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Hopes and Fears: How Will We Survive This Island? (Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers)


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But you know who is qualified? Walter Steele. He doesn't have to be a regular, but at least, there would be the opportunity for CS to pop in from time to time.

That's why I'm bitter about the fact that Arrow just threw his character in the dumpster. They just forgot about him and his importance. He has a wealth of resources, and he has a wonderful and almost paternal relationship with Thea... I would've liked to see the show use him more. Just because Moira is dead doesn't mean Walter and his connections to the characters/QC should be dead as well. 

  • Love 2

That's why I'm bitter about the fact that Arrow just threw his character in the dumpster. They just forgot about him and his importance. He has a wealth of resources, and he has a wonderful and almost paternal relationship with Thea... I would've liked to see the show use him more. Just because Moira is dead doesn't mean Walter and his connections to the characters/QC should be dead as well. 


Responding in the Spoilers thread

  • Love 1

You guys don't think they're thinking of spinning of Ray into his own show and sending Felicity with him? That way it clears to way for Oliver/laurel. I mean, could they have written a more perfect "mate" for her? Equally genius, handsome, rich, and seemingly without emotional baggage, as far as we know. I really hope they don't kill Felicity off. She is probably my favorite female TV character. Felcity is smart and she made the hard decision to walk away so if they really play up the Ray relationship with her then Ray has a lot of pros in his column, from what we know so far. I am torn. I love Oliver with Felicity but her banter with Ray is a lot of fun to watch. However, I've never liked Laurel or the actress that plays her and I really hope she doesn't become a big part of the show. I'm fact, I hate the whole 'team' Arrow show. The original trio of Oliver, Felcity, and Dig is the most enjoyable to watch, imo.

Edited by CarBe
  • Love 2

You guys don't think they're thinking of spinning of Ray into his own show and sending Felicity with him? That way it clears to way for Oliver/laurel. I mean, could they have written a more perfect "mate" for her? Equally genius, handsome, rich, and seemingly without emotional baggage, as far as we know. I really hope they don't kill Felicity off. She is probably my favorite female TV character. Felcity is smart and she made the hard decision to walk away so if they really play up the Ray relationship with her then Ray has a lot of pros in his column, from what we know so far. I am torn. I love Oliver with Felicity but her banter with Ray is a lot of fun to watch. However, I've never liked Laurel or the actress that plays her and I really hope she doesn't become a big part of the show. I'm fact, I hate the whole 'team' Arrow show. The original trio of Oliver, Felcity, and Dig is the most enjoyable to watch, imo.



I don't think Ray is the kind of character that could carry his own show, IMO. He could easily go over to The Flash, given his comic destiny, but I don't see them spinning yet another superhero show from Arrow. 


Also the bolded is part of the problem with Ray, stalker tendencies aside. He is too perfect. He is obviously written to be the perfect guy on paper but I think (hope) the whole point of his introduction to the show in the first place is to show he's not perfect for Felicity. Not in the long run. Because her heart is with Oliver.


All the romance aside, I really hope we get some focus back on the original trio. I miss them. 

I hope the balance between this horrid (unwanted) triangle rights itself soon. Right now, aside from the large (IMO) negatives concerning Ray, he's the kind of guy Felicity "should" go for. As @CarBe mentioned he's smart, good looking (though I love me some OQ) he's got his personal life together and apparently allows his emotional side freedom. But because they didn't allow Oliver and Felicity more than 20 minutes of screen time happy before things turned sour, we're mostly seeing how perfect Ray is for now and no one is backing the Oliver Queen side of things because apparently telling someone you love them means acting annoyed with them when the time comes (just personal venting I understand the story necessities). That's why I really hope things between Olicity come to a balance and understanding because I do believe we're still meant to love them together as much as the choice is there.

I won't lie I am actually very surprised they're

thinking about a Ray spin off.

Edited by Limbo
  • Love 2

In drama and TV, opposites create interest. Think Castle and Beckett, two mostly complete opposites.  Ichabod and Abbie,  Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy.   Like Barry, I think Ray is too close to a perfect match for Felicity to be able to generate interesting storylines.


 no one is backing the Oliver Queen side of things because apparently telling someone you love them means acting annoyed with them when the time comes (just personal venting I understand the story necessities). 

This show should either give up on trying to write relationships (although Diggle/Lyla is great) or assign them to one person who is good at it.


That's why I want Oliver and Felicity to be together at the end of s3, and then Leave. Them. Alone. and concentrate on the action and villains.

  • Love 10
All the romance aside, I really hope we get some focus back on the original trio. I miss them. 


This.  Laurel taking over the show and the ugly possibility of them trying another re-run at Laurel/Oliver are my two big turn-offs of "NOPE" but there is also the huge turn-off of the lack of original Team Arrow.  I worry that I'm going to be FFing the Arrowcave scenes because of Laurel and then what's the point of watching the show?


That's why I want Oliver and Felicity to be together at the end of s3, and then Leave. Them. Alone. and concentrate on the action and villains.


Yes, please, this.  I mean I love their romance but once they're together I want a return to action - with Felicity and Oliver in a normal, healthy relationship.


I also worry that Felicity's absence will result in Laurel ensconcing herself in the Arrowcave, and that lack of Felicity will make the next episode virtually unwatchable for me (unless they fill it in with Diggle/Lyla/Digglette snark/snuggles which is unlikely).

Edited by pootlus
  • Love 6

You guys don't think they're thinking of spinning of Ray into his own show and sending Felicity with him?


They might try for a Ray spin off (they would need to tweak the character but that's another subject) but I honestly have no fears of Felicity going with him.  Felicity belongs to Arrow.  They might ruin the Olicity relationship, but they are not going to give away the character.  I see TPTB as very much wanting their cake and eating it too.  If that means Laurel as BC and Olicity as the end couple or pushing Olicity away and just going for the "because (some) comics" ending, I still don't see them giving up a popular character and the eyeballs that tune in to watch her. 

I'm taking hope wherever I can find it - so if you watched The Flash last night and saw the ending scene between Felicity and Barry, they acknowledged that they should be perfect for each other but still were in love with other people, and Barry said something like "opposites attract".  


If that is what the EPs of both shows (Arrow, Flash) really believe, then there's no way that Felicity and Ray will end up together because they're too similar.  (Same goes for Oliver and Laurel.)  If opposites attract, then there's hope for Oliver and Felicity.

  • Love 11

Well said, @tv echo.  It seems like they are going out of their way to show that just because two characters have the same interests, it doesn't necessarily mean they're perfect for each other.  From a storytelling perspective, it's boring to have two characters who are exactly alike, which is why I think they're highlighting the attractiveness of couples who are different.  Felicity will probably think Ray is perfect...until she realizes she misses how Oliver forces her out of her comfort zone.


I also think you're correct about Oliver and Laurel.  Laurel is moving towards being just like Oliver both emotionally and physically.  If she becomes as hardened as he is then how is she going to provide the hope to pull him out of his emotional trauma the next time all hell breaks loose?  I know that everybody is getting nervous because they're afraid that the showrunners are going to swing back that route, but I just have a hard time believing it based on the themes being thrown at us (on two shows now!) and sound bites from interviews.

  • Love 2

With Felicity-themed episode approaching, let me hust put it out there that I'd love for the show to once do an episode in which the bad guy needs Felicity Smoak to do soemthing, because she's the only person capable of doing that thing (hack into a highly secure system, get very important data...) and they threaten to harm... Oliver Queen in order to force her to do so.


Just, you know, the good ol' role reversal.

  • Love 14
I have to say, what worries me more is Felicity future/life. while a 50th episode is not a 100th episode, it is still pretty major thing for a show, few get there and if they do it's almost a guarantee for a fourth season to reach the needed syndication number...

I mean out of all the episodes they could have chosen, they couldn't have had her go to cc in episode 3? or 5 and make her episode be episode 6?

this bit worries me.



I'm not at all concerned about what this particular episode means for Felicity going forward, because while this was episode 50:


1. Very few shows make a huge deal out of episode 50 - saying something casually, sure, but that's about it. It's episode 100 that shows make into a huge publicity deal.  50 episodes is good, granted, but it's not syndication yet.


2. While breaking it, the writers also knew chances were excellent it would be airing against the World Series. Ratings dropped massively last season for the episode that aired against the World Series and then popped up again, and in the first season, ratings dropped for the 4th episode, and then jumped up again.  In this case, the episode did air against the World Series; ratings dropped slightly from Corto Maltese but were up from Sara, which was great news for the show, but certainly wasn't the predictable pattern.  So making sure that Felicity wasn't necessarily associated with this can be seen as a plus for the character. Meanwhile, that also let them focus on two popular, characters, one who loves his screenchewing: Nyssa and Malcolm, and give Nyssa plenty to do, hoping that just because those characters haven't been around too much, that might get viewers to tune in. That worked!  (Or Arrow viewers don't care about the Giants. Take your pick.)


3.. It's not sweeps month. The Felicity episode will be airing in sweeps month (November.)


4. If you include her screentime on the Flash, Felicity has had far more screentime than Laurel has. Even if you don't include her screentime on the Flash, Felicity is still about equal for Laurel in screentime. That should be changing in the next episode, pulling Felicity ahead again.


And even in an episode that she was barely in, the show still managed to note that Oliver and Felicity still chat about Arrow business, Felicity does think that Oliver can be an idiot, and gave a moment of Oliver turning to look at Felicity. Whether you take that look as "Oh, crap, I have to tell her about Malcolm," or "yay, she's back," it was left in the episode.  Which means that the show has still managed to have an Olicity moment in every episode including --


5. An episode of a show focused on another character that Oliver wasn't even in. 


6. Felicity is being used to promote the show.   Felicity and Felicity/Oliver also generate a lot of free publicity for the show, and the CW is aware of this.


All of this suggests that we'll be seeing more of Felicity going forward, not less. Having said that, I don't actually expect any major movement forward between Oliver/Felicity until February sweeps (I'm cynical that way) and I don't expect them to be a couple until the May sweeps. I'm also braced for something in the finale that will separate them physically and/or emotionally until the season four premiere because television.


But I'm seeing absolutely no signs that the show intends to move away from Felicity, much less Felicity/Oliver. Quite the opposite. 

  • Love 12

But I'm seeing absolutely no signs that the show intends to move away from Felicity, much less Felicity/Oliver. Quite the opposite. 


This is a really good point.  As unhappy as I am with certain things about this show they are showing all indication that at least for foreseeable future they are going with F/O as the relationship on Arrow.


I was talking to friends of mine about last Flash episode. They pointed out that while Felicity crossing over was probably in part to help the Flash if they had a slow start it was also to try to bring Flash viewers over to Arrow. The Flash comic book character is much more popular than Oliver Queen with a lot more name recognition.  It would make sense that the EPs would want to get people who originally gave Arrow a chance and decided that they didn't like it in season one and people who passed on Arrow because they weren't familiar with the character to give the show a try. And it says a lot that the way they thought they could cross pollenate their shows was with Felicity and less specifically with Oliver and Felicity.


That entire episode of the Flash was setting up Arrow as just like this show but "with more pointy objects."  The things they had Felicity talk about in regards to Arrow were enforcing similarities between the two shows. The teams, the relationships, the work they do, everything she said was to try to capture viewers to Arrow and to help Arrow viewers that tuned in for her to stay with the Flash in the same way. The episode made Felicity the one to relate to. Come for the quirky IT girl, stay for the brooding hero/abs.


The friend I talked to only watches the Flash (young children in the household and she thought that Arrow was to dark for family TV time). In her mind their is not a Laurel/Oliver relationship. Felicity is the one for Oliver just like Iris is the one for Barry. That's what they set up in that episode. The train conversation is all about Barry and Felicity being in the same place.  By doing that the writers set up certain expectation. New viewers are not coming over to see Felicity lose out on the guy. They are coming over to see when Oliver and Felicity work things out and get together.


Basically the writers just announced to the TV audience that this is the couple you can cheer for to get together. Felicity and Oliver were both used to open the door to new viewers and welcome them into the Arrow world. That says a lot about the level of commitment that TPTB are putting into that relationship, at least to me.



(I debated about putting my response in the relationships thread but since it is still a hope that this is the right way to view this I decided here was best. If I was wrong please feel free to move it.)

(My friends tuned into Arrow this week after falling in love with Felicity and then decided they had been right and Arrow was to dark for them. And they were mad that there was no Felicity in the episode when they watched just to see her so it might have been a bit of backfire in getting new viewers to have that type of episode follow her appearance of the Flash)

  • Love 14


(I debated about putting my response in the relationships thread but since it is still a hope that this is the right way to view this I decided here was best. If I was wrong please feel free to move it.)

(My friends tuned into Arrow this week after falling in love with Felicity and then decided they had been right and Arrow was to dark for them. And they were mad that there was no Felicity in the episode when they watched just to see her so it might have been a bit of backfire in getting new viewers to have that type of episode follow her appearance of the Flash)

That's exactly what I thought might have happened, given that the 4th episode of Arrow usually drops but rather held steady in the ratings. I do think Felicity's appearance on The Flash had at least a little impact on why the ratings held the next night due to the reason you mentioned (i.e. people who only watch The Flash checking out Arrow), so in reality, having her pop in for only 30 seconds probably wasn't the best course of action.

The shows are quite different, even if they exist in the same universe. What Felicity's scenes do is prevent Arrow from being so. damn. dreary. all. the. time. This latest episode was no exception, only her complete absence made it seem even worse than usual. Sure there's an audience for dark, brooding superheroes (Batman is certainly proof of that), but generally people are more attracted to comic-based entertainment that's lighter and more hopeful--like The Flash has been so far. That's probably why your friends and others who are Flash viewers who did tune in to check out Arrow likely won't decide to stay. It's a bit of a shame really.

  • Love 4

Moved from Spoilers thread....

If Laurel is a lock for the duration of the series then Lance will die at the end of S3, this will fre Laurel from any constraints about being a full time vigilante because she won't have to worry about Lance's health.

If the intention is to honor her contract and write her off then Lance lives and Ted dies thus prompting Laurel to leave town searching out other people to train her.

Probably door #1 but (for me) door #2 is the better option.

Interesting. I was actually thinking the other way around, that if they were going to write Laurel off, then killing Quentin would be the best way in the world to do that. She would have no ties left in Starling City other than Oliver, and thus no reason left to stay. On the other hand, as long as he lives and isn't in great health, she's probably not going anywhere.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 1

That's exactly what I thought might have happened, given that the 4th episode of Arrow usually drops but rather held steady in the ratings. I do think Felicity's appearance on The Flash had at least a little impact on why the ratings held the next night due to the reason you mentioned (i.e. people who only watch The Flash checking out Arrow), so in reality, having her pop in for only 30 seconds probably wasn't the best course of action.dark, 

Regarding why the ratings held steady for Arrow this week, here's another possibility - I wasn't looking forward to episode 4 but when I saw Matt Nable's name in the opening credits, I kept watching the episode waiting for his debut.  Since he appeared at the very end of the episode, I ended up watching the entire episode.

Regarding why the ratings held steady for Arrow this week, here's another possibility - I wasn't looking forward to episode 4 but when I saw Matt Nable's name in the opening credits, I kept watching the episode waiting for his debut.  Since he appeared at the very end of the episode, I ended up watching the entire episode.

Oh I definitely think it's a combination of factors...carryover of Flash viewers from the night before, the Ra's reveal, everyone hyping up the 50th episode. My post was just focusing on the portion who might have tuned in because they liked what they saw with Felicity the night before and then ended up with one line at the end of the episode.

  • Love 3

If they are committing to F/O (and I think they are), I do hope the show won't go down the same old path of together, apart, together, etc. I just finished Friday Night Lights. Totally different show, but is it weird to hope F/O become the Tami and Coach Taylor of the superhero world?

  • Love 4

If they are committing to F/O (and I think they are), I do hope the show won't go down the same old path of together, apart, together, etc. I just finished Friday Night Lights. Totally different show, but is it weird to hope F/O become the Tami and Coach Taylor of the superhero world?


This is exactly my wish for O/F. I think they could definitely be a couple other superheros and their better halves can look up to. 

  • Love 2

If they are committing to F/O (and I think they are), I do hope the show won't go down the same old path of together, apart, together, etc. I just finished Friday Night Lights. Totally different show, but is it weird to hope F/O become the Tami and Coach Taylor of the superhero world?


This x 1000


I can't help imagining Oliver's reacting like coach to Felicity/Barry Kiss on the flash. Maybe at crossover time

Also imagine that Olicity are together by now.


Barry to Oliver: "I want you to know, you don't have to worry about me and Felicity, at all, that kiss meant nothing, sure at first I was thinking Wow, my mouth is on Felicity Smoak's mouth, but we both knew it wasn't our future"


Oliver since this is the first he has heard about this is, processes through is emotions  and later confronts Felicity...


Felicity: "Oliver we weren't together at the time, it was a good-bye to a 'what if' it doesn't affect us"


Oliver: "Of course it affects us! I have, by proxy, kissed Barry Allen!!"


Sorry can't remember or find the exact dialogue but something along though lines. I just know that was one of my most favourite Coach-Tammy moments. 

Edited by Genki

(My friends tuned into Arrow this week after falling in love with Felicity and then decided they had been right and Arrow was to dark for them. And they were mad that there was no Felicity in the episode when they watched just to see her so it might have been a bit of backfire in getting new viewers to have that type of episode follow her appearance of the Flash)

I wonder if the schedule got changed around after they planned the writing for the episodes.  Barry's talk with Oliver would have made more sense if the Flash 1x01 had been shown before Arrow 3x01. 

That doesn't work for Felicity only showing up in Arrow for 3 seconds, and your friends are right, it was like a bait and switch.  (Something Arrow is well known for.)


If they are committing to F/O (and I think they are), I do hope the show won't go down the same old path of together, apart, together, etc. I just finished Friday Night Lights. Totally different show, but is it weird to hope F/O become the Tami and Coach Taylor of the superhero world?

That would be so awesome because they were great.  They had real life problems and fights but you always knew they loved each other.


Which means, of course, that the Arrow EPs won't do it.

  • Love 2

Here's another hope / fear regarding the Felicity origin story:


What if in the final minutes of the episode, we'll find out who is Felicity's father (via a glimpse at a photo MamaSmoak keeps in her wallet) and it will be someone we know?


- Detective Lance

- Ra's Al Gul

- Dr. Harrison Wells (from Flash)

I would really like for 3.05 to be the stepping stone to finding out MORE about Felicity Smoak.


I had always assumed that this episode would give the first hint about who her Father was which would dive more into her backstory.


Or her mother could be the one with a secret that will just be teased in the episode.


Now I'm not sure what the Eps are planning…and doubt if they have really given much thought beyond this 1 episode

Here's another hope / fear regarding the Felicity origin story:


What if in the final minutes of the episode, we'll find out who is Felicity's father (via a glimpse at a photo MamaSmoak keeps in her wallet) and it will be someone we know?


- Detective Lance

- Ra's Al Gul

- Dr. Harrison Wells (from Flash)


Although we don't know who Felicity's father is, it's never been suggested that Felicity doesn't know who he is - she was old enough to remember feeling hurt and abandoned when he left, so there's no reason to suppose that she doesn't know his name (which would just be odd, especially for a mystery solver like Felicity) and what he looks like (even without clear memories of her own, she most likely would have photos of him).  So clearly he isn't Harrison Wells or their interaction would have been completely different.  Ditto for Det. Lance, with the added point that even if she didn't know who her father was, it couldn't be him, because Felicity is younger than Laurel and Sara, and he couldn't have been in two places at once (there is no suggestion in the story that he abandoned his young family for a few years to start another one, which he then abandoned and returned to his first one).  Plus, if she was his daughter, he'd certainly have known who she was and so would never have said "Who the hell is Felicity Smoak?" the first time her name came up.


Ra's also seems unlikely, simply because why would he shack up for a few years with a cocktail waitress in Vegas?  If Felicity were the product of a one night stand, all these scenarios would be much more plausible (especially if her mother hadn't told her who her father was), but since her father clearly lived with her and her mother for several years at least, that really narrows the choices of who he could be.  I'd rather it not be anybody we already know, and in particular, not be anybody even remotely connected to Oliver or the Arrow.  Felicity's story should be her own, not an extension of Oliver's.

  • Love 4

Here's another hope / fear regarding the Felicity origin story:

What if in the final minutes of the episode, we'll find out who is Felicity's father (via a glimpse at a photo MamaSmoak keeps in her wallet) and it will be someone we know?


- Detective Lance

- Ra's Al Gul

- Dr. Harrison Wells (from Flash)

I have been wondering if we will get an answer to her father but here are my thoughts on those choices:

-although I love lance, just no. That would be gross.

-can't see it being ras

-wells would fit actually (genius, explains why he's following her career) but I got such a creepy vibe from him that would be disturbing

Although if her dad lived with them when they were small that wouldn't work. What has she actually said about her father? All I remember is that he wasn't around.. I almost forgot we didn't know her father because it hasn't been brought up in so long. Ivo still makes sense to me and I would still hate it. Maybe it could be someone out of the blue? That would give the most story potential because then they could do anything with it.

Edited by Shanna

Although if her dad lived with them when they were small that wouldn't work. What has she actually said about her father? All I remember is that he wasn't around.. I almost forgot we didn't know her father because it hasn't been brought up in so long. Ivo still makes sense to me and I would still hate it. Maybe it could be someone out of the blue? That would give the most story potential because then they could do anything with it.


She said, "I don't really know what my father is, because he abandoned us.  I barely remember him, but I do remember how much it hurt when he left.  Just the thought of losing someone that important to me again..." (Ep. 213)  So, I would guess he left when she was about 3 or 4 - young enough for the memories of him to be really hazy, but old enough to remember what it felt like to be abandoned.


At Comic Con (I think), they were asked if Ivo was Felicity's father and the EPs said very definitively that he wasn't.

I never ever want Felicity's father to be a character that ends up being more ~important than her in the grand scheme of things. Rando DC Comics 3rd or 4th tier villain? Sure, I'll take that. But someone like Ra's, or someone from Oliver's past basically robs Felicity of being Felicity, and makes her into "daughter", and just. NO.

Perhaps I'm in a minority, but I really don't care who Felicity's father is (assuming they're not going to do something completely batshit insane like make it Robert Queen or something wholly implausible like make it Ra's).

Heck I'm only invested in Felicity's mom because they seem to have cast an ideal actress.

I can't help but feel they'd end up making Felicity's dad more about him than about her by giving him this big pivotal role (one that will probably dole out a hearty dose of manpain to Oliver on the way) and, given that of the three new male roles this year they seem to have hopelessly miscast two (Laurel's arboreal boxer dude, Aussie Ra's), I have no faith that they would actually get a guy with any charisma.

  • Love 3

My hopes are that Felicity's dad is just a standard issue bloke. My fear is that the writers will not be able to help themselves and make him a hero/villain/whatever. Can't her extraordinaryness be rooted in the fact that she is ordinary thus making all her strengths that much better?

  • Love 4

To be honest, I'm sitting here imagining Aussie!Ra's going through ~a phase back in 1990 and going, "screw you, LoA, I'm going to Vegas!" and then shacking up with a waitress for 3 or 4 years before ditching them to go back to being a master assassin. I would actually like that sitcom, I think. :)


If I were to pick a villain to be Felicity's father, I think I wanted someone like Cluemaster [stephanie Brown's father], who is TERRIBLE at being a villain to the point of being pathetic, so that in the end Felicity WAS better off without him in the first place.

She said, "I don't really know what my father is, because he abandoned us. I barely remember him, but I do remember how much it hurt when he left. Just the thought of losing someone that important to me again..." (Ep. 213) So, I would guess he left when she was about 3 or 4 - young enough for the memories of him to be really hazy, but old enough to remember what it felt like to be abandoned.

At Comic Con (I think), they were asked if Ivo was Felicity's father and the EPs said very definitively that he wasn't.

Thanks! I couldn't remember the details.

My hopes are that Felicity's dad is just a standard issue bloke. My fear is that the writers will not be able to help themselves and make him a hero/villain/whatever. Can't her extraordinaryness be rooted in the fact that she is ordinary thus making all her strengths that much better?

What might work is if he were some kind of victim of a dc villain or worked with them tangentially, or maybe worked with a grey sort of org like argus. There was an idea someone floated a while ago (maybe on twop) that was sort of like this. Maybe in the wells vein, not that I know what's up with wells yet. Edited by Shanna

My hopes are that Felicity's dad is just a standard issue bloke. My fear is that the writers will not be able to help themselves and make him a hero/villain/whatever.

Yes I'm totally for her daddy being a dead beat dad. It happens unfortunately, and his departure granted Felicity abandonment issues. If she wanted to know him, she would've found him. I don't need him to be anyone special because he half gave us Felicity, and she makes up for him.

  • Love 1

My hopes are that Felicity's dad is just a standard issue bloke. My fear is that the writers will not be able to help themselves and make him a hero/villain/whatever. Can't her extraordinaryness be rooted in the fact that she is ordinary thus making all her strengths that much better?


THIS. I really don't want Felicity's father to be a villain or a hero or anything. I just want him to be an everyday deadbeat guy who abandoned his family. Why does everything have to have some epic comic origin? Part of the reason why I love Felicity is that she's a normal woman who fell into this life and has excelled at it through strength of character. Yes, she has a brilliant mind and computer skills but I liked that for the most part she's rooted in normality. I don't want them to lose sight of what makes her special and that's the unexpectedness of her character. Felicity was never meant to be longterm on this show and I fear making her father a villain or hero would tarnish that with the suggestion that her future with Team Arrow was always supposed to happen in some way.

Perhaps I'm in a minority, but I really don't care who Felicity's father is (assuming they're not going to do something completely batshit insane like make it Robert Queen or something wholly implausible like make it Ra's).


Now that Oliver and Felicity have actually kissed in a romantic sense, good lord that would be some type of 9th level of VC Andrews hell, haha.

I believe I'm in the minority here in that I do want Felicity's dad to turn out to be bad. More story and dramatic potential that way than if he were just a regular schmo. But not a really recognizable DC villain. Heck, they could even just use a name as an Easter egg and create a whole new character.  One scenario in my head right now that would give Felicity her own storyline but still be connected to the A plot: Starling City is in chaos (again) after the LoA/Arrow battle at the end of the season, a criminal mastermind sees the city as ripe for the taking. Starts taking over. He's methodical, vicious. Team Arrow is overwhelmed. At the same time, QC is getting attacked by a hacker, just small stuff that escalate and Felicity does everything to protect the company. Big reveal: It's dad and he's the one attacking QC as well. It was a test for Felicity, wanted to see how good she is. He wants her to join him or else, holding Starling City hostage basically. It would give Felicity her own arc and it would have nothing to do about being a love interest. She could have her very own arch nemesis of sorts. It could be emotional, meaty ... dare I say it? Epic! LOL! OK, I think I may have had too much coffee.

  • Love 7

If Felicity's dad is a regular guy, then that's a one-episode story or brief scene. If he's a DC Comics character or a Big Bad (or Big Good), then that's a multi-episode story arc.

True. I think it would be nice if he or mama smoak are recurring (or both!)

I guess we will see what they do with her mom, but I am expecting one if her parents to be almost genius smart like felicity, and if it's not her cocktail waitress mother which I am guessing it's her dad. So I guess I want him to be doing something weighty somewhere, good or bad.

Depending on what her mom is like, I think it should affect her dad. If her mom is smart, especially mechanically adept, then her dad can be anything. But if she's not, then dad has to provide those genes.


it also makes a difference if he abandoned the family, like a deadbeat dad, or if he had to go deep undercover for something (either villain or good guy).


But right now, I just want Mama Smoak to make some disparaging comments about Oliver Queen in front of The Arrow, like how he boxed up her baby as a secretary and kept her from doing all she could do, and have Felicity cringe in embarassment.

If Felicity continues to be popular (and her character isn't destroyed this season), and if the EPs are determined to make Oliver/GA and Laurel/BC the endgame - because, y' know, comics, then I can see TPTB spinning the Felicity character off into another show in the same DC universe.  Maybe she could work for a new and revamped ARGUS (without Waller) as part of an ensemble of agents - kinda like the DC version of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.


If this season continues to go downhill, there may come a point where I'll be actively hoping that someone at Warner Bros./DC is developing such a spin-off show for her.  Yes, I'm that pessimistic right now.

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Since all the EBR Interviews came out I've seen a lot of positivity for Arrow, when there has been A LOT of negativity/bitterness, the EPs would be crazy to give that up.


I feel hopeful that tonight's episode will be great and that they will bring more Felicity backstory goodness, including more Mama Smoak.

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I remember reading some speculation somewhere in this forum about Felicity's father being Dr. Harrison Wells (from The Flash).  Given what we've learned from this week's Arrow episode, that could actually work.  We now know her father was super smart and abandoned his family when Felicity was 6.  Wells is very intelligent and has some foreknowledge of future events.  What if that foreknowledge was the reason he left his family? Maybe he needed to be in a position to help shape Barry in order to prevent a future catastrophe.  We also know from the episode where Felicity crossed over to The Flash that Wells has been keeping track of Felicity. His being Felicity's father would set up future cross-over episodes between the two shows.  


On the other hand, I really think that the EPs haven't yet decided who her father is going to be.  But he could very well be someone new who will figure prominently in a future season story arc.


I do like the idea brought up in the other thread about Donna (Mama Smoak) and Quentin Lance meeting and having sparks fly.  Who knows?  A future love triangle among the parents?

Edited by tv echo

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