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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Sam continues to investigate Hayden. She mentions a name - Naomi - to Hayden which spooks her. Later Liz overhears Hayden's secret. #GH


How many random names will they bust out in this Hayden "mystery"?

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Sam continues to investigate Hayden. She mentions a name - Naomi - to Hayden which spooks her. Later Liz overhears Hayden's secret. #GH


How many random names will they bust out in this Hayden "mystery"?


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Naomi? Hayden? Rachel? Susan?

Ron....is that you writing this? You did such a shit job on the PLL season finale last night with the masks too.

Ron got a job writing for a primetime show?

Da fawq?!?

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Ron got a job writing for a primetime show?

Da fawq?!?

Lol, no. But after 6 fucking seasons, (the rumor is that it was figured out/or spoiled by disgruntled former employees that quit) the big bads were 1.) A new character that was boring af that was forced on everyone 2.)a character no one had seen in ages that made no sense (and offended many people at once) 3.) A back from the dead twin 4.) Someone in a rubber mask. So the joke is that clearly Ron wrote this.

Jasus please! Rubber masks showing up in my other shows!

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Got this from another board (from a poster I believe)


Listened to CD’s periscope from yesterday. A few things gleaned:

He’s not working Th/F and they are off next week.

He thinks something may be coming up for Michael.

Wyndemere set was used on Wednesday.

Dante/Laura/Lulu and Nik were called to set together.

Lots of photoshoots taking place.

Chad finished early in the day but had to stick around for 5 hrs for BC to show up for their photoshoot.

Heard “Marcus Samuel” over the loud speaker followed by, I believe, “to the set”. Hard to make out

Heard Anthony* to the photoshoot.

Heard Ryan Carnes to the photoshoot.

Chad said the photoshoot is just a “random promotion thing”. LOL.

Heard Robert Watkins (Dillon) to makeup room.


if anyone thinks it's not that spoiler-y, let me know and I'll move it to the press thread


*probably the guy who plays Maddox, his name is Anthony, nobody get alarmed lol

Edited by ulkis
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He thinks something may be coming up for Michael.


Thinks...may be...wow.  The show's misuse of him and the character in favor of Morgan/BC is really getting ridiculous.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Thinks...may be...wow.  The show's misuse of him and the character in favor of Morgan/BC is really getting ridiculous.


I dunno, if it's in favor of BC per se. If they weren't using BC they might still not be using CD. I think it's more than that: no more conflict with Sonny and Carly; Michael not being a troublemaker in general, Sabrina gone; Dillon back to replace Michael as the young son-figure in Tracy's life, and yes partly because they are focusing on Morgan. I'm not a huge fan of Michael or CD so I'm not like "he's being wasted!!" but he does have fans, so, they should be able to cook up something for him. Hell, have him be tempted by another woman. Use friggin Darby if they must. Have some hilariously awkward scenes between him and Kristina about Parker. Have them and Dante talk about Morgan. 

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Have some hilariously awkward scenes between him and Kristina about Parker.

Seriously. Michael has other siblings besides his dolt of a younger brother, and he and Kristina have always been close (or were for a while there).

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And they seem to have shuttled that closeness over to Morgan, with the various "I won't tell if you won't tell" deals he and Kristina have struck.


I mean, like ulkis, I'm not a huge fan of Michael's or anything, but having him basically sit on the bench until Sabrina of all characters returns just seems so odd.  They seem determined that age group focus on Kiki and whatever guy she's banging and that's it, it's so weird!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Chad finished early in the day but had to stick around for 5 hrs for BC to show up for their photoshoot.

He must have been busy spraying and gluing on his hair, and threatening fans on twitter.

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I find Chad more tolerable in acting, looks, and overall being a human moreso than BC. He's also miles more tolerable than MSt or Rob Watkins Carter Bieber Timberlake. There's more story to be written for Michael than Morgan. And damn sure more story than Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina. Pretty Pony Princess ruined Patrick and Carlos, now she's ruining Michael? Triple threat, much?

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I think what really ruined Michael was forgiving Sonny so easily and fully. I'm not surprised they can't come up with anything for him now. That was such a mistake.


gonna take my reply to the Corinthos thread




Lomax goes after the MC with public health violations. Tries to strong-arm Liv into dropping suit by taking away city contracts. Lomax lunges for Liv when Liv records convo. A supportive crowd gathers outside courthouse and Carly rushes in to beg Liv to drop suit


Carly blows.


MC being hit with public health violations has potential though


"yeah, more than one soup has been reported having a long stringy piece of blonde hair in them"

Edited by ulkis
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gonna take my reply to the Corinthos thread




Lomax goes after the MC with public health violations. Tries to strong-arm Liv into dropping suit by taking away city contracts. Lomax lunges for Liv when Liv records convo. A supportive crowd gathers outside courthouse and Carly rushes in to beg Liv to drop suit


Carly blows.


MC being hit with public health violations has potential though


"yeah, more than one soup has been reported having a long stringy piece of blonde hair in them"


Health violations?  How about the pretty blatant violations of guest security and privacy?  "I have here sworn statements from dozens of previous guests who claim that 'a blonde bitch came barging into our rooms with a hotel pass key.'"

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What about numerous complaints of terrible service? "I was in the midst of taking my order and the waitress just sat down at another table and began arguing with rumored mob moll Ava Jerome." Or "Waitress took my order to Morgan Corinthos."

At least Kellys has decent service. I trust TJ more. He's just way more useful than Kiki. Maybe Carly should have hired him to run the restaurant.

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Yeah. If there's stringy blonde hair in the soup? It's Kikis - there's no way Carly goes near the kitchen


Heh, yeah. Kiki is who I meant. Plus, Carly's hair isn't stringy.

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Nuanced sex god and overall hero Michael Easton is going to John McBain whatever is going on with Tracy? Then he will take over the COS position? Then be revealed as the secret non fat son of Alan and Monica? And his half sister is Rebecca Budig?

What? Frank's interns heard you guys wanted more Quartermaines.

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Sabrina isn't interesting when she's actually onscreen. How is talking about her while she's gone an actual spoiler? 


How did GH end up with Sabrina and Kiki (two of RC's worst ideas) as the primary females in the 20s set? 


Do better, show.

Edited by Oracle42
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Sabrina isn't interesting when she's actually onscreen. How is talking about her while she's gone an actual spoiler? 


And this is like the third week in a row where Michael and fuckin' Felix have a conversation about her.  Who cares!

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Lomax goes after the MC with public health violations. Tries to strong-arm Liv into dropping suit by taking away city contracts. Lomax lunges for Liv when Liv records convo. A supportive crowd gathers outside courthouse and Carly rushes in to beg Liv to drop suit


Sweeps in March y'all

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If Liz is going to hook up with some deranged psycho that terrorized Carly, why not have her reunited with Ric with again?

Because Franco had a "brain tumor" and "feels bad". Ric was actually a time traveller doing us all a favor by trying to save us from Morgan Corinthos, Adult Douche.

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Um, Liez, your house is destroyed, you're a desperate, pathetic lying liar who lies, and both you and your zombie son need intensive therapy. How about you mind your own fucking business and focus on your own problems.

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If Liz is going to hook up with some deranged psycho that terrorized Carly, why not have her reunited with Ric again?


Honestly, if terrorizing Carly was all someone had done, I wouldn't consider it a disqualifying feature.  Who doesn't want to terrorize that beast?  

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Um, Liez, your house is destroyed, you're a desperate, pathetic lying liar who lies, and both you and your zombie son need intensive therapy. How about you mind your own fucking business and focus on your own problems.


Currently, the character of Liz exists solely to be the third-wheel in couple storylines and the catalyst needed to break-up them up. How a character who has been in the show for over 2 decades to this is just beyond me. 

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I know I'm way late reacting to this, but my morbid curiosity led me to this thread and...Michael Easton is back as another character? Seriously? This isn't an elaborate joke?

Michael Easton is our Hallelujah. And it's gonna be a good time. Uh huh. Oh yeah. Oh yay.

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I know I'm way late reacting to this, but my morbid curiosity led me to this thread and...Michael Easton is back as another character? Seriously? This isn't an elaborate joke?


Seriously. Trust me, that was pretty much everyone else's reaction too.

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Seriously. Trust me, that was pretty much everyone else's reaction too.

Code name Hamilton Finn. Real character name Dr. Michael Easton. Bored af with this show as much as we are, but he gets paid to be there. We're just there because alcohol is still legal and soon weed will be too. Then the ratings will really surge!

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I know I'm way late reacting to this, but my morbid curiosity led me to this thread and...Michael Easton is back as another character? Seriously? This isn't an elaborate joke?

Seriously. Trust me, that was pretty much everyone else's reaction too.

Happy to be in the minority! I DON'T CARE.

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Because Franco had a "brain tumor" and "feels bad". Ric was actually a time traveller doing us all a favor by trying to save us from Morgan Corinthos, Adult Douche.



I prefer Douche Canoe, I don't know why. It's like my favorite way to describe any of these characters when they get on my nerves.

There should be douche canoe of the week awards, so many contenders these days.


I am confused re: ME's character, is he a doctor, or what? I guess we find out today, isn't it is first airdate?

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