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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I just finished the season finale of AoS and I was in tears!!!! The Lighthouse has not been my favourite arc and it was damn bleak but that finale was very satisfying. Tragic but satisfying! I had a good cry and then smiled at the last scene even though I didn't ship them. *sniffles* 

I've almost forgotten what it was like to cheer for the majority of the characters in a show instead of the "Die you worthless f@ckers" reaction I have to most of Arrow's supporting cast! 


Last night’s ratings (preliminary)


Unrounded preliminary and half-hour numbers:


The Flash ………………… 0.777 … (0.737 … 0.816)
The 100 …………………… 0.284 … (0.306 … 0.263)

Source: RJK @ SpottedRatings.com

Edited by Starfish35
Adding unrounded numbers

Why, oh why, do the Arrowverse shows use the same name for multiple characters? We got 2 Williams (William Clayton, Billy Malone) and 2 Samanthas (Samantha Clayton, Samantha Arias) - not to mention 1 Samanda Watson. And now there's 3 Noras: Nora Allen, Nora Darhk, Nora West-Allen.

Edited by tv echo
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It reflects their lack of imagination?

7 hours ago, strikera0 said:

I've never seen her in anything, but what about Alicia Vikander for Black Canary? She's 31, a former Oscar-nominee and did Tomb Raider recently. 

I loved her in The Man From Uncle.  And she can act.

Idk, it's not that out there and you can't blame different shows that happen to use the same name ("Sam" is a common name, and even then Arrow just called her "Samantha" while Supergirl mostly uses "Sam," and Samanda is mostly called "Agent Watson" as is "William," which also Arrow never called Blly "William" or William "Billy"), especially when the show goes out of its way to name a character after a character (Baby Sara after Sara before she was erased, Nora West-Allen after Nora Allen).

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I wouldn't say these pics are embarrassing - I think they're cute...

Flash Back: 16 Embarrassing Yearbook Photos of Arrowverse Actors
by Irina Curovic  May 22, 2018



*  *  *

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Edited by tv echo
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TVLine was live.
44 mins · 

In Arrowvverse news:

-- Matt Mitovich mentioned that he did a write-up on next week's Supergirl, which features the return of Alura.

-- Matt was "bummed that we lost Marlize on The Flash."

In non-Arrowverse news:

-- Matt said that he was hurt most by the cancellation of Lucifer. Michael Ausiello was hurt most by the cancellation of Last Man Standing.

-- Michael liked the Grey's Anatomy finale.

-- Matt said that he saw Nathan Fillion at the upfronts and that he looked "great." Fillion lost a lot of weight. Matt saw a little of Fillion's new TV show, The Rookie, and thought it looked good. Michael saw the trailer and thought the show looked "serious."

-- Andy Swift saw the new Charmed pilot and said that, as a fan of the original Charmed, he liked the new pilot, although "it's not without its flaws." He also said that "it's exactly like its trailer" and that it's "not cheesy."

-- Michael announced (several times) that The Chew was cancelled by ABC and that Good Morning America was expanded to three hours.

-- Andy was not surprised that Rise was cancelled because he thought that show was "depressing."

-- Still no news on Timeless. Michael was "worried" that they'll get a bad news dump on Friday (right before the holiday weekend).

-- Kim Roots was hurt most by the cancellation of The Exorcist because she loved that show. She said that she's looking forward to A Million Little Things.

-- Kim then talked about the Outlander castings that were announced the other day.

Edited by tv echo
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I just saw the clip of Wally's appearance on the Flash finale where he bragged about how much better and happier he is with the Legends. Lol. While he didn't get much to do, what he did mattered and was useful. Plus he got to turn into a Giant Beebo to defeat a time demon then got to go on vacation to Aruba. 

Edited by Sakura12
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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

I wouldn't say these pics are embarrassing - I think they're cute...

Flash Back: 16 Embarrassing Yearbook Photos of Arrowverse Actors
by Irina Curovic  May 22, 2018


It will never not piss me off that the Felicity write up gets the hate Olicity comment and not the Oliver one. All the drama the relationship has had stems from Oliver. S3 - Oliver ends it and pushes Felicity away. S4 - Oliver lies and hides a child from her.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, tv echo said:

I wouldn't say these pics are embarrassing - I think they're cute...

Flash Back: 16 Embarrassing Yearbook Photos of Arrowverse Actors
by Irina Curovic  May 22, 2018

Emily's photo is so cute! Brandon, for some reason, looks like Ricky Martin. And Stephen, wow, good thing the boy grew up, LOL!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Chaser said:

It will never not piss me off that the Felicity write up gets the hate Olicity comment and not the Oliver one. All the drama the relationship has had stems from Oliver. S3 - Oliver ends it and pushes Felicity away. S4 - Oliver lies and hides a child from her.

Cbr is notorious for kissing the ass of KC. Just look at her write up. They called her the "worst treated character in the arrowverse."

21 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Oh I wasn't bashing Ralph....this time.  I just think Barry showed about 100% more passion towards Ralph than he ever has Iris. LOL

I was thinking about Ralph and why him being alive did bother me.  It's not really the character, he's dumb and slapstick and fine if that's what they want to keep around.  It's an eye roll some of the time but they've fixed his worst habits.  But what DOES bother me is the 12 other victims of the bus that they let die.  This last guy was tortured for 10 hours by his ability being forced into overload, every time they cut to him dude looked like he was in agony.  And he was dismissed early in the episode as, well, it's too late for him. 

 It's all very well and good that the Flash team kept the world from getting even dumber (though I am going with Oliver getting a concentrated blast of the dark energy early to explain his dumbass choice of NOT telling his wife) but honestly, I feel they treated all those people's lives as of far too little value.  It reflects on Team Flash.  Even just the picture they kept up of the woman that created bad luck, a goofy face, mocked her as a person.  Some of the Bus Meta's went bad but most weren't any worse than Ralph but Ralph gets saved and it's like all their deaths don't matter.  

Even in an interview where they bragged about how they'd planned this ending for Ralph the whole time, when someone brought up the other bus metas, they dismissed the question if some of them might be saved with a nah, they're all toast.  It left an icky taste.  

On Arrow the focus is always on any mistakes Oliver makes, not his victories.  On The Flash, they declare the team failing to save anyone all year long as a victory like everyone else dying never happened.  It makes Ralph the only one that mattered and even if he's not awful, 12 lives for one Ralph is not a good trade.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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12 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Even in an interview where they bragged about how they'd planned this ending for Ralph the whole time, when someone brought up the other bus metas, they dismissed the question if some of them might be saved with a nah, they're all toast.  It left an icky taste.

Yeah, that really bothered me too, especially since they were the ones to push Ralph being dead in the first place. Most people I saw immediately (and correctly) predicted that since he was using Ralph's body that Ralph would live, and the EPs were the ones to counteract it and lie with "no, no, he's actually dead you guys! His soul is gone and everything!" Plus, kind of like 623, part of the part focused on a lesser character (Ralph, BS) and the attachment we are supposed to have to their plots (Ralph being a hero, BS no necessarily being redeemed but not being a villain anymore) rather than elaborating or better tying it to the main character's plot (Barry and his relationship with Iris or his team or Oliver and his relationship with Felicity or his team. They did highlight those aspects, but really they should have been more important to the episodes. Heck, William was barely a factor in 623 and Iris was also not much of a factor in 423 despite both being important in their premieres). It just felt off, even though I've overall mellowed out on Ralph. 

  • Love 2

Another thought regarding the KC on Legends discussion that’s been going on in the Spoiler Discussion thread (bringing over here because it’s more Legends-related than Arrow related):

If they had not added Jes Macallen as a Legends regular, I might have thought there was more of a chance that they might pull KC over.  In fact I did wonder a little.  But after adding Jes, I don’t see it happening.  Mainly because adding Jes means that Sara’s primary personal storyline is probably going to be dealing with her relationship with Ava (and hopefully, dealing with some of those issues that were raised and then dropped at the end of last season).  I don’t see them working in time, in between dealing with myths and monsters and everyone else’s storylines, for her to also deal with rehabilitating an alternate earth version of her sister.  

Not saying it absolutely won’t happen -  they’ve shocked me before where KC is concerned.  But between this, the fact that Legends already has a full cast of nine, and the fact that they’ve shown little interest in having Laurel over before - even in a season focused on Sara dealing with her death - yeah, I think it’s unlikely.

I do wonder...going in a different track for a moment...how they are goIng to handle Sara dealing with her dad’s death.  That will be interesting.

  • Love 4

haha I'll confess I have this irrational fear of them inflicting her on Ray if she moves to Legends! Not that I want her on Arrow! Send her to The Flash I say! KC can then try to create and promote an imaginary love triangle between Barry, Iris and whatever character they cook up to keep her employed! 

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Oh yeah there’s always a tiny little bit of fear in the back of my mind, mostly because most of the decisions regarding her have made so little sense to me that I’m always somewhat braced for them to do exactly what I don’t expect.  But no, not extremely worried at this moment (which may mean I really should be - LOL!).  

Ha setting her up with Ray!  That would be....interesting.  I admit there was a time back in Arrow season three when I was curious about what that would look like, but no, not now.  Right now, I want to see what happens with Ray and Nora, or Ray and Zari, or maybe both. :)

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12 hours ago, bijoux said:

Brandon Routh looks like someone else to me. I can’t pinpoint who, but some actor in teen flicks from a while back.

I think I've got it. Sean Farris in Your, Mine and Ours. In which, incidentally, Danielle Pannabaker also played. Frankly, I'm still not sure they didn't pull the wrong tall brunette guy's photo there.

'Arrowverse composer Blake Neely on The CW's superheroic soundscape':


How do you develop theme songs for your DC shows?

I like to write away from [footage] so I cannot be dictated by how the show goes. For Arrow, I surrounded myself with pictures of the character and things in his world to put me in that headspace. I knew that he was on this deserted island, so themes of solitude came up. And I wanted to only use instruments that were bowed or with strings, to tie into "arrow." I even limited myself to the keys of G and A because of "Green Arrow." I went to the first action scene, and I realized you can't do a superhero show without brass. So it was an attempt, and it got me into a direction and a sound palette.

With The Flash, I did the same thing: I surrounded myself with images of things of propulsion, like jet engines and rockets.

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On 24/05/2018 at 5:07 AM, Chaser said:

It will never not piss me off that the Felicity write up gets the hate Olicity comment and not the Oliver one. All the drama the relationship has had stems from Oliver. S3 - Oliver ends it and pushes Felicity away. S4 - Oliver lies and hides a child from her.

Not to mention why even bring it up at all in what is suppose to be a cute look at them as high schoolers article? But CBR is basically irrelevant trash that has to use Olicity as click bait to stay relevant so cest la vie.

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The Many Losers (And Few Winners) Of The TV Season
Kate Aurthur   May 24, 2018


Greg Berlanti, Dick Wolf, and Chuck Lorre dominate network television.
*  *  *
And then there's Berlanti, who is ridiculous. Two of his pilots were picked up for fall (the CW's All American and CBS's God Friended Me); one was ordered by CBS for midseason (Red Line); Blindspot continues on NBC; and his shows own the CW's real estate on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, with Supergirl anchoring the network's first foray into Sunday night programming since 2009. (When I interviewed Berlanti a few months ago, I asked him whether Netflix might poach him from Warner Bros., because it would seem wise to try. He said, "I’m still passionate about broadcast in a way that I think some of my contemporaries aren't necessarily." We'll see!)

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Superhero Insider: Revelations abound on Supergirl and The Flash

Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider: Deadpool 2, Supergirl, The Flash
Kyle Anderson & Natalie Abrams   May 25, 2018

ETA: Natalie announced that she's leaving EW so this was her last Superhero Insider podcast. She's joing The CW's new show, All American, as a writer's assistant. (She had previously tweeted this news.)

Edited by tv echo
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26 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Superhero Insider: Revelations abound on Supergirl and The Flash

Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider: Deadpool 2, Supergirl, The Flash
Kyle Anderson & Natalie Abrams   May 25, 2018

ETA: Natalie announced that she's leaving EW so this was her last Superhero Insider podcast. She's joing The CW's new show, All American, as a writer's assistant. (She had previously tweeted this news.)

How long till she pushes her way on to one of the Arrowverse shows I wonder? 


This is TVLine's wish list casting (not spoilers)...

Arrowverse's Batwoman, NCIS' New Abby, Riverdale Mom and 22 More Homes for Stars of Cancelled Shows
By Vlada Gelman, Matt Webb Mitovich, Kimberly Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Ryan Schwartz, Rebecca Iannucci and Charlie Mason / May 25 2018, 12:45 PM PDT


May’s cancellation bloodbath may be brutal, but there is a bright side: TVLine has dreamed up new roles for the stars of recently axed series such as Lucifer, The Brave, Quantico, Scorpion and many more.
*  *  *
Priyanka Chopra
Past gig:
Quantico‘s FBI trainee Alex Parrish 

New gig: Batwoman in next season’s Arrowverse crossover. C’mon, she was born to play a superhero, right?
*  *  *
Tom Welling
Past gig:
Lucifer‘s Pierce aka Cain aka The World’s First Murderer

New gig: Putting TV’s former Clark Kent on Supergirl is a bit on the nose even for us. Instead, it’d be pretty super to see him square off against Arrow‘s Oliver — either as a Supermax kingpin or a member of the Longbow Hunters.

Edited by tv echo
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I never saw Quantico so I can't comment on Priyanka's acting but NO to Tom Welling coming anywhere near the Arrowverse.  The guy has not improved one iota since Smallville, and he was absolutely terrible back then.  He was supposed to be sinister on Lucifer and was only (and barely) able to pull off mildly confused+constipated.  I don't care if it is hypothetical KEEP HIM AWAY!

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This response to the current debate on the duration of Oliver's time in Supermax is more appropriate here, since it's about the crossover.

What did Amell say about Arrow/Oliver with regard to the crossover?  The show/character sets it up or leads into the story?  If I'm remembering right, then it could be that he meets Kate in the Supermax* and then she asks him for help just before crossover time.  They can easily write Kate as being in the prison undercover and that's how she meets Oliver. 

*I firmly believe that Oliver will be doing some undercover work for Watson/the FBI and that's why they went after only him rather than "Laurel" or the rest of the characters.  The immunity granted is genuine but it also provides cover for why only Oliver is in prison. 

2 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

If I'm remembering right, then it could be that he meets Kate in the Supermax* and then she asks him for help just before crossover time.  They can easily write Kate as being in the prison undercover and that's how she meets Oliver. 

I thought it was that they go to Gotham and meet her (which goes with when they said they were establishing Gotham as well). I still don't think Oliver is in prison through the crossover. 

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Eight episodes would be a long time to leave Oliver in prison and isolated from the rest of the main cast.  It’s one-third of the season. 

This is the one time I’d be more than happy for them to take a few story shortcuts so they can get Oliver out of prison, wrap up the lingering threads of season 6, and move on to something (hopefully) better.

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