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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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 If the Rosalie is really Lily and Sonny's baby rumor is true, maybe that's really misdirection and it will turn out to really be Sabrina.  If so, between that and Rosalie's position as Michael's spying assistant and one night stand, she will be quite the thorn in Sabrina's side.  But I'm all for no more Rosalie, really.


Nikolas uses Rosalie to get to Nina. Jordan gets a new job offer. Luke returns to Port Charles. The Quartermaines throw a party.

The Rosalie story we were told last Summer was that she was a nurse (which she claimed earlier this year not to be but that may have been a lie) who met Nina in the rehab facility and that her father was controlling and also a dangerous person and that she had some secret which Nina and later Magda blackmailed her over (this secret was about Rosalie's past but not something that she herself did).  We saw her talking on her cell phone in the park last July with her father (she then winged her cell phone at Morgan's head).


Of course they can rewrite anything but it doesn't sound like Sonny is Rosalie's father.  Nina and Magda know her secret as does Nik and Helena.  Ric is involved with Magda.  So it's all about the ELQ shares again.


I hope Johnny comes back for the mob wars.  I found him amusing.  Has Ava slept with him yet?

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I watched part of the demo reel, the guy seems pretty decent. Heads above Peavy and Hayley (Kiki, not Molly) anyway.

Those summer spoilers sound lame. I wonder what stupid thing they cooked up to put Sam and jake in each other's orbit? Sam hires him as a manny?


That would actually be kind of amusing

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Scotty lol.He hates Sonny no matter what lol.


Thank Jasus. That's one of the few things they haven't ruined with Scott.


[Rosalie] had some secret


"Who cares? And so what?" *adjusts top*

Edited by dubbel zout
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UGH, I KNEW IT!  Ilene Kristen posted on Facebook that we're going to see Delia tomorrow and on Monday.  So here comes a stupid yarn about Ava having a twin, whether it's a lie or not.

Edited by TeeVee329
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UGH, I KNEW IT!  Ilene Kristen posted on Facebook that we're going to see Delia tomorrow and on Monday.  So here comes a stupid yarn about Ava having a twin, whether it's a lie or not.


And isn't Brad's mob family his adopted, not bio, family? I thought that's why his mob dad said something shitty about his being gay and being glad Brad wasn't biologically related. I admit I don't remember exactly.

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And isn't Brad's mob family his adopted, not bio, family? I thought that's why his mob dad said something shitty about his being gay and being glad Brad wasn't biologically related. I admit I don't remember exactly.


I remember it the other way around.  Brad was adopted into a non-mob family.  When he later tried to connect with his mob bio family, he was rejected for being gay.  It was lamely a mirror of Lucas' own experience.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I remember it the other way around.  Brad was adopted into a non-mob family.  When he later tried to connect with his mob bio family, he was rejected for being gay.  It was lamely a mirror of Lucas' own experience.

You are correct! My memory ain't what it used to be.

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Is Anna going to sleep with Sloane?!? If so: ewwwwww, a thousand times ewwwwww!

That Tracy & Scott spoiler makes no sense.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is Tracy bonding with Sabrina. I love what they've done with Tracy & Michael and I hope the three of them form a strong bond.

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Looks like Jordan will be the new Commissioner.

Sweet mother of God! Jordan is barely qualified to collar a jaywalker.


She'll fit right in.


Obviously Mayor Lojack thinks she can control the police commissioner.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Huh? Why would either care how the other feels? Or are they both gloating that he's dead?


I was about to post the same thing about the Tracy and Scotty spoiler.  I have to assume that they actually mean Lucy.  


Kiki is surprised by Morgan and Michael’s latest truce.


HA!  What a shock that Keeks is all pissed they're not fighting over her anymore.

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Now that Shawn is gone, can they finally test Jordan/Julian? Or Jordan/Patrick maybe? You know, make this Jason bullshit a rounded story so we can see Jason, Patrick, and Sam's POV rather than Liz wringing her hands over lying to The Jason?

And I'm in denial. That's not New Dillion. Try again.

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Yeah, sounds like Nik is gonna try to throw Lulu at Dillon. Well, I guess it's not worse than hiring a hitman.


Big Brother Nik could be much more the one using ulterior motives re Lante than some see Valerie as doing. I'm definitely speculating and running a bit with this spoiler ... but it could be that Valerie's bond - friendship - crush (whatever it is) with Dante really is innocent  ... and that big brother Nik is the one with the conniving, manipulating agenda which some fans have ascribed to Valerie.


Nik already knows a lot about Lulu's concerns about Valerie with Dante, so he knows his trusting sister could be easily convinced to read more into the Valerie/Dante bond than is really there. (I say that in reference to the SOD summer preview about Lulu reading too much into innocent situations.)


If this supposition proves to be right, then having Valerie lives at Nik's house makes sense because her being there has given Nik a chance to know his sister's feelings and to stay on top of developments with Valerie, Lulu and Dante - including knowing about Valerie applying for a job at Dante's workplace.


My flight of fancy sheds a new light for me on Nik's interest yesterday in being made aware of Valerie's job application and of the fact that she would be working with Dante.

Edited by Aurora2
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big brother Nik is the one with the conniving, manipulating agenda which some fans have ascribed to Valerie.


Nik is a shitty brother—he's a shitty person in general—but would he be that shitty? If we knew why he was so desperate to get ELQ, it would help. But that raises the question why he would go against Emily's family. Reasons, I guess.

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So RC is confirming the Dillon recast as the one that was guessed by some investigative fans:


Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron  9m9 minutes ago
Next week on @GeneralHospital, here comes the SON... #GH #DillonQuartermaine @Robertpwatkins

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Cautiously optimistic about the new Dillon and happy we're getting another Q back on canvas.


Also, they didn't cast You Know Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws confetti*

Edited by TeeVee329
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So RC is confirming the Dillon recast as the one that was guessed by some investigative fans:


Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron  9m9 minutes ago

Next week on @GeneralHospital, here comes the SON... #GH #DillonQuartermaine @Robertpwatkins


I kind of want to see Michael Logan respond "but you just spoiled the surprise!!!"  

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Nik is a shitty brother—he's a shitty person in general—but would he be that shitty? If we knew why he was so desperate to get ELQ, it would help. But that raises the question why he would go against Emily's family. Reasons, I guess.


No, he wouldn't be that shitty, but here we are.


Couldn't they have killed Spencer off at least, or put him in a coma? That would give me the bonus of getting him off the screen and giving me a reason to buy that Nik would be acting this nuts. 


And sure, Jordan pretty much sucks at her job but hopefully it will give her more interaction with Nathan and Dante (threesome jokes with Sloane just not as fun) and other people in town.

Edited by ulkis
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I just hope Ron doesn't rip off AMC and un-do Lulu's abortion. I want more Q's, but not like that.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I don't think that will happen. But one more "nooooooooooooooooo" just to prevent that.

Edited by ulkis
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Just one episode?


I think probably though Dillon will purposely try to get Lulu into bed with him and try to break up her marriage. Maybe. I'll just find it really weird if he comes back to town and sees Lulu with her cute baby and her cute husband and is all "wow great for you Lulu!" imo it;ll be weird if there are  no mixed feelings there on his part.

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Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron  9m9 minutes ago

Next week on @GeneralHospital, here comes the SON... #GH #DillonQuartermaine @Robertpwatkins



GRRRR.  You know what would have been awesome?  To see Dillon interact with his brother Ned.  To have seen Ned interact with AJ.  To have seen AJ interact with his brother Jason again.  To see more than two Qs in the mansion at a time.  I'm over the Qs coming back piecemeal like this.

Edited by ch1
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I can't remember how Dillon and Lulu left things.  And the last time Dillon was on-screen was for Georgie's funeral, right?


I'm still leaning towards Lulu mistakenly thinking Dante and Valerie slept together and then her hopping into bed with Dillon.  Sorta like the whole Jessica/Cris/stupid Will Rappaport thing on OLTL.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think enough time has passed that Dillon could have that reaction without it being a big deal. Neither Lulu nor Dillon were ready to have a kid back then, now it's almost a decade later and circumstances change. Of course, Ron won't do that because he never found a) a triangle he didn't like and b) couldn't expand into a quad.

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I don't think he would necessarily be raging with anger but like I said, there probably would be some mixed feelings.


Did he ever tell her that he thought the abortion was the right decision after all? I wasn't watching much until JJ came back,

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GRRRR.  You know what would have been awesome?  To see Dillon interact with his brother Ned.  To have seen Ned interact with AJ.  To have seen AJ interact with his brother Jason again.  To see more than two Qs in the mansion at a time.  I'm over the Qs coming back piecemeal like this.


It's like all the other Q's got together and decided that Tracy needs one, but only one, of them in the mansion with her, and they're just rotating in and out. 

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I have zero problem with a Valerie/Dante/Lulu/Dillon quad. What I have a problem with is how I suspect Ron is already telling it. Valerie was hurled into things with Dante and Lulu immediately and they haven't bothered to build her with other people, or around town. At least, unlike Kiki, she has a job.


I'm also not looking forward to "Dillon and Valerie go on a date, make Dante and Lulu jealous", a tried and true plot point we have seen at least half a dozen times in the last three years, most recently with Nathan and Ellie, and a gaggle of third graders.

Edited by jsbt
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My problem with the story line is that, for years, DZ has completely sold me on Dante being so completely head over heels in love with Lulu, and only Lulu, that I am going to have a really hard time buying him turning to her cousin.  It's pretty much going to have to be a situation where Lulu cheats first, and I don't think see her still being so into Dillon that she'd ruin her marriage. She had a crush on him as a teen, but that was over and done well before she even met Dante.  

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That's why I think Nik is gonna manipulate her into thinking Valerie and Dante are closer than they are. At least this time around it'll be more believable than Fluke telling her Dante was badmouthing her all over town. She has no reason to believe Nik would wanna mess with her marriage.

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Oh, Christ. That's just what I need back in my life: Lulu's abortion trauma, and Ron Carlivati's deft handling of female reproductive issues.

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I'm over the Qs coming back piecemeal like this



At this point, seeing Tracy perform an hour-long monologue in the Q living room while staring at Edward's (preferably the original) and Lila's portraits on the mantel would be a vast improvement over any GH 'mob/st. jason/franco-nina' episode these daze.

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