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S06.E09: The Last Splash

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Episode Description:  Heather invites all the ladies, except Aviva, to her vacation house in the Berkshires for the weekend. Things get dangerously out of hand when a placid canoe trip turns into a blood bath, with Kristen and Ramona going head-to-head.


It wasn't until this morning that I realized that this was an entirely Aviva-free episode.  Thank you, Bravo!


The ONE (and only) thing that I agreed about with Ramona and Sonja was LuAnn's driving.  I also get very nervous when I'm a passenger in a car and the driver is tailgating, speeding, not paying attention, etc.


I probably would have been dying for A/C also, but I wouldn't have been so rude as to arrange before I had even arrived to have one delivered.  Being a rude houseguest is never a good look and Ramona should remember that.  If it was going to be so difficult for her to be pleasant on the trip, she shouldn't have gone.  (I realize this was a trip for the show, so it's probably expected that everyone attend, but I'm sure she could have come up with some way to get out of it.)


I forgot, until she said it, that LuAnn had once been a nurse.


I liked Carole's L.A. house -- esp. all the windows.  It seemed very light and airy and tranquil. 

Edited by MMLEsq
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The AC thing really bugged me because she hadn't even been to the house yet. My parents have a big old farm house at the top of a hill in the country and it doesn't have AC but it's always nice at night in the summer with all the windows open. Heather's house looked like it had been designed well and had a great open floor plan and tons of windows and it just looked like the type of house that really didn't need AC, especially at night in the Berkshires.


Ramona was being terrible from the start but I can't believe that she thought she was justified in throwing that glass at Kristen! I mean I don't care how mad she was that was incredibly stupid and dangerous and she's lucky that all that happened was a cut lip. She could have damaged her eyes! Plus infection is really something to worry about with deep cuts in water like that. I know LuAnn said it wasn't but I honestly think that was more to calm Kristen down than to be truthful. I'm sure they have a medical professional on the production that looked at the wound after and cleaned it. You can get scary stuff from water like that. 


I absolutely loved Carole's LA house. I want to live there! So many windows and so lovely and warm looking. Gosh I don't understand why she stays in NY at all. 

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Ramona is out of control.  I don't care if the object was a nerf-ball--you don't throw things at people in anger.    

I have been wondering if some of her outrageous behavior so far this season is due to what was going on behind the scenes--if she knew about the stuff with Mario and by being provocative as her story-line, she was diverting attention from that.

Sonja was on WWHL last night--I watched my recording this morning- I wish someone had called in to ask her if she really doesn't have hot water at her house.

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OK, I'll defend Ramona on one and only one thing: If you ask someone to come to your house in the dead of summer, you should make it quite plain from the get-go that you do not have AC. That way your friends can plan accordingly. If it had been me and I heard that news halfway there, I'd have turned around, because unlike Ramona, I can't afford to install AC wherever I go.


Sweating to death is not fun, not a good look, and dangerous to your health. I have panic disorder and I'm far more likely to have a panic attack when I'm overheated. It's one thing to sweat in the sun, but to be sweating inside at all times is just gross and leaves me nauseous and sickly. I've always thought that Ramona drinks to cover her anxiety, and the heat probably just makes it worse. Some people simply do not respond well to extreme heat. Is it acceptable to ask people to spend Christmas with you if you have no heat? Sure, as long as they know you don't have heat and they're comfortable with it.


Now, I can't condone the rest of her antics, but I totally understood her need not to be uncomfortable all weekend. She took care of it herself. I don't think it's tacky. Personally, I think it's far tackier to expect your friends to sweat to death when you invite them to spend multiple days in a house with no air when the weather is 100+ degrees. Someone as well off as Heather should have units available. These ladies aren't exactly the proletariat - they expect a certain level of comfort and it's supremely fake for them to be shocked that Ramona installed AC.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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I'll agree with you on the AC thing--I'd probably ask about it since they know Heather's place is rustic, and I suspect if I knew it was 100 degrees and no AC, I would not go--I'd ask to come some time in the spring or fall.

I hope she left the portable AC for Heather's family--if so that's a nice hostess gift.

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What I don't get is that if Ramona was so against going on the trip, why didn't she just decline? For the sake of drama I guess. She could have at least asked Heather permission to install AC in her house first before just calling ahead and doing it without asking her. That's probably what Heather had an issue with, not that Ramona wanted AC, but the fact she ordered it without even asking for permission first or letting her know about it ahead of time. 


It was ironic to me that when Kristen splashed Ramona she goes "That's mean!" yet she throws a glass in Kristen's face and doesn't think anything of it. From the previews I thought maybe she had gotten some in her eyes, luckily it was only her lip.

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I said it in a previous episode, but Ramona is the worst person to invite anywhere.  She bitches about everything on her way to the place and the whole time she's there.  Doesn't matter if it's a charity event, a vacation or drinks at a restaurant.  The others should just stop inviting her places.  Her energy and crazy rantings ruin the experience for anyone within 20 feet of her.  I don't condone Mario's cheating but I can almost see his reasons for wandering away from this shrew. 


There are no words for her behavior on this trip.  If she thought the Berkshires were akin to Depression-era Appalachia, then STAY HOME.  So, why didn't she? Because she is a fame whore who can't miss her camera time and she's jealous of the others if they get more story arcs than her.  She's so obviously & overtly jealous of Kristen's youth and looks.  Ramona used to appear somewhat sane in past years, but she's gone around the Jill Zarin bend this year.  Totally unlikeable. I so wanted that canoe to flip when Carole bailed.  I'm also confused about the "blowout" mystique.  Ramona's hair didn't look extra special to me in this episode or at the spa last week.  As others noted, who gets a fancy blowout to go to a spa or for a rustic girls' weekend get-away in a heat wave?  And so what if it gets wet or de-poufs a bit?  Ramona can't grab a blow dryer and re-do it?  I'm baffled.  I guess once one becomes sooo wealthy from one's self-made millions, the ability to do things for oneself atrophies (i.e.- blow drying hair or carrying luggage).

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I might be losing my mind, but did anyone else notice a man standing in the bushes when one of the cars pulled into Heather's drivway? I swear I saw a man standing there. Who was that guy? Very Three Men and a Baby-esque. Or am I seeing things? Strange either way.

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This is from Heather's blog: 

So, the girls are coming and it's the middle of a heat wave -- it's literally the hottest week of the summer at 100+ degrees and thank god for the Berkshire breeze at our Mountain Nest. We never need air conditioning there and frankly, I don't really like it. Although, that may change after menopause.


So, it probably never occurred to Heather to mention that there is no air conditioning.  I'd have to watch again to see if there are ceiling fans, which would help immensely. 


I hate hot weather (and define hot as anything above 80 or so degrees, which is a problem for me since I live in South Florida) and have air conditioning on in my house and my car all the time, but I would probably still wait until I got there to see how unbearable it was before going out and buying something and/or arranging for a delivery.

ETA:  This was from Ramona's blog:


I must say I was extremely upset when the plastic glass hit Kristen in the mouth. That glass could have been tossed million times and it would not end up in her face. Who knew that would happen? I was totally embarrassed and regretful for my actions. When K totally drenched me in water I had a knee jerk reaction, tossing what I had in my hand. My intention was not to hit her or harm in any way.

Somehow I missed any expression of regret from Ramona after it happened.  All I saw was "blame the victim." 

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So what if Ramona had had a knife or a pair of scissors in her hand and she had a "knee jerk reaction"? I may have to watch the scene again but from what I can remember it didn't look like a "knee jerk reaction" to me… it looked like after she was splashed she deliberately threw her glass at Kristen.

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So what if Ramona had had a knife or a pair of scissors in her hand and she had a "knee jerk reaction"? I may have to watch the scene again but from what I can remember it didn't look like a "knee jerk reaction" to me… it looked like after she was splashed she deliberately threw her glass at Kristen.

She also grabbed the oar and tossed that as well.  So I'm guessing if she had a knife she would have thrown it.  She said for the whole world to hear that she did it deliberately and then mocked Kristen saying it's just a little blood.  If the other cast members are not going to be protected from her then she should be fired.  I can't believe Bravo wants to be held liable for this kind of activity.  Ramona has clearly demonstrated her nature.  She'll do it again.

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Any of the housewives who make unwanted physical contact or violence toward their fellow castmates should be fired. I would think they all had to sign some kind of contract or something saying they wouldn't hurt anybody.

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Ramona is so ignorant, unsophisticated, ungracious, and mean-spirited that it boggles the mind.  She's perfect for this newer brand of Real Housewives shows which seems to be all about fighting and unbelievable displays of stupidity.  How crass does one have to be to know absolutely nothing at all about the Berkshires?  I mean zilch.  All this BS about how the landscape reminded her of upstate New York and her Dolores Claiborne (sic?) childhood is ridiculous and unconvincing.  The weeping in the woods next week with Carole by her side is going to be epic.  I can start cringing now, I suppose.  


I have always despised Ramona -- wish they would fire her pronto. Foolish Mario was obviously confusing the Poconos with the Berkshires.  Dirty Dancing indeed. His glee at not having the wife around for the weekend was priceless.  Don't blame him a bit. Cannot imagine spending a day with her. 


One thing that struck me was all the drinking taking place on the water.  I like me a good party but, where we live, drinking and boating, drinking and canoeing are illegal.  My favorite moment of the episode was the shot of Heather in the water downing a big old swig from a wine bottle.  I like Heather fine -- she and LuAnn have acquitted themselves well so far -- but thought her comment at the steak house regarding the "random guest" was pretty tacky.  


It'll be interesting to see how Andy Cohen navigates this latest storm -- Porsha, Ramona.  What's it going to be? 

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Has there ever been a season of any Real Housewives show during which they go on more vacations? That's not a complaint; Housewives vacations are almost always high points in any season. But I feel like this year, the NYC girls have spent more time in the Hamptons (and now the Berkshires) than in the actual city.

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I was actually shocked by Ramona's behavior.  (Usually when shows tell me how shocked I'll be, I am very far from it).  She took time  to think before she threw the glass at Kristen.  Then throwing the oar.  If only the oar had floated off, between Ramona and Sonja they probably couldn't have figured out how to get to shore with only one paddle.


I would love a weekend in the Berkshires at such a nice house.  There was such a contrast between Carole/Luann and Ramona/Sonja.  Ramona did not want to be there and could not shut up about it.  She is the worst guest ever.  I understand her desire for air conditioning.  I am also not a fan of extreme heat.  But she should have handled this so much better.  She could also put down the wine and try an iced beverage instead.  There's a reason people drink iced tea in the summer.  Wouldn't want her too far away from her lifeline of pinot.  


Kristen seems playful.  Unfortunately for her, Ramona doesn't understand playful.  Moaner has it in for Kristen.  Her reactions are well outside normal responses for the situations and perceived slights.  

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I agree that Ramona is jealous of Kristen. When they were at the dinner party, before the others arrived, Ramona told Mario where to sit, and it was something about being able to see Kristen because he likes looking at pretty women, and Mario kind of laughed in agreement. I think I got that right. Kristen unwittingly, by existing, is winding Ramona up. Throwing anything should get Ramona booted, let alone an oar. I've always found her to be vile, but she gets worse and worse.


I like that Heather goes where she wants and has a great house in a gorgeous location where she can have a relaxed. So what if "no one goes to the Berkshires." Great reason to go. Heck, I  have a neurological issue that makes me not able to sweat or regulate my body temperate, so no A/C can be dangerous. But short of risking hospitalization, I can work around it when I need to. Any sympathy I would have had for Ramona was washed away in the constant torrent of complaints about every single thing. 


Too bad it wasn't Heather, Kristen, Lu Ann, and Carole. They would have had a blast. But then, this is their job, so at least they get paid. 

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Don't get me wrong, I am also a huge fan of AC but I would have at the very least waited to get to the house to see how it was before presuming to order AC for a house I didn't own. I mean I get it, sleeping when you're hot is terrible but it seemed like the ladies were going to be spending most of the day outside anyway and really up in the mountains like that it gets very cool at night, you'd likely be totally fine with just fans and windows open. It isn't terribly humid in that part of the world, it looked very breezy and honestly quite lovely. 

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No kidding on putting down the wine bottle if you're looking to cool off.  Along with taking a cold shower or cool bath, putting your hair up, going for a swim, and generally trying to calm down.  I would LOVE for one of the ladies to let us know what night-time temperatures were like in the mountains.  Maybe next week.   Heather's ice pack in bed comment was meant to be snide but not a bad idea either.  OR Ramona could have opted to excuse herself politely or arranged for someone to call her from the outside, pretending that an emergency back home awaited her.  She would've gotten busted eventually but I honestly don't think that any of those women, with the exception of Sonja, would have missed her for an instant -- Would have been easier to forgive a lie than the absurd series of stunts she pulled.  I like this franchise better than most of the rest because I love NYC and that general area of the country and it'll be a real shame if the show goes under because Bravo and Andy, ugh, decided that going nasty and ugly was the way to draw viewers.  Aviva and Ramona can both go stat. 

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I don't see how they can fire Porsha for grabbing Kenya's weave and they are not firing Ramona for throwing a glass and cutting a Kristen's lip. This is assault plain and simple. I realize that there is a higher profile when it happens at a reunion but this is just wrong in so many ways that it is hard to understand how they are going to gloss this over.

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I am disgusted by Ramona's reaction to hitting Kristen. At 1st I thought it was an accident but then she grabbed the oars & swatted at Kristen's head. If the roles were reversed Ramona would have went nuts. I think Kristen handled it much better than I would have. Ramona would have been in the water if she did that to me. Accident or not, you make sure they are ok & you apologize. The fact that she is saying it was Kristen's fault up to this day is astonishing. I used to find her behavior quirky & amusing. Now, it's sad to see a woman of her age spiral out of control. The other ladies should have asked her to leave & shunned her until she makes an appropriate apology. Maybe she feels threatened by Kristen.


Ramona was pissed that they were talking about Sonja's issues at dinner. I will agree that was wrong but isn't it Ramona who told the other girls about Sonja's issues behind her back at lunch? She's mad that Kristen actually tried to help instead of belittling. I get the impression that Ramona likes Sonja being desperate, it makes Ramona feel superior. 


Alex McCord does recaps that are excellent & very insightful, I recommend watching them. It explains a lot that us viewers don't know. 

Edited by LoLo
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I have a tendency to think everything on these shows now is just scripted- and maybe I've swung too far in that direction after assuming, when I started watching, that things were somewhat based in reality. But anyway,  I assumed from the start that the entire AC story was producer-inspired. And I found it really funny. I prefer the Sonja-is-delusional and Ramona-is-a-spoiled-bitch storylines any day to bookgate or Aviva's dad or any story that gives Aviva screentime.


I suppose it is possible for the super rich to order a big household appliance on the phone on the way to somewhere and have it arrive minutes after you do, however remote the place might be. It just is so over the top even for Ramona that I think it had to have been rehearsed.


I can think of parallels on other franchises: eg on NJ when we had Caroline bitch and whine about going to the Giudice family cabin; or on BH, with Lisa carrying on about the villa to which Joyce invited the women. I have a feeling these stories come up organically in one franchise and if they're successful, they just get repeated ad nauseum on the others.Other examples: selling stories to tabloids; the cheating husband; I think there are many more but I'm blanking at the moment.


A friend on another site referred me to Alex McCord's video blog review, which partly focuses on this episode, and Alex hints at something similar. She advises Ramona that "sometimes you have to stop trying to save the show and just save yourself." I think a lot of this was Ramona trying to save the show by making herself a bigger prima donna than she is. She was "in character" the way Sonja is most of the time. The last three episodes (ever since bookgate faded), have been getting more interesting as far as I am concerned and I give some credit for that to Ramona.


It's possible that Ramona and Sonja could be caricaturing some actual behavior traits in themselves. But there is deliberate exaggeration going on, imo.


I haven't watched the epi to the end and realize that things get much nastier...not all of that is fake, I'm sure.  But the beginning of the story was IMO.


ETA:  LoLo we must have been posting at the same time. I second everything you say about Alex's vlogs. Btw, another revelation from Alex:  Aviva is gone for the next three weeks. woohoo!

Edited by nyxy
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What I don't get is that if Ramona was so against going on the trip, why didn't she just decline? For the sake of drama I guess. She could have at least asked Heather permission to install AC in her house first before just calling ahead and doing it without asking her. That's probably what Heather had an issue with, not that Ramona wanted AC, but the fact she ordered it without even asking for permission first or letting her know about it ahead of time. 


It was ironic to me that when Kristen splashed Ramona she goes "That's mean!" yet she throws a glass in Kristen's face and doesn't think anything of it. From the previews I thought maybe she had gotten some in her eyes, luckily it was only her lip.

They all have new contracts, if they decline it's held against them. Bravo likes for the women on each franchise to take trips without anyone else but the cast so they can have drama. If you notice Aviva wasn't int he credits this week, nor will she be next week as she declined 2 trips now. Per Alex McCords recap the NY franchise have new contracts that are not by the season, they are renewed every 7 weeks during filming so if you don't show up or have a story, you get benched.

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It's possible that Ramona and Sonja could be caricaturing some actual behavior traits in themselves. But there is deliberate exaggeration going on, imo.


I agree. This goes for all of them.  Aviva probably isn't that crazy, Kristen and Heather probably really aren't this cool, Carole isn't as assy as she's coming off.  They've all become caricatures to maintain a story line so they can keep their J.O.Bees.


After seeing the news footage, 30 times this week of the Barnum and Baily acrobats tumbling to the ground, I have no desire to ever try aerial yoga.  Or anything that requires hanging from the ceiling in a piece of fabric.


Ramona and Heather are so bitchy.  Ramona takes the cake with her constant complaining and now assault but Heather is so fucking antagonistic - you can tell she just loves winding Ramona up.  She was horrible at the dinner party she hosted. She and Ramona can't get along because they are so alike.  Loud, bossy and combative. 

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Geez. Can't imagine why Mario cheats on Ramona? I'd say because she's a raving out of control vile bitch from hell !! You know you're the bottom of the barrel when I'm siding with a cheater - because I despise cheaters.

Gah- I hate Ramona !!!

Edited by jnymph
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I thought Kristen's husband handled Sonja well when he spoke to her. I can't imagine how my husband would react to her lunacy. I agree he shouldn't of spoke about her at the dinner but Heather asked and he was just being direct and I didn't think he was being nasty. It was all true! I 100% agree with Kristen when she tells Ramona she has done nothing to help her friend.

I cannot imagine a scenario where I can feel sympathetic to Ramona. She hesitated a second before the threw that glass and then tossed the oar. And her shrill complaining gah, my ears are bleeding listening to that!

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I have a tendency to think everything on these shows now is just scripted- and maybe I've swung too far in that direction after assuming, when I started watching, that things were somewhat based in reality. But anyway,  I assumed from the start that the entire AC story was producer-inspired. And I found it really funny. I prefer the Sonja-is-delusional and Ramona-is-a-spoiled-bitch storylines any day to bookgate or Aviva's dad or any story that gives Aviva screentime.


I suppose it is possible for the super rich to order a big household appliance on the phone on the way to somewhere and have it arrive minutes after you do, however remote the place might be. It just is so over the top even for Ramona that I think it had to have been rehearsed.


I can think of parallels on other franchises: eg on NJ when we had Caroline bitch and whine about going to the Giudice family cabin; or on BH, with Lisa carrying on about the villa to which Joyce invited the women. I have a feeling these stories come up organically in one franchise and if they're successful, they just get repeated ad nauseum on the others.Other examples: selling stories to tabloids; the cheating husband; I think there are many more but I'm blanking at the moment.


A friend on another site referred me to Alex McCord's video blog review, which partly focuses on this episode, and Alex hints at something similar. She advises Ramona that "sometimes you have to stop trying to save the show and just save yourself." I think a lot of this was Ramona trying to save the show by making herself a bigger prima donna than she is. She was "in character" the way Sonja is most of the time. The last three episodes (ever since bookgate faded), have been getting more interesting as far as I am concerned and I give some credit for that to Ramona.


It's possible that Ramona and Sonja could be caricaturing some actual behavior traits in themselves. But there is deliberate exaggeration going on, imo.


I haven't watched the epi to the end and realize that things get much nastier...not all of that is fake, I'm sure.  But the beginning of the story was IMO.


ETA:  LoLo we must have been posting at the same time. I second everything you say about Alex's vlogs. Btw, another revelation from Alex:  Aviva is gone for the next three weeks. woohoo!

I don't think they need to script anything as, IMHO, there are always unstable women in the bunch that the rest have to deal with.  Some, I believe have some serious psychological problems that present themselves when interacting with others....thus creating drama and mayhem.  Ramona has always been a bit melodramatic....and combine that with her excessive drinking...you've got the drama we saw on the show recently.. Look at Vickie from OC, IMO, she's very unstable, creating her over the top reactions.

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Is it just me or was there a lot of lowering of the fourth wall this episode?  E.g. the thing with the swing and the camera guy, and then someone in the boat said "Stop, I'm mic-ed" during one of the splashing incidents.  Have they ever done anything like that before?  This show was always a breath of fresh air, but it's devolving into screeching and borderline assault.  Sad to hear about the new contracts.


I thought Kristen's husband handled Sonja well when he spoke to her.



I thought he was kind of being an ass.  And I don't even like Sonja.  He literally laughed in her face.  YMMV, of course!

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I don't see how they can fire Porsha for grabbing Kenya's weave and they are not firing Ramona for throwing a glass and cutting a Kristen's lip. This is assault plain and simple. I realize that there is a higher profile when it happens at a reunion but this is just wrong in so many ways that it is hard to understand how they are going to gloss this over.



On Vanderpump Rules, another Bravo show, one girl punched another in the face, squarely in her nose.  That was a serious assault and truthfully, no one seemed too shocked.  So, lots of violence has gone unpunished and even un-commented upon.  The only difference in the Porsha thing is that it happened right in front of Andy.  So I guess he had to comment.  Don't see the difference, myself.  But it seems to be the line that is drawn.

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I hate the idea that any one character (and that is what they all are: characters) can become so firmly entrenched in a show that no matter what she does, she is there to stay. Yes, Ramona has been there from S1 and certainly brings her own crazy-eyed brand of insanity and stupidity to the show. But reacting so impulsively to Kristen's splash was completely out of line. She was in a canoe on a lake, for God's sake. She cannot imagine her hair getting wet? She is so vapid, so self-absorbed, that all that matters to her is her appearance (and my! wasn't she thick-waisted in this episode!) and her wine. She is so entitled, she thinks she can do anything she wants to anyone. I bet she's attacked Smirking Mario plenty of times too. 


She barely acknowledged cutting Kristen's lip and continued to act as if it was all K's fault. No remorse at all. I cannot stand her. My list is getting longer: to the Cannot Stand List I add Aviva, Sonja and Carole. Let's see, that leaves The Countess, who seems rational this season; Heather, who is the voice of reason; and Kristen, who is not stupid and shouldn't describe herself only by her looks.


Off my soapbox now.

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I just want to mention to those that think Kristen's husband was an JFK toward Sonja that he laughed after she said she was involved with a Nigerian football team. Diamonds, shirts in France, pot holders, and a Nigerian football team!

That is all.

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I think we got a small taste of "nice Josh" in the first sequence with Sonja and then when Kristen returned. I'm now willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that the earlier scenes may have just been heightened situations when they were both stressed. We'll see how it goes. And yeah, I might have laughed too at her ridiculous responses, embarrassment for her, or perhaps frustration that she just wasn't listening.


Oh my God, are Ramona and Mario throwing out all these "Mario is cheating" hints on purpose? Super uncomfortable. I love how the editors added that little "ding" sound when one of her eyes twitched at the end of her confessional. 


What the heck is Widow's Guide about? I feel like Carole talks about how old she's getting and keeps putting herself down and yet expects to keep attracting all these guys in a conventional way (e.g. meet in person, he asks her out, etc.). I find myself losing interest in her isolated segments. I know Kristen was there for the matchmaker but she could have easily been absent. I get that maybe she can't do normal online dating because of her "fame" but the matchmaker seemed weird.


Go Heather for being able to put everything together by herself and carrying the bags. She's no Martha Stewart but she's capable of chilling champagne in ice and putting out a cold tray on her own which is essentially what most of these women have been serving at their get togethers anyway. But as someone who cannot deal with really high heat, no A/C is not acceptable. You can't always rely on a cool country breeze. I've been in enough stifling hot hotel rooms to sympathize. That said, not everyone is outdoorsy and athletic. While I admire Heather and Luanne for being up for trying new things whether it's some combination of aerial silks and yoga or just swinging about on a makeshift swing that might kill someone, not everyone is up for all the outdoor activities. 


With all of that, I have to say, I really enjoyed this episode. It was full of the fun kind of drama. And while I would have been terrified to go out on that lake myself (even with the camera guys around I don't feel like it's safe for a bunch of inexperienced people to row out that far) I enjoyed the change of scenery. And it was fun to see Heather and Kristen spying on them in the water. There's something freeing about not seeing them bicker in the same sorts of settings all the time.

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