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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Didn't we have this conversation like a year ago?

I seem to remember we all somewhat agreed that outfit Do/Don't in STEM and corporate USA also varies by where you are in the states, meaning what's acceptable in the northeast would be considered stuffy and old fashioned in the west, and visa versa.


We did. I'm probably the only one who liked the boob window dress, but I work in entertainment in Los Angeles, and that dress would not even get a second glance if our top exec's assistant wore it. 


Guggenheim needs to do something stupid again so we can focus on that. 

  • Love 10

We did. I'm probably the only one who liked the boob window dress, but I work in entertainment in Los Angeles, and that dress would not even get a second glance if our top exec's assistant wore it. 


Guggenheim needs to do something stupid again so we can focus on that. 

 I like the dress too! (I refuse to call it a boob dress because seriously i've seen shirts with a far dipper cleavage, this is nothing!).  

  • Love 2

Browsing the WornOnTV website..... I hadn't realized that Cat wore the same green dress that Felicity wears in the scene in the loft in the crossover.


Who wore it best? Sorry Felicity - I think Cat takes this one. :)

(Joking, not a criticism of either character.)

Edited by Starfish35

Oh hmm - that dress honestly didn't phase me.  It was this black one on Flash: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/553168766707700904/  that made me think "nope!"  Because while she was wearing it "on a date" - it was like a coffee date, she was dressed completely differently than anyone else around her, and it just didn't "fit" how I picture Felicity. 

Oh hmm - that dress honestly didn't phase me.  It was this black one on Flash: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/553168766707700904/  that made me think "nope!"  Because while she was wearing it "on a date" - it was like a coffee date, she was dressed completely differently than anyone else around her, and it just didn't "fit" how I picture Felicity. 

  • Love 3

Oh hmm - that dress honestly didn't phase me.  It was this black one on Flash: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/553168766707700904/  that made me think "nope!"  Because while she was wearing it "on a date" - it was like a coffee date, she was dressed completely differently than anyone else around her, and it just didn't "fit" how I picture Felicity. 


I agree with you there. I know she was supposed to be overdressed for Jitters, but I just didn't like the dress in general. It didn't look comfortable at all, but maybe that was the point, and I missed it.

  • Love 2

I liked it better short. The see-through part of the skirt was weird.


For the green dress, Cat definitely wore it better but I think the necklace made it.  Generally, I don't like how they dress Cat and Kara on Supergirl.  Things tend to be just mismatched enough to be fugly.  (I wonder if they shipped it from one set to the other.) 

My bug bear with Felicity has always been her wardrobe. I know lots of women in STEM careers and no-one dresses like that. And it doesn't suit her personality.

My bug bear is that people in real life don't dress like people on TV and the expectations that you're going to look like a TV personality make it very hard on real people.


My particular pet peeve is shoes with high heels.  I can't wear them all day and if I have them on, I tend to avoid walking and take the elevator whereas with low heels I would have taken the stairs.  Not even the actresses enjoy wearing them; Jennifer Morrison used to wear slippers on House until they were actually shooting (now she's wearing low heeled boots on OUaT) and EBR has said when they're not shooting her feet she's wearing flip flops or flat heels. 


And yet because of  how wardrobe dresses all these women, the expectation for the professional woman now is high heels and if you're not wearing them, wearing "sensible shoes" instead (i.e. shoes you can actually walk around all day in), you're being sloppy.  [/rant]


The best advice I got was from a professor of mine who said "dress for the job you want to have".   At the time, women professors wore button down shirts and tailored pants and I thought "No, thank you."

  • Love 5

I've always liked the black dress from the Flash. It's not Felicity in the least but I thought it looked good. I imagined it was something Felicity bought, not to wear, but because it was so something she wouldn't. Because it's something a confident Felicity would want to wear. She took it with her to see Barry and saw her chance to impress and took it.

  • Love 1

didn't the show made it clear that she wore the black dress on the flash because she thought the date (or meeting I honestly don't remember) was going to be in a romantic nice place and not Jitters, and so she dressed nicely and therefore was shocked to learn where they were spending the afternoon?

Or am I remembering it wrong?, because I strongly remember her being shocked or a close emotion I can't remember the name of since i'm super exhausted)

  • Love 1

Personally, I love wearing shoes with "heels" but not the spikey four inch heels these women are always walking around in.  With the exception of my sneakers, I think all of my shoes (even sandals) have some kind of heel on them, but while I sometimes admire the shoes on these shows - I would rarely wear them.

  • Love 1

didn't the show made it clear that she wore the black dress on the flash because she thought the date (or meeting I honestly don't remember) was going to be in a romantic nice place and not Jitters, and so she dressed nicely and therefore was shocked to learn where they were spending the afternoon?

Or am I remembering it wrong?, because I strongly remember her being shocked or a close emotion I can't remember the name of since i'm super exhausted)

She knew it was for an afternoon at Jitters. It was a weird sartorial choice, which was widely noted at the time.

I thought it was Felicity still smarting at Oliver's choice to back away from them after their date literally exploded. It wasn't articulated onscreen but it can't have gone unnoticed that he never chose to take such a hardline approach with any of the other women that he had feelings for after he returned from the island. Now while I think this was indicative of how strong Oliver's feelings were for her and how much he was shaken by what he felt for her, I don't think Felicity would've been in the frame of mind to see it in the same light. 


All she knew was he walked away and that had to have hurt. So yeah she was totally overdressed for trivia night at Jitters but she did what many a person has done after they got their heart broken and their self confidence has taken a hit. She put on the hottest dress she could find and hit the town hoping to get a little of what she had lost back. Plus Felicity is a fighter, the show has been at pains to show that she may get knocked down but she doesn't stay down for long. To me, this was part of that. It was her get back in the game dress. 


Edited to remove weird double post

Edited by lexicon
  • Love 7

Those girls wouldn't look at Felicity as being one of them, she looks and dresses like a model. I think that is the basis of the character but it doesn't work. But especially with the goth Felicity flashbacks they tell young girls they have to wear short skirts and heels to be successful and accepted.

Considering how popular the character of Felicity is with girls, I think they do. Or are Felicity fans all super popular cheerleaders? That would be a surprise to me, as someone who likes Felicity.


I think the stereotype "Women is STEM are ugly and look frumpy" is one of the reasons there are so few girls who want to go in STEM, so let's maybe not reinforce it.


However, that doesn't mean that I don't think Felicity's change in wardrobe from S1 to S2 wasn't mandated by the higher ups at the CW. I remember EBR saying she had to fight to keep her ponytail. And remember how cute her panda flats were? I miss those.


Browsing the WornOnTV website..... I hadn't realized that Cat wore the same green dress that Felicity wears in the scene in the loft in the crossover.


Who wore it best? Sorry Felicity - I think Cat takes this one. :)

(Joking, not a criticism of either character.)

Cat wins just based on A+ accessories. That necklace is fab.


  • Love 6

Reminder that you can love or hate any character, you can discuss any character, and you can criticize or compliment any character.  However, you cannot do the same to other posters.  You cannot "call them out" or "set them straight" or anything else.  Keep it civil.  


You seem to have mostly course corrected and redirected, where needed, however some posts have been hidden until they can be further reviewed.  Some may be moved, but some may be deleted all together.

From Matt's Inside Line today:

Is there any chance another network will pick up Titans, now that TNT has abandoned it? –Greg

Interestingly, when we chatted up DC Entertainment CCO Geoff Johns at TCA — just days after TNT let slip the bad news — he shared, “We [at DC] have known about [Turner nixing Titans] for months and months and months. That’s not new news to us.” The silver lining: Regardless of the basic cabler’s decision, “We have plans for Titans,” Johns asserted. “It’s a huge piece of DC and we have plans.”

http://tvline.com/2016/02/02/once-upon-a-time-spoilers-belle-season-5b/ Edited by Starfish35

The writers on these shows really suck at not having their main characters be morons. How many times has Barry stupidly trusted someone? HE NEVER LEARNS. 


Well, what was really annoying was when Harry was telling him he would have to betray him and Barry just wasn't getting it.  And then they get all pissed when he confesses.  But thank heaven at the end Barry gave that little "we've all been there, let's help Harry save Jesse" speech because I was getting annoyed there for a bit.  Can't wait to see Earth 2.

Oh shit, Flash. Shots fired!!!


Fired at...who?

Could be nice if characters on Arrow were routinely complementary (complimentary?) of Flash characters (besides Barry, not that they do that either)

But none of them know what Iris is capable of. Yea. Preposition again. 


Barry doesn't trust many people, so I don't understand that argument. 

Barry doesn't trust many people, so I don't understand that argument.

I think Barry is a moron, so maybe it just seems to me like he's been idiotically naive more than he has. Offhand I can think of only one other time when his naivety has gotten him in trouble - when Snart agreed to help him in exchange for Barry getting rid of his criminal record (or was it all of his records?) and then Snart screwed him over. And then tonight when Wells outright told him he was going to betray him, and Barry for whatever reason decided not to believe that.

Barry trusts quite a lot of people, actually.

Edited by apinknightmare

I don't watch Flash anymore... But are they routinely complimentary of Arrow Characters? Last I heard, Joe usually makes potshots at Oliver and that's not complimentary whatsoever... 


Also another question, how many times has Felicity been brought up on the Flash this season?

  • Love 1

I don't watch Flash anymore... But are they routinely complimentary of Arrow Characters? Last I heard, Joe usually makes potshots at Oliver and that's not complimentary whatsoever... 


Also another question, how many times has Felicity been brought up on the Flash this season?

Not too regularly. Last mention was Iris mentioning how there were no Green Arrow action figures for her to get for Christmas, and before that was an Earth-2 mention about Robert Queen being the Arrow.


Felicity hasn't been brought up at all this season except for this time (unless you count the fact that they continuously use the facial recognition software that she set up for them in the first place, which I don't, but I always remember when they do use it), but I did laugh hard at the joke, and I also noticed that they mentioned Oliver's mayoral campaign on the news probably in response to Felicity's accident and because 

Lady Darhk is about to become his new competitor in tomorrow's episode.

  • Love 1

The number of references seem to be about equal. Arrow just referenced The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow in last week's episode, for instance, and they've made other references to Barry Allen all season. Tonight's references were pretty light - just enough to let us know that The Flash characters sometimes hear about Star City on the news, and don't mind using Felicity to take Cisco down a peg or two.

I think Barry is a moron, so maybe it just seems to me like he's been idiotically naive more than he has. Offhand I can think of only one other time when his naivety has gotten him in trouble - when Snart agreed to help him in exchange for Barry getting rid of his criminal record (or was it all of his records?) and then Snart screwed him over. And then tonight when Wells outright told him he was going to betray him, and Barry for whatever reason decided not to believe that.

Barry trusts quite a lot of people, actually.

Trusting someone to carry out one task isn't the same as trusting them imo. Like I trust the guy I walk by isn't going to stab me...but I don't trust that dude enough to blab my secrets to. 


Flash doesn't just reference Arrow but goes out of its way to compliment Felicity and at times Oliver. (Like I'm still pissed that Oliver was the one to deliver the final blow to RF). But fair point that Joe takes shots at Oliver at times (even though that's totally in character)

But isn't it in character for Barry to compliment his friends? :p


And this is the first time they've all out complimented Felicity this season (at least that's what someone above stated) albeit it wasn't for the sake of complimenting Felicity, it was for the sake of taking Cisco down a couple of pegs. There was a specific purpose, which IMO isn't the show going out of its way to compliment Felicity. In fact it seemed like a really playful moment between the Flash crew.


IMO, the show going out of its way to compliment her would be to just randomly talk about how awesome she is...

Trusting someone to carry out one task isn't the same as trusting them imo. Like I trust the guy I walk by isn't going to stab me...but I don't trust that dude enough to blab my secrets to.

I'm not talking about him blabbing his secrets, though. I'm talking about him trusting that someone is going to do what they say they are. Or trusting that they're better than they think they are. He is incredibly naive.

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