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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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The CW's Mark Pedowitz on Plans to Expand the DC Comics Universe, the Future of Hart of Dixie, and More
Editor : David JACKMAN  11 January 2015 / Sunday 14:35:42


CBS’ ‘Supergirl’ TV Show Will Be ‘Closer To Flash Than Arrow’
Published by Andrew Dyce, Updated January 12th, 2015 at 2:32 am

Very interesting...


How DC Became the Hero That Television Deserves

Marvel? Meh. The small screen belongs to a new breed of old favorites

By Sam Thielman  January 11, 2015, 11:53 PM EST

The young-skewing CW—co-owned by CBS and the parent company of DC, Time Warner—has been a proving ground for DC properties. The Flash is now the highest-rated show on the network (a steady 1.53) and its biggest show ever with men in the dollar demo (ages 18-49).  Fox's Gotham, meanwhile, is an unqualified hit, with a 2.48 average rating. At the start of the season, it commanded $189,000 for a 30-second spot, according to media buyers.

*   *   *
Another benefit to working closely with DC, says CW president Mark Pedowitz, "is that you have the ability to test characters. Is there room to grow them into the next show?" The Flash tried out on Arrow before he got his own show.

Edited by tv echo

From the TCA - hmm, I'm not sure I agree, but then I never read the comics...

The real difference between Marvel and DC
Marc Guggenheim was asked about the philosophical differences between the two universes since he's married to Tara Butters, one of the showrunners on Marvel's Agent Carter, and he's also written comics for both companies. Marvel, he said, is "the world outside your window," whereas, "DC is more aspirational and, you know, fantastical and hopeful." Neither is better or worse, he said, "They're just different."

(Warning! This article contains spoilers from the TCA, so don't click if you don't want to know.)

Edited by tv echo
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I think his wording is off but if he's saying what I think he's saying then yes, he's correct.


Marvel is about real, down to earth people with real problems. Marvel's stories (X-Men in particular) have been allegories for real world issues (racism, homophobia, etc).  The Marvel heroes have always been more of the every-man sort.  On the other hand, DC's heroes are generally larger then life and tend to deal in grander schemes.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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These articles are from last year, but it's somewhat ironic reading them now (after the TCA panel debacle and CW's stated push to attract the male demo)...


Fri, June 13th, 2014 at 3:53pm PDT


Girl Fight: The Marvel/DC Rivalry Finally Extends To Winning The Female Audience
by Andrew Wheeler August 25, 2014 10:00 AM

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I thought this was interesting and different (considering a lot of articles I've read were quite excited about the possibility of an Atom spin-off)...


Why I’m Wary of The CW Spinning Off The Atom from Arrow
By Paul on Jan 12, 2015 Posted in: Arrow


If were are going to compare the TV verse of Marvel and DC. DC may be winning in the ratings but Marvel is winning in the female representation portion. They have 4 strong female spy/super heroes on AoS, Melinda May, Skye, Mockingbird, Simmons and now Agent Carter with her own series. They also have Jessica Jones coming out in the next year or so. That's 2 female hero centered shows and 6 represented on screen, 7 if we count Maria Hill. 


According to Arrow they only have 1 female hero.

Edited by Sakura12

So the spin-off about a white male superhero would be a live action drama on network TV, while the spin-off about an African-American female superhero will be an animated series on an online channel?


The CW looks to expand ‘Arrow’-verse with Vixen, Atom spinoffs
Caitlin Kelly 7:30 pm, January 11, 2015



Edited by tv echo
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Very interesting...


How DC Became the Hero That Television Deserves

Marvel? Meh. The small screen belongs to a new breed of old favorites

By Sam Thielman  January 11, 2015, 11:53 PM EST


Ooh! Taking this over to the Flash forum.

The young-skewing CW—co-owned by CBS and the parent company of DC, Time Warner—has been a proving ground for DC properties. The Flash is now the highest-rated show on the network (a steady 1.53) and its biggest show ever with men in the dollar demo (ages 18-49).  Fox's Gotham, meanwhile, is an unqualified hit, with a 2.48 average rating. At the start of the season, it commanded $189,000 for a 30-second spot, according to media buyers.

*   *   *

Another benefit to working closely with DC, says CW president Mark Pedowitz, "is that you have the ability to test characters. Is there room to grow them into the next show?" The Flash tried out on Arrow before he got his own show.


The "facts" contained within this article quoted by tvecho serve as network PR spin. Among primetime dramas, Flash's 1.5

(1.90 million A18-49) ranks 21st out of 42 shows*. [1.90 million translates to 1% (1.90 million out of 127 million A18-49)

of the audience that watch the Flash.] Meanwhile, Gotham (2.5 [3.18 million A18-49]) ranks 5th. Therefore, though the

numbers can be spun, DC isn't "winning" anything other than meaningless journalistic adoration**.


*: Arrow (1.0 [1.27 million A18-49]) ranks 35th out of the 42 primetime dramas.


**:This analysis, however, is very simplistic and does not account for the CW being a netlet or the exclusion of total

viewership numbers.


edited (again) because the number of primetime dramas was incorrect

Edited by New Rules 14
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Since Agent Carter aired, I found myself wanting to rewatch the first Captain America movie, so that's what my Saturday night entertainment was. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy that movie.

I never noticed before though that Jenna Coleman (Clara, Doctor Who) plays one of the girls that Bucky and Steve go to the World's Fair with. I thought that was kind of cool.

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I never noticed before though that Jenna Coleman (Clara, Doctor Who) plays one of the girls that Bucky and Steve go to the World's Fair with. I thought that was kind of cool.

Did not know that.  That's kind of cool.


I did though, remember that Natalie Dormer played that one solider lady, that had the hots for Steve, which led to the obligatory "Steve gets caught making out with a hot gal" scene with Peggy.  And, Peggy didn't take that very well.  Not very well at all. 

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I adore Paul Rudd and really almost everyone involved in Ant-man, but the trailer and promotional materials have me worried. Like maybe this is Marvel's flop worried....(and I recognize Hulk was no big success story). Anyway, it just hasn't gotten ME remotely excited yet and I LOVE this stuff!

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That's funny because I had the opposite reaction.  I was 'meh' when I first heard about the Ant Man movie and skeptical when I heard that Paul Rudd was going to be cast as the lead because he's usually associated with romantic comedies.  I had no plans to see the movie.  But having watched the Ant Man trailer teasers and seen the promo pics, I'm now considering seeing the movie...  And I've watched ALL of the Marvel movies.


More Supergirl information...


Why Supergirl Is On CBS And Not The CW


Supergirl Series to be Thematically Close to The Flash
Darrin Wright January 13, 2015


CBS Explains Picking up Supergirl
January 12, 2015


CBS reveals 'Supergirl' details: The costume is 'awesome'
By James Hibberd and Natalie Abrams on Jan 12, 2015 at 1:32PM


I'm getting the feeling that Supergirl is going to be a mix of Buffy and Nancy Drew - where every week teenage Kara, with the help of her Scooby gang, solves the crime of the week.

Edited by tv echo

In case you're keeping track (a look at upcoming shows - with pics)...
19 new comic book TV shows airing in 2015 and beyond
Feature Rob Leane 13 Jan 2015 - 06:30


Taking a look back at previous superhero TV shows...
From Smallville to Arrow : How DC Got It Right On Television!
by Cedric Cannon ⋅ Posted on January 13th, 2015 at 2:42am

So the spin-off about a white male superhero would be a live action drama on network TV, while the spin-off about an African-American female superhero will be an animated series on an online channel?

Looks like I'm not the only one asking this question...


The vexing problem with CW’s ‘Vixen’ announcement


By Donna Dickens  @MildlyAmused | MONDAY, JAN 12, 2015 4:55 PM



Vixen – Why is This Arrow Spinoff Not Live-Action?

IGN Conversation By PR Rocket on January 12, 2015


Edited by tv echo
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I'm getting the feeling that Supergirl is going to be a mix of Buffy and Nancy Drew - where every week teenage Kara, with the help of her Scooby gang, solves the crime of the week.


If I remember correctly, Kara is supposed to be 25 so at least that takes the teenage angle off the table.  I don't think CBS could handle a show helmed by a teen.  Even a 25 year old feels like a stretch for them. 

I really think EBR would nail a Supergirl character. She's got that mix of bolshiness and quirky humour that would really lift the character above bland 'strong woman' notes. It's a shame there's no way for them to do it, other than some Illyria style body claiming storyline.


And in the last version of DC's universe, Kara was a teenager, and acted like something out of a lolita story at times, depending on who was writing her. I don't know what she is in the New 52, but I imagine it's similarly over-sexualised.

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If I remember correctly, Kara is supposed to be 25 so at least that takes the teenage angle off the table.  I don't think CBS could handle a show helmed by a teen.  Even a 25 year old feels like a stretch for them. 

One of those articles said that Kara will be a teenage girl on the new Supergirl show, but then another one of those articles described Kara as a strong, independent young woman dealing with both family and work issues - so I guess we'll have to wait for more details.

Edited by tv echo

The casting notice said they were casting 22 to 26 to play Kara at 24:

For Kara Zor-El aka Kara Danvers, the show is eyeing Caucasian females, age 22 to 26, to play 24. As the series’ mythology goes, Kara at age 12 was sent from her dying home planet of Krypton to Earth, where she was taken in by the Danvers, a foster family who taught her to be careful with her extraordinary powers. After repressing said skills for more than a decade, Kara is forced to bust out her super moves in public during an unexpected disaster. Energized by her heroism for the first time in her life, she begins embracing her abilities in the name of helping the people of her city, earning herself a super moniker along the way.

Source: http://tvline.com/2014/10/30/supergirl-tv-show-cbs-casting/

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Arrow, The Flash & Gotham: Is Superhero TV BETTER Than The Movies?

by William Avitt ⋅ Posted on January 14th, 2015 at 2:54am


I disagree. Each medium has its good and bad points.  I also think it depends on the show or the movie.  With a TV show, you could have 23 hours of crap (depending on the show).  With a movie, you could have two plus hours of awesome (depending on the movie).  This writer relies too much on quantitative measurements.

Edited by tv echo
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"We're very happy how it's coming along... It's going to star Chris Evans as Captain America, Scarlett Johansson will be back, Winter Soldier [stan] will be back, and Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man will also be joining us in the next film.".

Scarlett Johansson to star in Captain America: Civil War

By Hugh Armitage  Friday, Jan 16 2015


Edited by tv echo
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The Arrow news seems to be getting worse and worse while the Flash keeps getting better. I just saw that Malese Jow is going to be playing Linda Park on the Flash. I floved Anna on the Vampire Diaries! She was another character I loved that got brutally and stupidly killed off and one of the reasons I stopped watching TVD. I also like that they didn't whitewash the character like Arrow's been doing. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Scarlett Johansson to star in Captain America: Civil War

By Hugh Armitage  Friday, Jan 16 2015



Ok, what are the chances we get Colleen Wing and Misty Knight in this movie? Frankly the MCU needs some diversity and they do play a part in the Civil War storyline.

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The CW Already Has Enough DC Heroes To Make A Justice League
by Nick Tylwalk 19h ago

We all know that Oliver is coming back eventually, probably stronger for his brush with death and his rashness at challenging Ra’s al Ghul. I’d expect that his seniority as a costumed hero in the Arrow-verse would make him a natural leader for our hypothetical TV Justice League, though he’d probably do it grudgingly.

Candidates are Black Canary, Felicity Smoak, Huntress, Thea Queen, Katana, Lyla, Vixen and Supergirl...


ARROW: 8 Women Who Could Join DC's Live Action Birds of Prey
by Hilton Collins ⋅ Posted on January 16th, 2015 at 1:43pm

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The Arrow news seems to be getting worse and worse while the Flash keeps getting better. I just saw that Malese Jow is going to be playing Linda Park on the Flash.


Well they already stole Wally West's character to create this version of the Flash, they might as well steal his girlfriend too. But better her than Barry's sister, because that is still too gross for words.


As for Birds of Prey, any combination of the women they currently have available would be an insult to the name. Felicity would be great as Oracle, but the rest? Please. Even that picture of Laurel in her costume makes me laugh. The Birds of Prey are Oracle, Black Canary (the real one, not this joke), Huntress (same again) and possibly Lady Blackhawk. Anyone else is just a hanger on. Yes, Katana and Manhunter teamed up with them a bit, and even Catwoman and Powergirl helped out a time or two, but they weren't members. You don't just throw a bunch of DC women in there and say, 'there you go, Birds of Prey'.

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I would have loved to see a new Birds of Prey spinoff, but...unfortunately they have a serious casting issue. Neither Katie Cassidy or Jessica de Gouw are very good actresses IMO. Even with a strong lead actress playing Oracle, I think the limitations of the other two would be a problem. It might have worked with Caity Lotz but I guess we'll never know.

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I think that is just a little stupid...You give them the chance to create characters on TV that people like and then you take it away because you obviously don't want people to confuse movie and TV show. Why are they then having a Flash movie and a TV show at the same time? That is more confusing than having one SS episode per season on Arrow. All those 'behind the scenes' stuff regarding what can and cannot be done seems like such an uncreative approach. But in Hollywood money speaks the loudest language. Or maybe they are simply afraid people can't tell Arrow's Deadshot apart from Will Smith. 


DC's plans confuse me. They want to keep the TV and movie universes separate, but then kill potential TV franchises because of the movies. Some of their TV shows are connected but others are separate including upcoming animated series. We're going to have two Flashes (though Ezra Miller could be playing Wally West) which is apparently okay, but not two Suicide Squad's because that won't work. 


Marvel's not perfect and DC doesn't have to and shouldn't follow their formula but damn, DC is making it hard for me to figure out what the hell they're doing.

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Danny Franks, I get what you're saying, but I don't think the Bird of Prey should be restricted to a single lineup any more than the Justice League is. I would watch a BoP show centered around Felicity (who could be Oracle or someone else), Sara (THE Canary), Nyssa, and perhaps someone else who takes on the mantle of the Huntress. Wouldn't you?

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Danny Franks, I get what you're saying, but I don't think the Bird of Prey should be restricted to a single lineup any more than the Justice League is. I would watch a BoP show centered around Felicity (who could be Oracle or someone else), Sara (THE Canary), Nyssa, and perhaps someone else who takes on the mantle of the Huntress. Wouldn't you?


I would watch that show, but I would be loath to call it Birds of Prey unless Helena Bertinelli was in it (sadly, this version is not one I care for). It's like the Teen Titans without Robin or Wonder Girl, or the X-Men without at least two of the originals or Wein and Claremont's second iteration, just doesn't feel like the genuine article. Both DC and Marvel have been guilty of diluting their teams with too many minor members in the past, but usually they return to the originals before too long, because that's what fans want.

These audition tapes are interesting, as are the dialogue excerpts (the beginning dialogue when Kara first meets James and is babbling reminds me a lot of when Felicity meets Oliver)...


Supergirl - Audition Video's + Dialogue Leaked
Posted by Christopher DeBono at Monday, January 19, 2015


More audition videos for Kara, Alex, James and Wynn: 



It's interesting to see how the different actresses and actors interpret the exact same dialogue.  This new show may be on CBS and Kara may be in her 20's, but I'm getting a strong CW vibe from these audition tapes and dialogue.  It may depend on who they actually cast as Kara.


(For OUAT fans, yes, that's Meghan Ory auditioning for Alex.)


EDITED TO ADD:  Looks like the audition videos have been removed since I originally posted.

Edited by tv echo

Supergirl - Audition Video's + Dialogue Leaked

Posted by Christopher DeBono at Monday, January 19, 2015



More audition videos for Kara, Alex, James and Wynn:




Judging from the dialogue, it looks like the Supergirl producers are molding Kara after the Felicity Smoak character. Just like they did Barry Allen and Ray Palmer. I get that Felicity (and Chloe on Smallville before her) turned out to be a hit with fans, but that doesn't have to mean that you have to use her as blue print for every new superhero character you're trying to build a show around.

Edited by strikera0
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It's like the Teen Titans without Robin or Wonder Girl


Considering Wonder Girl didn't make a single appearance in the cartoon...she's not as needed. Dick Grayson is though. He IS the Titans (or at least before DC rebooted that) 

I'd like the main 5 even if that may be hard with the Roy factor. 

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Look at reason #4...


The Atom: 7 reasons why the world needs another Arrow spinoff

By Morgan Jeffery  Saturday, Jan 17 2015, 4:00am EST


LOL yes they do! The ariticle lies he's not Brilliant on Arrow

Considering Wonder Girl didn't make a single appearance in the cartoon...she's not as needed. Dick Grayson is though. He IS the Titans (or at least before DC rebooted that) 

I'd like the main 5 even if that may be hard with the Roy factor. 


Hence why I would never have considered watching that cartoon. But I know the current DC decision-makers hate Donna Troy, so it's hardly surprising that they'd try to erase her existence from that as well. The Teen Titans are Dick, Donna, Wally and Garth. Those are the core members and you can do without Garth or Wally, but not without the other two. Add Roy, Starfire, Garfield, Raven and Cyborg if you like.


Or, if you're a fan of the next generation, then it's Tim Drake and Cassie Sandsmark, with Kon-El, Bart Allen, Martian Girl and one or two others. But still, Robin and Wonder Girl at the forefront.

Do we know yet who's going to be in TNT's Titans, other than Nightwing?


No, but if DC has much creative input, Donna Troy won't be there. And I probably won't be watching.


Wally won't be there, because they can't have a Flash with Barry running around on his own show. Roy won't be there because again.... They'll go for Cyborg if they're allowed because it won't look good having an all-white team, Garfield because he's funny, Starfire because she's sexy and Raven because she'll appeal to moody teen girls. That's my cynical, network marketing take on it.

Those audition tapes are really interesting. So many different interpretations of the character.


I wonder what it was about the actors who got on Arrow that sold them.  (I know of someone who also auditioned for Thea. She's a good actress but Willa Holland would have captured the bratty teenage Thea better.)

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I wonder what it was about the actors who got on Arrow that sold them. 


I'd be interested to see KC tape. because i really like to know what the hell it was that made her get chosen above the rest.

Also i'd like to see Moira, Lance, Malcolm (although I get the sense they only auditioned Barrowman) and Oliver, and Felicity if there is one.

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