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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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In the next couple of weeks, I have read spoilers about how Laura becomes a pawn in Julian's game/Julian uses Laura to his advantage, Laura does not come through for Tracy, and then finally, in early March, Kevin searches for the truth.

I assume Laura is getting pulled into this now because she is on the hospital board - maybe Julian somehow convinces Laura to sway the board to take Olivia J's offer and not the Q's - but what truth is Kevin searching for? Sadly I don't see them giving him a story independent of Laura so it has to do with her/the hospital board/selling GH vs keeping it open. Will Julian hurt Laura or go after her somehow?

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6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Someone on twitter at the GH event today (see the press thread) said that the Nelle secret is out in a week and a half.

As in we'll find out why the fuck she's doing her bland blackmail thing or just that it will be revealed to Carly that she 'slept with' Sonny?

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...what "murder mystery"?  I mean, I guess Olivia J. being responsible for Morgan's death was a mystery to the "pregnant P.I." (siiigh), but I wouldn't really call this story a "murder mystery".  "More mob shit", maybe.

ETA...and Sam solving the case seemingly by Olivia J. kidnapping her...is not really solving the case.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Did TIIC bring Olivia J back from the fuckin dead just to give Julian an excuse for attempting to murder his wife and to take the fall for Ava switching Morgan's pills?

Edited by Oracle42
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12 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Did TIIC bring Olivia J back from the fuckin dead just to give Julian an excuse fur attempting to murder his wife and to take the fall for Ava switching Morgan's pills?

Yes. Oh, and I guess her trying to get the hospital set up the whole nurses strike in motion. It was mainly for Julian.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Here's a question - it certainly looks like the end is nigh for Olivia J.  So she really had no plan to go after her arch enemy Anna directly?  Are Finola Hughes and Tonja Walker even going to share a real scene?

I've heard that FH hated TW when she was first on. Maybe that has something to do with them not sharing a scene. But maybe they will yet. Anna couldn't have a scene with Olivia J yet, otherwise the whole scheme would have been blown out of the water.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Here's a question - it certainly looks like the end is nigh for Olivia J.  So she really had no plan to go after her arch enemy Anna directly?  Are Finola Hughes and Tonja Walker even going to share a real scene?

I think this is set-up for another return down the line.  I believe OJ escapes for now, but I'm almost positive we'll see her again in 3-6 months. 

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16 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I've heard that FH hated TW when she was first on. Maybe that has something to do with them not sharing a scene.

Well if that's true, the writers putting in a scene where Anna bumbles around blind while Olivia J. smirks is...an interesting choice.

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It just seems weird that with all this set-up, all these flashbacks to their rivalry, that they wouldn't interact once.  But I could see OnceSane being right and Olivia J. escaping to target Anna another day.  Her narrative purpose right now was to "exonerate" Julian.

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In fairness, IIRC TW can be a little, uh, eccentric. She used to give interviews specifically, repeatedly asking for Cat Hickland's character on OLTL (a scheming blonde of a certain age, like her character of Alex Olanov) to be killed off so Alex could return.

Edited by jsbt
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I know the answer is TV, but I'm curious what rationale will be offered as to why Nora is taking this out-of-state case.  Surely she would have researched Valentin's shady history?

I'm also reminded that I'm a little sad Valentin didn't somehow blackmail Alexis into being his lawyer.  They haven't shared a scene in forever and I really liked their dynamic.

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Yeah, I can't see Nora taking Valentin Cassadine's case if she becomes familiar with the details re: Nikolas, etc. (Still dead, right?) But if he's presented to her differently who knows.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hope she's directing that trademark Carly snarl at Sonny versus Nelle at this juncture.  It's actually nice to see Carly get angry and snarly for a change.  So sick of soccer mom Carls.

Right! That little bit in that promo is the most I've been interested in Carly/enjoyed LW's acting in a really long time.

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7 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Yeah, I can't see Nora taking Valentin Cassadine's case if she becomes familiar with the details re: Nikolas, etc. (Still dead, right?) But if he's presented to her differently who knows.

Yup, I assume Nora doesn't have all the facts.  Maybe he massaged the paper trail given his imprisonment and exoneration re: Nikolas' death happened overseas?

Did Nora ever serve as an attorney in a custody case before, I can't remember.

Edited by TeeVee329
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magazine spoilers, paraphrased (I did not type them up)

2-27 could things be going Julian's way. Tracy is let down by Laura. 
3-1 In need of help, Alexis turns to Jordan for help.
3-3 Ava is questioned by Jordan.
3-7 looks like Liv gets exactly what she wants.
3-8 Liv decides to kill Anna. 
3-9 Kiki shares a moment with ava
3-10 Liv uses ava to lure someone onto a trap.

3-1 Jason breaks a promise,
3-2 Franco and Jason butt heads. Liz gets devastating news. 
3-6 Franco makes a bizarre discovery. Griffin puts himself in harms way.
3-9 Jasam receive a bit of bad news
3-10 Jason puts his life on the line

2-28 Finn does what he has to do. Bobbie offers Nelle advice.
3-1 Nelle looks for escape route.
3-3 Nelle wants a future with Michael. 
3-8 Michael and Sonny at odds again. Doesn't believe Sonny. 
3-9 Nelle crosses Michael.

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

3-1 Nelle looks for escape route.
3-3 Nelle wants a future with Michael. 

Geez, Nelle, maybe if you'd put your plan into action sooner and worked faster, you wouldn't be having second thoughts or feelings for your revengee's son. Oy.

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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I didn't bother posting tvsource cause there was nothing new from the magazine spoilers. Their spoilers got way more vague than they used to be.

That's because nothing is happening and it's hard to write exciting spoilers for "same shit, different (month)day"

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All those spoilers suck, sound borng as hell, or both. But the worst are any that involve Nelle and her lame ass scheme or Franco/Liz.

Although the one about Michael being mad at Sonny I like only because CD has been so bad lately and he's usually pretty good when he's playing 'pissed at Sonny.'

Edited by peachmangosteen
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On 2/21/2017 at 0:21 PM, Oracle42 said:

Did TIIC bring Olivia J back from the fuckin dead just to give Julian an excuse fur attempting to murder his wife and to take the fall for Ava switching Morgan's pills?

It's so clear that TIIC had no idea what they were doing when they had Julian going all EEEEEEEE-Vil on Alexis.  Julexis fans were right to be pissed.

It's like the writers go out of their way to alienate every single fanbase. 

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