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The People's Court - General Discussion

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I can't quote on my phone because it's now paid off so of course planned obsolescence has set in, but thanks for the warning, Angela. I wish I'd read the board before I watched it! I don't know if they were hooking up, but dude was definitely on something. Drug users are often people users, so I'm not surprised he swindled older dude out of a Playstation. 

DoctorK I think I was being sensitive because I've been pursuing my dream of writing the next great American novel for years while working and going to school full-time. I have a lot of friends who are artistic types too,  and we all have other jobs that pay the bills but don't fulfill our real passion.  My brother has had a band for twenty years but also works construction.

Anyway, sorry about that. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, teebax said:

Anyway, sorry about that. 

No need, you raised a good point and I wasn't as clear as I could have been. Good luck on your novel! For me, my dream was to win a Nobel Prize in Physics, worked hard for years, and finally realized that I was competent but not an ace researcher. After that, I went with the flow, followed jobs doing some interesting work (and some boring), made decent money and enjoyed parts of it a lot (especially the stuff that made big loud noises). I am now retired and happily going to seed.

Edited by DoctorK
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CyberJawa1986 said:

. I was thinking can't be used because of... dirty pics or dirty language,

It must have been beyond obscene, because I remember JM reading aloud a text from a little creep, which said:


"Come here right now and you get two hundred. Sit on my (blanking) face and let me..." Oh, my god! I can't!"


1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

What? You expect her to read the ticket!?

What do you want from her? She's new to car ownership. Can't expect her to deal with laws and rules and all that technical crap. I'm thinking she must have had a car before and racked up a zillion tickets or had multiple accidents and/or no license, or why would the insurance for a 38 year old woman with a 17-year old car be so high?

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last new cases for awhile - so enjoy

  1. baby daddy's a thief: according the the preview clip, this one promises fireworks. Plaintiff says she dated deadbeat crook for a couple years - they have a daughter together. Ah, but she kept some cash in her dresser drawer - he stole it - admitted he took it and promised to give it back - then he took off for parts unknown (probably "gone to Texas" - reference to earlier comment in JJ forum and a history reference from the 1800's where a lot of folks escaped debt by moving to Texas  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gone_to_Texas Oh dear, during intro these two are already cross aisle talking, and defendant - who is sporting his very best hoody sweatshirt today in court, is circling his finger by his head signaling plaintiff us nuts. Anyway, intro says he knew nothing about any money in her drawer, she's just a drama queen mad cause he dumped her crazy a$$. When MM starts gathering testimony yayhoo defendant is dancing around, looking up down and all around - generally acting the fool in a manner sure to piss off any mediator trying to conduct a hearing - one of those court TV litigants who makes you wonder what they'd act like if they had to open their wallet to pay damages. Anyway, plaintiff had a couple grand in her sock drawer from her tax refund - planning to buy a car. Baby daddy knew she had the money, but not where she was hiding it (the traditional sock drawer safe). One day she decides to grab some spending money.... all her money is gone. She confronts baby daddy, when she finds the money gone. Dude was living there in her apartment rent free (though he helped with some utility bills, she paid the rent and most of the bills)... and, yes, dude had a job. Hmmmmm, could reason she's insisting it was HER apartment and he paid no rent, be because she's getting assistance and dude wasn't supposed to be living there. Anyway, when she confronts him, he admits he took it, says he had gotten in a jam and planned to replace the money before she realised it was gone, and promises to pay her back. Yeah, dude is a truck driver, gets caught driving around in his unregistered car, and took her money to hurry and get his car registered and out of impound. Big kerfuffle, including bunch of foul language in front of her 7 year old autistic son - her mommy shows up as reinforcements. Ah, so her mommy isn't just here for the meet and greet and lunch, she actually witnessed something and testifies that defendant told her he took the money and promised to replace it. Getting kind of tired of plaintiff's side - where's the fireworks? So, around 9 minute mark, we change sides and let baby daddy, sock drawer thief, truck driver dude who can't register his car or pay rent, tell his side. Right off the bat, he contradicts intro when he says he knew she had the money - she took the cash out of the bank on his suggestion. Wonder if dude ever listens to what he's saying. Yes, he knew about the money - yes it was her money - yes he took it out of her sock drawer - no she didn't tell him where it was or give him permission to take it - yap yap yap - just digging the hole to be buried in. Uh, no, he wasn't looking for the money when he took it, he found it when he was looking for a pair of HIS socks in her sock drawer. It's all fun and games until he slips up while complaining about her mom and the "other mild - mildly retard...ed". MM does NOT want to hear that "retard" word. He goes on to say that mom/grandma was over every day with another "not mentally stable" individual - he's not sure what the right word is.... who thinks it might have been a good thing to figure out - especially if he's living with an autistic 7yo... wonder how many times he called 7yo retard or not mentally stable. Ah, minor fireworks. We find this other person who granny brings around is a cousin who sometimes babysits - who plaintiffs are shocked to hear referred to as retarded or not mentally stable. What are chances cousin gets money from state for babysitting - I think this family is full if expert assistance getters. Ah, major fireworks are promised after the break. When we get back dude is still talking nonsense. Now he's saying he asked her to take the money out of the bank because he needed it - she just never handed it to him. Soooo, it was perfectly fine and natural for him to snag it and spend when he ran across it in the drawer - besides, he insists, they had co-mingled their finances, so it was really part his money. "I work - I work full-time - I work enough." MM what did you use the money for? D, used it for the situation I was in. Ah, never good to make the judge drag information out. Oh, and he's telling her, with all do respect your honor, judge, that's his personal business and he ain't telling. MM, Well, fine, if you're not talking, did you tell grandma that you were going to okay it back? D, yeah, I never said I wasn't going to pay her back. MM, great, then my ruling is you owe the money and have to pay. MM gets up and leaves as all the litigants start shouting. Plaintiff is yelling asking for a recording to present in family court - guess she can't figure out how to record this when it airs. Grandma is trying to hush momma up - you won, just STFU up. Defendant standing there looking disgusted and confused - Douglas hurries over to keep the parties separate as momma starts yelling calling defendant a deadbeat dad - deadbeat starts yelling that he supports his kid - you're a deadbeat, we'll see you in family court - hush up, you won  - deadbeat strolls out yelling back over his shoulder he ain't no deadbeat, he takes care of his daughter.... ah, we even see one of those seldom seen security dudes in an ugly shirt and jacket escorting deadbeat out while Douglas keeps plaintiff from following and grandma tries to calm down plaintiff, insisting you won, you won. Ah, the ultimate insult, deadbeat standing in hallway yelling back at the women, you're both bald headed women! I got more hair than you got under that weave! Doug tries to do his hallterview, but ends up telling ugly shirt security dude to take him out. Case actually ends early, then a couple minutes are wasted on Jerry Springer-like nonsense.
  2. commercial rental fail: different - but the same. Plaintiffs, father and son, rented commercial space to try and run a gas station/convenience store, only to learn first hand that most small businesses fail. After his store closes, landlord doesn't return the deposit. So, plaintiffs are suing for the deposit. Defendant/landlord says they failed to pay full rent, and left place a mess and damaged - says he's entitled to keep the deposit. Ah, we may just have another case of cross aisle shenanigans... as we go to commercial defendant is looking over and pointing at one of the defendant's saying he's nothing but a big bully. Should be simple case - assuming landlord/tenants gave a lease and use their phone/camera for something other than dirty picture taking. When we start, MM takes a minute to let the plaintiff explain how he came up with a 5 thousand dollar claim. (Oh, and seems they amended their claim just before they came out - which comes as a surprise to landlord.) Seems landlord kept $2,038 in back rent, and charged $250 for mess and damages to a door and cabinet.... so, how does that add up to a 5 grand claim? asks MM. Oh, says poppa plaintiff, here in Florida the law allows for triple amount withheld if landlord wrongfully withholds a deposit. Nope, says the long time lawyer and Florida prosecutor and judge, that's for civil theft, not a security deposit dispute. Ok, more than just the normal success/failure rate of small startup businesses. Seems business started out doing fairly well, then along comes a hurricaine causing damage to both interior and exterior. Ah, and no hurricaine insurance on store contents. Who knew hurricaine insurance might be a good idea in Florida? Ok, hurricaine hit just as the lease was up, so they negotiated a month to month agreement with stipulations about the many needed repairs.. hmmm, think we need to see the lease they were operating under to see if they were allowed to pay partial rent. Ok, landlord agreed to let them pay half rent for two months... but after that he says they should have either paid full rent on month to month rental - or even better signed a new lease. Ah, but plaintiff has the lease addendum, which spells out the needed repairs - with a timeline. Repairs which were to be completed early January did not actually take place until March. Hmmm, that doesn't sound right - understandable, maybe, where contractors may have been overwelmed by number of jobs. Defendant is saying that he didn't have to give them any discount at all, so was being a good guy when he discounted two months - he paid for $40,000 worth of repairs, so plaintiffs should bite the bullet and pay full rent. Surprise, he had structure insured with hurricaine coverage. But, if I heard right, place had no outdoor lighting for the 3 months repairs were delayed, so had to be closed at sunset... ah but if I heard right, plaintiff's addendum gave them a discount for the year until the repairs completed. So, forget good guy nonsense, this was a business deal - so my question is, is the addendum a legal contract. Sounds like plaintiff may be in the right to insist on rent break until they could resume normal operations in March when lighting was finally repaired. Ah, appears the addendum was just plaintiff's proposal - not something landlord agreed to - or at least they disagree on what the addendum means. Plaintiff laughs and acts like he's proven his case when MM reads a text where he asks for reduced rent in Janurary... ah, but she keeps reading, and landlord's answer is, no, already reduced rent for two months - you need to pay full rent begining in Janurary - to which plaintiff answer is, ok, but will need extra time to come up with the money. Not only did they NOT pay full January rent, they also only paid half rent in February. Oops, rent issue looks to go to landlord. Now we start looking at damage claim. Yeah, junk left and still there in July - some appears to be plaintiff not cleaning up when they left, other junk may well be trash/scraps left from landlord's contractor after they made repairs? Ah, now poppa plaintiff and landlord are at each other's throats - some hard feelings there. Ah, rough justice with both sides not getting what they want. MM let's defendant keep some of what he withheld - but not everything. Which leaves poppa plaintiff repeating "unbelievable, unbelievable" and defendant looking mad/sad/disgusted.
  3. car wreck woes: plaintiff inside visiting her dad when defendant ran into her parked car. Unless she was illegally parked, don't see what defense defendant can have - oh, and who wants to give odds on whether defendant was unlicensed and/or uninsured. Bonus points if he was drunk/impaired when the parked car jumped into his path. Ok, story is he had to swerve to avoid two kids on bikes... yeah, that happens - better to hit parked cars than injure a kid. Awww, actually hit and injured one of the kids. Plaintiff even admits there was a kid on the ground,  she just didn't see the kid lying there when she first came storming out and started yelling at defendant. So, defendant says plaintiff is suing the wrong person - accident caused by kids, so they/their parents should be liable. Hmmmm totally different case than I thought it would be! Poor defendant all confused by the white board. Accident happened at intersection of two one way streets, and he can't adjust his story to the direction arrows the staff put on the board - eventually, MM crosses out the original arrows and draws in new ones. Oh, and these kids are not exactly kids - says the one that collided with his car was 25. So, forget parents - this was an adult riding a bike on a public street. Now, defendants witness comes up. Seems she was driving another car, and defendant was following her. Oh my, she totally rearranges white board. Streets no longer one way - now they're narrow two way streets. Other than that, pretty much same story. She almost hits the bike riders, curses them out and yells at them to get out of the middle of the road, pretty much supports defendant's story with enough differences that I believe both are telling the truth as they see it. I started out not thinking defendant has any sort of defense, now think plaintiff may not have a case - suing the wrong person. We get a little laugh as defendant tells us how bike rider dude starts to get up and a bystander (turns out to be rider's sis) coaches him in how be be a victim in Spanish. MM asks, how do you know what sis was saying, do you speak Spanish? D, answers, a little hit, paquito. Ah, back to original book/odd taking - so, dude wasn't drunk, maybe not even at fault, not sure if he has a license - but IS uninsured. Okkkkkk, never mind the differing white board version - they actually bring up google earth and give us a shot of the actually intersection - which matches, pretty much - defendant's witness' description of the scene. Anyway, MM decides defendant is at least partially at fault - and plaintiff can sue him and collect... I suppose maybe one of those cases where a litigant can pick and choose the party to sue since there's shared liability... hey, why sue dude on a bicycle when other guy has a car? MM tells defendant he may have a case if he were to sue the rider, but for now the plaintiff can collect from him. Plaintiff wins! Ah, once plaintiff gets out to Doug we learn this was her brand new car - probably came home to the old neighborhood to show it off. Wow, Harvey actually contributes something. After I stop watching, I hear him say that the reason MM couldn't break down how liability should be split between biker and defendant is because biker isn't here to answer questions. Once, in a very great while, he actually says something useful - usually something that happens with litigants after the case.
Edited by SRTouch
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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

baby daddy's a thief:

"My Baby Daddy's a Thief!" That would be a great title for a new reality show or a sitcom!

So this is how they behave on camera and in a court. Can you just imagine the savagery when at home or on the street? I can see why plaintiff's momma was concerned about murder and mayhem. This is a world where someone gets her tax refund and puts 2,000$ in cash in a sock drawer. I refuse to believe she had no inkling that her baby daddy is not exactly legit. I have some advice for plaintiff: Stop having daddy-less babies (yeah, I know - the more you squeeze out, the bigger the tax refund!) the last with some nasty guy you've been "dating" for a year and who refuses to say what he did with the socky 2K he stole. It's personal. Yeah, I'm sure it is. Maybe he used it to make an anonymous charitable donation?  Yet for some nutty reason, plaintiff thought he was going to pay child support? Sure. She knew damned well the 2K wasn't to get his truck registered. She knew what he did with it but didn't want to say either. The screaming and fighting - "She a ball-headed woman! She ball!" - even though her lack of hair didn't seem to bother him while they were having unprotected sex - while plaintiffs screech and they all scream at the same time. No wonder they can't get along. Did they think that by repeating the same phrases over and over it would get heard and considered? Wow. Douglas needs to step up his game. As charming as he is, he seems unable to deal with unruly litigants. Byrd would have shut that shit down pronto, no exceptions (credit Negan, TWD).

1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

commercial rental fail: different - but the same.

I just bet Daddy IS a bully - a swaggering, cement-headed, smirking asshole as well. Insurance on a business that would cover all their inventory? Why would anyone do that? Oops, hurricane comes along which is hardly a shocking surprise in FL. Bet they didn't think the money saved on insurance was such a great economy then. It certainly isnt' the fault of def. that everything was not fixed right away. There were thousands of other people needing emergency reconstruction and not just for uninsured gas stops. but for their homes they desperately needed to get back into. Daddy thinks he should be top-priority. Sonny-boy needs to branch out on his own. Daddy is no asset.

1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

car wreck woes:

Okay, we've heard just about every BS excuse for not having insurance: The check got lost, the ins. company cancelled my ins. without warning 10 minutes before I crashed, I was 'working on it' but today we got a new one. Def. had no insurance on the car he just bought because he was in the process of "building everything up?" Gee, when I buy a new car, one 10 minute phone call builds up everything to the point where I have insurance right then. Then we had both defs who couldn't agree on if the street was one-way or not, which direction they were driving, which side of the street - not surprised there was an accident. The "kids on bikes"? I thought they were 10 years old, but apparently the "kids" were 25-year old men who have no understanding of traffic laws. I hope they weren't planning to sue def. They're out of luck because his ins. wasn't yet built up. 

  • Love 4
On 3/14/2018 at 1:32 PM, SRTouch said:

Sounds simple, but she says they kept promising her the raw footage, but never delivering. Finally, after weeks of broken promises, she got fed up and sues. Ah, still thinking this is publicity seeking case how many times do they need to repeat the name of the song? Not really sure how Dropbox works, but dude says everything is in his Dropbox, but also that he can't give it to her today... huh? If it's in his Dropbox why can't he log on and download it today? More stalling? Anyway, MM agrees defendants are making this way harder than it needs to be, and order they refund $300

Dropbox is a great way to share files that are too large to email.  You put the file on your Dropbox account and send an email to the person that you want to share it with along with the Dropbox link.  When they click on the link, then they can access the file and download it.  I also wondered why he couldn't just give her the files right away if they were in his Dropbox - it really is that simple to just download them.  I was curious to see what this video now looked like on YouTube and all the video is just a sequence of photos -- no actual video, so it seems like she scrapped the whole thing and.... I'm not sure that her photo selection was any better than the video she had from the guys.  The song?  Meh.

The case of the dogs that broke the pipe was somewhat boring and I'm glad that they had to split the cost.  I bet she's glad that she never accepted a date from him.

The parking lot sealant case was also rather boring.

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10 hours ago, CyberJawa1986 said:

 Even though it didn't come up until later, when MM asked about texts and the Plaintiff said something along the lines of they can't be used... I was thinking can't be used because of... dirty pics or dirty language, that confirmed for me, something was going on between the two.

May be why so many of these people lose their phones - get rid of the incriminating evidence. This is the best reason for "losing" your phone. But, no, that would be giving the ding-a-lings to much credit.

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I went to watch People's Court and a Jerry Springer episode broke out. Was that supposed to entertain me? It just made me sad. Why would you reproduce with someone so vile? You have an autistic son who needs a mother with some sense; you don't need to keep money in a drawer for months because some nebulous date in the future you're going to buy a car. You have a bank account. Use it. I'm sure the car seller will wait for you to make a withdrawal. 

The plaintiff showed her true colors too. You won. STFU, be happy, thank hallway guy and GTFO. I've onky watched the first case, and I'm already exhausted. 

  • Love 5

The Playstation, the parking tickets, and the foreclosure:

All the litigants didn't seem to be the sharpest knives in the drawer.  For the Playstation,  it did not make any sense to me that this old man was friends with someone so young, so I agree with the rest of you that sex had to be involved, and he probably gave the young guy money for it. So many missing teeth...

For the couple with the parking tickets,  he was stupid to put the car in his name and she was stupid to get so many tickets.  And it bothers me when there are kids at certain cases like this one.  I would much prefer that the child have to leave the room and come inside only to testify if needed.

For the foreclosure case, I can't believe that the guy thinks that he should not pay rent because the place is in foreclosure.  He did not seem to understand so many details about his case.  The defendants who just stopped paying the mortgage were not terribly bright.

Edited by AEMom
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On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:07 PM, SRTouch said:

Plaintiff is yelling asking for a recording to present in family court - guess she can't figure out how to record this when it airs. Grandma is trying to hush momma up - you won, just STFU up.

Actually, they were yelling about having a recording and wanting to play it. Darn, I for one, wanted to hear it.... Or not.

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On 3/16/2018 at 5:36 PM, AngelaHunter said:

"My Baby Daddy's a Thief!" That would be a great title for a new reality show or a sitcom!

Oh my God, please no!  The world is bad enough already.

That was a really sad case.  All I could think was, what if the daughter(?) sees this sometime in the future.  This is how her parents act in a courtroom?  She already has a 7 year-old with autism?  That's where her big income tax return comes into play.  I really hope that her ex wasn't calling the son retarded.  Depending on where the son falls on the spectrum, he may be non-verbal, but he understands what people say contrary to what the ex thinks.

5 hours ago, Schnickelfritz said:

Actually, they were yelling about having a recording and wanting to play it. Darn, I for one, wanted to hear it.... Or not.

They won, and they still wanted to play the video to shame him in some way.  For the sake of the child, I'm glad they didn't.  Some things just should not be aired in public.


On 3/16/2018 at 5:36 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I just bet Daddy IS a bully - a swaggering, cement-headed, smirking asshole as well.

I agree.  Settlement was probably correct.  Case kind of boring.


Car accident case was different.  I think that this is now the 3rd litigant I recall seeing wearing a dress shirt straight out of the package because you could see all the folds in it.  It makes me chuckle, but it clearly shows that they realize that court is something you should dress appropriately for, and I appreciate seeing that version of "Sunday best" as opposed to what some people think that actually means.  I wonder if the defendant will be able to successfully sue the bike riders to get some of that money back that he had to pay the plaintiff.

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22 hours ago, AEMom said:


Car accident case was different.  I think that this is now the 3rd litigant I recall seeing wearing a dress shirt straight out of the package because you could see all the folds in it.  It makes me chuckle, but it clearly shows that they realize that court is something you should dress appropriately for, and I appreciate seeing that version of "Sunday best" as opposed to what some people think that actually means.  I wonder if the defendant will be able to successfully sue the bike riders to get some of that money back that he had to pay the plaintiff.

From the google street view picture, it looked like the street was two-way.  Was there a stop sign?  It seemed like the guy was saying that the parked van impeded his view.  In that case he needed to slow down and not be going so fast that he would lose control of his car when making a right turn on a super-narrow residential street.

But I really didn't understand the whole accident so maybe I'm missing something.

1 hour ago, quarkuud said:

From the google street view picture, it looked like the street was two-way.  Was there a stop sign?  It seemed like the guy was saying that the parked van impeded his view.  In that case he needed to slow down and not be going so fast that he would lose control of his car when making a right turn on a super-narrow residential street.

But I really didn't understand the whole accident so maybe I'm missing something.

The woman with the defendant described the accident better. It was a narrow 2 way road. They were turning left onto the road and a van was parked on the corner. The  guys were riding in the middle of the street and shot out from behind the van just as he was turning the corner. He swerved to miss the cyclists and hit the plaintiff's car.

No comments from today’s episode?

i haven’t such laughs in a long time.

the first case with the woman who ask her handy man to fix her sex toy was a hoot! And I googled that toy. It is scary looking. But Tne questions and answers regarding it were a hoot! 

Judge: what is us called?

Plantiff: what did I call it?

the last case with the Plantiff trying to get money back was also interesting. Make all kinds of demands and expectations while living off someone else’s money, damage the place and then want money back. I loved how she refused to talk in the hall.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

No comments from today’s episode?

i haven’t such laughs in a long time.

the first case with the woman who ask her handy man to fix her sex toy was a hoot! And I googled that toy. It is scary looking. But Tne questions and answers regarding it were a hoot! 

Judge: what is us called?

Plantiff: what did I call it?

Oh, we had quite the kiki over this case.  If you want to see the discussion, it's back on Page 86

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

No comments from today’s episode?

i haven’t such laughs in a long time.

the first case with the woman who ask her handy man to fix her sex toy was a hoot! And I googled that toy. It is scary looking. But Tne questions and answers regarding it were a hoot! 

Judge: what is us called?

Plantiff: what did I call it?

the last case with the Plantiff trying to get money back was also interesting. Make all kinds of demands and expectations while living off someone else’s money, damage the place and then want money back. I loved how she refused to talk in the hall.

A lot of us don't watch the reruns, so the forum gets quiet those weeks.   :-)

  • Love 1

The rerun of the handyman/agent to the star (very sad chile) rapper vs. rapper's momma and declaring he's owed 200K was just as silly this time around. So many people we see here who think they're big time operators and (someone said this elsewhere and I thought it was so awesome I need to use it) couldn't find their own asses without an app.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I think all of March Madness BS should be confined to ESPN.

I usually love March Madness. I'm getting all the episodes I missed when my antenna was on the fritz. 

My alma mater got embarrassed by Buffalo, so I am loving March Madness less this year but enjoying new to me episode's of TPC. 

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3 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Do you pronounce water w a r d e r like my mom who was born and raised in Philly but now lives in Colorado?

No; we say "wooder." As in, "I'm going to Rita's to get a 'wooder' ice; do you want one?" 

I still slip and do that if I'm not thinking about it. Also "dog" is pronounced more like "dawg." So my students laugh at me when I say "hot dogs." 

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, teebax said:

No; we say "wooder." As in, "I'm going to Rita's to get a 'wooder' ice; do you want one?" 

I still slip and do that if I'm not thinking about it. Also "dog" is pronounced more like "dawg." So my students laugh at me when I say "hot dogs." 

That's how my mom pronounces it my phone did not like me spelling it that way I bet you if we sat down and had a conversation I would understand what you're saying with your acent a hundred percent?

  • Love 2
On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 8:51 PM, teebax said:

No; we say "wooder." As in, "I'm going to Rita's to get a 'wooder' ice; do you want one?" 

I still slip and do that if I'm not thinking about it. Also "dog" is pronounced more like "dawg." So my students laugh at me when I say "hot dogs." 

That's how they say it in Delaware - but it is just a stone's throw away from Philadelphia.

Same with dawg.  I do pronounce it that way and my co-workers laugh when I say "awfice" for office. 

7 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

That's how they say it in Delaware - but it is just a stone's throw away from Philadelphia.

Same with dawg.  I do pronounce it that way and my co-workers laugh when I say "awfice" for office. 

I went from Philly to Newark DE to Denver. 

Edited by Rabbittron
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

My mother, who is from Oklahoma, pronounces the word "hawk" with a vowel sound that I cannot even reproduce.  When I try to say it the way it sounds like she's saying it, she laughs at me and says I'm not saying it right.

Well, I can't figure out how Okies say "hawk" differently, but they sure do say "oil" WAY different.  "OLE", it rhymes with "mole".

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While I find the accent/pronunciation discussion interesting, it is best suited to the Small Talk thread.  Small Talk, where you can discuss wash vs. warsh, dog vs. dawg, soda vs. pop vs. soda pop vs. coke, whut-er, watt-er, wood-er, wah-ter . . . . The place for all of your accent chat! 



( . . . Slinks off to practice saying things without her native Philadelphia accent . . . ) 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:


While I find the accent/pronunciation discussion interesting, it is best suited to the Small Talk thread.  Small Talk, where you can discuss wash vs. warsh, dog vs. dawg, soda vs. pop vs. soda pop vs. coke, whut-er, watt-er, wood-er, wah-ter . . . . The place for all of your accent chat! 



( . . . Slinks off to practice saying things without her native Philadelphia accent . . . ) 

Sorry, PPAL. We haven't had new episodes in so long the discussion has been a way for us to chat! I'll knock it off, though.

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1 hour ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:


While I find the accent/pronunciation discussion interesting, it is best suited to the Small Talk thread.  Small Talk, where you can discuss wash vs. warsh, dog vs. dawg, soda vs. pop vs. soda pop vs. coke, whut-er, watt-er, wood-er, wah-ter . . . . The place for all of your accent chat! 



( . . . Slinks off to practice saying things without her native Philadelphia accent . . . ) 

PPAL - You rock. 

Hmmm, checked the schedule, saw rerun from Nov 17th. Recap would be around pg 88, but no recap, and don't even see any discussion. Ah ha, Nov 17th was a Friday, so must have been one of my trips north for a doctor visit. Yep, don't remember any of these cases - so I start watching. Doesn't take long before I figure out why there was no discussion - three duds. I watched most of first case - short term rental scam. Plaintiff was living in a shelter, moved into defendant's house for less than a month, suing for almost 5 grand for stuff she says was put on curb when landlady locked her out. No clean hands here, both sides scamming the shelter, assistance programs, and each other - oh, and not the wisest choices in courtroom apparel. Defendant countersuing for 3 grand. So, combined over 8 grand in claimed damages, MM awards 3 hundred. next up - custom dress - didn't even start to watch. Third case unlicensed driver suing distracted phone user.  About the time intro was over my power hiccuped and DVR decided to go through set up to hook up with satellite. I gather P was suing for damages to car caused when D ran into her (unlicensed) sonny boy. D admits she dropped her phone and was bent over feeling around on the floor trying to find it when she plowed into P. But, she figures since her insurance already paid, she doesn't owe anything. Hmmm, not sure where that one would gave gone. Could be a case where P owed more than car was worth and no gap insurance. Or, maybe insurance didn't pay everything because they said P partly at fault for driving illegally. Hmmm, this was the only case I might have been interested in today, and freeking DVR decides to reset itself. Ah well, since no comments first time around this was probably a dud, too.

Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 4

I have no problem with reruns, but do they have to air the ones we saw just months ago? They can't go back a year or two?

2 hours ago, SRTouch said:

 short term rental scam.

Okay I never saw that one, but had to FF after I heard that someone who can only afford to pay 56$/month in rent(Byrd and you people pay the rest) can have a Blu-ray player, King-sized bed, cell phone with a monthly plan, wigs, jewelry and a 50"TV (which I still don't have after working since I was 18 but I guess she and I have different priorities) but when I heard the word "dog" that was the end of this case for me. Between that, the two wizened little hobbits we saw, the (yet again) earth-shattering dress malfunction at a high-school dance with parents looking for a boe-nanza, and all the murdered grammar (me and him was), I gave up. Oh, but I did catch Mommy looking for a big payday for her baby boy who got his car hit. Why, yes, she has her boy's medical records at home. Is that a problem? She had to take off work to drive him every day. Why didn't she have him drop her at work and go from there? "Uh, err... I dunno. Duh." Def. was such a liar. Like hell she wasn't gabbing on her phone because, contrary to what JM told her, she IS that important.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Okay I never saw that one, but had to FF after I heard that someone who can only afford to pay 56$/month in rent(Byrd and you people pay the rest) can have a Blu-ray player, King-sized bed, cell phone with a monthly plan, wigs, jewelry and a 50"TV (which I still don't have after working since I was 18 but I guess she and I have different priorities) but when I heard the word "dog" that was the end of this case for me. 

I did appreciate that Judge Milian looked right at her and said, "How do you have all of this expensive stuff, but you're on public assistance?"  That's what we wonder every day.

And it wasn't just a dog.  It was a pit bull in a cage.  You can't make this stuff up.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, AEMom said:

Crap. Not a 3rd week of reruns! I'm getting tired of House Hunters while I do laundry.

You must be really bored to watch HH, with the 20-somethings insisting their new cookie-cutter house is unacceptable without the Holy Trinity of Granite/Stainless/Hardwood. They all have to 'rip everything out' even if it's in perfect condition because there's no such thing as a starter home anymore. They want it all - including "man cave" for some sissy-assed guy, and they want it right now.

I rather enjoyed the rerun of the dopey guy suing his ex-girlfriend - the vicious, low-down, violent gutter rat. She's so frightened of him (he's abusive) that she scratches and punches him when alone in a moving car with him, and has no qualms about beating the shit out of his car with a 2x4 while they're in a deserted parking lot at 3:00a.m. All that shows how scared she was! Poor little thing. The overly-made up, trashy looking janky def. does concede that maybe physical assault, vandalism, fabricating evidence and lying to the police may not be ideal way of handling a situation.

That the cops arrested him is beyond outrageous.

I think if JM could have slapped the cuffs on that skank right there, she would have.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

You must be really bored to watch HH, with the 20-somethings insisting their new cookie-cutter house is unacceptable without the Holy Trinity of Granite/Stainless/Hardwood. They all have to 'rip everything out' even if it's in perfect condition because there's no such thing as a starter home anymore. They want it all - including "man cave" for some sissy-assed guy, and they want it right now.

That really cracks me up too and makes me roll my eyes. When I think about what I had when my husband and I bought our house and how many years it took to update things over time. After 23 years, we finally got the old wallpaper out of our bedroom. Everything else always seemed to have a higher priority. 

I actually only watch the International House Hunters. I find it interesting to see what your money will get you in certain parts of the world and some of the scenery is quite beautiful.  There's none of that holy trinity and man cave crap.  I can also buzz through a show in 15 minutes. 

3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I rather enjoyed the rerun of the dopey guy suing his ex-girlfriend - the vicious, low-down, violent gutter rat. She's so frightened of him (he's abusive) that she scratches and punches him when alone in a moving car with him, and has no qualms about beating the shit out of his car with a 2x4 while they're in a deserted parking lot at 3:00a.m. All that shows how scared she was! Poor little thing. The overly-made up, trashy looking janky def. does concede that maybe physical assault, vandalism, fabricating evidence and lying to the police may not be ideal way of handling a situation.

That the cops arrested him is beyond outrageous.

I think if JM could have slapped the cuffs on that skank right there, she would have.

I remember that one well. That guy should thank his lucky stars that there was a camera to back up his story with the cops. Unlike some litigants who aren't the brightest stars in the sky, she was just vindictive and evil.

  • Love 5

We are building a house right now in a developer.  Granite is yesterday's news-quartz is the new high end counter tops.  It seems that at least the price point we are in.  For the record,  we are putting in formica because anyone who buys the house after us will want to put their own 'stamp' on it and if you ever watch HH you know the stuff lasts forever.  Carpet because we are tired of seeing our poor dogs trying to get traction on current laminate floors carpet can be changed out easier than tile and feels better on bare feet, and black appliances because if judging from the house we are currently renting basic builder appliances will last just slightly shorter than cockroaches and twinkies.  We tell them at the design center we are the anti-HGTV homeowners.  I think they find us bemusing in that 'old folk' kind of way.

  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, speac said:

Granite is yesterday's news-quartz is the new high end counter tops. 

I'll join you in the "old folk" stuff. I had my kitchen semi-redone last year because unlike the typical young HHer, I don't have parents to pay for a complete redo and "ripping" everything out. I wanted a manufactured countertop because I'm looking for less work, not more, although I do love the look of natural stone. I replaced my white appliances with more white. Stainless looks nice, but again - less work with white where not every fingerprint shows and I don't need to polish it all the time. Got my bathroom redone and the new vanity came with a marble top. It's beautiful but I don't like it - afraid to stain or scratch it so I use my other bathrooms all the time, but it came with the vanity which is gorgeous and a real bargain. I"m well past the stage of needing "trendy."

So it must be Levin choosing the reruns here because we get the worst of the worst - That great big overly entitled bitch who treats the poor super like an indentured servant and wants him to pay for her 2500$ of custom leather coats, when she can't name a single place she ever had any of them made. It was sooooo long ago! She should have skipped one of the coats and got a better wig instead of that cheap, mangled, janky-assed one she was wearing today. And yeah, blabbering over the judge will always get you somewhere.

  • Love 5
On 4/3/2018 at 5:32 PM, AngelaHunter said:

So it must be Levin choosing the reruns here because we get the worst of the worst - That great big overly entitled bitch who treats the poor super like an indentured servant and wants him to pay for her 2500$ of custom leather coats, when she can't name a single place she ever had any of them made. It was sooooo long ago! She should have skipped one of the coats and got a better wig instead of that cheap, mangled, janky-assed one she was wearing today. And yeah, blabbering over the judge will always get you somewhere.

I remember thinking to myself as I watched that episode "Lady, what is WRONG with you?  How does your brain work?"  Glad MM showed her what's what.

On 4/3/2018 at 5:32 PM, AngelaHunter said:

 I replaced my white appliances with more white. Stainless looks nice, but again - less work with white where not every fingerprint shows and I don't need to polish it all the time. 

My microwave finally died right before Christmas and I wanted another white one.  Well, I could only find ONE white microwave model (everyone was selling the same one), but it didn't fit in the space we have.  So I finally got a black and stainless one at Costco that did fit.  Microwave is fine, but that stainless door-latch always has fingerprints on it.  I like white appliances.  I really have never understood why stainless is so popular and was convinced early on that it would join the avocado green ones in appliance heaven.

  • Love 4
On 4/3/2018 at 4:32 PM, AngelaHunter said:

So it must be Levin choosing the reruns here because we get the worst of the worst -

And, judging by his lame jokes which always seem to border on insulting someone, he probably thinks the worst of the worst are what we want to watch. Really looking forward to some new cases. Started to watch today's rerun... first case idiots suing over a custom prom dress that they wanted done in a couple weeks. Seamstress and salon cases are some of my least favorite, so not watching that one. Quick check - recapped back on page 86, a little discussion, but none of these cases sound like must see tv.... ah, well, maybe time to drag the mower out and give it its annual check up, sharpen the blade and cut down the weeds.

Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, AEMom said:

I really have never understood why stainless is so popular and was convinced early on that it would join the avocado green ones in appliance heaven.

What about "Harvest Gold"? It was all the rage. SS does look sleek and shiny, but it will eventually go the way of the avacado green. White will never go out of style and bonus - you can usually get white appliances for less than the trendy SS.

1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

judging by his lame jokes which always seem to border on insulting someone, he probably thinks the worst of the worst are what we want to watch.

Of course. Someone who delights in wallowing in slime every day with that obscene TMZ, assumes everyone else likes it too.

1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

time to drag the mower out and give it its annual check up, sharpen the blade and cut down the weeds.

Stop. My lawn is still buried under two feet of ice and snow.:(

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

And, judging by his lame jokes which always seem to border on insulting someone, he probably thinks the worst of the worst are what we want to watch. 

Not a week goes by when we don't hear "blank her, he hardly knew her!"  Insert massive eye roll here.  This is the main reason that I FF through the intros.  He drives me nuts with the crazy voice he uses and generally says stuff that has nothing to do with the case.

19 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

What about "Harvest Gold"? It was all the rage. SS does look sleek and shiny, but it will eventually go the way of the avacado green. White will never go out of style and bonus - you can usually get white appliances for less than the trendy SS.

Of course. Someone who delights in wallowing in slime every day with that obscene TMZ, assumes everyone else likes it too.

Stop. My lawn is still buried under two feet of ice and snow.:(

My grandmother had the Harvest Gold.  I'm finding it harder these day to find white appliances - there is a much smaller selection.  I told my husband that if I ever had to do a kitchen before selling a house, I would buy the cheapest SS appliances I could buy.  Many seem to think that it automatically means a better quality appliance and not just a finish. 

We've still got lots of snow too, though thankfully my neck of the woods was spared the crazy storm yesterday or we would have had another foot to add to the collection.  So much snow still year - I can't wait until it's all gone!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, AEMom said:

Not a week goes by when we don't hear "blank her, he hardly knew her!"  Insert massive eye roll here.  This is the main reason that I FF through the intros. 

I FF AND mute, just in case I hit "play" too quickly and catch a word of his screechy stupidity. "The ______'her, he hardly knew 'er!" is incredibly insulting and disrespectful to the women at which it's aimed. Levin? What was funny 55 years ago when you were young is not necessarily funny now, you tiny little dirtbag.

3 hours ago, AEMom said:

I told my husband that if I ever had to do a kitchen before selling a house, I would buy the cheapest SS appliances I could buy.  Many seem to think that it automatically means a better quality appliance and not just a finish. 

Right.  A lot of it isn't even actually stainless, but just a veneer or imitation. I shop for appliances at a local, family-run business. I can choose the item in any finish I would like. They seem to think I'm eccentric for always picking white, but gives a damn about that?

4 hours ago, SRTouch said:

first case idiots suing over a custom prom dress that they wanted done in a couple weeks.

Not just any prom dress case, but the worst one, in which Momma, the full-time student in her peach "Diana the Huntress" dress (yeah, we know in which direction HER taste runs), posted closeup pictures of her daughter's near-naked buttocks online. I shouldn't be so appalled, since it didn't bother daughter. Times have changed I guess.  If my mother had posted pics of my rear end for the world to view I would have been mortified.  The Ativan, the car rental, the therapist, the stress, the mental anguish and near-suicidal despair caused by a girl's high school dance dress was off the scale.

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

"The ______'her, he hardly knew 'er!" is incredibly insulting and disrespectful to the women at which it's aimed. Levin? What was funny 55 years ago when you were young is not necessarily funny now, you tiny little dirtbag.

It's corny, old, and unfunny, but I wouldn't call it insulting or disrespectful.

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