now all of a sudden if he doesn't pack his bags to move to Italy with her they're over? All this does is make her seem flighty. 

  • Love 3

I'm enjoying this season more than I have enjoyed the show in a long time.  I kind of like Abigail and Donovan.  They have made her less abrasive, in my opinion, so I can tolerate her better. She seems to want to fit in and cares a bit more for others. Donovan is more tolerable too.  They've been featuring Tom and George more.  They're bringing a little more magic back.  There are no teens, which I appreciate.  I have a big ole crush on Stephanie's boyfriend.  I don't mind Joy and her boyfriend seems like stock Hallmark movie boyfriend fodder from central casting, but he's okay. There's a little mystery, a little camraderie, and they are showing the relationships between characters again.  This season seems a bit more like the original movies, tonally.  

I do agree with @iMonrey though -- Abigail's sudden desire to live in Italy and it being a test for Donovan seemed to come out of left field and I hated that. 

  • Love 1

I liked last night's episode with the puzzle about the curse.  One thing that made me roll my eyes though is that plate covering up the monocle was not on there very tight.  Are you telling me that, in over 200 years, no one has knocked against that plate, or a janitor didn't discover it?  Also, that Dearport plate couldn't have been put up at the time the train station was constructed, or SOMEONE would have said, "Hey, why is the date wrong on this thing?"  LOL.  But, those are small t.v. details I'm willing to suspend belief on. 

I'm surprised none of the characters pointed out that Martha's daughter-in-law was just like her. 


I'm surprised none of the characters pointed out that Martha's daughter-in-law was just like her. 

Now, that part kind of cracked me up. Dillon married his mother! When's the last time we saw either of the Tinsdale boys anyway? I remember them as little hoodlums who vandalized Cassie's shop in the original movie but don't remember seeing them since.

Since when is Sam a surgeon? Did we know that already? Until last year he was running a small mom-and-pop doctor's office in town. 

When Abigail told Cassie she and Donovan were going to see a cryptologist, and Cassie told her to take the shortcut, I couldn't decide if that was Cassie being psychic (Abigail didn't mention the person's name, how would Cassie know how to get there?) or whether it was just sloppy writing. 

I think the whole thing with "the curse" is tedious and has gone on far too long. Are we to believe that heart-shaped red hunk of glass is an actual ruby? If so it would be the largest ruby known to mankind and worth a fortune. Also, I find it highly unlikely an antique carriage in pristine condition has been left abandoned somewhere at a deserted train station.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I think the whole thing with "the curse" is tedious and has gone on far too long. Are we to believe that heart-shaped red hunk of glass is an actual ruby? If so it would be the largest ruby known to mankind and worth a fortune. Also, I find it highly unlikely an antique carriage in pristine condition has been left abandoned somewhere at a deserted train station.

I Agree with this so much! I tune out when they start discussing the curse and the ruby. I love how Martha just casually has these expensive gems in her office. 

11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Since when is Sam a surgeon? Did we know that already? Until last year he was running a small mom-and-pop doctor's office in town. 

A few seasons ago, he started doing a few days in a hospital in the city. But, I assumed as a doctor not sure where the surgical skill have come from. 

I think the reason this show has gotten a bit tiresome for me is because it has become a generic hallmark show about people/couples in a picturesque town. I liked when it was about visitors, cassie and cassie's "magic". 

No B&B guest this week. Cassie is off going to come a teacher of some sort. Who is watching Bell, Book and Candle? who is watching the B&B? 

  • Love 4

George is supposed to be in charge of Grey House. It's the only reason he's still around as far as I can tell. His grandchildren are all gone, and he's not technically related to Cassie in any way. But the reason he took over Grey House in the first place no longer exists. He was put in that position when Cassie moved in with Jake. 

I don't know who's supposed to be looking after the shop while Cassie is off teaching somewhere. Also, what kind of college is this that hires non accredited teachers?

  • Love 1

Well, Cassie and George are partners in the B&B, though they haven't mentioned that since the movies.

Sam has always been a surgeon, I thought. (I'm at work and can't look at any episodes to confirm.)  He was in high demand in his prior city and moved to help Nick behave better.  Then, before he was married, didn't he get an offer to run either the ER or the surgery unit of the hospital in a nearby town?  He took the job, and I laugh because it seems to have morphed into a hospital right there in town.  I remember them having a conversation or two about how far away it was when this was a new thing.  He's always been put forth as a brilliant surgeon on par with Dr. Strange though. 

@iMonrey, they did show one of the boys' weddings a couple of years ago on the series.  I was wondering this week if it was this Dillon or the other one.  I'm too lazy to go look up whether it was him.  I'm like you -- I mostly remember them as the little hoodlems who had Martha's initial unkind attitude. 

I agree about wondering how such a pristine stagecoach could remain at the station all those years.  Oh, and I laugh too about how Martha just has the jewels in her office, although we did learn recently she has a safe in her office.  Abigail was complaining that no one told her about it when she was mayor.

Looks like I cross-posted at the same time as @iMonrey.  I just wanted to say that I too, have wondered who takes care of the shop while Cassie is gone.  Tara did for awhile but she is, thankfully, gone.



Edited by Cowgirl
Cross-posted with imonrey
  • Love 1
On 6/1/2020 at 4:36 PM, iMonrey said:


Since when is Sam a surgeon? Did we know that already? Until last year he was running a small mom-and-pop doctor's office in town. 

I think the whole thing with "the curse" is tedious and has gone on far too long. Are we to believe that heart-shaped red hunk of glass is an actual ruby? If so it would be the largest ruby known to mankind and worth a fortune. Also, I find it highly unlikely an antique carriage in pristine condition has been left abandoned somewhere at a deserted train station.

I thought Sam was a Cardiologist who then took up family practice but left it to be a hospital administrator but is somehow now a neurosurgeon? I’d be nervous too for him and the patient.

I don’t mind the mystery, yes the gems are hokey and unnecessary but at least it brings some magic back.

I didn’t bother with last season, the delayed wedding for years was dumb. See ya Grace! No need to come home for holidays! The show needed to get out of the teenage angst business.

One scene confused me as to the timeline.

It looks like mid-day when Abigail goes into BB&C and gives Cassie the business card for the professor at the college whose looking to hire a replacement teacher

A couple of scenes later, Sam comes home with what looks like the end of the work day - Cassie is already there wearing the same white sweater.  She pulls out the card and tells him she has an interview 'today'.  Unless they both went home at lunch time (I thought the hospital Sam works at was farther away as well) that would work. 

And even if Cassie did have an interview that day, she was able to go to it, stroll around campus, draw mandelas for students and get back to the shop just as Martha and her daughter-in-law come in after LUNCH.  Are these people getting around via a transporter? 

On 5/26/2020 at 1:09 PM, iMonrey said:

I've just never warmed up to Abigail. She's a cold, abrasive character just this side of bitchy. 

I feel the same way.  She always has that snarky 'ha-ha, I'm a Merriwick' look on her face no matter what emotion she's trying to convey

12 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

I thought Sam was a Cardiologist

I have no idea what Sam is, but is he the only surgeon in the hospital?  I mean - he goes from operating on torn ligaments for athletes and now he can remove a tumor (where is this tumor located anyway?) from Adam?  Is the tumor malignant or benign? Is Sam a 'specialist' in all areas?  It's just too convenient.

I don't care for the addition of Joy, but I am glad there's no insta-romance between her and the worker Martha hired.  And man - Middleton is the place to go to get contracted for a job on the spot without any references or even having to give an estimate of how much it'll cost.  Both Joy and that guy were hired way too fast - especially for such a huge project.  And how many carpenters/contractors work on the job dressed like they just walked off the cover of an LL Bean catalog?  Really - 'mess' these people up a bit!


The show needed to get out of the teenage angst business.

Except they just substituted Joy and Carter for Grace and Jake. And it sure didn't take long for Carter to break up with his girlfriend, did it? It was only 2 episodes ago we met him and one episode ago we learned he even had a girlfriend. But, she wants him to be fancy! And he's more of a work boots kind of guy! Oh, the sorrow. 🙄


I mean - he goes from operating on torn ligaments for athletes and now he can remove a tumor (where is this tumor located anyway?)

It was on his spine. I'm not sure what kind of surgeon would usually perform that kind of operation but yeah - Sam's last patient was some kind of athlete that needed PT post surgery, I think maybe a soccer player? So Sam does legs and spines. Good to know.

@ctlady, I'm glad I'm not the only one who often notices the wonky timeline in nearly each and every day in this show!  Cassie often seems to be at her shop at the same time she's elsewhere.  I like your transporter idea.  Of maybe she has a magic doppelganger.  Wasn't the college in another town?  I'm always impressed at what Middleton, a town of just over 3000 people, now has.  Apparently we have moved a major hospital and a college there.  (Though, to be fair, maybe they said the  college was in another town?) Still, she sure commutes quickly!

I also agree that the teenage angst needed to go.  I don't mind Nick's storylines with George, but I hope they don't insert a bunch of angst with his new girlfriend.  

I still think Abigail has improved and don't mind Joy.  I must be in a really good mood towards this season!  The Joy romance is shaping up to be a regular Hallmark movie kind of thing. 


Cassie often seems to be at her shop at the same time she's elsewhere.  I like your transporter idea.  Of maybe she has a magic doppelganger. 

The movies that preceded the TV series did seem to suggest Cassie could actually appear and disappear from place to place. The series has backed away from the idea that she has actual magic powers, but rather just good intuition. But if they returned to form it would go a long way to explaining how she could be at her shop one moment and then at Grey House seemingly the next. Or even in another town.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, TVForever said:

Isn't George married? Am I thinking of a different character?

He was married to a woman who owned a garden center.  Then she went off to visit her daughter or some relative -- never to be heard from again.

I'm trying to figure out why Cassie is now a professor.  Is it because with Grace and Nick (mostly) gone they need something to draw in younger characters?  Are we going to be drawn into the lives of her students now?  If so, I really don't care.  I'd rather they bring back Lori or Brandon and Tara.

  • Love 2

Would you really be lying on your back after spinal surgery? Maybe you would - I really don't know.

Ugh, this stupid curse. Enough already! They have really overestimated by investment in this.


He was married to a woman who owned a garden center.  Then she went off to visit her daughter or some relative -- never to be heard from again.

And now George has a new love interest? Someone who works at the hospital? I keep waiting for them to mention Gwen! Especially when George said he hadn't asked a woman out on a date in a long time. You mean . . . since Gwen??

I actually went back and watched the very first episode of Season 1. They never mentioned Gwen once, and there were plenty of scenes with George. This was also the episode for them to establish Jake's death, and what Lori and Brandon were up to. I have to assume the TV show has simply retconned Gwen's very existence. 

  • Love 4

Martha is so incompetent. Selling France to the French. 

I'm still puzzled by Dr. Radford's credentials. But, this is a show with some magic so I guess we have to suspend our disbelief. 

lol - the student saying "yo" like it was the 90s. Everything about him screamed knock off Jordan Catalano. 

I enjoyed Sam and Stephanie's duet. 

  • Love 1

I'm trying to figure out why Cassie is now a professor.  Is it because with Grace and Nick (mostly) gone they need something to draw in younger characters?  Are we going to be drawn into the lives of her students now?

The idiots throwing the frisbee around inside should have been kicked out.

They really don't know what to do with Cassie anymore. The first five seasons revolved around her romance with Sam. Now that they're married the show is diverting its attention to Abigail, Stephanie, and Joy, and their respective love lives. 

  • Love 1
On 6/9/2020 at 9:23 AM, iMonrey said:

They really don't know what to do with Cassie anymore.

I don't watch the show on live TV and have to wait for Netflix but this has been happening for a few season's now and I think it's such a shame. She is the witch in "Good Witch", there should be lots of tales to tell by just focusing on her B&B like it was the 'Love Boat' with every week a guest has a problem that she can solve. Maybe a little bit of the town thrown in for filler. 

I stand by my first assessment that the 'Good Witch' franchise should have stayed movies and not become a TV show. I like her first husband Jake so much more than the dull doctor (or is he a surgeon?)



Edited by free2think
  • Love 6

I'm afraid that I have to agree with free2think above. I used to watch the show--not my fave but it was a diversion on a Sunday night. But now it seems to me that the producers/writers and whomever have removed anything which could possibly have had anything resembling any sort of questionable activity. No, not talking about serious controversy but anything which strayed an iota from the Hallmark brand of family entertainment in the blandest, safest, least possibly offensive sense of the word. And no, I don't hate Hallmark; some of their cards are quite nice.

No, not suggesting that the characters suddenly open a strip club or start selling crack on the street corners but several characters are supposed (we're led to believe)to be  somehow supernatural, posses 'powers' beyond knowing when the doorbell is going to ring. Every plot line, such as they are, meander for a while but never really get anywhere. Characters don't evolve. Nothing really happens. Cassie's shop--as has been mentioned above--has reverted from a place to find special, one of a kind stuff to the most generic Hallmark store on the planet.

To me it's become flatout boring. As the saying goes; 'there's no there there'. Sorry but until or unless they goose some life into the show, I'm gone.

  • Love 6

Huh.  I still think this season is better than the first 4.  I agree that they have still watered down the magic, but I think that, this season, they've actually put a bit back in. (For instance, on last night's episode Cassie took down the internet regarding her guest's phone, and that applied wherever she went.)  I have posited often before on this forum that I believe Hallmark watered down the magic before to pander to their more conservative Christian viewers.  Maybe they have seen the light that many Christians aren't so literal and fundamentalist when it comes to the "no practice of sorcery" edict.

I think they've really evolved Abigail and Stephanie too. 

I'm really enjoying this season! To each their own, however.

Edited by Cowgirl
  • Love 2

That painting Sam did of the two of them was hysterical!


I was just wondering with this curse and the cracking Ruby - does everyone believe in Magic? No one seems to be skeptical. 

At first all of these bad things were happening to Abigail and Donovan when they first started dating. It seems like once they found out about the curse those things stopped and their entire problem became the curse itself, even if it's not doing anything now except cracking that stupid ruby. Who cares about the stupid ruby? Is that a thing to break up over? The whole curse thing is just so dumb.

  • Love 2

Geez, that self-absorbed, millenial insta-influencer made me want to punch her.  I swear these 'kids' really need to have the internet/wifi go down in order to be forced to - I don't know - enjoy what's going on right in front of you.  When she was taking a photo of the muffins exclaiming, "my followers are gonna dieeeeee when they see these" I was thinking, "erm, they're just muffins"  If I were Cassie, I wouldn't have been able to restrain myself not to rip that phone out of her hand as soon as she barged into Gray House and started snapping away.

Okay - old fogey rant over. 

On 6/15/2020 at 12:04 PM, Cowgirl said:

(For instance, on last night's episode Cassie took down the internet regarding her guest's phone, and that applied wherever she went.)

And how it only applied to Hayley's access because Abigail was able to receive a text at Gray House right after Hayley - in the next room - couldn't get any bars

29 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That painting Sam did of the two of them was hysterical!

All it needed was a pitchfork in Sam's hands and it would've reminded me of American Gothic

Joy and Carter have a huge mansion to renovate and all they were shown doing yesterday is installing a knob on a door?

The curse plot line can take a hike

I personally find Stephanie and Adam uninteresting with zero chemistry.  I honestly thought his PT was coming onto him

Grace can conveniently stay in Spain.

Why wasn't George present at the Gray House event?  Did I blink and miss him?  Tom too?

I love me some Martha, but CD's overly-theatric, sing-songy deliverance of most of her lines are getting tired.  I really like her when she's a bit more toned down


  • LOL 1
  • Love 3

I personally find Stephanie and Adam uninteresting with zero chemistry.  I honestly thought his PT was coming onto him

I thought that too. Maybe that's where they're going with it. There's not much more to be milked from Adam's operation.

The whole thing with Joy and Carter setting each other up when clearly they are destined to be together is so unimaginative and juvenile, even for a Hallmark show.


Geez, that self-absorbed, millenial insta-influencer made me want to punch her.  I swear these 'kids' really need to have the internet/wifi go down in order to be forced to - I don't know - enjoy what's going on right in front of you. 

"How can I enjoy it if I can't share it?" And the horrified look on her face when Cassie actually said she left her phone upstairs. Unfortunately, my niece was similarly glued to her phone for awhile. Her obsession with social media sort of fell by the wayside after she got married though, so hopefully kids eventually grow out of it. I think right now, with all the stay at home orders and restaurants closed, they're forced to give up a lot of it anyway.

  • Useful 1

No comments on the latest episode, eh? 

Anyone catch Sam telling his new boss he wanted to order the Denton XR robotic arm? Wonder if "Denton" was actually in the script, or if James Denton slipped that in.

Looks like they are about to write Adam off the show, although since we're coming up on the season finale, it may be a moot point.

I hope they are not adding yet another new character, this former partner of Joy's. Still not interested in Joy so I'm even less interested in some other new character attached to her.

I don't understand this whole project they're working on either. Martha and Donovan's mother were in a bidding war to buy this old mansion, but how is Martha able to afford it? She was broke when she opened her wedding planner business. Have the Tinsdale finances rebounded that much? And what does she plan to do with this big empty house?

Finally, how dumb was that chocolate maker? Did he really think he could rip a page out of that cookbook without Cassie or anyone else noticing it missing? Especially after he just got finished asking for that very recipe? 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Looks like they are about to write Adam off the show, although since we're coming up on the season finale, it may be a moot point.

I hope they are not adding yet another new character, this former partner of Joy's. Still not interested in Joy so I'm even less interested in some other new character attached to her.

I find Adam to be super boring and oddly unattractive.  I love Stephanie so I was glad to see that maybe his character is leaving the show.  

Ditto -- I figured out part of what bugs me about Joy.  She is way too glib and has inserted herself into the family far too quickly, but that's on Cassie, Abigail and the show writers too.  But the Joy character / actress have not done a thing for me.

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

I find Adam to be super boring and oddly unattractive. 


Same here. He looks like he should be attractive but isn't.

Stephanie was so oddly calm about him leaving.  I can't believe we are two episodes from the finale - this season has really been lackluster. Even though I see the promos on Hallmark channel, I actually forgot to watch till today. 

Edited by jada
  • Love 3
19 hours ago, jada said:

I find Adam to be super boring and oddly unattractive. 

Same here.  I don't care for neither him nor Stephanie.  They're GWs version of Faith & Carson from WCTH.  Just....nothing there.


19 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Ditto -- I figured out part of what bugs me about Joy.  She is way too glib and has inserted herself into the family far too quickly, but that's on Cassie, Abigail and the show writers too.  But the Joy character / actress have not done a thing for me.

Double ditto.  Buuuuut, in all fairness to the nature of the show, Cassie & Abigail must've 'sensed' her coming into their lives and when she did, knew instantly she was a Merriwick and welcomed her with open arms into the family

22 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't understand this whole project they're working on either. Martha and Donovan's mother were in a bidding war to buy this old mansion, but how is Martha able to afford it?

And where has Donovan's mother snuck off to?  Did they just bring her character in to be a foil/thorn in Martha's side and as soon as Martha got the house, poof - the conflict between them is magically (no  pun intended) gone?

The new Chief of Admin is an  arrogant doosh.  When one comes in from the outside to a new position, one's best practice would be to get to know the surrounding staff and what their roles/duties are before you go throwing your weight around.  You just don't disrupt current practices and end around a colleague - in this case, the chief of staff - and go over their head.  That is a complete lack of disrespect, not to mention telling that colleague to not get in your way when said colleague is trying to convey their feeling of disrespect in a civil manner is borderline harassment (believe me - I work in HR and have seen co-workers accused of harassment for less than this).  That kind of behavior and attitude should not be tolerated in any workplace - especially among adults.  He came across like a bull in a china shop out to prove he's going to get what he wants, when he wants and doesn't care whose toes he steps on in the process

I want one of those ridiculous chocolate cupcakes!

Do we really need another character (Joy's ex partner)?  Offering her a job felt like she was throwing her a bone.  Then again, I can't imagine Joy (whom I did not see furnish Martha with a resume, credentials or even an estimate for this huge renovation) being able to handle the size of this job by herself.

Martha bowling was awesome - so much that I'm fan-waving the contrived back story of her bowling prowess and trophies.  Really - why would she keep that stuff in a cabinet in her office and not her home?

Editing during the chocolate experts speech wasn't paid much attention to.  When the camera cut to the crowd, the snow was clearly falling on them, but when it cut back to him there wasn't any.

  • Love 1

I had a gander at the show (I haven’t watched it in an age). Good God, what’s happened to it! I watched last week’s episode and had to laugh (not at the lame jokes)… so Cassie’s been hiding an art history degree. It’s as bad as when Grace had a sudden interest in engineering. Next Abigail, florist/rocket scientist!

I guess Sam has no sense of smell if he couldn’t smell those blueberry muffins baking in the oven.


  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
On 5/20/2020 at 5:26 PM, iMonrey said:

You mean Gwen and yeah - they have never explained what happened to her. She was supposed to be off visiting her grandchildren in "The Good Witch's Wonder" and has never appeared on or been mentioned in the TV series.

I wondered about that when George started flirting with the woman at the hospital. My first thought was “You slimy two-timing….!” I figured I missed where Gwen died or he and Gwen broke up. But not even a cursory mention when Cassie was encouraging George to go for it with hospital lady. Maybe the Merriwick trio magically sent Gwen to Never-existed Land.


My gripe is that the story with Joy's friend (ugh, I like Joy but don't want the friend to be a regular) feels like Abigail's work story 2.0.  Abigail had a successful business and got hurt by friends.  Oh look -- a new twist.  This time the friends make up.  Ugh.

It cracks me up that Adam is suddenly going on a mission.  They make this Man of God character, who never once mentions God, and now he suddenly is going off on a mission?!  Those are usually arranged by a church, aren't they?  I still think they introduced Adam to pacify the Christian base of Hallmark Channel.  It doesn't bother me that he never mentions religion, because while I'm religious, I hate to hear others preach.  C'mon Hallmark, make up your mind as to whether you're going to cater to one group, or skirt the subject entirely.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I loved Ben / am not wild about Adam / Sam was so not meant for her.  Sounds like she picks guys that are not good matches for her.  She will.

My guess is that the episode a while back where her and her ex-husband cleaned out their cabin was a possible set up to get them back together

21 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

I still think they introduced Adam to pacify the Christian base of Hallmark Channel

As a born-again Christian (who looks past the magic/witchy concept of the show and just enjoys the small town drama) I never felt a need to be pacified.  There are chaplains, priests, reverends, pastors, bishops - it's just a title, which is separate from the calling/message.  To me, Adam came across as a wishy-washy hospital chaplain and  - well - let's just say not the type of man of God whose ministry/teachings I would sit under because I most likely wouldn't learn anything

37 minutes ago, ctlady said:

My guess is that the episode a while back where her and her ex-husband cleaned out their cabin was a possible set up to get them back together

As a born-again Christian (who looks past the magic/witchy concept of the show and just enjoys the small town drama) I never felt a need to be pacified.  There are chaplains, priests, reverends, pastors, bishops - it's just a title, which is separate from the calling/message.  To me, Adam came across as a wishy-washy hospital chaplain and  - well - let's just say not the type of man of God whose ministry/teachings I would sit under because I most likely wouldn't learn anything

CTLady — your post 100% expresses my feelings about my faith, this show which I love, and Adam!  

This season has flown by far, far too quickly.  😞

51 minutes ago, ctlady said:

To me, Adam came across as a wishy-washy hospital chaplain and  - well - let's just say not the type of man of God whose ministry/teachings I would sit under because I most likely wouldn't learn anything

I agree, and this makes my point better than I articulated it.  I am in the minority though, because I like the Adam character (and also find him very handsome).  The writers just never sell the fact that he is a chaplain.  Instead, they have made him into a cross between a social worker and an aged-out candystriper. 

  • Love 2

I loved Ben / am not wild about Adam / Sam was so not meant for her.  Sounds like she picks guys that are not good matches for her.  She will.

I don't even remember a Ben.


They would have been a lot better off if they had stuck with the dude that started the food truck with Stephanie.

Wasn't that Adam? And what happened to the food truck anyway?

I find it interesting that they started saying Stephanie's last name this season (Borden) for the first time. I've heard them say it more than once, and yet they never used to say what her last name was. Remember back in the first season's October movie when she and Abigail were running against each other for Fall Harvest Queen? She rode around in a car that said "Vote for Stephanie." And when Martha announced the winner she just said "Stephanie." No last name.

10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't even remember a Ben.

Wasn't that Adam? And what happened to the food truck anyway?

I find it interesting that they started saying Stephanie's last name this season (Borden) for the first time. I've heard them say it more than once, and yet they never used to say what her last name was. Remember back in the first season's October movie when she and Abigail were running against each other for Fall Harvest Queen? She rode around in a car that said "Vote for Stephanie." And when Martha announced the winner she just said "Stephanie." No last name.

Wasn’t there a relative who worked on a yacht and came to stay at Grey House. He came up with the idea of the food truck and convinced Stephanie to be partners. Then she dumped him for Adam and he sold his interest and went off to star on Below Deck.

54 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Wasn’t there a relative who worked on a yacht and came to stay at Grey House. He came up with the idea of the food truck and convinced Stephanie to be partners. Then she dumped him for Adam and he sold his interest and went off to star on Below Deck.

Yes, now I remember food truck guy -- super thin and had such a crush on Stephanie.  Adam came into the food truck situation due to his Monte Cristo sandwich, IIRC.

Ben was the really nice carpenter who opened the movie theater.  Loved him but even so, they weren't a match for all time.  

Both of those guys were really into Stephanie and she dumped them. In fact I remember some class bias when she didn’t want to date Ben because he was “just” a handyman. 

When you stop to think about Stephanie is sort of unlikable and not like the normal Hallmark lady. They usually get over their snobbery and fall in love with the firefighter or ranch hand with the cat and adorable daughter.

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