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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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No one says a WestAllen wedding can't be talked about but wouldn't it be more fun to try and talk about it with fellow shippers than a board where a lot of people don't like Barry?

It's like me trying to speculate about the next Olicity sex scene or Olicitots on the Flash board. No one would get excited!

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In the interest of fairness to the multiple posts above, the fact that this is the CW where "first times" are almost always a production (with multiple couples across racial lines) was exactly why there was so much upset with some fans, and fairly so. I myself was never bothered because due to their age and long history I just assumed that  once they got together,  they "got together". My sympathy for my fellow fans came after - I'm sad to know that anyone was so particularly excluded on something that was seen as a given elsewhere, for something that meant alot to them, when it didn't have to be that way. And speaking of...


Not even having a flirty moment the morning after to confirm they'd taken their relationship to that next level was a terrible writing choice.  I don't dislike WestAllen but I also don't deeply care and even I was annoyed how unclear the show had been on that.  It felt rather disrespectful to the not just the pairing but to anyone that cared about the romantic aspects of the show.  I chalk it up to another symptom of the same problem that leaves them with writing their female characters so poorly at times.  


I mean, do y'all want  him to direct? He clearly has his favorites.

Naw, I know I really don't care one way or the other, but it's a bit funny how much he got his hopes up at SDCC, lol.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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3 minutes ago, Trini said:

I mean, do y'all want  him to direct? He clearly has his favorites.


As for a possible wedding, I think it's fair game to talk about it in this thread if it's going to happen in the crossovers, and involve and affect characters from the other shows.

Fair game yes but don't expect anybody to be enthused for a WestAllen crossover wedding in an Arrow board when most ppl here don't even want an Olicity crossover wedding. It sometimes comes across as unnecessarily competitive considering no ones really interested in the competition.

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1 hour ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I don't really mind the crossovers but I don't particularly enjoy them either. I think the fact they are four separate shows that don't 100% share the same fanbase gets lost during them. Last year, Legends of Tomorrow ended on Barry and Oliver, I watch all three shows and enjoyed the scene but I did keep thinking "Wait, this is LoT, right?" I can only imagine how people who greatly prefer LoT felt about it.

Yeah that kind of annoyed me last year. I get why they wanted to end the crossover on Barry and Oliver, and I did like Sara and Oliver's hug and acknowledgement that their shitty Gambit related decision had set all this in motion but I wish they'd ended on the Waverider crew not Barry and Oliver getting a beer. And this is coming from someone who watches Arrow and likes Barry and Oliver's relationship.

Personally I think all big ships should get married/any other big developments on their own shows and not get lost in the shuffle of a EPIC 4 Night Event. Plus I would have thought the Arrow EPs would want to promote it for their own ratings and buzz if/when it happens. And if it happens so early in the season there's a high chance that something will go wrong later on see: previous engagement/deaths. I'm even kind of sceptical about WA making it down the aisle or being happy for any length of time in early S4 of what could end up going 10+ seasons, but who knows.

1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

Honestly I don't think it's a racial issue or tone issue. Yes The Flash does appeal to a younger family friendly audience therefore requires more kid approved storylines. However, to me I think differences in actor chemistry also has something to do with it. Stephen and Emily are very tactile actors who have a lot of vested interest in the success of their onscreen relationship and put a lot of thought and planning in how it's executed particularly when it comes to live scenes plus they have a natural chemistry that takes over l. I don't get the same impression from Candice and Grant who seem very by the numbers, what's on the page only kind of on screen couple plus Grant Gustin isn't the oozes sexual chemistry kind of guy like Stephen Amell has in spades. 

It's very possible. That would agree with the discussions that the actors are given leeway on how comfortable in playing certain scenes they are and that a lot of Olicity's touching is down to the actors not the directors. I think GG has all kinds of chemistry with a lot of people on the 4 shows but none of it is actually sexual chemistry so that might be part of it as well. E.g. (not WA example) He and Kara are sweet but if they were in a universe bending relationship they'd simply cuddle, watch TV and eat constantly together. It's just the fact that it seems to be in play for all couples on The Flash/Supergirl that makes me think it's also a tonal choice as well.


 It felt rather disrespectful to the not just the pairing but to anyone that cared about the romantic aspects of the show.  I chalk it up to another symptom of the same problem that leaves them with writing their female characters so poorly at times.  

And also this. It was weird that is wasn't even properly confirmed even if they didn't want to make a big thing about it for whatever reasons. Teenage relationship Kara/Mon-El got more than they did, though romance was a much bigger part of Supergirl than The Flash this season anyway.

I don't mind talking WA or crossover storylines here, I am slightly concerned that a wedding and especially a double wedding would happen at the end meaning LOT's portion. If this happens for WA I can imagine a lot of their fans being upset. Although since it's Flash and they kinda ran the crossover last year, I guess its more likely to happen in their episode in the middle of whatever crisis

Edited by Featherhat
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At this point, I'd be happier to drop the four show crossover because their writing talents aren't up to it and I end up shaving to spend time with characters I don't want to watch instead of ones I do..

I liked the first crossover with just Arrow and The Flash because it was about the characters and their interactions, and Oliver double arrowing a very arrogant Barry will never not be funny. But by the second one it had become about moving the  pieces around the chessboard and character interactions got lost. The last one I hate because it was just about masks and fights and all the characters I watch for got lost in the EPs slapping each other on the back about how brilliant they are.  At this point, with both Supergirl and LoT moving into their third seasons, the benefit of gaining viewers from one of the other shows is pretty much gone because everyone already knows the other shows and has already the one(s) they want to watch.

1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

Sorry let me be more clear. IMO, if there were to be a double wedding, I'm pretty sure it would be on the Flash episode and it wouldn't start with the Arrow episode since it's airing second.  So to me I don't know why either Arrow or  Flash fans would want a double wedding on the Flash, and further why there would be consternation amongst Flash fans with Arrow fans for being unhappy IF that were to happen. I don't know if that cleared anything up or not. LOL

Yeah that's pretty much it. The wedding set-up would be on Arrow but the wedding itself on The Flash because that has the biggest audience and the denouement to whatever interrupted the reception would be on LoT.  No thanks.

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On 8/11/2017 at 7:07 PM, raven said:

Keep the conversation civil - disagree without lecturing or telling others how to watch a show.

That includes the possibility of a crossover wedding; this is the place to discuss that, whether you like the idea of one or not.

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The CW Shares The Top 5 Fights From Supergirl Season 2
Posted by Dan Wickline August 14, 2017


The CW is periodically releasing videos that highlight certain things from Supergirl Season 2. This week, they’ve put out a list of the five best fights from the season.

This video reminds me that Supergirl isn’t a show about fights. Arrow is a show about fights. They have one of the best stunt teams in the industry and put on some great-looking action sequences. Supergirl is more about powers, so when there is a fight, there’s a lot of punching and throwing things…but not a lot of artistic moves.
*  *  *
The list of fights shown is interesting in that two of them are with heroes being controlled…Supergirl vs. Mon-El and Supergirl vs. Superman. And one features Winn Schott hitting an alien with a rock twice. These were all emotionally charged fights, but not high-skilled ones. Not shown is anything involving Guardian, the one character that should be involved in more physical and skilled fights. Perhaps Oliver Queen needs to take a few weeks vacation on that Earth to do some training with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, and Guardian.

Supergirl | Top 5 Fights | The CW
Published on Aug 14, 2017, by The CW Television Network

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Perhaps Oliver Queen needs to take a few weeks vacation on that Earth to do some training with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, and Guardian.

The wording sounds like he's going to be trained by them, rather than training them which is what I think was implied.

Sad news from Vancouver:  a stuntwoman was killed on the set of Daredevil 2 when she rode her motorcycle down some steps.  They make it look so easy, we forget how dangerous it is.

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I think it was a disservice to the couple and to their fans to not show a WA sex scene or an implied scene. There were a lot of PG ways to showcase it and it should have been a great moment for the two of them.  However this comes down to two things IMO.

1) I feel like the actors aren't as invested in the relationship as you would hope them to be. Taking the example of Oliver and Felicity, we've heard on numerous occasions that Stephen and Emily tend to go above and beyond the script to make their relationship be as organic and exciting as possible even disputing with writers at times. And this is where making sure important moments like your first time being showcased is something invested actors would discuss with the EP's. In the case of Candice, I can't see her being that invested in a relationship when time and time again we keep hearing about her frustrations about the lack of an individual story line for her character. I also think she made her grievances known when she told a room full of hundreds of people that non of the EP's told her she was safe and that Grant had to let her known and even then they never mentioned it to her.

2) The writers and EP's just not being that invested in the relationship. They've erased so many kisses that by now you don't even remember which one was their actual first kiss. Eddie and Iris felt more of a couple from the writers perspective than Barry and Iris. Iris is just there for Barry, He isn't necessarily the one for her from the writers perspective. Other than destiny, I really don't know why Iris wants to be with Barry.

Their first proposal was more about the history of the ring than why Barry wanted to marry Iris, their second proposal he just sang his way back to her because it was a musical episode.

And because of all this I can totally see a WA wedding in the crossover because it just isn't a big deal to the show. Fans might think this is a good idea but in reality it isn't. I don't see the flash getting any more viewers than it normally does so it being a ratings draw isn't the correct argument. And you best believe a network that barely mentioned WA's proposal isn't gonna go all out and promote a WA wedding in the crossover. They'll just focus on promoting everything but the wedding. 

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This video reminds me that Supergirl isn’t a show about fights. Arrow is a show about fights. They have one of the best stunt teams in the industry and put on some great-looking action sequences. Supergirl is more about powers, so when there is a fight, there’s a lot of punching and throwing things…but not a lot of artistic moves.The list of fights shown is interesting in that two of them are with heroes being controlled…Supergirl vs. Mon-El and Supergirl vs. Superman. And one features Winn Schott hitting an alien with a rock twice. These were all emotionally charged fights, but not high-skilled ones. Not shown is anything involving Guardian, the one character that should be involved in more physical and skilled fights.

The powered characters fight scenes do tend to be a bit simpler and lacking finesse. I would have picked at least one fight involving Alex or James because their fights tend to be well choreographed. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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5 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

I think it was a disservice to the couple and to their fans to not show a WA sex scene or an implied scene. There were a lot of PG ways to showcase it and it should have been a great moment for the two of them.  However this comes down to two things IMO.1) I feel like the actors aren't as invested in the relationship as you would hope them to be. ....

I don't think this is true. The actors can only do so much with what is written; especially when it's clear TPTB want to keep things "PG". (But I agree, even within "PG" they could do more.) Grant and Candice are enthusiastic about the relationship (especially Grant), from interviews, etc. And there are several ad libs from WestAllen scenes that have been left in on the show.


2) The writers and EP's just not being that invested in the relationship. ....


This is 'yes' and 'no', to me. Season 3 was the best so far for Barry + Iris. They did commit to having them together all season (minus only two episodes), the loft set, the proposals, etc., and Iris (and Iris+Barry) had more screentime. However, they tend to revolve everything around Barry/Flash, so most times the 'Iris side' of the relationship gets shortchanged.


And because of all this I can totally see a WA wedding in the crossover because it just isn't a big deal to the show. ...

Maybe it's the opposite; it is a big deal, so that's why they want it during the crossover.

Unlike the Arrow 100th episode, I think it makes sense for the characters from the other shows to be around for a wedding.

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Well I'm starting to think Barry and Iris will get married in this crossover, but then get divorced in their 100th episode because Barry's the worst and they generally suck as a couple. 

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20 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Well I'm starting to think Barry and Iris will get married in this crossover, but then get divorced in their 100th episode because Barry's the worst and they generally suck as a couple. 

If Iris ever tried to leave Barry, can you imagine how many lives he'd erase/ruin in order to undo that?

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If Iris ever tried to leave Barry, can you imagine how many lives he'd erase/ruin in order to undo that?


True, but then again the guy would probably erase/reverse time ruining lives in the process the first time Iris yelled at him for not taking out the trash.  

1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

Well since he's already tried to kill Iris this season I think at least this time he'd be erasing the timeline for Iris rather than because he's running after mummy again. 

Can I just say I'm so glad that I don't have to use "since Oliver already tried to kill Felicity" in a sentence ha.

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8 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Can I just say I'm so glad that I don't have to use "since Oliver already tried to kill Felicity" in a sentence ha.

My poor husband REFUSED to believe that Savitar was Barry even though I laid out all the arguments for him because he could not fathom one half of the couple trying to kill the other half no matter what version in the timeline they were.

Hehe when it was revealed he said to me: Darling I am a very easygoing person and not much bothers me but if any version of you tries to kill me we are over! 

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8 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

And because of all this I can totally see a WA wedding in the crossover because it just isn't a big deal to the show.

I agree.

I can see why some would think it's epic that a couple would be married in a crossover but I don't think that's the case.

Wedding episodes historically cause a bump in ratings/buzz/hype... But because we all know the crossover will have a huge bump in ratings/buzz/hype for all shows - and if WA do get married in the crossover - I can see it meaning the network doesn't have faith in the couple. Meaning the network doesn't believe the couple would bring enough people in to cause a ratings bump for their golden child show.

So personally, I don't think it's epic or iconic. I think it's a way to prop the wedding and give it hype - hype they likely wouldn't get if it was in a different episode.

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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

My poor husband REFUSED to believe that Savitar was Barry even though I laid out all the arguments for him because he could not fathom one half of the couple trying to kill the other half no matter what version in the timeline they were.

Hehe when it was revealed he said to me: Darling I am a very easygoing person and not much bothers me but if any version of you tries to kill me we are over! 

At least Iris got to kill him back, so they're even now! ?

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12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Hehe when it was revealed he said to me: Darling I am a very easygoing person and not much bothers me but if any version of you tries to kill me we are over! 

Sounds healthier than westallen lol

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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I agree.

I can see why some would think it's epic that a couple would be married in a crossover but I don't think that's the case.

Wedding episodes historically cause a bump in ratings/buzz/hype... But because we all know the crossover will have a huge bump in ratings/buzz/hype for all shows - and if WA do get married in the crossover - I can see it meaning the network doesn't have faith in the couple. Meaning the network doesn't believe the couple would bring enough people in to cause a ratings bump for their golden child show.

So personally, I don't think it's epic or iconic. I think it's a way to prop the wedding and give it hype - hype they likely wouldn't get if it was in a different episode.

This is probably why I don't see a wedding happening at all in the crossover because why use up a potential ratings bump in an episode where it could be lost in an already sure to do well episode when you can save it for sweeps weeks.

2 minutes ago, Trini said:

At least Iris got to kill him back, so they're even now! ?

Relationship goals

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21 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

My poor husband REFUSED to believe that Savitar was Barry even though I laid out all the arguments for him because he could not fathom one half of the couple trying to kill the other half no matter what version in the timeline they were.

Hehe when it was revealed he said to me: Darling I am a very easygoing person and not much bothers me but if any version of you tries to kill me we are over! 

I love this.  Lol.  

I feel bad for poor Grant Gustin.  Judging from some of the comments he's made, he's not much more of a fan of Barry's decisions than the fans here are.  Wasn't he the one who called Barry a villain, or was that someone else?

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12 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Wedding episodes historically cause a bump in ratings/buzz/hype... But because we all know the crossover will have a huge bump in ratings/buzz/hype for all shows - and if WA do get married in the crossover - I can see it meaning the network doesn't have faith in the couple. Meaning the network doesn't believe the couple would bring enough people in to cause a ratings bump for their golden child show.

I can see them setting some guidelines, but I don't think "the network" actually plots the story arcs like you describe. That would be the EPs/writers. "The network" probably isn't so much invested in any individual pairing; it's more like 'we need whatever event/cliffhanger/reveal on these dates'.

Counterpoint: Iris and WestAllen were the only (romantic) couple featured in CW's summer promo.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

If Iris ever tried to leave Barry, can you imagine how many lives he'd erase/ruin in order to undo that?

You know he would erase/ruin as many lives as possible because he's a garbage human being lmao

Edited by wonderwall
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1 minute ago, Trini said:

Counterpoint: Iris and WestAllen were the only (romantic) couple featured in CW's summer promo.

Isn't that because they're pretending that the other half of Arrow's romantic relationship is dead, and didn't Kara's dude screw off to another planet or something? There isn't an OTP on Legends, so it seems like they're the only ones left by default? 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Isn't that because they're pretending that the other half of Arrow's romantic relationship is dead, and didn't Kara's dude screw off to another planet or something? There isn't an OTP on Legends, so it seems like they're the only ones left by default? 

Makes sense. Also I can't really say Oliver/Felicity are really a solid couple yet.

And that promo really was about so much more than romance/WA. It was about the essence of heroism. 

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Hehe they had to use the clip of the kiddies rather than the adults making heart eyes at each other! 

Is Black Lightening broody? Cuz I need to mentally prepare myself for Lavon being broody before I watch it if he is broody. He will forever be darling Lavon to me! 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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5 minutes ago, Trini said:

I can see them setting some guidelines, but I don't think "the network" actually plots the story arcs like you describe. That would be the EPs/writers. "The network" probably isn't so much invested in any individual pairing; it's more like 'we need whatever event/cliffhanger/reveal on these dates'.

Counterpoint: Iris and WestAllen were the only (romantic) couple featured in CW's summer promo.

You do realise that the producers have to present their overall season plans to the network to be approved and I believe the network gives them notes on an episode basis I.e network notes.

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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Makes sense. Also I can't really say Oliver/Felicity are really a solid couple yet.

And that promo really was about so much more than romance/WA. It was about the essence of heroism. 

Exactly! But yet....

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

Hehe they had to use the clip of the kiddies rather than the adults making heart eyes at each other! 

Hey at least the CW created a whole Olicity sex promo for season 3 ?

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I didn't even know there was a summer promo. ?

10 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I missed that!!!!!! Did they have a sex promo??????

I can only think of the promo they did for the final 5 episodes of s3 and they had some shots of the sex scene and everyone had a meltdown. That day was so much fun.

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I didn't even know there was a summer promo. ?

I can only think of the promo they did for the final 5 episodes of s3 and they had some shots of the sex scene and everyone had a meltdown. That day was so much fun.

That morning the promo dropped is one of my best fandom memories. Everyone freaked out in the best ways. And then the actual sex scene lived up to the hype! It was a good 3 weeks to be an Olicity fan.

Edited by lemotomato
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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

That morning the promo dropped is one of my best fandom memories. Everyone freaked out in the best ways. And then the actual sex scene lived up to the hype! It was a good 3 weeks to be an Olicity fan.

Same! It was a blast. I miss those kind of days. 

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hehe I can see why everyone lost their sh@t!

Glasses, top, bra, saucy sex move. Very well summarised sex scene! 

And I thought I was excited about the cosy clinch we got for S5!

9pm this year peeps! We need a 9pm sex scene to make use of the time slot's full potential! Goals for season 6! 

Although after what went down during Bunker sex I'm not sure they can make it any saucier since it's still CW. 

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5 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

In addition to the sex promo in season 3, they did a supercut of Olicity scenes in season 4 when the DVDs came out last year. I don't know if you saw this one? 


Thanks so much for that I've never seen it!

I'm guessing (hoping) they are going to go with some "trying to date each other again" hijinks before tying the knot.

Arrghhhhhhhh so excited!!!!!!!!! 

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