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Ooh yes, Stockholm syndrome....or the lesser known, but more widely-held, "Ima gonna hang onto my poor decision to prove you all wrong until he cheats on me" syndrome. Go away Brianna. Yawn.

Beautiful hotel. Boring show. Creepy stripper.

Cd Terra please do her roots? She needs to go all blond asap.

Edited by Tosia
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Yep. I bet Matt was chomping at the bit to come down to Cancun and "surprise" everyone. And get a free trip.

He was conniving enough to get dumb Brianna to marry him, so now he gets half of her earnings when they divorce. She deserves him. Blech.

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I'm pretty close to hate-watching at this point, just to see how badly these bitches can disgrace themselves.


The producers really do treat this show like The Hunger Games at this point.


"Ooh, let's send in a new girl to tattle on Terra and Tonya".


"The one thing Brianna doesn't want is a stripper?  Cue the paunchy stripper!  Ooh, wait, better yet, let's get a midget stripper!  We'll get Christy to say it's her idea.  We already have her over-emphasizing everything in her confessionals like she's Porky Pig".


Elena, if you don't want the other ladies to get suspicious of your pregnancy belly (when you're, what, 6 weeks pregnant at most?) maybe stop dressing like a whore.  And put the tits away.  The fact that they went up a cup-size overnight is a bigger give-away than your stomach, which is already artificially distended from having to counter-balance your phony phat ass.


Ahh.  That feels better.  (good thing I haven't watched Atlanta yet!)

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Ahh.  That feels better.  (good thing I haven't watched Atlanta yet!)

Alapaki, do NOT watch Atlanta! It is the most vile waste of time I have ever seen on my TV! And that is saying alot coming from a reality whore like me. There is almost nothing I won't watch but this one I can't get through. I tried twice. 

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Team Brianna on the stripper thing -  had anybody brought in a stripper against my wishes I would have been out the door, and not only would I not have caved in to cajoling, I would have been seriously angry. Long term friendship-affecting angry.  


Maybe it's a social anxiety thing.  I'm not a prude, and I think people should be able to make a living however they want.  And I might watch the same performance on tv and salivate (okay, not THIS particular performance, but you know what I mean). But up close and personal with some complete stranger?  Nuh-uh.    

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Used to like these gals but now? Soooo fake, so "set up" by the producers. I agree it is so much like Real Housewives - all fake , all fights all the time


The Briana storyline is so played out, yawn


However I totally see why she was mad about the stripper - I have seen way too many reality shows with women getting a lap dance, getting humiliating with a guy's crotch in their face - preserved on film for all to see, go to youtube

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I caught up on this season and all I can say is wow. Terrible bachelorette shower but I guess when you are told at the beginning if you have anything negative to say you must go directly to the party planner.  Which that stuff should have been said to the three in question aside not in the group.  It was nice to see Briana thank the host and the new girl.  Would it have been so hard to say thank you to the others that came.  I don't blame Tanya for saying something.  I would have too.  If you are going to struggle that much then you should have said no I didn't want you hear.  Then again there would be no trip. 


  • I can say that because of this trip there was no Matt.  The man is a creep and gives off the creepy vibes.  It's probably just me but when they show on camera the scenes between Brianna's daughter and him the hair on the back of my neck stands up.


  • No Christie bitching about Todd's weight.  From the looks of it she's not losing weight and seems to have added some more on to her body.


  • No Christie's mom.  The lady wants camera time and continues to meddle.
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I caught up on this season and all I can say is wow. Terrible bachelorette shower but I guess when you are told at the beginning if you have anything negative to say you must go directly to the party planner.  Which that stuff should have been said to the three in question aside not in the group.  It was nice to see Briana thank the host and the new girl.  Would it have been so hard to say thank you to the others that came.  I don't blame Tanya for saying something.



But tact, class and manners is not part of the script here.  The whole point of any trip like this is conflict, confrontation and drama.  


As far as Tanya, I'd be more sympathetic to her if her response to everything wasn't (basically) "fuck you!"

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Anyone rooting for that marriage hates Brianna. In fact, I hate Briana and even I can't root for the marriage. I am with Tanya and Terra here. They caved and tried to make it work, but pushed into a corner, their honesty didn't change. Brianna is a complete idiot, and I love how quickly she glues herself to the new people, because they don't know how stupid she is, so they support her. First it was  Jasmine, now it's whatshername, Allie? another pot stirrer.


I actually enjoy this show over all the other little people shows because it seems more about relationships and less about the club scene. But it's getting harder to believe the whole thing isn't fiction.


Elena, I thought you were a class act for not announcing your pregnancy at Briana's party last episode, and then you stooped to the needing attention level and became as bad as she was. Total crap. You were out of line, and I wanted to tell you to shut up the way you told Briana when she crapped on your vow renewal.


Not sure why Christi's announcement about adopting was made.... that's been ongoing. So yeah, the director gave her the script and told her "YOU are the vehicle for Elena to be crap!"


I wish these people could be functional, and make functional decisions, and then we could enjoy them having fun together. I guess that won't sell.


Briana is so delusional and needy, she makes me uneasy. I'd have a hard time trying to be friends with her- let alone fight for the friendship. She is on Mars. She keeps crying because her friends love her and don't want her in an abusive relationship. SUCH a problem.


Jasmine can suck it how she plays both sides and basically enables everyone. 


Terra screaming at Allie was dead on. That girl baited them and then tattled on them, and she has no idea what's been going on long term. Christi.... you're on a slippery slope, trying to win the new kid over instead of remembering your friends had a valid point all along.


Jasmine suddenly turning on the girls for still wanting more for Briana than her dumb ass can decide for herself, just seems stupid. Suddenly they are bad friends? Because they care??


And if Jasminie is having money problems, how is there suddenly a four day trip to Mexico, right after a week in Hawaii? I mean, if we are to believe this cast's problems, sell them better. Because Jasmine has money. And about five faces. And Briana continues to show how stupid she is because she adheres herself to anyone who agrees to her mistakes. I wish she valued her friends more. So pathetic. 


Then, at the end, Briana judges Terra for not being the friend Christi has been. Wow. I'd leave the group, too. Christi compromised because she needed Briana back. Nothing good came out of any of this. I would have left as well.

Edited by Chewy101
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If they cd actually speak in short sentences, without another interrupting, they might make their personal opinions known. However, they are constantly responding to interruptions, and never finishing the sentence they started. Terra is the worst at this.

It's frustrating to try to follow the lack of logic. So I give up.

I think Christie had a valid point abt wanting Brianna to re- connect with her family. Psychos/abusers usually try to isolate the victim from her friends and family. Classic.

Also, did you all HATE the way Brianna kept correcting herself from saying "my" kids, to "our" kids. I doubt those kids think of her as a step mom cuz they live in another state and never see her. I also bet that the bio mom of those kids doesn't appreciate Brianna using those terms. Brianna is gripping her view if her "happy" marriage with both hands and feet. Ain't gonna happen. As soon as the show's over, Matt will move on to another gravy train.

Edited by Tosia
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I just can not stand Terra's screaming! She refuses to let anyone else speak when she's all riled up! Get control of yourself, woman! How did she ever manage to get her own show? 


They all must realize by now that no matter what they say or do delusional Brianna isn't leaving Matt (for now, anyway). If they care about her, they should just tell her that they love her, don't like or trust her husband, and that they will be there for her if she needs them. Then they need to shut up about it and leave it alone. Is that so damn difficult? 


Then again, I guess without all the harping about Brianna's deadbeat husband and everybody wanting to make babies there really is nothing going on with this show.

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But it's getting harder to believe the whole thing isn't fiction.



My theory on how the "Little Women" franchise came to be:


Some would-be producer got shit-faced one afternoon (because would-be producers are exactly the type of people who day-drink) while zoning out in front of Bravo, and decided it might be clever to have a "Real Housewives" show, only with 6-year-old girls screeching at each other and prancing around in their moms' jewelry and high-heels.


Then, in his inebriated state, he still realize that the key to getting the behavior you want is to have the cast liquored up, and since Kate Goselin opened her sweat-shop here in Pennsylvania, "society" tends to frown on the exploitation of minors for reality-TV pleasure.


Well, he thought, maybe I could get them hopped up on Robuttisin and other cold medicines.  But then the damned FDA cracked down on how much of the good-shit you can buy through over-the-counter cold meds.


And that's when the lightbulb went on.  And the rest his infamy. 

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Honestly? I've never gotten all the Matt hate. I would consider maybe I missed something major when I wandered off on last season, bur I doubt it since he seems to have been getting it from his first appearance with the talk of him possibly having a little person fetish, and it's just gone on from there. He's never really struck me as all that bad, and while I don't think he should be gleeful about Brianna breaking away from her family, I don't see why he should be particularly broken up about it either. Also, Brianna's so called friends have had more than ample time to voice their opinions. More than I would ever tolerate before I just started cutting folks off entirely. Every time they get together they gang up and say how awful Matt must be, but honestly I get the impression they only know him slightly better than the audience by the very virtue of having met him in person.

I tend to like Christy more than others seem to, but I'm sick to death of the Todd's-too-fat song. Enough already. Either he'll lose the weight or he won't, but the constant bitching can't be helping anything. It's just like the Brianna situation, stop trying to force your way as the only way.

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Matt is a moocher. No job, has priors, sent dick pix to other women --who were on the show-- and has acted in an unsavory manner to the other little women. We think he also alienated her family by manipulating Brianna. The women have a problem with fetishists. He is shady. Brianna gets her just desserts cuz she defends him. Too bad for her child being around him. And the eventual breakup when the show goes off.

Edited by Tosia
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Yeah, but see, most of that is a matter of opinion. Matt may be viewed as a moocher, but that doesn't necessarily make it so. He may be looking for a job in the present, that doesn't mean he never had one. He didn't just up and abandon his children, he fell in love with someone who lived far away. Happens fairly often in this age, and they go back to visit. Perhaps he hasn't been all that gentlemanly, but these girls are no shrinking violets nor models of ladylike demurity. Not even to each other, and they're supposed to be friends. And just because the girls have issues with fetishists does not automatically make him one. Not even dating multiple little women should automatically qualify him for the fetish group. No one's man (those that have them *cough*Tonya*cough*) comes across as particularly stellar, except for Preston. Maybe Jasmine's, but he kinda lost me with his whole railroad conductor thing, not wanting to work in the restaurant, but wasn't the job he lost a furniture store? I don't see how that's any further removed from his railroad aspirations than the furniture store was. Are train conductors really an in need kinda thing? It seems so oddly random to me.

Edited by Amberosia
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I have to agree with Amberosia - the Matt Hate is getting over the top

FYI - there is NO proof he sent dick picks to women - he apparently sent one to one woman -

and she was BIG (real big) so there goes the "fetish" idea

Many of the women are with "standard" size guys...do they have a fetish too?

Not to mention that most of the "men" don't seem to be doing a lot of work - what does Todd do?

Joe? Jasmines husband has not been working while we see him trying to figure what to do with the

train conductor thingy too


In Matt's favor he seemed very happy about Briana's Girl's trip and seemed supportive

Hey if they don't like him - don't be around him.

Maybe the one they should be worrying about is shit stirrin Ali's drunken husband - wow he was a real mess


I used to like Elaina but now? Ugh - "I don't want to steal the thunder" but here she goes - stealing the thunder

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I used to like Elaina but now? Ugh - "I don't want to steal the thunder" but here she goes - stealing the thunder



For all of the two-faced butt kissing these girls (especially the new girls) do, I have always thought Alena was the classiest of them all. But when she asked Briana if it was ok to make an announcement, all I could think was, did Briana really get a chance to say no? It was rude. And Christi opening up the baby can of worms with her non-announcement was really showing how lamely scripted this show really is.

I'm sick of Jasmine always finding the underdog to stroke and side with, so she feels like the best friend ever. Jasmine is forever changing sides, and actually creating sides, while pretending to bring everyone together. And that new one, Ali.... typical that Briana would again side with the chick who knows the least about her stupid awful husband so she can justify her terrible decisions.

Edited by Chewy101
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I think Jasmine probably has little to no connection with any of the other castmembers, and so what some are perceiving as taking sides is really just opportunistically grabbing any chance she can for screen time.  I mean, if it wasn't for scaling barstools at cheap L.A. dive restaurants and asking the other women "how did that make you feel?", what would she really have to do on this show?


Same thing with Elena, to an extent.  Except Elena is actually putting her physical health at risk for the sake of air time.  "Hey, I'll design a clothing line (that has no chance of going anywhere)!  No good?  Well, I'll make my ass bigger!  What?  Not enough?  How about make-up then?  Yeah, I agree.  Well, maybe I can get my tits done!  Too derivative of the ass-thing?  Okay, bring me the turkey baster!"

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I mean, if it wasn't for scaling barstools at cheap L.A. dive restaurants and asking the other women "how did that make you feel?", what would she really have to do on this show?

lol--I totally agree with your description of Jasmine.  I always laugh when I see her put that serious-therapist-expression on while she is having a heart-to-heart with her latest BFF.  Then she stabs them in the back by telling the other "girls" what that one said.  


As far as the "party,"  I surprised myself by (for the first time ever) agreeing with Tonya when she said, "This is the most boringest bachelorette party ever!"   

Edited by 4leafclover
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I actually like Jasmin. The one I am starting not to like is Terra. Just because she talks the loudest, doesn't make her right. I am so sick of know it all Tonya and Terra. And Elena is right, why does Brianna have to prove herself to Them. She says she is happy but the two Ts won't be happy until she agrees with their assessment of her life with Matt. The new girl said it best when the two Ts told her that Bri lied to them for months abt being married. She said perhaps had you been more supportive, she wouldn't have felt the need to lie. Truer words were never spoken!

Terra, worry about your life and the challenges your little one has to face with her medical issues. Tonya, let's talk about the man you are chasing that is already living and in a relationship with someone else. Brianna, tell them both to fuck off!

Edited by lasandi
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Its very clear that Terra does not listen to anyone in an argument. She just keeps yelling loudly some nonsense to rile up the other person. ..no matter who it is. I guess she gets the big bucks for causing high drama. Crazy stupid.

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This show is so stupid that they keep bringing ALL the women together. ...to fight in public. Brianna says she comes just to have fun--despite being attacked snd having her dickish husband demonized. Kind of a dim bulb, or desperate for the dollars.

They get paid, plus free trips, drinks, food, recreation, etc. Probably extra $ to cause drama. I wonder how long this show will be on the air with the same ole, same ole plots. Reality tv needs better writers or smarter participants.

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Doesn't Christie have a child already? I thought I remember seeing a daughter on a previous show.

The way she talks about babies you would think she doesn't have any kids so I was wondering if the girl I saw was maybe her step daughter.

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I still hate Briana. She has zero sense. And it was fine when she was just hurting herself, but not she has the devil spawn in her. Dim bulb is right. 


I don't actually see how any of them can avoid being two-faced at this point. They are a very opinionated bunch of people, who also change their minds when new info is presented. It can seem very two-faced.

Jasmine is the strangest kind of trouble maker, how she adheres to the weak link and then appears to be rooting for everyone, while she drops bombs left and right. Her supposed desires to mend things always cause more trouble. Clever girl....


Briana hardly sounded like she couldn't breathe on that phone call from the ER. Very rude to stand up a friend for a non-emergency. Reminds me of how flaky she was with the girls last season.


I don't think Christi did anything really wrong last episode. I think she is struggling with agreeing with Tonya and Terra, but still unable to accept that her best friend, Briana, is not her best friend anymore. Because her former best friend is an idiot. Christi should move on and enjoy the girls without Briana and frakkin Matt.


I personally love the nick name "SocioMatt." Briana is dumb as dirt.

Edited by Chewy101
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Doesn't Christie have a child already? I thought I remember seeing a daughter on a previous show.

The way she talks about babies you would think she doesn't have any kids so I was wondering if the girl I saw was maybe her step daughter.

She has a daughter, But not with Todd, and Todd has no children, so they want one together.

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This show is so stupid that they keep bringing ALL the women together. ...to fight in public. Brianna says she comes just to have fun--despite being attacked snd having her dickish husband demonized. Kind of a dim bulb, or desperate for the dollars.

They get paid, plus free trips, drinks, food, recreation, etc. Probably extra $ to cause drama. I wonder how long this show will be on the air with the same ole, same ole plots. Reality tv needs better writers or smarter participants.


This always makes me laugh. Jasmine keeps talking about how she wont work, and her husband cant find suitable work, and money is so tight. Next thing, she is hosting a four day romp in Mexico. Too funny!

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Seriously what can they do next? Bring back the horror of little people wrestling? So dumb.

Jasmine looks good on camera so I believe she had been encouraged to stir the shit pot.

Too bad Terra and Christie didn't go to the source of the conflict-Jasmine-when they were arguing at the western bar. But of course that would take thought and common sense.

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I thought Elena was fairly classy about it. She didn't reveal anything until Christy revealed her adoption. Besides, it was like a five minute thing then the attention went back to Briana.


While I do understand the ladies problems with Matt, I don't see why they'd even come to her bachelorette party since that's basically a celebration of her marriage to him. They should've either fake supported her or stfu about it and kept their fake opinions to confessionals. All that extra stuff was unnecessary.


Jasmine, you are officially banned from throwing parties. You have abused the privilege, so the privilege has been revoked.



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They did a good job keeping Briana's pregnancy under wraps. I admittedly didn't see that coming.


Have Christy and Terra lost their minds? Why would you throw glasses at each other with your two pregnant friends at the same table? There is no way that you can justify something like that.

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They get paid, plus free trips, drinks, food, recreation, etc. Probably extra $ to cause drama. I wonder how long this show will be on the air with the same ole, same ole plots. Reality tv needs better writers or smarter participants.

Looks like they are getting paid extra $ to get pregnant, too! Lol , just kidding. It does seem that way, though....


Edited by bichonblitz
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Terra and Tonya like nothing more than gathering all the girls together to start a fight. It never fails that one or the other instigates an argument by opening their big mouth when they say they "Just wanna make things right"!! It would be nice to see them all get together ONE time where Terra and Tonya kept their mouths SHUT FOR ONCE!!

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I don't like any of them, but Jasmine really irritates me. She talks so sweet in that baby voice but is constantly bringing up stuff to start a fight. At least Terra and Tonya own being bitches. Brianna seems very fragile and I do question why she went to the hospital for not being able to breathe, but yet was able to come to line dancing. I don't watch any of the housewife shows but I never understand why people want to come across as so nasty on TV. The TV show comes and goes but people will always remember you as being a horrible person. 

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 I'm often flipping channels and watching something else when I watch this show, so I rarely see all of it.  I didn't see the part where Terra and Christy were throwing glasses at each other.  I did just find this link from Reality Tea (a site I've never heard of) that mentions the glass throwing incident, which apparently sent Christy to the hospital.



Edited by tomorrowgirl
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I was shocked that a get-together of these women leads to them scaling bar-stools and screeching at eat other.  I did not see that coming!


Terra has to stop that bobble-head action and waving her sausage-fingers during her confessionals.  I can't even pay attention to what she's saying anymore.


And, for some reason, when Brianna was announcing her pregnancy, her weird smile-face just kept reminding me of:






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Ok, the new show I watched tonight had none of the above stuff in it, except a bit of Christie's injury, and Brianna's quest for wedding venue with snow, so I'm guessing a "Frozen" theme as she snubs most of the original little women of l.a.

Tonya asked the women to volunteer at a food bank. Christie talked abt her symptoms and did not show up at the food bank. Others talked abt media around the glass- throwing incident, and concluded that Christie was contacting the media.

Brianna wants snow at her "fantasy wedding"... isn't this her 2nd marriage? But she caves to a venue closer to L.A., which I bet the Production execs forced her for easier filming. Matt is understanding. What a sweetheart he is!

All the "ladies" and Matt, Todd, and Joe, put down the others, cuz each is right, of course, and they are all little bitches.

Christie cries alot and pretty much begs Brianna to be her friend again.

Terra wants to apologize to Christie--(after calling her vile names with the ladies)..due to pending legal action. Joe says he and Penny will visit her in jail. Terra doesn't laugh. Heh. Heh.

Typical show. Same ole s--t, different episode.

Edited by Tosia
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 Well I like this show! Other people's drama not my own! Lol! Jasmine I still like, however she plays into causing trouble between others. Jasmine totally twisted Christy's words to Terra by stating that Christy had to force Terra and Tonya to go to Mexico( when Christy did not say that, all she said was that it took a lot of convincing to get Terra and Tonya to go)  and the fight was on. Jasmine tends to meddle too much in other people's business. Terra is a major drama queen.  The thing that upsets me is that Terra has not shown remorse on what happened to Christy. Alot of people think Christy did not get hurt by the glass that Terra threw at her. I think that Christy could have gotten hurt, I am not a doctor. Although Terra has started other fights with Christy in the past. The two of them are toxic together. Terra wants someone to be the scapegoat of the group and she has picked Christy to be the scapegoat and has done that in the past. Terra needs to take accountability for her actions instead of blaming everything on Christy. Christy was harsh on Brianna at the beginning of the season and that was not politically correct in terms of being her friend. Christy is trying to make amends which is good to see. All of the women have turned on Christy which is sad. Christy was merely trying to be a better friend to Brianna by not talking about Brianna's fiancée. Also a suggestion from Jasmine that Christy needed to drop knocking Matt and be a better friend to Brianna. Then Terra and Tonya called Christy fake. Christy and Terra should totally dissolve the friendship as it is an unhealthy relationship. Terra is a control freak and everything should be done her way.

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Jasmine is the worst. "I've never seen you guys fight before!" Girl keeps poking everyone, complete instigator.

Her makeup irritates me. Unless you are about to go on stage, it is just too much. She looks like a clown. Reminds me of Terra a couple of seasons ago. Elena wears a ton as well, but it's still more subtle than Tammy Faye Jasmine.


Briana is so happy Christi and Terra are fighting, so she can get someone else on board with her sociopathic marriage.


I loved the scene with Tonya preparing donations to the local food bank. Yay, PRODUCT PLACEMENT! It was like I'm watching the Biggest Loser again.


I love how these women like the hospital so much. Brianna goes for a panic attack and Christi goes for a wounded ego.


Briana saying Jasmine ought to "get it together" as maid of honor was hilarious. After the girl spent hours waiting on Briana at the gown shop? I'd be late to the next outing as well. 


I must be crazy, but I just want all of these idiots to realize they all suck and just accept it and get along.


I liked that dramatic moment where Elena's doc couldn't find the heartbeat. I totally expected a suspenseful commercial break, there!


I like a snowy wedding, but no way was this show going to fund that. Little women in coats and scarves instead of crazy skimpy dresses? No. And who picks a venue and gets an opening one week in advance?


Jasmine acting like she is fighting for this group to stay together, while she consistently contributes to blowing them up. Ugh.

Anyone notice that when Briana is with Matt and talking to other people, he dominates the conversation? She is his puppet.


More product placements! Maternity body pillow! When did Jasmine and Elena make up? Doesn't she hate Jasmine? And have these chicks not learned yet that when they talk to Jasmine about their assumptions and issues, that they are doomed?


Considering Christi's mom is all up in her business, I'm surprised she didn't know the diagnosis until two days later, lol. And I love how "IF it was a brain bleed, I'd be dead right now." Point being, it WASN'T a brain bleed. Because it's just a bruise. If even THAT, because you had a giant hat on!


Elena seems to be the wisest voice in the group. She consistently calls out the true motives of people and is honest to their face. She was right to be suspicious of Jasmine, back in the day.


They all should have thrown a glass at Jasmine. That police report is a joke. "Assault with a deadly weapon?" That cannot fly. They splashed each other with liquid and then flung some cups. And if Christi's cup was plastic, I guarantee that was not on her mind when she hurled it. 


At the food bank, I love how Tonya said "We aren't going to get to the bottom of this until Jasmine and Briana arrive." Good luck with that. Nothing like asking the two most delusion girls in the bunch.Briana calling their discussion "gossip" was funny. She has been talking about these girls behind their back for years. But now that Christi might back up her marriage, she needs to foster that alliance.


Briana needs to stop saying she can't trust the girls because they were honest with her. That is insane. Honest people are the ones to trust! I can't figure out why any of them are still trying with her. She doesn't give a crap. 


Next episode looks so awesome. "If anyone objects to this union..." You mean the one that already happened? And Christi crying that the media won't leave her alone...That's what happens when you call them, girl. 

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Still trying to understand how Terra gets her own show.....she's a loud mouth bitch. And I don't like her husband with his "we're so much better" attitude. Dude, you are a broke ass wannabee celebrity couple that can't even afford to buy a house because your credit sucks so bad!!


Christie-get a life, girl. 


Elena looks so bloated and unhappy. This is not going to be an easy pregnancy for her. 

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Joe may have been arrogant in saying they were the only ones who had a real life and had something to lose..... But he wasnt wrong in the facts.... That Terra's little fight with Christi poked the Lawsuit Bear. 

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Terra is also the EP for the entire franchise Chewy101. I've read the reality producers can make up to $50k an episode. If Terra is making just half of that, from January until the season finale of LWLA, she would've made a quarter mil on LWATL, and about $375K for LWLA. That's a total of $625K, before you even count in TLF (which is totally a vanity project), LWNY, and Terra's cast credits for LWLA. I'm lowballing the cast in saying they make at least $250K a season (Teen Mom OG and 2 make closer to $500k as a point of reference); add that to another $250k for NY and $120k for herself and Penny on TLF, Terra is easily pulling in $1.2M annually, and it will only go higher from here with the resounding success of ATL. They'll come back a lot sooner than after a year like NY.

TL;DR- Joe is 200% correct in saying Terra has ALOT more to lose than the rest of the cast.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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An they live in that basic house and can't afford to buy a better one? Someone can't manage her finances.

I completely agree with the poor financial management skills, pretty sure that's what the alluded to when she was trying to one up Christy by buying a new house, but Im willing to bet her basic house right now costs at least half a mil; she lives in Pasadena and the Los Angeles area (really damn near all of SoCal), is eyewateringly expensive to live in, even the most basic of houses. I remember when Mark Salling from Glee got caught for his pedo-ness, they showed his $2million dollar house and it was like this 60 year old wooden ranch house.

Christy's new big house most likely costs the exact same price as Terra's, but is like 60 miles away in Riverside County. When I lived in San Diego, middle class people who worked in SD and LA typically lived in Riverside, Temecula, Murrieta, or Moreno Valley (dependent on if they were working in SD or LA) and just commuted, usually in a carpool system.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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After Christy and Terra's altercation, the women struggle to switch gears for Briana and Matt's upcoming wedding; Terra and Tonya celebrate not being invited to the wedding; an uninvited Christy turns up the morning of Briana's wedding.

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