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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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What a load of horseshit this episode was.

Of course Terra had to know she hadn't been picked as Godparent.  The one thing the Godparent absolutely has to be there for is . . . the Baptism. . . which she knew she wasn't invited to.  It would have been a lot more plausible if Terra's gripe wasn't that she wasn't picked, but that Elena preferred just another cast member over her (as opposed to having picked a family member, or someone important).  

And Joe?  What the fuck?  He looked like he stepped out of a kindergarten production of Scarface.


Have we seen Christy's Dad living with them?  It seems like we always see the Mom (who's looking more and more like an old guy from the VFW hall), but why do we never see the Father?

  • Love 5
On 5/10/2017 at 10:31 PM, Destiny74 said:

If you are supposed to be named as godmother to a child, you are included in the baptism ceremony (this can be done by proxy if the godparent cannot be at the baptism).  Explain to me how Terra thought she was still going to be godmother to Elena's boys when the baptism had already happened and they were already at the party?  Terra told Elena that she was dumb if she didn't know why Terra was upset (and whining, and making everything all about her AGAIN) but the same, and more, could be said for Terra for not knowing what a godmother's role is during the actual baptism ceremony.  She could have done some research, asked Elena what is necessary, realized that Elena is not that close a friend anymore and being named the godmother was a long shot, or a million other things to ward off her tantrum at the party.

I think naming someone as a godparent is just a nice thing to say and do for a lot of people but for Preston and Elena (and Jasmine and Chris, obviously) it is a much more serious matter.  Godparents, in the religious a sense, help raise the child in the church and promise to care for the child if anything should happen to the parents.  Terra knew Elena was still miffed at her and I think she knew that Elena still felt Terra was putting her career ahead of her family.  Of course they wouldn't want Terra to raise her children if something untimely happened. 


That being said, Elena had a smirky little smile on her face when Terra said, "Really?"  She thought it was cute I funny.   I know, I know...scripted reality.  But the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

Is Joe trying to look like a complete douche at all times now?  The huge chain, not wanting Christy to be in the same room as his kids, drinking like a fish, giving Terra a hard time leaving when she is obviously trying to storm out and make a scene?  Dude really needs help.  Either with an alcohol problem or his desperate need for attention.

I wish Christy would say one last thing to Brianna...that she screwed up and knows they'll never be friends again BUT that she is over it and Brianna is not as important to Christy's life as she so delusionally think she is.  I swear Brianna thinks Christy has nothing better to do than sit and conjure up ways to destroy Brianna.  Wake up sister...you are not that important to people's lives.  You are not her rising sun.  Thanks to your hypocrisy, Christy seems done trying to get you to forgive her and be friends again.  Thank heavens for small favors. I can't believe I am actually on Christy's side.

Thanks for letting me vent.  ?. One last thing, am I the only one who wouldn't go telling everyone that I might have cancer?  I would wait until the doctors knew for certain.  I just wouldn't want everyone worrying and fretting until there was a real diagnosis.  My husband would be the only one who knew there might be a problem.  I dunno, that's what happened when I had a weird mam that needed further investigation.  And Michelle Collins said one the after show that Terra is cancer free, so that's good.  I might have a problem with TV Terra but would never wish cancer in anyone.

Wow!  That was long and I am obnoxious!

No, you're not obnoxious, LOL. You saved me a lot of typing by saying most of what was on my mind.

In addition, hearing from both Brianna and Terra this nonsense, "I don't want Christy near my children" is ridiculous beyond belief. What do you think she is going to do to them? Have hysterics in front of them as you did, Terra?

Christy can be difficult, but her mother is dysfunctional family all rolled up into one member. Christy's daughter acts like a brat, and your solution is give her what she wants to shut her up after Christy has told her no?  Todd is trying to lose weight and Christy is trying to keep junk food out of the house, so you go buy a bunch of it. Christy is a recovered alcoholic, but you're having a problem in her home because you want to drink champagne? Way to be supportive.  What a loser!

As far as entitled Terra, what made her continue to think she would be godmother after her relationship with Elena started to fall apart, most especially because Elena never asked her?  And, of course, beyond that, the fact she didn't realize that not being invited to the baptism definitely meant she was not the godmother. Obviously, Elena's idea of a godparent and Terra's are two different things. Elena's is the intended role that the church established it to be, while to Terra, it seems it's just a sweet little offshoot of friendship.

Terra is exhausting. I too, had a suspicious finding and needed a biopsy. I did tell one friend, quietly, because I needed her support at that scary time. But it wasn't this huge dramatic announcement Terra made. Just, "gosh, I'm a bit scared about what the results of the biopsy might be."  (Mine was negative, too, so all good there, and glad Terra's is as well.)

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, renatae said:

Christy can be difficult, but her mother is dysfunctional family all rolled up into one member. Christy's daughter acts like a brat, and your solution is give her what she wants to shut her up after Christy has told her no?  Todd is trying to lose weight and Christy is trying to keep junk food out of the house, so you go buy a bunch of it. Christy is a recovered alcoholic, but you're having a problem in her home because you want to drink champagne? Way to be supportive.  What a loser!

I agree that freeloaders have to have some respect for their hosts.  However, (since I'll never fully support Christy), Christy is one of those completely obnoxious, insufferable recovering-[whatevers] who insists on lecturing and imposing her opinions on those around her, including those who have their own prerogative like her own husband.  Between lecturing everyone about addiction, and abuse, and now <eyeroll> weight-loss?  She needs to see a doctor about a Rx for some STFU.

6 hours ago, renatae said:

As far as entitled Terra, what made her continue to think she would be godmother after her relationship with Elena started to fall apart, most especially because Elena never asked her?  And, of course, beyond that, the fact she didn't realize that not being invited to the baptism definitely meant she was not the godmother. Obviously, Elena's idea of a godparent and Terra's are two different things. Elena's is the intended role that the church established it to be, while to Terra, it seems it's just a sweet little offshoot of friendship.

This reminds me of a couple of things.  First, at the risk of marginally defending Elena, if it's true that she really never did ask Terra to be a Godparent, then once she decided to pick Jasmine, how was that conversation with Terra supposed to go?  "I thought about having you and Ricco Douchey over there as Godparents, but  . . . then I decided . . . not"?  I suppose she could've said "I just wanted to let you know, I've decided to go with Jasmine as a Godparent".  And she was definitely being a passhole aggresshole about the whole thing.  But, still.  

Also, I hope Elena and her husband know the difference between a Godparent (who has no legal or custodial rights to a child if the parents die) and a legal guardian who's named in a Will.  Otherwise, if anything happens to both Elena and her husband, those kids are ending up in foster-care unless/until her in-laws can manage to legally adopt them.

  • Love 3

I like Elena. She gives no fucks abt saying her real opinions to anyone, including her boss, Terra. Elena knows that she's so beautiful that she is an integral part of the cast. Plus her beautiful family is a joy to see, IMHO.  

Same with Jasmine's adorable family. She's got a supportive family who help, and Elena 's family will benefit just by being around all of them. They seem really fun and nice. A relief from the drama, anger, maladapted, psychos, and worry that plagues the other women and their families.  

That said, the baptism was a setup for drama for the show.  Terra FLOVES being the center of attention, (and angry at anyone) so it was a win for her too.  Joe's alcoholism was obvious, too, which takes away from Terra's spotlight, so she was embarrassed as well. Reality sucks. Especially when it's on tv. Ha.

Does anyone else notice that Matt takes over any conversation with Brianna and doesn't let her get a word in very much? More camera time for the psycho, and continued controlling of dumb Brianna. 

The others? Meh. Slow, slogging story lines and nobody cares. Kerwin--go back to Texas. Christy's hag mom-- move out.  Todd-- do whatever...its your life. ..or death. Your choice.

Edited by Tosia
Early morning typing is not recommended.
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Alapaki said:



1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

Between lecturing everyone about addiction, and abuse, and now <eyeroll> weight-loss?  She needs to see a doctor about a Rx for some STFU.

Alapaki, you make me lmao!   regarding the kid, every time I see his poor little head dangling off of Matt's arm I just cringe! Really, Brianna should have never had another kid. 

  • Love 5

I agree Mosspack1970.  Tonya should've kept her mouth shut. It wasn't her place to say anything to Terra.  Hell even Tonya is saying that Terra is neglecting her kids (the same kids she desperately wanted and basically forced her husband to get her pregnant with) why wouldn't she neglect Elena's.  It was hilarious when Terra wanted to leave and Joe didn't want to let go of his beer.  He even picked it back up when she took it and placed it on the table!  Come to think of it did Joe leave with her?  I remember Tonya but not Joe.  

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I agree that freeloaders have to have some respect for their hosts.  However, (since I'll never fully support Christy), Christy is one of those completely obnoxious, insufferable recovering-[whatevers] who insists on lecturing and imposing her opinions on those around her, including those who have their own prerogative like her own husband.  Between lecturing everyone about addiction, and abuse, and now <eyeroll> weight-loss?  She needs to see a doctor about a Rx for some STFU.

I haven't been watching that long, so I've never seen Christy lecturing anyone, actually, on sobriety, or much else. Even so, I feel her mother is totally out of line. The way to deal with a spoiled teen is not to indulge her for whatever reason, and even though grandparents are known for being overindulgent, Christy's mom came right out and acknowledged what's her name was acting like a brat. So why sabotage efforts to bring her in line?

If she did indeed bring alcohol into the home, once again, sabotage. At the least, I think she was belittling Christy's efforts to be sober by minimizing the importance of keeping the home alcohol free and emphasizing how she enjoyed champagne, which to me was completely self-involved. YMMV.

  • Love 1
On 5/11/2017 at 10:45 PM, Alapaki said:



YES!  LOL...reading my mind!  Did the hospital not offer classes in caring for a newborn?  Or was he to "in control" to admit he has no idea what he is doing.  Thank goodness they have a nanny.

21 hours ago, renatae said:


I think the only way Christy's family could afford that new house was to pool in with Mom and Dad.  Christy helps with Dad and they all help pay the mortgage (or rent).  With the prices in CA, I would think they are living together because no one can afford to live in such a large home on their own.  I dunno, could be wrong.  Not to mention, at the time Christy and Todd we're doing those fertilization treatments and the adoption stuff which cost quite a but of loot.

That being said, mom needs to back off and follow some simple rules that seem to be just common courtesy.  I'd take issue and have serious words with my mom regarding the Autumn situation.

  • Love 3

Jasmine really earned her paycheck this episode. Lots of yelling going on. Tonya needed to come up with a better excuse than "I forgot" to ask Jasmine to be in her fashion show. Huh? You just forget to ask one of your best friends? That excuse would have pissed me off more than not being asked.  What a bunch of manufactured, producer driven BS. 

The skin tight clothes and hooker shoes Elena and Terra wear has got to stop. Please make it stop. My eyes can't take it. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 8
24 minutes ago, 4leafclover said:

I still can't grasp the idea that in her mid 30's, Brianna becomes a runway "model."  And an author.  And a dancer.  What's next, a superhero?  lol  I'm no fan of hers, but to have it spread all over TV that you have body odor funk is embarrassing!

And what the EFF is going on with the return of Brittany?  I'm starting to wonder if they're hoping to annoy Brianna enough to quit (she won't, producers - she needs the money and sees it as a conduit to "fame"; if you want to be rid of her you're going to have to fire her) and bring back Brittany.

And PU-LEEEEZE - what the hell is unique with the L'il Boss activewear that makes it different than Nike or more recently on the market, Fab-letics?  Wow...black yoga pants and sports bra with decorative trim.  Haven't seen that everywhere before.

Also, I'm thinking Tonya may find herself with some trademark issues with the folks at "HUGO BOSS."  I've seen lawsuits filed for less.  

Edited by Carolina Girl
  • Love 4

Disclaimer: my toddler only let me watch the first ten minutes but I need to  get this out.

Tanya needs to keep other people's news from spewing out if her mouth.  First, she tells Terra that Elena wants her to be her kids godmother when Elena told Tanya she was having doubts about Terra's friendship and parenting skills. Tanya started that whole baptism fit Terra threw by blabbing.  Now she tells Elena that Terra has a breast issue that is cancerous.  Not that it MAY be cancerous, but that it was cancerous.  Was she exaggerating because she didn't hear correctly (or heard what she wanted) or because she wanted to make it more so Elena would come crawling back for Terra's friendship?  Either way, keep it to yourself Tanya.  IT IS NOT YOUR NEWS!!!

  • Love 5

Oh my gosh.  To say Briana has bad b.o. is so embarrassing!!  I don't understand why none of the ladies have told her of course in a nice way.  Pull her to the side, and tell her Briana I love you but ummm, your not smelling fresh kind of way? 

I don't know about anybody else but the comment Terra made to Elena, "I was there for you when your f'in father died" pissed me off.  She could've said that a different way.  That was very disrespectful.  Elena was on point when she told Terra she does things to be center of attention. Terra did cause a scene at the baptism party.  To say the kids won't remember it?  Really?  But the parents will remember it!! 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, 4leafclover said:

I still can't grasp the idea that in her mid 30's, Brianna becomes a runway "model."  And an author.  And a dancer.  What's next, a superhero?  lol  I'm no fan of hers, but to have it spread all over TV that you have body odor funk is embarrassing!

You forgot to mention her "passion"for singing

ETA: oh and being a mother and wife

Edited by gigiann
  • Love 2

All these women have "delusions of grandeur" in my opinion.  None of them have "passions" to just be decent human beings.  They all have these projects of being a: model, dancer, singer, writer, fashion designer, actress, starting makeup lines or eyelash products, Maxim cover girl, etc.  When Briana and Tonya were out for tacos and Tonya was talking about the fashion show coming up..Briana jumped in with  "I have been asked to model that show for another designer".  WHAT BS!!  Then a few scenes later she says she had to cancel that job to walk because the designer was just trying to put her in overgrown average sized clothes scruntched up to fit her arms, etc!  I call BS again!  I don't think there was such a job planned.  What designer in their right mind would hire a LP and then just put her in clothes too big?  No designer with any self respect would want their clothes shown in such a way.  I call BS again! 

I could go on and on about this episode but these women had me reaching for R O L A I D S last night in the worst way.  I have never seen so many big egos in one setting.  arrrrgggghhhhh

PS.....wait till Brianna finds out Jasmine is going to try out for American Idol!!!!!  She is going to once again say "she wanted to do that"!  

Edited by gigiann
  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, gigiann said:

PS.....wait till Brianna finds out Jasmine is going to try out for American Idol!!!!!  She is going to once again say "she wanted to do that"!  

No - remember how it works - Brianna was SUPPOSED to be on American Idol but couldn't so they went with Jasmine!  

The minute I heard Brianna say that she had booked a fashion show as a model, my reaction was "so why wasn't any of that captured on film?"  

I'm starting to think that Brianna writes out her talking heads ahead of time when possible and memorizes them.  They have no "spontaneous" feel to them.  Actually they all seem a little rehearsed in their TH's but Brianna's are the WORST.

  • Love 8

I think that just because someone has a terrible disease or (God forbid) dies, it does not make them a nice person or necessarily excuse their bad behavior.  I don't speak "ill of the dead" but if someone pointedly asks me if I like them or think they have treated me well, I will tell the truth, in as nicely a way I can.

Just because Terra had a cancer scare does not excuse her presumptions or terrible fit throwing at the twins baptism party.  And it does not make her a good friend during her DWTS time.  Elena needs to stuck to her gun regarding this if she truly felt that way to begin with.  Her fight with Terra at the beginning of the episode was real and how she felt.  She doesn't owe Terra an apology for her feelings regarding Terra's tantrum.  She had a right to be miffed.  

  • Love 6

Elena giving zero f&cks to Terra during Terra's all-about-me apology---Brava!

Tonya has an active wear line??? Really? When was this mentioned? I never would have known. I can't believe they just sprung this story line on us. Where did this "fashion show" take place?  The food court of the local mall?

Briana is funky...Geez...is there anyway left to embarrass this woman? Married to a pervert? Check.   Struggle note bellowing "singing for Kerry/Berry/Terry or some random person with the last name Gordy"? Check Clomping around in Mom's high heels  "sexy Maxim photo shoots"? Check. Failing at every other made up career she has mentioned on this show? Check. Facially challenged? Check. Smells so bad that her body odor would disintegrate clothing? Check. I can't even tear this woman down because there's nothing left. I'm done.


  • Love 8

So, Brianna is not only an incredibleLIAR, she also has rank body odor????  They have not only thrown her under the bus,  but they had the driver back up a few times, to make sure dumb Bri stays down.  Love the backstabbing among friends to kiss and hug when they meet. 

I FLOVE that they fight even about apologies! 

Desperate for fame ---all of them.  

Sarcasm is all I have left for these idiots. 

Edited by Tosia
Desperate housewives for sure.
  • Love 4

I'm calling B.S. on Terra's whole "cancer scare".  No one who's actually worried about having cancer has the type of conversation she had with Tanya and Jasmine on that pier.  I won't break it down further than that.  But it's clear to me that Terra's full of shit.

Elena?  You can have flapjack tits after having twins.  And you can wear plunging necklines.  But not at the same time!!!!  But those flappy fucking things away.

And while I'm loath to take sides between Elena and Terra, I do think Elena is out of line in criticizing Terra's parenting.  

Tanya?  The last pile of shit clothes you made didn't sell.  But you think these will because . . . they're bedazzled?  Yeah.  I love how she fished for reassurance by saying she hoped she didn't have to put these in the garage, hoping Kerwin and her daughter would say "oh, no, these will sell like hotcakes!"  Instead, they said "yeah, there's no room in the garage.  we'll have to sell them out of the car".  Completely not discounting the likelihood that that's exactly where this shit will end up.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

I'm calling B.S. on Terra's whole "cancer scare".  No one who's actually worried about having cancer has the type of conversation she had with Tanya and Jasmine on that pier.  I won't break it down further than that.  But it's clear to me that Terra's full of shit.

Elena?  You can have flapjack tits after having twins.  And you can wear plunging necklines.  But not at the same time!!!!  But those flappy fucking things away.

And while I'm loath to take sides between Elena and Terra, I do think Elena is out of line in criticizing Terra's parenting.  

Tanya?  The last pile of shit clothes you made didn't sell.  But you think these will because . . . they're bedazzled?  Yeah.  I love how she fished for reassurance by saying she hoped she didn't have to put these in the garage, hoping Kerwin and her daughter would say "oh, no, these will sell like hotcakes!"  Instead, they said "yeah, there's no room in the garage.  we'll have to sell them out of the car".  Completely not discounting the likelihood that that's exactly where this shit will end up.

I think, Alapaki, you are my favorite!  

In real life, I would never critic someone's parenting skills, unless real harm was going to come to the kids or parents.

However, this is reality TV and I think if they put it out there, it's for my entertainment.  Therefore...  I don't have issue with Terra doing DWTS.  It's only a few months and she should be home every night.  But to hop from that commitment straight into writing a book?  When you are not even a writer?  When the publishing company wants it done in 6 months?  When is she going to find the time?  I'll tell you when.  Everyday, all day long, as long, as she is not filming.  I know they will hire a ghost writer,  but that person has to get the stories from somewhere and that take time.  Not to mention the production work (what does she really do as EP) for all the LW shows, and the reunions, and the guest starting in Dallas, and the appearances at events.  And she wants to renovate the home? I think she THINKS she is doing the right thing for her family.  She's riding the wave right now because she knows it will crash soon and catching another sweet one may not happen.  But, she will look back one day and realize what she missed.  Hopefully it will not make too much of a lasting impression on her kids.  Hopefully she can find some mothering time before they get too old.  Kids know when they are not priority, but they may not understand why their parents sacrificed that time until they are much, much older.

With all that, and how seriously Elena seems to take the position of godparent, I have no problem with Elena decision.  Although, Elena sounded like the Virgin Mary when she was telling Terra that she stays at home raising her kids.  Ugh!  Glad you have that luxury.  But for Terra to tell Elena she's not doing anything with her life is just as bad.  Working moms and SAHM need to get over this divide.  Some Moms have to work to make ends meet.  Some are blessed to be able to stay home.  Some would go insane staying at home all day.  Just stop throwing shade at other women.  NOT ALL MOMS ARE THE SAME!  WHAT WORKS FOR ONE DOES NOT WORK FOR ALL.  AND ONE FOLLOWING THEIR PATH DOES NOT MAKE THEM BETTER THAN ANOTHER.  Sorry about the rant, touchy subject for me.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Destiny74 said:

With all that, and how seriously Elena seems to take the position of godparent, I have no problem with Elena decision.  Although, Elena sounded like the Virgin Mary when she was telling Terra that she stays at home raising her kids.  Ugh!  Glad you have that luxury.  But for Terra to tell Elena she's not doing anything with her life is just as bad.  Working moms and SAHM need to get over this divide.  Some Moms have to work to make ends meet.  Some are blessed to be able to stay home.  Some would go insane staying at home all day.  Just stop throwing shade at other women.  NOT ALL MOMS ARE THE SAME!  WHAT WORKS FOR ONE DOES NOT WORK FOR ALL.  AND ONE FOLLOWING THEIR PATH DOES NOT MAKE THEM BETTER THAN ANOTHER.  Sorry about the rant, touchy subject for me.

I think the tremendous difference in parenting styles is why Elena chose Jasmine. Even though these days, godparents don't typically get custody in the event of parental demise, traditionally  the kids godparents were a married couple close to you who have a similar parenting style/motto. Even with the hairdressing, you can tell that Jasmine's primary job is childrearing and that she likes it that way, just as Elena does. They're both from pretty traditional conservative cultures were there's an expectation for mom to stay home and raise the kids. Terra on the other hand is a working mom, I'm not saying the kids come second but she's a hard charger professionally and that's her primary role in the family, the nanny(ies?) and Joe are the primary caretakers. If something happened to Elena and Preston it would be a huge jolt for the boys to go from a mom who prepares all their meals, tucks them in does homework with them etc etc to a mom who expects them to get together their own sack lunches, dress themselves and be on their way (Terra is totally a latch key kinda mom). A transition to Jasmine's care makes more sense because the changes would be minimal in terms of care.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

The B.O. comments about Briana were funny. She is now even grosser to me than before.

I laughed to.  But, maybe I actually have some semblance of a heart because . . . . I almost felt sorry for Brianna.  Having to sit at home watching this episode, possibly with other people, and hear that said about her behind her back.  That's fucked up.  

Sooooo. . . . that's my good deed/thought for the week.

Let's talk about the Bullshit that is Tonya's "L.A. Fashion Week" show for her shitwear.  

LA Fashion Week 2016 was in March, and the 2017 show isn't until September.  She's not listed anywhere under "previous designers" on the website, and the website clearly shows real, actual, runway shows.

I'm guessing that some local mall was having some sort of low-rent "fashion show" and whatever TPTB bribed Lane Bryant Midgets to allow Tonya to have people waddle around in her shit.  

Jasmine, desperation doesn't look good on you.  She's just flailing and flailing for something to keep her relevant.  She seems like a relatively nice lady, with a relatively stable family.  I think she's better than this and shouldn't continue to sully herself just for the temporary paycheck.

  • Love 4

I decided to turn the last 2 episodes into a drinking game. Every time I heard "active wear" I took a shot. Had to get treated for alcohol poisoning both times. 

Seriously though, why would someone who's only exercise is running her mouth produce an active wear ::shudders:: line. Just like Elena, who has been nipped, tucked and plumped with a pound of makeup think she is able to have a makeup line. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Mosspack1970 said:

Seriously though, why would someone who's only exercise is running her mouth produce an active wear ::shudders:: line. Just like Elena, who has been nipped, tucked and plumped with a pound of makeup think she is able to have a makeup line.

Because everyone on this type of reality shows convinces themselves that they're a "brand" and that people will buy whatever shit they peddle.

I'm sure that little people have trouble finding work-out clothes that fit.  Just like they have trouble finding any clothes that fit.  I'm not sure there's a big enough market to support an entire company.  At best, maybe she should come up with an idea and a few samples and try to license the idea to a company that's already in the little-people clothing business.  

Or maybe she should shut her fucking pie hole and stop getting take-out ribs for dinner.

  • Love 1

Wow they really had to dig five years back to find new drama with Christie. I thought that was pretty ridiculous, they said the video was from 2012 and Christie even apologized to Terra for judging her on that movie during their lunch. Terra still takes the video to the birthday party to show it to everyone, all because Christie wouldn't sign her release. Man Terra is really stirring up the drama. 

  • Love 2

These women don't like each other, they are not truly friends.  They seem to only see each other during filming.    You can tell by the conversations that they have.  They participate in this show because they get paid and get their face in front of a camera.     

 Terra mentioned she hates the arguments.  Well, then stop starting them. Stop allowing Tonya to egg them on.  Treat people kindly. Showing 5 year old video that Christy told you she made because she needed the money is not being a friend.  Ruining a baptism party is not being a friend. Talking on camera about Brianna's body Oder is very not being a friend. 

None of them are any better. Stop getting mad because you weren't chosen for a model shoot and someone else was. Tonya has the right to choose from more than 3 friends. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 6

Who's surprised Brianna's sexy photo shoot went nowhere? And they completely photoshopped her face! I would lmao if it wasn't so pathetic. 

What the hell was going on with Tonya's dog? It was stolen, held for ransom, she paid it and got the dog back? WTF was she talking about....

So Jasmine was so upset with Tonya, and rightly so in my opinion, but ends up apologizing to her and bringing her a gift to Penny's b'day party. Huh? I can't keep up anymore who is pissed at who and who is apologizing to who.

As for baby Penny, is there is something seriously mentally wrong with her? Poor baby never smiles, never laughs, never uses her arms to reach for anything, she doesn't seem to have any interest in anything, she just stares off in to space. I feel sad for her. 

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Let me see if I understand this.  Terra wants Christie to sign the release for her book, but she won't sign one for Christie's book?!  Alrighty then

Terra is something else.  I don't blame christy for not signing the release for Terra's book.  Everyone is entitled to write a book. What makes Terra think she is the only one that can?  Terra is a shit starter.  Why would she even talk about or show christy's video at her daughter's birthday party. Really?  Is her life that boring to worry about what christy did on 2012?  The same goes for Tonya.  Well actually Tonya is worse!  Tonya acts like she's Christy's friend and say christy's her girl but then does that?  Tonya sent that video to Terra because she knew Terra would start some crap over it.  These ladies have no clue what being a friend is.

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Where to start...

Joe, we aren't fooled.  Drinking liquor out of a coffee cup is still drinking liquor.

Tonya, pointing your finger and saying Terra threw you under the bus?  Point that finger back at yourself.  Your mouth got everyone pissed this season.

Jasmine, it is ok to be apologetic for coming off as a total bitch at the wrong moment, we know you don't want to lose fans.  But, the gift?  It was a little much.  Seemed like grovelling.  Still.  I am glad that is over and done with.

Brianna, Christy has no class because she did a video that upset you?  No sweetie, no class is being in the hospital, on "deaths door" with a blocked colon and NOT telling your family, who was taking care of your child, where you were so they could pay their last respects.  No class is erasing an old friend out of your life for doing something you turn around and do to another friend...with no apologies.  No class is erasing yet another friend from your life, the only friend you have left, because she is concerned about some messages your loser husband left for her.  I don't think she knows what class is.

Terra, do you not talk to your husband about anything?  Did you not share the cover photos with him when you got them?  Or did you really wait til the cameras were rolling?  I know, that when scene was acted...badly acted.  You wait to plan a "huge" birthday party for your daughter until 5 days out?  Yeah, you do seem like family is a priority.  Should've not called it a big party, then the thrown togetherness of the whole thing would have seemed better.  Also, just sign the damn release for Christy.  Or don't, I don't get a fart.  Just don't be Petty about the whole thing.  Lastly, you have a problem with Christy using midget but when you had asta on the couch last week you hardly said anything about her using the word.  You are so freaking transparent.  Do you stand aganist the word midget like you said you stood for no bullying (on DWtS)?  Because you basically sat down when you realized your incredible hypocrisy on that one.

Finally, the after show with Michelle Collins.  Why are you so up Terra's ass?  She's not a producer on that one.  Say what is real, not what you think she wants to hear.  I don't need to spend 30 minutes hearing how great Terra is...she already makes sure we know that.

  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Tosia said:

Thats her job.  Terra's exec producer and modeling this show after the Real Housewives chain. 

Too bad it make Terra look like a shit person with no morals.   

I understand it's part of her job to make the show more entertaining, but Terra really had to dig to find a five year old video.  I honestly think the story of Todd is enough to keep Christie relevant on the show. There really wasn't a drama void needed to fill out her story at this time. It also felt really fake with how Terra went about it. 

7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Who's surprised Brianna's sexy photo shoot went nowhere? And they completely photoshopped her face! I would lmao if it wasn't so pathetic. 

What the hell was going on with Tonya's dog? It was stolen, held for ransom, she paid it and got the dog back? WTF was she talking about....

So Jasmine was so upset with Tonya, and rightly so in my opinion, but ends up apologizing to her and bringing her a gift to Penny's b'day party. Huh? I can't keep up anymore who is pissed at who and who is apologizing to who.

As for baby Penny, is there is something seriously mentally wrong with her? Poor baby never smiles, never laughs, never uses her arms to reach for anything, she doesn't seem to have any interest in anything, she just stares off in to space. I feel sad for her. 

Tonya said her dog was stolen, then she put out a reward poster to find the dog, then the dog was brought back to her. Christie said the word ransom, but I'm not sure that is actually what happened.  I have actually seen Penny smile and laugh, but I'm guessing she still has some physically difficulties due to dwarfism. 

Edited by clb89
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On 5/17/2017 at 5:02 PM, Carolina Girl said:

No - remember how it works - Brianna was SUPPOSED to be on American Idol but couldn't so they went with Jasmine!  

The minute I heard Brianna say that she had booked a fashion show as a model, my reaction was "so why wasn't any of that captured on film?"  

I'm starting to think that Brianna writes out her talking heads ahead of time when possible and memorizes them.  They have no "spontaneous" feel to them.  Actually they all seem a little rehearsed in their TH's but Brianna's are the WORST.

  On 5/17/2017 at 9:09 AM, 4leafclover said:

"I still can't grasp the idea that in her mid 30's, Brianna becomes a runway "model."  And an author.  And a dancer.  What's next, a superhero?  lol  I'm no fan of hers, but to have it spread all over TV that you have body odor funk is embarrassing!"


So now on the episode from May 23, Brianna is blabbering on about Terra's book, saying, "Oh, now Christy wants to write a book, and next it will be Elena and Jasmine wanting to."  Being the Queen of piggybacking, I guess Brianna knows what she is talking about, LOL.

It took a lot of nerve, IMHO, for Terra to first state she was writing a book all about herself and then ask the others to sign off on it. While declaring it was "all about me," what is her excuse for needing them to sign off? She was pure manipulation finally meeting one on one nicey nicey with Christy, planning to butter her up to get the signature, then pounce on her about that video. Then passing it all around after Christy said how sorry she was, was a rotten move. Christy lecturing the others on this issue was not something I was around for, so I guess I'd feel differently if I had seen it. I don't know how rough she was on them. Personally, I don't understand why the "M" word is such a hot button for them. Being pretty old, I do not remember anyone ever using it in a derogatory way. It was just an adjective, period.

Edited by renatae
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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

As for baby Penny, is there is something seriously mentally wrong with her? Poor baby never smiles, never laughs, never uses her arms to reach for anything, she doesn't seem to have any interest in anything, she just stares off in to space. I feel sad for her. 

I kind of wonder this too. In comparison to other kids her age with dwarfism within the franchise (Malik, Bri's son, what little we've seen of Andrea's son Andre, and  Tonya's two toddlers Jaiden and Luna), she's really quiet and withdrawn. She also rarely if ever babbles. She's not walking either; I know they've mentioned that achon kids are delayed walkers a lot of the time, but Penny seems even more delayed than the average LP in mobility.

Maybe she's just got more of a quiet personality and is camera shy, but I do hope that Terra and Joe are keeping up with her developmental milestones. 

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I wonder what was said about the others in her book that she needs them to sign a release?  If Terra does change her mind and tells Christy she would sign a release if christy wrote a book, christy should get that in writing. 

As far as Christy's video, that's Christy's business so I don't get why Terra needs to bring up something that had nothing to do with her.  Didn't she say she wasn't going to get involved in anyone's business?  But yet here she is doing the opposite of what she said.  To me that's called lying something Terra claims she doesn't do.  

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I respect Terra's hustle and energy and all that, but I have a major pet peeve with her. She NEVER thanks her friends when they compliment her.. She just nods and smiles as if the accolades are just obvious. She shows no graciousness.. either when being complimented or apologized to. If someone apologizes she just answers by recapping what they did wrong and never says thank you for making that effort and/or I apologize as well.  Those are the times that her self involved narcissism shine through the most. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:

I kind of wonder this too. In comparison to other kids her age with dwarfism within the franchise (Malik, Bri's son, what little we've seen of Andrea's son Andre, and  Tonya's two toddlers Jaiden and Luna), she's really quiet and withdrawn. She also rarely if ever babbles. She's not walking either; I know they've mentioned that achon kids are delayed walkers a lot of the time, but Penny seems even more delayed than the average LP in mobility.

Maybe she's just got more of a quiet personality and is camera shy, but I do hope that Terra and Joe are keeping up with her developmental milestones. 

She could have developmental delays totally unrelated to her dwarfism.  If she does, it takes A LOT of hard work from parents and therapists to hit those milestones.  Joe and Terra will really have to step it up if that is the case.  

Either way, I wish her well.  And, in this regard, I wish Terra and Joe well too.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Destiny74 said:

She could have developmental delays totally unrelated to her dwarfism.  If she does, it takes A LOT of hard work from parents and therapists to hit those milestones.  Joe and Terra will really have to step it up if that is the case.  

Either way, I wish her well.  And, in this regard, I wish Terra and Joe well too.

I could totally see that. If Terra wasn't so unbearable/a raging narcissist, I would say they could reintroduce Terra's Little Family and the process of getting Penny evaluated. It could be really educational for all types of young families to see how to navigate IDEA's ChildFind process and the benefits the program offers to infants and toddlers with disabilities of all types.

Then again I have no doubt that as parents, they've noticed Penny's delays (especially with Grayson quickly catching up to her developmentally). Maybe for once Terra is keeping private information private, and respecting Penny's right to privacy as well. She is a child but will one day be an adult; it's not fair for information to be shared about her that she may not want shared. There is a whole lot less stigma in our society against physical disabilities than there are cognitive/neurological/intellectual ones. 

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8 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:


Then again I have no doubt that as parents, they've noticed Penny's delays (especially with Grayson quickly catching up to her developmentally). Maybe for once Terra is keeping private information private, and respecting Penny's right to privacy as well. 

I really would like to believe that.  I really would...

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I figured Penny was tired on the day of the party and needed a nap, but the filming schedule needs to go on. But I understand that as a little person, she may need more physical therapy and cognitive tests to achieve her potential.

Terra has time, although she' is a working mom. She's hustling for $ and fame AND for her family.  Joe is home alot,  too. I have faith that they are doing alot for Penny and Grayson --or whatthefuck crazy name that Terra insists on-- D'Artagnan. Women get tons more crap for working than dads do. It is what it is.  

This show did teach me about the myriad health issues that require surgeries of little people. Tough life--and not just cuz they're smaller than average in a world that loves BIG things--cars, trucks, furniture,  tall chairs in restaurants, counters!, and most of all, clothes.  One little woman said they have to have alterations on most clothes--that's expensive! 

On the other hand, I totally agree with GracieK, abt Terra on apologies/compliments.  She's the real boss, not Tonya.  

None of them ever deign to be gracious about anything,  except when they're crying over some health problem or their kids' medical needs. 

The five days to get ready for Penny's party was show-scripted urgency. The videotape was dug up by Tonya, and used for more scripted drama because it's tv. They needed a new issue to fight about, even though Christy explained her alcohol -addicted behavior was abhorrent and in the past. But tv demands energy and mean girls and back- stabbibg, and ridiculous doubke-speak and never caving in or be seen as weak.

Jasmine has some class and did apologize as did Tonya, which was better. Christy, Brianna, and  Terra got ALOT more issues, so I don't expect normalcy from them.

Sorry folks, but  I like Elena, although she does need better bras after nursing. Love her family and Jasmine's! They seem really genuine and nice.  

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11 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

She could have developmental delays totally unrelated to her dwarfism.  If she does, it takes A LOT of hard work from parents and therapists to hit those milestones.  Joe and Terra will really have to step it up if that is the case.  

It seems to me that Penny is obviously developmentally delayed.  

I didn't comment on it at the time, but there was a scene earlier in the season that I found extremely disturbing.

Terra and Joe were at home, and Penny was "army crawling" and it was very apparent that she couldn't use her legs to do anything else.  At her age, that's a delay.

Then, they mentioned that Penny couldn't even "cruise" along furniture because her knee joints kept sliding out of place.  And they were personally debating whether to get her knee braces.

Now, I realize that a lot of the conversations that we see are artificial re-enactments (that would be clumsy "exposition" in a book).  But I really hope that they're consulting a medical specialist about that issue and not just deciding for themselves.  If a problem with her knee joints is preventing her from standing and weight-bearing, she's never going to develop the muscle strength and agility to walk.  Her leg muscles must be atrophying and the nerves are not learning what they need to know to send the signals to walk.

13 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

I wonder what was said about the others in her book that she needs them to sign a release?  If Terra does change her mind and tells Christy she would sign a release if christy wrote a book, christy should get that in writing. 

That's the thing.  You don't need a "release" to write an autobiography, unless you're planning on committing defamation.  Otherwise, no one would ever write an autobiography. 

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