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S36: Chris Noble


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Chris Noble (Naviti Tribe)

Age: 27
Hometown: Florida Keys, Florida
Current residence: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation: Male Model

Three words to describe you: Ambitious, charismatic, and charming.

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
I will bring my Survivor mental toughness, my ability to adapt, my positivity to aid the weak, and my will to survive. I might not know how to do some things, but I will find a way to eat and get water. Whether that's through my creativity, my charm with women, or my ability to make one of the guys my bro.

Some men will not like my alpha mentality, which strategically, I will hold back in the beginning as I read people, but I will find my way. They always say "don't bite the hand that feeds you." I grew up on an island so if I'm one of the few that can get his own catch and get his own water (which are the two essentials of living), no one will bite that hand. I will have ultimate power.

Chris Noble's Full Bio

Boy, does he sound douchey. 

4 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I'm one of the few that can get his own catch and get his own water (which are the two essentials of living),

Thanks for pointing out food and water are "the two essentials of living", oh Wise One.

4 hours ago, Whimsy said:

no one will bite that hand. I will have ultimate power.

Umm... all righty, then. Let us know how that works out for you...

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I’ve never made it any secret that I miss the old days where contestants got one candy bar as a reward and had to set traps and look for tapioca.  But this season, I'm really hoping they over do it on the food rewards just to spite Mr. Essentials of Living.  He does realize other people will probably be able to fish and get water, right?  I'm betting now, he tries fishing once and fails miserably while someone else brings in enough to feed everyone for a week.  The rest of the season he'll be lying on the beach, getting a tan and thinking about how dreamy he is and how the women out there want him, the men just want to be him.

What a douche.  I seriously don't think I've ever had this much pre-season dislike for a cast before.  Hell, I even found Dan Foley redeeming before the first two seconds of the WA premiere.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Gordon Holmes interview



Noble: She’s absolutely beautiful. I’m like James Bond; I have a lot of good skills, but a good woman is a weakness.

He definitely has a thing for Stephanie. Though, no, he is not James Bond. lol

  • Love 4

THe one redeeming thing about this season will be to see Chris fail at both catching fish and catching women.  Bonus points if he has a TH where he says there’s no fish out there and then Jacob brings in a bunch, or he says he’s saving his awesome strength so he can be so awesome in challenges (more bonus points if he fails miserably at that).  And then the ladies-get a TH of him saying how attracted every women he meets is to him, but see them ignoring him in favor of MerMan Sebastian or Michael.  Yep, I found the subject of my rath this season!

If any of the above happens, I want sound effects like they used to do with Fishbach during S.C.

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Chris is the guy that jumped out as leader on the beach right?  IDK I thought that was a bold move, one, and two  since he seemed very confident about this decision to default.  

Could be arrogance IDK but he did the right thing.  Desiree was absolutely clueless and was never going to win.  

But I'm wondering if he is going to end up on a showmance with Libby after reading her interview.  I can't stand Libby so.  

3 hours ago, marys1000 said:

News clip comment and short interview with Chris from Rochester MN where he pitched for the Rochester Honkers for a year in 2012 I think.



I absolutely agree; Chris is a total Honker.


(Hey, it HAD to be said....)

Edited by Nashville
Brought to you by the Office for Redundant Redundancy
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Not too bright, are you, Chris? First, you KNOW that Dom and Wendell are going to write your name down, and you "convince" everyone else to split their votes between them.  Not that any of the other 10 could have said ANYTHING differently when they were ALL there.

But you have a chance at an idol, which you get. And then you stupidly risk your vote to get the idol to last longer (when the time you need it is NOW), and lose your vote. Then, you never consider the possibility that Dom and Wendell might both have idols, or that your "allies" might be LYING to you and you go home with the idol in your pocket (and NO ONE votes for EITHER Dom or Wendell)!

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I feel about Chris the same way I do about some of the teams from Amazing Race or players from last season of Survivor. No one was really failing as a human. There were people who grated and mean girl moments and some friction between folks but there was no one that I hated. I can say the same about this cast. Bradley was annoying and a dick but I didn't hate him. Chris is self-absorbed and perhaps a bit over confident but I don't hate him. Dom is loud but I don't hate him. Kellyn is something, I am not sure what, but I don't hate her. There are no Russell's, Coaches, Philip's, Kass's who I despised. I like casts were there are people I don't like but no one that I hate.

His exit press is interesting. In the Holmes interview he politely targets Laurel. I don't think I would describe her as fragile. If his heart to heart with Donathon, who he calls a back-stabber, is anything to go on, I am sure Chris thinks that he had these great conversations with people but the folks he was talking to reacted differently.

"Holmes: You talk about making personal relationships and then you come home and watch the edit where there’s a lot of eye-rolling going on. I think specifically Laurel was having conversations with you, but she had to bite her tongue around you. Did you pick up on any of that while you were out there or were you experiencing it for the first time while watching the episode?
Noble: I did not pick up on any of that. It was a shame to hear her say that. What a lot of people don’t know is on day twelve she slept next to me. She’s crying at night. I go over and I give her a hug and I tell her, “Everything’s going to be alright.” Then, we had great conversations. Then at Yanuya, the night before the swimming challenge we got poured on. We didn’t sleep, it was miserable. And me, Wendell, and Laurel, we walked around the island, we held each other, we took care of each other during this horrible night. To hear her say things like that is unfortunate. Because I never felt badly about her. But, you never know whose egos are going to get hurt if you’re a confident person. And apparently, her ego was sort of fragile."

From she knows on Wendell:

"SK: Wendell made some very memorable comments as he was voting against you. What was your reaction to watching him say those things?

CN: I think my reaction would be just about like anyone who is on the other side of that. I wear my last name on the back of my jersey with pride. I went out in a noble way. I went out with class. Trust me, I was just as angry and wanted them dead just as much as they wanted me dead. I got eliminated and I went up there and said, "I love you both." I shook Dom's hand and I did it with class. This was a competition and they got the best of me. But for him to go the low-blow route and take it to that level was not classy. Frankly, I'd be embarrassed if I did that. I don't know why it had to be like that. I didn't even brag about being a rapper. I just goofed around because people kept asking me questions and I thought I'd make them laugh."

He missed what Wendell was saying in his speech. Wendell was pointing to Chris's need to make everything about himself and insist on being the one to make decisions. Clearly Chris does not see it that way, Chris sees it as being confident. The others see it as being self-absorbed and a dictator. So I am not sure that Chris is ready to look at himself critically and understand that he is overly confident and that it comes off as self-absorbed. I don't think he is trying to be an ass or to be mean I just think that he can't see what the others are saying.

Chris strikes me as a good person who needs to take some time to reflect on how he approaches folks. I would hang out for a beer or two and probably leave because I am sure that the conversation would be all about Chris.

  • Love 4

Yes, Wendell's comments weren't even mean or personal, really.  I think 95% of people would've been laughing along with the rest of us at that, about them. 

And people from disparate alliances always help each other through tough nights out there.  It doesn't mean they're not going to roll their eyes at each other sometimes and vote each other out.  That's Survivor.  

2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Noble: I did not pick up on any of that. It was a shame to hear her say that. What a lot of people don’t know is on day twelve she slept next to me. She’s crying at night. I go over and I give her a hug and I tell her, “Everything’s going to be alright.” Then, we had great conversations. Then at Yanuya, the night before the swimming challenge we got poured on. We didn’t sleep, it was miserable. And me, Wendell, and Laurel, we walked around the island, we held each other, we took care of each other during this horrible night. To hear her say things like that is unfortunate. Because I never felt badly about her. But, you never know whose egos are going to get hurt if you’re a confident person. And apparently, her ego was sort of fragile."


This whole interview is just astonishing.  Can an adult really be that shallow to not understand the complexity of human interactions?  Has he never loved or even liked someone but also complained about some trait or tendency?  And then to assume that she didn't like him because her ego was "fragile" is just, well.....LMAO.  Don't ever change, Chris!  You are a laugh riot.  And if this interview is any indication, I'm sure you probably won't ever change.

Edited by Special K
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It must be hard for Chris because he was really so oblivious to how people were really feeling about him and now he has to watch all of them talk about how they see him as an arrogant dictator who sucks at rapping. Hopefully after the initial sting of it has worn off he can get some perspective. I doubt he will though. I think he'll just continue on thinking it's everyone else that's wrong about him. 

I still like him though lol.

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27 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Someone had said they thought his use of 'suavay' was knowingly.  I don't think so.  His last use of it on the show wasn't even in the right context for the real word 'suave'.  I think he was reaching for the word 'savvy', possibly?  He said Dom and Wendell were bullshitting him but he was too 'suavay' for that.  

If you listen to the context of his sentence he meant to use savvy and totally mispronounced savvy. Suave does not make sense in that sentence. He seems to have one glaring error along these lines each episode.

  • Love 2

Yes, that's what I said.  It's like he wants to appear smarter so he goes for the bigger word than 'smart' or 'beneficial' but he overshoots and lands on 'suavay' and 'beneficiarary', and appears dumber than if he'd just gone for the everyday word.  

Some funny stuff in this exit interview. 


He says his intention with the well walk was to talk to Des and Angela alone and everyone else followed.  I recall him naming Michael to come, though, so I doubt it. 

Everyone else wasn't playing the game, they were just on vacation.  Of course. 

Dom and Wendell were a power couple. 

He ate too much at Ponderosa and got really sick for days.  We're lucky he got sent home when he did or the world wouldn't have his rap video, since he got sick.  Well, except for Ponderosa eating made him sick so I'm not sure how it matters when he got voted out. 

He takes care of his mother, like Donathan.  Not sure how since she's in AZ and he's in FL.  

He never tells anyone at Ponderosa or after about his idol or his GI trip at night.  Supposedly, so they'd enjoy the broadcast more.  Not because he looks stupider, of course.  (In his EW exit interview, he said he told Angela he had it before tribal and she told him not to play it, he was safe until the next one.)

He admits he wasn't a huge fan going in.  It was kind of clear from his pre-game interviews.  

Edited by Guest
5 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yes, that's what I said.  It's like he wants to appear smarter so he goes for the bigger word than 'smart' or 'beneficial' but he overshoots and lands on 'suavay' and 'beneficiarary', and appears dumber than if he'd just gone for the everyday word.  

Some funny stuff in this exit interview. 


He says his intention with the well walk was to talk to Des and Angela alone and everyone else followed.  I recall him naming Michael to come, though, so I doubt it. 

Everyone else wasn't playing the game, they were just on vacation.  Of course. 

Dom and Wendell were a power couple. 

He ate too much at Ponderosa and got really sick for days.  We're lucky he got sent home when he did or the world wouldn't have his rap video, since he got sick.  Well, except for Ponderosa eating made him sick so I'm not sure how it matters when he got voted out. 

He takes care of his mother, like Donathan.  Not sure how since she's in AZ and he's in FL.  

He never tells anyone at Ponderosa or after about his idol or his GI trip at night.  Supposedly, so they'd enjoy the broadcast more.  Not because he looks stupider, of course.  (In his EW exit interview, he said he told Angela he had it before tribal and she told him not to play it, he was safe until the next one.)

He admits he wasn't a huge fan going in.  It was kind of clear from his pre-game interviews.  

Didn't Jeff say everyone this season was a super fan and they carefully casted it that way?  I mean, it's clear that some aren't, so I'm not surprised.  Chris didn't strike me as one, which explains his idol blunder. 

I love how the booted castaways are the only ones who were playing the game and everyone else is there on vacation.

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Okay, I'll have to see if I can find it.  He said that they were particular about casting this season because of the theme, and wanted only fans who would understand and appreciate the theme.  However, Probst pretty much says what he has to to fit the theme, so I kind of had my doubts.  Stephanie and Brendan were obvious fans.  Everyone else I'm kind of skeptical about their level of fandom.

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I honestly don’t think Chris has a malicious bone in his body, I think he just lacks the ability to see how he comes across to people. I think he really was trying to bond with Donathan over their moms earlier this season, and probably thought he was successful. I actually feel a little sorry for Chris right now - it has to be a pretty harsh wake-up call to see that others viewed you in a completely different light than what you imagined. Chris reminds me a lot of someone I know, which might be why I feel a lot of sympathy towards him. I am glad he was voted out just because I didn’t want to watch the Chris and Don show all season, but I never hated or even really disliked him. 

  • Love 3

Chris's response to all of this has not been good. During Rob Has a Podcast Hannah suggested that Chris needs to step away from the internet for a bit. Chris has been very negative regarding Wendell and Donathon. Chris learned that Donathon ratted out his plan to Dom as soon as they got back to camp from watching the show and he is pissed. Chris's comments about Wendell's exit vote point to this as well. He thinks Wendell was really negative and it wasn't necessary. Chris seems to have focused on the rapping part of Wendell's vote confessional and has completely missed the "Learn to listen to others" part of the vote. Chris is very focused on how he took the high road out and was a good sport but other people were mean.

I think Chris is a fine person who is very self absorbed. He doesn't have a clue as to how other people see him. It sounds like he was encouraged to rap around camp and thought that was because the others liked his rapping. He seems to miss that people found it funny. He reminds me of Coach but I think that Coach created a character and Chris was just being Chris. Either way, they both were surprised that people treated their ridiculousness as entertainment and that they didn't really like the stories (Coach) or rapping (Chris).

That said, I don't see Chris showing up to Rod Has a Podcast many years later ready to rap while Coach showed up to a live broadcast dressed in kimono and acting like he was the Dragon Slayer.

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19 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Chris's response to all of this has not been good. During Rob Has a Podcast Hannah suggested that Chris needs to step away from the internet for a bit. Chris has been very negative regarding Wendell and Donathon. Chris learned that Donathon ratted out his plan to Dom as soon as they got back to camp from watching the show and he is pissed. Chris's comments about Wendell's exit vote point to this as well. He thinks Wendell was really negative and it wasn't necessary. Chris seems to have focused on the rapping part of Wendell's vote confessional and has completely missed the "Learn to listen to others" part of the vote. Chris is very focused on how he took the high road out and was a good sport but other people were mean.

I think Chris is a fine person who is very self absorbed. He doesn't have a clue as to how other people see him. It sounds like he was encouraged to rap around camp and thought that was because the others liked his rapping. He seems to miss that people found it funny. He reminds me of Coach but I think that Coach created a character and Chris was just being Chris. Either way, they both were surprised that people treated their ridiculousness as entertainment and that they didn't really like the stories (Coach) or rapping (Chris).

That said, I don't see Chris showing up to Rod Has a Podcast many years later ready to rap while Coach showed up to a live broadcast dressed in kimono and acting like he was the Dragon Slayer.

Agree with all this.  Someone should tell him that "taking the high road" does not include going online to trash people.

There was something about Coach that was sort of "in on the joke" -- he was an unholy mix of a created persona and his deep aspirations for himself.  I actually never really minded Coach, who I guess seemed pretty harmless.  Chris is also harmless, but one of my least favorite personalities is the faux-humble braggart.  Between Kellyn and Chris, you'd think their arms would fall off patting themselves on the back for being so awesome.

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First Bradley, now Chris regarding Donathan.  I think they are just jealous he outlasted them.  Also, why is Chris pissed about what Donathan did?  Besides the obvious that it cost him, but it’s  not like Dom wasn’t already going to vote for him.  Was he really that oblivious to the fact that other people had alliances outside of him and that was just playing the game?  

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4 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

First Bradley, now Chris regarding Donathan.  I think they are just jealous he outlasted them.  Also, why is Chris pissed about what Donathan did?  Besides the obvious that it cost him, but it’s  not like Dom wasn’t already going to vote for him.  Was he really that oblivious to the fact that other people had alliances outside of him and that was just playing the game?  

Maybe this was something Hannah was hinting at in the podcast referenced above, but I think sometimes when people take someone under their wing, there's an assumption of self-superiority embedded in that.  I'm sure Chris has compassion for Donathan's situation, but I'll bet he also feels like he (Chris) is a superior person overall maybe even someone who can help people like Donathan. So it's gotta burn to be beaten by someone you feel superior to.

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According to Morgan in her exit interviews, Chris's alliance at the beginning of the game included Angela, Desiree, Chelsea and Sebastian.  Of course since this tribe never went to tribal council we will never know if this alliance was real or just Morgan's belief.  I am going to go with it was never a real alliance.


MR: Maybe that was her talking about her alliance of five. I think it was more just being worried about the swap and leaving fate in the hands of the Survivor gods. Maybe she was like, "Oh, crap. I really didn't do a good job with Dom, Wendell and Morgan, and now I have to be on a tribe with them." That's exactly what happened. Her alliance of five was Chris, Desiree, Chelsea and Sebastian.

Edited by LanceM

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