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The People's Court - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I get someone to come and clean them off. Cost: 110$ once a year.

But didn't you hear him? He is on a fixed income. Which means he is mentally precluded from setting even a small amount aside each month for such necessities.

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1 hour ago, Florinaldo said:

But didn't you hear him? He is on a fixed income. Which means he is mentally precluded from setting even a small amount aside each month for such necessities.

That's right. So many litigants can't possibly put aside 10$ or even 5$/month for debts or bills, ("I was on hard times/he/she knew my situation") but can afford to spend way more than that on cigs, drugs, booze and microbladed eyebrows.

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15 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

That's right. So many litigants can't possibly put aside 10$ or even 5$/month for debts or bills, ("I was on hard times/he/she knew my situation") but can afford to spend way more than that on cigs, drugs, booze and microbladed eyebrows.

Or like recent litigant explaining away nails and salon time  by claiming she doesn't pay for those things, her BF does........ hey, if bf is gifting her stuff, tell him to just pay your mom the money you borrowed from her  (remember case as I was typing - this was mom suing step daughter over loan & pay she took over and put on 0% credit card)

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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

Or like recent litigant explaining away nails and salon time  by claiming she doesn't pay for those things, her BF does........ hey, if bf is gifting her stuff, tell him to just pay your mom the money you borrowed from her  (remember case as I was typing - this was mom suing step daughter over loan & pay she took over and put on 0% credit card)

Maybe bf isn't gifting her, but requires her to look a certain way.

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On 6/5/2020 at 6:01 PM, AngelaHunter said:

My closed captions got pretty snarky in the ink cartridge case.

Plaintiff couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mroz, were unbelievably dull-eyed, stoopid, slow-thinking nitwits who are both such losers they can't take care of themselves and have to move in with wifey's momma, who sounds like a virago who hates them and wants them gone, and that was even before she learned idiotic, dumbass hubby somehow managed to break her TV. How the hell do you break a TV? They spew incomprehensible gibberish and it was actually kind of sad the way they tried to use "big" words and failed so miserably. We got "gaven" from dim-witted hubby and then both of them use words for which they don't know the meanings - "agile"(instead of "agitated") and "collateral" when he meant "swap". Wifey gives us "her own recoginence" and JM has had enough and has to correct her again, as she did with "agile". My CC put "gaven" and "recoginence" in quotation marks. Wife keeps a silly, stupid grin plastered on her mug for the whole case and hubby is so dumb he keeps blabbering and mumbling stupidities right after JM tells him to stop talking. Douglas has to throw the moron out. These people have a child. I pity the poor kid, inheriting the brain power of her double-digit-IQ parents. So sad, but it's interesting to see how water really does always find its own level. My mother used to say, "For every Adam, there's an Eve". This show proves the wisdom of that.

Dramatic, raddled Def is equally annoying, claiming all these expired cartridges were some sort of gift and who kept them sitting around with never an attempt to sell them on eBay as agreed. Def is of course disabled - "bad back" - and claims it's just so much work to sell crap on eBay because sitting in front of a computer all day is very tiring, so didn't bother listing them for over a year and still hasn't. Probably a squirrely hoarder.  Dopey plaintiffs can go get their stupid expired cartridges, although considering the mentality of the plaintiffs I tend not to believe hubby's company just gave them to him for free. They probably fired him which explains why he earns much less than he did before. I wouldn't even hire him in a position where all he has to do is ask, "Do you want fries with that?"

Then we got a big, long, drawn-out tree branch case. I'm sorry, but looking at the ancient, sagging garage of the plaintiff I have trouble believing that leaves caused terrible damage to the roof of that dilapidated structure. They certainly didn't cause water to accumulate. I get tons of leaves (my own) on my roof and my shed every fall. I get someone to come and clean them off. Cost: 110$ once a year.

My husband honestly wondered if the defendant in the printer cartridge case was transgender?  

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33 minutes ago, readheaded said:

My husband honestly wondered if the defendant in the printer cartridge case was transgender?  

My husband asked me the same thing. 


Edited by PsychoKlown
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1 minute ago, PsychoKlown said:

My husband asked me the same thing.  He just happened to come in the room when it was on to ask me something...did a double take and said was she a man. 

I see their points but I don’t believe so. 

That's exactly what happened at my house.  My husband heard the voice and then saw the defendant...I didn't believe so, either.  

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I hated how the plaintiffs in the printer cartridge case thought they would dump the worthless cartridges on the defendant, and then found out they might be worth something.   I hope they did pick up the cartridges, and try to sell them.   You would have to be rather foolish to ignore the expiration date on the boxes, so I hope prospective buyers pass.  

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2 hours ago, readheaded said:

My husband honestly wondered if the defendant in the printer cartridge case was transgender?  

I thought so too, Especially since I was on the computer when the case came on, and heard the voice first, before I saw her.  Not that it matters either way.  

Did anyone notice the ask Harvey a law question. The lady skyped in her question. Harvey didn't know the answer.

Edited by howiveaddict
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1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

Did anyone notice the ask Harvey a law question. The lady skyped in her question. Harvey didn't know the answer.

I was kinda surprised when he said he didn't have an answer because it seemed a pretty standard Ebay transaction kerfuffle, but the X factor is that the seller has blamed Covid-19 and related Post Office setbacks to a missing shipment.  Harvey said this is such a new problem that he can't say legally what the next step would be.

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15 hours ago, patty1h said:

I was kinda surprised when he said he didn't have an answer because it seemed a pretty standard Ebay transaction kerfuffle, but the X factor is that the seller has blamed Covid-19 and related Post Office setbacks to a missing shipment.  Harvey said this is such a new problem that he can't say legally what the next step would be.

She should contact Ebay and do a charge back. That is what we do when when packages are lost.

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18 hours ago, patty1h said:

but the X factor is that the seller has blamed Covid-19

Imagine how many cases we'll get where litigants will now blame the virus for all their messes and scams, instead of "I never got the letter", "the check got lost" , "I had a personal situation", "I dropped my phone in the toilet", and the old "the dog ate my homework"?

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On 6/6/2020 at 3:47 PM, Katy M said:

Maybe bf isn't gifting her, but requires her to look a certain way.

Yeah, because if my b/f gifted me money for a breast implant, I'd gladly undergo major surgery, pain and recovery time to cater to his big fake boob fetish, even if I had no job and owed someone money for other stuff. Whatever you gotta do to keep a man! So many of our female litigants strictly adhere to that credo.

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Today's lease-breaking SSMO? was a certainly a piece of shit.  She lived there only 10 months by her own account, with at least one minor child, maybe 2 with bunk beds. One ex-boyfriend who did the unlawful architectural changes while she was at work, and the other for whom she became a scofflaw and hightailed it to Florida.  Sure, she's a grown woman, but two life-changing boyfriends in less than 10 months with at least one minor child makes her pretty low on my scale of humanity.  Have as many boyfriends as you 'need' by all means, but leave the children out of it. 

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3 hours ago, arejay said:

Today's lease-breaking SSMO? was a certainly a piece of shit. 

She was indeed a piece of shit. I'm trying to remember when I disliked a litigant as much as I did this one. This is a 33-year old woman who acts and sounds like some 18-year-old, clueless, overly entitled teenager. Why shouldn't she be able to do whatever the hell she wants, lease be damned? She so needed a good thrashing. Her new, dumbass, stupid sucker boyfriend stands there uselessly like a mannequin and has nothing to say. Don't know why he was there, except to show support for his ridiculous, air-headed dumbbitch of a g/f. "Listen!" she says to JM, when she is unable to give a straight answer to any question. Of course, her bank account was frozen (don't you hate when that happens for no reason?) and of course her rental truck was stolen, and naturally her wallet and all her cards were left in said truck, for some bizarre reason. Oh, heehee! Her former b/f built a wall and installed massive cabinets in this rented place, but she knew nothing about that - can't trouble her little head about it -  so it's not her fault, right, and aren't I just so cute?

P was irritating as well, waiting 1 1/2 years to get "mad" and decide to sue the witch and being unable to take a decent picture, but her attitude and affect outdid that. I think he sold everything Ms.Entitled left behind, but so what? She didn't care. She doesn't work anymore because dopey boyfriend supports her. What is this - the 1950s where women would brag, "I don't HAVE to work."

3 hours ago, arejay said:

Have as many boyfriends as you 'need' by all means, but leave the children out of it. 

I've been saying that for so long. Be a drug addict, an alcoholic, get your ass thrown in jail, hook up with and spread for as many loser guys as you want to, but just don't shit out babies and subject them to your sordid life and bad decisions.

First case: I turned it off as soon as I heard about these selfish assholes who get dogs when they are working all day, and make these dogs live in frickin' shipping crates. I would like to lock all these shit heads in a room every day, all day, for 10 hours with no access to a bathroom and see how they like not being able to go take a piss for 10 hrs every day. My guess is they would not like it at all. Dogs are not cage pets.

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2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

First case: I turned it off as soon as I heard about these selfish assholes who get dogs when they are working all day, and make these dogs live in frickin' shipping crates. I would like to lock all these shit heads in a room every day, all day, for 10 hours with no access to a bathroom and see how they like not being able to go take a piss for 10 hrs every day. My guess is they would not like it at all. Dogs are not cage pets.

Another case that left me wondering when I'll learn to bring remote to kitchen when I turn this on........ this was mainly noise droning in background and I don't have much to say........ first @AngelaHunter nails it....... why the HECK do you have a dog if it's life is spent in a cage. P all broken over the loss of her $2500 dog so she's suing for 8 grand (uh, no your  honor, she doesn't have any proof of what dog cost or even pedigree of this show quality pooch.). D doubles as P's landlord, renting a room in apartment to P. Guess there's a third girl in the mix, P's gf, who also has a little cage dwelling pup.  I just hope it happened as MM said - I hope someone in neighborhood scooped up the pup and gave it a GOOD home. 

Other thing comes out during hallterview when P is whining about the problems in her life and mentions trouble with probation officer....... hmmmmmmm maybe D has reason to be living with family instead of in apartment where she's still paying rent.

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16 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

Other thing comes out during hallterview when P is whining about the problems in her life and mentions trouble with probation officer

I missed that, of course, but so what? Don't tell me YOU never had trouble with your probation officer! Doesn't everyone have warrants and arrests and probation officers?

18 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

P all broken over the loss of her $2500 dog

I heard "miniature toy poodle". Such a thing exists only in puppy mills and with backyard breeders, which are the go-to places all our stupid, dumbass litigants use for poor designer mutts. No reputable breeder would EVER give any of them a dog.

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On 6/7/2020 at 1:05 AM, patty1h said:

I was kinda surprised when he said he didn't have an answer because it seemed a pretty standard Ebay transaction kerfuffle, but the X factor is that the seller has blamed Covid-19 and related Post Office setbacks to a missing shipment. 

Other TV legal experts would have no qualms about venturing into such undiscovered legal country, even though the jurisprudence has yet to be established. Credit to him for treading carefullly in such circumstances.

19 hours ago, arejay said:

Today's lease-breaking SSMO? was a certainly a piece of shit. 

Her line "I left him a furnished apartment" (meaning her junk furniture) clearly showed how callous she was about the whole situation. Even members of the audience audibly gasped.


13 hours ago, SRTouch said:

P all broken over the loss of her $2500 dog so she's suing for 8 grand (uh, no your  honor, she doesn't have any proof of what dog cost or even pedigree of this show quality pooch.).

JM said she was "generous" in awarding her 1 000 $. I think that was quite the understatement; I would have been very happy with her getting 1 $ for her undocumented pooch. Even that would be more than she deserved.

Edited by Florinaldo
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19 hours ago, arejay said:

Today's lease-breaking SSMO? was a certainly a piece of shit. 

Couldn’t have said it better. 

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  • Designer kittens: P bought a couple scottish fold kittens from  backyard breeder. Scottish folds are the cute cats with ears folded over - very cute but genetically unhealthy since those cute folds are the result of faulty cartilage. They are prone to minor health issues, like ear wax buildup, but also big ones like degenative bone disease, arthritis, heart problems, and shorter life span. Careful breeding can lessen the risks, but the breed is still banned from the big cat fancier organization and shows in Europe. Anyway, breeder, D, tells she breeds to bring these little bundles of joy to America (she brought the breed with her from Russia) apparently selling 25 or so bundles a year for big bucks. Gotta give it to her, though, she seems to care for her cats more than most kitten mill type owners - the two kittens in question were 10 weeks old and we've heard some of these breeders talk of selling at 4-6 week olds. Anyway, pretty simple animal purchase with an actually written contract. To win, P needs a certificate from a vet saying kittens were unfit for sale (oh, after purchase kittens get sick and 1 dies)........ he doesn't have the certificate or anything else except a FIP diagnosis made at a later date........ FIP is bad bad news for cats - it comes from a mutation of the Corona virus (not at all covid-19). Cats can live perfectly normal lives with the unmutated virus, but once it turns to FIP it turns deadly and is the most common infectious cause of death for kittens........ anyway, another too long case which ended with both litigants wanting to continue
  • next more wackadoddle roomies.......... by time this came on I had finished eating and was loading dishwasher, so didn't hear most of it - but, what I heard was typical - tenant roomie wins $770, after asking for $1200........ I swear when D came in I thought she was in a Next Generation Star Fleet command uniform - but, no, Star Fleet had colors of top reversed with black over red
Edited by SRTouch
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Sadly I will not get to see this Emmy winning episode as the Floyd funeral is pre-empting PC today in my area.  I do notice that lots of pre-empting events happen at 3:00 in NYC.  Usually one of the Governors or Covid-19 updates.

I'm not sad to miss it.  On with my Netflix binge watching

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I admit I ff'd through most of the first case, because I have no sympathy for people who spend big bucks on animals and for people who loves their animals so much that they turn them into a breeding machine.  Go to shelters and adopt people!  Surprised Harvey didn't say that also.

Second case, was kind of confused on who did what to who, except food got left out of refrigerator.  And someone was accused of witch craft.  Also, always get a receipt.

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54 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

I admit I ff'd through most of the first case, because I have no sympathy for people who spend big bucks on animals and for people who loves their animals so much that they turn them into a breeding machine.  Go to shelters and adopt people!  Surprised Harvey didn't say that also.

I neglected to say that, but YES! For the price of one designer kitten (or dog) you could adopt and donate to a rescue organization and save dozens.

Or do what I did to get my first half dozen - volunteer to help feed a feral colony and take home just dumped strays, pregnant or new mamas....... ok, I didn't go looking for a cat, but I'm a serial foster failure who would take one home and end up keeping it........ it took ten years to get to build up to six (my oldest foster fail has been with me 18 years now and I've had one mother daughter pair 13 years)

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8 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Designer kittens:

Aren't rare high-end breeds like that often prone to various health problems? And yet some people are willing to pay the big bucks for them.

I thought from the get-go that the plaintiff case woudl go nowhere because of the time elapsed (which makes causality harder to establish) and the terms of the cotnract.

8 hours ago, SRTouch said:

I swear when D came in I thought she was in a Next Generation Star Fleet command uniform

Your joke has more entertainment value on its own than could be found in all this convoluted boring story the litigants insisted on spinning (mostly the defendant actually).

Edited by Florinaldo
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1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

Second case, was kind of confused on who did what to who, except food got left out of refrigerator.  And someone was accused of witch craft.  Also, always get a receipt.

From what I gathered, the plaintiff was claiming that the defendant was doing witchcraft on the defendant's boyfriend's girlfriend.  But I got confused somewhere along the way there.

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I think that someone contacted the boyfriend's Baby Mama, and told her that the defendant was poisoning him, and I suspect he dumped her after Baby Mama told the boyfriend.   That same person was also accused of witchcraft.    That case was another example of why renting rooms out is a bad thing, especially when it goes from business to friendship, and then blows up.     (It could have been the plaintiff that was reputed to be the poisoner.   This case was so boring I might have not paid any attention). 

There are 25 Scottish Fold breeders that advertise in the U.S., so the cat may be a rare breed, but there are alternatives to the defendant.       There are so many unwanted cats, and kittens, I find it ridiculous to buy a specific breed, unless the person wanted to become a breeder too?    I'm always suspicious of the animal buyers that never neuter or spay, and the animal is well past the age to do that.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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13 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

And someone was accused of witch craft.  Also, always get a receipt.

Save this for posterity, people. You might never again see these two sentences run consecutively. 😂👍 This is just the kind of show that inspires it!


2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I find it ridiculous to buy a specific breed, unless the person wanted to become a breeder too?    I'm always suspicious of the animal buyers that never neuter or spay, and the animal is well past the age to do that.   

We had a lot of gorgeous purebreds in our rescue. We spayed/neutered them before adoption, so no chance of anyone using them for their own little kitty mill. And no reputable breeder would ever sell a pet-quality animal without s/n first because unlike millers and bybers they actually care about their  animals.


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20 hours ago, SRTouch said:
  • I swear when D came in I thought she was in a Next Generation Star Fleet command uniform - but, no, Star Fleet had colors of top reversed with black over red

True "Trekkies" know that the person wearing the uniform with a red shirt is NOT coming back from the landing party.

And did it make anyone else crazy that her "uniform" had four buttons on one shoulder and three on the other?  How is someone supposed to know your rank?????

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On 6/5/2020 at 2:25 PM, aemom said:

Will they supply funky backgrounds like Levin's?  Will Douglas jump in and out of the Zoom calls to swear people in?  I am intrigued about how they would make this work.  Also - I'm sure at least one litigant will say "I don't have it here right now," and then run off to somewhere in their house and start rifling through their stuff to find it. 😄  The editors will be busy!

They never show the swearing in.  Just as a side note, in mediations/arbitration do people usually swear?  As for running off to find stuff, nope, too bad so sad.  If it's not on the table in front of you, it's the same thing as not having brought it to court.

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Oh my, what a waste of time this first case was. I had already started recording before sitting down to lunch so there was still 10 minutes left when I finished eating. Didn't watch those 10 minutes, just zipped to hallterview. Case is day laborer who claims he's owed over 2 grand for 15-20 hours work (plus he rounded it up to 5 grand because of the horrible mental anguish of not being paid).  Both agree that they not only didn't have any agreement wage, only vague 'fair market value.' D, a house flipper, says guy worked 3-4 hours a day for 5 days, and was paid at end of each day - $40 at end of 3 days and 2 days at $50 - not great but not bad for 3-4 hours each day. P has big problem as he isn't sure what he put in complaint - in fact has trouble with what he said 2 minutes ago. P gets nothing.

2nd case is about an aborted car deal........ P was buying a car, paid some of purchase price, but never got car - dispute is over who was at fault for non-delivery....... P says seller ghosted after receiving partial payment while seller says other way around, P ghosted and D was still being billed for parking car.......  ok, typical court tv hoopty deal, we're talking '94 Toyota with engines lights doing Christmas tree impression with agreed upon price of $700.......... P trying to make case that D was trying to run a scam by bringing in a second 'buyer'........ uh, didn't he say asking price was $1000 and D agreed to come down to $700? I would think the 2nd buyer would be to get a bidding war started......... ok, this might be interesting for 15-20 minutes, but not full half hour - zip zip - ok, D says he wanted car gone, so he accepted about half the money and was willing to let P take immediate delivery and owe him the rest (he wanted car gone so he wouldn't have to keep paying storage)....... time out for MM scold P about calling her 'Miss' - and 10 seconds later he does it again......... ah, I feel a nap coming on - zip zip....... well, granted I zipped through stuff, but as I understand this buyer knew seller was eager to get rid of car to avoid parking fees - he pays a little over half on 27 August and never pays rest for over a month, then watches car being towed 8 Oct. Car actually donated to car4kids so seller not getting any money (maybe a future tax benefit for donation, but no cash) here if he had held onto car P may have eventually paid the other $275 still owed........ more yakkety yak - seems D's  reason to hurry to get rid of car is he now had 3 cars 1 this one kept in garage since inspection sticker was expired, so he had to go switch one of the other cars around to avoid parking tickets (and probably cussing P each time he was out playing musical cars)....... zip to hallterview where P is going off on how MM is anti-Semitic and decision unfair because he called her 'miss' yada yada...... may or may not have been fireworks when decision announced, but not worth rewinding and Spotty and I are going to nap now zzzzzzzzzzzzzh

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I actually saw the day laborer case, and hated both litigants, but the plaintiff most of all.    

The car case is so boring, and ridiculous.    I guess 'as is' doesn't mean anything to the plaintiff?   Who the hell is the plaintiff think he is?    Calling the judge what she just told him not to call her, and not ruling his way doesn't mean she's anti-Semitic.    (As another poster pointed out, Judge M's husband is Jewish.)   And for further reference, if your check engine light, or the yellow engine light is on, you will not pass inspection or smog.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, NYGirl said:

Halfway through the first boring case and read your post.  Quickly changed to Divorce Court rather than watch this any longer.

My new go to is Big Bang reruns ('bout 30 on DVR)......... did cha hear CBS is thinking about bringing back gang for a 13th season?

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So, the first case was uber-irritating. We have plaintiff in the fez, missing teeth and maybe drunk. He's a business tycoon and an unlicensed handyman type. He agrees to do painting and other reno stuff on def's house. How much was he to be paid? "A fair wage. I dunno". How long did he work? "Four hours. Maybe five. Five days. Or maybe six. I dunno." He had to jackhammer through two feet of solid concrete. Or maybe it was three inches. Who knows? JM wants to know if the transaction was in cash. 🤣 "Of course!" def replies, seeming a little indignant that JM might think he'd be stupid enough to pay taxes. JM, did you really need to ask? We don't need to pay no stinkin' taxes. And yeah - P looked as though he suffered severe pain and mental anguish over these few dollars at stake. He should get paid the same as a licensed, insured, bonded contractor!

The next one was pretty good. P, who is well into middle age, finds this highly desirable 26-year-old-Toyota he just has to have. All the warning lights on the console are lit up like a frickin' Xmas tree, but he wants it anyway because def tells him it will pass inspection in that condition, and of course P says he believes that. Price is 700$. P has 100$ and is supposed to make payments for the rest. JM wants to know the terms? No terms. Just whenever he feels like paying I guess. Maybe next month or maybe in 10 years. Well, of course he doesn't finish paying for it and over two months later he sees the thing being removed on a flatbed from D's house. He was walking to temple to pray, dontcha know. He's very pious so everything he says must be the truth!

JM to Plaintiff? "Did you call me "Miss"? Don't do that!"

P: "Okay, Miss".

JM: "Did you call me "Miss" again after I just told you not to?"

It was very funny.

P loses, naturally because he never paid for the heap and expected D to keep it hanging around in perpetuity, just in case P ever had the other 275$ owed on it. Hey, he's on a FIXED INCOME so don't expect him to pay for shit he buys. D donates the dino to a charity.

As the ruling is being made, P mutters something like "I knew this would happen. " In the hall he informs Doug that JM is anti-Semitic. Well, that must make for some awkwardness at her home, since her husband is Jewish. 😆🤣

So every time JM rules against a plaintiff  it has to be because she's racist, or anti-Semitic, or sexist, or homophobic, etc. Nothing to do with the law or lack of any kind of proof, or that the plaintiff is an idiot, no sir. He would have won had he been Hispanic.


3 hours ago, SRTouch said:

ok, typical court tv hoopty deal, we're talking '94 Toyota with engines lights doing Christmas tree impression

LOL - I read your post after I posted. GMTA!😆

Edited by AngelaHunter
Because my spelling doesn't improve after a 3rd glass of wine
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 The dumbass in the second case should have waited for Judy Judy to call and hear his case.  I wish the litigant had been Jewish too.   Then what would his excuse have been.  

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(I have the rerun at 10 am, and the new episode at 3 pm, I hate cable shuffles) I'm watching the rerun of the 20 year old who claims her Tinder date stole her cash (not for the first time apparently either).    Her mother looks like she 30 (I'm sure the mother's much older than that).   The woman's green hair matches the upholstery fabric dress she's wearing.     

The defendant is such a loser, and can't say an entire sentence without including "like", "basically", and other filler words.     The woman not only refused to press charges, but was boinking him that afternoon after the police visit.    He has a long criminal history, including burglary, gun charges, and admits in court he was paying her back with weed.   However, plaintiff says she was paying him for the weed.  

If I was judging this case, I wouldn't give her a penny, and wouldn't give either the money pot that they usually split between litigants either.    This woman will never stop picking up losers like this guy, until she ends up on the ID channel as a victim.   

The woman in the boyfriend suing case is either stoned, or trying to stare down the camera guy.      I'm glad no one received anything, but I'm betting the credit card was obtained by the defendant/ex-girlfriend and her friend.     The plaintiff was such an idiot.   

The roofer case is so boring.    I'm fighting to stay awake.   Nice of the defendant to throw his wife under the bus.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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“He abandoned me during income tax season”.

I’ve run group sessions for those navigating the holidays with grief over loss and separation.   Typically they are held early November to cover those holidays at the end of the calendar year.

Seems this year I was negligent in my counselor duties but I assure you and all TPC contestants that I will design group sessions specifically targeted for those individuals abandoned during income tax season.  I will assemble binders for take-home materials that address the delicate subjects of abandonment and deductions.  

Maybe I can even get an H & R Block representative to show up to monitor a group exercise that incorporates “letting go and filing individually”.

And I bet you thought I was just going to mock the nitwit in the hallterview.


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Defendant in Hoopty case that called MM anti-Semitic because she corrected him for calling her miss, claimed early in the case that the second buyer was a plant because "he was also Haitian and there aren't a lot of Haitians in the area."  You may want to check your own racism, dickhead.   MM isn't anti-Semitic, jerk - she's anti rude, entitled asshole.

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9 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Defendant in Hoopty case that called MM anti-Semitic because she corrected him for calling her miss, claimed early in the case that the second buyer was a plant because "he was also Haitian and there aren't a lot of Haitians in the area."  You may want to check your own racism, dickhead.   MM isn't anti-Semitic, jerk - she's anti rude, entitled asshole.

I think the plaintiff expressed that the second buyer was a plant because both the second buyer and the defendant were Asian, not Haitian (not that it really matters, because the plaintiff's attitude sucked regardless).

I've seen Judge Milian more than once take a litigant to task for using the term "j-- me down."  She made it 100% clear that that is an offensive epithet, as awful as any others that we hear.  And knowing that JM's husband is Jewish makes anyone's accusations of anti-semitism even more egregious.

I am not anti-semitic.  I am anti-ignorance and anti-judgmentalism.  So I don't like the plaintiff for the two latter reasons, not the former.


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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The woman in the boyfriend suing case is either stoned, or trying to stare down the camera guy.

Those big, googly eyes behind the giant glasses were alarming. This case? How does JM tolerate this utter bullshit nonsense?

Him: We never had a relationship. We never lived together. I've known her for 1 1/2 years. Maybe I stayed with her in some room on Ventnor.

Her: We've known each other since high school. We lived together for 6 years. I paid all the bills. Yeah, because he's so worth it.

Well, they've both been locked up, so I guess that was a basis for this non-relationship/ 1 or 6 or 10 year relationship. Plaintiff was so dull-witted yet belligerent it was hard to listen to him.

Depite being locked up and living here and there in rooms, P had a great credit rating which was ruined by his non-girlfriend taking out a credit card in his name and racking up 2600$ on it. This happened a couple years ago. No, it happened in 2010. No, he can't get the CC statements. He only has his credit rating report. The g/f's name isn't on it, but trust me, Judge, she did it all, along with her friend, Mindy. I say so.  He also tells JM, "Listen!" and "I'm not trying to voice over you," as he continues to talk over her.

All lies, Googly Eyes says. He tried to rape her friend Mindy (okay, not "rape", but have sex with her without her permission. That's not rape, is it?) as a "ruse." She didn't explain the aim of this particular ruse. Def uses lot of words she feels makes her sound educated, but her usage of them is just "off".  SHE wants him to pay for a countertop in her rented place which he burned by setting a hot pot on it last Thanksgiving, or maybe it happened seven years ago. Who knows? Yes, she has an estimate for the repair.  Well, no. She had an estimate for the damage but he stole it.

JM gives up trying to extact anything approaching the truth from these idiots. "Y'all deserve each other," she says and gets the hell out of there.

The only interesting part of the roofer case, in which plaintiff says D's roofing job was crappy and allowed water to leak down into her new kitchen 4 months after the job was done,  was Def Mike's ferret-faced wife. Her phone "had went down". I think Mike's phone likewise had went down. I forget. Anyway, it's not her fault, so clients should just get over being ignored. She couldn't get Mike to answer plantiff's complaints because he was "in a meeting". What kind of lengthy meeting could this be, when he can't even speak basic English properly? Maybe it's the same kind of meetings in which the scammers who email me engage - month-long meetings with the IMF, the CIA, the FBI and the Bank of Nigeria where they decide to award me my fund of 9.5 million dollars US (only)? Mike says repeatedly that his wife is "confused" and things were "misconstrued" and she doesn't understand what she was talking about. I have no idea who was lying, but I don't think I'd hire Mike. I wonder where P found him? JM refunds money - 1100$ -  to P that she had to spend hiring new roofers. P does not get her inflated lawyer fees. Why can't people just stop at being right, and not try to score a lottery win? It makes them look really sleazy and suspect.

34 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

"he was also Haitian and there aren't a lot of Haitians in the area." 

Actually, it was Asians he suspected of this "plant".

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Nope, remembered to take remote, so skipped both cases today 😕 when I stopped at 30 minute mark to see if first couple were still on, I almost went back to listened cuz  dude was telling MM to "JUST LISTEN" but no, I listened to him for a few seconds and that was enough........ second case - nope, something wrong when homeowner starts talking about being a regular customer with a roofer who has patched her roof several times in the last dozen years - listened to beginnjng then loaded up a Big Bang episode.......

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I think the plaintiff expressed that the second buyer was a plant because both the second buyer and the defendant were Asian, not Haitian (not that it really matters, because the plaintiff's attitude sucked regardless).

I've seen Judge Milian more than once take a litigant to task for using the term "j-- me down."  She made it 100% clear that that is an offensive epithet, as awful as any others that we hear.  And knowing that JM's husband is Jewish makes anyone's accusations of anti-semitism even more egregious.

I am not anti-semitic.  I am anti-ignorance and anti-judgmentalism.  So I don't like the plaintiff for the two latter reasons, not the former.


Oh thank you for the clarification.  That makes more sense, because listening to the defendant all I could think was "why does he think this guy is Haitian??"

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I'm sorry, but I'm still laughing every time I think of the arrogant lover-of-ancient-vehicles plantiff accusing JM of anti-Semitism. That must be some contentious marriage she has!😂

It could only have been better if he had the guts to accuse of that to her face, but of course, he didn't.

Oh, and btw, also amusing in the roofer case: P's new roofer said "cee-ment" so many times that when JM asked about something, she also said "cee-ment". Made me think of the Beverly Hillbillies and their "cee-ment pond".

Edited by AngelaHunter
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The roofer case is why you don't endlessly patch a roof, or replace little pieces of it.    I'm betting with all of the piecemeal patching the homeowner has been paying for, the house could have had a decent roof installed.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The roofer case is why you don't endlessly patch a roof, or replace little pieces of it.    I'm betting with all of the piecemeal patching the homeowner has been paying for, the house could have had a decent roof installed.  

Yes, of course, but our ligitants don't see things that way or ever think ahead, like with their "rent-to-own" furniture and TVs. They see it only costs 10$/month - Yippee! - without taking a minute to realize by the time it's paid off it will cost about 3 times what it would to buy it in a store. However, these people usually have no credit and have no intention of paying anyway, so it really makes no difference to them.

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13 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Yes, of course, but our ligitants don't see things that way or ever think ahead, like with their "rent-to-own" furniture and TVs. They see it only costs 10$/month - Yippee! - without taking a minute to realize by the time it's paid off it will cost about 3 times what it would to buy it in a store. However, these people usually have no credit and have no intention of paying anyway, so it really makes no difference to them.

Funny story about getting my first computer.  I was thinking about going back to college, and kept hearing that I'd need a home computer to do the job properly.  This was about 1990, and really weren't common in the home; I was the first person most people I knew who actually bought one.  Anyway, we went to the only place in town that sold computers on a payment plan, a furniture store.  Walked out with a behemoth that ran on DOS 5 and came with Windows 2.0, top of the line back then.  It came with drives for both 5.25 and 3 inch floppies.  I paid extra for this thing that would allow me to get on the mysterious 'internet', where all the information was out there for the taking.  Found out later the only way for someone in my area to get on this internet thing was to hook up our phone and dial a long distance number to the next county, and only a few things were available if you knew how to access them.  The cost was $1600, but the store assured us that they'd carry the contract and payments were only $16 a month.  What a steal!

Started college, and found that no one else in most of my classes had a computer.  We used the home computer for a few games, writing assignments I could print out on the printer, etc.  Found a catalogue of freeware and had fun with that.  Screwed up the computer more times than I could count and had to reinstall DOS and Windows.  

Finally we got in a position where we could look into buying a house.  We went to the bank and were told that our income was pretty low, but doable if we didn't have outstanding debts.  We learned from a credit freeware program about the credit reporting agencies and how to check on our credit rating and how to clear them.  First, you asked the three main agencies to give you an accounting of your debts that they knew about.  Private debts were only reported if the lender took pains to report the debt to them, and needed documentation to prove the debt.  

If a bill was old, you asked the agencies to update the information.  Sometimes you'd paid off the debt and the lender had failed to report it to the agencies.  Sometimes the company has gone out of business and didn't respond to the request.  Sometimes a company was sold to another company and your debt was written off by the original lender to make their own assests look better.  Sometimes the lender couldn't be found.  By law, once an agency couldn't verify the information within a certain amount of time, the debt was wiped from your account.  Probably not applicable today as most monetary transactions are entered on computer these days.  

When we were finally sure that everything from the past was paid off, we went to the bank.  We were assigned a credit counselor and she told us to gather up anything we made monthly payments on and bring them in.  We had a couple of medical bills, a vet bill, and the computer bill.  We found out we'd actually paid off the cost of the computer had been paid off long ago, but still had a couple of years to go to pay off the interest.  She said if we took out a bank loan to pay off our still outstanding debts, we could clear them off our credit record and then own only the bank, at a much better interest rate.  

We were like "Interest rate?  What is that?  We've heard of it but never really bothered to learn what it was."  Got a quick lesson on that, felt like fools for not paying attention to it before, and paid off those debts with the bank loan.  

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Ah, the early days of 'puters. I remember my joy in getting a cassette drive to save C64 programs from the Gazzette - users groups - local bulletin boards - forget big time AOL, that was long distance  - just how buggy Windows and MS DOS were. Even after finally boxing up my commodores (V20 & C64) my first IBM compatitble was a Commodore (COLT?). Most people don't realize MS was not the only operating system - nor was it considered the best. A lot of the big advancement in DOS came when MS bought out the better operating system and stuck them under MS DOS - for a long time you could peek in the code (say using Norton Disk Doctor) and see the original program (like Central Point) - I finally learned Windows 3.2, but kept with DOS programs until Windows95........... ahhhh, the good old days - I still have boxes of old free/shareware 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 floppies  and an old desktop that could read them - if they're readable after 25-30 years

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