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S04.E10: Baby Sprinkle

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Complete shift in tone this week but for the most part, really enjoyed Alexis' storyline this week. Her realisation that her place is in Schitts Creek was really poignant. Loved her "It won't" moment at the end. 

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Loved Alexis' storyline this week. I just love David, he makes me laugh out loud every episode. His ignorance on how baby showers/sprinkles work was hilarious or his attempt at trying to play it off as thought he kindly offered to help Jocelyn until he learned that as the host he was on the hook for the expenses and then proceeded to blow his cover and admit that he was practically forced to do it, haha. Loved the pill popping game and the fact that Moira couldn't clearly remember it because David and Alexis got so good at it, lol. This show just doesn't disappoint for me.

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For a minute there I was really scared Alexis was going to leave with Klair. I loved Meaghan Rath as a ghost in a cardigan and yoga pants, not so much as Alexis's self-absorbed rich-bitch friend.

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I can't believe the growth we've seen from both Alexis and David since this show began. (Heck, all the Roses, actually, but this one really highlighted how much Alexis has grown.) I thought it was actually quite touching when she announced to an empty room she was taking off, then realized nobody else was home. There was something very poignant about the moment when she was just looking around at the two empty motel rooms realizing this has been "home" for the past two years. And boy, I'm so glad she came to that conclusion before finding out her flighty friend didn't even remember offering her a job! Imagine how devastated she would have been. Instead, we get this great moment of self-awareness where Alexis has suddenly outgrown all of her superficial former friends. It was a great look on her. 

Not one of the stronger episodes overall this season but a good one for Alexis.

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This is the first episode I have been disappointed in, especially following last week's which was one of my absolute favourites. I know the whole premise of the show is silly, but I can overlook that because it is so well written. I thought the premise that Jocelyn was throwing her own baby shower was silly. Not only does she have teacher coworkers who would likely throw her a shower, but the jazzagirls if they didn't. 

And while I liked seeing Alexis' growth, I hated her friend. Though I imagine we were supposed to. I did like it though when she told Twyla that she was dressed just like a small town waitress, as I remember when Twyla was first introduced back at the start of the series I thought Twyla was the perfect name for a small town waitress. 

I also didn't like or understand the singles game. So your match is based on the person who randomly is wearing the lock to your key? Nothing to do with common interests, etc? Or did I miss something.

I love the growth all the Roses have shown.  I remember being touched in a previous season when Johnny and Moira realized that Roland and Jocelyn were better friends to them than the rich couple who had been running down Schitt's Creek. 

All in all though, even with a not so great episode, it is better than 99% of what is out there on any network. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I was rather pleased with Alexis attitude in taking own initiative and responsibility than just dropping her thing and go work for someone else. But being honest, this show should have ended like a season or two ago (at least that's the vibe the season finale gave me).

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7 hours ago, Philip said:

I was rather pleased with Alexis attitude in taking own initiative and responsibility than just dropping her thing and go work for someone else. But being honest, this show should have ended like a season or two ago (at least that's the vibe the season finale gave me).

Isn't the season finale still three shows away? The first three seasons were 13 episodes long so I would assume this one is too.  

I remember thinking how fresh this show is, four seasons in. But then I remembered each season is only 13 epis, so compared to many network sitcoms that are 24, this show would just be starting season 3. I do love it though, and for me the bloom is not yet off the Roses. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I’m going to be so  devastated when this show finally ends. I hope it gets many many more seasons. This is the most magical show I have seen in a very long time. Even when episodes get a little shakey it is still better than 99% of the trash that is on air atm.  

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4 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Isn't the season finale still three shows away? The first three seasons were 13 episodes long so I would assume this one is too.  

I remember thinking how fresh this show is, four seasons in. But then I remembered each season is only 13 epis, so compared to many network sitcoms that are 24, this show would just be starting season 3. I do love it though, and for me the bloom is not yet off the Roses. 

I'd not know but I just got that vibe, personally. And speaking of Roses, if someone played 'Drink every time you hear Rose Video' that'd be enough to get passed out. lol


Johnny sure loves to mention the good ol' days of Rose Video whenever he can. xD

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I also didn't like or understand the singles game. So your match is based on the person who randomly is wearing the lock to your key? Nothing to do with common interests, etc? Or did I miss something.

I think it was meant to be sort of a bullshit new-agey, pseudo-therapy type of thing. The lady running the thing asked Moira and Johnny if they would give over their most intimate selves or something absurd and Johnny just replied "Uh, no, but we'll play the lock game."

I just noticed the business card Klair gave Alexis didn't have anything on it except just her name, "Klair" and a phone number. Not even a last name. Just the pretentious type of thing you'd expect a poser like that to have.

Edited by iMonrey
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On 3/30/2018 at 8:52 AM, iMonrey said:

I just noticed the business card Klair gave Alexis didn't have anything on it except just her name, "Klair" and a phone number. Not even a last name. Just the pretentious type of thing you'd expect a poser like that to have.

But it did have all three of her self-appointed titles: CEO, Founder, Influencer. OF COURSE.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Not my favorite episode. Hated Klair, found the singles game tedious, never like baby showers. This episode was chock full of things I was bound to dislike.

I'm glad David, despite not liking babies, had enough sense to immediately reject a game of hitting a (fake) baby with a stick. Yikes. Although I didn't like the game he did come up with. It was fun for Johnny and Roland, but is it really enjoyable for Jocelyn to sit there with her mouth open having things thrown at her face repeatedly? She was probably wishing she'd just put out numerous cheese platters and pots of cheese fondue and nachos herself. Why can't a baby shower just be a party with socializing and cute gifts? WHY MUST THERE BE GAMES?! I hate baby shower games. At least they didn't do the horrible diaper one.

If those were the sort of people Alexis was hanging out with before, no wonder she was always having to escape sticky situations. I'm glad she realized she's grown beyond that and had a place where she belonged.

Didn't the new-agey matchmaker ask them to give her their most intimate NOISES? That's what I heard. EW.

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I love how many random hilarious lines there are.  Alexis’s friend saying she wanted hot water that was cooled but she needed to know it was once warm.  Roland saying there were many urn thefts....what MADLY stood for.  So many great lines.  I wonder if some of this is improvised.  I just loved David raising his hand and say “Hi!  What is the diaper game?”

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On 3/30/2018 at 6:55 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

I thought the premise that Jocelyn was throwing her own baby shower was silly. Not only does she have teacher coworkers who would likely throw her a shower, but the jazzagirls if they didn't. 

She wasn't throwing her own party at first. Her sister, who was in charge, cancelled at the last minute and left Jocelyn less than a day to organise it. I guess going to her friends on the day they were due to come to her party didn't seem like an option, hence finding someone she assumed would be able to throw a party together in next to no time. David politely avoiding all her not so subtle hints was a thing of beauty.

The guest actors in this episode - Klair and the head of MADLY - were both so great at giving us their entire characters in so few scenes. Brava!

Every time Mutt is mentioned I'm momentarily confused that he was ever in the show and even more surprised that Jocelyn and Rolly are his parents. I wonder if he'll return for a visit when his baby brother is born or he'll go the way of Chuck Cunningham?

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2 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

She wasn't throwing her own party at first. Her sister, who was in charge, cancelled at the last minute and left Jocelyn less than a day to organise it. I guess going to her friends on the day they were due to come to her party didn't seem like an option, hence finding someone she assumed would be able to throw a party together in next to no time. David politely avoiding all her not so subtle hints was a thing of beauty.


Thanks for clarifying - somehow I missed that part. And I agree - David was hilarious as always. 

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On 3/29/2018 at 12:27 AM, Jordan61 said:

For a minute there I was really scared Alexis was going to leave with Klair. I loved Meaghan Rath as a ghost in a cardigan and yoga pants, not so much as Alexis's self-absorbed rich-bitch friend.

(I loved Being Human US and I need Meaghan Rath to break into mainstream.)

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On 30/03/2018 at 3:24 PM, Enginerd said:

Didn't the new-agey matchmaker ask them to give her their most intimate NOISES? That's what I heard. EW.


6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

No, she asked them to give her access to their most intimate selves. 


I heard "noises" too. Maybe I need a re-watch.

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Thought this episode was light-years ahead of any other this season (or for many seasons).

Felt like a whole new writing/directing crew. Doesn't seem likely that they'd throw everybody out and start fresh as of Episode 10 of Season 4, but that's what it felt like.

Loved the awfulness of Alexis' friend. Great comedic performance by Meaghan Rath. Here's her (short) Wikipedia page.

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Very cool to see how far Alexis has come.  She is still sassy and over the top, but more grounded than before.  

The Madly lady is Rachel on Anne with an E.  It was neat to see her here.  

David is by far the best character.  I love all his reactions to everything.  

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You know that if Alexis had run off to be Klair's PR person, Klair would have fired her for wearing the wrong thing or ordering the wrong drink or some other stupid reason two weeks later.  I think Alexis knew it too.

Edited by Dobian
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