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Fact vs. Fiction: The Podcast and the Real People

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9 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

It's weird to me how she always refers to him as "Dan Broderick" - I mean, you're Betty Broderick, everyone knows which Dan you're talking about. To me, always calling him by his first and last name showed the unhealthy amount of importance she assigned to him.

It's like she was still bragging about having been married to him. She put him on this weird pedestal where there is almost this perverse pride that SHE had been married to the smartest, sharpest, most callous, strategic, brilliant legal minded shark ever! And that this was no ordinary divorce or case. There was something in the Stumbo book about Betty going to meetings for divorced women (maybe?) but she quickly grew tired of it, because she just couldn't relate to these other pedestrian women or their plebeian divorce cases, because HER divorce was so much meaner, bigger, more assets, she was getting more screwed, deserved more money, because SHE was up against THE GREAT DAN BRODERICK while they were up against just regular assholes and mere mortals.

In a sick way, she was almost proud she had been the wife of such a rising star, skilled at playing the legal game. That's my take anyway.

Regarding the boyfriend, there's a part in the book where Betty does give the condo to him. I can't remember the reason why, but I want to say it was basically to protect her assets so it couldn't be sold or seized or used to pay for bills, or something like that. (Don't quote me on that, but it's something like that.) Then yea, she gets mad when he wants to sell it, but she had given it to him!

Edited by divsc
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14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I can only imagine a book written by Betty would go something like this: DAN IS BAD.  DAN IS MEAN.  LINDA IS A WHORE.  NOT FAIR, BOO HOO. So I murdered them.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  

Has she done any interviews from prison?  I mean 20/20, Dr. Phil, Oprah?  

I'm actually reading "Telling on Myself," which Betty authored, so she may have already had her chance at making money with a book.  I'm not sure how well this book sold or what sort of reviews it got.  I bought it basically because I'm interested in seeing if she's gained any insight over the years (okay, and to see if she's changed her story again about how the murders went down).  

I think she's done several interviews from prison.  I believe I saw one on Oprah years ago.  

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1 hour ago, divsc said:

Regarding the boyfriend, there's a part in the book where Betty does give the condo to him. I can't remember the reason why, but I want to say it was basically to protect her assets so it couldn't be sold or seized or used to pay for bills, or something like that. (Don't quote me on that, but it's something like that.) Then yea, she gets mad when he wants to sell it, but she had given it to him!

I believe you're correct about her signing over the condo to Brad.  I believe it was on the day of the murders, and she also wrote the older kids checks from her banking account so they could withdraw the money without any issues.  

I found it interesting that the Snapped episode had the cop saying that Betty's purse, gun, etc., were found at her daughter's apartment yet Betty herself wasn't there.  I don't remember that all, but it's been years since I read the Stumbo book.  I'm looking forward to re-reading it.  

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A passage from Bella Stumbo's book:

On the Oprah show, taped live by remote control from Colinas, she (Betty) presented herself as a symbol "for all women who need to be scared … who have been debased by the system."

But she didn't mean it. Despite her public pronouncements, Betty never really saw herself as a symbol of any other woman's plight. "Nobody has been through what I’ve been through," she said repeatedly from Colinas. In her mind, her case was always unique, larger than life. More money, more power lined up against her. More abuse than any average woman could know—because nobody else had been up against Dan Broderick. Nobody else faced an enemy so ruthless, so brilliant.

"The whole legal system is based on who can lie faster, sooner, quicker, bigger … on who's cheating who better," she once remarked. "Lawyers are professional fighters—it's the acceptable social arena to beat the living shit out of the other side—and nobody was better at it than Dan Broderick. He could convince a jury that black was white. I was up against a master, and once he left me, I was just another case to him, another opponent for him to destroy." At bottom, it was always there—Betty Broderick's undying personal pride in the legal genius of the man she had married and killed.

Edited by divsc
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Another possible theory about Betty constantly using Dan's first and last name...I wonder if it also wasn't her way of trying to mock him. We saw how often he loved to use his full name on the show to highlight how important he thought he was and all that, so this could be her way of trying to poke a hole in his inflated ego. 

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6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

So I just finished watching the trial on Court TV...

That was painful. Give Betty a little bit of rope and she'd hang herself every single time. Her constant eye rolling and loud, exasperated sighing didn't help matters. 

Out of curiousity how many hours is it? Was it boring and long or did it keep your attention.  Court is soooo boring to me, but I would be interested in seeing some of this, I think.  I suppose I could ffwd when it gets slow.

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On 12/3/2018 at 9:19 AM, Pickles said:

On the podcast, did they say if the crazy lady was a "friend" of john's? It just seems so random for someone to break in and then John says let's get cameras! Did he arrange for that crazy person to be there?

I just finished the show but haven't heard the podcast, so I don't know what the podcast said. But there was a scene in one of the episodes of the TV series (I think a later episode) that showed John instructing the druggie/crazy lady--who he obviously knew--how to break in the house and what to do once inside. IIRC, he made a big deal about her not saying anything to Debra, but she wanted to make it scarier by saying something creepy.

But I don't know if that scene was real or fiction.

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