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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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from SZ:


This is from CD's script that was shown on his periscope. Morgan must be in the hospital.


"I'll call her as soon as we get an update- I'm hoping I can tell her you're going to make a full recovery. Mom is right outside. She wants to see you but she made me come in,first. (MICHAEL'S EMOTION RAMPS. ANGER AT WHOEVER DID THIS...)


uh-oh, is Brydog in a recast coma? Okay probably not but it would be funny.


Or it could be Sonny he's talking to. ew.


And Michael Fairman cracks me up with his dumbass questions that have absolutely no context or reasoning. He thinks Patrick is going to end up with Hayden? The characters have shared literally TWO scenes together filled with "Keep Sam away from me."



I'm thinking MF might know some spoilers. He did the same thing to DZ back in a January interview, he was all, "maybe Dante will get a girl from his past soon!" Subtle, Fairman. Subtle.

Edited by ulkis
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I miss the days when Michael called her Carly.  Man, that first time he did so, and Laura Wright made a face like Carly's (alleged) soul split in half?  So good. :(


A Sonny coma would fit with a) mob shenanigans and b) pushing Michael back towards the Corinthos fold.  "I can't lose another father, even though you killed my other one!"  Blech.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm thinking MF might know some spoilers. He did the same thing to DZ back in a January interview, he was all, "maybe Dante will get a girl from his past soon!" Subtle, Fairman. Subtle.

That's a possibility. It would be very in-line with this show to throw another woman and "mother figure" Patrick's way. So ridiculous.

I just remembered Bryan tweeted this the other day:


The big man @valentinifrank said I got my Emmy reel today, thanks frank. Very motivating to hear.


So it's probably Sonny who gets shanked or whatever, unless Morgan makes a touching speech before he goes into a coma


What will he say if it's Sonny who goes into a coma?  "dad  . . . I love you . . . even though you slept with my girlfriend and knocked her up . . . and then you were willing to let me rot in prison so you could spirit said baby out of the country. sob!"

  • Love 3

I just remembered Bryan tweeted this the other day:


The big man @valentinifrank said I got my Emmy reel today, thanks frank. Very motivating to hear.


So it's probably Sonny who gets shanked or whatever, unless Morgan makes a touching speech before he goes into a coma


Don't be so sure. With most people, this would be a precursor to a Frank's Final Farewell. They buy a house, then Frank calls them in to play Charades and deduce that they've been fired.

Edited by jsbt
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Already preparing for the butt hurt tweets from Bryan and the Mrs. when he inevitably looses the emmy.


You're assuming they will make it to the altar. I remain unconvinced. It's not that I don't believe they're in love, it's that I think the government might file some sort of injunction against their union for the future of public health and safety.


That's mean, I'm sorry. But so was Brydog vs. the Muslim Dog Eaters.

Edited by jsbt
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That's mean, I'm sorry. But so was Brydog vs. the Muslim Dog Eaters.


That was more than mean. That was fucked up and wrong, and possibly un American!


As much as I rag on them, if Mama June and Sugar Bear can become common and law husband and wife, probably no one is going to stop Bryan and Kelly, heh. 

As much as I rag on them, if Mama June and Sugar Bear can become common and law husband and wife, probably no one is going to stop Bryan and Kelly, heh. 


Except themselves! Possibly because one or both end up in lock-up or the People's Court for brawling with fans at an event or having a road rage episode at the White Castle drive-thru.


I'm just saying, I wouldn't be surprised. With these two literally any stupid shit can and will happen.

Edited by jsbt
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I still want Bry-dog's exit/Morgan recast story to be Cappy getting roped into a pyramid scheme and the product causing a coma or burned face or whatever to facilitate the recast.


If Ron was still here I feel relatively certain this would be a distinct possibility. And I would be fine with it.

Edited by jsbt
Looks like those rumors about Morgan being bipolar are true.


Sigh. BC is not up to this story.


Will Carly and Madeline shoulder to lean on when they discuss their children’s problems?




Olivia continues to fret about revealing the truth about her baby.


This story continues to give me a rage blackout. Though that's not much of a spoiler. Then again, neither are the others.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Will Carly and Madeline shoulder to lean on when they discuss their children’s problems?


Another brilliant round of Ron's Unlikely Pairings Of Common Interest, which started out interesting on another soap but became ludicrous long ago, culminating with a psychotic Heather Webber and Rafe sharing a sympathetic hug in 2013. You can set your watch to these scenes now and they're so forced.

Edited by jsbt
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Apparently Donna Mills and Laura Wright have been working on some web show together, so maybe they requested a scene? 


Actually, it kinda sounds like Carly might think Morgan has bi-polar but they find out no, actually, he's just a douche. At least, that's what I'm hoping. I feel like if he were really bi-polar that wouldn't be their first thought.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

So apparently

Olivia tells Julian the truth about that damn baby, which I wasn't expecting. I have to wonder if that's someone tweaking Ron's shit, because I think left to his own devices he would have forgotten all about it and brought it back up in 6-9 months, possibly with fuckin' Kevin Stapleton from OLTL as Faux!Ned. Anything that ends that fucking story fast works for me.

Edited by jsbt
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From the spoilers:


TJ shares important information with Sonny and Carly.


Because God forbid he confide in HIS MOTHER.  >:(


Meanwhile, Molly worries about her boyfriends new living arrangements.


It;s a sad state of affiars when a teenage girl has more sense than every single adult in town...

  • Love 3

You're assuming they will make it to the altar. I remain unconvinced. It's not that I don't believe they're in love, it's that I think the government might file some sort of injunction against their union for the future of public health and safety.


That's mean, I'm sorry. But so was Brydog vs. the Muslim Dog Eaters.


That wasn't mean at all, not one bit.  Mean would be urging those two to go for it, telling them they'd make cute babies, asking them hard questions like "where did you meet" and "what does your significant other do for a living"?  

Mean would be telling them the zipper actually goes IN FRONT, that there is a wrong way to put on a thong, that going commando isn't what a REAL AMERICAN does.  

So you aren't mean.


Me, I'M mean.

  • Love 5

Sigh. BC is not up to this story.


I'm kind of morbidly curious to see his bipolar jazz hands. 


Apparently Donna Mills and Laura Wright have been working on some web show together, so maybe they requested a scene? 


Actually, it kinda sounds like Carly might think Morgan has bi-polar but they find out no, actually, he's just a douche. At least, that's what I'm hoping. I feel like if he were really bi-polar that wouldn't be their first thought.


Well, hell, now I really miss Silas.  I would love a scene where he tells Carly and Sonny "no, your son's not bipolar.  You've just raised a frat-bro douchebag."  

  • Love 13

The problem with Hayden as Emily is that would be yet *another* character who has come back who isn't much like the original. And even if you explain it as brainwashing/Helena, again, to explain the personality change, that again would be yet *another* character that she's done this to. Plus....didn't FV say (though I suspect he speaks out of both sides of his mouth) that there would be NO more returns from the dead for a while?

I have to vote no on Hayden being Emily. I still say Susan, mainly because of the resemblance between  RBu and RPW, but also because of the "connection" to a core family. As to why she'd have a fake identity, if she were Brad's wife, she might be hiding from his family.


ETA that of course, her "surprising connection" could simply be that she's Brad's wife, and no more, and she really is just some stranger named Hayden Barnes. And that's boring as the day is long, so yeah. That's probably the way they'll go. Though I can't see how, if they are investing in Hayden/RBu, that they would think making her the wife of a barely seen, not all that well liked, recurring character is a good idea.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I don't care who Hayden is connected to; she shouldn't have been brought back. The Jakeson reveal doesn't need her, and Brad's problems are boring and too rarely seen for me to care about any connection she has there. I wasn't around for anything related to Susan, but again, the show doesn't need more actors. It can't deal with the ones it already has.

  • Love 2

The problem with Hayden as Emily is that would be yet *another* character who has come back who isn't much like the original. And even if you explain it as brainwashing/Helena, again, to explain the personality change, that again would be yet *another* character that she's done this to. Plus....didn't FV say (though I suspect he speaks out of both sides of his mouth) that there would be NO more returns from the dead for a while?

I have to vote no on Hayden being Emily. I still say Susan, mainly because of the resemblance between  RBu and RPW, but also because of the "connection" to a core family. As to why she'd have a fake identity, if she were Brad's wife, she might be hiding from his family.


ETA that of course, her "surprising connection" could simply be that she's Brad's wife, and no more, and she really is just some stranger named Hayden Barnes. And that's boring as the day is long, so yeah. That's probably the way they'll go. Though I can't see how, if they are investing in Hayden/RBu, that they would think making her the wife of a barely seen, not all that well liked, recurring character is a good idea.

Who is Susan?  I also think Hayden as Emily makes no sense, but that is probably what will happen then!


Hayden as Brad's wife?  Wasn't Hayden very visible at the Nurse's Ball when Brad proposed to Lucas?

Thanks!  So Susan would be an Ashton, not a Q.  That sounds most likely.


Haven't watched today but Rosalie as Brad's wife is kind of funny.  

No, she'd be a Hornsby.  Larry Ashton is Ned's dad,  Paul Hornsby is Dillon's dad.


My problem with Hayden as Emily or Robin (excuse me while I suffer a rage blackout), is her behavior before and now is NOTHING like those characters. Unless she changes AGAIN. They need to keep her as her OWN character. I just can't.



Yep, plus you have to go into how or why they had plastic surgery and all that. It's convoluted with Susan, too, but it's easier to explain because the character was only on briefly as a child, years ago. And I guess we can assume if Paul neglected Dillon, it's possible he and his sister have never before met. Still farfetched that he's never seen a recent picture of her, etc....either way, if they make Hayden connected to anyone, they are gonna have to tapdance to do it. I like her okay-as long as she doesn't become an airtime eater. I'm invested enough to want to know who she is and what her true agenda is.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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No, she'd be a Hornsby.  Larry Ashton is Ned's dad,  Paul Hornsby is Dillon's dad.



Yep, plus you have to go into how or why they had plastic surgery and all that. It's convoluted with Susan, too, but it's easier to explain because the character was only on briefly as a child, years ago. And I guess we can assume if Paul neglected Dillon, it's possible he and his sister have never before met. Still farfetched that he's never seen a recent picture of her, etc....either way, if they make Hayden connected to anyone, they are gonna have to tapdance to do it. I like her okay-as long as she doesn't become an airtime eater. I'm invested enough to want to know who she is and what her true agenda is.

Thanks, doh!  I think I did know that but I wasn't watching back then.  But I do remember Ashton during the Fluke mess, and now the guy from Desperate Housewives is here.  So he had Susan with someone else before he had Dillon.

Anyone else read that bullshit from NV about "bringing the Corinthos' together as a family again" next sweeps?


I've been watching GH on and off since 1965, mostly the same way I would watch a slo-mo car crash.  I'm currently not able to dredge up much enthusiasm for watching at all, although I'm still paying attention here and on the web.  Even that is coming to an end.  Although I will miss all of you fine snarkers, I can't.  I just can't.  The only storyline I've actually enjoyed in years was watching Sonny go to jail and Michael hate him.    I realize so many of us have made this threat to leave, and we're all still here....for me it has been like being part of a community and I value that.  I no longer value the show, except to laugh at it (and at myself for still watching).  


The only character they have written with any consistency in years is Sonny, and he's the big douche his frat-bro douche son is descended from.  I hate him and find no pleasure in it.  I'm not going to watch the Sonny show another 5 years hoping for another morsel of hate from his progeny.


I will be grateful, though, for big chunks of my time back.  Maybe I'll write my own soap.

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