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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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The thing Sam finds missing is totally going to be the damn Phoenix/dragon figurine. I know it.



If this proves true, and it probably will, I will not have hated an inanimate object so much since Rafe.

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ROTFLMAO...Foolish Mortal LOL Ron never ends any story

LMAO. Oh, yes he does. He has a a long ass lead up to a reveal and then a big reveal and then no one cares. That's Ron in a nutshell.

Edited by HeatLifer
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From Trixie at soaptown from a poster via SoapZone

"Says that KA was fired because they want to evolve the character of KiKi & didn't feel KA could play the part...the casting call from Dec...she says is a recast KiKi..

She also says that KiKi is Nina's daughter & that it's going to give AVA/Silas/Nina story...

And that we should pay attention on Jan 30th for clues as to who Fluke is..."

The poster also says that Kristen being fired seems more like Trixie speculating than her saying it's a fact

I honestly don't mind a recast Kiki. She got shit writing but KA was the main problem. I mean, the next person they hire could be utter shit too but like I said, in theory I think Kiki could be improved with a better actress. And maybe they won't be so inclined to protect her (by which I mean, other characters like Carly could start hating her) if she isn't going to played by KA

Edited by ulkis
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She's gotten a couple things right. But yeah, most of her stuff is full of shit. Apparently she just repeated the story that the higher ups at ABC put an end to Ric/Liz because of the age difference, which, yeah, no. I don't know who (whom?) she is expecting to buy that story.

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I dunno, I'm not buying.  The show's pretty much given up on Silas and never cared about Kiki being his daughter, I can't see them dragging that all up again to make Nina the mother.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I always felt that this was the implication since she was so big on the Cassadine Name and Family and Legacy.  She IS a Cassadine not just married to one


I always figured that Helena is the side of the family with all the Imperial Russian connections and her husband was the uber-rich Greek magnate.

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I dunno, I'm not buying.  The show's pretty much given up on Silas and never cared about Kiki being his daughter, I can't see them dragging that all up again to make Nina the mother.


Well, especially since Silas and Nina seem to be going in different directions. It's hard to see the show trying to link them together again.

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I think they very distinctly hinted at Nina being Kiki's mother when Ava revealed she and Madeline had a relationship years ago. But I think that has since been dropped with Kristen's departure/firing/whatever. I don't think they're recasting Kiki period.

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I had the same fears when we learned of Ava and Magda's previous alliance, but it feels like the moment has passed and Donna Mills is gone (...right?).


No, she's not gone. She taped with Maura. They have prison scenes together.

Good God is that the awful "babayyyyyy" song they used to play when Sam and Jason were post bang, having a "moment", or when Borg would glitch and feel a feeling?


Yep. I don't think I hated it as much as you guys did, because I didn't hear it as much. Wasn't watching for as long. I kind of doubt we'll hear it again, but I'll laugh if we do. I guess it's up there with Brown Penny.

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I refuse to speculate at this point. That's what Ron wants! I just want this dooooooooooooone


But if it is Luke at least it means he had some sort of breakdown. Good, take that Lucky, next time you babble about your mom and Lulu being so mentally fragile while you and Ethan are mentally strong like your dad. And no, I don't care that Lucky has been gone 3 years, I'm still mad at him for that shit.

Edited by ulkis
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Oh, so Robin comes back for a day on Monday and heads straight for Jason? Damn. If so and this is the brief filming KMc did with Billy Miller, then we basically get what Ron wants. Jason has a memory of Robin. Jason has a memory of Sam. Robin sees Patrick banging Sam. I'm thinking something will happen to the picture that Sam was cradling before Patrick came over. Does Carly know or care about the figurines? Whatever it is, the other spoiler says she finds it and recognizes it too. I'd think a picture of Jason would freak Carly out. I'm more interested in the possibility of Robin being smarter than everyone in town than Luke Spencer Fight Club.

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I think Ron had notLuke and Luke in too many separate places to be one and the same person. It just doesn't fit, imo, especially with all those shots of Luke trapped in his cell at the mental institution.


Wasn't there a scene, or two, where Helena visited Luke to taunt him? She's working with notLuke but when the real Luke emerges she's suddenly all about messing with his head? I know this is Ron we're talking about, heh, but to me that's just impossible to make work.

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I welcome Laura anytime, anywhere. But they fucked her over on story last time hardcore. Laura was simply not allowed to move on or be an independent character in any way. Plus, if you want to reunite Luke and Laura you have to work for it. No one's understood that since their divorce...Give her a sexy, dashing older fellow from the WSB to make Luke feel insecure, give her back her business and let her live her life ....


I wonder if Genie F will decline to return unless she is allowed some dignity and stature and is not under the control of Tony Geary's whims. He has finally confused and conflated himself completely with the character of Luke, and both man and character give the impression of an ego with a tremendous need to control. Genuine love, friendship, teamwork, and collaboration  cannot survive in such a poisonous atmosphere. Not surprising that Genie and Jonathan Jackson have had to remove themselves as far away from Luke/Tony as possible.

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Jonathan Jackson and Tony Geary are good friends, Geary considers him the son he never had. I don't think JJ left GH to get away from him, seeing at they probably talk to each other quite often.

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I wonder if Genie F will decline to return unless she is allowed some dignity and stature and is not uback with a resurrected Stefanthe control of Tony Geary's whims. He has finally confused and conflated himself completely with the character of Luke, and both man and character give the impression of an ego with a tremendous need to control. Genuine love, friendship, teamwork, and collaboration  cannot survive in such a poisonous atmosphere. Not surprising that Genie and Jonathan Jackson have had to remove themselves as far away from Luke/Tony as possible.


I read an article this past week on abcnews.com where Genie, when speaking about her nutrisystem deal, said she is done with playing Laura on GH. 


And I don't blame her one bit.  But the show needs "Laura".  It's just preposterous that all this stuff has happened with Lulu & Luke and we haven't even heard peep about her.  I think once Olivia mentioned talking to her, but they haven't offered any explanation of what Laura is doing since she left a year and a half ago.  


All that said, I do think Ron genuinly, at least at one point about a year ago, wanted to bring Laura back with a resurrected Stefan.   But my suspicion,  and I could be totally off-base, is that Frank was unwilling to offer either a contract or possibly even an earned/fair rate to recur.  

Edited by Tiger
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Oh, so Robin comes back for a day on Monday and heads straight for Jason? Damn. If so and this is the brief filming KMc did with Billy Miller, then we basically get what Ron wants. Jason has a memory of Robin. Jason has a memory of Sam. Robin sees Patrick banging Sam. I'm thinking something will happen to the picture that Sam was cradling before Patrick came over. Does Carly know or care about the figurines? Whatever it is, the other spoiler says she finds it and recognizes it too. I'd think a picture of Jason would freak Carly out. I'm more interested in the possibility of Robin being smarter than everyone in town than Luke Spencer Fight Club.

Robin is probs in Jason's mind and KMc filmed with a mannequin this time because I can't have nice things.

On the topic of JJ, my boy left 'cause his potential was waaaaay more than soaps.

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Maybe Robin thinks Emma is with Jason since Jason saves all. She goes to Patrick's house, sees no Emma, smells cheap cologne and rolls her eyes then says omg Jason! Her Robin senses tingle! He's at his house! She goes there because of course her daughter is safe with Jason, upstanding citizen, fine dresser. She sees ..... Jason in a robber mask at his own house, looking ten years younger, and showing emotions. They hug. Suddenly, Robin smells the cheap cologne. Omg she yells "mine eyes!"

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He's taking that godawful photoshopped picture and Carly shall attach herself to him like a mold to bread. Sam vs Carly V 526. Carly vs Robin V 3456. Coming soon to a television near you. Sam, may your slapping hand be strong. Carly has no man, no son named Micheal in her life, Jason is younger and hotter, dammit woman you must literally fight. I'm ready. Don't even worry about Liz. You need to get your slap hand strong for Carly.

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I remember when the main source of drama in Robin's life came from dealing with her HIV status and proving that it would not hold her back from having and living the life that she wanted regardless of all the hard work and effort she'd have to put in to make it happen.


Now she's regulated to being a figment of Jason's battered and bruised imagination that will stop him from killing his clueless, horny wife. Fan bloody tastic. I sit here as riveted as can be...

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He's taking that godawful photoshopped picture and Carly shall attach herself to him like a mold to bread. Sam vs Carly V 526. Carly vs Robin V 3456. Coming soon to a television near you. Sam, may your slapping hand be strong. Carly has no man, no son named Micheal in her life, Jason is younger and hotter, dammit woman you must literally fight. I'm ready. Don't even worry about Liz. You need to get your slap hand strong for Carly.

Sam's slapping hand has always been strong when it's aimed at Carly. LOL

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I remember when the main source of drama in Robin's life came from dealing with her HIV status and proving that it would not hold her back from having and living the life that she wanted regardless of all the hard work and effort she'd have to put in to make it happen.

Now she's regulated to being a figment of Jason's battered and bruised imagination that will stop him from killing his clueless, horny wife. Fan bloody tastic. I sit here as riveted as can be...

I'm surprised she's allowed to be in Jason's memory, to be honest. This show has tried its hardest not to mention her for months now. Silas gets more play than a 30-yr vet.

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I'm surprised she's allowed to be in Jason's memory, to be honest. This show has tried its hardest not to mention her for months now. Silas gets more play than a 30-yr vet.



Well the more she's mentioned the more of a selfish, self serving asshole Patrick looks like and we just can't have that.


What man would merely just write off the so called "love of his life" so easily just to get a miss new booty to entertain. Oh wait, this is Patrick "Every skirt that passes by catches his eye" Drake we're talking about.

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Well the more she's mentioned the more of a selfish, self serving asshole Patrick looks like and we just can't have that.

What man would merely just write off the so called "love of his life" so easily just to get a miss new booty to entertain. Oh wait, this is Patrick "Every skirt that passes by catches his eye" Drake we're talking about.

What is this you're saying!? Sam and Patrick are the victims! They're both so innocent. No one is doing anything wrong! They're so cute and falling in love and romantic and the audience should want them to be happy!

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