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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Just now, WindofChange said:

They threw her under the bus too, yes. I agree because she was awful in that scene. 

As was Felicity for not waiting until Diggle pronounced Barry and Iris as husband and wife before jumping in, in my opinion. It definitely goes both ways and it has to do with writing, as both women wouldn't do what they did. 

All I can say is why are the women thrown under the bus? Can we leave them alone? Not all women are petty and bitter and catty toward other people when they don't get their way. 

I am a fan of all four shows, and am especially a fan of both Felicity and Iris as character. I think Iris gets shit on constantly on her own show, for sure. It took until this season for them to figure out how to use Iris on Team Flash, after all. And, of course, there are complaints about Iris not having the skills to be leader for Team Flash. Well, duh, because the show never bothered to try writing Iris as a three dimensional character until this season. 

So, you know what? Yeah, Iris was being a petty, catty woman during the gift registry scene, but I am thrilled she has finally been allowed to talk about her own feelings. I am thrilled she has her own flaws and can look wrong but also be right in her feelings. 

Yep, those are my final thoughts on the matter. Iris is still great in my eyes.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Also, Iris, that impromptu ceremony wasn't your wedding day so STFU.

I also didn't realize it was a crime to get a gift that wasn't on the registry. Wow. They sound like awful entitled people. Haha. 

Well this is the couple where one half of the equation if he doesn't like something goes back in time and changes it regardless of what that means to everyone else's lives. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Friends don't voice everything that annoys them about each other. They slip it under the rug and get over it. Like I said, Iris hasnt had the greatest time in the past 2 weeks, I don't think she cares that much in the long run. Everything probably annoyed her. 

Making Iris out to be the victim here is pretty rich when she has a voice and can speak up. Sorry but making her be petty about a gift and the interruption if her real issue is the entire Nazi thing and wedding disruption why is she putting it on Felicity?

To me this just reeks of male writers not having a clue about women OR they are intentionally setting up a beef between the couples. 

And it is the WORST kind of thing to do to both Iris and Felicity.

  • Love 17

You know what's funny? The writers who wrote this episode where Iris was annoyed at Felicity's interruption are the same female writers who wrote the episode where Iris crawled over the pallbearers at a funeral, flipped the deceased's picture, and made an awful joke to said deceased's loved ones about the coffin...

  • Love 23
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:


So, you know what? Yeah, Iris was being a petty, catty woman during the gift registry scene, but I am thrilled she has finally been allowed to talk about her own feelings. I am thrilled she has her own flaws and can look wrong but also be right in her feelings. 

Plus at least she is being petty and catty with her husband and not going around spreading it to everyone else she knows. If she was Mean Girling it, this would be a much different story lol.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, you know what? Yeah, Iris was being a petty, catty woman during the gift registry scene, but I am thrilled she has finally been allowed to talk about her own feelings. I am thrilled she has her own flaws and can look wrong but also be right in her feelings. 

Yep, those are my final thoughts on the matter. Iris is still great in my eyes.

I agree she's allowed to have complicated feelings but I have a suspicion this won't even end up being about Felicity or Iris in the end. How much are you willing to bet that that it will end up with Oliver and Barry at odds defending their brides?

6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Iris gets shit on constantly on her own show, for sure.

Felicity gets shit on pretty much for breathing too.

6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Iris is still great in my eyes.

She's still great, but she was awful in this one scene? No one said she isn't great anymore.

6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

All I can say is why are the women thrown under the bus? Can we leave them alone? Not all women are petty and bitter and catty toward other people when they don't get their way. 

Iris threw Felicity under the bus in this episode when her anger should've been directed towards Nazis who were the ones who actually shattered her spotlight. 

6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, Iris was being a petty, catty woman during the gift registry scene, but I am thrilled she has finally been allowed to talk about her own feelings. I am thrilled she has her own flaws and can look wrong but also be right in her feelings. 

This is great? But in the mean time, they kinda made a female friendship less special and threw that under the bus too. Iris can voice her feelings all she want but did it have to come at the expense of the buildup of Felicity/Iris' friendship? I don't think it should've

Edited by WindofChange
  • Love 10
Just now, catrox14 said:

I agree she's allowed to have complicated feelings but I have a suspicion this won't even end up being about Felicity or Iris in the end. How much are you willing to bet that that it will end up with Oliver and Barry at odds defending their brides?

I actually think it was just a one scene issue, to be "funny" or something. I wouldn't be surprised if the issue was never brought up again.

  • Love 5
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I actually think it was just a one scene issue, to be "funny" or something. I wouldn't be surprised if the issue was never brought up again.

Iris was more passionate at taking digs at olicity/felicity then being an actual journalist. Its fine.

  • Love 12

My problem with Iris' line was that it was completely unnecessary. Am I to believe that the writers had no idea that people would be upset about the double wedding? I doubt that. So why throw that in? 

(Also, did I hear that Barry and Iris went to Bali for their honeymoon? Nope. That's Oliver and Felicity's spot. Get your own vacation destination.) 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I actually think it was just a one scene issue, to be "funny" or something. I wouldn't be surprised if the issue was never brought up again.

I agree and it's a shame that they dumped all over a wonderful female friendship, which both Flash and Arrow are solely lacking, for cheap laughs about bridezillas. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Here's hoping Arrow doesn't waste anytime on Barry or Iris.  

Me too. Maybe it'll be a one phone call with Oliver and Barry in the Flash. I just don't expect Iris' problems to serve Iris' character but will serve to prop Barry in some way.

I don't think it's a real issue or will be brought up again and I don't think the intention of the double wedding was to make anyone involved feel bitter.Imo whatever writer wrote that line is someone with the mindset that Iris is the bride and her spotlight was taken while completely ignoring the context of the double wedding.But imo even if you want to say Felicity was rude which I don't even think she was,it's still a worse look to make Iris so focused on a wedding that she would be bitter after what they all went through during the crossover.Even ignoring the part about Felicity,was she seriously returning gifts from people who were attacked by nazis at her actual wedding because they weren't what she wanted?

Edited by tangerine95
  • Love 14
1 minute ago, Velocity23 said:

when was the last time iris talked about it?

I still don't understand the connection. The two have nothing to do with each other. 

Just now, leopardprint said:

Yeah and it's a shame that they dumped all over a wonderful female friendship, which both Flash and Arrow are solely lacking, for cheap laughs about bridezillas. 

I do wish they dedicated more time to Iris and Felicity as friends. They only started interacting this season. I don't even know if they interacted last season much, if at all. Which is why I don't completely feel the friends connection. Not a dig on these two, as I want to see more of them, but just an unfortunate circumstance due to how they treat women on both the shows.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Yeah and it's a shame that they dumped all over a wonderful female friendship, which both Flash and Arrow are solely lacking, for cheap laughs about bridezillas. 

I'm sorta glad they didn't spend more time on Iris/felicity now... I mean why spend more time on them when they were just gonna crap on it later for cheap laughs and Iris finally having the opportunity to express her misguided feelings? I would've been angrier if this was an actual established friendship so there's that.

Edited by WindofChange
  • Love 5

Oh Lord, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BRING THAT UP?!?! I really liked the Felicity/Iris team ups, and they had to throw it down the drain for either a cheap joke, or a bone thrown to the "Fefe" crowd, who have somehow managed to get even MORE obnoxious lately. Was that called for, show? I just cant stand how this one stupid thing is engulfing this entire fandom, why are they feeding the trolls?! I love Iris AND felicity, and this was otherwise a pretty good mid season finale, but that just took me right out of it. 

And it even managed to get in the way of my LoT buzz, which was busy being awesome and giving me all of the feels. *sniffle*. I love my B List heroes and washed up bank robber family. 

  • Love 20
2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I still don't understand the connection. The two have nothing to do with each other. 

4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I think maybe the point they're trying to make is that the writers took more time to give Iris a POV on her wedding than they have to give her anything outside of that relationship? (Just a guess, I don't really watch the show anymore)

  • Love 4
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I still don't understand the connection. The two have nothing to do with each other. 

I do wish they dedicated more time to Iris and Felicity as friends. They only started interacting this season. I don't even know if they interacted last season much, if at all. Which is why I don't completely feel the friends connection. Not a dig on these two, as I want to see more of them, but just an unfortunate circumstance due to how they treat women on both the shows.

That's true, unfortunately neither show is going to devote time to female friendships even with just the characters on their own show, I just really liked the Iris/Felicity team up and think the actresses sold it well. 

  • Love 2

I'm not even an Olicity shipper and I'm super angry. It was just petty because the way Iris seemed wedding bridzilla. She could have done the jab good natured at least but it just sounded I don't know. Petty. Not only did Nazis interrupt the real wedding but it's been like a week since Barry's friend died. 

  • Love 13

You know what is going to be great though? When Oliver and Felicity don't mention Barry and Iris because they're not petty or bitter. They'll just be happily married and won't think much about Barry and Iris beyond being happy for their friends marriage.

  • Love 17
Just now, apinknightmare said:

I think maybe the point they're trying to make is that the writers took more time to give Iris a POV on her wedding than they have to give her anything outside of that relationship? (Just a guess, I don't really watch the show anymore)

I guess, but even Iris fans, Candice Patton included, have commented how they want Iris as a reporter again. I just don't think that it relates to her jab toward Oliver/Felicity, as it's actually the showrunners' fault that Iris apparently can't multi-task in her life. She can only be a fiancee, a wife, a team leader, or a friend (rarely). 

Honestly, the more I think about the scene, the more angry I get at the Olicity jab but the Iris jab as well. Her character keeps looking like some crazy bridezilla. I realize that I really don't like how they're treating Iris as a character and my hope and initial denial that it was turning around is being shattered. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:

You know what is going to be great though? When Oliver and Felicity don't mention Barry and Iris because they're not petty or bitter. They'll just be happily married and won't think much about Barry and Iris beyond being happy for their friends marriage.

What would they have to be petty or bitter about in the first place?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

At least in other news, the obvious was made obvious tonight. LoT is moving to Mondays. Why they are making us suffer a 2 month wait just so they can finish off Valor is beyond me.

They are making me wait to see the Legends with Constantine for a show that no one is watching. I want to know more about the demon that knows Sara and how well John and Sara know each other. They seemed a little too friendly since they never actually talked on the Arrow ep. 

  • Love 8

Iris is supposed to be an easy going, loving, non petty person... That scene made her anything but and making her a bride-zilla isn't really her character. So I don't get the reason to celebrate that moment because that was so out of character. Congrats on Iris looking really shallow I guess?

Edited by WindofChange
  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

was she seriously returning gifts from people who were attacked by nazis at her actual wedding because they weren't what she wanted?

I didn't even think about this part, lol. There's no way that the priest is the only one who died or sustained injuries in that attack. What happened to their gifts? Maybe WA can donate to the multiple Go Fund Me medical fundraisers I'm sure are happening. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Honestly, the more I think about the scene, the more angry I get at the Olicity jab but the Iris jab as well. Her character keeps looking like some crazy bridezilla. I realize that I really don't like how they're treating Iris as a character and my hope and initial denial that it was turning around is being shattered. 

I think it's the kind of thing someone would be rightfully upset over if it happened at a planned ceremony (even though I think Oliver had good intentions and went about proposing at the rehearsal dinner the only way you can politely do such a thing at a rehearsal dinner, I probably would've been more upset at that scene than the ceremony if it were me), but it's something that I just don't see how anyone could find it in themselves to be upset over after someone died and nazis nearly took over, and when you were literally standing adjacent to puke. 

I want the whole thing behind us now - it was so terribly handled. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

They are making me wait to see the Legends with Constantine for a show that no one is watching. I want to know more about the demon that knows Sara and how well John and Sara know each other. They seemed a little too friendly since they never actually talked on the Arrow ep. 

Maybe they ran into each other again during the time between Sara’s soul restoration and the LOT pilot? 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, one more thing about the Flash episode. It wasn't just Iris who suffered from Mean Girl writing. Ralph, Cisco, and Harry all made jabs as Caitlin/Killer Frost, which was incredibly mean. 

Is this maybe a thing the Thinker is making them do? I dunno for all of them to be mean seems weird. Wait...NO I BLAME RALPH. He has disrupted the balance. Get rid of Ralph! He's awful anyway.

  • Love 1

In other news, LOT had me in stitches tonight. That show is fun. I said it before and I will say it again, I am so happy I started watching it.  I ADMIT IT WAS HARD TO GET THROUGH THE FIRST SEASON, but after that it has been quite a ride.  I am enjoying it.  

  • Love 7
Just now, Angel12d said:

I'd already decided after the crossover I was going to marathon LOT at some point but I think I'm gonna try to watch over Christmas now. It looks fun. You say it gets better after s1, right?

Infinitely better. They correct the mistakes of season 1 and basically start enjoying themselves as a show from that point on.

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