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Prince Oberyn Martell: aka Inigo Montoya

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Oberyn's poem probably went something like this:


Roses red as Blood,

Violets blue as the Sky,

You killed my Sister,

Prepare to die!


Or perhaps it was


My sister is dead

Because Lannisters suck

Killing them all

Is the best revenge f*&$!



Can't believe he's just comfy sitting there at the trial/council, licking Tywin's feet. I guess he wants the Mountain first, but once he gets him, he might turn into another wild card (again).

Perhaps Oberyn wants to secure some vital information in case of Tyrion' execution, such as what happens when you take a honeycomb and a jackass into a brothel.

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Hands down my favorite new character since Lady Olenna!

Really looking forward to seeing what he's up against next. Can't believe he's just comfy sitting there at the trial/council, licking Tywin's feet. I guess he wants the Mountain first, but once he gets him, he might turn into another wild card (again).

I agree. And the fact that I like him makes me fear greatly for his life. He needs to keep up his distrust of the Lannisters.

Revenge served cold is sweet,

And Tywin I shall defeat,

I can see in his eyes,

With each breath he lies,

Someday he'll be dead at my feet.


The next verse proved to be a bit tricky;


Lannisters are lying scumbags,

They scheme and lie....hmmm, no

They scheme and deceive............no, no, NO

They scheme and......oh fuck it...



  • Love 2

Hello. My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.



No? How about

That Vizzini, he can *fuss*.

Fuss, fuss... I think he like to scream at *us*.
Probably he means no *harm*.
He's really very short on *charm*.
You have a great gift for rhyme.
Yes, yes, some of the time.
Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
If there are, we all be dead.



Ok, ok; I'll get the taxi.

  • Love 2

RIP Prince Inigo Martell, the guy who should have known when to shut the fuck up.


Yeah. It was totally GoTish to finish him off like that. But I really thought he'd be around in season 5, rampaging like crazy and killing every last goddam motherfucking Lannnister he'd see. (Who'll do that now? I'm rooting for everyone. Jamie? Melisandre? Balon? Ramsay? Whoever...)

Alas, not. Just let's hope that it wasn't all for naught. Please drag someone down with you, okay? (Hint: It's C or T)

Oberyn slugged down some wine prior to the fight, and was probably close to exhaustion himself, so I thought it believable he'd make a mental error out of fatigue/intoxication. A skilled edged weapon fighter with a clear head could have started plucking out The Mountain's eyeballs, at a distance, with the long spear, in order to get The Mountains to say the desired words.

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Do all of you think that Oberyn's lapse of judgement in the fight was consistent with his character?  


I think it was.


This fight was never about winning, it was partly about justice (and by that I mean justice for Elia not Tyrion) and mostly about revenge. He didn't want to just beat the Mountain he wanted to beat him, make him confess his crime, and make him suffer. And if he could get the Mountain to sell out Lord Tywin, well that would just be gravy.


He didn't just want the death, he wanted it all, which is very consistent with Oberyn's character. He doesn't compromise, he takes what he wants.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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I agree. He has been clearly obsessed with his mission of vengeance for quite some time. Even when he was travelling in Essos to "see the world," it's obvious he was going through some Bruce Wayne-esque training. And playing to the crowd during that fight was important, if he wanted anyone to even care what he wanted to say about Tywin, so I even accept him taking his eyes off the Mountain, even though it led to vice versa. The only thing that really bothered me about the outcome was reducing his death to such a silly and distracting special effect. Took me from what should have been "Oh no, that's tragic," to "Hey, when did Bane move to King's Landing?"


Not re-reading Storm of Swords past the Red Wedding has really helped my perspective this season. I remembered the head smooshing because of Gregor's "like this" line but had forgotten the teeth smashing and eye gouging that came before. I liked how Oberyn didn't even say his name when the Mountain called him "some dead man" and just introduced himself as the brother of Elia Martell, but I was disappointed not to hear him say

"If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells."

Partly because I wanted to be an asshole and turn that into a joke too, but mostly it was just a really cool line that really summed up Oberyn's total preoccupation.



The only thing that really bothered me about the outcome was reducing his death to such a silly and distracting special effect. Took me from what should have been "Oh no, that's tragic," to "Hey, when did Bane move to King's Landing?"

I don't know that it was meant to be seen purely as tragedy. This is the series that saw Renly murdered by a shadow. Granted, The Mountain was human, but still always presented as a gigantic larger-than-life figure so I think a sense of what-in-the-fuck mixed with repulsion at gore could have been intended more than Stark-style tears. But then, I only really enjoyed Oberyn onscreen where I knew it was a limited-time appearance. Onpage, I felt he was kinda overrated since he was

more of an asshole in Storm and in Feast we learned he struck Obara's mother when she tried to keep custody of their daughter

and appeared in less chapters than minor characters whose deaths I was more saddened by. But he has been nothing but fun onscreen, and the show is structured such that you now have to wait even longer to find out what happens to Tyrion, instead of just reading on, so I do feel bad for you sweet summer children. And I promise I don't mean that to sound patronizing.


Would his death really have been less upsetting if it hadn't been his own fault? Would anyone have taken it in stride if the Mountain had just made him go splat when Oberyn was trying his best to win? That would have been closer to the good guys just can't win complaint, imo.

Edited by Lady S.



Would his death really have been less upsetting if it hadn't been his own fault? Would anyone have taken it in stride if the Mountain had just made him go splat when Oberyn was trying his best to win? That would have been closer to the good guys just can't win complaint, imo.



For me, yes to both. The odds of Oberyn defeating the Mountain were astronomically slim to none. No one defeats the ruthless Mountain and we unspoiled generally understood that. I might be alone, but, yes, I would have preferred a straight-forward defeat after a valiant effort by the heroic figure that made the touching speech and incredible pledge to Tyrion in the dungeon.  


I appreciate bookwalkers using spoilers but I do have to say that it seems from a small sampling here and among real life friends that bookwalkers accept this outcome more readily than the unspoiled. (I realize that many unspoiled and unsullied are fine with the way it played out.)  It appears from reading between bookwalker lines that there might be differences in the physicality of the Book Mountain and the attitude and personality of Book Oberyn that make it much easier to embrace the scene as portrayed by the show.


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For me, yes to both. The odds of Oberyn defeating the Mountain were astronomically slim to none. No one defeats the ruthless Mountain and we unspoiled generally understood that. I might be alone, but, yes, I would have preferred a straight-forward defeat after a valiant effort by the heroic figure that made the touching speech and incredible pledge to Tyrion in the dungeon.  


I appreciate bookwalkers using spoilers but I do have to say that it seems from a small sampling here and among real life friends that bookwalkers accept this outcome more readily than the unspoiled. (I realize that many unspoiled and unsullied are fine with the way it played out.)  It appears from reading between bookwalker lines that there might be differences in the physicality of the Book Mountain and the attitude and personality of Book Oberyn that make it much easier to embrace the scene as portrayed by the show.


Or it could be the fact that it just happened to the unspoiled, but to us bookwalkers Oberyn died 14 years ago.


We've had a bit more time to cope.

  • Love 2

For me, yes to both. The odds of Oberyn defeating the Mountain were astronomically slim to none. No one defeats the ruthless Mountain and we unspoiled generally understood that. I might be alone, but, yes, I would have preferred a straight-forward defeat after a valiant effort by the heroic figure that made the touching speech and incredible pledge to Tyrion in the dungeon.  


I appreciate bookwalkers using spoilers but I do have to say that it seems from a small sampling here and among real life friends that bookwalkers accept this outcome more readily than the unspoiled. (I realize that many unspoiled and unsullied are fine with the way it played out.)  It appears from reading between bookwalker lines that there might be differences in the physicality of the Book Mountain and the attitude and personality of Book Oberyn that make it much easier to embrace the scene as portrayed by the show.


I was gutted both in the book and the show, personally. Even knowing it was coming, didn't stop me feeling 'gah, I wished he lived :('


Yeah, I should also point out that I was never really unspoiled. I started watching the show after s1 was over and spent those first nine episodes waiting for Ned to lose his head. Then I spoiled myself online on most of the major characters during s2 before diving into the books. So I don't know how I would have reacted to any of it had I not known. Like I said, I was never that attached to Oberyn, but I once was to Team Dumb Wolf and I still enjoy them on the show until the last part of s2, so the Red Wedding might really have gotten had I not gone into the books knowing it was coming. It is a lot easier to be accepting of things you know are inevitable.

Edited by Lady S.

I was gutted both in the book and the show, personally. Even knowing it was coming, didn't stop me feeling 'gah, I wished he lived :('

In the Books I was more upset about what it meant for Tyrion and because it was simply unjust.  As for the Show, I genuinely miss Oberyn's character, in addition to everything else, Pedro Pasqual as Oberyn was unique and fantastic, and now he's gone.  Sniff!


I feel for Ellaria -- they really communicated a long-term, loving, soul-mate connection.  Watching him die like that was horrifying.

  • Love 3


The odds of Oberyn defeating the Mountain were astronomically slim to none


But what bothers me so much is that Oberyn HAD defeated the Mountain; he danced out of his way, dodged and jabbed from a distance to wound his opponent and knocked that human-shaped building to the ground. Oberyn could have easily finished him off. But for some dumbass fucking reason, he couldn't yell his accusations and demand a confession from 10 feet away where he'd have been safely out of the Mountain's swiping distance.


He could have won. That's what makes his defeat all the more upsetting to me.

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