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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Under no circumstances will I watch a season of ANYTHING featuring FMFG - one season of BB was more than enough for a lifetime, thank you very fucking much.

Overwhelming, all-encompassing, kiss-my-southern-ass no.

Not trying to be rude, but I simply cannot stand the fucker.

No. No no NO no no.  No.

Hope I'm not leaving too much gray area here.


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8 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I don't get how any of you watch any of these idiots. I read the live thread feeds threads and am disgusted enough to not bother turning on the TV. If work is boring enough, I'll play an episode on the computer while doing other things but work has to be really, really slow.

Oh, a number of reasons. One man's trash is another man's treasure. FOMO. A touch of masochism. A way to get all the snark out of me so the rest of the world (or the husband) doesn't have to suffer. Half - or most - of the fun is in the posting and the breaking down of stupid strategy and the ridiculous moments. Not gonna lie, last year was rough. But there's that little bit of optimism in me that appears every June that maybe, just maybe this season will be better than the last. The optimism usually dies within the first week or so but boy, it's a nice feeling while it briefly lasts.


8 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

This could mean something or it could mean nothing, but on Twitter Evel Dick is saying he recently talked to Enzo and he said he hasn't heard from Hayden in about a week and Dick hasn't heard from Ian either

Big dumb Hayden Moss that won BB12? Not smaller, equally dumb Hayden Voss from more recent seasons? I mean, either way, so long as Enzo stays the fuck away, I'd be happy. Ian is doing TAR so I doubt he'll do BB, too. It's so hard to pick the truth out of the bullshit when Dick starts spewing on Twitter. 

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Big dumb Hayden Moss that won BB12? Not smaller, equally dumb Hayden Voss from more recent seasons? I mean, either way, so long as Enzo stays the fuck away, I'd be happy. Ian is doing TAR so I doubt he'll do BB, too. It's so hard to pick the truth out of the bullshit when Dick starts spewing on Twitter. 

Ian isn't doing TAR. He was partially confirmed, but then they dropped a whole bunch of BB alumni, so I'm guessing Ian was dropped as well. He could, then, be doing BB this year. 

8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I think Da’vonne is played out. The girl is horrible at the game. 

She really is. So...she makes some good memes with BB. Ok, big whoop. She still is a horrible player and not that great of a person in general. I really don't want to see her try to play a third time and fail. The first time, she couldn't make it past week two and was already on the radar during that first week for her big fat mouth. The second time around, she barely hung around to make it to jury, and she was the first juror anyway. 

But I find about 80% of these "fan favourites" are far from my own. Jason Roy, Da'vonne, James, Paul, and Nicole, just to name a few. At least for season 14, the vets they brought back were popular by their own right and I could see why people may like them. The last few years, however? Um, no. 

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ian isn't doing TAR. He was partially confirmed, but then they dropped a whole bunch of BB alumni, so I'm guessing Ian was dropped as well. He could, then, be doing BB this year. 

Oh. Well, there went my happiness for the day. brb, checking the prices of 3-in-1 oil in case I need to start mailing them to CBS headquarters. 

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On 6/14/2018 at 6:18 PM, CrazyDog said:

Surely we won't get another token old person ...

Who's 35 lol.

Ugh to the idea of Ian returning. I hate him! 

I just know that we will indeed be getting returning players and that I will hate every single one of them. And they will be running the house as a group by night 3 and continue all game. And one of them will win. And I will still watch every fucking episode and the feeds every damn day. Sigh.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

So tomorrow we will know all or not all. LOL!!!! At least, we’ll get an idea who we instantly hate. We will have the jock, the cheerleader, the dumb farm hillbilly, the tattooed person, maybe someone old at 35, the one minority. Am I missing anyone?

Besides the one minority male and one minority female, in terms of race? The one stereotypical gay guy or girl (because a gay guy also can't be into athletics and the woman most likely has to be bisexual or a lesbian who isn't also girly, but they rarely cast the LGBTQ+ woman). There's also the villain that hams it up during the interviews with how bad they are, which goes one of two ways: either the villain is actually one of the nicer ones as the real villain is revealed within the first week or two, or this villain is a real piece of shit but gets carried to jury by production. 

I never find myself outright hating any houseguests right off the bat. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, as a lot of them are different from their interviews once entering the house. More so, I get "bad feelings" about certain houseguests right off the bat. I'm going to go back and re-read my first impressions of the houseguests from 19. I remember loving Christmas and hating Josh; one of those things ended up true, as in I ended up hating both by the end of it! 

Of course the reveal is happening when I'll be at work, so I won't get to watch live. I'll be checking in on here for those updates, then! 

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I definitely loved Christmas pre-show. Her story was unique. What a huge disappointment.

I love to see who gets the "I'm not here to make friends" line. Or is that from the Bachelor script? I get all my bad reality shows confused, lol.

I know this show is inevitably a disappointment, but I'm still curious to see how they will go all out for their big season 20. Maybe some new challenges, or bring back  some past favorites? Less production interfer... nah, scratch that one.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

So many people loved Christmas pre-show. I hated her instantly so I enjoyed watching her popularity plummet every week!

Yeah, she got hated and fast. I think a lot of people had her as a winner pick pre game and then poof she hated. Too funny! Remember when she was in love with Paul to the viewers? That was hysterical. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

I know this show is inevitably a disappointment, but I'm still curious to see how they will go all out for their big season 20. Maybe some new challenges, or bring back  some past favorites? Less production interfer... nah, scratch that one.

If they wanted 20 to be special, they could have made it All Stars. Bringing back past favourites, at this point against newbies, is just lame since they do it every single year now, and the newbies are always all so dumb when it comes to vets playing the game. They're never smart enough to kick them out ASAP. 

32 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah, she got hated and fast. I think a lot of people had her as a winner pick pre game and then poof she hated. Too funny! Remember when she was in love with Paul to the viewers? That was hysterical. 

It was when Christmas displayed Crazy Eyes toward Paul that people got turned off fast. I held on to my like for her up until the beginning of week 2. 

I'm definitely not expecting much for BB20 in terms of it being special. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

So tomorrow we will know all or not all. LOL!!!! At least, we’ll get an idea who we instantly hate. We will have the jock, the cheerleader, the dumb farm hillbilly, the tattooed person, maybe someone old at 35, the one minority. Am I missing anyone?

The flamboyant and/or over-the-top gay guy. Casting seems to think that gay only comes in that flavour. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

The flamboyant and/or over-the-top gay guy. Casting seems to think that gay only comes in that flavour. 

That is true. They’ve never casted a macho gay guy. They’re in the epic center in California of millions of macho guys who happen to be gay but BB doesn’t consider them good tv. Oddly enough, straight macho guys are fine and dandy but usually they are they boring and dare I say the dumbest guys they cast. I don’t understand it. 

  • Love 1

Imagine if they actually did a season where social media played a role in nominations and evictions. It would be so, so terrible (he says as he is trying to hope that that is not the actual twist being hinted at in Julie's ad).

EDITED TO ADD: Although, shit, the recap show is going to be on Facebook Watch, right? Oh lord, Facebook might actually play a role on the show...ugh...

Edited by Brian Cronin
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If the names/pictures that Dick has tweeted aren't real, I feel so sorry for them because mug shots are already being dug up. I mean, it's Dick. Who knows?

Big Brother fans should train FBI agents on how to do background checks. Yikes.

ETA: Well, Jackie Ibarra just confirmed that one of the leaks is her best friend who applied for an earlier season and wasn't chosen then. So at least one is confirmed.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 1

The social media twist sounds dumb as hell and it won't last past the second week, if that. 

5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

If the names/pictures that Dick has tweeted aren't real, I feel so sorry for them because mug shots are already being dug up. I mean, it's Dick. Who knows?

Big Brother fans should train FBI agents on how to do background checks. Yikes.

ETA: Well, Jackie Ibarra just confirmed that one of the leaks is her best friend who applied for an earlier season and wasn't chosen then. So at least one is confirmed.


So my wish for an all newbie season with no previous ties to BB has been foiled again, if this is true. Damn. 

1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

Going by Twitter, one of the new ones was in the same casting group that Jillian and Cameron were in

Going by Twitter, at least five of them are alternates from previous seasons. Jillian said she could point out a couple of the rumoured HGs that were alternates for specific people (one of the guys was Josh's replacement, for example). 

So, either this list is total BS and a mask for the actual new HGs, or they really DID bring on alternates from the last couple of seasons. I saw Reddit speculating that their original plan had a lot more returnees but when that didn't pan out, they called up these alternates. I don't buy that theory at all, by the way. 

9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Um, where is the good looking cast? Is there a different list? This must be the B List, right?

Well, people are always asking for regular looking people so I guess be careful what you wish for!

Also, they are skewing older, average age is 27 if my calculations are correct, which I think many are always asking for as well. 

The Frank looking idiot, Tyler, appears to be friends with Morgan/Alex from BBOTT. Morgan posted a pic of the 3 of them and tagged it #TeamTyler.

  • Love 2

So, I guess it's time to do my first official impressions of the houseguests, based on the above link:

Faysal is the first Muslim since Kaysar, which is cool. We know Faysal at least watched BB18. I gotta admit; I like the guy based off his short bio; the facts he gave above himself are either mildly embarrassing or something society would initially frown on him admitting, so good on him. Sam is alright, I guess. She has some interesting parts of her bio, but nothing too special at the moment. Tyler looks like Frank and Audrey had a kid, which freaks me out. I gotta admit, the only black woman they cast actually seems pretty ok. She's a Marvel fan! Ok, she has the weirdest name (Bayleigh??), though I guess not as weird as Christmas. She loves Donny! And....oh, of course, the black religious woman. THEY DO THIS EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Not all black women are super religious, Big Brother! And they only seem to cast the religious stereotype as the black woman. Ok, that pisses me off. Otherwise, Bayleigh seems cool. At least, that's the hope. 

I found the sterotypical gay guy in JC. Though he's a shortie like me so maybe I can find something to like about him?  Haleigh sounds like Bayleigh so those two names are going to get mixed up for sure. Other than that, college chick has zero memorable qualities. Oh great, another former undercover cop (and the oldest in the house....at 40). Nah, pass. Next, Kaycee....which also sounds similar to Bayleigh and Haleigh. Who cast these people, seriously?! I'm never going to get their names straight in the first week! I will say, her occupation as a pro-football player DOES intrigue me. Winston's favourite is Paul? Nah, hard pass. Rachel is the one who has the in to BB with BB17's Jackie. She's going to be a handful to watch, I get the feeling. Scottie? Meh. Angie (I will NOT call her Rockstar) looks like Edna Mode with purple hair. Her favourite was Joey, and then Frankie, from BB16 so I guess I know what season she actually watched! Otherwise, Angie's bio reminds me too much of Raven's so I'm hesitant. Chris...ah, no, he wants to be called Swaggy C and that's just dumb. Oh, and he likes Paul. INSTANT DISLIKE. I don't care if he seems to be a superfan; nope, nope, nopety nope.

Angela and Brett are a big meh for me.

I got nothing else here. I don't really like any of them, to be honest. I've already changed my mind about Bayleigh because I have a feeling I know where that's heading. Faysal might be the only one I genuine have a good feeling about.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Also, they are skewing older, average age is 27 if my calculations are correct, which I think many are always asking for as well. 


I guess they're KIND of older, but not that different from last season. The oldest is 40, we have two people in their 30s, everyone else is in their 20s, with 7 of them being older than 25. So 10 are older than 25 while the last six are 25 and under. 

Compare that to last season, where the oldest was in his fifties, we had five in their 30s, and we had a mixture of people in their twenties.

4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Angie (I will NOT call her Rockstar) looks like Edna Mode with purple hair.

I am rolling over this!

I'm waiting until the live feed interviews to really delve into my initial impressions. I just need this season to be not as horrible as the last 2 and I'll be good.

ETA: Who was 50 last season? I'm drawing a blank on most of last season's cast lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I am rolling over this!

I'm waiting until the live feed interviews to really delve into my initial impressions. I just need this season to be not as horrible as the last 2 and I'll be good.

ETA: Who was 50 last season? I'm drawing a blank on most of last season's cast lol.


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