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The People's Court - General Discussion

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I thought the plaintiff in the upholstery case looked like Ursula from the Little Mermaid. The defendant was pretty foolish, though, what with thinking that because she watched a couple instructional videos on Youtube,  she could start a business. I laughed when she quipped "So I finished those chairs for free" and JM shot back with "No, you ruined those chairs for free". Those chairs were ugly as sin, though, regardless.


The fish case was ridiculous from all accounts. I'm not into the whole taxidermy stuff, so spending that much on a dead fish just seems ridiculous to me, but it was obvious the defendant was trying to pass a fake fish off as a real one. 

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Fish guy even mimicked himself reeling one in. He couldn't get odd my screen fast enough.

I don't know what Groucho Trump was trying to do in that second case. I think I remember Salt or Peppa going through a hair phase like that back in the day.

The car wash case hit home for me. I had the exact same thing happen to a car years ago, except the damage was to the front of my car. The bar that you straddle with your wheel was not lined up right with my car, so the area under my bumper got pushed in. Since their employees were the ones who'd guided me in, I felt like they were responsible, at least for half.

I knew my car wasn't damaged when I took it there because I keep my cars pretty immaculate and garaged, so I would notice a big ass dent on my car. But I couldn't prove they damaged it, and they refused to take any responsibility. So I had to pay my deductible to get the car repaired. Now I wash my cars by hand!

  • Love 3

Groucho Marx eyebrows with Donald Trump hair


Nope, you weren't exaggerating. But the def. really bugged me. I've recovered dining chairs and refinished furniture and did a heck of a better job than she did. Well, maybe that's because I didn't just watch a YT video and then call myself a professional. Aside from all that, the leopard print chair fabric was simply criminal. Tacky, tacky!


The plaintiff in the plastic fish case was such an idiot I feel like scamming him myself. And yeah, I have no understanding about why someone would want an animal that was killed for the pure enjoyment of it hanging on my wall, but whatever. Plaintiff tried to blame his idiocy all on the smarmy, big-mouthed def. but we can't always blame our stupidity on someone else. OH, def. didn't let him check it out first! I think JM hated to give him his money back, but no choice.



  • Love 3

I don't know what Groucho Trump was trying to do in that second case. I think I remember Salt or Peppa going through a hair phase like that back in the day.

The car wash case hit home for me. I had the exact same thing happen to a car years ago, except the damage was to the front of my car. The bar that you straddle with your wheel was not lined up right with my car, so the area under my bumper got pushed in. Since their employees were the ones who'd guided me in, I felt like they were responsible, at least for half.

I knew my car wasn't damaged when I took it there because I keep my cars pretty immaculate and garaged, so I would notice a big ass dent on my car. But I couldn't prove they damaged it, and they refused to take any responsibility. So I had to pay my deductible to get the car repaired. Now I wash my cars by hand!

I think her hairdresser must have watched the same You Tube video as the clueless upholsterer wannabe.


I had a beautiful finish on my car until I took it to a car wash.  Strangers would compliment the gorgeous color and sheen.  It came out of this damn car wash with huge dents and scratches, and they basically told me to go pound sand because I couldn't prove they did it. 


I thought the whole point of hanging dead animals on the wall is the testosterone rush the wall owner gets with bragging they killed the animal.  Hanging someone else's trophy seems sad and pathetic.  I'd rather have a plastic fish.

  • Love 4

I thought the whole point of hanging dead animals on the wall is the testosterone rush the wall owner gets with bragging they killed the animal.


Yeah! I thought the whole point was to admire the corpse and fondly remember how bravely you slaughtered it. didn't know you could get vicarious thrills from someone else killing animals for fun.  Sailfish are stunning creatures, who look so much better flashing through the ocean, alive. JMO.


I never EVER take my car to automatic car washes. As much as I hate doing it, I wash it myself.


I thought you guys were referring to a man!!!!


Me too. I must say I was impressed with the chutzpah of the def., wanting more money for ruining the chairs.

  • Love 2

Uh, it's always been my understanding that all big fish like that are plastic because 1) the fish's skin won't preserve outside of water and 2) those fish are catch and release. You catch it, take its measurements, tag it and let it go. You give the taxidermist the measurements and he makes the mount from that. It's illegal to catch and keep them. At least, that's what happened with my sailfish.

The defendant probably bought it at a garage sale and decided to sell it.

It's really sad that FauxRaven doesn't own a mirror or have a good enough friend to tell her, "hey, you look really stupid like that."

Edited by coastal515
  • Love 3

The first case today had me cringing. The plaintiff was suing his ex girlfriend for damages to his car. She rammed into it with him sitting there and jumping out of the window. This after he had pulled a gun on her and she had an abortion which he didn't pay for. As she was hysterically testifying he smirked and rolled his eyes. JM gave him the damages to his car and told the defendent she was crazy. Next case was mama buying 20 inch wheels for her son's BMW when it called for 18 inch wheels. Going over potholes in Massachusetts didn't work out so well. They wanted triple damages but JM gave them nothing. Next up is the girlfriend putting loser boyfriend on her cell phone contract. He only wants to pay minimum monthly payments and she wants the balance paid now because they are no longer together. What I hated the most is that these people weren't kids, I would guess around 50 years old. 

  • Love 3


I'd rather have a plastic fish.

I recently bought a smaller plastic sailfish (48") for a kitschy den.  It was right at $200.00.  Even for plastic, the price for that size was excellent.  McSmarmy was def trying to deceive, but plaintiff had to work really hard at BEING deceived.  A 5 minute loop around eBay would have clued him in on what he was buying.

I am starting to wish stupid people wouldn't get rewarded, even when they are technically right.


Those chairs were ugly as sin, though, regardless.

The frame of the small wood one wasn't too bad.  But that giant gold spray painted monstrosity was criminal.  Bet she got a good deal when Jim & Tammy Faye Baker had that garage sale!

Edited by zillabreeze
  • Love 6

The plaintiff was suing his ex girlfriend for damages to his car.


JFC! Here's an idea: Stop crashing cars, committing robberies, pulling out guns, spreading for any guy who comes along, not using birth control (but who needs it when you have a romantic pact with the sperm donor to help pay for the abortion when you inevitably get knocked up?) going to Miami to get "done" by yet another guy - and all this by the age of 20(?)) and maybe consider getting an education so you don't sound like a "me and her had went" moron and try being a productive member of society? JM, even after all this time cannot understand how some people like to live their lives.


Next case was mama buying 20 inch wheels for her son's BMW


DId I hear correctly, that Momma spent four thousand dollars because her "How's it goin' your honour?" darling boy really needed those tires and rims? Wow. Yes, they had all kinds of proof that the tires were the wrong size. Oh, wait. No, they had none. I was surprised to hear that BMW uses a Hotmail addy, because I'm sure that email was genuine.


Next up is the girlfriend putting loser boyfriend on her cell phone contract.


Who wouldn't? Not only could Rudolph not afford his own phone plan - which is pretty hot on its own -  but what a hunk of burning love he is! Single ladies take note: He's available!

  • Love 5

OMG--the defendant in the first case was certifiably bat shit bunny boiling CRAZY.  Her 2/12 minute soliloquy was pathetic.  While the plaintiff was a POS--she was in outer space.  I understand why the upstanding plaintiff didn't want to bother with the police {something about a robbery?} she did, you know {REGARDLESS of what she says}, actually TRIED TO KILL HIM, and like the usually bsc plaintiffs we see learned NOTHING.



quote/ Who wouldn't? Not only could Rudolph not afford his own phone plan - which is pretty hot on its own -  but what a hunk of burning love he is! Single ladies take note: He's available!/quote


Not even if the alternative was being dipped in shit......

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 3

We saw living proof today that litigants are idiots, regardless of their socioeconomic class.

We had the genius who decided it was better to make an abortion pact than to go to PP, get some free birth control, and not risk a pregnancy or STD. She somehow managed to stay out of jail. Maybe she'd be better off locked up with no access to cell phones and men. Just give her a bunch of books so she can learn something besides how to spread her legs for every man who smiles at her. Perhaps it would help her grammar.

Then we had mamma with more money than sense buying 20s for a freaking BMW 1 series. You could have taken the money you spent on the wheels, added it to the car price, and gotten a semi-respectable 3 series.

(Disclosure: I don't care what people drive, but if you care enough about what you drive to spend that much in accoutrements, just upgrade to the next car level. There's nothing sadder than a $3,000 Honda Civic with $6,000 in upgrades. I just don't get it.

My neighbor's teenager just got an older Eclipse. Apparently he couldn't afford a muffler for it because I thought it was a damn motorcycle when I first heard it. I had to go tell him to stop revving his engine because none of us wanted to hear that shit in our quiet, previously-peaceful neighborhood. To his credit, he did apologize. It appears my angry black woman act still works!) Anyway...

Then we had a woman with more credit than sense, JJ banned cell phone cases a while ago, and I wish TPC would too. If you haven't figured out by 2015 not to put someone on your cell phone plan you deserve to eat whatever ETF you are charged.

  • Love 5

You could have taken the money you spent on the wheels, added it to the car price, and gotten a semi-respectable 3 series.


Yes, but then Momma would have had to spend another 4K to put those shit-hot wheels and rims on it because apparently that's very important.

I know I'm totally out of  the way today's world works, but when I think of my first car and asking my mother to give me thousands of dollars (not to fix the engine or anything essential, but just to pimp it out) I'm pretty sure I would have been told to get a second job.


JJ banned cell phone cases a while ago, and I wish TPC would too.


I wish that too because they are always, without exception, stupid, dumb and boring.

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I thought it was ironic that the crazy car crash defendant unwittingly raised an issue of national significance--that is, as she said, "you can't get an abortion in Texas." That's the case that's going to the Supreme Court.

She was still completely bonkers and one of the saddest people I've seen on one of these shows. MM is taking a little more of a JJ tilt for sweeps.

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I loved today's case of the "expert witness". So refreshing not to hear tales about car-keying, cell phones, fist fights, black eyes, welfare and multiple baby daddies, all delivered in fractured English. Both parties were smarmy in the extreme and I adored the way JM reamed them both out, especially the plaintiff.  I know judges are not fond of paid experts since a paid advocate's testimony is suspect. Def. was no better.

  • Love 3

I loved today's case of the "expert witness". So refreshing not to hear tales about car-keying, cell phones, fist fights, black eyes, welfare and multiple baby daddies, all delivered in fractured English. Both parties were smarmy in the extreme and I adored the way JM reamed them both out, especially the plaintiff. I know judges are not fond of paid experts since a paid advocate's testimony is suspect. Def. was no better.

That was such an interesting case. I love when TPC has cases like this one. Both litigants were slimy, though. The defendant was let off the hook for payment, when he clearly knew originally he was going to have to pay. The plaintiff ended up losing his job because of his greed and failure to exercise basic common sense.

In the final case, with the braids, I was thrilled that MM complimented the plaintiff on her hair and eyeglasses. I have a very similar face to her and wear my hair exactly the same way and have glasses that are like hers. So, in a roundabout way, MM was telling me how sexy I am. At least that's what I'm choosing to hear.

Edited by teebax
  • Love 13

I loved today's case of the "expert witness". So refreshing not to hear tales about car-keying, cell phones, fist fights, black eyes, welfare and multiple baby daddies, all delivered in fractured English. Both parties were smarmy in the extreme and I adored the way JM reamed them both out, especially the plaintiff.  I know judges are not fond of paid experts since a paid advocate's testimony is suspect. Def. was no better.


Her smackdowns are a thing of beauty!

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You know when you hear JM call someone "Pal" that they are on the very precipice of being ripped a new one.


I was thrilled that MM complimented the plaintiff on her hair and eyeglasses. I have a very similar face to her and wear my hair exactly the same way and have glasses that are like hers.



Her hair and glasses were very smart/studious looking and I couldn't figure out why on earth she wanted a ton of those fake braids that make someone look as though she upended a mop on her head, or like a Komondor dog getting ready for a show. And yes, you should take JM's compliment personally!:)

  • Love 7

That was such an interesting case. I love when TPC has cases like this one. Both litigants were slimy, though. The defendant was let off the hook for payment, when he clearly knew originally he was going to have to pay. The plaintiff ended up losing his job because of his greed and failure to exercise basic common sense.


I think those are the cases where MM wishes she was still a real judge in a real courtroom.  I could hear the honest righteous indignation in her voice as she let these guys have it.  I feel like she'd like to be back smacking down bad guys instead of listening to idjits whine about trivia.  This was almost a murder trial, right in TPC!


Although I thought the defendant was possibly lying, I could also see that in the course of his manslaughter trial where he would have reasonably expected his lawyer or his BIL to take care of pesky details like paying witnesses. 

  • Love 4

The expert witness case deserves top ten status. Truly one of the greats.* The plaintiff's muddled sense of entitlement was spectacular to behold. He thought as long as he got cash instead of a check it cleansed his improper conduct? Alternatively, once he got fired for violating the City's conflict of interest rules (and friends, the NYC COI board is serious business), he might as well collect the fee. In his defense, this was badly mishandled by the criminal defense attorneys. But I'm thrilled that MM smacked him down (yes, Pal) for his perjurious conduct.

*I put this up there with the case of the lady lawyers who felt entitled to park in a NJ restaurant parking lot all day while they went to NYC for a Broadway show. It's great to see arrogant individuals hoist by their own professional petard.

The girl with the short hair was indeed adorable (good for you, Teebax, don't get braids for your wedding). I've seen plenty of nice braids, but the defendant was a very poor advertisement for her own work. The braids were too thick and stiff. The braids pictured on the plaintiff also looked awful.

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 5

That was such an interesting case. I love when TPC has cases like this one. Both litigants were slimy, though. The defendant was let off the hook for payment, when he clearly knew originally he was going to have to pay. The plaintiff ended up losing his job because of his greed and failure to exercise basic common sense.

In the final case, with the braids, I was thrilled that MM complimented the plaintiff on her hair and eyeglasses. I have a very similar face to her and wear my hair exactly the same way and have glasses that are like hers. So, in a roundabout way, MM was telling me how sexy I am. At least that's what I'm choosing to hear.

I missed the expert witness case. I did see the last case and I agree she looked lovely with the short hair and glasses. I guess you and JM's middle daughter look as good too.

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Speaking of braids today's show had the plaintiffs who have two babies renting a room from a prostitute with different men each night. The female plaintiff even got propositioned by one of the men. The male plaintiff had very expensive braids and so did the defendent. All three were very well dressed too. What I fail to understand is why make babies, don't have a decent place to live for them, and dress very well and expensively. Priorities people! The next tattoo case with the plaintiff complaining about it and seeking damages. No reward for her. The electrician case was right on. The plaintiff didn't have the proper paperwork because she lived in a flood zone. She was pissed off at Curt too. LOL

It's the second time this week that I've hit the Report This Post instead of the quotes. I hope the people I've been trying to quote don't think I really meant to report them. Anyone else done that or think the two buttons are too close together?

  • Love 1

That was such an interesting case. I love when TPC has cases like this one. Both litigants were slimy, though. The defendant was let off the hook for payment, when he clearly knew originally he was going to have to pay. The plaintiff ended up losing his job because of his greed and failure to exercise basic common sense.

In the final case, with the braids, I was thrilled that MM complimented the plaintiff on her hair and eyeglasses. I have a very similar face to her and wear my hair exactly the same way and have glasses that are like hers. So, in a roundabout way, MM was telling me how sexy I am. At least that's what I'm choosing to hear.

The plaintif was absolutely gorgeous - i did love her hair! So now I know how to picture you teebax!!!

I thought it was interesting that they were calling these Senegalese braids (I think?)....They didn't look too different from what I would call regular braids made with extensions. I thought they might be some cool hairstyle from Senegal that I wasn't familiar with. Anyone have any insight?

  • Love 1

It's the second time this week that I've hit the Report This Post instead of the quotes. I hope the people I've been trying to quote don't think I really meant to report them. Anyone else done that or think the two buttons are too close together?


I've done that a couple of times.  I think you have to fill out the "why this is being reported" information and click "Submit' or something like that before the mods see it.  At least I hope so.

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*I put this up there with the case of the lady lawyers who felt entitled to park in a NJ restaurant parking lot all day while they went to NYC for a Broadway show. It's great to see arrogant individuals hoist by their own professional petard.


Oh, them? Never mind the overly entitled thing. None of these three lawyers seemed to have any understanding of the law in their case. I think JM was rendered nearly speechless at their stupidity and chutzpah. But of course, we've never anything but dumb, arrogant and incompetent lawyers on this show. I'm very careful to stay out of trouble, if this is what I'd get to defend me.


Admiranda: Here is the expert witness case:



Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 3

Oh, them? Never mind the overly entitled thing. None of these three lawyers seemed to have any understanding of the law in their case. I think JM was rendered nearly speechless at their stupidity and chutzpah. But of course, we've never anything but dumb, arrogant and incompetent lawyers on this show. I'm very careful to stay out of trouble, if this is what I'd get to defend me.


Admiranda: Here is the expert witness case:



I have two favorites of all time. One is the one with the lawyer/Doctor who got mad when MM called him honey. MM wants Douglas to best him to a pulp.

The other one is the law student at Miami, MM's alma mater, who got all petulant with her when the case wasn't going his way. That was an epic smack down from her.

  • Love 2

Oh, them? Never mind the overly entitled thing. None of these three lawyers seemed to have any understanding of the law in their case. I think JM was rendered nearly speechless at their stupidity and chutzpah. But of course, we've never anything but dumb, arrogant and incompetent lawyers on this show. I'm very careful to stay out of trouble, if this is what I'd get to defend me.


Admiranda: Here is the expert witness case:



Thanks for that link. Two slimy characters. 

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So, seven people stacked up in one apartment with  a family of four living in a single bedroom - what could ever go wrong? Accusations of sabotage, prostitution and starving children. Utterly ridiculous, all of it.


Tattoo lady: So she does have time to go to a nail salon and get fake nails, go get whatever was done to her hair, time to sit for a tattoo and get a nose ring, lots of time to make the rounds to a bunch of other tattoo artists to get their opinions (which she did not), but NO time to see a doctor in over a year? And she expected to win?  And I really thought Grandma was wearing a hat, but saw in the hallterview that I was wrong. Or maybe not. Could be a hair hat.


Lady suing electrical contractor: I had enough of her in the case. When she continued shrieking in the hall, at a pitch and volume to shatter glass, I had to cut the sound. I'm so glad I never had to deal with the public in my work. I don't know how anyone does it.

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I was pretending to crochet in my recliner with my eyes closed (yep, sleeping) when TPC came on.  Hubby walked into the den and tapped me on the foot.  He said, "You have to see this woman's hair."


I never did figure it out.  Braids wrapped around and around to create a hollow bowl on top of her head, and shaved all around the bottom.  Nah.  Had to be a hair hat.  

  • Love 2

Oh, them? Never mind the overly entitled thing. None of these three lawyers seemed to have any understanding of the law in their case. I think JM was rendered nearly speechless at their stupidity and chutzpah. But of course, we've never anything but dumb, arrogant and incompetent lawyers on this show. I'm very careful to stay out of trouble, if this is what I'd get to defend me.


Admiranda: Here is the expert witness case:




Thank you so much!

  • Love 1

I have two favorites of all time. One is the one with the lawyer/Doctor who got mad when MM called him honey. MM wants Douglas to best him to a pulp.

The other one is the law student at Miami, MM's alma mater, who got all petulant with her when the case wasn't going his way. That was an epic smack down from her.

Fortunately for us, both of those are available for our online viewing pleasure. 




Those smackdowns belong in the hall of fame. 

  • Love 8

Another smackdown by JM today in the first case. "Sweet Pea" got thrown out because she kept on screaming at the plaintiff. The plaintiff was as smarmy as smarmy gets even with Curt in the hallway. The "humanitarian" defendent left the place in a mess and took her time to vacate the premises. Plaintiff won but I didn't like either litigant. The second case with the plaintiff's little dog that was attacked by the defendent's stepson's dog, dressed up like a child and had on a Pampers to boot. She even wanted payment for socialization classes by PetSmart. The defendent had agreed to the vet bills but not to all of it and JM agreed. The third was a boring case with the plaintiff's ex boyfriend not paying his share when they lived together. JM fixed that.


In the first case two audience members sitting right behind the defendent giggled throughout the entire testimony. If it had been JJ she would have thrown them both out.

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Thanks for the recap, rcc.  Looking forward to "Sweet Pea" (I used to have a cat with the same name) but not so much the other two cases.


If it had been JJ she would have thrown them both out.


Just the other day I saw a case where the audience starting applauding at the end. Byrd quickly put the kibosh on that, with a "We don't do that here!"

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Those sisters with the Shih Tzu who lost some of its tail to a Pit Bull gave me some 'Grey Gardens' realness, with their outfits and hair.  The sister in the blue dress had a fierce eye shadow game going on!  


I can see them rattling around in some apartment filled with pink dog outfits, dog toys, leopard print dog beds, sparkly food/water dishes.  Poor dog could hardly walk with the satiny diaper and that dress.  The sisters got the side-eye when she started waving the referral for the dogs PTSD and for therapy to calm the poor pups nerves.  Oy on trying to scam for more money.  

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