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S01.E08: The Book of Revelations

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Yeah, I'm surprised that Jennifer is getting her powers this early. I figured they'd focus more on Anissa and her powers for a little while before that.

Woo! More answers on Gambi and his shady dealings and past. So Freeland is one big experiment/petri dish? Yikes.

Loved the father-daugther scenes with Jefferson And Anissa!

WHAT is up with LaLa??

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Weren't they just talking about how Jennifer could have powers too and no one told her anything? For a family that wants open communication they sure keep the important stuff a secret. Lol

I"m still a little mad they killed off Lady Eve, she seemed like a much more interesting villain then ones I've seen so far. I hope it's not like Luke Cage where they killed off the better villain too early and we were left with a dud. 

So we got some answers from Gambi and the whole Alvin Pierce thing but now we what is Lala and how is he back and seeing Lawanda questions. 

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LaLa going nuts.. Jenn getting powers.. Daddy daughter time.. All awesome.. Really hope they don't drag Jefferson being mad at gambi/esposito too long.. Because in the end he's always tried to keep him safe

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1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

Why is Lawanda no longer worried about her daughter?

I suspect that "Lawanda" is simply the form taken by whatever demon from Hell actually raised Lala from the grave/jail cell.  BTW, Lala has a really nice shower setup. 

I slightly fear a little bit for this show's second season.  It reminds a bit of how Sleepy Hollow had a balls-out awesome first season and then quickly turned to shit in later seasons.

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Oh, shit!  Jennifer's powers are already manifesting!  This show really doesn't believe in the concept of dragging things out.  And it looks like it is going to be fire related.  I guess they just need to have Lynn somehow get ice powers, and they'll have a complete set.  Either way, we are this close to the Pierces becoming a crime-fighting family!

Loved the Jefferson/Anissa duo and their scenes.  I thought it actually ended up being different from a lot of the typical "mentor/student" type relationships with Jefferson not always just being a hardass, and while Anissa did need to learn the ropes, she was just being bratty all the time, and actually did seem to be listening to him.  Of course, it naturally ends with her saving him by not listening, but I loved his reaction over it.  He really was the proud father at that moment!

Lala and the Ghost of Lawanda is just plain nuts!

Finally getting into Gambi's deal now.  He was part of an government organization called A.S.A., which was basically experimenting on the citizens of Freeland, in order to make them "docile."  This is how Green Light got formed, and after Gambi saw what they were doing, he leaked it to Alvin, so that's why he feels responsible for his death. And now the head of A.S.A. (played by Gregg Henry laying on the dickish scumbag like only he can) wants Black Lightning's head for Lady Eve's death.  Oh, and Jefferson isn't happy about this at all, and doesn't want anything to do with Gambi.  What's going to happen to the lair?  And the tech?!!  You need to start groveling and make this right, Gambi!

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LOVE the Jefferson/Anissa team up.   Great balance of Jefferson trying to be cautious and Anissa being impulsive. 

Jennifer already getting powers!!  Wow.  This is going to be fun.  So glad she talked to Anissa. 

Gambi/Esposito confessing all to Jefferson was great.  I'm sure there are more secrets but it was great to get that out in the open.  I also liked Lynn picking up on something being up right away. 

On 3/14/2018 at 4:35 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Lala and the Ghost of Lawanda is just plain nuts!

They are just insane!  What the hell is going on in Freeland with the used to be dead people?  I hope it means we get Lady Eve back.  Lala crying in the shower...he's going crazy.

This season is firing on all cylinders.

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I have been enjoying this show a lot.  I agree with a lot of posters that the show really moves at a fast pace. I wonder if this is supposed to be a one season run or if something major is going to happen with the season finale to shift the focus.    On any other show it would be a few seasons before Gambi revealed his true identity to Jefferson and another few seasons before the girls manifested powers and they certainly wouldn't tell anyone in the same or next few episodes.  How can the showrunners maintain this pace without a huge shakeup?

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Lala coming back makes me think back to Lady Eve and the first time we met her. People thought she was embalming someone who was alive, but maybe she was bringing him back? Maybe that's her power (or they have some Lazarus Pit water hanging around) and if that's the case, that's why Lala is back and acting crazy. (it was like that for Sara on Arrow/Legends too) And that could also mean Lady Eve could be back too... I really liked how they have set up the show with lots of potential new meta baddies with the green light revelation. And I am happy that Jenn will be getting in on the powered family action. I love that Jefferson is so progressive with his girls. He wants them to fight but he also wants them to be badasses who can take care of themselves. Really liking this show!

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My episode title: "The Book of HOLY SHIT WHY IS LAWANDA NAKED?!??!? WHY IS SHE KISSING THE GUY THAT KILLED HER?!?!?!???" Reading the posts here, I realize now that probably not LaWanda, but that was still so icky. Even worse than the episode of Justice League Unlimited where Amanda Waller comes out of the shower to find Batman waiting for her.

Damn, Freelanders are a fickle bunch. Then again, given the sheer amount of misery in Freeland, of course they figured Black Lightning would murder the beloved (and not at all evil as fuck) Lady Eve. If Black Lightning merch was a thing, we'd see a bonfire scene.

Jennifer's turning canon. Question: would her lightning be different from her father's? The only difference I see is that she has red eyes. Funny that this episode followed The Flash, where Iris got Barry's speed with purple lightning. Also: how dumb was Jennifer's friend? "Hey, there's an unstable ladder. Little-known fact about student politics: the higher you put up your posters, the greater your odds in the election!" Ugh. It was funny that Jennifer didn't save her when she "turned on," and the lightning just wasted the phone and singed the posters.

Nice that Anissa isn't in the official outfit yet, and that there's not much impatience from her while she's training. Still loving the holographic Hogan's Alley, complete with reactions from the "targets." Also fun to see Jefferson to get her daughter to use her powers with finesse.

And shit, looks like Gambi's falling apart. At least we'll probably get the origin episode next week. Jefferson was shook. And I'm willing to bet that he destroy's Anissa suit, because Gambi filled in with stuff to spy on her.

On 3/14/2018 at 2:30 AM, AnimeMania said:

Lawanda added a new definition to "tramp stamp".

. . . and that's a "like" for you. Even though LaWanda didn't seem the least bit promiscuous . . . still funny.

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I don't understand the timeline. Gambi came into town 30 years ago? And only then did Jefferson's father started the investigation that got him killed? How is that possible? Wasn't Jefferson still a child when his father died? Gambi said he knew Jefferson since he was 11 years old. So he is 41 years old now? HOW? Did I miss something?

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7 hours ago, clyo22 said:

I don't understand the timeline. Gambi came into town 30 years ago? And only then did Jefferson's father started the investigation that got him killed? How is that possible? Wasn't Jefferson still a child when his father died? Gambi said he knew Jefferson since he was 11 years old. So he is 41 years old now? HOW? Did I miss something?

Cress Williams is 47 years old IRL.  He's playing a character 6 years younger.  Plus, maybe it was 31-32 years ago and Gambi was rounding off/rounding down the number.  What exactly is your difficulty with this?  Gambi came to town, figured out something bad was happening with the vaccine, leaking some information to Jefferson's father who was later murdered by Tobias Whale.  Jefferson grew up, married Lynn, had kids, manifested powers, became a superhero, retired from being a superhero and now Black Lightning's back.

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11 hours ago, johntfs said:

Cress Williams is 47 years old IRL.  He's playing a character 6 years younger.  Plus, maybe it was 31-32 years ago and Gambi was rounding off/rounding down the number.  What exactly is your difficulty with this?  Gambi came to town, figured out something bad was happening with the vaccine, leaking some information to Jefferson's father who was later murdered by Tobias Whale.  Jefferson grew up, married Lynn, had kids, manifested powers, became a superhero, retired from being a superhero and now Black Lightning's back.

My problem is Anissa's age. She is 21 or 22. It means Jefferson and Lynn had her in college. So Lynn was a mother and an undergrad student. Jefferson was a father, an athlete, a superhero and a student teacher. They managed to have those great careers and raised their kids. Did they have extremely kind relatives who helped them with the kids?

And how old is LaWanda then? Since he was her teacher and she had an 18 years old daughter.

I'm sure it is technically possible but I hate it when TV shows make their characters unusually young for their professional accomplishments. Life isn't a fairytale. When you are a neuroscientist like Lynn, you usually don't have time until at least your late twenties to have kids. That's just my personal experience. I know it isn't the same for everyone but on TV they always make it seem too simple and that annoys me.

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2 hours ago, clyo22 said:

My problem is Anissa's age. She is 21 or 22. It means Jefferson and Lynn had her in college. So Lynn was a mother and an undergrad student. Jefferson was a father, an athlete, a superhero and a student teacher. They managed to have those great careers and raised their kids. Did they have extremely kind relatives who helped them with the kids?

And how old is LaWanda then? Since he was her teacher and she had an 18 years old daughter.

I'm sure it is technically possible but I hate it when TV shows make their characters unusually young for their professional accomplishments. Life isn't a fairytale. When you are a neuroscientist like Lynn, you usually don't have time until at least your late twenties to have kids. That's just my personal experience. I know it isn't the same for everyone but on TV they always make it seem too simple and that annoys me.

Maybe "Uncle Gambi" helped babysit Anissa quite a bit.

Lawanda's daughter being 18 doesn't shock.  One of my co-workers is a grandmother at age 35.

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